in which earthquake were damage and death totals worsened because of relatively weak buildings that collapsed easily?


Answer 1

Answer, explanation and solution:

using land surface grading and gutters to prevent water from entering the soil next to the building

Related Questions

All of the following are necessary ingredients for the formation of clouds, EXCEPT:A) warm surface air temperatures.
B) saturated air.
C) adequate water vapor content.
D) condensation nuclei.


The option that is not a necessary ingredient for cloud formation is (A) warm surface air temperatures.

The necessary ingredients for the formation of clouds are saturated air, adequate water vapor content, and condensation nuclei. Clouds form when warm, moist air rises and cools, causing water vapor to condense into tiny water droplets or ice crystals. The cooling can occur for a variety of reasons, such as the air rising over a mountain range or being lifted by a weather front. For clouds to form, the air must be saturated, meaning it contains as much water vapor as it can hold at a given temperature and pressure. This can occur naturally when warm air picks up moisture from the surface of the Earth or bodies of water, or through human activities like industrial processes or agriculture.

Learn more about agriculture :


All of the following are necessary ingredients for the formation of clouds, EXCEPT warm surface air temperatures. The correct option is A.

Clouds form through a process involving three key components: adequate water vapor content, condensation nuclei, and a cooling mechanism that allows the air to reach saturation.

Adequate water vapor content  is crucial for cloud formation because it provides the necessary moisture in the atmosphere. Without sufficient water vapor, condensation cannot occur, and clouds will not form.

Condensation nuclei are tiny particles, such as dust, smoke, or salt, that provide a surface for water vapor to condense upon. These particles act as the foundation for the formation of cloud droplets. In the absence of condensation nuclei, water vapor would have a difficult time transitioning into visible cloud droplets.

Although warm surface air temperatures can promote the evaporation of water and increase the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, they are not a necessary ingredient for cloud formation. It is the cooling of air, often due to rising or expansion, that allows the air to reach saturation and ultimately leads to condensation and cloud formation. This cooling mechanism is the critical factor that enables clouds to form, regardless of the surface air temperature.

To learn more about clouds refer here:


another term for explosive cyclogenesis used by meteorologists is ______.


Another term for explosive cyclogenesis used by meteorologists is "bombogenesis" or simply "bombing". This term refers to a rapidly intensifying area of low pressure in which the central pressure drops at least 24 millibars in 24 hours or less.

Explosive cyclogenesis, or bombogenesis, is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs when a mid-latitude cyclone or a frontal wave undergoes rapid intensification, with its central pressure falling at a rate of at least 1 millibar per hour for 24 hours or more. This process can occur over both oceanic and continental areas, but it is most common over the western North Atlantic Ocean, where it is often associated with nor'easters. Explosive cyclogenesis can have significant impacts on weather and climate patterns, as it can generate strong winds, heavy precipitation, and storm surges. In some cases, it can even lead to blizzard conditions or hurricane-force winds. The term "bombogenesis" was first coined by meteorologists in the 1940s to describe the rapid intensification of a mid-latitude cyclone, and it has since become a common term used in weather forecasts and discussions. In recent years, there has been some debate among meteorologists about whether the term "bombogenesis" is too sensationalistic and whether it should be replaced with a more technical or descriptive term. However, the term remains in use and is still widely recognized by the public and the media.

Learn more about sensationalistic here:


Another term for explosive cyclogenesis used by meteorologists is "bombogenesis".

This phenomenon occurs when a mid-latitude cyclone rapidly intensifies, with a pressure drop of at least 24 millibars in 24 hours.

The term "bomb" refers to the explosive nature of the process, where the cyclone's central pressure drops so rapidly that it resembles a bomb detonating. Explosive cyclogenesis can lead to severe weather events, such as blizzards, heavy rainfall, and strong winds, and can have significant impacts on transportation and infrastructure. Meteorologists closely monitor these events and issue warnings and advisories to help communities prepare and respond. The conditions that lead to explosive cyclogenesis typically occur during the winter months, over the Atlantic Ocean and in the western Pacific.

