in which of the following sentences are the commas used correctly?


Answer 1

Among the following statements,  The following sentence used commas correctly: We don't, for example, allow visitors after the museum is closed. Thus option D is correct.

What is Punctuation?

Punctuation in any sentence is significant as it provides a break in the sentence while reading to make it clear to the reader to understand the correct meaning and interpret it.

There are several punctuation marks, like commas, full stops, and exclamation points, which are used on various occasions and in events. The comma in any sentence is used to give a pause or to separate independent clauses.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Punctuation, here:


The complete question is Probably

In which of the following sentences are commas used correctly? A. Michael was in fact, excited, about his new smartphone. B. For Eloise Martin will, always, be her true love. C. As it turns out Maria, will wait until after lunch. D. We don't, for example, allow visitors after the museum is closed.

Related Questions

Read the excerpt from "Fern” in Cane.

From the train window I saw her as I crossed the road. Saw her on her porch, head tilted a little forward where the nail was, eyes vaguely focused on the sunset. Saw her face flow into them, the countryside and something that I call God, flowing into them.

Which statement best describes Toomer’s use of diction in this excerpt?

A. The repetition of the phrase “saw her” suggests that the speaker is intensely focused on Fern.
B. The word “vaguely” implies that the speaker does not have much memory of his time with Fern.
C. The description of Fern’s head as “tilted a little forward” suggests that she be sleeping.
D. The use of the word “God” illustrates that the narrator and Fern are relying on religion to comfort them.



A. The repetition of the phrase “saw her” suggests that the speaker is intensely focused on Fern.

Answer: its a the repetition of the phrase 'saw her' suggests that the speaker is intensely focused on Fern.


According to the article, what happens if a right-handed batter swings just milliseconds too early or too late?



According to the article, if the right-handed batsman swings the ball seconds late, the ball will go straight through the first base. If the batter does this seconds early, the ball fails wide of third base.

How to put this in RACE format?R: Are there different effects on the ball if the right-handed batsman pitches the ball seconds too early or too late?A: If the ball is pitched seconds late it will go past first base, if it is pitched seconds early the ball will fail wide of third base.C: This is reinforced by the sentence "The physicist says the batter not only must gauge where to put the bat, but also precisely time the swing so that baseball and bat arrive at the same place at the same time."E: This sentence explains that the batsman has to have a strong command of time and interpret the best moment of throwing the ball well to be successful.

The RACE strategy is designed to create a pattern of satisfying responses, particularly when those responses are text-based, such as your response that needs to be based on an article.

The article your question refers to is "Hitting big league fastball 'clearly impossible'"

Learn more about the RACE strategy:


Achievement Level - Reading Individual activity 1 Read the text and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, circle the correct option - A, B, C or D.

We Are Getting Married in the Caribbean Anna and Jay decided to get married. They decided they were going to have a romantic wedding (0) ___A at sunset. She bought a new bikini and some sunblock. Jay (1)_____ to the travel agency to book their plane tickets and a hotel room. They (2)______ their family and friends and they are organizing a barbecue to celebrate with them when they come back. They (3)_____ to get married on the beach because Anna grew up on Guadalupe, a French Caribbean island. She has some relatives and childhood friends there. So when they (4)_____ to celebrate their wedding, all of them offered their help. Anna and Jay (5) _____ for more than 10 years now. They got engaged three years ago but they (6)____ yet when to get married until a week ago.
Anna was on the phone with her aunt Antonia from Guadalupe. Antonia told her that the restaurant (7) _____ hosts weddings every weekend but that the next weekend the celebration had been canceled so as a joke she (8) _____Anna if they would like to finally get married because the restaurant was available. So Jay (9)_____ it was a great and magical place for their wedding and they (10) _____ aunt Antonia’s offer.


On the beach, were, have told, have decided, have been together, have not decided, she is going to manage,  asked, thought, accepted.

What is individual reading method?

