In a paragraph write a short summary explaining how World War I affected the women, minorities, and effected the civil liberties of everyone. You need to say was before the war for each group to fully explain how it changed life. You need seven sentences. You must indent. You will be graded on correct sentence structure


Answer 1

With thousands and thousands of men away from home, ladies filled manufacturing and agricultural positions on the domestic front. Others supplied help on the front traces as nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers, translators and, in uncommon cases, on the battlefield.

How did World War 1 have an effect on women's rights?

The suffrage motion regarded stalled by using the first decade of the twentieth century. But World War I changed the dynamic and sooner or later bolstered the suffrage movement. The industrial needs of cutting-edge war intended that female moved into the labor pressure and contributed to the conflict effort on the home front.

Most notably, the aftermath of the fighting witnessed women gaining vote casting rights in many countries for the first time. Yet women's full participation in political existence remained limited, and some states did now not enfranchise their lady inhabitants until plenty later (1944 in France).

Learn more about World War 1 here:

Related Questions

the approach of william lloyd garrison and the liberator can be seen as directly challenging the approach of


The approach of William Lloyd Garrison and his newspaper, The Liberator, can be seen as directly challenging the approach of gradual abolitionists and colonizationists.

Garrison was a staunch advocate for the immediate and complete abolition of slavery, rejecting any compromises or incremental measures. In contrast, gradual abolitionists favored a more cautious, step-by-step method to end slavery over time, while colonizationists sought to resettle freed slaves in Africa or other locations.

Through The Liberator, Garrison expressed his unyielding commitment to the cause, using powerful and uncompromising language to condemn slavery as a moral evil. His forceful arguments and refusal to entertain compromise made him a polarizing figure in the abolitionist movement.

Garrison's approach, therefore, stood in stark contrast to that of other anti-slavery advocates who sought a more gradual, pragmatic path towards abolition.

By demanding immediate emancipation, Garrison and The Liberator exposed the shortcomings of gradualism and colonization, pushing the abolitionist movement towards a more radical stance and contributing to the growing tensions between the North and the South leading up to the American Civil War.

For more such questions on William Lloyd Garrison, click on:


Please answer this question down below
1)What was the most important turning point for First Nations at this time?



The Number 4


This cultural concept is based on the Aboriginal belief that natural occurrences happen in fours and four is a sacred number.

write a short essay explaining How did the competition between the Superpowers lead to the Cold War?



The Cold War was a period of political and military tension between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from the end of World War II until the early 1990s. The competition between the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, was a significant factor in the emergence of the Cold War.

The end of World War II marked the beginning of a new era in international relations. The United States emerged as the dominant superpower, while the Soviet Union was expanding its influence in Eastern Europe and Asia. The ideological differences between the two superpowers, capitalism versus communism, were a major factor in the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The United States was committed to promoting democracy and free-market capitalism, while the Soviet Union was committed to spreading communism and establishing a socialist system of government. The competition between the two superpowers led to the arms race, where both sides developed and stockpiled nuclear weapons, creating a state of mutually assured destruction.

The competition between the two superpowers also led to numerous proxy wars around the world, where the United States and the Soviet Union supported opposing sides. The Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan are examples of proxy wars fought during the Cold War.

The competition between the superpowers also had a significant impact on domestic politics in both the United States and the Soviet Union. In the United States, the fear of communist infiltration led to the rise of the anti-communist movement and the McCarthy era. In the Soviet Union, the competition with the United States led to the rise of a powerful military-industrial complex, which had a significant impact on the Soviet economy.

In conclusion, the competition between the superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, played a significant role in the emergence of the Cold War. The ideological differences between the two superpowers, the arms race, the proxy wars, and the impact on domestic politics were all driven by the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Cold War had a profound impact on world history, and its legacy continues to shape international relations to this day.

The Cold War is regarded as a period of military as well as political tension that began after World War II in 1945 and lasted till the early 1990s. This period was characterized by the struggle between the Soviet Union and the United States, the two superpowers. That rivalry between these nations was based on political, economic as well as ideological differences, which ultimately resulted in the Cold War.

