In the water cycle, energy from what causes water to evaporate from plants, oceans, and land?


Answer 1

Water in lakes, streams, and oceans evaporates due to solar heat. Water vapour forms in our atmosphere as liquid water on Earth's surface evaporates.

Other sources of atmospheric water include plants and trees. Transpiration describes this. All water moves about Earth in changing phases according to a cycle that is called the water cycle. Water exists on Earth in the solid, liquid, and gaseous forms of matter. Oceans, rivers, lakes, as well as the subsurface, all contain liquid water. Snow, glaciers, the North and South Poles, and solid ice can all be found. In the atmosphere of the Earth, there is a gas called water vapour. Given that water is essential for all life, we are interested in the water cycle.

Learn more about Transpiration here:


Related Questions

what is a nonscientific question?



A nonscientific question is a question that cannot be answered through the scientific method. Scientific questions are testable and based on empirical evidence, meaning they can be answered through observation and experimentation. In contrast, nonscientific questions may be subjective, speculative, or based on beliefs, opinions, or personal experiences that cannot be tested or verified through scientific methods.

Examples of nonscientific questions include:

What is the meaning of life?

Is there a higher power that controls the universe?

What is the best flavor of ice cream?

What is the most beautiful color?

Do ghosts exist?

Are humans inherently good or evil?

While these questions may be interesting or important to some people, they are not scientific questions because they cannot be answered through observation, experimentation, or objective data analysis.

intelligence test scores refered to as intelligent quotient or IQ scores are based on characteristics such as verbal skills,abstruct reasoning power, numerical ability and spatial visualization.if plotted on a graph the distribution of IQ scores approximates a normal curve with a mean of about 100. an IQ scores above 115 is considered superior studies of "intellectually gifted" children have generally defined the lower limit of their IQ scores at 140: approximately 1% of the population have IQ scores above this limit.find the standard deviation of this distribution?
please help me!


The standard deviation of the distribution is given as 17.15

How to find the standard deviation

Assuming that the distribution of IQ scores approximates a normal curve with a mean of 100, we can use the information given to find the standard deviation (σ) of the distribution.

First, we know that the IQ scores above 115 are considered superior, which means that the area under the normal curve to the right of 115 is approximately 0.15 (since approximately 15% of the population have IQ scores above 115).

Next, we know that approximately 1% of the population have IQ scores above 140. Since the distribution is assumed to be normal, we can use the properties of the normal distribution to find the z-score corresponding to the 99th percentile (since 99% of the population have IQ scores below 140).

Using a standard normal table or calculator, we find that the z-score corresponding to the 99th percentile is approximately 2.33.

We can then use the formula for z-score:

z = (x - μ) / σ

where z is the z-score, x is the IQ score, μ is the mean IQ score, and σ is the standard deviation of the IQ scores.

Plugging in the values we know, we get:

2.33 = (140 - 100) / σ

Solving for σ, we get:

σ = (140 - 100) / 2.33

σ ≈ 17.15

Therefore, the standard deviation of the IQ scores is approximately 17.15.

Read more on standard deviation here:


Termites share an endosymbiotic relationship with the protozoan that live in their gut. Which statements are true of this relationship?


Answer: TRUE

Explanation: "Termites live on cellulose, mostly from the dead wood they chew, but they depend on protozoa in their gut to provide the enzymes that can digest the wood," Poinar said. "These protozoa would die outside of the termite, and the termite would starve if it didn't have the protozoa to aid in digestion.

6. The Paleozoic era started 550 million years ago. A. What event marks the beginning of the Paleozoic era? (3 points)

B. What event marks the end of the Paleozoic era? (3 points)

c. What evidence do we have to support these theories? (3 points)



A. The beginning of the Paleozoic era is marked by the Cambrian explosion, which is a rapid diversification of life forms in the oceans.

B. The end of the Paleozoic era is marked by the Permian-Triassic extinction event, which is the largest mass extinction event in Earth's history, resulting in the loss of about 90% of marine species and 70% of terrestrial species.

