In order to win in a presidential election, a candidate must receive ___ electoral votes.


Answer 1
How many electoral votes are necessary to win the presidential election? 270. In order to become president, a candidate must win more than half of the votes in the Electoral College.

Answer: 270
Answer 2

the candidate must get 270 electoral votes or more to win the election.

Related Questions

Which country in southern Africa has a population that is mostly urban?
A. Zimbabwe
OB. South Africa
O C. Namibia
D. Madagascar


B. South Africa has a population that is mostly urban. According to the World Bank, in 2020, the urban population in South Africa was approximately 66%, making it one of the most urbanized countries in Africa. Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Madagascar have urbanization rates of around 32%, 48%, and 38%, respectively, according to the World Bank.

Which of the following best describes the election of 1972, where Nixon was up for re-election?
A. Overwhelming failure by Nixon
B. Unexpected win for Nixon
C. Surprise loss for Nixon
D. Landslide victory for Nixon



It's D!


In the election of 1972, President Nixon won a second term in a landslide victory, defeating his Democratic opponent, George McGovern. Nixon carried every state except Massachusetts and the District of Columbia and won over 60% of the popular vote, making it one of the most decisive victories in US electoral history. Nixon's campaign emphasized his foreign policy accomplishments, including the opening of diplomatic relations with China, as well as his law-and-order platform, which appealed to many voters who were concerned about social unrest and crime. Additionally, Nixon's campaign was well-funded and highly organized, which helped him to effectively mobilize his supporters and reach a broad range of voters. Overall, Nixon's overwhelming victory in the election of 1972 was due to a combination of factors, including his effective campaigning, popular policies, and favorable political and economic conditions.

Why it's not be the other options:

It is not A, B, or C because these descriptions are not accurate in describing the election of 1972, where Nixon was up for re-election.

A. Overwhelming failure by Nixon - This description is not accurate as Nixon won the election with a large margin, receiving over 60% of the popular vote and carrying every state except Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.

B. Unexpected win for Nixon - This description is not accurate as Nixon's victory in the election of 1972 was not unexpected, as he was an incumbent president running for re-election and had significant accomplishments during his first term.

C. Surprise loss for Nixon - This description is not accurate as Nixon did not lose the election, but rather won it with a landslide victory.

Therefore, the only accurate description for the election of 1972 where Nixon was up for re-election is D, "Landslide victory for Nixon."

Based on these maps, which of these nations lost territory in Europe as a result

of World War II?


france germany belgium

Which of the following describes a cabinet department?
Question 1 options:


major executive office that is directly accountable to the president


agency not subject to the regulatory authority of any specific department


agency assigned to a very specific task


group of White House aides and presidential advisers



a)major executive office that is directly accountable to the president


A cabinet department is a significant executive office directly answerable to the president. The principal administrative entities in charge of particular policy areas are known as cabinet departments, and they are led by secretaries who are chosen by the president and ratified by the Senate. They are a member of the executive branch of the federal government in the United States and directly answer to the president.

In which area did the reforms of the Progressive Era have the most significant positive effect on the lives of Arkansans?

Question options:

health care



public schools



Public Schools


The reforms of the Progressive Era had the most significant positive effect on the lives of Arkansans in the area of public schools. During the Progressive Era (1890s-1920s), there was a growing awareness of the need for public education as a means of promoting social and economic mobility. In Arkansas, Progressive Era reforms led to the establishment of a state board of education, the creation of a modern public school system, and the expansion of educational opportunities for both rural and urban students.

One of the key reforms in Arkansas was the passage of the 1905 Peay Education Law, which established a statewide system of public education and provided for the creation of county and district school boards. This law ensured that all Arkansas children, regardless of their social or economic background, had access to a basic education. Additionally, the Progressive Era saw the establishment of teacher training programs and the implementation of standards for teacher certification, which helped to improve the quality of education in Arkansas schools.

Another important reform was the expansion of vocational education programs, which provided training in practical skills and helped to prepare students for the workforce. This was especially important in Arkansas, where agriculture and industry were major drivers of the economy. Progressive Era reforms also led to the establishment of libraries, which provided access to educational resources for both students and adults.

Overall, the reforms of the Progressive Era had a significant positive impact on the lives of Arkansans, particularly in the area of public education. These reforms helped to create a modern public school system, expand educational opportunities, and improve the quality of education in the state.


