In a particular organism, scientists notice that cells are dying at a higher rate than normal. Upon further examination, they find that these cells die after they became filled with large lipids and protein of many different sizes. what do you predict is the reason for the cells death apex


Answer 1

Answer: lysosomes are malfunctioning so molecules targeted for destruction are not being removed.

Related Questions

I really need these answers



Down There


1) The Bushmaster has the highest mortality rate.

2) The Southern United States Copperhead has the least mortality rate.

3) I can determine that the Bushmaster's venom works the fastest due to it being the one with most deaths produced. While the U.S. Copperhead's venom might work the least since most people survived its venom.

4) The Black-necked Cobra and the Puff Adder

5) 10 types of snakes.

Hope it helps!! :D

2. The Southern US Copperhead has the lowest mortality rate

Every single cell organism is able to survive because it carries out


Every single celled organism is able to survive because it carries out metabolic activities. Metabolic activity is a set of chemical reactions which are needed for an organism to maintain it's life.

Every single cell of an organism is able to survive independently because it carries out metabolic processes at its own.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism can be defined as the chemical changes or reactions which take place in a cell or an organism. These changes make energy and the compounds which cells and organisms need to grow, reproduce, and stay healthy.

Metabolism is divided into two classes: anabolism and catabolism.  Anabolism involves the synthesis of a complex compound from simpler or smaller molecules or atoms. Catabolism involves the breakdown of a complex molecule into smaller and simpler ones.

Living organisms are able to perform the metabolic processes such as respiration, excretion, reproduction, and digestion which is a distinguishing factor from that of non-living organisms.

Learn more about Metabolism here:


What's the function of prop roots?



plays a substantial role in endowing certain plants with extra structural support.

Answer: The roots of a plant function in many different ways, including absorbing nutrients and water, providing anchorage, and acting as a food storage site.


I would really appreciate it if you help me.


Answer: H


Answer: well at least i helped you


It can be more than one



Only the matter stored in body tissues


Cuz the seal took some of the matter for itself :)

A cotransporter is something that moves two substances across a membrane, one passively and the other actively. The Na+/ K+ ATPase transports sodium and potassium ions across the plasma membrane against their concentration gradients. This pump is not considered a cotransporter because



both ions are transported actively


If both ions are being transported against their concentration gradients, then they are both being transported by active transport, as it requires energy.

A co-transporter moves two substances across the membrane, one passively and one actively. But in this case neither ion is moved passively, so it cannot be considered a cotransporter

Which of the following are found in DNA,but not RNA?


Answer:Uracil. Uracil is present in RNA and binds to adenine where as thymine is present in DNA and binds to adenine.

does breast cancer occur in men? what are the signs and symptoms?

actually anatomy & physiology





Breast cancer can occur in men. Symptoms can include a hard lump in the breast area, nipple discharge, the nipple turning inwards, and/or a rash around the nipple.

I have never heard dog and Brest in the same sentence till now

The small intestine exchanges nutrients to help maintain homeostasis. Through the process of digestion, food is broken down into smaller pieces. Sugar is a molecule that supplies our cells with energy. Sugar is a large molecule and is transported through carrier proteins. Sugar molecules are often transported into the bloodstream even when the concentration of glucose is higher in the bloodstream than in the intestine. Based on this scenario, is the transport of glucose accomplished through osmosis, diffusion, or active transport?





The sugar is spreading to various places within the body and is trying to make one place less concentrated.

Based on the given scenario,the transport of glucose is  accomplished through diffusion.

What is diffusion?

Diffusion is defined as the process of movement of molecules which takes place under concentration gradient. It helps in movement of substances in and out from the cell.The molecules move from lower concentration region to a higher concentration region till the concentration becomes equal.

There are 2 main types of diffusion:

1) simple diffusion-process in which substances move through a semi-permeable membrane without the aid of transport proteins.

2) facilitated diffusion- It is a passive movement of molecules across cell membrane from higher concentration region to lower concentration.