The emergence of the Soviet Union and the United States as the most powerful nations of the world after World War II was also the period of the inception of the Cold War. Even though both nations fought as allies against Nazi Germany their economic and political systems differed drastically. The United States was a capitalist democracy whereas the Soviet Union was a communist state. The difference in their ideology developed tension between the two nations.

Key reasons that led to the Cold War :

One of the major factors leading to the Cold War was the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union for global influence. Both nations wanted to advance their ideologies around the world in order to take control of European, Asian, and African countries. Another major factor contributing to the Cold War was the arms race. Massive nuclear arsenals were built up by these nations to discourage each other from nuclear attacks. The Cold War was also fear driven. While on one hand, the United States was worried about the spread of communism as well as the loss of political and economic control, on the other hand, the Soviet Union was fearful of the United States' encirclement and invasion.

Therefore, The Cold War was a consequence of the rivalry and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. Contrasting ideologies, the struggle to gain global influence, the arms race as well as fear had a major role in giving rise to the Cold War.

To know more about, the Cold War, visit :

How has the growth of labor productivity in the US enabled businesses and workers to earn more over time, while also providing consumers with better and lower-priced products?


The growth of labor productivity in the US has enabled businesses and workers to increase their output, leading to increased wages and profits.

This increased output has also allowed businesses to reduce prices and produce better products. In particular, the use of technology and automation has allowed businesses to produce more goods with fewer inputs, resulting in lower prices and higher quality products.

This has led to increased consumer spending, which has bolstered the economy and further increased wages and profits. In short, the growth of labor productivity in the US has been a win-win situation for businesses, workers, and consumers.

To know more about labor productivity , click here:


do you think the right to vote still needs to be protected and guarded? Why or why not?





the right to vote is not only an essential part of making the country and economy in a fair and peaceful position, but it allows everyone to be considered as humans, not racially, generally, or any other way.

yes because the right to vote is essential and if we dont than people can take it away from groups of people which will not be fair and inclusive, and will cause thise groups to fight back yet again like women and people of color did to get their rights.

Look at picture thanks!


Fortunate Son" is a song by Creedence Clearwater Revival released in 1969. The song is a protest against the Vietnam War and highlights the class divide in America during that time.

The song's lyrics describe how wealthy and influential people were able to avoid the draft and, therefore, the horrors of the war, while working-class people, often without much choice or opportunity, were sent to fight and die in a war that many of them didn't understand or support. The lyrics refer to the "fortunate son" who was born into a wealthy family, had access to education and privilege, and was able to avoid serving in the war, while the less fortunate sons were sent to fight and die in a war that was largely unpopular and divisive.

The song is a powerful statement about the inequities of the draft and the Vietnam War, and it continues to resonate today as a reminder of the importance of fairness and equality in all aspects of society. It is also a reminder that we must be vigilant against the forces that seek to divide us along lines of wealth and privilege, and that we must always strive to create a society that is fair, just, and equitable for all.

If a source is valid, it will most likely:


If a source is valid, it is more likely to be reliable, accurate, and trustworthy. Here are some characteristics of a valid source:

Accuracy: A valid source provides accurate information and has been fact-checked by experts in the field.

Authority: A valid source is written by an author who is an expert in the field and has relevant credentials and expertise.

Objectivity: A valid source presents information in an objective and unbiased manner, without any personal or ideological bias.

Currency: A valid source is up-to-date and reflects the most current research and information available.

Verifiability: A valid source provides evidence to support its claims and can be cross-checked against other reliable sources.

Overall, a valid source is one that can be trusted and relied upon to provide accurate and credible information on a given topic.


Answer:  Generally, a credible or reliable source is one that is valid for your purposes.

Explanation: It will have true information. (Most credible sources are from the government. Example; (name of link).gov ) It will also have information about the author and if it's been newly posted or edited it is most likely a credible source.


When and how was this group given the right to vote? Gives specific dates if possible.


'Representation of the People' Act was passed in 1918. In addition to women over 30 who were householders (i.e., local government electors) or the wives of householders, all males over the age of 21 were now able to vote.

When did the public get the right to vote?

