In the Declaration of Independence, the list of complaints against the king of England is described as a list of "facts." According to Stephen E. Lucas, the authors are trying to describe the truth without interpretation. Do you think the authors of the declaration succeeded in providing a perfectly unbiased account of the king's actions? Use examples to back up your answer.


Answer 1

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

I think the authors of the declaration partially succeeded in providing a perfectly unbiased account of the king's actions. However, when reading the text of the Declaration, you can notice some biased when using adjectives and sentences that describe the King of England's offenses to the American colonies.

For example, I want to share the following evidence from the text. The following excerpt of the Declaration: "...But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

When you read it, you can notice the kinds of words Thomas Jefferson used to disqualify the decisions of the British government. Words lie "abuses," "usurpations," and "despotism," are strong words that were chosen by the framers of the Declaration to appeal to the emotions of the colonists.

Related Questions

In lines 7-24, President Washington explains that all parts of the nation work together & are equally important. What is one example he uses to support his claims ?

Someone pleaseee answer ! I’ll give you brainliest


Answer: The North, in a dependent relationship with the south…finds great gains from the manufacturing and production of resources that come from the south.  The South….benefits from the work of the North, sees its agriculture grow and its commerce expand. The East, ...finds improvement of ... communications by land and water... The West is only able to expand from the East due to these improvements the East makes…While then, every part of our country thus feels an immediate and particular interest in union.."

The one example that President George Washington uses to explain that all parts of the nation work together and are equally important is the dependent relationships between the North and South East and West, which has made each part of America interested in the Union.

The North depends on the agricultural produce of the South to fuel its manufacturing activities.  The South cannot produce more without the ready market provided by the North.

Thus, all parts of America depend on one another and are interested in the United States.

Related link:

Why was the resolution of the federal government’s fiscal problems so critical to the success of the new nation?



Because the federal government was bankrupt, and without solving its fiscal problems, it could not raise an army in case of invasion from foreign powers, like Britain or Spain.

This is why the US constitution gave the federal government the faculty of raising federal taxes, in order to raise the necessary amount of money to protect the union.

What devices made exploring the seas possible?


Ships and satellites

In what way did the division of labor contribute to the growth of Mesopotamian civilization?



Ways in which a division of labor contributed to the growth of Mesopotamian civilization were people developed expertise outside of farming, large scale projects were completed and laws and government needed to carry out such projects were developed.


Please select ALL of the statements that would accurately describe King William's, Queen Anne's, and King George's wars.

Question 5 options:

Attacks were large scale requiring a lot of troops and involved attacking across a large area across all of the colonies at once

Most frontier settlements were able to easily defend themselves from attacks

The European nations brought in a lot of naval and land forces to fight King William's, Queen Anne's, and King George's wars.

Many British colonists/ settlers that survived attacks along the frontier were captured by the Natives and taken into captivity

Many attacks led to the massacre of the colonists along the frontier

Attacks were mostly small scale attacks on frontier settlements

The European nations often neglected their colonies and allowed their colonies to use their very meager resources to fight the war and defend themselves.


Answer:D,E,Fand G


My Son took the quiz and got it right

The statement that correctly recounts the wars of King William, King George, and Queen Anne's would be:

D). Many British colonists/ settlers that survived attacks along the frontier were captured by the Natives and taken into captivity.

E). Many attacks led to the massacre of the colonists along the frontier.

F). Attacks were mostly small-scale attacks on frontier settlements.

G). The European nations often neglected their colonies and allowed their colonies to use their very meager resources to fight the war and defend themselves.

The above statements most adequately state the facts about the wars that have been carried out by the various kings(William, George, and Queen Anne). The wars are associated with the series of wars with the common title "Indian and French Wars" that took place between France and Britain from the late 17th century to the late 18th century(around 75 years).The natives imprisoned the various colonists who underwent strikes down the borderline and how these attacks on tiny settlements led to the bloodshed and denial of resources to the colonies by the nations of Europe, causing the battle to extend.

Thus, options D, E, F, and G are the correct answers.

Learn more about 'King George' here:

By 1775, the population in the 13 Colonies was approximately?



2.4 Million


The colonial population grew from about 2,000 to 2.4 million between 1625 and 1775, displacing Native Americans.




40 estimated people per square mile in 1775.

What industries made Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Vanderbilt millionaires?



In Part 1, for each of the grievances against King James II, Explain how this might have caused an issue either between the King and his people or between the King and Parliament.
Thank you so much!



In Part 1, for each of the grievances against King James II, Explain how this might have caused an issue either between the King and his people or between the King and Parliament.

Why did the Chinese elite demand luxurious fabrics?
O They wanted to exchange them for other goods
O they wanted them as a mark of high status
O luxurious fabrics were in short supply
O proper religious dress required them


They wanted to them as a mark of high status. Hope this helps (:

According to the article, which of the following people or groups would MOST LIKELY agree with the idea that the most important reason to explore Africa was to gain knowledge? PLEASE HELP MEEEE 25 points!



