In Python
Write the special method __str__() for CarRecord.

Sample output with input: 2009 'ABC321'
Year: 2009, VIN: ABC321


Answer 1


def __str__(self):

       return ('Year: %d, VIN: %s' %(self.year_made, self.car_vin))


Here you go! This should do it.

Answer 2

The program gives an implementation of the car record class which displays the model year and registration number of a car. The program written in python 3 goes thus :

class CarRecord :

#initialize a class named carRecord

def __init__(self):

#define the init method of the class

self.year_made = 0

#year car was made is initialized to 0 (integer)

self.car_vin = ' '

#vehicle registration is an empty string

def __str__(self):

#define an str method

return f"Year:{self.year_made}, VIN:{self.car_vin}"

#returns formatted display of the year and VIN number

my_car = CarRecord()

#creates an instance of the carRecord class

my_car.year_made = int(input())

#prompts user for the model year of the car

my_car.car_vin = input()

#prompts user for the model Vin number


# display the details

A sample run of the program is given

Learn more :

In Python Write The Special Method __str__() For CarRecord.Sample Output With Input: 2009 'ABC321'Year:

Related Questions

Write code that prints: Ready! numVal ... 2 1 Start! Your code should contain a for loop. Print a newline after each number and after each line of text Ex: numVal



Written in Python

numVal = int(input("Input: "))

for i in range(numVal,0,-1):




This line prompts user for numVal

numVal = int(input("Input: "))

This line iterates from numVal to 1

for i in range(numVal,0,-1):

This line prints digits in descending order


This line prints the string "Ready!"


In Microsoft windows which of the following typically happens by default when I file is double clicked



when a file is double clicked it opens so you can see the file.


(1) Prompt the user to enter a string of their choosing. Output the string.
Ex: Enter a sentence or phrase: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. You entered: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
(2) Complete the GetNumOfCharacters() function, which returns the number of characters in the user's string. Use a for loop in this function for practice. (2 pts)
(3) In main(), call the GetNumOfCharacters() function and then output the returned result. (1 pt) (4) Implement the OutputWithoutWhitespace() function. OutputWithoutWhitespace() outputs the string's characters except for whitespace (spaces, tabs). Note: A tab is '\t'. Call the OutputWithoutWhitespace() function in main(). (2 pts)
Ex: Enter a sentence or phrase: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. You entered: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Number of characters: 46 String with no whitespace: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.



See solution below

See comments for explanations


import java.util.*;

class Main {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

   //PrompT the User to enter a String

   System.out.println("Enter a sentence or phrase: ");

   //Receiving the string entered with the Scanner Object

   Scanner input = new Scanner (;

   String string_input = input.nextLine();

   //Print out string entered by user

   System.out.println("You entered: "+string_input);

   //Call the first method (GetNumOfCharacters)

   System.out.println("Number of characters: "+ GetNumOfCharacters(string_input));

   //Call the second method (OutputWithoutWhitespace)

   System.out.println("String with no whitespace: "+OutputWithoutWhitespace(string_input));


 //Create the method GetNumOfCharacters

   public static int GetNumOfCharacters (String word) {

   //Variable to hold number of characters

   int noOfCharactersCount = 0;

   //Use a for loop to iterate the entire string

   for(int i = 0; i< word.length(); i++){

     //Increase th number of characters each time



   return noOfCharactersCount;


 //Creating the OutputWithoutWhitespace() method

 //This method will remove all tabs and spaces from the original string

 public static String OutputWithoutWhitespace(String word){

   //Use the replaceAll all method of strings to replace all whitespaces

   String stringWithoutWhiteSpace = word.replaceAll(" ","");

   return stringWithoutWhiteSpace;



What is his resolution amount


I think it’s 92 I mean yh

Write a program that asks the user to enter a 10-character telephone number in the format XXX-XXX-XXXX. The application should display the telephone number with any alphabetic characters that appeared in the original translated to their numeric equivalent. For example, if the user enters 555-GET-FOOD, the application should display 555-438-3663.