Arkansas agreed and adopted many of the nation’s progressive reform elements, but they did so still holding on to the racism that existed in the state. There was a great need for change in the state due to the frontier ways of life fading away. People began moving into the cities in large volumes. During this time, Arkansas began to see its first major industries, being that of timber and mining. There were many inventions during the Progressive Era that made the way people lived different. Automobiles, airplanes, electricity, and movies were all inventions created during this time period. There were also major advances in science and medicine. There was a huge urge to adjust institutions to match the modern way of life. The urban middle-class demanded changes. More people had the time and money to devote to civil reforms. The results of the Progressive Reform Movement in Arkansas were very impressive.

why did America deploy troops to Vietnam​



The United States deployed troops to Vietnam in the mid-20th century as part of their policy of containing the spread of communism. At the time, there was a strong fear among American policymakers that communism was spreading throughout Southeast Asia, and that if the South Vietnamese government were to fall to communist forces, it would trigger a domino effect in the region, leading to the spread of communism throughout Asia. Additionally, the United States government believed that by aiding the South Vietnamese government in its fight against communist guerrillas known as the Viet Cong, it could prevent the spread of communism and promote democracy and freedom in Vietnam. These beliefs led to the gradual escalation of the conflict, with the United States deploying more and more troops to Vietnam over time.

This question might seem hard, but it can be simple. The USA was afraid that communism would spread to South Vietnam and then the rest of Asia. The US decided to send money, supplies and military advisers to help the South Vietnamese Government. So there, I hope you find this helpful!

Please Help Me ASAP! there are 4 images, I need help with all the questions on each of the images. Please help me. I need a real answer, FAST! Offering 50 points and brainliest to someone with an amazing answer! Help me!


A typical Chinese person during Mongol rule in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries would have experienced a period of unrest and upheaval.

What is fourteenth centuries ?

The fourteenth century was a period of immense changes in the world. It was a time of exploration and discovery, when the boundaries of knowledge were pushed outward and new ideas and innovations began to emerge. In Europe, the Hundred Years' War between England and France began, and the Black Death ravaged the continent. In China, the Ming dynasty began and the Great Wall of China was constructed. In the Middle East, the Ottoman Empire expanded, and the Mamluk Sultanate was established in Egypt.

To learn more about fourteenth centuries


Warren Harding's victory over Eugene Debs in the 1920 presidential election
indicated that:
A. most Americans weren't interested in socialism and found it too extreme.
B. a large number of Americans desired change and were upset with the status quo.
C. third-party candidates had a good chance of winning an election in the United States.
D. immigrant communities and urban workers were important voting blocs.


the answer is A
hope this helped

Which of the following was a condition Southern states needed to meet before they could be readmitted to the Union under the Reconstruction Act of 1867?



I don't know


need points

The cοrrect answer is οptiοn A: They had tο enfranchise black men.

Why they had tο enfranchise black men?

The reasοn they had tο free them in οrder tο rejοin the uniοn, is because the civil war was fοught in οrder tο enfοrce the emancipatiοn prοclamatiοn.  The pοint οf the emancipatiοn prοclamatiοn was tο free all slaves in the sοuthern states. That is why they had tο enfranchise black men tο rejοin.

The American Civil War, alsο referred tο by οther names, lasted frοm April 12, 1861, tο May 26, 1865. The cοnflict invοlved the Uniοn ("the Nοrth") and the Cοnfederacy ("the Sοuth"), the latter οf which was made up οf seceding states.

Learn more about civil war


Complete question:

Which of the following was a condition Southern states needed to meet before they could be readmitted to the Union under the Reconstruction Act of 1867?

OA. They had to enfranchise black men.

ОВ. They had to enfranchise women.

OC. They had to institute a poll tax.

OD. They had to institute a literacy test.

If the government seizes property under eminent domain and gives the property for personal use, how has the Fifth Amendment been violated?

1. It does not violate the Fifth Amendment according to the “Takings Clause.”

2. It does not violate the Fifth Amendment because it is due process.

3. It violates the Fifth Amendment because the federal government does not have eminent domain power; that is solely the power of the states.

4. It violates the Fifth Amendment because the property, in this case, must be used for a public good or service.



The power of the government through the use of eminent domain, to take private property and convert it into public use, is referred to as a taking. The Fifth Amendment provides that the government may only exercise this power if they provide just compensation to the property owners.