To gain public support for the cause, they lobbied lawmakers, organized protests, marches, and petition drives, and ran public campaigns.

For a variety of reasons, women believed they should be allowed to vote, most notably because they were subject to the same laws and tax obligations as males. They thought that voting gave them an equal opportunity to affect Parliament and the government.

The Representation of the People Act of 1918 increased the number of people who could vote by eliminating nearly all property requirements for males and granting voting rights to women over 30 who satisfied certain property requirements.

Lobbying. The suffragists, who felt that change could be brought about by legislative methods, employed lobbying strategies to encourage lawmakers who supported their cause to bring up the subject of women's suffrage during House floor debates.

Learn more about the right to vote:


meiji reformers chose to model the new japanese government of the late 1800s after the government of
a. the United States. b. Great Britain. c. Germany.
d. the Netherlands


Answer: C Germany


according to mary frances berry, how have most african americans viewed the meaning of the constitution?


According to Mary Frances Berry, most African Americans have viewed the meaning of the Constitution as a living document that has the potential for ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, including themselves.

Mary Frances Berry (born February 17, 1938) is an American historian, writer, lawyer, activist and professor who focuses on U.S. constitutional and legal, African-American history. Berry is the Geraldine R. Segal Professor of American Social Thought where she teaches American legal history at the Department of History, School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. She is the former chairwoman of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Previously, Berry was provost of the College of Behavioral and Social Science at University of Maryland, College Park, and was the first African American chancellor of the University of Colorado at Boulder. Berry was born in Nashville, Tennessee,[2] the second of the three children of George Ford and Frances Berry (née Southall). Because of economic hardship and family circumstances, she and her older brother were placed in an orphanage for a time.

Learn more about Mary Frances Berry here:


According to Mary Berry, most African Americans have viewed the meaning of the Constitution as a living document that has the potential to promote equality and civil rights.

They believe in its ability to evolve and adapt to changing societal values and needs, and they have consistently fought for their rights and freedoms to be recognized within the framework of the Constitution.

Over time, this has led to significant progress in the expansion of constitutional rights for African Americans, such as the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, as well as the Civil Rights Movement of the 20th century.

To know more about Constitution click on below link :


What is the economic system in the United States?

Communist economy
Capitalist economy
Socialist economy
Military economy


The economic system in the United States is a capitalist economy. In a capitalist economy, the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit, and the prices of goods and services are determined by supply and demand in a competitive market. The government plays a regulatory role in the economy, but businesses and individuals are generally free to make their own economic decisions. The United States also has elements of a mixed economy, with some government intervention in areas such as infrastructure, education, and social welfare programs. The United States does not have a communist or socialist economy, nor is it primarily a military economy, although the military does play a significant role in the country's overall economy.

how did child charqcterize the essence of mussolini's fascist program? in child's view, how did the fascist state differ from the liberal state


I'm assuming you are referring to the historian and scholar J.T. "Jack" Child.Child saw fascism as a dangerous and destructive ideology that posed a serious threat to the values of democracy and human freedom.

According to Child, Mussolini's fascist program was characterized by its emphasis on the primacy of the state and the subordination of the individual to the collective will of the nation. Fascism, in Child's view, was a form of totalitarianism that sought to create a "total" society in which the state had absolute control over all aspects of life, including the economy, culture, and education.Child argued that the fascist state differed fundamentally from the liberal state in its rejection of the principles of democracy, individualism, and the rule of law. Whereas the liberal state placed a premium on protecting individual rights and freedoms, the fascist state saw these values as obstacles to the realization of the collective will of the nation. As a result, fascist regimes were marked by the suppression of dissent, the use of propaganda and terror to maintain control, and the elevation of the state above all other institutions.

Learn more about fascism here:


\which american film of the 1930s used editing and framing to create images of collective triumph somewhat reminiscent of soviet films of the same era?


The American film that used editing and framing to create images of collective triumph somewhat reminiscent of Soviet films of the same era is "Gone with the Wind" (1939).

