In Langston Hughes's poem "Dreams," a "broken-winged bird" is a metaphor for friends holding hands. A life without dreams. A person dying at a young age. Achieving dreams through hard work.


Answer 1


The line is a metaphor for:

B. A life without dreams.


Let's take a look at the poem:

Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.


Hold fast to dreams

For when dreams go

Life is a barren field

Frozen with snow.

As we can see above, in the first stanza the author compares life to a broken-winged bird after mentioning the death of dreams. What the author means is that a life without dreams is as purposeless as a bird that cannot fly. Dreams are what makes life worth living, what gives us a sense of purpose. Without them, there is no reason to go on.

Answer 2


it is B


I just took the test

Related Questions

According to the author, how do Americans feel about the Haitian immigrants?



Although Haitians are citizens of the second-oldest republic in the Western Hemisphere, an island nation located only seven hundred miles from the United States, they have experienced unique difficulties in finding acceptance as immigrants and have become one of the most abused groups of immigrants in modern American history.


Does this help?


American believe that although Haitians are citizens of the second-oldest republic in the Western Hemisphere, an island nation located only seven hundred miles from the United States, they have experienced unique difficulties in finding acceptance as immigrants and have become one of the most abused groups of immigrants in modern American history.


i copied off of the guy above me

Advice to the newly married lady by Samuel j. Kennings, 1808

Question 1- What is the author's purpose for writing this text?-

A. To compare the life of a woman to that of a man

B. To describe the perfect marriage and provide instructive examples

C. To persuade women it is in their best to have a happy marriage

D. To list the duties of a wife so that men know what to expect from a marriage

What is the answer? ...... please help



The author's purpose for writing this text is:

C. To persuade women it is in their best interest to have a happy marriage.


Samuel K. Jennings was president of Asbury College, a medical doctor, and a Methodist preacher. In "Advice to the Newly Married Lady," his purpose is to persuade women to make an effort to maintain a happy marriage since, according to him, it is in their best interest.

Jennings defends the claim that, if the marriage is ruined for some reason, men will find ways to deal with it - friends, gatherings, games, drinks, and so on. Women, however, cannot do the same thing (let's keep in mind the text was written in the 19th century). All they will have left is sadness and tears. Therefore, they should try their best to make things work:

But your house is your only refuge, your husband your only companion. Should he abandon you, solitude, anxiety, and tears, must be your unhappy lot.

would the traveller be a archetypes in the "Young Goodman Brown"?​





His curiosity, however, leads him to accept an invitation from a mysterious traveler to observe an evil ceremony

complete the following sentence by filling in a or an or the night is quiet


Could u rewrite ur question? Don’t really know what ur asking.

PART A: What does the word “exploit” most closely mean as it is used in paragraph 4? A. to produce B. to abuse C. to benefit from D. to criticize or disagree with 4. PART B: Which phrase from paragraph 4 best supports the answer to Part A? A. “the disgusting news from Drake” B. “crowing about all the books we will sell because of the news” C. “to damage my reputation in the eyes of their children and then in the eyes of the world” D. “the courage and ordinary decency”



Part A: C. to benefit from

Part B: B. “crowing about all the books we will sell because of the news”


This question refers to a letter Kurt Vonnegut, the author of "Slaughterhouse-Five", wrote to Charles McCarthy, the head of the school board, after McCarthy decided to burn all the copies of his book from school library.

Besides explaining why such an action is wrong, and the potential consequences it might have on freedom of speech, Vonnegut states that he has done "absolutely nothing to exploit the disgusting news".

That means that he hasn't done any actions to make a profit from the publicity this news might have. He states that he hasn't informed any of the media.

Also he says that he and his publisher are not "clapping each other on the back, crowing about all the books we will sell because of the news".

All of that suggests that he is writing this letter out of concern for impact it might have on the American culture and freedom of speech, rather then using it as a chance to make a profit out of the situation.