C. There is fossil evidence that supports both the Cambrian explosion and the Permian-Triassic extinction event. The Cambrian explosion is supported by the sudden appearance of a diverse array of complex animal fossils in the rock record. The Permian-Triassic extinction event is supported by the disappearance of many fossil species in the rock record and the appearance of new species after the extinction event. Additionally, there is geological evidence of climate change, ocean acidification, and volcanic activity associated with the Permian-Triassic extinction event.


5. The atmosphere of early Earth is unlike today's atmosphere.
A. When did oxygen first appear in Earth's early atmosphere? (3 points)
B. What factor caused the appearance of oxygen? (3 points)
C. What is one form of evidence used to support this theory? (4 points)



A. Oxygen first appeared in Earth's early atmosphere about 2.4 billion years ago.

B. The appearance of oxygen was caused by the emergence of photosynthetic organisms, such as cyanobacteria, which began to produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis.

C. One form of evidence used to support this theory is the presence of banded iron formations in sedimentary rocks. These formations contain layers of iron oxide that were likely deposited as a result of the reaction of iron dissolved in seawater with the oxygen produced by photosynthetic organisms. The presence of these formations suggests that oxygen was not present in Earth's atmosphere before the emergence of photosynthetic organisms.


Which of the following is a true statement concerning the mitochondria?
A. The cristae are infoldings of the outer membrane.
B. Krebs cycle occurs in the cytosol.
C. Aerobic respiration in the mitochondria does not require oxygen.
D. ATP is synthesized in the intermembrane space of the thylakoid membrane.
B. The mitochondria has its own DNA.


B. The mitochondria have their own DNA, which is a true statement concerning the mitochondria.

Mitochondria are organelles found in eukaryotic cells responsible for energy production. They have their own DNA, which is circular and differs from the linear DNA found in the cell nucleus. Mitochondrial DNA is important for the function of the organelle, as it codes for some of the proteins needed for oxidative phosphorylation, which is the process that generates ATP, the main energy currency of the cell.

Mitochondria have their own DNA because they are believed to have originated from free-living bacteria that were engulfed by ancient eukaryotic cells through endosymbiosis. These bacteria had their own genetic material, which over time became integrated into the host cell's genome, forming the mitochondria we know today. This theory is supported by the fact that mitochondria have their own circular DNA, similar to that of bacteria, and have many similarities with bacteria, such as a double membrane structure and the ability to replicate independently of the cell's DNA.

The retention of mitochondrial DNA has been crucial for the function and evolution of mitochondria. Mitochondrial DNA encodes for many of the proteins and RNA molecules required for oxidative phosphorylation, the process that generates ATP, the main energy currency of the cell. Therefore, any changes to the mitochondrial DNA could have a significant impact on the function of the organelle and the energy production of the cell.

Additionally, because mitochondrial DNA is inherited maternally in most eukaryotic organisms, it allows for the tracing of maternal lineages and the study of evolutionary relationships between different species. Overall, the presence of mitochondrial DNA has been crucial for the function, evolution, and study of mitochondria.

Learn more about Mitochondrial DNA:


1.    Write    down    the    definitions    and    functions    of    
the    following:
 a.    Chloroplast 
b.    Mitochondrion 
c.    Nucleus 
d.    Protoplasm 
e.    Endoplasmic    



a. Chloroplast: Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells that are responsible for photosynthesis. They contain chlorophyll, which is the pigment that gives plants their green color and is necessary for the absorption of light energy. Chloroplasts convert light energy into chemical energy through a series of biochemical reactions that produce glucose, which is used by the plant as a source of energy.

b. Mitochondrion: Mitochondria are organelles found in eukaryotic cells that are responsible for producing energy through cellular respiration. They contain their own DNA and are capable of self-replication. Mitochondria convert the chemical energy stored in food molecules into a form of energy that the cell can use, known as ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

c. Nucleus: The nucleus is an organelle found in eukaryotic cells that contains genetic material in the form of DNA. It is surrounded by a nuclear envelope that protects the DNA and regulates its interactions with the rest of the cell. The nucleus plays a vital role in the control of gene expression, cell division, and the overall function of the cell.

