in a compound, which type of bond is the sharing of electrons between adjacent atoms?


Answer 1

In a compound, covalent bond type of bond is the sharing of electrons between adjacent atoms.

A covalent bond is a type of chemical bond formed by the sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between two atoms and compound. In a covalent bond, the shared electrons are located in the region between the nuclei of the two atoms, and the bond results in a lower energy state for the atoms involved. Covalent bonds are formed between atoms that have similar electronegativities, meaning they have a similar attraction for electrons. They are typically formed between non-metal atoms such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Covalent bonds can be single, double or triple depending on the number of electrons shared between the atoms.

To know more about compound please refer:


Related Questions

write equation of 1. methanol and ethanoic acid 2.ethanol and butanoic acid​



(1)  methanol is also known as methyl alcohol.


    term "meth" means one that's why only one carbon atom are there.

(2)   Ethanoic acid has the functional group of carboxylic acid which is           (-COOH).

The term "eth" means two that's why two carbon atoms are there.


(3)   Ethanol is an alcohol that has a functional group of alcohol that is (-OH)

       The term "eth" means two that's why two carbon atoms are there.


(4) Butanoic acid is a carboxylic acid that has a functional group of             (-COOH)

The term "But" means four that's why four atoms of carbon are there.


The question must be Write the formula of

1. Methanol

2. ethanoic acid

3 ethanol

4. butanoic acid

Read more about it;

Electron Configuration: Know shapes and How many orbitals and electrons in each sublevel. Write electron configurations for… a. sodium b. iodine c. iron


Answer:  (Numbers to the right of the letters are suppose to be to the power of. e.g. 1s^2)

For Sodium (Na): The electron configuration is "1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1". The 3s sublevel has 1 orbital and can hold 1 electron.

For Iodine (I): The electron configuration is "1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p5". The s sublevel has 1 orbital and can hold 2 electrons, the p sublevel has 3 orbitals and can hold 6 electrons, the d sublevel has 5 orbitals and can hold 10 electrons, and the 4p sublevel has 1 orbital and can hold 5 electrons.

For Iron (Fe): The electron configuration is "1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6". The s sublevel has 1 orbital and can hold 2 electrons, the p sublevel has 3 orbitals and can hold 6 electrons, and the d sublevel has 5 orbitals and can hold 6 electrons.

1. What is carbon cycle ?
2. State the stages of carbon cycle.
3. State 5 importance of carbon cycle.


1. Carbon cycle is nature ways of reducing carbon atoms and travels from the atmosphere into organisms in the Earth and then back into the atmosphere.
2. The stages carbon present in the atmosphere is absorbed by plants for photosynthesis. Then the plants are consumed by animals and the carbon gets bioaccumulated into their body. Decomposing , carbon is released back into the atmosphere

3 Co 2 in the atmosphere.
Carbon has benefits to our planet.
It helps with the Earth’s temperature.
It is a element in the food that sustains us.
Source of energy that fuels our economy

Have a great day :)

1. How does the chemical equation show that a chemical reaction took place?
2. What two elements are bonding in the chemical equation shown above?
3. What do the large numbers to the left of a symbol or formula tell you? (ex, 2Mg)
4. What do the small numbers to the right of a symbol or formula tell you? (ex. O2)
5. What is true about the elements at the start of a chemical reaction compared to the elements at the end of a the reaction?


1) There is a new product on the right hand side

2) Magnesium and oxygen

3) The stoichiometric coefficient of the reactants

4) The number of atoms of each of the elements in the molecule

5) At the start of the reaction, the elements are isolated while at the end of the reaction, the elements are combined.

What is a chemical reaction?

We have to note that when we talk about a chemical reaction we mean the combination of two or more substances so that we can be able to get a product that is different from the reactants.

in this case, we can see that the reaction that has taken place is the combination of the oxygen molecule and the magnesium atom so as to give the magnesium oxide compound.