Hopefully this helps! :)

The 12th Amendment:
Question 47 options:


ensures separate votes for the president and vice president.


makes the Speaker of the House president if no one receives a majority of electoral votes.


makes the highest electoral vote getter president and the second place vote-getter vice president


lets the Senate choose the president and the House the vice president if no one receives a majority of electoral votes.





Which of the following is most associated with the Reagan Doctrine?
A. Rollback
B. Dollar Diplomacy
C. Realpoltiik
D. Moral Diplomacy



The correct answer is A. Rollback


A. Rollback


The Reagan Doctrine is most associated with the concept of rollback, which refers to the policy of rolling back communism in countries where it had already gained a foothold. This policy was developed during the Cold War, when the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a global struggle for dominance. President Reagan believed that the Soviet Union was an evil empire that needed to be confronted and defeated, and he saw the spread of communism as a serious threat to U.S. security and interests.

Under the Reagan Doctrine, the U.S. provided military and economic aid to anti-communist forces in countries such as Afghanistan, Nicaragua, and Angola. The goal was to destabilize communist governments and undermine their ability to spread their ideology and influence. The policy was controversial and had mixed results, but it reflected Reagan's belief in the importance of standing up to Soviet aggression and promoting democracy and freedom around the world.

Dollar Diplomacy is associated with the policies of President William Howard Taft, who sought to use U.S. economic power to promote stability and development in Latin America and other regions. Realpolitik is a foreign policy approach that emphasizes practical considerations rather than ideological or moral principles. Moral Diplomacy is associated with the policies of President Woodrow Wilson, who believed that the U.S. had a duty to promote democracy and human rights around the world.

What historical factors (religious, scientific, political, philosophical, personal, social, et al) influenced The Galileo Affair? In other words, what were some of the historical factors that led the Catholic Church to take an interest in Galileo and which led to his eventual trial in 1633? Give three historical examples and explain their significance.



The Galileo Affair was influenced by several historical factors, including:

Religious: The Catholic Church's interpretation of the Bible as a literal account of God's creation clashed with Galileo's heliocentric views, which challenged the geocentric views of the Church. This conflict created a tension between the Church and Galileo, as he was seen as a threat to the Church's authority.

Scientific: Galileo's observations and experiments with the telescope challenged the Aristotelian views that had been widely accepted for centuries. The Church saw Galileo's work as a threat to their authority and the traditional worldview they had upheld for so long.

Philosophical: The Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment had fostered a new spirit of inquiry and intellectual curiosity, which challenged the traditional dogmas of the Church. Galileo's work was seen as part of this movement, and his ideas threatened to undermine the authority of the Church in matters of science and philosophy.

These factors contributed to the Church's interest in Galileo and his eventual trial in 1633. The trial was a result of a long-standing conflict between Galileo and the Church over his ideas and the authority of the Church. Ultimately, the trial and its aftermath had significant implications for the relationship between science and religion and the role of the Church in shaping the intellectual and scientific landscape of the time.

Hope this helps you! Sorry if it doesn't. :]

Ancient Greece Test answers



Who founded the Persian Empire? Cyrus

the  Battle of Salamis was a decisive battle becauseXerxes now returned to Persia with all his army and navy and left the Greeks alone.Due to a limited amount of fertile farmland, the Greeksconquer other areas and established colonies where farmland was plentifulThe turing point of the Battle of Thermopylae for the Persians waswhen the Spartans were surround when a Greek traitor told the Persians of a mountain passThe education of boys in ancient Sparta centered around prepartion to becomesoldiersThe Battle of Marathon was significant for the Greeks becasueIt was a moral victory for the Greeks, they realized that Persians were no longer unbeatableIn response to the Persian Wars, the Greek city-states formedan alliance called the Delian LeagueMycenaens wage a war that is the basis for the story of theTrojan WarWho fought in the Battle of Marathon?Athens and Persian ArmiesAncient Spartan society was centered around which of the following?military preparednessWhich form of political power did women in ancient Sparta posses?the right to become citizensMinoans lived during this ageBronze Age


Answer:what test is it?


Does some Anglo-Indian people converted to Hinduism.



Yes, some Anglo-Indian people have converted to Hinduism, as well as other religions, over time. Conversion is a personal decision and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including cultural and social factors.


Which of the following is one of the Five Pillars of Islam?

