In the table below, copy and paste 2-3 examples from the notes you've gathered on the graphic organizer you completed as you read Parts I and II of "The Monkey's Paw." Review the rubric to ensure your responses meet the expectations.


Answer 1

Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution are the elements that students use to build a scene that follows the plot in order.

What is the detailed plot?

The White family is anticipating a visitor on a gloomy, chilly night at the Laburnam Villa. Mrs. White is knitting by the fire as her husband, Mr. White, and son Herbert play chess. When Sergeant Major Morris arrives, he regales the family with tales from his 21 years of military service, during which he has been to a variety of far-flung locales.

What occurred at the conclusion?

The Whites are grieving over the loss of their only son and are shocked at how their wish came true. Mr. White is persuaded to wish Herbert was still alive by Mrs. White. White locates the paw.

To know more about the "The Monkey's Paw." visit:


Related Questions

Using a citation generator (like easybib, or search for another that works for you) cite in MLA format a news website. Copy and paste it below.


MLA format is a style guide used to create citations of sources used in academic research papers.

What the MLA format is and why it is important?It is important because it ensures that all sources used in the paper are properly cited, giving credit to the authors and allowing readers to locate the sources used.MLA format is based on the guidelines set forth by the Modern Language Association and is comprised of two main parts: in-text citations, which are brief references in the body of the paper, and full citations, which are found in the works cited page at the end of the paper.By using MLA format, you can ensure that your paper is accurate and well-cited, which will help you earn the highest grade possible.The MLA format is a style of writing used by researchers in the humanities. It is sometimes referred to as the Modern Language Association style, as it is most commonly used in research papers on topics related to the humanities such as literature, language, and culture.The MLA format is important because it provides a consistent and uniform format for citing sources, making it easier for readers to find and understand the sources cited in an academic paper. The format includes a standardized system for citing sources, including rules for formatting the content of the paper and how to cite sources within the text.The MLA format is also important because it helps to protect the intellectual property of the original authors. By providing a standard format for citing sources, it discourages plagiarism and encourages the use of proper citations in academic papers.

To learn more about the Modern Language Association refer to:


What does deify mean in this sentence "Americans deify democracy in a way that allows for a dim awareness that they have, from time to time, stood in defiance of their god. "


They believe that their nation is being maligned by individuals who merely seek to live in a world of equality and who will stand up for America no matter what, even if their God disapproves.

I particularly connected with this comment by Coates, especially in light of recent media events.

Many so-called "Patriots" take offense when people refuse to stand for the national anthem, even when they are unaware that the anti-abolitionist slave owner who penned it was the original author.

Of course, this is only a small illustration of the complete ignorance that these "Patriots" have shown when discussing this and movements like "black lives matter."

I've been around people who simply don't comprehend why these people feel this way.

To know more about the stood  visit:


Which is the closest synonym for thWhich is the closest synonym for the word resisting?

D.solvinge word resisting?


Answer: Protesting



51. What do the speaker's comments in lines 31 through 35 suggest?

The speaker wants her child to find his or her own identity.

The speaker wants her child to select a new color for the desk.


0 0

The speaker believes her child deserves a new piece of furniture.

The speaker believes her child will refuse to accept her offer.




The speaker wants her child to find his or her own identity.


In the poem "My Desk", the speaker's comments in lines 31-35 suggest that the speaker wants her child to find his or her own identity.

In the poem My Desk by Mary Oliver, the speaker's comments in lines 31-35 indicate a desire for her child to discover his or her own identity. The speaker speaks of her desk being already full of (her) stories, suggesting that the speaker has already made her mark and is encouraging her child to do the same.

The speaker also wishes for her child to know what it is to have/ A thing of [their] own, not [hers], indicating that the speaker wants her child to have a sense of autonomy and independence, allowing them to express themselves and make their own stories. Thus, the speaker's comments in lines 31-35 of My Desk reflect her wish for her child to find their own identity.

Hence, the correct option is "A".

--------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"In the poem "My Desk", What do the speaker's comments in lines 31-35 suggest?

A. The speaker wants her child to find his or her own identity

B. The speaker wants her child to select a new color for the desk

C. The speaker believes her child deserves a new piece of furniture

D. The speaker believes her child will refuse to accept her offer."---------

To know more about comments, click here.