Learn more about reaction:


chemical containers must be sealed when they are stored after the experiment ends and they will be used at a later time/date. group of answer choices true false


Chemical containers must be sealed properly when they are stored after the experiments ends so that the chemicals do not react with atmospheric gases.

It is advisable to use laboratory grade refrigerators and freezers to store sealed chemical containers containing flammable liquids that requires a cool storage.

Chemicals that are hazardous must be stored below eye level and should not be kept on the floor or window edges.

Chemicals must be stored in containers that are made up of materials that do not react with the composition of the chemical stored in that particular container. Strong acids and bases should be stored separately.

To know more about chemical containers here


the uranium- 238nuclide radioactively decays by alpha emission. write a balanced nuclear chemical equation that describes this process.


238 92 U => l234 90 Th + 4 2 He represents the accurate nuclear chemical equation for this operation. As a result, uranium-238 decays by emitting -particles, which results in the production of thorium-234.

According to the following chemical equation: 238 92 U => l234 90 Th + 4 2 He The subscript sums (atomic numbers or charges) on both sides of the equation must be same, as this is crucial information. A -particle contains the nucleus of helium. Having two protons and two neutrons gives it a mass of four. As an atomic nucleus decays, an alpha particle is released. It transforms (or decays) into an atom that has an atomic number of 2 fewer and a mass number of 4 less.

Learn more about chemical equation here


0.038 moles of o2 are collected after the reaction of 78.2 ml of a 4.6 m solution of h2o2. the density of the solution is 1.4 g/ml. what is the percent yield?


The percent yield of the reaction of H2O2 is found to be 21.16%

What varies the theoretical yield from the actual yield?

The theoretical yield is the yield that is obtained using a balanced chemical reaction. What you actually obtain in a chemical reaction is the actual yield. The actual yield is evaluated with the theoretical yield to establish the percent yield.

2 H2O2 => 2H2O + O2

78.2 mL of 4.6 M solution of H2O2 :

=> 78.2/1000*4.8= 0.359 mole H2O2

2 moles H2O2 ---> 1 mole O2

=> 0.359 moles H2O2-----> x mole O2

 x  => 0.359/2= 0.1795mole O2

0.038 mole O2 was collected

Thus, percent yield = 0.038/0.1795*100=21.16%

What does "actual yield" mean?

Actual Yield is the quantity of a product discovered to be created during a chemical process.

Learn more about percentage yield here:


what are the two common misconceptions about cellular respiration?


Many pupils believe in error that plants solely engage in photosynthesis whereas only mammals engage in cellular respiration. They don't know that plants also undergo cellular respiration to generate ATP for cellular functioning.

What does breathing entail, exactly?

Our lungs and respiratory system are necessary for breathing. They exhale carbon dioxide and inhale oxygen, which is referred to as inhalation, into our bodies (called expiration, or exhalation). The exchange between oxygen or dioxide occurs throughout breathing.

What does breathing properly entail?

When assessing someone's respiration, it's critical to consider their breathing difficulties. When at rest, an adult in good health breaths 12 to 16 times each minute.

To know more about Respiration visit:


if 22.4 grams of an aqueous solution of manganese(ii) iodide, mni2, contains 4.69 grams of manganese(ii) iodide, what is the percentage by mass of manganese(ii) iodide in the solution?


Manganese(II) With the formula MnI2, iodide is a chemical compound made up of iodide and manganese.

What is chemical compound ?Cadmium iodide is the crystal structure that the anhydrous chemical adopts. The pink tetrahydrate is widely known. MnI2(H2O)4's iodides are trans, in contrast to MnX2(H2O)4, which is cis for X = Cl, Br. As a source of manganese ions or iodide ions, it can also be utilized as a pink pigment. The lighting sector frequently employs it.Name: Manganese(II) Manganous iodide is another name for iodide, and its chemical formula is MnI2.Examples of reactions include the following:

4HI + MnO2 = 2H2O + MnI2 + I2 and 2NaI + MnSO4 = MnI2 + Na2SO4.

