“In her TedTalk on the right, Amy Fritsche asserts that “theater has the power to be a mirror to society.” Explain how that idea is true.” Write in 2-4 sentences.


Answer 1


Amy Fritsche's assertion that "theater has the power to be a mirror to society" is true because theater can provide a reflection of social issues, values, and attitudes, which allows audiences to engage with and reflect on their own experiences and perspectives. Through the stories, characters, and themes presented in theater, audiences can gain insight into themselves and the world around them, and potentially be inspired to take action or make positive changes.

Related Questions

Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it making it a possible. d home No sooner had I reached home​



No sooner had I reached home than I realized that I had left my keys in the office. I searched all my pockets and bags, but the keys were nowhere to be found. Panic set in as I thought of spending the night outside. I decided to go back to the office and see if I could find a way in.

As I was about to leave, I noticed a small note on my front door. It read, "I have your keys. Meet me at the park by the river at 7 pm sharp. Come alone." There was no signature or clue as to who had taken my keys. I had no choice but to follow the instructions on the note.

As I walked towards the park, my mind was filled with all sorts of possibilities. Who had taken my keys, and why did they want to meet me in the park? My heart was racing as I approached the meeting point.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a woman, and she was holding my keys. She handed them to me and said, "I am sorry for taking your keys. My son is very sick, and we needed money for his treatment. We saw your address on the keychain and thought you might be able to help."

I was taken aback by her honesty and vulnerability. I asked her to wait while I went to the nearby ATM and withdrew some money to give her. As I handed her the cash, I wished her and her son well, and we parted ways.

That night, as I sat in my living room, I realized how fortunate I was to have my home and all the things that came with it. I made a mental note to always be grateful for what I had and to never take anything for granted.

Drag each tile to the correct location.
Identify the type of rhetoric used in each example.
We must embrace this new
company change together,
because we are a family.
Incentives lead to better
performance. Therefore,
we should offer
commissions to our
sales representatives.
Enroll in our summer
computer programming
classes. The application
deadline is May 4.


We can identify the rhetorical devices used in each of the sentences by paying attention to what they appeal to, as seen below:

"We must embrace this new company change together, because we are a family." - Pathos"Incentives lead to better performance. Therefore, we should offer commissions to our sales representatives." - Logos"Enroll in our summer computer programming classes. The application deadline is May 4." - Kairos

Rhetorical devices: pathos, logos and kairos

Pathos, logos, and kairos are three different types of rhetoric used to persuade an audience. Pathos refers to the use of emotional appeals to persuade an audience. This can involve creating an emotional connection with the audience, using vivid language and storytelling, or evoking strong feelings such as empathy, anger, or fear.

Logos, on the other hand, is the use of logical appeals to persuade an audience. This can involve using data, statistics, and evidence to support an argument, presenting a clear and logical sequence of ideas, or using reason and common sense to convince an audience.

Kairos is a type of rhetoric that is focused on the timing and context of an argument. This involves taking into consideration the specific situation, audience, and cultural moment in which the argument is being presented.

Learn more about pathos here:



Pericle’s funeral oration which detail best supports the purpose of persuading the audience that their is connected to their generosity


In Pericle’s funeral oration, the detail which best supports the purpose of persuading the audience is that their freedom is connected to their generosity is that:

when we do kindnesses to others, we do not do them out of any calculations of profit or loss: we do them without afterthought, relying on our free liberality.

What was Pericles purpose in writing the Funeral Oration?

The Funeral Oration is a speech intended to persuade its audience. Pericles praises Athens in order for people to continue fighting; he praises the sacrifices of the dead in order for others to imitate them.

His words are a powerful expression of every citizen's duty to fight for democracy and freedom - but if, like Thucydides, you have some doubts about the justice or wisdom of the war, then this becomes dangerous propaganda. Thucydides, as usual, does not give us simple lessons or instructions, but instead asks us to think about difficult issues.

Read more about Pericles



The passage states, “Popular myth typically traces the modern circus back to the ancient Romans.” Which idea does this statement best support?

Some people think that the idea for the circus came from ancient times.
The ancient Romans did not have anything called a circus in their time.
People argue that today’s version of the circus is superior to other, more ancient forms.
The ancient Romans were more concerned with fighting than entertainment.



The statement "Popular myth typically traces the modern circus back to the ancient Romans" suggests that many people believe that the modern circus has its roots in ancient Roman times. Therefore, the idea best supported by this statement is A. Some people think that the idea for the circus came from ancient times.