While reading actively books that are simple to decipher, well-known, or highly engaging, kids can build and practice these goals through independent reading. Students can do this by reading independently. practice comprehension and decoding techniques Students who read alone have better comprehension and grow their vocabulary. Additionally, silent individual reading can increase fluency by giving pupils regular practice opportunities.

What are the 7 active reading strategies?

The seven reading techniques used by highly proficient readers include activating, summarizing, monitoring and clarifying, visualizing and organizing, searching and selecting, questioning, and inferencing.

To know more about reading actively visit:        


please I need this ASP my last quoin to pass my test

Using the artifact illustrations pictured in the text, identify movements that are recognizable to you as dance styles seen in the present day.



you didnt provide any media/context to the question


what is the relationship between poetry and other genre of literature?



Although it can, poetry is not always need to follow rules or conventions of any type. Poems can range in length from two lines, as in Ezra Pound's "In a Station of the Metro," to as long as entire volumes, like "Paradise Lost." They can be rigidly formulaic or rhyme naturally without having to adhere to any kind of rhythmic pattern or system. Poetry has infinite potential, both in terms of form and content, in contrast to other literary genres. The most adaptable literary genre is likely poetry.

A poem can typically be recognised initially by its appearance. As obvious as it may appear, unlike prose, where the lines usually always cross the page, this is not always the case with poetry. A line in a poem could be entirely blank, or it might have just one word on it. A poem's text may even take the form of an image that is mentioned in the poem. In a concrete poem, the author shapes the poem's text to reflect the topic. For instance, the poem "Easter Wings" by George Herbert has the form of two wings.

to know more about poetry , see

I need help finding the main idea of the passage and I’m having issue


Note that the major theme of the book is the author's encounter with too friendly neighbors who constantly come and insist on cooking for the author and their family despite the author's lack of culinary abilities, as well as the author's efforts to get them to go.

What is a main Idea?

A paragraph's core theme is the author's statement on the issue. It is frequently conveyed verbally or implicitly.

Once you've identified the topic, you may go on to the core concept. The major notion is the paragraph's point. It is the most essential thought on the subject. To determine the core concept, consider the following: What is being stated about the individual, object, or concept (the topic)?

Learn more about Main (or Central) Idea:

According to Alexis de Tocqueville, what would be the result of too great a focus on prosperity in the United States?


We can see that according to Alexis de Tocqueville, the result of too great a focus on prosperity in the United States could lead to the erosion of civic virtue and the rise of individualism. Tocqueville believed that the pursuit of wealth and material success in the United States could lead to a society in which individuals prioritize their own self-interest over the common good.

Who is  Alexis de Tocqueville?

Alexis de Tocqueville was a French political thinker and historian who lived in the early 19th century. He is best known for his book "Democracy in America," published in two volumes in 1835 and 1840. Tocqueville traveled to the United States in 1831 to study the country's political and social institutions, and he wrote about his observations and insights in his book.

We see that the above stated answer gives us the result that will gotten if too great focus is given to prosperity in the United states.

Learn more about Alexis de Tocqueville on


this mode focuses on one instance or case in great detail to show aspects of a complex problem and to help readers understand an idea or action.


This type of analysis is often referred to as "case study" analysis. A case study is an in-depth investigation of a single situation or event, often containing a narrative or story.

It is used to examine a single person, group, event, or organization in order to uncover the underlying principles, causes, or effects of the situation. Case studies provide readers with an understanding of the context of the problem being studied and allow them to explore how the problem has evolved over time. They can also help to identify potential solutions to the problem.

Learn more about help readers at:


anti jewish legislation prewar germany-which phrase from the text provides the best answer to part A


In pre-World War II Germany, the Nazi government passed a series of laws known as the Nuremberg Laws in 1935 that stripped Jews of their civil rights and led to their persecution and marginalization.

What was the legislation about?

As soon as Hitler's dictatorship began, anti-Jewish laws in Germany started depriving Jews of their rights and property.

These laws included the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor, which prohibited marriages and extramarital intercourse between Jews and Germans, and the Reich Citizenship Law, which defined Jews as a separate, inferior class of citizens. These laws laid the foundation for the systematic extermination of Jews during the Holocaust.