Read the excerpt from the speech "an indian's view of indian affairs." i believe much trouble and blood would be saved if we opened our hearts more. i will tell you in my way how the indian sees things. the white man has more words to tell you how they look to him, but it does not require many words to speak the truth. how do the underlined words impact the tone of hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt (chief joseph)’s speech? a. they emphasize the fact that hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt (chief joseph) is going to speak candidly from the heart.b. they emphasize the fact that hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt (chief joseph) is going to select his words very carefully. c. they emphasize the fact that hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt (chief joseph) is going to create a mood of great sorrow. d. they emphasize the fact that hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt (chief joseph) is going to choose words that elicit guilt.


The quality of a man's life is strongly impacted by the choices he makes in life.

In other words, it is more probable that you will live a life that exemplifies those ideals if you are righteous, compassionate, and peace oriented.

It is up for debate, nevertheless, whether this quotation has any application in the real world given what will happen to Native Americans in the future years. Respect for all other persons is strongly emphasized throughout the speech.

This speech's tone alone is its greatest asset. Chief Joseph spoke about love, caring, happiness, and freedom with words that were both carefully selected and directly from his heart, but he also made a point to emphasise how vital it is for people to not harm anything.

For such more question on Romeo


The American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives' speech trust assets are to be safeguarded and improved by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Its goals are to raise economic possibilities, enhance quality of life, and fulfill this commitment.

The decisions a man takes in life have a significant impact on the quality of his life. In other words, if you are virtuous, caring, and peace-focused, it is more likely that you will live a life that embodies those beliefs. However, given what will happen to Native Americans in the next years, it is debatable whether this remark has any relevance in the real world.

Throughout the speech, a heavy emphasis is placed on respect for all other people. The tone of this speech is its greatest strength. Chief Joseph made a point to emphasize how important it is for people to not hurt anything as he spoke about love, caring, happiness, and freedom with words that were both carefully chosen and really from his heart.

Learn more about Indian affairs Visit:


Imagine you have visited a school with some of its facilities underground. Write a recount of your visit. You could include some of the following: information about which of the school's facilities are underground what teachers and students at the school say about them the benefits and challenges of locating a school under the ground.​


A reflective essay is what you are required to write. You must make sure that your arguments are presented chronologically and so that your observations are precise in order to write a reflection essay about an event that is successful.

What is the goal of education?

The basic goal of an American school seems to be to ensure that every student develops to their best potential so they may live morally, artistically, and effectively in a modern democracy.

Why is education so crucial to our lives?

In a classroom setting, we may pick up a number of fundamental skills. At their preschools, young children as early as three are educated how and when to read and write. They begin to learn the name, numbers, and even how to solve some straightforward math issues.

To know more about School visit:


There are several ways to start a fire without matches or a lighter. One method uses a wooden board and a two-foot long stick. First, cut a "V"-shaped notch on the edge of the board so that the wider part of the "V" is on the outside edge. Then, beside the narrow point of this "V," make a small dent or hole with a sharp rock. Next, place the board on the ground and the end of the stick in the indentation, holding the stick between the palms of your hands. Finally, roll the stick quickly between your palms while pressing it down. Do this until the friction heats the wood enough so that an ember glows at the end of the stick. This ember can now light a fire.
Which organizational structure does this text primarily use?


This material mostly uses the Hand Drill Technique organisational structure. It becomes a coal that you use with your fuel to ignite a fire after heating up through friction.

What substances are in fire?

Oxygen, heat, and fuel are commonly referred to as the "fire triangle." In actuality, you have a fire "tetrahedron" when you count the chemical reaction as the fourth element. The crucial point is that if you remove any one of these four items, a fire will either not start or be put out.

What starts a fire?

When a fuel source is exposed to enough heat and oxygen, fire results. The fuel warms up, and the atoms start to move.