d. Protoplasm: Protoplasm is the living substance that makes up the cytoplasm of a cell. It consists of various organic and inorganic substances, including water, enzymes, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and salts. Protoplasm is responsible for carrying out many of the metabolic functions of the cell, including energy production, protein synthesis, and waste removal.

e. Endoplasmic reticulum: The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an organelle found in eukaryotic cells that is involved in the synthesis, folding, and transport of proteins and lipids. The ER is composed of a network of flattened sacs and tubules that are divided into rough and smooth regions. The rough ER is studded with ribosomes and is responsible for the synthesis of proteins, while the smooth ER is involved in the synthesis of lipids and the detoxification of certain drugs and toxins.


Anatomical Terms Short Story



In a distant land, there lived a group of scientists who were fascinated with the human body. They spent their days studying the various parts of the body and how they worked together to keep a person healthy. To better understand the human body, they created a set of unique terms to describe different body parts and their functions.

One day, a young scientist named Sarah was assigned to dissect a cadaver to better understand the anatomical terms they had created. She began by examining the body from head to toe, noting the different organs and systems that kept the body functioning.

As she dissected the body, she encountered various anatomical terms such as the thorax, sternum, femur, and patella. She carefully noted each term and its corresponding body part, fascinated by the intricacy of the human body.

As she worked, Sarah realized the importance of these terms in the medical field. They allowed doctors and scientists to communicate more effectively, which was crucial for accurate diagnoses and treatments.

After hours of dissecting and studying the body, Sarah felt a sense of awe and appreciation for the complexity of the human body. She knew that the anatomical terms they had created would help advance medical knowledge and save countless lives in the future.


What is the hypothesis? Find the hypothesis in the Research Background


Your predictions about the results of your investigation are expressed in a hypothesis. It is a speculative solution to your research topic that hasn't been put to the test.

What kind of an assumption is this?

Hypothesis Daily exposure to the sun increases levels of satisfaction. In this case, the independent variable and attributed cause is sun exposure. Happiness level is the regression coefficient and the assumed effect.

Is that a hypothesis or a question?

Simply expressed, a hypothesis is a descriptive method that also identifies the expected or predicted result of the study. Without a working hypothesis, no scientific experiment or investigation can be carried out.

To know more about Hypothesis visit:


The diploid number of chromosomes in a cell starting meiosis (before DNA replication) is 28. It produces four sex cells (gametes) each of which should have ____ chromosomes, which is considered to be the ________ number of chromosomes.

Fill in the blanks!!



Each gamete produced by a cell undergoing meiosis should have 14 chromosomes, which is considered to be the haploid number of chromosomes.'


Each of the four sex cells (gametes) produced by meiosis should have 14 chromosomes, which is considered to be the haploid number of chromosomes.

Which Earth-changing process
involves the gradual wearing away
of rock by wind, water, or ice
A Cooling
B Rotation
C Sedimentation
D Weathering


Weathering is the answer

For the animal picture in the boxes below, type at least 3 adaptations they have and explain how these adaptations help them survive in their environments


Turtles have a strong, protective shell that aids in protecting them from predators and other threats. This is one of their adaptations.

What do animals do to adapt to their surroundings?

An animal's ability to survive in its environment is enhanced by a physical or behavioral trait known as an adaptation. An adaptation is something a person does or has that makes it simpler for them to get food, water, mates, and shelter, to put it another way.

What five adaptations do animals have?

Examples of structural adaptations that allow various creatures to live include the form of a beak, the type of feet, the placement of eyes, the existence of whiskers, the shape of a snout or ears, and the sharpness of teeth.

To know more about adaptations visit:-


Researchers were able to observe changes in bacterial populations that resulted from mutations. How were the later generations of bacteria different from the original population?