The film's iconic scene of Scarlett O'Hara standing among hundreds of wounded Confederate soldiers and declaring "As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again!" is a prime example of this technique. The film's use of sweeping camera movements, dramatic music, and tight editing helped to create a sense of unity and triumph among the characters, similar to the collective spirit often depicted in Soviet films of the time. The American film of the 1930s that used editing and framing to create images of collective triumph somewhat reminiscent of Soviet films of the same era is "The Crowd" (1928) directed by King Vidor. Although released slightly before the 1930s, it employed techniques similar to those seen in Soviet films to emphasize the power of the collective spirit.

To know more about Soviet films refer :


how did the national consciousness of the filipinos emerge?​



The sense of national consciousness came from the Creoles, who now regard themselves as "Filipino". It was brought to its advent by three major factors: 1) economy, 2) education and 3) secularization of parishes. These factors contributed to the birth of the Filipino Nationalism.


2. what two events, one occurring in the soviet union, the other in china, prompted the truman doctrine?


It's worth noting that the Truman Doctrine was not directly prompted by any event in China.

The Truman Doctrine was primarily prompted by two events, one occurring in the Soviet Union, and the other in Greece. The first event was the Soviet Union's successful testing of an atomic bomb in 1949, which raised fears of Soviet expansionism and aggression. The second event was the Greek Civil War, which lasted from 1946 to 1949 and was fought between the Greek government, backed by the US and Britain, and communist insurgents supported by Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. The US government saw the Greek Civil War as a critical test of its ability to contain Soviet influence in Europe and prevent the spread of communism.

Learn more about Greece here:


the security council attempts to keep peace in the world. true false


True. The United Nations Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security through diplomatic means, including the use of sanctions and peacekeeping operations.

An essential international organisation that is in charge of upholding world peace and security is the United Nations Security Council. It has 15 members, including 10 rotating members chosen for two-year terms and 5 permanent members with veto power (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States).

The Security Council has the authority to adopt a variety of methods to avert and end crises, including the imposition of sanctions, the approval of lethal force, and the dispatch of peacekeeping forces. Its fundamental objective is to maintain global peace and security and stop conflicts from getting worse.

Learn more about security:


True. The United Nations Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security. It does this by identifying potential threats to peace, calling for peaceful resolutions to conflicts, imposing sanctions and authorizing military intervention when necessary. The Security Council is made up of 15 members, including five permanent members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) who hold veto power over any decisions made by the Council.
The Security Council, a component of the United Nations, plays a crucial role in maintaining international peace and security. Its primary responsibility is to prevent conflicts, resolve disputes, and take appropriate actions when global peace is threatened. The Security Council consists of 15 member countries, including 5 permanent members with veto power. By working together, they aim to achieve a peaceful and secure world.

Visit here to learn more about United Nations Security Council


Who were allowed to trade by king Zamori of Calicut?​


King Zamori of Calicut was a great ruler who was known for his progressive views and his open-minded approach to trade. He allowed people of all backgrounds and religions to trade in Calicut.

The traders he allowed to trade included the Chinese, Arabs, Persians, Portuguese, Jews, Greeks, and many others. He also welcomed traders from other parts of India, such as Gujarat, Bengal, and Coromandel. He allowed these traders to bring in their goods and services, to stay in Calicut, and to establish businesses.

The traders had to pay taxes, but they were also allowed to keep their profits. This openness to trade made Calicut an important hub of commerce and it attracted people from all over the world. King Zamori's progressive views allowed Calicut to become one of the most important trading ports in the Indian Ocean.

To know more about Indian Ocean, click here:


how do you think the work and family life of a kansas housewife in the late nineteenth century differed from that described by mrs. lathrop?


The work and family life of a Kansas housewife in the late 19th century would have been characterized by hard work, sacrifice, and a constant struggle to balance the demands of family and home with the limited resources and opportunity available to them.

Mrs. Lathrop is a fictional character from the late 19th century who was portrayed as a housewife in various comedic plays and stories. While her experiences may not be representative of all housewives in the late 19th century, they do offer some insight into the expectations and challenges faced by women during this time period.