To learn more about fire visit:


Sal's Band
1When Sal asked my best friend Melissa and me to listen to his band's new CD, we were both flattered and thrilled. Sal was the coolest guy in our circle of friends, and the fact that he played the bass made him even cooler in my mind. Melissa came over to my house after school, and we put Sal's CD on. Unfortunately, as I listened, I discovered that I hated every single song on his CD. It sounded like two lemurs shrieking with an occasional hint of a drumbeat. Three of the songs focused on nothing but the merits of cheese slices. I looked over to Melissa to share my “Are you kidding?” moment and was astonished to see her happily nodding her head to the beat, eyes closed and a big smile on her face.

2“This is awesome!” she grinned. “I can't wait to see Sal tomorrow and tell him how amazing his band is!” I resisted the temptation to ask Melissa if she had suddenly gone deaf—or possibly just completely lost her mind. I was busier thinking of what to say to Sal. He was my friend, and I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I also didn't want to lie or be insincere.

3The next morning before school, Sal greeted Melissa and me outside while we waited for the bell to let us in the building. “So?” he said, his eyebrows raised. I took a deep breath. This was going to require some incredible diplomacy. I had practiced my honest yet tactful speech all morning, but looking at Sal's hopeful face, it all seemed to disappear. I gulped and began with a thoughtful “Well,” but Melissa cut me off before I could get another word out.

4“Incredible!” she gushed. “You guys sound totally awesome. I don't know why you aren't on the radio. That song 'Cheese Single'—oh, my gosh. I love it, it's been stuck in my head all day!” Melissa's enthusiasm flowed for another ten minutes, and thank goodness I couldn't have gotten a word in if I'd wanted to.

"Sal's Band".

Which describes the climax of the story?

The narrator realizes she doesn't like Sal's band's music.

Sal asks the narrator what she thinks about his CD.

The narrator admits to Sal that she didn't really like his music.

Melissa tells the narrator that she thinks Sal's music is amazing.



The correct answer is


Melissa tells the narrator that she thinks Sal's music is amazing.

CODE OF CONDUCT is for everyone to follow so we are respectful, safe, kind and just with each other.

What does respect look like to you? What does it sound like?



To me, respect means being kind and courteous to others.


Respect is a safe environment, where everyone feels safe,

Respect is a place where everyone uses kind words,

Respect is a great place to be.

The sun was hot in the clear blue sky, amazing weather for late September. Sweat ran down Alicia's back as she pedaled up the hill.
"You sure we can swim when we get there?" she called to Maria, up ahead.
"Yep, and the water's great


The examples of imagery used in the given text are:

The sun was hot in the clear blue sky,Sweat ran down Alicia's back as she pedaled up the hill.

What is Imagery?

In literary works, but also in other contexts like psychotherapy, imagery is figurative language that conjures a mental image or other sorts of sense impressions.

Hence, it can be seen that in the given text, there is the use of imagery to create a vivid description which places a mental image of the things that are being described, such as the sweat on Alicia's back and the clear and blue sky.

Read more about imagery here:


The sun was hot in the clear blue sky, amazing weather for late September. Sweat ran down Alicia's back as she pedaled up the hill.

"You sure we can swim when we get there?" she called to Maria, up ahead.

"Yep, and the water's great

What are the examples of imagery used here?




How are the dashes used in the passage to develop character?

For three days the patient remained in the same condition of immobility and stupor. Meanwhile came the news of Reichshofen—you remember how strangely? Till the evening we all believed in a great victory—twenty thousand Prussians killed, the Crown Prince prisoner.
A.They highlight the irrelevant information the doctor focuses on.
B. They help to convey the doctor’s dramatic storytelling style.
C. They represent sudden realizations and shifts in mood.
D. They provide additional information from the narrator.


Answer:B. They help to convey the doctor’s dramatic storytelling s

Explanation: it might be B :)

My old sweater is very comfortable is which one is noun verb and adjective



old and sweater


because old is describing sweater


Noun Verb: sweater

Adjective: comfortable or old


In at least two hundred words, refer back to the definition of a stereotype. In the interactions between Huck and Jim, do you think Jim is being stereotyped? Why or why not?

Need 200 words! doesn’t have to be perfect thank you :)


According to some critics, Jim is fundamentally a stereotyped figure, reminiscent of racist white depictions of African Americans. Jim's persona embodied a number of cultural archetypes that Chadwick Henson found humorous, comforting, nostalgic, and representative of human decency and reason in all cultures.