1.) They were 25 percent faster due to having more tails.
2.)They lost the ability to reproduce.
3.) They were 25 percent faster due to having fewer tails.
4.) They required less food to grow and reproduce.


The correct answer is 3.) They were 25 percent faster due to having fewer tails. As a result of these mutations, the later generations of bacteria had fewer tails, which made them faster than the original population.

What do you mean by the expansion of the bacterial population?

Rather than their cell size increasing, bacteria develop by multiplying, which is known as bacterial growth. These bacterial cells multiply exponentially; one cell multiplies into two, then four, then eight, then sixteen, and so on.

What four stages of bacterial growth are there?

The four stages of bacterial growth are the lag phase, log phase, stationary phase, and death phase.

What do generation time and doubling time mean?

The generation time, also known as the doubling time, is the amount of time needed for a cell to divide into two, or for the number of cells to double. The growth rate increases with the generation time.

To know more about the bacterial population visit:


Background: p53 is a protein needed for apoptosis. It is one of the last lines of defense for cancer cells in the human body. It is active in the Mitosis and G2 phase. P53 mutations are missense mutations. You are a physician’s assistant who has a patient with metastatic cancer (the cancer has moved into the blood stream). The patients previous doctor told her that there was new medication coming out that could help with her treatment. One of these treatments is antibody that can target the p53 protein. Antibodies are very specific and would only target the mutant protein. The patient is unsure of this and is concerned that the medication could affect the rest of her body.

Question: Using your knowledge of cells explain to the patient how the antibody would target the protein (Antibodies are very specific to molecules). Make sure you explain why the antibody would target the mutant protein instead of the regular protein. Would getting rid of this gene kill the cell?


A cell cycle arrest to allow for DNA repair and/or death to stop the spread of cells with severe DNA damage is promoted by activated p53.

What function does p53 serve in the cell cycle? What might occur if p53 is altered?

a gene that produces a protein that is essential for regulating cell division and death and is located inside the nucleus of cells. Cancer cells may develop and spread throughout the body as a result of mutations (changes) in the p53 gene.

What are the three main jobs that p53 performs?

The p53 protein level is low in healthy cells. Growth arrest, DNA repair, and apoptosis are the three primary actions of the p53 proteins, which may be increased in response to DNA damage and other stress signals (cell death).

To know more about cell cycle visit:-


what is the relationship between pH and [H3O+] and [OH-]?


pH and the concentrations of [H3O+] and [OH-] are related in a way that if we know the value of one, we can calculate the other two using the equations mentioned above.

What is pH?

pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution, and it is defined as the negative logarithm (base 10) of the concentration of hydrogen ions, [H+], in a solution. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, where a pH of 7 is neutral, a pH less than 7 indicates acidity, and a pH greater than 7 indicates basicity (also called alkalinity).

pH = -log[H3O+]

The concentration of hydroxide ions, [OH-], in the solution can be related to the concentration of hydrogen ions through the equation:

Kw = [H3O+][OH-]

where Kw is the ion product constant for water, which has a value of 1.0 × 10^-14 at 25°C. At a given temperature, the product of the hydrogen ion concentration and hydroxide ion concentration is always equal to Kw. Therefore, if we know the concentration of either [H3O+] or [OH-], we can use this equation to calculate the concentration of the other ion.

In an acidic solution, the concentration of hydrogen ions is greater than the concentration of hydroxide ions, so [H3O+] > [OH-]. In a basic solution, the concentration of hydroxide ions is greater than the concentration of hydrogen ions, so [OH-] > [H3O+]. In a neutral solution, the concentration of hydrogen ions is equal to the concentration of hydroxide ions, so [H3O+] = [OH-], and the pH is 7.0.

Learn more about pH from given link


1028 ABCD [Source: Examine The low-pressure cell in the sketch is a ... mid-latitude cyclone. tropical depression. coastal low. thermal low. periences​


The low-pressure cell in the sketch is a mid-latitude cyclone.

What is a mid-latitude cyclone?