In python:

number = input("Enter a 10-character phone number: ")

for i in number:

   if i.isalpha():

       if i == "A" or i == "B" or i == "C":

           i = "2"

       elif i == "D" or i == "E" or i == "F":

           i = "3"

       elif i == "G" or i == "H" or i == "I":

           i = "4"

       elif i == "J" or i == "K" or i == "L":

           i = "5"

       elif i == "M" or i == "N" or i == "O":

           i = "6"

       elif i == "P" or i == "Q" or i == "R" or i == "S":

           i = "7"

       elif i == "V" or i == "T" or i == "U":

           i = "8"

       elif i == "W" or i == "X" or i == "Y" or i == "Z":

           i = "9"

   print(i, end="")

I hope this helps!


def phonenumber():

alpha = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']

n =[2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9,9]

phone = input('Enter phone number in format of XXX-XXX-XXXX : ').upper()

index = 0

for index in range(len(phone)):

if phone[index].isalpha():

print (n[alpha.index(phone[index])], end = ' ')


print (phone[index], end = ' ')


Compilation output is attached below:

Learn More:

Given four values representing counts of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies, output the total amount as dollars and cents. Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows: System.out.printf("Amount: $%.2f\n", dollars); Ex: If the input is: 4 3 2 1 where 4 is the number of quarters, 3 is the number of dimes, 2 is the number of nickels, and 1 is the number of pennies, the output is: Amount: $1.41 For simplicity, assume input is non-negative.
LAB ACTIVITY 2.32.1: LAB: Convert to dollars 0/10 Load default template. 1 import java.util.Scanner; 2 3 public class LabProgram 4 public static void main(String[] args) { 5 Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; 6 7 /* Type your code here. */|| 8 9) Develop mode Submit mode Run your program as often as you'd like, before submitting for grading. Below, type any needed input values in the first box, then click Run program and observe the program's output in the second box Enter program input (optional) If your code requires input values, provide them here. Run program Input (from above) 1 (Your program) Output (shown below) Program output displayed here



The corrected program is:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class LabProgram{

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;

int qtr, dime, nickel, penny;

double dollars;

System.out.print("Quarters: ");

qtr =scnr.nextInt();

System.out.print("Dimes: ");

dime = scnr.nextInt();

System.out.print("Nickel: ");

nickel = scnr.nextInt();

System.out.print("Penny: ");

penny = scnr.nextInt();

dollars = qtr * 0.25 + dime * 0.1 + nickel * 0.05 + penny * 0.01;

System.out.printf("Amount: $%.2f\n", dollars);

System.out.print((dollars * 100)+" cents");




I've added the full program as an attachment where I used comments as explanation

Write a program that simulates flipping a coin to make decisions. The input is how many decisions are needed, and the output is either heads or tails. Assume the input is a value greater than 0.



import random

decisions = int(input("How many decisions: "))

for i in range(decisions):

   number = random.randint(0, 1)

   if number == 0:





*The code is in Python.

import the random to be able to generate random numbers

Ask the user to enter the number of decisions

Create a for loop that iterates number of decisions times. For each round; generate a number between 0 and 1 using the randint() method. Check the number. If it is equal to 0, print "heads". Otherwise, print "tails"

The Beaufort Wind Scale is used to characterize the strength of winds. The scale uses integer values and goes from a force of 0, which is no wind, up to 12, which is a hurricane. The following script first generates a random force value. Then, it prints a message regarding what type of wind that force represents, using a switch statement. If random number generated is 0, then print "there is no wind", if 1 to 6 then print "this is a breeze", if 7 to 9 "this is a gale", if 10 to 11 print "this is a storm", if 12 print "this is a hurricane!". (Hint: use range or multiple values in case statements like case {1,2,3,4,5,6})

Re-write this switch statement as one nested if-else statement that accomplishes exactly the same thing. You may use else and/or elseif clauses.

ranforce = randi([0, 12]);
switch ranforce
case 0
disp('There is no wind')
case {1,2,3,4,5,6}
disp('There is a breeze')
case {7,8,9}
disp('This is a gale')
case {10,11}
disp('It is a storm')
case 12
disp('Hello, Hurricane!')



The equivalent if statements is:

ranforce = randi([0, 12]);

if (ranforce == 0)

     disp('There is no wind')

else  if(ranforce>0 && ranforce <7)

     disp('There is a breeze')

else  if(ranforce>6 && ranforce <10)

     disp('This is a gale')

else  if(ranforce>9 && ranforce <12)

     disp('It is a storm')

else  if(ranforce==12)

     disp('Hello, Hurricane!')



The solution is straight forward.