Jim undoubtedly embodies these and other paradoxes; he is both wise and superstitious, brave and cruel, tolerant and a scoundrel, and prophetic and illiterate.Jim's troubled personality has received the most recent criticism for Huck Finn. Some reviewers have criticized Jim for having a stereotyped personality and being indicative of racist white representations of African Americans, particularly when he emerges in the novel's last few chapters.

To know more about stereotyped personality :


[2] In the province of Echigo, where was my home, winter usually began with a heavy snow which came down fast and steady until only the thick, round ridge-poles of our thatched roofs could be seen. Then groups of laborers, with straw mats over their shoulders and big woven hats that looked like umbrellas, came and with broad wooden shovels cut tunnels through from one side of the street to the other. The snow was not removed from the middle of the street all winter. It lay in a long pile, towering far above the house-tops. The laborers cut steps, for they were carrying snow at intervals all winter, and we children used to climb up and run along the top. We played many games there, sometimes pretending we were knights rescuing a snow-bound village, or fierce brigands stealing upon it for an attack.

How does the author develop her points about the snowy climate in this paragraph?
by describing villagers’ emotional reactions to the coming snowfall
by explaining her feelings regarding the laborers' difficult work
by giving details about how the villagers prepared for long winters
by reflecting on the long winters her family had endured to that point


The author develops her points about the snowy climate in this paragraph in this way:

C. By giving details about how the villagers prepared for long winters.

How was the point made clear?

To make clear the point that her village faced harsh snowy conditions, the author began by stating the preparations that the villagers made in the bid to prepare for the snow season.

The laborers arrived with their tools to work on the snowy roads and the children enjoyed the sight and environmental conditions as they played as knights.

Learn more about snowy climates here:


Which statement is a theme that the author develops in this excerpt from The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian?
Love conquers all.


Sherman Alexie uses The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian to examine race and culture, loss and financial hardship, ambition and optimism, and isolation.

When it comes to life lessons, what advice does The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian have to offer?

The book offers helpful advice on dealing with grief and the consequences of alcohol abuse. Junior's family is so cash-strapped that his dad often runs out of gas on the way to school, adding insult to injury. The whole 22 miles are occasionally covered by Junior on foot, but more often than not, he hitchhikes.

Is there a particular mood that comes to mind after reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian?

Overall, the tone of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is humorous and even sarcastic. Teenager broaches taboo subjects that adults are often uncomfortable talking about.

To learn more about Absolutely, visit:


questionwhich sentence is punctuated correctly?responsesevery carpenter must have these tools: a tape measure, a hammer, and a chisel.every carpenter must have these tools: a tape measure, a hammer, and a chisel.,every carpenter needs: a tape measure, a hammer, and a chisel.every carpenter needs: a tape measure, a hammer, and a chisel.,every carpenter should have: a tape measure, a hammer, and a chisel. every carpenter should have: a tape measure, a hammer, and a chisel. ,every carpenter typically uses: a tape measure, a hammer, and a chisel.


The sentence that is punctuated correctly is, Option D: "Every carpenter must have these tools: a tape measure, a hammer, and a chisel."

To punctuate a sentence in writing typically means to add conventional punctuation (such as periods, commas, and exclamation points). To provide the reader with additional information, such as when a sentence finishes, whether or not it is a question, and when a group of words might be a list, punctuation is used in sentences.

Keep in mind that while listing objects, a colon should only be used following a complete sentence. It is OK to use the colon to introduce the list of tools because "every carpenter must have these tools" could be read on its own. The colon is not required in the other examples since the portion of the sentence before it could not stand alone.

To learn more about punctuated Please click on the given link:


What was the title of the book by Rachel Carson that was published in 1962?


The title of the book by Rachel Carson that was published in 1962 is Silent Spring. This book was published on September 27, 1962.

Who is Rachel Carson?

Rachel Louise Carson, born May 27, 1907, in Springdale, Pennsylvania, was an American marine biologist, writer, and conservationist. Her impactful book Silent Spring and other writings are credited with promoting the global environmental movement such as environmental pollution and the natural history of the sea.