Mid-latitude cyclones, also known as extratropical cyclones or wave cyclones, are large-scale low-pressure systems that form in the middle latitudes of the Earth's atmosphere, typically between 30 and 60 degrees latitude. They are characterized by a counterclockwise circulation in the Northern Hemisphere and a clockwise circulation in the Southern Hemisphere and are often associated with weather fronts, precipitation, and high winds.

The sketch likely shows a mid-latitude cyclone because it includes the characteristic features of such a system, including a low-pressure center, converging winds, and a cold front trailing to the south or east and a warm front trailing to the north or west.

Tropical depressions, coastal lows, and thermal lows are other types of low-pressure systems, but they typically have different characteristics and are found in different regions of the Earth's atmosphere.

Learn more about mid-latitude cyclones at:


6. Crust is created and formed as a result of plate movement.
A. Where does crust form? (2 points)
B. How does the crust form? (2 points)
C. Where is crust destroyed? (2 points)
D. How is the crust destroyed? (2 points)



A. Crust is formed at divergent plate boundaries and at some hotspots.

B. At divergent plate boundaries, magma rises up from the mantle to fill the gap created by the plates moving apart. This magma cools and solidifies to form new crust. At hotspots, plumes of hot material rise up from the mantle, melting the crust and creating new magma, which then solidifies to form new crust.

C. Crust is destroyed at subduction zones.

D. At subduction zones, one plate is forced beneath another plate into the mantle. As the plate descends into the mantle, it heats up and begins to melt, creating magma. Some of this magma may rise up and solidify to form new crust, but much of it stays within the mantle. The melting of the subducted plate can also cause volcanic activity at the surface.


Prokaryotes can only be unicellular or single-celled. Eukaryotes can be unicellular or single-celled as well. Can eukaryotes be multicellular? How do you know this?



Yes, eukaryotes can be multicellular. Multicellularity is actually one of the defining features of eukaryotic organisms.


Eukaryotes are organisms that have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles, which allow for greater complexity and specialization within cells. This complexity also allows for the development of multicellularity. Multicellular organisms are composed of many cells that work together to form specialized tissues and organs, allowing for more efficient and effective functioning of the organism as a whole.

Examples of multicellular eukaryotes include animals, plants, fungi, and some protists. These organisms have evolved specialized mechanisms for communication and coordination among cells, such as intercellular signaling pathways and extracellular matrices, which allow them to function as complex, integrated organisms.

2. In horses, black is dependent upon a dominant gene, B, and chestnut upon its recessive allele, b. The trotting gait is due to a dominant gene, T, the pacing gait to its recessive allele, t. If a homozygous black pacer is mated to a homozygous chestnut trotter, what will be the appearance of the F 1 generation?


The homozygous black pacer and homozygous chestnut trotter cross will result in heterozygous black pacers having the genotype BbTt in the F1 generation.

Are horses more likely to be black and trot?

Black colour in horses is determined by a dominant gene (B), while chestnut colour is recessive (b). The pacing gait (t) is recessive, but the trotting gait (T) is caused by a dominant gene.

What does the horse gait gene entail?

Whether a horse inherits one, two, or no mutant copies of DMRT3, the so-called "gait-keeper" gene, affects the animal's gaits. Horses without the mutation often exhibit the standard walk, trot, and canter gaits.

To know more about genotype  visit:-



Question 1. What inferences and conclusions can you draw after observing the global patterns of earthquakes and volcanic activity?

Question 2. How might people and societies be affected by being located in earthquake-prone regions?



question 1: earthquakes and volcanoes are arranged along tectonic plate boundaries.

question 2:Loss of life, Social Impact, Burden due to Injuries, Psychological Trauma, Economic damage, Environmental Damage.

In a certain population ,the dominant phenotype of a certain trait occurs 90%?What is the frequency of the dominant allele?


If we assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, we can use the equation p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1, where p is the frequency of the dominant allele and q is the frequency of the recessive allele.