However, it can also occur over land and during other seasons. Understanding the science behind this phenomenon is crucial for meteorologists in accurately predicting and communicating severe weather events to the public, so that people can take necessary precautions to stay safe.

For more such questions on bombogenesis


True or False? not all countries are equally connected across the globe.


The answer is true :))))))

Answer: true


cadillac mountain at 1,530 feet high was completely over ridden by pleistocene glaciers. True or False


True, Cadillac Mountain, at 1,530 feet high, was indeed overridden by Pleistocene glaciers.

During the Pleistocene epoch, which lasted from about 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago, the region was covered by glaciers that advanced and retreated multiple times. The movement of these glaciers over thousands of years resulted in the shaping of the landscape, including the formation of valleys, lakes, and mountains. Cadillac Mountain was one of the many features of the region that were overridden by these glaciers, which shaped the mountain and carved out its distinctive features. Today, Cadillac Mountain is a popular tourist destination, known for its stunning views of the surrounding area, including the Atlantic Ocean and the many islands in the region. It is also recognized for its unique geological history and the evidence it provides of the glacial activity that shaped the landscape of the region.

Learn more about Pleistocene :



Select five U.S. counties. Determine where these counties are located and use the information on the map to create a graph representing the information. Select the type of graph that will work best for this purpose. You may round the population to the nearest thousand (Remember to round up if the last three digits are 500 or more; round down if the last three digits are 499 or less.)

Create your graph and identify the counties you selected and their populations. Explain which type of graph you chose to make and why.

image down below


The best type of graph to use will depend on the specific data being presented and the message that needs to be conveyed. One of the most suitable for this is choropleth map.

Which graph will best represent and identify the selected county?

I will choose Los Angeles County in California, United States.

Los Angeles County is located in southern California and is part of the Los Angeles metropolitan area. It is the most populous county in the United States, encompassing the city of Los Angeles and numerous other cities and communities.

The type of graph that will work best for representing Los Angeles County depends on the specific data or information that needs to be conveyed.

I will use choropleth map, which can be used to visually represent geographical data, such as population density or income levels, in Los Angeles County. Different areas within the county can be shaded or colored differently based on the data values, providing a visual representation of the variations across the county.

Read more about local county


What properties of the source magma lead to the formation of a shield volcano?
A) low viscosity and mafic composition
B) high viscosity and felsic composition
C) any magma composition so long as it contains a large portion of dissolved volatiles
D) an intermediate composition magma that encounters seawater in the magma chamber


The properties of the source magma that lead to the formation of a shield volcano are low viscosity and mafic composition. The correct option is a) low viscosity and mafic composition.

Shield volcanoes form when magma with low viscosity, which means it can flow easily, rises to the Earth's surface. This type of magma typically has a mafic composition, meaning it contains a high percentage of iron and magnesium and a lower percentage of silica.

The low viscosity of mafic magma allows it to spread out over a larger area, creating the broad, gently sloping shape characteristic of shield volcanoes. The mafic composition also results in less gas trapped in the magma, leading to less explosive eruptions compared to volcanoes with more viscous and felsic magma. These eruptions are characterized by effusive lava flows that contribute to the volcano's growth.

In summary, the formation of a shield volcano is primarily influenced by the low viscosity and mafic composition of the source magma, which allows for easy flow and less explosive eruptions, ultimately creating the volcano's characteristic shape.

For more about mafic composition:


The properties of the source magma that lead to the formation of a shield volcano are (A) low viscosity and mafic composition.

This type of magma has a low silica content and a high proportion of iron and magnesium, which results in a less viscous, more fluid magma. This allows the lava to flow easily and spread out over a large area, creating the gradual sloping shape of a shield volcano. In addition to low viscosity and mafic composition, the formation of shield volcanoes is also influenced by other factors, such as the rate of eruption, the volume of magma, and the nature of the underlying tectonic plate. Shield volcanoes are typically found at divergent plate boundaries, where magma rises up from the mantle to fill the gap created by separating plates. They are also commonly found on hotspots, where mantle plumes generate large volumes of magma that rise up to the Earth's surface.