In general, the work and family life of a Kansas housewife in the late 19th century would have been much more challenging and physically demanding than the life portrayed by Mrs. Lathrop. Many women in rural areas like Kansas were responsible for a wide range of domestic tasks, including cooking, cleaning, laundry, sewing, and childcare, often with very limited resources and without the help of modern appliances or technologies.

Learn more about opportunity here:


what technological development made the large-scale cultivation of short-staple cotton possible? multiple choice question. automatic reaper steel plow cotton gin


The technology development that made the large-scale cultivation of short-staple cotton possible was the cotton gin.

The cotton gin was a machine that revolutionized the cotton industry by automating the process of separating cotton fibers from their seeds. Before the cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney in 1794, the process of removing the seeds from cotton fibers was labor-intensive and time-consuming, requiring large amounts of manual labor. With the cotton gin, the process became much faster and more efficient, allowing cotton to be processed on a much larger scale.

The invention of the cotton gin made it profitable to grow short-staple cotton, a variety that had previously been considered unprofitable due to the difficulty of separating the fibers from the seeds. As a result, cotton production in the southern United States increased dramatically, making cotton a major cash crop and contributing to the growth of the American economy in the 19th century. However, the cotton gin also had negative consequences, as the increased demand for cotton led to an increase in the use of slave labor in the southern states.

Learn more about technology here:


U.S. Army Colonel John Chivington took
his revenge against the Native
Americans for the death of his family by
killing 150 sleeping Native Americans at
what location in 1864?
A. Black Hills
B. Fort Laramie
C. Sand Creek
D. Wounded Knee



C. Sand Creek.


On November 29, 1864, U.S. Army Colonel John Chivington led a surprise attack on a peaceful village of Cheyenne and Arapaho Native Americans at Sand Creek in Colorado. Chivington and his men killed approximately 150 Native Americans, including women, children, and elderly people who were sleeping or trying to flee. The attack was in retaliation for the death of Chivington's family in a Native American raid, although the specific tribe responsible for the raid was not present at Sand Creek. The Sand Creek Massacre was a brutal and unjustifiable act of violence against Native Americans and remains a shameful episode in U.S. history.

~ :D

Which two territories of the Ottoman Empire became British territories because of League of Nations mandates?



The two territories of the Ottoman Empire that became British territories because of League of Nations mandates were Palestine and Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq).

The League of Nations, which was established after World War I, was responsible for assigning mandates to various colonial powers to administer former territories of the defeated Ottoman Empire. The League of Nations mandate for Palestine was granted to the British in 1922, and the mandate for Mesopotamia was granted to the British in 1920.

Under these mandates, the British were responsible for administering the territories and promoting their development, with the eventual goal of preparing them for self-rule. However, the mandates were controversial and faced resistance from local populations, particularly in Palestine, where tensions between Jewish and Arab communities complicated British efforts to govern the territory.

1.How did Lincoln’s point of view differ from that of Douglas?


One of the most significant distinctions between Douglas and Lincoln's perspectives on slavery is that, in contrast to Lincoln, Douglas did not see slavery as a moral dilemma, an agonizing choice, or a problem that would split the Union.

Lincoln was raised on the frontier, mostly in Indiana, and was born into poverty in a log cabin in Kentucky. He self-educated himself to become a lawyer, leader of the Whig Party, state lawmaker for slavery Illinois, and member of the United States Congress from Illinois.

He resumed his prosperous law career in central Illinois in 1849. He returned to politics in 1854 after becoming enraged by the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which allowed slavery in the new territory.

Learn more about Lincoln, from :


what was the impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the jewish nation by the nazi germany during the period 1933-1946


The Nazis believed in the concept of racial purity and considered the Jewish nation to be an inferior race.

What is Jewish nation?

The Jewish nation refers to a collective of people who share a common heritage, culture, and religion. Historically, Jews have faced persecution, displacement, and genocide, yet they have maintained a strong sense of identity and community throughout the centuries. The Jewish nation originated in the land of Israel, where it established a monarchy and a distinct way of life centered around the worship of one God. Today, Jewish communities exist all over the world, and many continue to practice their faith and celebrate their cultural traditions. While there is no single definition of what it means to be Jewish, many Jews view themselves as part of a larger global family with a shared history, values, and destiny.