Given that the dominant phenotype occurs in 90% of the population, we can say that p^2 + 2pq = 0.9 or 9/10.

We can then solve for p:

p^2 + 2pq = 0.9

p^2 + 2p(1-p) = 0.9

p^2 - 2p^2 + 2p = 0.9

-p^2 + 2p = -0.1

p^2 - 2p + 1 = 1.1

(p-1)^2 = 1.1

p-1 = ±sqrt(1.1)

p = 1 ± sqrt(1.1)

Since p is the frequency of the dominant allele, it cannot be greater than 1. Therefore, we take the negative root:

p = 1 - sqrt(1.1)

p = 0.05

So the frequency of the dominant allele is 0.05 or 5%.

Define each defense mechanism in your own word and write an example.
1. repression
3. reaction formation
4. projection
5. rationalization
6. displacement
7. denial


Repression: Unconsciously forgetting or blocking out thoughts, emotions or memories that are considered unacceptable or painful.
Example: A person who experienced a traumatic event in their childhood may repress the memory of it and have difficulty recalling the details later in life.

Regression: Reverting to an earlier stage of development or behaving in a childlike manner in order to cope with stress or anxiety.
Example: A college student who is stressed about upcoming exams may start sucking their thumb or carrying around a stuffed animal.

Reaction formation: Expressing the opposite of one's true feelings in order to conceal or manage unacceptable impulses.
Example: A person who has repressed their feelings of anger towards their boss may go out of their way to be excessively friendly and accommodating to them.

Projection: Attributing one's own unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or impulses onto someone else.
Example: A person who is in denial about their own jealousy towards their partner may accuse their partner of being jealous or possessive.

Rationalization: Justifying or excusing one's behavior or feelings in a way that avoids acknowledging underlying fears or conflicts.
Example: A person who is trying to quit smoking may rationalize their decision to have "just one more cigarette" by telling themselves that they will quit tomorrow.

Displacement: Redirecting one's unacceptable feelings or impulses onto a less threatening target.
Example: A person who is angry at their boss but cannot express it may come home and yell at their spouse over something minor.

Denial: Refusing to acknowledge or accept an uncomfortable reality, thought, or feeling.
Example: A person who has a drinking problem may deny that they have a problem, despite clear evidence of the negative impact it is having on their life

Which of the following are examples of something being heated by convection?

A. Noodles in a pot of water

B. Hot dogs on an outdoor grill

C. Bread in an electric toaster

D. Pancakes in an iron skillet


I believe it would be A, as hot water rises to the top and the cooler water stays on the bottom. All of the other options sound more like conduction.

Using the Kw of water, what is the OH- concentration of a solution that has a H3O+ concentration of 1x10^-9M?
A. is this solution natural , acidic , or basic?
B. what is the pH of this solution?


Pure water slightly separates into ions with roughly equivalent amounts of protons and hydroxide (OH) ions. [H+] is 107 for a solution, or acidity = 7.

What's the pH of an OH 10 10 M solution?

A solution having a concentration of ionic species (OH-) of 1010 M has a pH of 4. This is due to the fact that the guth for this kind of solutions is 10, indicating the difference between the sum of the concentration of OH- ions in it. The sum of the pOH plus pH is 14. Hence, the pH =14–10 produces a pH of 4.

What percentage of H+ & OH ions are present in water?

This indicates that in plain water, H + and OH - possess atomic concentrations of about 10–7 for each. A acidity of 7.0 results from a H + ratio od 10 - 7 M. H + and Hcl - are al

To know more about acidity  visit:


What do you call the equipment or technology used through to identify the age of this fossil fuels


Answer:There are three types of fossil fuels which can all be used for energy provision; coal, oil and natural gas. Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed over millions of years by decay of land vegetation. When layers are compacted and heated over time, deposits are turned into coal.


whoch organelle is denoted by a?



Endoplasmic Reticulum

Cellular Respiration Answer key worksheet


The Cellular Respiration worksheet is given in the image attached.

What is Cellular Respiration?