At last, feeling this to be in some way a substitute for the words she was unable to find, she began to sing "Beasts of England." The other animals sitting round her took it up, and they sang it three times over—very tunefully, but slowly and mournfully, in a way they had never sung it before.

They had just finished singing it for the third time when Squealer, attended by two dogs, approached them with the air of having something important to say. He announced that, by a special decree of Comrade Napoleon, "Beasts of England" had been abolished. From now onwards it was forbidden to sing it.

The animals were taken aback.

"Why?" cried Muriel.

"It's no longer needed, comrade," said Squealer stiffly. "'Beasts of England' was the song of the Rebellion. But the Rebellion is now completed. The execution of the traitors this afternoon was the final act. The enemy both external and internal has been defeated. In 'Beasts of England' we expressed our longing for a better society in days to come. But that society has now been established. Clearly this song has no longer any purpose."

Frightened though they were, some of the animals might possibly have protested, but at this moment the sheep set up their usual bleating of "Four legs good, two legs bad," which went on for several minutes and put an end to the discussion.

Which detail from the text best shows a parallel to authoritarian governments?

the sheep's bleating of "Four legs good, two legs bad"
the abolishment of a song from the rebellion
the defeat of all internal and external enemies
the establishment of a better society for all



The detail from the text that best shows a parallel to authoritarian governments is the abolishment of a song from the rebellion.


The detail that shows a parallel to authoritarian governments is the abolishment of a song from the rebellion. This is because one common tactic used by authoritarian governments is to control or censor the media and the arts, including music, in order to control the narrative and prevent dissent or opposition. In the case of Animal Farm, the abolition of "Beasts of England" is a way for the pigs to control the animals' thoughts and memories of the rebellion, and to prevent them from questioning the current state of the farm under the pigs' leadership. This parallels the way authoritarian governments often suppress or censor music, literature, and other forms of expression that do not conform to their ideology or agenda.

Use what you know about word endings to figure out what "gruffness" means.
gruffer than anyone else
to make someone sound gruff
not able to sound gruff
how gruff someone sounded



Based on the word endings and the context given, "gruffness" most likely means "how gruff someone sounded." The "-ness" ending in "gruffness" indicates a quality or state of being, so it refers to the attribute of sounding gruff.


How has Diane Ackerman organized her essay? Explain why this organization seems most appropriate for her subject. Define: Organization



ExplanDiane Ackerman has organized her essay, "Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall," chronologically by describing the events and processes that lead to the changing of leaf colors in the fall. She starts by explaining the role of chlorophyll in the green color of leaves and then moves on to describe how the reduction in sunlight and temperature triggers the breakdown of chlorophyll, revealing the other pigments that give leaves their fall colors.

This organization seems most appropriate for her subject as it presents a clear and easy-to-follow sequence of events and processes that lead to the phenomenon of changing leaf colors. By presenting the information chronologically, the reader can easily understand the cause-and-effect relationships between the various factors that contribute to the changing of leaf colors in the fall.

In writing, organization refers to the arrangement of ideas, details, or arguments in a logical and coherent manner that enhances the overall readability and comprehension of a text. It helps to structure and sequence the ideas and information presented in a way that makes sense to the reader and supports the main thesis or purpose of the writing.ation:

Similar in the Odyssey Create a poem that has 9 lines of verse and ask for help from Urania


Oh Urania, muse of the sky so bright,
Please help me find my way tonight,
Guide me through the starry dome,
Lead me safely to my home,

With your wisdom and your grace,
Illuminate this earthly place,
Oh Urania, hear my plea,
And guide me to where I need to be

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Act III
William Shakespeare
A. DIRECTIONS: In each of the following items, think about the meaning of the
italicized word or phrase, and then answer the question.
1. If you were sent into exile would you expect to be living in the same country?
Why or why not? Explain.
im KSH
2. Lon has been caught smuggling and is going to be sent to a penitentiary in the
same state in which he was caught. Is Lon facing banishment? Why or why
not? Explain.
3. Lon provided information relating to a larger smuggling ring and is going to
receive a pardon. Should Lon expect to be freed from prison? Explain.



If you were sent into exile, you would not expect to be living in the same country because exile means being forced to leave your own country or homeland, usually as a punishment or due to political reasons. So, being exiled means you would have to go and live in a foreign country or place.

Lon is not facing banishment because banishment refers to being forced to leave a place or country as a punishment for a crime or other offense. In Lon's case, he is being sent to a penitentiary, which is a prison, within the same state where he was caught.