Learn more about magma :


how do the symmetrical age patterns of oceanic crust on either side of a mid-ocean ridge support the theory of plate tectonics?


The symmetrical age patterns of oceanic crust on either side of a mid-ocean ridge support the theory of plate tectonics as the patterns demonstrate that the oceanic crust is moving apart at a divergent plate boundary.

According to the idea of plate tectonics, Earth's crust is divided into a number of plates that move across the mantle, the rocky inner layer above the core. In contrast to the mantle of the Earth, the plates behave like solid, inflexible shells. The lithosphere is this thick outer layer.

Mid-ocean ridges are created near the edges of divergent plates, where seafloor spreading produces new ocean crust. Igneous intrusions and extrusions result in the creation of this new crust as magma either cools below the Earth's surface or erupts as lava above the Earth's surface.

To know more about theory of plate tectonics and mid-ocean ridges visit:


Answer: The symmetrical age patterns of oceanic crust on either side of a mid-ocean ridge provide strong evidence for the theory of plate tectonics. The theory of plate tectonics explains the movement and interactions of the Earth's lithosphere, which is composed of several large plates that are constantly in motion.

Explanation: As new oceanic crust forms at mid-ocean ridges, it spreads out in both directions and is eventually consumed at subduction zones where it sinks back into the mantle. The symmetrical age patterns of oceanic crust on either side of a mid-ocean ridge support the theory of plate tectonics because they show that the Earth's lithosphere is moving apart at these ridges. As new oceanic crust forms at a mid-ocean ridge, it moves away from the ridge in both directions, creating a symmetrical pattern of crust that is older the farther away it is from the ridge.

This pattern is consistent with the idea that the Earth's lithosphere is composed of several large plates that move apart at mid-ocean ridges, and that new oceanic crust is constantly being formed as a result. This pattern also supports the idea that the Earth's lithosphere is in constant motion, and that plate tectonics is responsible for the movement of the Earth's crust.

In conclusion, the symmetrical age patterns of oceanic crust on either side of a mid-ocean ridge provide strong evidence for the theory of plate tectonics, and support the idea that the Earth's lithosphere is constantly in motion.

For more such questions on plate tectonics


what cultural and idustrial elements promote sustainable development in bhutan, maldives nepal, and sri lanka


The activities are crucial since they create jobs, supply food, and exports while not requiring highly sophisticated technology in the countries with limited resources and sustainable development economy.

What factors affect the current governments of Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Bhutan, and Nepal?

Political structures have been impacted by religion. Monks first took charge of Bhutan. Nepal has monarchs who preferred Buddhism. The activities are crucial since they create jobs, supply food, and exports while not requiring highly sophisticated technology in the countries with limited resources and a poorly developed economy.

What distinguishes Bhutan and Nepal from Sri Lanka and the Maldives?

However, they should incorporate any pertinent information from the chapter, such as: Different: North of India, in the Himalaya, the highest mountains in the world, are Bhutan and Nepal.

To know more about sustainable development visit :-


if ganymede orbits jupiter every 7.16 days and the orbital periods of ganymede, europa, and io are in a 1:2:4 resonance, what is the orbital period of io?


The orbital period of Io is approximately 1.79 days. when ganymede orbits jupiter every 7.16 days and the orbital periods of ganymede, europa, and io are in a 1:2:4 resonance.

If Ganymede orbits Jupiter every 7.16 days and the orbital periods of Ganymede, Europa, and Io are in a 1:2:4 resonance, then we can use the following formula to calculate the orbital period of Io:
Orbital period of Io = (Orbital period of Ganymede) / 4
Substituting the given value, we get:
Orbital period of Io = 7.16 / 4
Orbital period of Io = 1.79 days
Therefore, the orbital period of Io is 1.79 days.
Based on the information provided, Ganymede's orbital period is 7.16 days and the orbital periods of Ganymede, Europa, and Io are in a 1:2:4 resonance. Since Ganymede is in the 1 part of the resonance and Io is in the 4 part, you can determine Io's orbital period by dividing Ganymede's orbital period by 4:
7.16 days / 4 = 1.79 days
So, the orbital period of Io is approximately 1.79 days.

