In early cities, who generally managed the allocation of resources?

i will mark brainlyiest


Answer 1
The Government In Old Times Was Authoritarian And Absolutist Mainly, So The Power, Economical Benefits, And Allocation Of Resources, Were A Government Responsibility.

Hope that helped!

Have a “ Brainly “ Day!

Related Questions

What led to the rising number of enslaved people in Mississippi between 1800 and 1600
A. Increasing demand for fitting overseas
B. Increasing demand for manufactured goods
C. Improved productivity in the states factories
D. Improved working conditions among field hands


The answer is B. Increasing demand for manufactured goods.

Slavery first became popular in the Americas when tobacco was starting to be grown. The demand for cash crops became so high that people started hiring indentured servants and captured slaves to work in the fields. If you didn't know an indentured servant is a person from Europe that works in exchange for their passage to the Americas.

How did Great Britain and France test American neutrality during the beginning years of the United States?



The diplomatic neutrality of the United States was tested during the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). The warring nations of Britain and France both imposed trade restrictions in order to weaken each other's economies. These restrictions also disrupted American trade and threatened American neutrality.


Langston Hughes grew up poor and black during the time of segregation. He and his friends and neighbors longed for material items and a better life like that of some white men they observed. Hughes drew upon his life experiences when he created his works. Do you think Hughes knew someone like Roger or Mrs. Jones? Could he, himself, have been Roger? Could Mrs. Jones have reminded Hughes of his own grandmother? Use specific examples from the story as you think, critically, to explain your answer.


This question is about "Thank You, M'am"

Answer and Explanation:

1. It is likely that by living in a community that was experiencing financial difficulties and having many friends who could not get what they wanted, Hughes met someone like Roger, who had to steal if he wanted to achieve his desires. However, it is likely that he met kind and charitable people like Mrs. Jones, too.

2. It may be that Hughes was inspired by someone from his own family to create Mrs. Jones. His grandmother may have been that inspiration, since the author saw her as an admirable and very kind woman to those in need.


It may be that Hughes was inspired by someone from his own family to create Mrs. Jones. His grandmother may have been that inspiration since the author saw her as an admirable and very kind woman to those in need.


Which of the following describes nullification?
a strong loyalty to a state or region, sometimes at the expense of a nation
the idea that states have powers separate from the federal government
the idea that a state could refuse to follow a federal law it disagreed with
a system that divides power between national and state governments


Option C is correct.


The idea that a state could refuse to follow a federal law it disagreed with of the following describes nullification. Thus, option (c) is correct.

According to the legal principle known as nullification, U.S. states have the right to reject any federal laws they judge to be unconstitutional. Thomas Jefferson coined the phrase in 1798.

It is common to use the word "nullification" in a political context to mean the act of canceling something. Nullification also refers to a state's lack or refusal to assist the federal government in enforcing laws inside its borders. The concept of nullification is based on the assumption that governments have sovereign authority over their own affairs.

Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on nullification, here:


Is the devinshire system slavery? Why or why not?


The Devshire system technically was slavery because Christian boys ages 8-20 would be forced into become soldiers for Ottomans army but there were some parents who would volunteer their sons for the service

whats 1-1 guys im hacing trouble


0 I’m pretty sure lol
One minus one equals zero :)

Which of the following is an example of colonization?

A.Spain and England conference on thier expectaions of the next 100 years

B.Spain sends priests to the New World in hopes of civilizing the native savages C.France searches England to find vast amounts of fur. D.The English go in search of gold for the benefits of indigenous populations
The English go in search of gold for the benefits of indigenous populations


The answer is b, because they are trying to change them to how they seem fit the answer because they are forcing that and stealing recourses from the indigenous people

Help me please need it for now



its C because Yes




Protecting individual liberties

Why did the United States economy become the blueprint for international economic structures following World War II? A. All countries were declaring themselves democracies. B. Germany declared the United States the world leader. C. The United States actually had no influence after World War II, because it was recovering from the war. D. At the time, the United States supplied the world with food, goods, and money, giving it tremendous influence over other nations. Please select the best answer from the choices provided.​





The correct answer is option D) At the time, the United States supplied the world with food, goods, and money, giving it tremendous influence over other nations.