Silent Spring is a book that was written as a result of her research into environmental problems that she assumed were impacted by synthetic pesticides. Chemical companies were angered by the book, but it influenced public opinion and resulted in a change in US pesticide policy, a nationwide ban on DDT for agricultural uses, and a green movement that resulted in the establishment of the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Here to learn more about Silent Spring:



Abram is planning to write a research paper about Rachel Carson. He wrote the following inquiry:

What motivated Rachel Carson to publish two books about creatures and places in and around the ocean?

Answer: This research question is effective because it is clear and concise.


HELPPPP. Answer this correctly please !! Worth 50 points ! Only answer if you know, any other answers will be reported !


With the information given, a works cited item would appear as seen below, mentioning the author, the article's title, the container, etc.

"Empower Students to Beat the Bullies," by Ian Rivers. Successful College Writing, Bedford St. Martin's Press, 2018, p. 421. Kathleen T. McWhorter, editor.

How to cite works?An author's list of all the sources used to create his own work is found on the works referenced page. We often offer information in the following order when writing a works cited entry:Author.The article's title.The container's name (book where the article appears).other authors.Version. Number.Publisher. Date. Location. Page.As you can see, we used the entire set of details from the attached image to create the works mentioned entry above. As a result, it ought to be accurate. It's vital to notice that the entry follows MLA guidelines.MLA in-text citations require the last name of the author and the specific page number where the quotation or paraphrase can be found.

To Learn more About   works cited  Refer To:


Plea from a "Little Women" casting director?


It was in American fast crossword the last time I saw it. In our database, there is just one possible response.

A database is a structured collection of data that is electronically stored and accessible. Small databases can be kept on a file system, whereas large databases are kept on computer clusters or in the cloud.

The software used to interact with applications, end users, and the database itself in order to gather and process data is known as a database management system (DBMS). The DBMS application also includes the primary management tools available for the database. The collection of databases, database management systems and related applications is referred to as a database system.

To know more about Database, refer to this link:


If you are interested in becoming a news reporter, start thinking about what kind of stories you want to write. News stories are usually divided into two types: hard news and soft news.
Hard news stories are usually about important events that are being reported on as they happen. Stories about things like politics, war, and crime fall into this group. They take a factual approach: What happened? When? Who was involved? Hard news is also called “general news” sometimes.
Soft news stories entertain the reader. They give background information and often tell a story. These stories are considered “human interest” because they talk about people in a personal or emotional way. They include information about their problems or concerns in a way that makes people sympathize.

Which sentence from the passage helps the reader identify the passage's method of organization?

A. It is also called "general news" sometimes.
B. Stories about things like politics, war, and crime fall into this group.
C. They include information about their problems or concerns in a way that makes people sympathize.
D. These stories are considered "human interest" because they talk about people in a personal or emotional way.


Note that the sentence from the passage that helps the reader identify the passage's method of organization is: "Stories about things like politics, war, and crime fall into this group." (Option B)

What method of organization does the text use?

The text uses a classification method of organization. It divides the types of news stories into two categories: hard news and soft news, and gives examples of what falls into each category.

The passage classifies and separates the information based on specific characteristics, which makes it easy for the reader to understand and follow the information being presented.

Learn more about Organization:

Identify the ways in which public speaking differs from everyday conversation (Check all that apply)
a. Public speaking uses more formal language than everyday conversation
b. Public speaking uses slang and jargon frequently
c. Public speaking is more highly structured
d. Public speaking usually requires speakers to engage in distracting mannerisms and verbal habits


Speaking in public differs from speaking informally because it is more highly planned, employs more formal vocabulary than informal discussion, and necessitates more meticulous scheduling.

The act of speaking directly to an audience might take place in professional situations like meetings or casual ones like an event.

It necessitates careful planning, preparation, and scheduling.

As a result, public speaking differs from ordinary speaking because it is more meticulously planned, employs more formal vocabulary than typical conversation, and necessitates more precise timing.

To learn more about vocabulary click on the below link :


I'm the Queen Bee safe in the hive. You will be the drone, the travelling ear.


Montag, I can listen to and analyze the firemen's world, uncover its flaws, without risk, while warming my scared bones at home. Being protected in the hive, I am the Queen Bee. The drone, or the traveling ear, will be you.

Faber's use of the term "queen bee" why?