An overview was given as your information is incomplete.

Learn more about anti Jewish on:


B. DIRECTIONS: Rewrite each of the following sentences to correct errors in
parallel structure.
1. Barb likes visiting new places and to explore foreign countries.
2. Ms. Harlan loves to bake, to sew, and watching television.
3. Herb bought the car because it was stylish and that it was well priced.
4. The candidate endorsed the sale of state bonds, the establishment of a new
state park, and to have property taxes cut.
5. Anna enjoys her job because of the opportunities it offers, the fringe benefits
she receives, and she earns a good salary.


The rewritten sentences to correct the errors in parallelism is given below:

1. Barb likes visiting new places and exploring foreign countries.2. Ms. Harlan loves to bake, sew, and watch television.3. Herb bought the car because it was stylish and well-priced.4. The candidate endorsed the sale of state bonds, the establishment of a new state park, and having property taxes cut.5. Anna enjoys her job because of the opportunities it offers, the fringe benefits she receives, and her good salary.

What is Parallelism?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the use of words in a sentence that contains the same or similar sentence structure

Hence, it can be seen that the words have been properly written and they are correct and parallel in structure.

Read more about parallelism here:


marshall is very nervous for his speech, and finds himself mumbling and stumbling over some of his words. this example refers to speaking competencies?


Mar-shall is very nervous for his speech, and fi-nds him-self mumbling and stum-bling over so-me of his words. This exam-ple refers to suitable vocal expression speaking competencies.

Suitable vocal expression is to effect-ively use vocal expression and para-language to eng-age the audience. Excellent use of vocal varia-tion, intensity and pacing are character-istics of the advanced speak-er. His vocal expres-sion is also natu-ral and enthu-siastic, and he avoids fill-ers. Some vocal vari-ation is evi-dent in the begin-ning speaker’s spe-ech.

He also enunciates clear-ly, speaks audibly, and gene-rally avoids fillers (e.g., “um,” “uh,” “like,” etc.). An ineffective speak-er is in-audible, enunciates poorly, and spe-aks in a mono-tone voice. His speech also has poor pa-cing, and he dis-tracts listen-ers with fillers.

To know more about speaking competencies click below:


A student is writing a report for English class about hearing dogs. First, read the draft of the introduction and body of the paper. Then, complete
the task that follows.
Sue sleeps soundly on her bed when her alarm clock goes off, blasting loud rock music through her apartment. Sue continues to snooze, unaware
of the noise. Her dog, Levi, hears the sound and leaps on Sue's bed, alerting her to the fact that it is time to get ready for work. This scene from
the biographical television series "Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye" is repeated in thousands of homes across the nation, as many people who are deaf rely
on hearing dogs every day to help them in their routines.
Hearing dogs are in the category of "assistance dogs" and are similar to the traditional seeing-eye dogs that help the blind. In fact, the dogs are
sometimes referred to as "hearing-ear" dogs. These dogs help people who are deaf to become aware of sounds in their environment by alerting
them to common household sounds such as a phone or doorbell ring, a microwave buzzer, a smoke alarm going off, or a baby's cry. The animals
also help their owners in public, noticing sounds such as honking horns and other traffic noises. A hearing dog is trained to make physical
contact when it hears a sound and then lead the person to the source. Often the dog will lift a paw to the person, as if ready to shake hands. Other
times it will be a bit more physical, like Levi's leap into bed. In public, the dog will turn to the source of sound, alerting the person to different
things such as vehicles, sirens, or other sources of noise. Dogs in training programs have to meet high standards. They must respond to basic
obedience commands 90% of the time and must respond to sounds within 15 seconds. The person receiving the dog must also go through
training, proving he or she can work with the dog and properly take care of it.
The student needs a conclusion for the English report. Write a one to two paragraph conclusion for this essay that follows logically from and
supports the information in the introduction and body.