Specifically, MnI2 + Na2CO3 = 2NaI + MnCO3 and MnI2 + 2AgNO3 = 2AgI + Mn (NO3)2.

To Learn more About chemical compound refer To:



Drag each number to the correct location.

Simplify each expression, and classify the result

rational or Irrational





5(4V5 – 355)

573 - V3



Rational Number

Irrational Number




205–316: Rational Number V64: Irrational Number Rational Number 5 (4V5 - 355): Irrational Number 573 - V3: Irrational Number 2V3: Irrational Number 77-V147: Irrational Number.

V42: Irrational Number 168 Please be aware that irrational numbers are denoted by the symbol "V," which stands for "square root of," the equations are simplified, and the outcomes are not precise values; rather, they are categorized as rational or irrational based on their mathematical characteristics.A real number that cannot be represented as a repeating or terminating decimal, as well as a ratio of integers (i.e., as a fraction), is said to be irrational. In other words, a number that is irrational cannot be expressed as a finite fraction or a finite decimal.The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, or pi, is the most well-known example of an irrational number. Due to its inability to be represented, it is an irrational number.

learn more about  Irrational Number  here:


a momentary change in the electron distribution surrounding an atom or a molecule causes it to have a(n)


A momentary change in the electron distribution around an atom or molecule can cause it to have an electrical charge.

A momentary change in the electron distribution surrounding an atom or a molecule causes it to have an electrical charge. This can be due to a variety of different causes, such as a transfer of electrons from one atom to another, or a temporary change in the electron configuration due to the addition or removal of an electron. This can be a temporary or permanent change depending on the cause. The electrical charge can then be used to power devices, or even to manipulate the behavior of particles or molecules in the surrounding area. This makes it a powerful tool in the manipulation of matter, especially in the field of nanotechnology.

To know more about electrical charge click below:


Select all of the following that are salts.


D (NH4)2SO4







NaNO3, (NH4)2SO4, and NH4OH are salts.

A salt is a chemical compound made up of positively charged ions called cations and negatively charged ions called anions.

NaNO3 is a salt made up of sodium cation (Na+) and nitrate anion (NO3-).

(NH4)2SO4 is a salt made up of Ammonium cation (NH4+) and sulfate anion (SO42-).

NH4OH is a salt made up of Ammonium cation (NH4+) and hydroxide anion (OH-).

H2SO4 is not a salt, it is a mineral acid.

NH3 is not a salt, it is an Ammonia gas.

Naci and NHACI are not salts, these are not valid chemical compounds.

Salt is an important class of chemical compounds with a wide range of uses in various fields including industrial, agricultural, and medicinal.

Read more about Salts:


describe the two alternative hypotheses that mendel considered for how two characters might segregate during gamete formation, and explain how he tested those hypotheses.


Mendel contemplated two other theories for how two characteristics might diverge during gamete formation:

1. According to the blending theory, when two people with distinct qualities unite, the resultant offspring will combine both traits in an equal amount. For instance, the offspring of a red-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant will produce pink flowers.

2. According to this idea, genes are small, discrete units (particles) that when two people with different traits mate, their kids will either inherit one or the other trait. For instance, the child of a red-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant will have either red or white flowers, but not both.

Mendel experimented on pea plants to verify these theories. He crossed plants that were true-breeding for various qualities, such as tall plants with small plants and purple-flowered plants with white-flowered plants, and he looked at the inheritance patterns in the progeny. He discovered that his results supported the particulate hypothesis because the qualities were inherited in a predictable, Mendelian manner (i.e. dominant and recessive genes). His data did not support the blending theory because the kids did not exhibit a blend of both features.

To learn more about hypothesis:


What chemical reactions are likely to have an element as one of its products?