Never telling a lie

Giving to the poor and needy

Making the hajj to Medina

Fasting during Eid al-Fitr


Giving to the poor and needy

List the three branches of government and their role.



Legislative Branch: This branch consists of the Congress, which is divided into two houses - the Senate and the House of Representatives. The main responsibility of the legislative branch is to make laws. They also have the power to approve the budget, declare war, and regulate commerce.

Executive Branch: This branch consists of the President, Vice President, and Cabinet members. The main responsibility of the executive branch is to enforce laws. They also have the power to negotiate treaties, appoint judges and other officials, and grant pardons.

Judicial Branch: This branch consists of the Supreme Court and other federal courts. The main responsibility of the judicial branch is to interpret laws. They also have the power to determine the constitutionality of laws and make decisions in legal disputes.

The legislative makes the laws,
executive carries out laws,
evaluates laws.

How did the Aztec need for victims for sacrifice lead to problems controlling the empire? Think about: reactions of the conquered peoples, and changes in army tactics.


The Aztec need for victims for sacrifice created resentment among the conquered peoples and resulted in frequent uprisings, which made it difficult to control the empire. To counter this, the Aztecs had to shift their military tactics towards maintaining a more significant standing army to quell rebellions.

How can public opinion encourage Congress to create new laws?



Petitions: citizens can create and sign petitions calling for specific laws to be created or changed. If a petition receives a significant number of signatures, it can catch the attention of Congress and motivate them to take action.

Rallies and protests: organized rallies and protests can bring attention to issues and show Congress the intensity and size of public support for a particular cause.

Contacting representatives: citizens can contact their elected representatives through phone calls, emails, or letters to express their support for a particular issue and to urge their representative to support related legislation.

Media coverage: when an issue receives extensive media coverage, it can raise public awareness and bring pressure on Congress to act.

Overall, public opinion can play a significant role in shaping policy and influencing Congress to create new laws.


Which of the following best describes the relationship between the italicized sentence


Answer: call attention to a serious problem. which of the following best describes the relationship between the first and second sentences of the passage.

Why might a president decide not to sign a bill while Congress is in session?



The reason why a president may decide not to sign a bill while Congress is in session because a pocket veto occurs when a bill fails to become law.


what are shares?
And investors in historical term​




Shares, also known as stocks, are units of ownership in a company. When you buy a share of a company's stock, you become a part owner of that company, and you have a claim on a portion of its assets and profits.

In historical terms, investors have been around for centuries. In the early days, investors were wealthy individuals who had the means to provide financial backing to new businesses or ventures. This often took the form of lending money to the business, or buying shares in the company in exchange for a portion of the profits.

Over time, as the stock market developed and became more accessible to the general public, anyone with the means to do so could invest in companies by buying shares of stock. Today, investing in the stock market is one of the most common ways for people to build wealth over the long term.

hoped this helped:)

Was the United States "founded on slavery"? Those who support this framing point to several of the Founding Fathers being slave owners themselves while, as previously mentioned, leaving slavery intact under the early Constitution. From the other side, those critical of this wording state that by no means did every delegate at the Constitutional Convention champion slavery as many were against it and agreed to leave it untouched while optimistically hoping for it to progressively die out in the coming decades as it had in their states. Moreover, this position finds support in the warnings of the slave states in their refusal to agree to the Constitution if slavery were abolished therein. Antislavery proponents saw its inclusion as a necessary evil to create this new government. Had the issue been addressed then and there (in 1787) perhaps the Union would have never been created at all.


Yes I would argue that the United States was founded on slavery based on the way slaves were used to grow the economy

Was the United States "founded on slavery"?

This is a complex and controversial topic, and there are differing opinions among historians and scholars. Some argue that the United States was founded on slavery, given that slavery was legal and widely practiced in the country at the time of its founding, and that the Constitution included provisions such as the Three-Fifths Compromise that explicitly recognized and protected the institution of slavery.

Others argue that while slavery was certainly a significant part of American society and economy during the country's early years, it was not the sole or defining factor in the country's founding.

They point out that many of the Founding Fathers, while themselves slave owners, also expressed reservations about the institution and worked towards its eventual abolition. Additionally, they note that the Constitution did not explicitly endorse or promote slavery, but rather sought to strike a balance between the interests of slave-holding and non-slaveholding states.

Ultimately, the debate over whether or not the United States was founded on slavery is complex and nuanced, and requires a careful consideration of historical context and perspective.