Learn more about orbital periods :


How do regular moons rotate in comparison to their planets?a. in the same directionb. in the opposite directionc. sometimes in the same direction and sometimes in the opposite directiond. Unlike their planets, moons don't rotate at all.


Regular moons typically rotate in the same direction as their planets (option a). This is due to the way they form, which is usually through the coalescence of material within the planet's circumplanetary disk.

This is because they are thought to have formed from the same disk of gas and dust that surrounded the planet during its early formation. As the material in the disk came together to form the planet, some of it also coalesced to form the moon. The moon inherited the same rotational motion as the planet due to the conservation of angular momentum. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Some moons have retrograde orbits, meaning they orbit in the opposite direction to their planet's rotation. These moons are thought to have been captured by their planet's gravity, rather than formed from a disk of material around the planet. Captured moons can have a variety of orbits, including retrograde orbits, and they can also be irregularly shaped and have unpredictable orbits.

Learn more about planet :


Regular moons typically rotate in the same direction as their planets. The correct option is a) in the same direction.

This is because they are believed to have formed from the same rotating disk of gas and dust as their parent planet. As a result, both the planet and its regular moons share a similar rotational direction, which is known as prograde motion. Prograde motion refers to the rotation or orbital motion of celestial objects in the same direction as the overall rotation of the object they orbit.

Irregular moons, on the other hand, can have a mix of prograde and retrograde (opposite direction) orbits due to their different formation processes, such as being captured by a planet's gravity. However, the question specifically refers to regular moons, which typically rotate in the same direction as their planets. The correct option is a) in the same direction.

For more about Regular moons:


which rock has the finest crystals? group of answer choices phaneritic pegmatitic aphanitic porphyrtic


Pegmatitic rocks typically have the largest and often finest crystals of any rock type. Option B

What is a Pegmatitic rock about?

Pegmatites are igneous rocks that form from the cooling of magma at relatively low pressures and temperatures, allowing for the growth of exceptionally large crystals.

These crystals can be several meters in length and can include minerals such as feldspar, quartz, and mica. So, the answer to your question is "pegmatitic."

The large crystals in pegmatites form due to the slow cooling of the magma or lava, which allows enough time for the minerals to grow to a large size. Pegmatites often contain a variety of minerals, such as feldspar, quartz, mica, and tourmaline, among others.

Learn more about rocks from


the angle of the subducted slab during the laramide orogeny was group of answer choices very steep, resulting in volcanism near the trench very shallow, resulting in volcanism near the trench very steep, causing deformation far inland very shallow, causing deformation far inland related to the presence of a magma plume


The angle of the subducted slab during the Laramide orogeny was very shallow, causing deformation far inland related to the presence of a magma plume. The right answer is d.

The Farallon oceanic plate was quickly subducting beneath the western coast of the United States during the Laramide orogeny, an era of mountain building that lasted from from 70 million years ago to 40 million years ago. The Laramide orogeny's creation of mountain ranges so far inland from the subduction zone is its most peculiar characteristic.

Independent evidence for abrupt changes in the site of volcanic activity as during Laramide period implies that the Farallon plate was subducting beneath the western United States at an exceptionally shallow angle, though the cause of this is still up for question.

The correct answer is option d.

Know more about Laramide orogeny here


Explain how mass tourism has changed the face of Benidorm.



pls give me brainliest+hope i could help u


The third major impact of tourism is in the economy of Benidorm, with a revenue of 17 million Euros every day of the year. In fact, today Benidorm contributes 12% of Spains gross national product. This constant massive injection of foreign currency into the resort has made a positive contribution in a number of ways.

engineers refer to any loose material on the surface of the earth as soil. how does this differ from the definition earth scientists prefer?


Engineers typically define soil as any loose material on the surface of the Earth, which includes unconsolidated rocks, sediments, and organic matter. Earth scientists, on the other hand, prefer a more specific definition of soil that emphasizes its formation through weathering, its composition, and its ability to support plant life.