Yes, Lon should expect to be freed from prison if he is being granted a pardon. A pardon is an official forgiveness for a crime that removes the punishment or sentence given for the crime. So, if Lon is being pardoned, it means that he will be freed from prison and will not have to serve the remainder of his sentence.

Perhaps the most common type of word/picture combination is the ________, where words and pictures go hand in hand to convey an idea that neither one could convey alone


Answer: Interdependent combinations

Explanation:  Interdependent combinations are when  words and pictures go hand in hand to convey an idea that neither could convey alone

Write if-clause questions (examples include if you had more time, what would you do?if you could change something in your life, what would it be)ask your friends to respond to your question.They should start their answers with if.Write their responses and identify the type of conditional represented by your questions and answers.​



If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Japan. (First Conditional)

If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?

If I won the lottery, I would buy a house and invest in stocks. (First Conditional)

If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

If I could have any job in the world, I would be a professional athlete. (Second Conditional)

If you could go back in time, what historical event would you like to witness?

If I could go back in time, I would like to witness the signing of the Declaration of Independence. (Second Conditional)

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

If I could have any superpower, I would choose the ability to fly. (Second Conditional)


Why would you use a hyphen or dash in the space in the following sentence? We have put a lot of work into ensuring our facility is accessible to all of our wheelchair__bound patrons.


Answer: We have put a lot of work into ensuring our facility is accessible to all of our wheelchair-bound patrons.


Wheelchair and bound can be joined together and serve as an adjective to describe the noun patrons. Hence, a hyphen should be used.

What was the cause of excitement among the students


Needs more context before answering

1. Reflect upon and discuss similarities and distinctions between prehistoric African families (Sudarkasa) and prehistoric indigenous American families (Engels). What notable attributes do you see present in contemporary Black/African American families?



There are several similarities and differences between prehistoric African families and prehistoric indigenous American families. Both cultures valued communal living and placed importance on the extended family unit. In prehistoric African families, Sudarkasa notes that the extended family unit included not just blood relatives but also individuals who were adopted into the family or had formed bonds through other means. Similarly, in prehistoric indigenous American families, Engels notes that the extended family unit was important, with multiple generations often living together.

One distinction between the two cultures is that prehistoric African families placed greater emphasis on the role of women within the family unit. Women were often responsible for childcare, cooking, and other domestic duties, while men were responsible for hunting and other forms of subsistence. In prehistoric indigenous American families, there was often more gender equality, with both men and women playing important roles in the family and community.

In contemporary Black/African American families, there are many notable attributes, including the importance of family and community. Despite historical and systemic challenges, many Black families have continued to value and prioritize communal living and support systems. There is often a strong sense of intergenerational support and respect, with elders playing an important role in the family unit. Additionally, many Black families have developed unique cultural traditions and practices that reflect their experiences and history.

However, it is also important to acknowledge the diversity within the Black/African American community, and the ways in which individual families may differ in their values, beliefs, and practices. While there may be some commonalities across families, it is important to approach any discussion of Black families with a nuanced and intersectional understanding of the many factors that shape their experiences and identities.

What is the effect of opening the text with rhetorical questions?
OIt allows the author to open with his personal viewpoint.
O It allows the author to create a sense of suspense.
O It allows the author to acknowledge a common counterargument.
It allows the author to discredit other viewpoints.


Although they directly appeal for the readers' agreement and frequently highlight well-known facts, rhetorical questions are frequently utilized in persuasive literature.

What impact does using rhetorical questions to start the text have?

Rhetorical questions can be an effective communication tactic during a speech. With the aforementioned questions, you can influence the sentiment and thinking of the audience. They are quite useful for capturing the attention of the crowd and converting people to your point of view.

What impact do the author's rhetorical queries have?

A rhetorical question is used to convince or subtly affect an audience. It's a question that is asked more for impact than for a specific response. A rhetorical question is frequently used to draw attention to an issue or simply to get the audience to think.

To know more about rhetorical questions visit:-



Help me with only the identifying ones please. Thank you


I need more context your summaries aren't filled with enough content to answer this. Explain some more and I'll happily help you out! Thanks

Read the sentences given below and write them in a more tactful manner.