There are 2 types of facilitated diffusion one is osmosis and dialysis.

Learn more about diffusion,here:


the image down below.​



4 nethier organic


A famous celebrity has an extreme security system for their estate. The security system includes sensors in the ground as well as on the sides of the buildings. A loud truck drives down the road entering the estate. There is a sensor in the ground and another on the side of the security guard’s shed. If both sensors are 100m from the truck, which sensor will pick up the noise of the truck first and why?

Guard Shed - The sensor on the security guard’s shed will detect the sound first because the sound is traveling through the air and sound will travel fastest through a gas.

Ground - The sensor in the ground will detect the sound first because the sound is traveling through the dirt and sound will travel fastest through a solid.

Same time - Because the sound is traveling through both the ground and the air at the same time, it will reach both the shed and the ground sensor at the same time.

Neither sensor - 100m is too far for the sound to travel. Neither sensor will pick up the sound of the truck until it is closer to them.



B. Ground - The sensor in the ground will detect the sound first because the sound is traveling through the dirt and sound will travel fastest through a solid.


Sound wave is an example of mechanical wave, which means sound waves require a medium to travel through. However, how fast a sound travels is dependent on the kind of medium it travels through. Sound travels fastest via a SOLID medium, then liquid and slowest through gases.

According to this question, sensor in the ground and side of the security guard’s shed were placed in an estate owned by a famous celebrity. A loud truck, then, drives down the road entering the estate.

Based on the principles of sound eaves movement, the sound from the truck will be picked by the sensors in the GROUND first because the sound is traveling through the dirt and sound will travel fastest through a solid.

If excessive amounts of hot water are discharged into a lake, the immediate result will most likely be



all of the wildlife within the lake would go into shock


wildlife such as fish go into shock very easily when it comes to change in temperatures! a goldfish dropped straight from it's baggy into a bowl is far more likely to go into shock and die than one who was adjusted to the water temp first.

Do trees keep their internal parts separate from the outside environment?



yes, they do.


When two species are forced to interact in a particular environment, how would
relationships of competition, predation, and mutualism affect the two populations?



Find the explanation below.


When two species find themselves in the same environment, the quest for survival would lead to interactions among themselves.

Competition would result when there are limited resources. For example, when Tigers and Lions who feed on the same prey exist together in an environment, a competitive relationship can result.

Predation is a sort of interaction where an organism feeds on a prey to survive. Here, the weaker animal/species stands the risk of being defeated in the battle for survival. For example, in some homes where cats and rats exist, the cats tend to prey on the rats.

Mutualism is a form of symbiotic relationship where the animals exist together in a cooperative manner. Most fungal species have been found to have a mutualistic relationship with the roots of plants. Each of these two is important to each other's survival.

Plants are made up of _________________, _______________________, ________________________, ________________________, and __________________.



nucleus, chloroplasts, cell wall, cell membrane, mitochondria, cytoplasm and vacuole


I think this is right.

I hope this helps! :)

Answer: cell wall, rna, dna, glucose, ribosomes


Which of the following shows an unsaturated fatty acid?



I belive the answer is B or C


Answer: its D

Explanation: i got it wrong cause of these guys

What supports, protects and maintains the shape of the cell? *Very rigid. *
A .golgi apparatus
B. cytoplasm
C. endoplasmic reticulum
D. cell wall


Answer: D. the Cell wall

Explanation: The cell wall provides structural support and protection. Pores in the cell wall allow water and nutrients to move into and out of the cell. The cell wall also prevents the plant cell from bursting when water enters the cell.