To learn more about Jewish nation, visit:


Complete Question:

What was the impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation by the Nazi Germany during the period 1933-1946?

how did constitutional issues lay foundations for the civil war


-In 1808, the Constitution forbade imports and included a compromise on the 3/5ths vote.

-Slavery was raised everytime the US annexed a new region.

What violations of the Constitution were committed by the government during the conflict?

The Sedition Act and Espionage Act created constitutional issues with relation to the First Amendment's provision of freedom of expression. The Sedition Act and Espionage Act created constitutional issues with relation to the First Amendment's provision of freedom of expression.

What issues arose that led to the American Civil War?

The topics that would eventually spark war had been the subject of debate in both the Northern and Southern states for more than 80 years: monetary policies and practices, cultural standards, the authority and scope of the Federal government, and, most importantly, the place of slavery in American society.

Learn more about Sedition Act and Espionage Act:


Continue using at least five (5) sentences below in your responses
during the Third Quarter. Please use your text and don't "guess" what
you're trying to write about. Due Date: Wednesday, April 12


Sentence for the Topic: Cooking calls for a variety of abilities. "Many distinct abilities" serves as the central theme of the topic of "cooking." Being prepared is essential before purchasing a home.

How do you construct an effective topic sentence for a body paragraph?

In order to offer readers a clear idea of what to expect from the paragraph, a topic sentence must be both specific and general enough to avoid giving away everything. You might think of it as a signpost.

How do you write a solid body paragraph for a five paragraph essay?

The theme sentence (or key sentence), pertinent supporting sentences, and a concluding (or transitional) sentence are the three primary parts of a strong body paragraph. With a clear, simple message, this structure helps you keep your paragraph's key point in mind.

To Know more about paragraph,


what was one of the primary purposes of constructing terraces for civilizations living in the andes mountains?


Answer: They are created for farming/crops.

Explanation: Terraces (most common on mountains) are man-made "landforms" used for cultivation of crops on sloped areas, still used today in many forms of agriculture.

Historically, during and in the immediate aftermath of recessions, when the economy was still recovering, the Federal Reserve ____ the federal funds rate.


Historically, during and in the immediate aftermath of recessions, when the economy was still recovering, the Federal Reserve decreased the federal funds rate.

The correct option is decreased.

By decreasing the federal funds rate, the cost of borrowing money becomes cheaper for banks, which in turn, allows them to provide loans with lower interest rates to businesses and consumers. This encourages spending and investments, as it becomes more affordable for people to borrow money and invest in various sectors of the economy.

Moreover, reducing the federal funds rate can help combat inflation. In a recession, the demand for goods and services decreases, leading to lower prices and reduced inflationary pressures. By cutting interest rates, the Federal Reserve aims to maintain a healthy level of inflation and stabilize the economy.

In summary, the Federal Reserve decreases the federal funds rate during and after recessions to stimulate economic growth, encourage borrowing and investments, and control inflation, thereby aiding in the recovery of the economy.

For more such questions on recessions, click on:


a major scientific advance of the late 1800s that greatly influenced the process of tracking communicable diseases was the blank . multiple choice question. discovery of antibiotics elucidation of dna structure invention of smallpox vaccine germ theory of disease


The major scientific advance of the late 1800s that greatly influenced the process of tracking communicable diseases was the germ theory of disease. Option D is the correct answer.

The germ theory, which posits that microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses can cause illness and disease, was first proposed by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch in the mid to late 1800s.

This theory revolutionized the field of medicine and paved the way for new approaches to tracking and preventing communicable diseases, such as the development of vaccines, antibiotics, and other treatments.

While the discovery of antibiotics, elucidation of DNA structure, and invention of the smallpox vaccine were all important scientific advances, it was the germ theory of disease that had the greatest impact on the tracking and prevention of communicable diseases.