When you come across unfamiliar words in a story, you can discover what they mean by
looking for context clues.
Look at the following table for some words from " The Most Dangerous Game "that may
be unfamiliar to you. Refer back to the story to find these words and see if you can
determine their meanings from the context clues. The words are listed in the table in the
order that they appear in the story. Fill out the column labeled Contextual Meaning with
what you think the meaning is. Then look up these words in the dictionary and fill out the
column labeled Dictionary Definition. Finally, explain what clues you used in the story to
come up with the contextual meaning of each word. Write your explanations in the
comments column.​



zealous means having and or showing zeal


dank unpleasant; dark unpleasantly moist From the context, I understood that the night is unpleasant to some extent. It is a “tropical night,” which explains why it is moist or humid.

palpable intensely felt evident; readily seen Because the night is described as a “dank, palpable night that presses its warm blanket against the yacht,” I thought palpable meant “hot,” but when I checked the dictionary definition, I realized it could contextually mean “intensely felt.”

doggedly determinedly with persistence Because I read that “Rainsford swam doggedly,” I realized he did it with determination.

ardent enthusiastic passionate When I read that Zaroff’s father was an ardent sportsman, I realized that it meant he was enthusiastic.

scruples principles morals, principles Zaroff says that Rainsford’s scruples are ill-founded when he calls Zaroff a murderer, which is why I thought that scruples meant principles.

ennui feeling tired boredom When Zaroff gets bored of hunting, he says he is afflicted by ennui. So I figured this word meant being tired of or bored of something.

zealous passionate extremely passionate or enthusiastic When I read that Zaroff is a zealous hunter, I guessed that the word meant passionate because so much of the story is about his love of hunting.

uncanny strange mysterious The general could follow Rainsford’s trail even at night, which made me think uncanny meant “strange” or “supernatural.”

mocking making fun of ridiculing; contemptuous The trap Rainsford sets for the general is not successful, which makes the general mock him, so I assumed it meant “to make fun of.”

placid relaxed calm; pleasant Since placid was used to describe a pastime, I assumed it meant “relaxed and easygoing.”

Look at this public service advertisement DON'T JAY WALK, WATCH YOUR STEP What tone does this PSA use to effectively promote the importance of not jaywalking?

O confused
O mischievous
O nervous
O serious​





because if u jay walk u could fall and get ran over by a car or could cause a big problem


d serious


Hey kiddies I dont have much time so can ya answer this for me?
“One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.”
Just tell me what you think it means and if you agree with it or not and why.



I think this means that you can't just forget your past actions because even if you disagree with them, it can help you grow into a better version of yourself, and yes, I do agree with this.


Answer: It means you cannot go thru your whole life trying to change or fix something from your past. If you made a mistake then let it be a lesson to you, but dont let it control you and follow you around your whole life.

I agree with this


Saying kiddies makes u sound like a Karen

is it right?.....​


yea and i have to type 20 letters for me to answer so there

Help me out please I need help with this!!


Answer: I believe the answer is D. comma

Explanation: I looked this up and it looked better if the sentence had a comma.

Change the following sentences into reported speech.
(a) Purna said, "I've done my homework."
(b) Rita said to me, "What's your name?"
(c) The teacher said to the students, "Stand up."
(d) The father said to his daughter, "I'm happy with you".
(e) Kamala asked, "Have you finished your homework?"



(e) Kamala asked, "Have you finished your homework?"


Describe three ways that transitions can help build connections in your writing.


Transitional devices are words or phrases that help carry a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another. And finally, transitional devices link sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas.

In 7th grade,what can Michael and Victor infer about their lifestyle?



They learn not to be mean


1 Part A
In paragraph 5, Dr. King repeats the words “There comes a time" several times. What is
the effect of this use of repetition?


This question is incomplete. Here's the complete question.

Read There Comes a Time When the People Get Tired  by Martin Luther King (Alabama 1955)

In paragraph 5, Dr. King repeats the words “There comes a time" several times. What is  the effect of this use of repetition?


Dr. King uses repetition, a literary device meant to stress the importance of an idea by repeating sounds, words, sentences, or specific phrases.