What was the impact of the united states in World War 2?

America's response to World War II was the most extraordinary mobilization of an idle economy in the history of the world. During the war 17 million new civilian jobs were created, industrial productivity increased by 96 percent, and corporate profits after taxes doubled.

What happened to the economy after World war 2?

The private economy boomed as the government sector stopped buying munitions and hiring soldiers. Factories that had once made bombs now made toasters, and toaster sales were rising. On paper, measured GDP did drop after the war: It was 13 percent lower in 1947 than in 1944.

Learn more about World war 2 here:


Which group in England benefited the most from the new Bill of Rights 1689.



The Bill of Rights 1689, also known as the Bill of Rights 1688, is a landmark Act in the constitutional law of England that sets out certain basic civil rights and clarifies who would be next to inherit the Crown. ... It also includes no right of taxation without Parliament's agreement.

This demonstrates/shows....?


u dont have a pic or anything

What idea did George Washington introduce as president of the United States?

A. The US president's first two years should be the most productive.

B.US presidents should play an important role in maintaining world peace.

C. US presidents should not belong to any political party.

D. US presidents should run for election for only two terms.


Answer:  B


The correct answer is D I believe

Which of the following was NOT a Roman advance in architecture?

The use of concrete to use as building material.
The use of arches and columns to enhance support for structures.
The creation of domes to roof large spaces.
The creation of the flying buttress to increase space and decrease building material.


The creation of flying buttress to increase space and decrease building material.


What is a key theme of "Rules of the Game"?

Children and parents can come into conflict over who has power and control in their relationship.

Parents pass along their hope and optimism for the future to their children.

Luck and success are closely tied to one another.

The relationship between mothers and daughters is the ultimate expression of generosity and caring.
Question 2
Part B

What is one way that events in the story develop the theme identified in Part A?

Waverly's mother scolds her daughter for demanding salted plums, but later she buys a bag for her daughter.

Waverly receives a heavy package of Life Savers at the Christmas party.

Waverly is featured in a story about chess in Life Magazine.

Waverly's family lives in a clean, two-bedroom apartment above a small Chinese bakery.


The epitome of kindness and concern is found in the bond between mothers and daughters. is one of "Rules of the Game's" main themes. Thus option (D) is correct.

What is kindness?

Kindness is a sort of conduct characterized by deeds of charity, consideration, helping others, or showing concern for others without hoping to receive thanks or compensation. The study of kindness is relevant to philosophy, theology, and psychology. One of the major themes of the Bible was kindness.

The main focus of the narrative is Waverly's relationship with her mother, who she seeks to please while simultaneously trying to take charge of her own life. Whether it's fame or freedom, Waverly and her mother are manipulating one another to get what they want.

Therefore, Thus option (D) is correct.

Learn more about kindness here:


How did religion promote literacy?


Answer:A religiously literate person is described as possessing: 'a basic understanding of the history, central texts (where applicable), beliefs, practices and contemporary manifestations of several of the world's religious traditions as they arose out of and continue to be shaped by particular social, historical and .


It’s music someone please help



C) The overall plan.

Explanation: In music, form refers to the structure of a musical composition or performance.


C. Overall Plan

Next time, please put music under the arts section, since it's a form of art.

How is democracy in ancient Athens different from the democracy in America today? *

1) Ancient Athens's democracy was a constitutional democracy
2)Ancient Athens's democracy was a religious democracy.
3) Ancient Athens's democracy was a direct democracy.



3) Ancient Athens's democracy was a direct democracy.


Direct democracy or pure democracy is a form of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly. This differs from the majority of currently established democracies, which are representative democracies.


direct democracy


What hindered Ashoka from going into Tibet?