Service, (hearing and seeing included) dogs are extremely important in our everyday world. The information given to me, includes those purposes.
many elderly, and veterans couldn’t get by very well without a helping hand (or paw) I believe the world turns easier with the relief that those small animals, have saved to many lives. They truly are a wonder, and all the information you have given me has supported my claims.

Hope that helped, and hoped you do make me the brainleist

Which are elements of a Shakespearean tragedy


Answer: I would say in general, love and death/disaster. Although there are more.

Explanation: For example, the love in "Romeo and Juliet" and the death of them both in the end.

Write a letter to your English professor in which you introduce yourself, describe your experiences with writing, explain your linguistic background, and state your current views about writing and your goals for English class.Additionally, your letter should detail your writing process.
Finally, share your strengths as a writer and articulate your needs as a learner so your professor can do their best to meet them. What does your professor need to know to support your individual success in English class?


Introduction To Writing Goals

Dennis Mambo

Write a letter to your English professor in which you introduce yourself, describe your experiences with writing, explain your linguistic background, and state your current views about writing and your goals for English class.Additionally, your letter should detail your writing process.

Finally, share your strengths as a writer and articulate your needs as a learner so your professor can do their best to meet them. What does your professor need to know to support your individual success in English class?

Dear Professor [Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name] and I am excited to be in your English class this semester. I have always had a passion for writing and have been honing my skills for many years. I have experience writing essays, short stories, and poetry. I have also been involved in various writing groups and workshops, which have helped me to improve my craft and receive valuable feedback on my work.

In terms of my linguistic background, I am fluent in English and [other languages if applicable]. I believe that my multilingualism has given me a unique perspective on language and has helped me to become a more versatile writer.

Currently, I view writing as a way to express myself and to connect with others. I am always eager to learn new techniques and to improve my writing skills. In your class, my goal is to develop my critical thinking and analytical abilities, as well as to become a more confident and effective writer.

My writing process typically involves brainstorming and outlining my ideas first, and then revising multiple times before finalizing my work. I also find it helpful to receive feedback from others, so I am looking forward to participating in class discussions and workshops.

I believe that my strengths as a writer include my ability to convey emotions and my attention to detail. As a learner, I need clear and constructive feedback to help me improve and to understand what areas I need to work on. Additionally, I appreciate when the class is engaging and interactive, as it helps me to stay focused and motivated.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I am looking forward to working with you this semester and to continue developing my writing skills.


[Your Name]

we were a bit late because there was____ a lot of traffic today​


We were a bit late because there was quite a lot of traffic today

Question 2 of 25
Which of the following Greek roots most closely means "away from, off"?
OA. Apo
B. Vestig
OD. Topo
C. Pyr


Answer: The correct answer is A: Apo

Explanation: Apo is the Greek root that most closely means away from, off

Willow whiten, aspens quiver;
Little breezes dusk and shiver
Through the wave that runs forever
By the island in the river
Flowing down to Camelot.
Four gray walls, and four gray towers,
Overlook a space of flowers,
And silent isle imbowers
The Lady of Shalott.By the margin, willow veil'd,
Slide the heavy barges trail'd
By slow horses; and unhail'd
The shallop flitteth silken-sail'd
Skimming down to Camelot:
But who hath seen her wave her hand?
Or at the casement seen her stand?
Or is she known in all the land,
The Lady of Shalott?


The line describes how the world of the Lady of Shalott differs from that of Camelot is Four gray walls, and four gray towers, Overlook a space of flowers, And the silent isle imbowers The Lady of Shalott.

What is a Context clue?

Any kind of hint or idea reflected from the statements helps the reader to understand the clear context in which the word is used refers to a context clue. This clue helps the reader to determine the appropriate meaning.

The lines in the poem reflect the meaning of isolation a woman is suffering in the poem defining the loneliness and her desire to live a life full of enjoyment.

Learn more about context clues, here:


The complete question is Probably

Read this excerpt from "The Lady of Shalott" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Which line describes how the world of the Lady of Shalott differs from that of Camelot?