Cellular respiration is seen as a metabolic process that occurs in cells, where organic molecules are broken down to release energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

This process involves three main stages: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. During glycolysis, glucose is broken down into pyruvate, which then enters the Krebs cycle, where it is further broken down to release energy-rich electrons.

Therefore, These electrons are then passed down a series of electron transport chains to produce ATP through oxidative phosphorylation. Cellular respiration is a vital process for all living organisms, as it provides the energy needed for various cellular processes and activities.

Learn more about Cellular Respiration from


Yet in the presence of parathyroid hormone (PTH), vitamin D promotes
Ca2+ mobilization from bone, and thus bone loss. How can we reconcile this apparent


The contradiction arises from the fact that vitamin D and PTH both have different roles in calcium metabolism.

Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption from the intestines and for calcium transport from the kidneys to the blood. PTH, on the other hand, is responsible for mobilizing calcium from the bones. Therefore, when PTH is present, vitamin D helps to stimulate the mobilization of calcium from the bones, leading to bone loss. This is why a balanced intake of both vitamin D and PTH is important for maintaining healthy bones.

What is PTH?

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a hormone secreted by the parathyroid glands in the neck. It plays an important role in calcium metabolism by controlling the release of calcium from the bones into the bloodstream. It also helps to regulate the absorption of calcium from the intestines and its excretion in the kidneys. PTH also helps to stimulate the production of vitamin D, which is also necessary for calcium metabolism.

In conclusion, vitamin D and PTH are both important for maintaining healthy bones, but they have different roles in calcium metabolism. Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption from the intestines and for calcium transport from the kidneys to the blood, while PTH is responsible for mobilizing calcium from the bones. When PTH is present, vitamin D helps to stimulate the mobilization of calcium from the bones, leading to bone loss. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balanced intake of both vitamin D and PTH for healthy bones.

Learn more about Parathyroid hormone from the given link:


Given all the factors that influence the populations of marine organisms, how can an ocean ecosystem that is balanced and healthy be recognized?

Its populations change only in terms of size, not diversity.
Its biodiversity and population sizes are relatively stable.
The changes to its populations are predictable and easily explained.
The populations of existing predators and prey are roughly equal.


It has a very constant population and biodiversity. Identifying a balanced and healthy ocean ecosystem

Why is biodiversity so crucial? What is it?

The term "biodiversity" refers to both the diversity of the natural world that surrounds us as well as all the different kinds of plants, animals, insects, & microbes that live on our planet. Every one of these species coexists in a delicate balance within ecosystems in which they live and interact in order to support and perpetuate life on Earth.

What are the different biodiversity types?

Biodiversity, also known as biological diversity, refers to the diversity of all living things and the interactions between them. Biodiversity changes over time as species go and new ones appear. The three types of diversity that scientists talk about most commonly are species, genetic, and ecosystem diversity.

To know more about biodiversity visit:


3. Observe the patterns in the nutrient data in relation to the chlorophyll data. What patterns do you observe?


Will rise to a peak and begin to fall back to the starting amount at the conclusion. any member of the most significant family of pigments involved in photosynthesis, chlorophyll.

What is chlorophyll and its function?

The green substance used by plants during the process of photosynthesis is known as chlorophyll. However, if you try to buy it as a dietary supplement, you'll likely see it labelled as chlorophyllin, which is a copper, sodium, and water-soluble version of chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in the chloroplasts that are the site for the photosynthesis procedure. Chlorophyll's job is to transform carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen by absorbing the sun's light energy. Glucose is used by plants to produce various plant parts.

To know more about photosynthesis, visit -


The complete question is,

photosynthesis Lab Questions Edit View Insert Format Tools Add-ons Help Last edit was 2 days ago A 100% - Normal text Arial 9 123456 3. Observe the patterns in the nutrient data in relation to the chlorophyll data What patterns do you observe? will increase to the peak and then start decreasing back to the number it started from in the end.