1. You look horrible in this dress. It doesn't suit you at all. You are too fat for such clothes.
2. Oh! The omelette looks horrible! How can you even eat it? It must taste bad too.
3. You sang so horribly! Your voice hurt the ears and you were completely out of tune.
4. Look at the way you eat! Even an animal would be neater.
5. Khushi is such a careless driver, no vehicle is safe in her hands. ​


1. I think a different style of dress might be more flattering on you. Let's try some other options that might suit you better.
2. I'm not a big fan of omelettes, but I'm sure it tastes great to you. Do you mind if I try something else instead?
3. I'm sorry, but I don't think that was your best performance. Maybe some more practice could help you improve your singing skills.
4. Could you please try to be more mindful of your eating habits? It would be appreciated if you could eat a little more neatly.
5. It's important to be careful while driving, so let's make sure we're all following traffic rules and staying safe on the road.

what doe the author uses the word americanized for


Her daughter does things Americans do

Hand me that saucepan



Yummy yum saucey


woah yay okay yum what okay yes

Question 2:

We would need to have a call with people who are currently based in Canada who has experience/knowledge in industries financial help/bailout. The goal is to assess if Bombardier (aircraft/train) company will be able to get financial help from the government if needed, so senior individuals in the industry or related to this would be helpful.

Please now select ALL the relevant companies below to this search which would be useful for the project and fit the briefing


For Question 1, the relevant companies that would be useful for the project and fit the briefing are EasyJet, Ryanair, Wizz Air, Air France, and TAP Portugal.

What is the company about?

Question 2 is about identifying relevant companies to speak with for a project that aims to explore the market environment in the low-cost airline sector in Europe after the COVID1 9 pandemic.

Therefore, these companies are headquartered in Europe and operate in the low-cost airline sector, which is the focus of the project. British Airways and Australia are not relevant to this search as they are not low-cost airlines. American Airlines, United Airlines, Emirates, Nepal Airlines, Singapore Airlines, and Japan Airlines are also not relevant as they are not headquartered in Europe.

Learn more about experience on:



sound(s) in each word in the slashes. Then have the student write the past-tense verbs that end in /ed/under the /
Directions: Have students underline the past-tense marker-ed in each word. Then have the student write the final
ed/header, the verbs that end in /d/ under the /d/header, and the verbs that end in /t/ under the /t/header.
-helped /t/
marked / /
horned / /
dozed / /
smoked / / shaped / /
nodd-ed / /
plant-ed / 1
greet.ed / /
snarled / 1


We can classify each word according to the final sound represent by the past-tense marker -ed, depending on whether it sounds like a "d," a "t," or an "ed".

Final sound /d/


Final sound /t/


Final sound /ed/


How the simple past sounds

As we know, regular verbs in the simple past are formed by the addition of the marker -ed. However, that -ed will not always have the same sound. Take a look below:

When the final sound of the infinitive verb is a voiceless consonant, the -ed sounds like a /t/. Examples: worked; taped.When the final sound of the infinitive verb is a voiced consonant, the -ed sounds like a /d/. Examples: named; cleaned.When the final sound of the infinitive verb is already a /t/ or a /d/, the -ed really sounds like /ed/. Examples: visited; dabbed.

With that in mind, we can conclude we have correct answered this question by classifying the verbs in the simple past according to their final sounds.

Learn more about the simple past here:



Your older sister wants to leave the university without completing her studies to follow an actress. You have decided to talk to her about her decision. Dialogue


You: Can we talk for a minute, sir? I heard that you're considering quitting school to become an actress.

Sister: Yes, that is correct.

You: Although I am aware of your enthusiasm for acting, have you really considered this? University is significant and can provide you with numerous opportunities.

Sister: I know that, but I don't want to feel bad about not pursuing my goals. I feel compelled to seize this opportunity while it lasts.

You: I get that, but have you thought about the dangers? A career in acting is difficult, and there is a lot of competition.

Sister: I'm willing to put in a lot of effort despite knowing it won't be easy.

You: I admire your resolve, but could we negotiate a compromise? You might be able to complete your degree while also taking acting classes on the side. In this manner, you will have a backup strategy in case the entertainment industry fails.

Sister: That hadn't occurred to me. I guess it's something to think about.

You: Exactly. It is essential to have a back-up plan, but it is also essential to pursue your goals.

What is meant by Enthusiasm?

A strong and intense feeling of excitement, passion, or devotion for something, such as a cause, activity, or idea, is referred to as enthusiasm. It is characterized by a strong and unwavering commitment to achieving a particular objective or pursuing a particular interest.