Also it is also a ridged layer found outside of the cell membrane

I believe the answer is D

FREE BRAINLEST (I think that’s how it’s spelt lol don’t make fun of me)





girl ummmmmmm,,,,, i need these points so...why did the chicken cross the road? to get to the other BAWK *gets hit by car and dies*




once there was a boy that was eating icecream with his grandma he was so concentrated on eating icecream that he bumped on someone and the icecream fall, he wanted to take it from the floor and eat it again, but his grandma said ''no fallen things are no longer edible'' then after a while the grandma felt ill and fell to the floor then she said grandson help me to stand up and the boy says '' no grandma, we cannot peak up fallen things

Complete the statement to describe the sodium-potassium pump.
The sodium-potassium pump moves____
ions into the cell and____
ions out of the cell.



The sodium-potassium pump moves potassium

ions into the cell and sodium

ions out of the cell.



The sodium-potassium pump moves potassium

ions into the cell and sodium

ions out of the cell.


i got it right on edge

How long does it take for a jellyfish to reproduce



A jellyfish might spend one year as a medusa, but it can spend several years in the polyp stage. Polyps are stationary and reproduce asexually. The method of reproduction used by jellyfish polyps is known as budding, and it does look like a plant growing a new bud for a flower.

the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene regulation





To understand how gene expression is regulated, we must first understand how a gene codes for a functional protein in a cell. The process occurs in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, just in slightly different manners.

Prokaryotic organisms are single-celled organisms that lack a cell nucleus, and their DNA therefore floats freely in the cell cytoplasm. To synthesize a protein, the processes of transcription and translation occur almost simultaneously. When the resulting protein is no longer needed, transcription stops. As a result, the primary method to control what type of protein and how much of each protein is expressed in a prokaryotic cell is the regulation of DNA transcription. All of the subsequent steps occur automatically. When more protein is required, more transcription occurs. Therefore, in prokaryotic cells, the control of gene expression is mostly at the transcriptional level.

Eukaryotic cells, in contrast, have intracellular organelles that add to their complexity. In eukaryotic cells, the DNA is contained inside the cell’s nucleus and there it is transcribed into RNA. The newly synthesized RNA is then transported out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm, where ribosomes translate the RNA into protein. The processes of transcription and translation are physically separated by the nuclear membrane; transcription occurs only within the nucleus, and translation occurs only outside the nucleus in the cytoplasm. The regulation of gene expression can occur at all stages of the process (Figure 1). Regulation may occur when the DNA is uncoiled and loosened from nucleosomes to bind transcription factors (epigenetic level), when the RNA is transcribed (transcriptional level), when the RNA is processed and exported to the cytoplasm after it is transcribed (post-transcriptional level), when the RNA is translated into protein (translational level), or after the protein has been made (post-translational level).


Prokaryotic gene expression is primarily controlled at the level of transcription. Eukaryotic gene expression is controlled at the levels of epigenetics, transcription, post-transcription, translation, and post-translation.

Summarize how a single change at cellular level can impact the entire body


Answer: A single change at a cellular level can change the way our entire body reacts, functions, and develops. Maintaining homeostasis is vital for our bodies to preform its necessary functions, without constant balance our bodies are unable to properly preform consequently, resulting in sickness and even death.


I used my biology book.

The body has different levels of organization based on structures and functions. The cellular level is the smallest and the basic level of the organization that consists of cells that are capable of division.

A single change at a cellular level can impact the entire body as:

Cellular levels consist of cells of different shapes, sizes and functions. Similar cells make up the tissue to perform functions.

A single change can alter the homeostasis of the cell and can bring about a larger impact on the body organization as maintenance of temperature is very important for the living process.

The whole body depends upon the cells for instructions of the growth, functioning, signalling and transportation.

Therefore, a single change at the cellular level can alter the entire body.

To learn more about the level of body organization follow the link:

What is the term for an organism that makes its own source of chemical energy?
B chloroplast
D producer



D thxs good luck on your test



Carbohydrates have chemical bonds that are a good source of energy for living things. A monosaccharide is a carbohydrate made by plants when energy from the sun combines water and carbon dioxide.
How are the two other types of carbohydrates formed? Give examples of each type.