Read more on slavery here:


which of the following was not a reaction to the battle of little big horn?


Answer: The Battle of the Little Bighorn, also called Custer's Last Stand, marked the most decisive Native American victory and the worst U.S. Army defeat in the long Plains Indian War. The demise of Custer and his men outraged many white Americans and confirmed their image of the Indians as wild and bloodthirsty.

Explain what motivated the students to continue with the freedom rides regardless of the anticipated vicious attack from the white supremacists



They wanted equality.


An alternative to legislative and legal challenges, direct nonviolent actions—such as sit-ins, boycotts, and strikes—allowed for broader public participation and brought faster results.

Which event best completes the diagram to show the events of Grant's
Overland Campaign?


The Battle of
Court House
ends in a

The Union
suffers heavy
losses at the
Battle of Cold

OA. The Siege of Petersburg weakens the Confederate army.
B. The Battle of Mobile Bay shuts down the last Confederate port.
C. Both armies suffer losses at the Battle of the Wilderness.
OD. The Confederacy suffers defeat in the Battle of Nashville.



The responsibility for the genocide in Rwanda cannot be solely attributed to one country or group. It was a complex situation that involved internal politics, ethnic tensions, and international power dynamics. However, it is true that France had a particularly close relationship with the Hutu government and supplied them with weapons, which were used to carry out the genocide. This fact alone makes France partially responsible for what happened in Rwanda.

Responsibility should be allocated based on the actions of each country and group involved in the genocide. The Hutu government, militias, and other groups that actively participated in the killings should bear the majority of the responsibility. However, the international community also bears some responsibility for their failure to intervene and prevent the genocide.

Belgium, which had previously colonized Rwanda, has acknowledged its role in creating the ethnic divisions that led to the genocide. They have also apologized for their failure to intervene and stop the killing. The United States and the UN have also acknowledged their failure to act and have taken steps to improve their response to future humanitarian crises.

France, on the other hand, has been more resistant to accepting responsibility for its role in the genocide. They have denied allegations that they trained and armed the Hutus, and have been slow to acknowledge their role in the conflict. However, in recent years, there have been efforts to address this issue. In 2019, French President Emmanuel Macron established a commission to investigate France's role in the genocide and improve relations with Rwanda.

In conclusion, responsibility for the genocide in Rwanda should be allocated based on the actions of each country and group involved. While France's role in supplying weapons to the Hutu government does make them partially responsible, the Hutu government and militias bear the majority of the responsibility. The international community also shares some responsibility for their failure to intervene and prevent the genocide. It is important for all countries involved to acknowledge their role in the conflict and work towards reconciliation and prevention of future atrocities.



its C


Match the following scenarios/situations with the corresponding point of the civil rights act of 1964


Title 1 - Barred unequal applicatiοn οf vοter registratiοn requirements.

Title 2 - Nο discriminatiοn based οn race, cοlοr, religiοn οr natiοnal οrigin in public accοmοdatiοns; exempted "private" clubs.

Title 3 - Prοhibited state and municipal gοvernments frοm denying access tο public facilities οn grοunds οf race, cοlοr, religiοn, οr natiοnal οrigin.

Which type of discrimination is prohibited by Civil Rights Act 1964?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in employment, public accommodations, education, and federally-assisted programs. It also prohibits retaliation against individuals who oppose discriminatory practices or file complaints under the Act.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was based on the need to address and rectify the widespread discrimination and segregation that existed against racial minorities in the United States, particularly in the Southern states. It aimed to establish equal rights and opportunities for all citizens.

To know more about Civil Rights Act visit:


Complete question:

Match the fοllοwing scenariοs/situatiοns with the cοrrespοnding pοint οf the civil rights act οf 1964.

Title 1Title 2Title 3

Nο discriminatiοn based οn race, cοlοr, religiοn οr natiοnal οrigin in public accοmοdatiοns; exempted "private" clubs.Barred unequal applicatiοn οf vοter registratiοn requirements.Prοhibited state and municipal gοvernments frοm denying access tο public facilities οn grοunds οf race, cοlοr, religiοn, οr natiοnal οrigin.

Imagine you are a Grade 11 history teacher, during the third term,you are dealing with the theme of nationalism in the Middle east.Your class consists of diverse group with learners from different religions, including Christianity,Islam and Judiciam.Create a lesson plan on "nationalisms". origins of Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism.