Learn more about tracking communicable diseases at


The question is -

A major scientific advance of the late 1800s that greatly influenced the process of tracking communicable diseases was _______.

multiple choice questions,

a. discovery of antibiotics

b. elucidation of dna structure

c. invention of smallpox

d. the vaccine germ theory of disease

Anexo 7
1. Completa la siguiente tabla
a) Oaxaca (1522) B) Guadalajara (1530) ) Taxco (1524) d) Campeche (1540)
e) Morelia (1541) f) Zacatecas (1548) g) Guanajuato (1548) h) Monterrey (1596)
Rendición de los señores purepechas.
Se funda la ciudad de
Comienza la explotación minera en Tlachco, ahora Taxco
Conquista del territorio maya
Fundación de la ciudad de Guadalajara.
Se funda la ciudad de
en una zona rica en plata.
Con el tiempo, se convierte en un importante cerro minero.
El descubrimiento de yacimientos de oro y plata provoca la fundación de la ciudad de Guanajuato.
2. Colores de amarillo los hechos anteriores que se relacionan con la minería.
3. Elige las palabras adecuadas para completar los párrafos.
Además de las minas y ciudades, los españoles también edificaron
pona su labor religiosa. Con el fin de
a los indígenas, los
misioneros los agruparon en
Esta reubicación, así como
las enseñanzas religiosas, de las ciencias, las artes y los oficios, transformaron
y la forma de vida de los indígenas.
Evangelizar​ doy corona


a) Oaxaca (1522) b) Guadalajara (1530) c) Taxco (1524) d) Campeche (1540) e) Morelia (1541) f) Zacatecas (1548) g) Guanajuato (1548) h) Monterrey (1596).The events related to mining are: a), c), f), and g).In addition to mines and cities, the Spanish also built missions to carry out their religious work. In order to evangelize the indigenous people, the missionaries grouped them into congregations. This relocation, as well as the religious teachings, sciences, arts, and crafts, transformed the beliefs and way of life of the indigenous people.

The table lists important events in the history of Mexico, including the founding of several cities and the start of mining operations. The events related to mining are highlighted in yellow. The paragraph prompts the reader to select the appropriate words to complete the sentences about the Spanish mission to evangelize the indigenous population.

The correct words are "Misiones" (Missions), "Evangelizar" (Evangelize), "Congregaciones" (Congregations), and "Creencias" (Beliefs). The completed sentences describe how in addition to mining and city-building, the Spanish missionaries also established religious missions to evangelize and organize the indigenous people into congregations. Through the teachings of religion, science, art, and trade, the indigenous people's beliefs and way of life were transformed.

To learn more about Spanish mission, here


Former President Thomas Jefferson was pleased with the Missouri Compromise of 1820, because he believed that it had solved the issue of slavery once and for all.