To know more about Enthusiasm, visit:



3. Although the boys' racial identities greatly impacted the case and its publicity, Kevin's lawyer, a white man, says "I think it's a mistake to make this about race." If the defendants had been young white boys, how might their arrests, trials, and sentences be different than those of the Central Park Five? If the jogger had been a woman of color, how do you think that trial, the media, and public opinion might have differed?


If the defendants had been young white boys, they may have been less likely to be arrested in the first place and may have received more lenient treatment throughout the legal process.

How would have the trials have gone?

Their trials may have been less sensationalized in the media, and they may have been less likely to be vilified by the public.

In contrast, if the jogger had been a woman of color, the trial, media coverage, and public opinion may have been even more biased against the accused individuals, particularly if they were people of color. T

he case may have received less attention in the media and may have been viewed as less significant by the public.

Read more about Central Park Five here:



Why might Toypurina’s story be relevant to other communities outside of Gabriel Mission? (please use your own words)



The struggles of indigenous peoples against colonisation and forced assimilation are highlighted in Toypurina's story, which may be pertinent to other communities besides Gabriel Mission. Her experience emphasises the value of protecting one's cultural identity and fending off attempts to do so. This is a global issue that can connect with other societies who have faced comparable difficulties in the past. Her tale also demonstrates how people can stand up for what they believe in despite overwhelming obstacles and make a difference. Hence, other groups battling for their rights and cultural identity might draw inspiration from and learn a valuable lesson from Toypurina's tale.

According to Grant, the main difference between men's and women's
basketball at Notre Dame is?


Because female players are more likely than male players to attempt shots from farther away, a smaller, lighter basketball was developed to increase the appeal of women's basketball to viewers.

Which name does women's basketball go by?

The Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) is a women's professional basketball league in the United States that first started play in 1997. The National Basketball Association (NBA) Board of Governors established the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) as a women's version of the NBA.

How come women's basketball has four quarters?

The NCAA Women's Basketball Rules Committee, which first proposed the rule modification, thinks the four-quarter structure will improve the game's flow. Moreover, the Women's Basketball Coaches Association Board of Directors supported the modification.

To know more about lighter basketball visit :-



In the United States, what is the paper used for money made from?
O cotton and linen
O wood
o animal skin
o recycled paper



In the United States, what is the paper used for money made from?

O cotton and linen

O wood

O animal skin

O recycled paper


You're welcome.

Answer: The paper used for money in the United States is made from a blend of 75% cotton and 25% linen.

Your welcome (:

What is the meaning of "his only fully developed exposition in 1941 of the strategic threat"?



The phrase "his only fully developed exposition in 1941 of the strategic threat" means that Roosevelt's May 27 speech was the most comprehensive and detailed explanation he gave during that year about the threat facing the United States and his plans to address it. The speech was an important statement of policy, reflecting Roosevelt's understanding of the problem and the steps being taken to protect American interests in the Atlantic. Although he did not refer to specific cases, his speech made clear that the chosen course of action carried the risk of war, and he warned the American people accordingly. The speech was well-received by the press and public, and it helped to increase Roosevelt's popularity during that period.

how can the chain of command within an organization help determine structure?



The chain of command within an organization helps to determine the structure by setting out the various roles within the organization, from the most senior to the most junior personnel, and establishing a clear line of authority from the top down. This helps to ensure that everyone in the organization knows who is responsible for what, and how decisions should be made. It provides accountability and clarity, which is critical for successful operations.


Chain of command sets position, roles, and authority, determining structure that will result in simple efficiency in communication and decision-making.


Chain of command refers to hierarchy of roles and authority in an organization. This allowed for lower cadres to be taught and led by the higher cadres, and sets a pyramid of communication and decision-making power. Chain of command allows for structure and efficiency with this communication through set authority and clear assignment of duties and responsibilities.

Which option below makes the most effective hook?

The Centers for Disease Control, or CDC, is the government agency responsible for compiling statistics on dog bites of humans. Universities, veterinary associations, and humane and dog breed organizations also track and analyze dog attacks.

Pit bulls scare people. Scared people over react. That’s what they are doing now, over reacting.

Thousands of years ago, man and dog came out of the wilderness together. Now some cities want to cast some of our best friends back into the darkness, because sometimes dogs bite, and sometimes they kill.