In this example, the phrase "There comes a time" it´s repeated several times (to the extent of becoming the title of the speech) because it points to the main idea. The time has come, and there´s no room for doubt, African-Americans are tired and fighting for their rights.

which of the following is FALSE?

a. a research paper is a well worded summary

b. a research paper illustrates critical thinking

c. a research paper
analyzes a perspective or argues a point

d. a research paper presents ideas supported by sources




a well worded summary


a. a research paper is a well-worded summary


You need critical thinking and sources to help back up your argument, which is why choices B through D are valid statements.

everyone is " " at everyone's door


"Wait, that's illegal"

When you are writing some thing like a narrative and a question is asking you “How did you grow” what does that mean?



it means by adding more weight getting taller and so on

what does the term "shift-sleeping" mean?​



Shift work sleep disorder (SWSD) occurs in individuals who work nontraditional hours like split shift, graveyard shifts, early morning shifts, or rotating shifts. It's characterized by excessive sleepiness, lack of refreshing sleep, and drowsiness. These symptoms can affect both work and leisure time. Both symptoms are predominant in SWSD. There are numerous shift work schedules, and they may be permanent, intermittent, or rotating; consequently, the manifestations of SWSD are quite variable. Shift working can disrupt what are known as circadian rhythms, the internal "body clock". This can disrupt the normal workings of a hormone called melatonin. This disruption can lead to poor sleep and chronic fatigue.


I hope this helps you! Good luck and have a great day/night. ❤️✨

please help me fast thank you ​



Our ice hockey team mascot, a grizzly bear.


The sentence has it's subject and the correct punctuation, but it's missing the verb, or the action. If it were a sentence it would have to be continued.

Example: Our ice hockey team mascot, a grizzly bear, was over 6 feet tall.

“The Key to Disaster Survival? Friends and Neighbors” by Shankar Vedantam Comprehension Check

What is Shankar Vendantam’s attitude toward the subject of this article? Support

What is the theme of this report by Shankar Vendantam?



Vendantam seems to be pleased with Aldrich´s work and his findings. He proudly explains that the researcher´s findings are "changing the way many experts now think about disaster preparedness."


The theme is the importance of personal relationships within the community when dealing with a disaster. According to Aldrich´s research, the most important element in people surviving and recovering after a disaster is knowing the right people to ask for help or those who might be in greater need.

Choose the conclusion a reader can most accurately draw from this excerpt from "Flowers for Algernon."
They called the mouse Algernon Algernon was in a box with a lot of twists and turns like all
kinds of walls and they gave me a pencil and a paper with lines and lots of boxes. On one side
it said START and on the other side it said FINISH. They said it was amazed and that
Algernon and me had the same amazed to do. I dint see how we could have the same
amazed if Algernon had a box and I had a paper but I dint say nothing.
A. The doctors find Charlie amazing,
B. Charlie finds Algernon amazing
C. Algernon is running in a maze.
D. Algernon is able to read.



Charlie finds Algernon amazing (B.) because he is able to run the maze with ease, while Charlie struggles to get halfway through before the mouse finishes.


The book is amazing :)

I also suggest watching the movie. Not as good, but it's still enjoyable. If my answer helped, please give me brailiest! It helps a lot

What is something you did to help someone else? How did it make you feel?

(Easy question for 25 points and Brainlist)



One time my friend was having a really bad day so i went over to them and told them what a great person they were and that they were just an amazing person. It made me feel really good about myself and i like hugs. (I got hugs)



When i helped somebody get their ball back.


It made me feel very proud of myself! (extra info: The ball went down the street (Like a hill) EDIT: i got money out of it also XD ($20) )

How would you categorize the following poetry style?

The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
-Fog, by Carl Sandberg

free verse
shaped poem



free verse



free verse


nothing rhymes

Which is more important: freedom or security? Do you believe there is a way to have both freedom and
security when it comes to speech? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.