All you need to do is to replace the case statements with corresponding if or else if statements as shown in the answer section

Jason works as a financial investment advisor. He collects financial data from clients, processes the data online to calculate the risks associated with future investment decisions, and offers his clients real-time information immediately. Which type of data processing is Jason following in the transaction processing system?

online decision support system
online transaction processing
online office support processing
online batch processing
online executive processing



The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


The correct answer to this question is online decision support system. Because the decision support systems process the data, evaluate and predict the decision, and helps the decision-makers,  and offer real time information immediately in making the decision in an organization. So the correct answer to this question is the decision supports system.

Why other options are not correct

Because the transaction processing system can only process the transaction and have not the capability to make the decision for the future. Office support processing system support office work, while the batch processing system process the task into the batch without user involvement.   however, online executive processing does not make decisions and offer timely information to decision-makers in an organization.

Jason works as a financial investment advisor. He collects financial data from clients, processes the data online to calculate the risks associated with future investment decisions, and offers his clients real-time information immediately. Which type of data processing is Jason following in the transaction processing system?

online decision support system
online transaction processing
online office support processing
online batch processing
online executive processing



The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


The correct answer to this question is an online decision support system. Because the decision support systems process the data, evaluate and predict the decision, and helps the decision-makers,  and offer real-time information immediately in making the decision in an organization. So the correct answer to this question is the decision supports system.

Why other options are not correct

Because the transaction processing system can only process the transaction and have not the capability to make the decision for the future. Office support processing system support office work, while the batch processing system process the task into the batch without user involvement.   however, online executive processing does not make decisions and offer timely information to decision-makers in an organization.

Answer: the answer is A.

Explanation: He has to listen to what the people tell him and think about the information he has and make a choice on what to reply with.

B1:B4 is a search table or a lookup value



lookup value


What are the benefits of computer?



online toutoring.

helpful games give mind relaxation.

Increase your productivity. ...
Connects you to the Internet. ...
Can store vast amounts of information and reduce waste. ...
Helps sort, organize, and search through information. ...
Get a better understanding of data. ...
Keeps you connected.

5-5. Design an Ethernet network to connect a single client P C to a single server. Both the client and the server will connect to their workgroup switches via U T P. The two devices are 900 meters apart. They need to communicate at 800 M b p s. Your design will specify the locations of any switches and the transmission link between the switches.

5-6. Add to your design in the previous question. Add another client next to the first client. Both connect to the same switch. This second client will also communicate with the server and will also need 800 M b p s in transmission speed. Again, your design will specify the locations of switches and the transmission link between the switches.



ok so u have take the 5 and put 6


5-5. Ethernet network design: UTP connections from client PC and server to workgroup switches, 900m fiber optic link between switches, 800 Mbps communication.

5-6. Additional client connects to the same switch, UTP connection, maintains existing fiber optic link, 800 Mbps communication with the server.

What is the explanation for this?

5-5. For connecting a single client PC to a single server, both located 900 meters apart and requiring communication at 800 Mbps, the following Ethernet network design can be implemented:

- Client PC and server connect to their respective workgroup switches via UTP.

- Use fiber optic cables for the 900-meter transmission link between the switches.

- Install switches at the client PC and server locations.

- Ensure that the switches support at least 1 Gbps Ethernet speeds to accommodate the required transmission speed.

5-6. In addition to the previous design, for adding another client next to the first client:

- Connect both clients to the same switch.

- Use UTP cables to connect the second client to the switch.

- Ensure the switch supports 1 Gbps Ethernet speeds.

- Maintain the existing fiber optic transmission link between the switches.

- The second client can also communicate with the server at the required 800 Mbps transmission speed.

Learn more about Network Design at:


My Mac is stuck on this screen? How to fix?



Press and hold the power button for up to 10 seconds, until your Mac turns off. If that doesn't work, try using a cellular device to contact Apple Support.


If that also doesn't work try click the following keys altogether:

(press Command-Control-Eject on your keyboard)


This makes the laptop (macOS) instruct to restart immediately.

Hopefully this helps! If you need any additional help, feel free and don't hesitate to comment here or private message me!. Have a nice day/night! :))))

Another Tip:

(Press the shift, control, and option keys at the same time. While you are pressing those keys, also hold the power button along with that.)

(For at least 10 seconds)

Write a program that reads in 10 numbers from the user and stores them in a 1D array of size 10. Then, write BubbleSort to sort that array – continuously pushing the largest elements to the right side



The solution is provided in the explanation section.