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You might guess you need to think about something inanimate(I am putting it on computers and Techology because i want to test your brains) Give a linear equation for the total remaining oil reserves, , in terms of , the number of years since now. (Be sure to use the correct variable and Preview before you submit. ) R= Identify and discuss any professional conduct issues in the following independent scenarios.Jason Crane became a CPA in 2023. He is now glad to be finished his education as he does not plan to take any further accounting courses.type your answer hereQuestion Part Score--/2Samantha Karadzic received a letter from Malik and Rudolph, another accounting firm, asking if there is any reason they should not accept the audit engagement of her biggest client, Franks Plumbing Inc. Samantha was so upset about losing the client, she threw the letter away and decided not to reply. She ignored all requests for the clients records.type your answer here In the modern international environment, profit is no longer anecessary goal for the privatebusiness firm.Group of answer choicesTrueFalse While trying to understand and prepare data for further analysis you find out that there are small amount missing values for a categorical variable, and you know that keeping this variable is important for the success of your project. What would be the correct way to handle the missing values?A. Replace missing values with the mean value.B. Although it seems like keeping this variable is important for the success of the project, due to missing values decide to exclude this variable from the analysis.C. Replace the missing values with the most frequent category.D. Do nothing and proceed with further analysis. Here's what she knows:The distance between the center of the cow pen and the center of the horse pen is 15 yards.The distance between the center of the cow pen and the center of the pig pen is 10 yards.All radii are whole numbers, and all are greater than 3 yards. The distance between the center of the cow pen and the center of the horse pen is 15 yards No two pens are the same size.She has labeled distances between the barn & points of tangency to the pens in her diagram.You can help her decide which animal goes in which pen.1. Now help her find the distance from the barn to the center of each pen! Show all of your work.Use the page below for workspace as needed.Distance from barn to center of...Horse pen:Cow pen:Pig pen:9.5 yds.8.75 yds.OX1122488.75 yds.16 yds. Justifica con tus palabras la importancia de pensar y comprobar experimentalmente , tal cual lo hicieron los pensadores antiguos para crear el concepto de tomo Which of the following best defines crustal deformation? the constructive force of hot molten rock from the mantle that reaches Earth's surface, resulting in new landforms the outermost rocky layer of Earth the constructive force that moves sediments from one place and lays them to rest at another, forming landforms the constructive force that is the result of the edges of Earth's crust pushing and pulling against each other Kanchan said, "I love you." (into indirect speech) Penny says that 4 x 65 = 260. Estimate to check pennys answer. Is she right? Explain Games A group of friends tries to keep a beanbag from touching the ground.On one kick, the beanbag's height can be modeled by h = -161 + 14t + 2, where his the height in feet above the ground and t is the time in seconds. Find the time ittakes the beanbag to reach the ground. which of the following are significant noncash activities? (select all that apply.) multiple select question. acquiring equipment by issuing a long-term note. issuing common stock for cash. acquiring land by issuing common stock. selling land. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country in the first quarter of 2014 was $1.5489*107. Rewrite the GDP in standard notation find the distance between each pair of points on the coordinate plane Would the interval found in part c increase, decrease, or remain the same if fewer than 95 people were surveyed? justify your answer Data shown in a frequency table could be displayed in which of the following graphs?A) line graphB)line plotC)bar graphD)stem-and-leaf plotMultiple choice HELP Will GIVE BRAINIEST the soil textural triangle HURRYY! Will give Brainliest! The amount of sports drink in a cooler during practice is modeled by the equationy = -24x + 648, where y is the number of ounces in the cooler after practice and x is the number of players at practice who take drinks from the cooler.Based on the information in the equation, which statements are true?A. The cooler is meant to be used by only 24 players.B. Before practice, there are 648 ounces of sports drink in the cooler.C. If 24 players get drinks from the cooler, they will drink a total of 648 ounces of sports drink. configurate the following element using sub level and group each elemnt v(z=23),Ni(z=28),Cu(z=29),zn(z=30),cr(z=24),Mn(z=25)