Important notes:
This topic can be controversial.
Include the LTSM's, worksheet, assignments etc that you refer in your lesson plan.Be sure to provide as much as detail as possible,do not just mention the teaching tool,provide context and information on the application.​



Lesson Plan: Nationalism in the Middle East - Origins of Arab Nationalism and Jewish Nationalism

Grade level: 11th

Subject: History

Objective: Students will be able to identify and analyze the origins of Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism in the Middle East, and understand the impact of nationalism on the region.


PowerPoint presentation



Group discussion

Map activity

Writing assignments

Introduction (15 minutes):

Begin by asking students what they know about nationalism, and how it has impacted the world throughout history.

Provide a brief overview of nationalism in the Middle East, and explain that the focus of the lesson will be on the origins of Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism.

Body (60 minutes):

Use a PowerPoint presentation to provide a detailed history of Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism, including their origins and major events and figures associated with each movement.

Use handouts to supplement the presentation, and provide students with additional information and analysis.

Show videos that provide further insight into the history and impact of nationalism in the Middle East.

Break students into small groups to discuss the information they have learned, and to ask questions and share their thoughts.

Have students participate in a map activity that shows the geographic spread of nationalism in the Middle East.

Assign writing assignments that ask students to analyze the impact of nationalism on the region, and to provide their own opinions on the topic.

Conclusion (15 minutes):

Have a group discussion where students can share their writing assignments and their thoughts on the topic.

Summarize the lesson by emphasizing the key takeaways, and provide resources for students who want to continue learning about the topic.


Assess students' participation in group discussions and activities.

Grade written assignments based on their analysis and critical thinking.

Provide feedback on PowerPoint presentations and handouts.

Potential challenges:

This topic can be controversial, so it is important to ensure that all students feel comfortable and respected during discussions and activities.

Make sure to provide students with accurate and unbiased information, and avoid taking a stance on the topic.


The French Revolution began less than two decades after the American Revolution. In many ways, the
American experience was an inspiration for the citizens of France. But the people of the two countries had
different situations and had different concerns, which influenced the way each revolution began, progressed,
and ended. In this assignment you will write an essay that compares and contrasts the two revolutions.
In your essay, include information on the economic, political, or social conditions that were present; events
that took place as each revolution progressed; and the final outcome of each. Did the people achieve their
original goals? Did their goals change? Were they satisfied with the outcome or did conditions worsen?
To begin, consider the characteristics of each [ountry, such as the following:
• The status of ordinary citizens before the revolution
• The type of government in place
• The ability of the citizens to participate in their governance
• The people who stepped forward as leaders
• The taxes, laws, or social structure in place at the time
• The outcome of the revolution compared to its original goals


The American and French Revolutions were two landmark events that transformed the political and social landscape of the world. While they shared some similarities, such as their origins in Enlightenment ideas, they were driven by different economic, social, and political factors. In this essay, I will compare and contrast the two revolutions, examining the conditions that were present, the events that took place, and the final outcomes.

One of the key differences between the two revolutions was the economic situation of the two countries. In America, the colonists were generally prosperous and had a degree of economic independence, which allowed them to resist British attempts to tax and regulate them. In contrast, France was deeply in debt and had an oppressive tax system that placed a heavy burden on the poor and middle classes. This economic inequality was a major factor in the French Revolution.

Another key difference was the political structure of the two countries. America was a British colony and had a largely self-governing system based on representative assemblies. However, the colonists felt that they were being denied their rights as British subjects, leading to a demand for greater political autonomy. In contrast, France was an absolute monarchy, with a centralized system of government that gave little power to the people.

As the American Revolution progressed, the colonists formed a Continental Congress and declared their independence from Britain. They fought a long and bloody war, with the help of the French, and eventually succeeded in establishing a democratic republic based on the principles of individual liberty and popular sovereignty. In contrast, the French Revolution began with the storming of the Bastille in 1789, as the people demanded greater political representation and an end to the absolute monarchy. However, the revolution quickly descended into chaos, with the rise of radical factions and the Reign of Terror.

Despite the differences, both revolutions had important outcomes. The American Revolution led to the establishment of a democratic republic, based on the principles of individual liberty, political equality, and popular sovereignty. It also inspired other movements for independence and democracy throughout the world. In contrast, the French Revolution led to the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic, but it also unleashed a wave of violence and terror that led to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte and the restoration of the monarchy.