Detailed explanation is provided using comments within the code


import java.util.*;

public class Main {

//The Bubble sort method

public static void bb_Sort(int[] arr) {  

   int n = 10; //Length of array  

   int temp = 0; // create a temporal variable  

   for(int i=0; i < n; i++){  

         for(int j=1; j < (n-i); j++){  

           if(arr[j-1] > arr[j]){  

               // The bubble sort algorithm swaps elements  

               temp = arr[j-1];  

               arr[j-1] = arr[j];  

               arr[j] = temp;  





 public static void main(String[] args) {

   //declaring the array of integers

   int [] array = new int[10];

   //Prompt user to add elements into the array

   Scanner in = new Scanner(;

   //Use for loop to receive all 10 elements

   for(int i = 0; i<array.length; i++){

     System.out.println("Enter the next array Element");

     array[i] = in.nextInt();


   //Print the array elements before bubble sort

   System.out.println("The Array before bubble sort");


   //Call bubble sort method



   System.out.println("Array After Bubble Sort");  




Read the following code:

x = 1

while(x < 26)


x = x + 1

There is an error in the while loop. What should be fixed?

1. Add a colon to the end of the statement

2. Begin the statement with the keyword count

3. Change the parentheses around the test condition to quotation marks

4. Use quotation marks around the relational operator


This is python code.

In python, you are supposed to put a colon at the end of while loops. This code does not have a colon after the while loop, therefore, you need to add a colon to the end of the statement.

The error to be fixed in the while loop is to add a colon at the end of the while statements.

x = 1

while (x<26)


     x = x + 1

This is the right code;

x = 1

while(x < 26):


   x = x + 1

The actual code , the while statement is missing a colon at the end of it.

The code is written in python. In python while or for loops statements always ends with a colon.

In the error code, there was no colon at the end of the while loop.

The right codes which I have written will print the value 1 to 25.

learn more on python loop here:

the language is Java! please help


public class Drive {

   int miles;

   int gas;

   String carType;

   public String getGas(){

       return Integer.toBinaryString(gas);


   public Drive(String driveCarType){

       carType = driveCarType;


   public static void main(String [] args){

       System.out.println("Hello World!");




I'm pretty new to Java myself, but I think this is what you wanted. I hope this helps!

What are two examples of items in Outlook?

a task and a calendar entry
an e-mail message and an e-mail address
an e-mail address and a button
a button and a tool bar



a task and a calendar entry




its A) a task and a calendar entry


correct on e2020

The fraction 460/7 is closest to which of the following whole numbers?


I don’t see any of “the following numbers”

Write a Python code to ask a user to enter students' information including name,
last name and student ID number. The program should continue prompting the
user to enter information until the user enters zero. Then the program enters
search mode. In this mode, the user can enter a student ID number to retrieve
the corresponding student's information. If the user enters zero, the program
stops. (Hint: consider using list of lists)​


database = ([[]])

while True:

   first_name = input("Enter the student's first name: ")

   if first_name == "0":

       while True:

           search = input("Enter a student ID number to find a specific student: ")

           if [] in database:


           if search == "0":


           k = 0

           for w in database:

               for i in database:

                   if i[2] == search:

                       print("ID number: {} yields student: {} {}".format(i[2], i[0], i[1]))

                       search = 0

   last_name = input("Enter the student's last name: ")

   id_number = input("Enter the student's ID number: ")

   database.append([first_name, last_name, id_number])

I hope this helps!

Plz answer me will mark as brainliest ​


1 plus 1 is too and three to four is 111

Plz answer me will mark as brainliest ​




Operating System


Write a program, weeklypay.m, that asks an employee to enter their hourly rate and the number of hours they worked for the week. Then have the program calculate and display their weekly pay. pay



Follows are the code to this question:

def weeklypay(hour_rate,hour ):#defining a method weeklypay that accepts two parameters

   pay=hour_rate* hour#defining variable pay that calculate payable amount

   return pay#return pay value

hour_rate=float(input("Enter your hour rate $: "))#defining variable hour_rate that accepts rate vlue

hour=int(input("Enter total hours: "))#defining hour variable that accepts hour value

print('The total amount you will get $: ',weeklypay(hour_rate,hour))#call method and print return value


Enter your hour rate $: 300

Enter total hours: 3

The total amount you will get $:  900.0


In the above-given code, a method "weeklypay" is declared, which holds two value "hour_rate and hour" in its parameter, inside a method a "pay" variable is declared, that calculate the total payable amount of the given inputs and return its value.