National security is an essential factor of any functioning society, but freedom is just as important.After 9/11, security in America was taken to a new level with increased airport safety procedures, a stronger border control, and new security acts being passed.The government did need to take action, such as enforcing stricter airport regulations to better monitor who enters the country. However, they did not need to infringe on American freedoms that were fought so hard for during the Revolutionary War.The USA Patriot Act of 2001 increased the ability of law enforcement officials to search personal information such as telephone calls, e-mails and personal records. It also eased restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States.While some aspects of the act are necessary, others are not.The Fourth Amendment ensures "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures." Listening in on phone calls and going through people's personal e-mails is unreasonable because it will not make America a safer place to live and it infringes on the freedoms the Fourth Amendment guarantees.U.S. intelligence analysts were ordered to continue monitoring phone calls, even when it was clear they posed no threat to America's safety."We identified phone numbers belonging to non-threatening groups, including the Red Cross," said Adrienne Kinne, a former Arab linguist who worked at a National Security Agency facility at Fort Gordon from 2001 to 2003. "We could have blocked their numbers, but we didn't, and we were told to listen to them just in case."American freedoms were being sacrificed to provide security, even when there was no real danger. The people whose phone calls were being monitored posed no threat to America. This was an invasion of their rights as American citizens.Freedom and security need to be balanced, but freedom should not be jeopardized in order to obtain security.In the beginning, America invested in freedom, not the security of what its citizens already knew. And while both are vital to the success of a nation, freedom is the more fundamental, more enduring, and, therefore, more important.Some may argue that, given the current threats to America, the security of the country and its people should take priority over freedoms, no matter the cost.While there are threats to be concerned about, taking away the liberty of the citizens for the sake of security is just giving in to what the terrorists ultimately want: the suppression of America and its people.These acts were supposed to secure the country and offer more protection in the tumultuous atmosphere of World War I. In reality, they not only failed but they tightened the grip that fear held on the nation. Beyond this, the acts dramatically infringed on First Amendment rights, the freedoms that are deeply ingrained in America.And while the freedom versus security debate is centuries old and circumstances have changed countless times, the dilemma is still the same. In a nation where freedom has had such a high value even before the country's birth, it is nearly impossible to place security before liberty.I consider security to be more important than freedom. For a small group of students in my school, the thoughts concerning this topic are so drastically different that it is our policy to refuse to discuss it with others when we know it will start an argument.Freedom and security do not necessarily refer to matters of national importance. They can be used in many situations. For example, when looking for a job, some people consider how secure they will be having a routine 9 to 5 job with little change in schedule. This ensures that their daily needs will be taken care of and they don't need to worry about those.Another extremely important thing having to do with security is a person's romantic relationships. Is it better to date exclusively and to have a steady boyfriend or girlfriend, or to be free to come and go as you please without having a steady relationship in your life? Personally, I'd like to think that because something like marriage exists, security is considered significantly more important to most individuals.

Some people may think that life is pointless if you aren't free to enjoy it. But I disagree. What's the point of being free if you have to live with the constant uncertainty and worry that's caused by a lack of security?

How is Paul and Mitchell’s conflict with the injured stallion resolved in The Land, Part 2?

Paul blames Mitchell, and Mitchell’s father gets punished.
Paul takes the blame, and he is prohibited from riding the horse again.
Paul apologizes for his carelessness, and he and Mitchell are forgiven.
Paul hides the horse’s injuries and nurses it back to health.





bc it is

The way in which Paul and Mitchell’s conflict with the injured stallion is resolved in The Land, Part 2 is B. Paul takes the blame, and he is prohibited from riding the horse again.

What is Conflict?

This refers to the disagreement between two or more characters which leads to their constant struggles with each other.

Hence, we can note that from the complete text, there is the narration of the relationship between Paul and Mitchell which leads to a conflict as the stallion is injured and Paul takes responsibility

Read more about conflict here:

Can someone Please tell me if this short story i wrote is good. I have a D in ELA and this is worth a lot of points so be brutally honest!!!!


I can’t see the pic .........

Read the sentences.

Insects have six legs, _____ arachnids have eight.

Choose the signal word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

A. also
B. more
C. alike
D. but
please help i'm timed!



its a


The correct answer is D

Insects have six legs, _but_ arachnids have eight.

Who will ever answer first and If its a correct answer I will mark the brainliest answer(I will not mark you if the answer is wrong)

Using the picture on the right,write

1. A simple sentence
2.A compound sentence
3.A complex sentence
*The characters are Peppermint Patty and Snoopy



simple. this is peppermint patty and snoopy

compound. this is peppermint patty and snoopy who are friends

I'm not sure what 3 is but hope this helped

Mandy is creating an outline for her research paper. What does she need to include in the outline?
thesis statement
instructor’s guidelines
paper title
major points
reference sources



A,C,D. I hope this helped :)


A thesis statement

C paper title

D major points


Why did Tom run away from the Bopp family in Told in the Drooling Ward?



Mrs.Bopp was scarred to death of Tom and wouldn't let him sleep inside. He never had any fun. He didn't have any time.



Mrs.Bopp was scarred to death of Tom and wouldn't let him sleep inside. He never had any fun. He didn't have any time.


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