It has something to do with Muslims and Hindus. The short paragraph below is from a website. It is the online article you will find when you look this up.


Tibetan Buddhism has exerted a considerable influence in the Himalayan areas situated along Tibet’s southern border. In Nepal Buddhism interacted with both India and Tibet. Although there is evidence that suggests that the Buddha was born in the southern part of the area that is now Nepal—at Lumbini, about 15 miles (24 km) from Kapilavatthu (Kapilavastu)—Buddhism seems to have been actively propagated only later, probably under Ashoka. By the 8th century Nepal had fallen into the cultural orbit of Tibet. A few centuries later, as a result of the Muslim invasions of India, both Hindus (such as the Brahmanic Gurkha aristocracy) and Buddhists took refuge in the country. The Tibetan influence on the Himalayan tradition is indicated by the presence of Tibetan-style prayer wheels and flags. The Indian heritage is especially evident in the caste system that embraces Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. In the late 20th century a significant Theravada reform movement took root among the Newari population. The adherents of this movement, who have important connections with Theravada practitioners in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, oppose the maintenance of traditional caste distinctions.

Shays’ Rebellion (1786) became a concern for many national leaders because it


(1) indicated there would be future conflicts over
the spread of slavery
(2) exposed fundamental weaknesses in government under the Articles of Confederation
(3) pointed to the need for federal government
regulation of interstate commerce
(4) showed that frontier settlements were
vulnerable to raids by Native American Indians

Answer: exposed fundamental weaknesses in government under the Articles of Confederation

Why were the Crusades considered ultimately unsuccessful?
Later Crusades failed in their mission to regain and maintain control of Jerusalem.
Popes who led the Catholic Church after 1250 A.D. lost interest in Crusades.
Most Crusaders never actually made it to Jerusalem—they gave up and went home.
Large numbers of Crusaders converted to Islam after reaching the Middle East.



Later Crusades failed in their mission to regain and maintain control of Jerusalem.


I took the test and was right, Enjoy.

(A) Later Crusades failed in their mission to regain and maintain control of Jerusalem.

Crusades:The Latin Church in the Middle Ages began, encouraged, and at times even led a series of religious conflicts known as the Crusades. The most well-known of these Crusades took place in the Holy Land between the years of 1095 and 1291 with the goal of freeing Jerusalem and the surrounding region from Islamic authority. Crusades are the collective name for concurrent military campaigns against the Moors in Iberia (the Reconquista) and the pagan West Slavic, Baltic, and Finnic peoples of northern Europe (the Northern Crusades). Other church-approved crusades were waged during the 15th century to oppose paganism and heresy as well as the Byzantine and Ottoman empires as well as for political objectives. Common citizens frequently participated in Popular Crusades, which were not authorized by the church.

Therefore, the correct answer is (A) later Crusades failed in their mission to regain and maintain control of Jerusalem.

Know more about the Crusades here:


The Protestant Reformation resulted in what?
Mark only one oval.
A-the breakup of the Catholic Church into many different versions of Christianity.

B-religious beliefs no longer being taught in schools.

C-a more unified Europe

D-the creation of the Islamic Religion



The Reformation led to the reformulation of certain basic tenets of Christian belief and resulted in the division of Western Christendom between Roman Catholicism and the new Protestant traditions.


The answer should be A

1. Explica como era la vida de los indígenas en America antes de la llegada de los conquistadores. 2. ¿Cómo fue que llegaron los españoles a America? 3. Realiza un breve recuento de los cuatro viajes de Cristóbal Colón. 4. ¿Cómo se repartió el territorio americano entre los conquistadores? 5. ¿Cómo fue la conquista a Mexico? Y ¿ Cómo a Perú? 6. Enumera las principales consecuencias de la conquista de América.



1. Explica como era la vida de los indígenas en América antes de la llegada de los conquistadores.

La mayoría de los indígenas vivían en pequeñas tribus, algunas nómadas, otras de personas que ya cultivaban.