In the next step, the above variable is used to input the value from the user-end and uses the print method to call the "weeklypay" method and print its return value.

What is the maximum number of VLANs that can be configured on a switch supporting the 802.1Q protocol? Why?



4096 VLANs


A VLAN (virtual LAN) is a group of devices on one or more LAN connected to each other without physical connections. VLANs help reduce collisions.

An 802.1Q Ethernet frame header has VLAN ID of 12 bit VLAN field. Hence the maximum number of possible VLAN ID is 4096 (2¹²).  This means that a switch supporting the 802.1Q protocol can have a maximum of 4096 VLANs

A lot of VLANs ID are supported by a switch. The maximum number of VLANs that can be configured on a switch supporting the 802.1Q protocol is 4,094 VLANS.

All the VLAN needs an ID that is given by the VID field as stated in the IEEE 802.1Q specification. The VID field is known to be of  12 bits giving a total of 4,096 combinations.

But that of 0x000 and 0xFFF are set apart. This therefore makes or leaves it as 4,094 possible VLANS limits. Under IEEE 802.1Q, the maximum number of VLANs that is found on an Ethernet network is 4,094.

Learn more about VLANs from

Consider a Stop-and-Wait protocol. Assume constant delays for all transmissions and the same delay for packets sent and ACKs sent. Assume no errors occur during transmission.
(a) Suppose that the timeout value is set to 1/2 of what is required to receive an acknowledgement, from the time a packet is sent. Give the complete sequence of frame exchanges when the sender has 3 frames to send to the receiver.
(b) Suppose that the timeout value is sent to 2 times the round trip time. Give the sequence of frame exchanges when 3 frames are sent but the first frame is lost.



question a) answer:

At the moment when it sends the package, then it has a waiting time for the acknowledgement from the receiver, however, the time will be split in two when the frameset size becomes two, meaning that two packages have been sent together, causing the receiver to acknowledge only one package.

question b) answer:

The timeout is equal to two times.

In cases when the frame size is 3, the frame will be lost since the timeout turns to be 2 times. Because the sender has to wait for the acknowledgement, therefore it will send other of the parcels.

Plz answer me will mark as brainliest ​



7. true


Hopefully those are correct!


Which of the following is NOT a period of the Middle Ages?
Early Middle Ages
O Late Middle Ages
O High Middle Ages
O New Middle Ages
allowing is NOT an artifact of the Information Age?


High middle ages is the answer

The one that is not a period of the Middle Ages is the High Middle Ages. The correct option is c.

What are different ages?

The Middle Ages, which roughly correspond to the years 500 to 1400–1500 BCE, is the term used to describe this time of European history. The phrase was initially used by academics in the 15th century to refer to the time frame between their own era and the dissolution of the Western Roman Empire.

The period between the fall of Imperial Rome and the start of Early Modern Europe is referred to as the “Middle Ages” for this reason. The reason the Middle Ages are known as the Dark Ages is that life was hard and brief in Europe, and contrasted with the orderliness of classical antiquity.

The time period in European history from roughly 500 AD to 1500 AD. This time period's early years are commonly referred to as the Dark Ages.

Therefore, the correct option is c, High Middle Ages.

To learn more about the middle ages, refer to the link:


The purpose of performance profiling (experimental analysis) is to measure the program/algorithm performance. Assume that you have performed an experimental analysis of an algorithm, and profiling returned the following
times: for instances of sizes 2^10, 2^11, 2^12, 2^13, 2^14
the corresponding times are approximately 300 , 510 , 905 , 1750 , 3305 milliseconds.
In these collected running times, there is an extra overhead resulting from clocking program performance and OS functions calls, and this overhead has to be considered in analyzing data. That is, the measured time consists of two components: the time for executing the operations, plus the overhead from profiling.
The estimated overhead due to profiling is about 100 milliseconds independently of the input size. (that is, 100 is always an additive ``constant'' in the collected times).
Based on these experimental results, what is the running time, as a function of the problem size, for executing this algorithm? (c is a constant).
A. O(underroot(n)).
B. O(n^2).
C. O(n).
D. None of the listed.
E. O(n log n).