In contrast, earth scientists have a more specific definition of soil that takes into account its formation and characteristics. They define soil as the upper layer of the earth's surface that is composed of mineral particles, organic matter, and other living organisms. This layer has developed over thousands of years through the weathering of underlying rock and the accumulation of organic matter and nutrients.Earth scientists also consider the properties of soil, such as its texture, structure, and composition, when studying its function and role in the environment. They may analyze soil samples to determine its chemical and physical properties, and use this information to understand its impact on plant growth, erosion, and water retention.

Learn more about accumulation here:


(q027) stalagmites group of answer choices are a type of flowstone. are composed of limestone precipitated out of cave water. begin as delicate, hollow structures called soda straws. are icicle-shaped cones that hang from cave ceilings.


Stalagmites are icicle-shaped cones that rise from the floor of a cave, often found in pairs with their complementary stalactites hanging from the cave ceiling.

They are formed from calcium carbonate that precipitates out of the water dripping from the cave ceiling. As the water droplets hit the ground, the calcium carbonate builds up over time, eventually forming a cone-shaped stalagmite.

Stalagmites and stalactites are both types of speleothems, which are mineral formations that occur in caves. Flowstones, on the other hand, are composed of layers of minerals that are deposited on cave walls, floors, and ceilings and are not icicle-shaped.

Learn more about the stalagmites at


which of a planet's fundamental properties has the greatest effect on its level of volcanic and tectonic activity? which of a planet's fundamental properties has the greatest effect on its level of volcanic and tectonic activity? size distance from the sun rotation rate


The planet's fundamental property that has the greatest effect on the rise of volcanic levels and tectonic activity is size. Therefore, for the given question the correct answer is Option A.

Tectonic activity refers to deformation caused by the outer layers of the planet. It occurs due to the slow interaction between the plates that takes a million years to execute.

Hence, the larger the planet's size the more its will shrink it layers to maintain attraction by holding everything together. The force to keep all the layers compressed leads to a significant rise in molten lava furthermore making the rise in volcanic activity.

To learn more about Tectonic activity,


The complete question is

Which of a planet's fundamental properties has the greatest effect on its level of volcanic and tectonic activity?

a) size

b) distance from the sun

c) rotation rate

In the northern hemisphere tropical regions, light is never limiting. However, there is a strong thermocline in this area, which limits upwelling. Therefore, nutrient supply is low year round. In these areas, primary production is nutrient limited.


The thermocline is more clear in tropical low-latitude areas because the sea shell is much warmer. Also, there is a little seasonal riff in the profiles due to the lack of seasonal riff in surface temperature in tropical regions.

Keep in mind that light and the availability of nutrients limit ocean productivity; Additionally, primary productivity is constrained by the thermocline, which separates the photic zone from the nutrient-rich waters.

The amount of nutrients brought to shallower depths by upwelling processes is limited by a deeper thermocline, which frequently occurs during El Nio years and has a significant impact on the year's fish crop.

Typically, the water that rises to the surface as a result of upwelling is colder and full of nutrients. Surface waters are said to be "fertilized" by these nutrients, indicating that they frequently have high levels of biological productivity. As a result, areas with a lot of upwelling typically have good fishing grounds.

To learn more about thermocline here


Answer: In the northern hemisphere tropical regions, primary production is nutrient-limited despite light not being a limiting factor. This is because the thermocline in this area limits upwelling, which results in a low supply of nutrients throughout the year.

Explanation: Nutrients are crucial for primary production because they are necessary for the growth of plants and phytoplankton, which form the base of the food chain. The thermocline is a layer of water in the ocean that separates the warmer surface water from the colder, deeper water. In tropical regions, the thermocline is particularly strong due to the high temperatures and abundant sunlight. This makes it difficult for nutrients to reach the surface waters, where photosynthetic organisms can use them to grow and reproduce.