In simple synthesis reactions involving reaction of elements, such as aluminum metal reacting with chlorine gas, the product will be a simple compound containing both elements. In this case, it is easiest to consider the common charges that the elements adopt as ions and build your product accordingly.


. in lecture, we saw that phosphate groups can be added to the side chains of amino acids. is that what is occurring here? briefly explain your answer.


27% of phosphate groups bind to only one amino acid, but there is a wide distribution, with 3% of phosphates binding to seven residues.

what is  amino acids?

Amino acids are molecules that combine to form proteins. Amino acids and proteins are the building blocks of life. When proteins are digested or broken down, amino acids are left. The human body uses amino acids to make proteins to help the body: Break down food.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. They are the molecules that all living things need to make protein, and you need 20 of them to help your body function properly. Your body makes 11 of the necessary amino acids.

Amino acids are the basic building units of proteins. Their molecule posses both an amino group as well as a carboxylic group. The amino acids having amino and carboxyl group attached to the same carbon, i.e., alpha-carbon atom is called as alpha-amino acids. Example: Glycine , Alanine etc.

To learn more about amino acid refers to;


Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in Tylenol. Calculate the mass of carbon in 99.0 g of acetaminophen (CgH9NO₂) NOTE: Round your typed answer to include 2 decimal places.​



6.55 g


The atomic mass of Carbon (C) is 12.0107, of Hydrogen (H) is 1.008, of Nitrogen(N) is 14.0067, and of Oxygen(O) is 15.9994

Therefore the molar mass of acetaminophen = 12.0107 + 4 * 1.008 + 14.0067 + 2 * 15.9994 = 151.16

mass of C in 99.0 g of acetaminophen = (99.0 g / 151.16 g/mol) * 1 mol C/ 1mol acetaminophen

mass of C in 99.0 g of acetaminophen = 6.545 g

how to determine amount of moles produced in a reaction when given the number of mols of both reactants


atroodee vastroodeee,your phone is on light modeeee

Explain how the iron atom can form both an iron 2+ ion and an iron 3+ ion


To form the 2+ ion the iron atom loses the 4s2 electrons. When forming the 3+ ion the iron atom loses the 4s2 electrons and one 3d electron.

What is an ion?

An ion is described as an atom or molecule with a net electrical charge. The charge of an electron is considered to be negative by convention and this charge is equal and opposite to the charge of a proton, which is considered to be positive by convention.

During the formation of ionic bonds  positive ion is attracted to a negative ion and lattice energy is released.

Learn more about ionic bonds at:


the natural decay of ddt is a first order process with a half-life of 56 days. what is the rate constant, k, of ddt decomposition?


A first order process' rate constant, k, can be computed using the formula: k = 0.693/half-life.

What does equation mean in its entirety?

A equation is a scientific statement indicating that two sums or values are equal, such as 6 x 4 = 12 x 2. When two or more components must be taken into account collectively in order to comprehend or describe the overall situation, this is known as an equation.

What sort of equation would that be?

The meaning of an equation in algebra is a scientific statement that demonstrates the equality of two mathematical expressions. For instance, the equation 3x + 5 = 14 consists of the two equations 3x + 5 and 14, which are separated by the 'equal' sign.

To know more about formula visit:


Students in a high school Marine Science class are learning about the scientific process. Four students were asked to write a testable prediction about deep-sea vents found in the ocean. Their responses are shown in the chart. Student Response Jin Deep-sea vents are too deep. Elizabeth Deep-sea vents are more interesting than caves. Carly Interest in deep-sea vents will decrease in the future. Raymond Ocean surface temperatures are warmer than water at deep-sea vents. Which student's prediction is the most testable using the scientific process? Jin Elizabeth Carly


The predication that is testable here is that of Raymond. Option D

What is a testable predication?

We have to keep it at the back of our minds that science deals with data that is testable. In other words, science is an empirical discipline. What we mean by this is that we must be able to get at knowledge by testing the data that we have in controlled experiments.