The other two types of carbohydrates, disaccharides and polysaccharides, are formed when monosaccharides link together to form larger molecules and chains. A disaccharide is a sugar that is made from two monosaccharides (di=two). For example, sucrose is a disaccharide that is made from the bonding of glucose with fructose, which are both monosaccharides. Sucrose is known as table sugar, and is found naturally in plants. Polysaccharides are large, complex molecules that are formed when monosaccharides or disaccharides link together in repeating units to form long chains. The most abundant polysaccharide in the world is cellulose, the substance that makes up the cell wall of plant cells. Starches are also examples of polysaccharides, and these are stored in plants such as grains, corn and wheat.

All living organisms must obtain energy in order to survive, and most organisms rely on carbohydrates as energy sources. These molecules are made through the process of photosynthesis, and they store the sun's energy within them.

the prefix ad placed in front of a word means what



a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin, where it meant “toward” and indicated direction, tendency, or addition: adjoin.

How do changes in the environment influence ecosystem stability?


Depending on the change in the environment for example the global warming is melting the poles which affect marine life because of the chance of temperatures

write one sentence using both words in the pair.
Taiga, swamp



I went to visit a Taiga, which can sometimes be like a swamp.

it is very cold in taiga biomes unlike in hot and humid swamps

Which of the following result in the formation of a dome mountain? Rock layers tilted by vertical subsurface pressure Vertical movements along fault lines Plates colliding causing rock to fold upward together A block of rock lifting at the fault line


Answer: Rock layers tilted by vertical subsurface pressure





The protein, lipid, and carbohydrate compositions of the cytoplasmic and extracellular sides of membranes are different from one another. Why is this the case? (3 points)

a) Some membrane components are synthesized outside of the cell, while others are synthesized in the cytosol.

b) The two sides of a cell membrane face different environments and carry out different functions.

c) The molecular composition of the inner and outer layers of the cell membrane is determined by genes.

d) Proteins only function on the cytoplasmic side of the cell membrane, which results in asymmetry across the membrane.



The protein, lipid, and carbohydrate compositions of the cytoplasmic and extracellular sides of membranes are different from one another , this happens because the two sides of a cell membrane face different environments and carry out different functions.


PROTEINS , LIPID AND CARBOHYDRATES , all are the components of the plasma membrane , located at different sites .

PROTEINS -: The main component of plasma membranes is proteins. Two key categories of membrane proteins are available: integral and peripheral. As their name implies, integral membrane proteins are incorporated into the membrane: they have at least one hydrophobic region that anchors them to the phospholipid bilayer's hydrophobic center. Others just stick partway through the membrane, while others extend from one side of the membrane to the other and on either side are exposed.

On the outside and inside surfaces of membranes, peripheral membrane proteins are found which are bound either to integral proteins or to phospholipids. Peripheral membrane proteins do not stick into the hydrophobic center of the membrane as opposed to integral membrane proteins, and appear to be more loosely bound.

LIPID -: Phospholipids, arranged in a bilayer, make up the plasma membrane 's essential cloth. Since they are amphipathic, they are well-suited for this function, meaning they have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions.

The hydrophilic or "water-loving" component of a phospholipid is its head, which includes a phosphate group that is negatively charged, as well as an additional small group that can also be charged or polar.

Its long, nonpolar fatty acid tails make up the hydrophobic, or "water-fearing," portion of a phospholipid. The tails of fatty acids can interact easily with other non-polar molecules, but interact poorly with water.

CARBOHYDRATES -: The main component of plasma membranes is carbohydrates. In general, they are located on the outer surface of the cells and are either bound to proteins (glycoproteins forming) or to lipids (glycolipids forming). These chains of carbohydrates can consist of 2-60 units of monosaccharide and can either be straight or branched.

Hence , the correct option is B.

Taxonomists try to group organisms based on?
A. Size
B. Evolutionary relationships
C. Physical appearance
D. Ecological niche



B) Evolutionary relationships


While I don't believe in Evolutionary relationships, taxonomists group organisms based on Evolutionary relationships

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