A. False

B. True


A. False

Thomas Jefferson did not express support for the Missouri Compromise of 1820, nor did he believe that it had solved the issue of slavery once and for all. In fact, Jefferson wrote to John Holmes in 1820 expressing concern that the Missouri Compromise would only serve to temporarily ease tensions between North and South over the issue of slavery. Jefferson believed that the issue of slavery would continue to be a divisive one for the United States, and he expressed regret that the country had not dealt with the issue more definitively during the drafting of the Constitution.
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which rock has the finest crystals? group of answer choices phaneritic pegmatitic aphanitic porphyrtic which of the following defines a foreign-based entity that uses a functional currency different from the local currency? i. a u.s. subsidiary in britain maintains its accounting records in pounds sterling, with the majority of its transactions denominated in pounds sterling. ii. a u.s. subsidiary in peru conducts virtually all of its business in latin america, and uses the u.s. dollar as its major currency. group of answer choices i only. ii only. both i and ii. neither i nor ii. (Related to Checkpoint 9.3) (Bond valuation) Pybus, Inc. is considering issuing bonds that will mature in 24 years with an annual coupon rate of 8 percent. Their par value will be $1,000, and the interest will be paid semiannually. Pybus is hoping to get a AA rating on its bonds and, if it does, the yield to maturity on similar AA bonds is 11 percent. However, Pybus is not sure whether the new bonds will receive a AA rating. If they receive an A rating, the yield to maturity on similar A bonds is 12 percent. What will be the price of these bonds if they receive either an A or a AA rating? a. The price of the Pybus bonds if they receive a AA rating will be s (Round to the nearest cent.) Enter your answer in the answer box and then click Check Answer. part remaining Clear All Check Answer For more than twenty-five years, the congregation of the Westboro Baptist Church has pick- eted military funerals. Church members believe that God hates the United States, specifically its military, for its tolerance of homosexuality. The picketing has also condemned the Catholic Church for scandals involving its clergy. At the funeral of Marine Corporal Matthew Snyder, picketers held up signs that said, "Thank God for Dead Soldiers, Doom Nations," "America Is Doomed," "Prieand "Youhe protest was peaceful and lasted for about thirty minutes before the funeral began. In Snyder v. Phelps, the Supreme Court ruled that the protest was protected by the Constitution.A. Identify a provision of the Constitution that is common to Snyder v. Phelps (2011) and Schenck v. United States (1919). B. Explain why the facts of Schenck v. United States led to a different holding in Snyder v. Phelps. C. Describe an action that city or state government officials who disagree with the holding in Snyder v. Phelps could take to limit its impact. when a fortune 500 business lays off workers, some displaced employees may decide to start their own businesses. they are best described as You want to make an investment in Vietnam since its booming economy but you lack critical information necessary for an intelligent investment decision, namely, what are the laws and legal system of Vietnam like. How will your investment profits be taxed, how will the state protect your resources, will the state expropriate your investment, is there adequate enforcement of contracts? Law is the foundation of private enterprise in the modern nation because if law and its enforcement is inadequate, the risks of doing business are too great. Question 1: Do you know everything you need to make an investment decision? ( 150 - 200 words) Question 2: If not, what else do you need to know about investment in foreign countries? ( 250 - 300 words) Question 3: What does it mean to say that law is the foundation of the private enterprise system? ( 300 - 350 words) the maximum legal limit for a loan in walter's state is 5.8%. keeli charges walter 23% because she does not trust he can pay back the loan. what is the term for giving a loan at an interest rate that exceeds the legal maximum? if 44.5 l of nitrogen at 848 mm hg are compressed to 976 mm hg at constant temperature. what is the new volume? for a cafe and deli small business answer these questions:-Goals and objectives, including a brief discussion of why you believe the business will be successful-Market environment considerations, including current needs for the product and discussion of current or potential competition-Brief description of owners and principal managers, including what they offer to help the business succeed (you may include a resume for each in an appendix if desired)-Marketing plan and strategy-2 keys to success Select the correct answer. Given that a function, g, has a domain of -20 x 5 and a range of -5 g(x) 45 and that g(0) = -2 and g(-9) = 6, select the statement that could be true for g. A. g(-13) = 20 B. g(7) = -1 C. g(0) = 2 D. g(-4) = -11 One-fourth of a number is one-eighth. Find the number. Evolutionary psychologists most clearly emphasize that environmentally adaptive behaviors are those that have promoted. natural selection. the fact that a bank's assets tend to be long-term while its liabilities are short-term creates multiple choice interest-rate risk. credit risk. decreased risk for the bank. trading risk. what strategy can help reduce overfitting in decision trees?make sure each leaf node is one pure classpruningenforce a maximum depth for the treeenforce a minimum number of samples in leaf nodes one kg of butane (c4h10) is burned with 25 kg of air that is at 30c and 90kpa. assuming the combustion is complete, determine the percentage of theoretical air used? nora is very cold so she puts on a coat. nora's body temperature is a physiological state that has produced a motivational state. the physiological state is called richard earns $550 a week. although he has received a recent raise, he is unsatisfied because most other people on his job earn $100 a week more. richard's dissatisfaction is based on: physical tasks requiring effort such as carrying heavy loads, walking great distances, and working with tools has been a part of life up until a few ______ ago. common signs and symptoms of ear disease include: group of answer choices deafness. all of the above. tinnitus. otalgia. Occurs when a single synapse generates EPSPs so quickly that each is generated before the previous one fades. This allows the EPSPs to add up over time to a threshold voltage that triggers an action potential. It can occur if even one presynaptic neuron stimulates the postsynaptic neuron at a fast enough rate