As a result, primary production is low in these areas. This has implications for the entire ecosystem, as the food chain relies on the production of organic matter by primary producers. Without enough primary production, the entire food chain can suffer, leading to a decline in the abundance and diversity of marine life. Overall, the nutrient limitation in tropical regions of the northern hemisphere highlights the importance of understanding the complex interactions between physical and biological processes in the ocean. This knowledge is crucial for predicting how marine ecosystems will respond to environmental changes, such as global warming or ocean acidification.

For more such questions on northern hemisphere


evaporites, formed from , are important economically because they are often found at or above 97% purity and are . group of answer choices igneous rocks; important due to their strength, lightness, and malleability metamorphic rocks; important due to their strength, lightness, and malleability evaporation of mineral solutions such as salt water; important due to their strength, lightness, and malleability igneous rocks; therefore concentrated in economically recoverable levels evaporation of mineral solutions such as salt water; therefore concentrated in economically recoverable levels


Evaporites are formed from the evaporation of mineral solutions such as saltwater, and they are important economically because they are often found at or above 97% purity and are therefore concentrated in economically recoverable levels.

Evaporites are minerals that are formed through the evaporation of water containing dissolved minerals, such as saltwater. These minerals are important economically because they are often found in high purity, with concentrations at or above 97%. This makes them valuable for a variety of industrial and commercial applications. Some examples of evaporites include halite (rock salt), gypsum, and anhydrite. Halite is used for de-icing roads, as a food preservative, and in the chemical industry to produce chlorine and sodium hydroxide. Gypsum is used in construction for drywall and cement, and in agriculture as a soil conditioner. Anhydrite is used as a drying agent, in the production of cement, and as a component in some fertilizers. The process of evaporite formation begins when water containing dissolved minerals is exposed to high temperatures and/or low humidity, causing the water to evaporate and leaving behind concentrated mineral deposits. Over time, these deposits can accumulate to form thick layers of evaporite minerals. Evaporites are often found in association with sedimentary rocks, such as limestone and shale, which provide the source of the dissolved minerals. They can be found in a variety of environments, including shallow seas, salt flats, and desert playas. Overall, evaporites are economically important because of their high purity and valuable applications in various industries. Their concentration in economically recoverable levels makes them an important resource for many countries and industries around the world. As a result, evaporites are a valuable source of minerals such as halite (rock salt), gypsum, and potash, which are used in a variety of industries including agriculture, construction, and chemical manufacturing.  Evaporites, formed from evaporation of mineral solutions such as salt water, are important economically because they are often found at or above 97% purity and are therefore concentrated in economically recoverable levels.

To learn more about mineral click the link below:


rhyolite lava group of answer choices has more silica than basalt lava does. indicates the tendency for explosive activity. may freeze in the vent and emerge as a spine. may form a lava dome above the vent. all the possible answers are correct.


"Rhyolite Lava : all the possible answers are correct." All of the given options are right.

What is rhyolite lava?

Rhyolitic lavas are sticky & tend to form big blocky lava flows or steep sided piles of lava known as lava do-mes. Rhyolite mag-mas tend to erupt explo-sively, commonly also producing abund-ant ash & pumice Due to their high con-tent of silica & low iron & magnesium contents, rhyolitic magmas form high-ly viscous lavas.

The options - "may freeze in the vent and emerge as a spine; has more silica than basalt lava does; indicates the tendency for explosive activity; may form a lava dome above the vent, are correct."

To know more about Rhyolite Lava click below:


when were the periods of greatest volcanic activity on the moon and mercury? drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences.


Before 3 billion years were the periods of greatest volcanic activity on the moon and mercury.

Little volcanoes, fissures, and vast flows of basalt, a dark, fine-grained volcanic rock, may be found on moon. The maria or areas of these lava flows — are the vast, black basins which you can see on the Moon. These volcanic features are all old, though. On the Moon, there are not any active volcanic features. The majority of the Moon's volcanic activity occurred in its early history, before 3 billion years ago.

A billion years ago, the most recent lava flow took place. The majority of Mercury's surface has been photographed, which also discovered signs of volcanic activity sculpting Mercury's surface. One billion to two billion years have passed since the formation of some of the lava flows.