D would be the correct answer

Who can do this for me??? Or help me



Look at the information provided to you, and right upon that.

Look for info that supports your claim and some evidence to back it up.

Then find info and evidence for the opposing side to show why they could have been the better one, then come back by saying why your guy is they better one.

The Populist Party called for "free silver" to help raise prices for farm goods. , called for "free silver" to help raise prices for farm goods. , , excluded African Americans from membership. excluded African Americans from membership. supported private ownership of railroads. supported private ownership of railroads. divided northern and southern urban workers.



called for "free silver" to help raise prices for farm goods.


The populists were an Agrarian-based political movement that came up to ensure the agrarian workers and farmers in the country had better conditions.  

Stephen Grover Cleveland was an American politician and lawyer who was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States,  

Stephen Grover Cleveland, the 22nd and 24th president of the United States favored the use of gold to back the nation’s money supply but the Populist Party supporters and the agrarian wing of the Democratic Party wanted the country to use silver which was in more abundance by that time.

Answer:support “free silver” to raise prices for farm goods

A map with labels A through D. A is near the center of India. B is in the northern tip. C is in a body of water south of India. D is in a body of water east of India. This map shows several physical features of the Indian subcontinent. Which location on the map shows the Deccan Plateau? A B C D





A is near the center of India is a location on the map that shows the Deccan Plateau. The correct option is A.

What is Deccan Plateau also called?

The Deccan Plateau also referred to as the Peninsular Plateau or the Great Peninsular Plateau, is a sizable plateau in India that occupies most of the southern region of the nation. Its elevation varies from 100 meters in the north to 1000 meters in the south.

The Deccan, the entire Indian southern peninsula south of the Narmada River, is distinguished in the middle by a tall triangular tableland. The word "south" (Dakshina) is a Sanskrit derivation of the name. The Ghats, escarpments that converge at the plateau's southernmost point, form the plateau's eastern and western boundaries.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about Deccan Plateau here:


What is compensatory justice?



Compensatory justice is an ethical principle that supports making up for previous wrongs by giving priority to those whose predecessors suffered discrimination or other injustice.


Hi! Compensatory justice refers to the provision of resources to a victim of injustice with the goal of minimizing or reversing the impact of harm done by the injustice. I hope this helps you! Good luck and have a great day. ❤️

What is the "fact-value dichotomy" that emerged in the Enlightenment and lies at the foundation of modern Western culture? What are its premises, and what impact did it have on Christianity? Finally, does this dichotomy provide insight on how your own future career might be viewed by the broader Western culture?


Answer and Explanation:

The "fact-value dichotomy" that emerged from the Enlightenment was the use of reason against the factors that built the old regime, such as the absolutist monarchy, the deprivation of commercial freedoms and the use of religion to respond to human difficulties. This impacted Christianity because it caused people to abandon the temples and the offerings provided to find a solution to their economic, social and political problems, preferring to seek solutions through study and science.

This caused the Christian church to lose much of its power and influence and reduced its economic condition.

This dichotomy shows how my future career should be based on the search for information and constant improvement, which will allow society to see it more widely and allow me to have a much better future.

Why do people study history? (Chose more then one)
A. It teaches us to learn from the past
B. It tells us who we are and what it means to be part of our culture.
C. It promotes a single, advanced world culture.
D. It erases religious differences among nations.



a. and b.

I believe

Hope this helps


What accounts for the low population density found in much of Russia?







The answer is C. Climate


I chose this answer because some places in Russia the cold temperature is unbearably, which causes low population.

15. Which factor contributed to the end of the open range in the American West?
A. a decline in population in eastern market cities
B. the widespread use of barbed wire fencing C. the transition of ranching areas to industrial use
D. a popular shift in diet among consumers of meat

16. What is the subject of this 1872 painting?
A. invention of the railroad
B. evolution of westward migration
C. religious influence of the Puritans
D. protection of national parks

17. Which policy did Bryanmostly promote in his “Cross of Gold” speech? expansion of the money supply
B. a minimum hourly wage for all workers
C. legal rights to strike and bargain collectively
D. a reduction in business profits to pay workers better



15: A

16: B

17: A


I hope those are the correct answer

does anyone have gost of tsunami training to look for people to play with this Friday playstation ​


What’s that game about

How does the climate in northern Arabia differ from the rest of the region?

It is much drier.
It can be milder.
It is much hotter.
It can be harsher.


A. It is much dryer

Many illnesses spread in the Middle Passage. Which of the following was NOT one of them?