La excepción eran los Aztecas y los Incas, quienes poseían grandes imperios con una tecnología más avanzada.

2. ¿Cómo fue que llegaron los españoles a América?

Los españoles llegaron, siguiendo la ruta de Cristóbal Colón. Empezaron a explorar las Antillas, Centroamérica, México y Sudamérica. A medida que exploraban, sometían a pueblos indígenas a su dominio. Con el tiempo, fundaron colonias bajo la administración del Reino de España.

3. Realiza un breve recuento de los cuatro viajes de Cristóbal Colón.

En su primer viajé, llegó a las Bahamas, y desde allí, exploró el norte de la Española y de Cuba.

En su segundo viaje, exploró con mayor detalle a la isla de la Española y a Cuba.

En su tercer viaje, exploró la costa de Venezuela.

En su cuarto viaje, exploró la costa de Centroamérica.

4. ¿Cómo se repartió el territorio americano entre los conquistadores?

Cada conquistador obtuvo territorios en las regiones que ellos conquistaron. Cortés obtuvo territorios en México, que en esa época se llamaba Nueva España. Francisco Pizarro obtuvo territorios en Perú, en esa época había sido parte del Imperio Inca.

5. ¿Cómo fue la conquista a México?

Hernán Cortés conquistó al antiguo imperio Azteca entre 1519 y 1521. Se alió con los varias tribus mexicas que eran enemigas de los Aztecas, y logró someterlos al poder de España

Pizarro no labró tantas alianzas, pero también logró conquistar el imperio Inca en el año 1572.

6. Enumera las principales consecuencias de la conquista de América.

La primera gran consecuencia es que la gran mayoría de indígenas perecieron debido a las enfermedades que trajeron los europeos, y frente a las cuales no tenían defensas.

La segunda consecuencia es que gran parte del territorio americano pasó al control de España y de Portugal.

La tercera gran consecuencia es que comenzó un intercambio humano y económico entre América y Europa. Por ejemplo, a Europa llegaron productos americanos como el maíz, el tomate, o el cacao, mientras que a América llegaron productos de Europa como el trigo, la cebada, o los caballos.

Why are Miltia's so important to the colonists?



At the battle of Germantown in October 1777, the British observed that this “ was a superior American army to the one that had fought the campaign of 1776.”[27] The militia participation in the war helped the colonists to become a unified, fighting force quickly, shortening the duration of the conflict.

How does the physical environment still influence culture today?


Answer: Culture is greatly affected by environment. ... Climate is a huge factor in different cultures. If a group of people live in a cold place, they will most likely wear thicker clothes, opposed to the thin clothes worn by people in warmer places.

Early Christians regarded people who believed in the existence of more than one god as __________. A. pagans B. barbarians C. mercenaries D. missionaries Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D





Answer:A , Pagans!


hope this helps!have a wonderful rest of your week!

What were the conditions that gave Philip the second more power



How did Philip II ensure absolute power? He ruled by divine right, which gave him religious power, and he also centralized the government so he could control all.  Philip II was a patron of both and founded schools.

1. How are Korean's history and culture linked to China and Japan ?



Korea's geography positions it snugly between China to the north and Japan to the east. It has historically acted as a conduit of cultural, political, and economic diffusion between the two countries.

Which phrase describes how Jupiter and Saturn are similar?

visible storms
slow rotations
many moons
fast revolutions



slow rotations and visible stroms


Many moons


Just took the test

The Apache people _________________.
believed they had to raid other societies in order to survive
believed the most important thing was taking care of their families.
saw their lives as difficult because they often did not have enough food to eat.
all of the above


It’s B because I took the test and got a 100


its dddddddddddddddddddddd


Describe, in detail, two reasons why the American colonists resisted British laws and taxation. Then describe, in detail, three ways in which they resisted or rebelled.



They are important to colonists needs



Because of taxes,  the stamp act,


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