Know more about Mercury here


as india is colliding with asia, the margin of asia is experiencing significant deformation. what is happening to the rocks that are being deformed?


As India is colliding with Asia, the margin of Asia is experiencing significant deformation.

The rocks that are being deformed undergo processes such as folding, faulting, and metamorphism. This leads to the formation of mountain ranges, like the Himalayas, and changes in the rock's mineral composition and structure. This deformation is causing the rocks to undergo intense pressure and stress, which results in changes to their physical and chemical properties. The rocks may become compressed, folded, or faulted, and their mineral composition may be altered due to high temperature and pressure. Additionally, the rocks may undergo metamorphism, which involves changes in their texture and structure. Overall, the rocks in the margin of Asia are being significantly altered as a result of the deformation caused by the collision with India. The rocks that are being deformed undergo processes such as folding, faulting, and metamorphism. This leads to the formation of mountain ranges, like the Himalayas, and changes in the rock's mineral composition and structure.

Learn more about rocks :


if the north pole were tilted towards the sun, which beverage would be most appropriate for folks living in france?


Hi! If the North Pole were tilted towards the sun, it would result in warmer temperatures for those in the Northern Hemisphere, including folks living in France. In such a situation, a refreshing and cool beverage like lemonade or iced tea would be most appropriate to help them stay hydrated and cool during the warmer weather.

The North Pole is the northernmost point on Earth. It is the precise point of the intersection of Earth's axis and Earth's surface. From the North Pole, all directions are south. Its latitude is 90 degrees north, and all lines of longitude meet there (as well as at the South Pole, on the opposite end of Earth). Polaris, the current North Star, sits almost motionless in the sky above the pole, making it an excellent fixed point to use in celestial navigation in the Northern Hemisphere. The North Pole sits in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, on water that is almost always covered with ice. The ice is about two to three meters (six to 10 feet) thick. The depth of the ocean at the North Pole is more than 4,000 meters (13,123 feet).

Learn more about North Pole here:


most earthquakes are a result of group of answer choices a sudden change in atmospheric pressure. mantle upwelling. erosion of bedrock. movement of rocks along faults.


Most earthquakes are a result of the movement of rocks along faults, not atmospheric pressure changes or erosion of bedrock. Mantle upwelling can sometimes cause seismic activity, but it is not a common cause of earthquakes.

Most earthquakes are a result of the movement of rocks along faults. While terms like "atmospheric" and "upwelling" are relevant in other contexts, they are not directly associated with the primary cause of earthquakes.Most earthquakes are a result of the movement of rocks along faults. Earthquakes occur when stress builds up in the Earth's crust and eventually causes the rocks along a fault to break or slip, releasing energy in the form of seismic waves. These waves propagate through the Earth, causing the ground to shake and resulting in the earthquake that we feel at the surface.While atmospheric pressure changes, mantle upwelling, and erosion of bedrock can all contribute to stress changes in the Earth's crust, they are not the primary cause of earthquakes. The movement of rocks along faults is a natural and ongoing process that occurs as a result of plate tectonics and the shifting of the Earth's crust. Earthquakes can occur anywhere in the world, but they are most common in areas where tectonic plates are actively colliding or sliding past each other, such as along the Pacific Ring of Fire. Understanding the causes and patterns of earthquakes is important for mitigating their impacts and improving our ability to predict and prepare for them.

To learn more about atmospheric   click on the link below:


which type of crustal material is more dense and therefore would subduct below the other? group of answer choices continental crust oceanic crust


Oceanic crust is more dense than continental crust and therefore would subduct below continental crust during the process of tectonic plate.

The type of crustal material that is more dense and would subduct below the other is oceanic crust. This is because oceanic crust is generally composed of denser rocks like basalt, whereas continental crust is composed of lighter rocks like granite.

Learn more about granite here


As the airplane descended for a landing, the pilot saw several beautiful islands that appeared to float in a vast expanse of blue ocean water. In this instance, the ocean is a


The ocean is a powerful and awe-inspiring force of nature. Its vast expanse of blue water is a stunning sight to behold, especially when viewed from an airplane as it descends for a landing.