Now, if we look at the responses of the students, we can see that the only one that has to do with something that we can test is the one that said that Ocean surface temperatures are warmer than water at deep-sea vents.

Learn more about hypothesis:


The grass on a hill washes away after a heavy rain. The animals that eat the grass leave the area to find food somewhere else. A group of

students wants to make the hill the way it was before the rain. They want a solution that will last a long time. They plan to replant the grass

and bring mice from a pet store to live on the hill.

Does their solution meet all of their needs? Choose yes or no and one reason why


if the grass will be replanted and transported pet store mice to dwell on the hill.No, their solution does not meet all of their needs.

One reason is that, even if the grass is replanted, it may still wash away in future heavy rains if the underlying soil erosion problem is not addressed. The students should consider ways to stabilize the soil and prevent erosion, such as building terraces or planting vegetation that can hold the soil in place. Additionally, bringing pet store mice may not be a good solution since mice are not native to that area and could cause problems for the local ecosystem.

Learn more about ecosystem here:


write a balanced thermochemical equation with phase labels for the haber process with the heat energy as part of the equation.


The equation that is balanced during the process that results in the creation of ammonia ls [tex]N_{2}[/tex] + [tex]3H_{2}[/tex] ↔↔↔[tex]NH_{3}[/tex]

The identical amount of atoms of each element must be present on the product and reactant sides of the chemical equation to produce ammonia: [tex]NH_{3}[/tex]

Every time we perform a reaction, some heat is either released or dissolved. The total heat released or dissolved during a chemical process is known as the enthalpy change.

Endothermic refers to the absorption of energy to generate the product, whereas exothermic refers to the release of energy. Since one travels forward while the other goes backward, both processes defy logic.

In the Haber reaction, 2 moles of ammonia gas are created from a reaction between 1 mole of nitrogen gas and 3 moles of hydrogen gas.

The chemical equation for the Haber process as it relates to the generation of ammonia gas is thus:

[tex]N_{2} + 3H_{2}[/tex] ⇒⇒[tex]NH_{3}[/tex]

To know more about thermochemical on


The [OH-]of a solution with pH 8. 34 is 2. 2x 10-⁹ M 3x 10-⁶M. 4. 6x 10-⁹ M. 5x 10-⁹ M. 2. 2x 10 -⁶M. ​



The [OH-] of a solution with a pH of 8.34 is 4.6 x 10^-9 M.

silver nitrate has a lattice energy of -820 kj>mol and a heat of solution of -22.6 kj>mol. calculate the heat of hydration for silver nitrate


The heat of hydration for silver nitrate is -842.6 kJ/ mole.

The heat of hydration is the heat generated when water comes into contact with cement powder. The amount of heat released is influenced by the cement's composition, curing temperature, water to cement ratio, and cement fineness. The heat of hydration is the quantity of energy produced when one mole of ions are hydrated.

Lattice energy = -820 kJ/mole

Heat of solution = +22.6 KJ/mole

Lattice breakdown is and endothermic reaction during the formation of solution a nd hydration is an exothermic reaction as ions interact with solvent molecules

By using the formula,

Enthalpy of solution = Lattice energy + hydration energy

Now put the values and calculate,

-22.6 kj/mole = + 820 kj/mole + hydration energy

-22.6 kJ/ mole - 820 kJ/ mole = hydration energy

-842.6 kJ/ mole = hydration energy

Learn of heat of hydration at


I need a description of the rocks.
Table D. Absolute Age of Rock Layers


Basalt is 65.5 million years ago to the present. Limestone with fossil was about 500 million years ago. Sandstone with trilobite is between 525 and 505 million years old.

What is Absolute Age of rocks?

A quantifiable measurement of how old something is or how long ago it occurred, expressed typically in terms of years, is called an absolute age in geology.

Radiometric techniques are used the most often in geology to determine absolute ages.

Basalt was formed 65.5 million years ago. Fossilized limestone dates back to roughly 500 million years. Trilobites are found in sandstone that is between 525 and 505 million years old.