Faber is making a metaphor by likening Montag and himself to bees. Faber believes that by referring to herself as the Queen Bee, there is a low possibility that she will be apprehended by the authorities and that she may freely direct Montag.

Why does Faber hand the earpiece to Montag?

Faber will work with a printer to start printing copies of the books, and Montag will hide copies of the books in the houses of firefighters in an effort to delegitimize the line of work and topple the censorship apparatus. In order to hear what Montag hears and communicate with him covertly, Faber offers him a two-way radio earpiece (the "green bullet").

To know more about Montag visit:


ability involves assuming risk and organizing resources into a productive process.


Entrepreneurial ability is the ability to recognize and implement new opportunities to create value. It involves the ability to identify potential business opportunities, the willingness to take risks, and the capacity to use resources innovatively.

The core components of entrepreneurial ability are creativity, risk-taking, and resourcefulness. Creativity is the ability to identify new opportunities and develop innovative solutions to problems. Risk-taking is the willingness to take calculated risks in pursuit of an opportunity. Resourcefulness is the ability to organize resources into a productive process.

Successful entrepreneurs demonstrate a combination of these qualities, allowing them to utilize their creativity, take risks, and use resources efficiently and effectively to achieve their goals. This can involve starting a new business, launching a new product, or introducing a new service. Entrepreneurial ability is essential for business success, as it allows entrepreneurs to create value and generate profits.

Complete question:

_____ability primarily involves assuming risk and organizing resources into a productive process.

Learn more about risk taker visit:


The entrepreneurship ability is the ability that involved assuming the risk and organizing resources in a productive process.

The entrepreneurship ability can be considered as a kind of management ability in it's only because it involves the ability of assuming and taking the calculated risk in the organization and at the same time organizing the resources in such a manner that they provides the maximum impact in a very productive way.

It is observed that the successful entrepreneur awards ability to involve risks and organize the resources and their organizations which keep them associated with their goals and achieve their targets in an effective manner without having much trouble.

To know more about Entrepreneurship ability, visit,


What is the dandelion supposed to show in fahrenheit 451


Clarisse is allowed to hold a dandelion up to Montag's chin in "The Dandelion," which is intended to demonstrate whether or not he is in love. If he is in that circumstance, the dandelion will smear pollen on him.

What does it signify that these dandelion flowers are the season's last ones Fahrenheit 451?

Montag's brief romance with Clarisse is symbolized by the dandelion. He was made to understand that prior to their meeting, he had never been wholly content or in love. Flowers are ephemeral, just like relationships. Fire is one of the most evident symbols in the book. Given that paper would spontaneously burn at a temperature of 451, Fahrenheit 451 is a reference to fire itself. Bradbury uses the metaphor of fire.

What do the dandelion tell us about Montag?

Clarisse runs into Montag as he leaves the building. She gives him a dandelion bloom massage under his chin. He will be in love if the blossom sheds yellow powder, she tells him. When there is nothing under Montag's chin, he becomes enraged and belligerent.

To know more about fahrenheit 451 visit:


Identify two instances of technical language in the following passage. In each case, explain why readers might find this language useful. Finally, explain whether the writer has helped readers understand the terms, supporting your answer with a quotation from the passage.

Electromagnetic radiation takes a variety of forms, from radio waves to sunlight. It was only
within the last two hundred years that scientists first became aware of the existence of
electromagnetic radiation frequencies beyond the visible portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum. One such example is infrared radiation, which has wavelengths starting at 1
millimeter, shorter than those of radio waves, and running to 750 nm (about .001 millimeter),
just greater than the wavelength of visible light. The frequencies of infrared radiation range
from 300 GHz (gigahertz) to 400 THz (terahertz). (Generally, the shorter the wavelength of
electromagnetic radiation, the greater the frequency.) When the first infrared observations
were made of the night sky, they revealed previously invisible objects. Humanity’s reach into
the cosmos was suddenly extended, and a new world lay open to our exploration.



Two instances of technical language in the passage are "infrared radiation" and "electromagnetic spectrum". Readers might find this language useful because it helps to accurately describe the wavelengths and frequencies of infrared radiation and electromagnetic radiation, providing precise information about the topic. The writer has helped readers understand the terms by providing clear definitions and examples. For example, the writer explains that "The frequencies of infrared radiation range from 300 GHz (gigahertz) to 400 THz (terahertz)" and that "Generally, the shorter the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, the greater the frequency."