Scurvy. so b i thinkkk


D. mumps

have a good day

Need it now please help me





The Federalists wanted to replace the Articles of Confederation because they believed that the structure the Articles laid out did not provide enough

What effect did the weakening of the byzantine empire have on knowledge and learning in Western Europe



The weakening of the Byzantine empire led to the spread of the Greek language to Western Europe. D: Scholars who fled Constantinople destroyed their manuscripts so Muslims would not gain control of them



D my friend its simple


what are some effects of spatial reorganization



some highlights of it

°outward migration of logistics faculties occurred in the Tokyo Metropolitan area

°large logistics facilities in suburb replace small faculties near the urban center

°outward migration bought logistics facilities closer to their shipment demands

°increase in average load offset longer trip distance, improving efficiency by 4%

°effects of outward migration of logistics facilities can be negative or positive.

how could a dispute between two european powers involved other nations in the conflict? ​


examples of world conflicts that helped strengthen nationalistic feelings? ... how could a dispute between the triple alliance and the triple entente draw all ... france where the forces of the allies and the central powers battled each other ... a conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort.


Pls Help, due in 2 hours.



hello again how are you


Samuel Adams-A strong opponent of British taxation, Samuel Adams helped formulate resistance to the Stamp Act and played a vital role in organizing the Boston Tea Party. He was a second cousin of U.S. President John Adams, with whom he urged a final break from Great Britain, and a signee of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

John Adams-In the 1780s, Adams served as a diplomat in Europe and helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris (1783), which officially ended the American Revolutionary War (1775-83). From 1789 to 1797, Adams was America's first vice president. He then served a term as the nation's second president.

Thomas Jefferson-Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), author of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. president, was a leading figure in America's early development. During the American Revolutionary War (1775-83), Jefferson served in the Virginia legislature and the Continental Congress and was governor of Virginia.

Patrick Henry-An outspoken Anti-Federalist, Henry opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, which he felt put too much power in the hands of a national government. His influence helped create the Bill of Rights, which guaranteed personal freedoms and set limits on the government's power.

types of people: patriots-who truly loves his homeland and is able to see everything for his homeland

geographic support-i couldn't think anything about that

I was able to write so much

I hope I was able to help

How is the religious policy of the Ottoman sultans best described? (A) They expelled Catholics and Protestants, but not Orthodox Christians. (B) They allowed a degree of toleration but taxed religious minorities. (C) They gave full equality to all worshipers, regardless of faith. (D) They ruthlessly suppressed Jews and Christians.



B. They allowed a degree of toleration but taxed religious minorities


During Ottoman sultans's rule which exist between year 1229 and year 1924, "dhimmis" were the term used to refer to non-muslims. With the agenda of promoting Islam religion to other part of the world, which they believe it was one of God Command.

Ottoman has a religious policy which

gives enablement to non-muslims to practice their own religion even though, they were given some condition for that by Ottoman.

this religious policy of the Ottoman sultans gives millet system to those that are practicing religion aside of Islam which allows them to control their affairs to some extent but they remain under Ottoman's authority.

It should be noted that Ottoman policy can be described as a policy

that allowed a degree of toleration but taxed religious minorities

what effect of the Columbian Exchange is its image illustrate ​



As there is no image to explain from I will briefly describe various effects of Colombian Exchange:

The Exchange was of species and crops between New World and Old World. This had many effects some positive and some negative on both Worlds.

A positive effect was that new crops and species were introduced to both while there were some diseases brought to Native Americans which they had no immunity against resulting in fatalities. Another negative effect was the removal of Native Americans for the economic needs of Europeans leading to the death of many.


the conversion of the physical environment from grasslands to pasture


if its the picture with a lot of cows

Discouraged colonies from producing manufactured goods
Encouraged colonies to buy from their mother country
Increased the wealth of the mother country
Colonial trade with other countries was restricted
Which economic policy described above increased tensions between the colonies
Great Britain?
A. Lack of representation
B. Quartering of soldiers
C. Mercantilism
D. Propaganda


i genuinely thinks it d but i might be wrong

PART A: Which statement identifies the central idea of the text?

A)If it weren’t for Francis Pizarro’s, the Inca Empire would have continued to expand and prosper.

B)Despite the riches they possessed, the Incas lived simple lives.

C)The Incas were a highly advanced civilization that were able to expand their net of influence far and wide.

D)Warfare was the most common and successful way in which the Incas were able to expand their empire.

PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?

A)"The Inca controlled perhaps 10 million people, speaking a hundred different tongues. It was the largest empire on earth at the time."

B)"Members of a community supported one another. The Inca tailored this practice of reciprocity — give-and-take — to their own needs."

C)"All were required to pay taxes as tribute. The Mit’a was a labor tax, which required the head of every household to work for the state



A) If it weren’t for Francis Pizarro’s, the Inca Empire would have continued to expand and prosper.


We can make this conclusion because throughout the text mention was made about Francis Pizarro's role in the Inca Empire.

For example, after stating the might and glory of the Inca empire had, the author stated, "Once Pizarro had executed the last emperor, the empire rapidly collapsed." In other words, If it weren’t for Francis Pizarro’s, the Inca Empire would have continued to expand and prosper.

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