In the Carboniferous epoch, about 340 million years ago, the earliest amniotes diverged from their amphibian predecessors. Soon after the first amniotes emerged, they split into two major lines.

Thus, these are the probable ages of the given rocks.

For more details regarding absolute age, visit:


The unit of specific heat capacity is …





The unit of specific heat capacity of a substance is J/kg*°C (joule per kilogram-degree)

which of the following statements correctly describe a resonance hybrid? select all that apply.multiple select question.the true structure of the resonance hybrid is the structure of the most stable contributor.the resonance hybrid is stabilized due to delocalization of electrons.a resonance hybrid rapidly interconverts between the possible resonance forms.equivalent resonance forms contribute equally to the overall structure of the hybrid.a resonance hybrid has a single structure.


The most stable contributor's structure is the genuine structure of the resonance hybrid. The delocalization of electrons is what stabilizes the resonance hybrid. The potential resonance forms are quickly interconverted by a resonance hybrid.

Equivalent resonance types equally contribute to the hybrid's overall structure. Consider the resonance hybrid structure of a carboxylate group as an example. Different resonance contributors do not always contribute equally to the hybrid structure until they are equivalent to one another in terms of stability, as is the case for the carboxylate group, which has equivalent contributions from A and B as shown in the given figure. One resonance structure will more closely resemble the “actual” (hybrid) structure than another if it is more stable (lower in energy) than the other.

To know more about resonance hybrid, visit:


true or false: the part of the still where the steam is changed back into water is called the condenser.


True -   the part of the still where the steam is changed back into water is called the condenser.

Device known as a condenser that turns a gas or vapour into a liquid Condensers are used in refrigeration plants to condense refrigerant vapours such ammonia and fluorinated hydrocarbons as well as in power plants to condense turbine exhaust steam.

The condenser's job is to take the high-pressure gas coming from the compressor and turn it into a liquid. By using the idea that heat will always travel from a warmer to a cooler substance, it accomplishes this.

Simply put, a condenser is a cooling system. Condensers, often referred to as heat rejectors, are used in every refrigeration system and power plant to condense refrigerant vapours or steam. Shell and tube condenser and air cooled condenser are the two main types utilised nowadays.

For such more questions on  Condenser :


The release of which substance is represented by the arrows?


The arrows depict the emission of carbon dioxide. Due to its depiction of the energy transfer from plants to animals, arrow B stands in for cellular respiration.

What group of arrows best exemplifies the respiration mechanism of cells?Due to its depiction of the energy transfer from plants to animals, arrow B stands in for cellular respiration.These organic compounds are disassembled by cells to release their energy. Those bonds are broken during cellular respiration and fermentation, converting the potential energy of organic molecules into kinetic energy that cells can use to perform tasks.There is only arrow 6 ambient oxygen (031 carbon dioxide (COz' AI The only arrows that depict the flow of atmospheric oxygen during respiration are those in positions 2 and 6.

The complete question is,

What does the arrows' representation of substance release indicate? up-facing mitochondria.

To learn more about arrow refer to:


organic structures are superior to mechanistic structures. [see p.153] group of answer choices true false


The given statement " organic structures are superior to mechanistic structures. " is  true because a mechanical organizational structure is distinguished by its high degree of oversight, and complexity, but also formalization.

An organic organizational structure, in the other hand hand, was distinguished by low centralization, formalization, as well as complexity.

An organic organizational system is fluid and adaptable. It is connected with decentralized decision-making, low hierarchies, broad spans of even more control, informal communication, and then a willingness to adapt to change.

Mechanistic Design The organization is built around a structured and formal network. It is ideal for firms that work in a precise or stable environment even though it was simple to maintain and requires little change.

__"The given question is incomplete. the complete question is:

Organic structures are superior to mechanistic structures"". __

(a) True

((b) False

To know more about mechanical organizational


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