In conclusion, while the American and French Revolutions shared some similarities, they were driven by different economic, social, and political factors. The American Revolution succeeded in establishing a democratic republic based on individual liberty and popular sovereignty, while the French Revolution led to the overthrow of the monarchy but also unleashed a wave of violence and terror. Despite the different outcomes, both revolutions were important milestones in the history of democracy and inspired other movements for independence and democracy throughout the world.

help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



no 4 is the answer please

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Critically analyse the THREE main characteristics of FinTech andprovide ONE example for EACH characteristic thus THREE examples inTotal. Evaluate how regulation can affect innovation by using ONEex Helppppppppppppppppp A particle with charge 5. 0-c is placed at the corner of a cube. The total electric flux in n m2 /c through all sides of the cube is: A student has x sweets.she gives 20 to her friends. if one third of the remainder is equal to one fifth of the original number of sweets,find the original number of sweets what Is an array because it's kinda hard I'm in elementary school and I'm on 4th grade but it's very hard . What is true of the systems model of training?a) The systems model of training is also known as ADDIE.b) The feedback arrow shows that training should be ongoing.c) The training ends after the eval An old man had three sons. When they had grown into manhood, he called them together. He ordered them to go out and bring him food and clothing since he was no longer able to provide for himself.The three brothers set out. After a very long while, they came to a large river. They decided to cross the river and then each go their separate ways. In a year's time, they would all meet at the same spot.So, the brothers parted. At the end of the year, they lound their way back to the riverside. The oldest brother asked the youngest brother what he had found during his travels. The boy replied, " have a mirror it you look into it, you can see all over the country"When the second brother was asked what he had round, he replied, "I have a pair of sandals. If one puts them on, one can walk to any place in the country in one step"Then the oldest brother said, "I have a small bag of medicine, that is all But let us look into the mirror and see how our father is."The three brothers looked into the mirror and saw that their father was dead. The oldest brother said, "Let us hurry. home and see what we can do."So the second brother brought out his sandals, and all three placed their feet inside them. Immediately, they raced to their father's grave. Then the oldest brother shook the medicine out of its bag and poured it over the grave.At once their father stood before them. It was as if nothing had ever been the matter with was the medicine bad different from the sandals?A - only the sandals had special powerB - only the medicine bad could bring back the father to life.C - only the medicine bag was found during the brothers travels. 100 POINTS 11 MIN DUE What conclusion can be determined by the dot plot Compared with the rate of water loss before soaking, what difference, if any, would you expect in the rate of water loss after soaking the hand in alcohol? (Clue: Fats are soluble in alcohol.) What is the Story, Problem, Cause, and Recommendations of thecase study titled "Marketing and the Opioid Crisis inAmerica" - for chapters 6 and 17 in the textbook"Introduction to Health Care Management, 4th edition."**PLEASE KEEP ANSWERS SHORT AND SIMPLE** To find a book in the library, you must knowO the authorO the subjectO at least one of theseO the title in a hypothetical molecule, protons a and b are coupled to each other. proton a has a chemical shift of 6.02 ppm. what chemical shift for proton b will give the largest leaning effect for the signals of both protons? which phrase best defines the meaning of the word suite as used in the paragraph? A husband and wife take their two kids to the doctors for a regular checkup. While there, the doctor discovers somethingunusual. The girl is colorblind, but the brother has normal vision. What does the doctor conclude that the kids genotypewould be? With punnet square which is more dangerous, building on soft land (like soil, bay mud, or reclaimed land) or building on hard rock? during 2022, hughes corporation sold a portfolio of stock it had held for five years at a loss of $200,000. it also sold some investment land and recognized a capital gain of $180,000. in 2020, hughes reported a net capital gain of $12,000 and in 2021 it recognized a net capital gain of $6,000. what is the amount of its net capital loss carryover to 2023? HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST AND 50 POINTS1. Discuss the relationship between the slow processes of moving plates (plate tectonics) and the abrupt events of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Given the time period represented in the data in the interactive, discuss the frequency of individual earthquakes or volcanic eruptions relative to the motion of plates. Rachel worked 36 hours last month and earned $7 per hour. She spent $15 of earnings since then. How much money does she have left? Which mathematical word describes both 2.25 and 6.75 in the expression 2.25x+6.75x5.5? What is the interest on a $1,000, 18-month loan, with a 10% simple interest rate?