C. O(n).


for better understanding, the os is a program that helps in telling how much resources can be used and when processor can be accessed.

to each programme data structures would load and unload every time that a programme is to be run.

while a programme is being managed there would be extra overheads and based on whatever type of os or programme that this is, it may or may not have fixed overhead

from our question overhead is fixed at 100ms

we have,

net time as: 300-100, 510-100, 905-100, 1750-100, 3305-100,

which is, 200, 410, 805, 1650, 3205

when we double 2¹ to 2¹¹ to 2¹² etc, the programme ran is also doubling

this says that run time is same as size of instance n


Jason works as a financial investment advisor. He collects financial data from clients, processes the data online to calculate the risks associated with future investment decisions, and offers his clients real-time information immediately. Which type of data processing is Jason following in the transaction processing system?

online decision support system
online transaction processing
online office support processing
online batch processing
online executive processing


I believe the answer is A. because he has to listen to what the people tell him and he information he has to think about and make a choice on what to reply with.

I hope this helps and its correct please let me know if its wrong have a great day//night.

Kara's teacher asked her to create a chart with horizontal bars. Which chart or graph should she use?

Bar graph
Column chart
Line graph
Pie chart



The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


The correct answer to this question is the Bar graph.

Because we use this chart type to visually compare values across a few categories when the charts show duration or when the category text is long.

However, we can present information similarly in the bar graph and in column charts, but if you want to create a chart with the horizontal bar then you must use the Bar graph. In an Excel sheet, you can easily draw a bar graph and can format the bar graph into a 2-d bar and 3-d bar chart.

A column chart is used to compare values across a few categories. You can present values in columns and into vertical bars.

A line graph chart is used to show trends over months, years, and decades, etc.

Pie Chart is used to show a proportion of a whole. You can use the Pie chart when the total of your numbers is 100%.


Bar graph option A


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if a ramp is 12 meters long has a mechanical advantage of 6 whats its height brainly HELPP! What two poetic words originated in Italy but became popular among poets writing in English?A. Villanelle B. Sonnet C. Renga D. Haiku Why does/doesnt history matter? Give examples on why or why not. A black bear in Washington may spend up to five months in hibernation, while a black bear in Florida may spend only four weeks. Which of the following explains why there is such a big difference in their hibernation periods?A.Florida does not have a cold winter season, and food is available all year long.B.The bear in Florida must feed more often than the bear in Washington.C.There are more places to hibernate in Washington than in Florida.D.It rains much more in Florida, and the bear cannot stay asleep.PLZ HELP FAST. From 24 grams to 96 grams ( percent change ) Two protons are a distance 3 10-9 m apart. What is the electric potential energy of the system consisting of the two protons Which statement about the Federal Reserve System is true A.It is controlled by a congressional committee. B .Its chairman is the Secretary of the Treasury. C It is run by a board that is independent of political parties.D Its leaders are chosen by the political party that holds the White House PLease help If you are given the graph of a line and are asked to write the equation of aperpendicular line, does it matter what the y-intercept will be for the equationyou write? Explain why or why not. Michael rents a car for one day. The charge is $30 plus the $0.12 per mile. He wants to spend exactly $105. How many miles can he drive? How well do you believe American voters are informed of health care issues? 362/3pls help i no understand i poopoo myself how to clean I went to the grocery store to buy avocados. They were $3 for 4. How much will it cost me for 10? A circuit board manufacturer rejects a 100-ohm resistor if its measured resistance is 0.15 ohm or more away from 100 ohms. Resistors A and B are rejected. Resistor A's resistance differs from 100 ohms by +0.15 ohm. Resistor B's resistance differs from 100 ohms by -0.78 ohm. Which resistor has a resistance closer to 100 ohms? PLEASE HELP ME IM BEGGING YOU!!!FIND THE VALUE OF X Explain which rhetorical appealpathos, ethos, or logosused in On Women's Right to Vote is the most effective. How did the climate and geography influence the settlers of ancient Greece?The poor farmland limited the sizes of communities.The rocky terrain provided protection from invasion.The mountains provided a mild climate all year for farming.The warm climate allowed people to participate in outdoor activities. If the circle has the same diameter as the edge length of the square, then the area of this circle is ___________the area of the square. For the uniform electric field normal to the surface, the flux through the surface is____________the area of this surface. Therefore, square is ________ circle . How do authors use "vertical time" to enhance a story? Identify the structure labeled B A. Nucleotide B. Base C. Phosphate D. Sugar