From this vantage point, the islands that appear to float in the ocean look especially beautiful, as the blue of the sea contrasts with the various hues of the land. The ocean is a symbol of life and fertility, and its deep blue waters provide sustenance and abundance for the many creatures living in its depths.

It is also a source of recreation and relaxation, offering a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The ocean is a powerful reminder of the beauty of nature, and its beauty is sure to impress anyone who has the chance to witness it from the sky.

To know more about ocean , click here:


(q006) oceanic crust group of answer choices is thicker and denser than continental crust. is composed of gabbro and basalt overlain by sediment. comprises broad continental shelves along active continental margins and much narrower shelves along passive margins. gets younger the farther you go from the ridge axis.


"Oceanic crust is composed of gabbro and basalt overlain by sediment." Oceanic crust is the upper-most layer of the oceanic portion of the tec-tonic plates.

Oceanic crust is the outer-most layer of Earth’s lithosphere that is found under the oceans & formed at spreading centers on oceanic ridges, which occur at diver-gent plate boundaries. Oceanic crust is form-ed at sea-floor spreading ridges from magma gene-rated by decompression melt-ing of hot upward-moving mantle rock.  It is geo-logically young, with a mean age of 60 Ma, & is thin, averaging 6.5 km in thick-ness. Oceanic crust consists al-most exclusively of extrusive basalt & its intrusive equi-valents.

To know more about Oceanic crust click below:


(q020) features that are created when water dissolves surface and subsurface limestone, like sinkholes, troughs, caverns, natural bridges, and towers, are collectively called group of answer choices potentiometric surfaces. artesian surfaces. geothermal landscapes. karst landscapes.


Answer: Karst landscapes


Help need this asap fast


The Statement is best supported by this graph The Amount of waste in landfills increased.

How come landfill garbage is growing?

Several variables, including population growth, urbanization, economic expansion, and consumer purchasing patterns, are to blame for this. Humans produce millions of tons of waste each year, which is a problem that is spreading across the globe.

Has the quantity of landfills risen?

The immense challenges to the health of our planet posed by the annual production of landfill waste are overwhelming. Despite many of us trying to "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle," the fact remains that we're creating more landfill trash than ever before.

To Know more about , urbanization,


what climate related problems exist in the north bering sea, and how could a marine protected area help to reduce some of the problems quizet


Climate change has caused a number of issues in the North Bering Sea, including melting sea ice, rising ocean temperatures, and ocean acidification.

This has had a devastating effect on marine ecosystems, with a decrease in sea ice causing the destruction of habitat for polar bears, walruses, and other species. In addition, warmer waters have caused an increase in harmful algal blooms, leading to a decrease in marine biodiversity and food sources.

A Marine Protected Area (MPA) could help to reduce these problems by providing a safe haven for marine species and preventing overfishing. An MPA could also be used to create buffer zones for areas of important habitat, restricting activities such as oil and gas drilling.

Additionally, an MPA could help to protect the ice edge and prevent ice from melting too quickly. This would help to keep the marine ecosystem in balance and allow species to adapt to a changing climate.

To know more about Climate change , click here:


he most common group of rock forming minerals is . group of answer choices the halides carbonate the sulfates the silicates


The most common group of rock forming minerals is the silicates. However, halides and carbonates can also be found in certain types of rocks as secondary minerals or in trace amounts.

A mineral, which by definition must be formed through natural processes, is distinct from the synthetic equivalents produced in the laboratory. Artificial versions of minerals, including emeralds, sapphires, diamonds, and other valuable gemstones, are regularly produced in industrial and research facilities and are often nearly identical to their natural counterparts.By its definition as a homogeneous solid, a mineral is composed of a single solid substance of uniform composition that cannot be physically separated into simpler chemical compounds. Homogeneity is determined relative to the scale on which it is defined. A specimen that appears homogeneous to the unaided eye, for example, may reveal several mineral components under a microscope or upon exposure to X-ray diffraction techniques.

Learn more about minerals here:


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