Answer pls brainliest


The option one," Every night before going to sleep.....What virtue did I acquire?" is a quote from Seneca's Letters to Lucilius.

What is the meaning of this quote? Do you agree with this?

A stoic philosopher from ancient Rome , Seneca believed that to live is to be in constant persuit of bettering oneself this quote is the inevitable result  of this philosophy where the writer asks people to make our-self a better person everyday, though it is very easy to agree with the spirit of the statement, agreeing with it word for word is a more complicated question. The quote can also point to an obsession with self improvement and it is a mindset that can quickly turn toxic and affect ones life in a negative manner.

To learn more about stoic philosophy visit:


Which one of these statements is true about summaries?(1 point)
A. They can help a reader write a story.
B. They can help a reader to be objective.
C. They can help a reader remember a story.
D. They can help a reader understand the author.


The statement that is true about summaries is that A. They can help a reader write a story.

A summary is the critical belief of a setting, story, or poetry that assists in knowledge the essential problem of the novel. The precis of the poetry or story ought to be as it should be worded. It addresses all of the important key problems identified. It continually succinctly recounts an analytical source's number one factor and critical helping factors, the overall arc and maximum vital twists of a narrative, or the essential challenge and key factors of a visible source. A summary absolutely covers the principle factors of the unique document. There is no longer consist of any of your personal thoughts, interpretations, deductions, or remarks. Identify the vital subclaims utilized by the writer to argue the number one factor in order.

Therefore, it is able to be concluded that, alternative A is correct.

To learn more about summary check the link below:


reading and critiquing research reports are important steps in the review of literature. the first step in reading a research report is to skim it. this means that the reader will:


Answer: Carefully read all of the components of the study and make notes about what he or she thinks is important.


In Romeo’s speech, how does the author develop the story?



The opening lines in Romeo and Juliet take the form of a sonnet that anticipates the themes and actions throughout the play. We are told that "Two households", that is, two noble families, hold an ancient grudge and that "civil blood makes civil hands unclean". This tells us about the violence that will engulf the play. We also hear about "star-cross'd lovers" that will lose their lives because of their families' strife. Thus we know from the start of the play that both protagonists of this love story are doomed to die. And though this will be a tragedy, not all is lost: the death of the young lovers shall bring both families together, putting an end to the bloodshed.

Read the excerpt from poe’s "the fall of the house of usher." i looked upon the scene before me -- upon the mere house, and the simple landscape features of the domain -- upon the blank walls -- upon the vacant eye-like windows -- upon a few rank sedges -- and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees -- with an utter depression of soul. what is the effect of parallelism in this excerpt? a. it emphasizes the impressive size of the house of usher. b. it emphasizes the ominous feelings of the narrator. c. it emphasizes the frenzy of activity as the narrator approaches. d. it emphasizes the frustrating familiarity of the boyhood home.


The effect of parallelism in this excerpt is it emphasizes the ominous feelings of the narrator. (The correct answer is B).

This passage from Poe’s "The Fall of The House of Usher" stands out for two reasons: it is included in the narrator's first description of his ominous feelings as he reaches the house. Instead of explaining his visions of the future as an intoxicated fantasy, he says that the fantasy was his life previously. He now sees the situation as they are. The passage is also noteworthy because it exemplifies Poe's elaborate sentence structure. The entire passage is one statement, punctuated by phrase repetitions that intensify the rhythm and heighten the emotion.

Learn more about Poe’s "The Fall of The House of Usher"



The effect of parallelism in this excerpt is it emphasizes the ominous feelings of the narrator. (The correct answer is B).

This passage from Poe’s "The Fall of The House of Usher" stands out for two reasons: it is included in the narrator's first description of his ominous feelings as he reaches the house. Instead of explaining his visions of the future as an intoxicated fantasy, he says that the fantasy was his life previously. He now sees the situation as they are. The passage is also noteworthy because it exemplifies Poe's elaborate sentence structure. The entire passage is one statement, punctuated by phrase repetitions that intensify the rhythm and heighten the emotion.


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