Mark Twain said, “It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.”



the third one


because it gives a backstory and explanation to the topic

In all this I endured, there was no physical suffering but of moral distress, an infinite suffering. My fancy turned to all things charnel, I talked "of worms, of tombs, and epitaphs." I was lost in reveries of death, and the idea of premature burial held continual possession of my brain. The ghastly Danger to which I was subjected haunted me day and night. When night covered the Earth, then, with every horror of thought, I shook—shook as the quivering plumes upon the hearse. When Nature could endure wakefulness no longer, it was with a struggle that I consented to sleep—for I shuddered to reflect that, upon awaking, I might find myself the tenant of a grave. As the narrator experiences fear, what techniques does Poe use to create suspense for the reader?


By slowing the story's pace with commas and hyphens, he builds tension.

How does Poe employ terror in his writing?

The frequent use of terror in Edgar Allan Poe's works is perhaps his most well-known quality. To frighten his audience, he employed both words and visuals. He put together scenarios that occur to his characters that capture genuine anxieties a reader would have.

What method does Poe employ to increase the speed of the excerpt's suspense?

Poe creates tension and dread through descriptions of the eye. The narrator compares the old man's eye to a vulture's eye and discusses his preoccupation with it. He calls it "a pale blue eye with a film over it."

To know more about Poe visit:



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What is the largest even number of 5,2,4,3 Carmen SanDiego, a U.S. citizen, is employed by General Motors Corporation, a U.S. corporation. On April 1, 2020, GM relocatedCarmen to its Brazilian operations for the remainder of 2020. Carmen was paid a salary of $131,000 and was employed on a 5-day-week basis. As part of her compensation package for moving to Brazil, Carmen also received a housing allowance of $27,750.Carmen's salary was earned ratably over the 12-month period. During 2020 Carmen worked 260 days, 195 of which were in Brazil and65 of which were in Michigan.How much of Carmen's total compensation is treated as foreign source income for 2020? (Do not round intermediate calculations.)Total foreign source compensation exreme word for beautiful People discovered long ago that cross pollination of certain plant varieties could improve farm crops' flavor. Answering which question BEST helps people to produce crops with desired flavors?A How does cross pollination produce unique offspring with different flavors?B Which plants need to be selected for breeding to produce the best-tasting offspring plants?C Which genes in plants code for a sweet flavor?D How does artificial selection of crops affect surrounding crops? Suppose that there are three factories that manufacture light-bulbs. For factory i, every manufactured light-bulb (independently) has a chance of being defective with a probability pi ,p1 =0.05,p2 =0.1,p3=0.3. Initially, I thought that when I order a box of light-bulbs it is equally likely to come from any of the three factories. Upon receiving the box I found 8 out of 100 to be defective. What is my posterior probability that the box came from factoryi,i{1,2,3}? Jina opened a savings account with $500 and was paid simple interest at an annual rate of 3%. When Jina closed the account, she was paid $30 in interest. 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Apply the four steps of good problem -solving skills in your response who was a portuguese prince and patron of sea expeditions and played a key role in the search for sea routes to asia? responses francis drake francis drake henry the navigator henry the navigator henry viii henry v i i i ferdinand magellan An investor has $92,000 to invest in a $376,000 property. He can obtain either Alternative 1: A $284,000 loan at 9.8 percent for 20 years or Alternative 2: A $212,000 loan at 9 percent for 20 years and a second mortgage for $72,000 at 13 percent for 20 years. All loans require monthly payments and are fully amortizing. Required: a. Which alternative should the borrower choose, assuming he will own the property for the full loan term? b. Which alternative should the borrower choose if the borrower plans to own the property only five years? c1. Which alternative should the borrower choose, assuming he will own the property for the full loan term and the second mortgage has a 10-year term? c2. Which alternative should the borrower choose, assuming that the borrower plans to own the property only for five years and the second mortgage has a 10-year term? There are two fishermen (Fisherman A and FisheremanB) who share common access to a pond. The fishermen must each decide how many hours per day (DA and DB), they will spend fishing.The utility functions for each fishermen are below where LA and LB represent the pounds of fish the fishermen catch from the pond:uA = LA 1/2 (DA)2uB = LB 1/2 (DB)2The pounds of fish caught by each fishermen are represented by the production functions below with representing technology used for fishing and representing the size of the external effects the fishermen exert on each other:LA = (1 DB)DALB = (1 DA)DBAssume DA and DB are bound between 0 and 1, > 0, and < 1Draw a graph to show that the purely self-interested uncoordinated Nash Equilibrium is not Pareto Efficient. Use three indifference curves for each fisherman and show the uncoordinated Nash equilibrium, the Pareto Improving Lens, the correct intercepts for the best response functions and the Pareto Efficient Equilibrium. Please Help Me!!!!!!!