Willow whiten, aspens quiver; Little breezes dusk and shiver Through the wave that runs forever By the island in the river Flowing down to Camelot. Four gray walls, and four gray towers, Overlook a space of flowers, And silent isle imbowers the Lady of Shalott. By the margin, willow veil'd, Slide the heavy barges trail'd By slow horses; and unhail'd The shallop flitteth silken-sail'd Skimming down to Camelot: But who hath seen her wave her hand? Or at the casement seen her stand? Or is she known in all the land, The Lady of Shalott?

full meaning of BECE​



Basic education certification EXAMINATION


Basic Education certification examination

Which of the following became an area of study for mass media scholars only in the early decades of the previous century?


Radio a place of examine for mass media pupils best withinside the early a long time of the preceding century

radio, sound verbal exchange with the aid of using radio waves, commonly thru the transmission of music, information, and different forms of applications from unmarried broadcast stations to multitudes of character listeners ready with radio receivers. From its delivery early withinside the twentieth century, broadcast radio astonished and extremely joyful the general public with the aid of using supplying information and leisure with an immediacy by no means earlier than idea possible. From approximately 1920 to 1945, radio evolved into the primary digital mass medium, monopolizing “the airwaves” and defining, at the side of newspapers, magazines, and movement pictures, a whole technology of mass culture. About 1945 the arrival of tv started out to convert radio's content material and role. Broadcast radio remained the maximum broadly to be had digital mass medium withinside the world, aleven though its significance in cutting-edge lifestyles did now no longer suit that of tv, and withinside the early twenty first century it confronted but greater aggressive strain from virtual satellite- and Internet-primarily based totally audio services.Radio broadcasting changed into the most inexpensive shape of leisure, and it supplied the general public with a long way higher leisure than maximum human beings had been accustomed to. As a result, radio's recognition grew swiftly withinside the overdue Twenties and early 1930s, and with the aid of using 1934 60% of all houses national had a radio.

for more information on Radio see:


From "The Way of the Bow," by Paulo Coelho. Public Domain.
Select the details from paragraphs 4-8 that best reveal the stranger's motivation.
O Tetsuya was in the workshop at the back of his house.
O I followed your teachings, I tried to respect the way of the box and I deserve to have you watch me shoot
O That's why I've been travelling all these days, in order to challenge him.
O his smile froze when his eyes fell on the long bag that the stranger was carrying


I think it’s the first one

What is Emerson's overall purpose in his
O A. to argue that people's feelings about nature are
more important than nature itself
OB. to defend the idea that only children can see
nature as it really is
O C. to explain why a special kind of insight is required
to fully experience nature
O D. to consider whether it is foolish for humans to
believe they can comprehend nature


Emerson's overall purpose in his essay is to to explain why a special kind of insight is required to fully experience nature. Option C

What more can we learn about Emerson's purpose in his essay titled "Nature"?

In his essay "Nature," Ralph Waldo Emerson's overall purpose is to argue for the value and importance of nature in human life. He believes that nature is not just something to be observed and studied, but also something to be experienced and embraced as a source of inspiration and spiritual growth. He argues that nature is a reflection of the divine and that by understanding and appreciating nature, we can come to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

Emerson also criticizes the way in which society has become estranged from nature, and how people have become too focused on materialism and technology, which have led to a lack of spiritual connection and appreciation for nature. He calls for a return to a simpler and more natural way of life and encourages the reader to find a connection with nature to improve the quality of life. In summary, Emerson’s overall purpose in his essay "Nature" is to advocate for the spiritual and philosophical benefits of nature, and to encourage readers to reconnect with the natural world.

Find more information on Emerson here;


He says, "The train walii be late,"​


The date that Chris will have both training sessions again is May 9.

How to calculate the date?

In mathematics, a multiple simply means the product of any quantity. It should be noted that a multiple illustrate to the product of a number given.

In this situation, since Christ has bowling training every 8 days and hockey training every 2 days. The lowest common multiple for 2 and 8 is 8.

Therefore, the next date will be the addition of the day of the training and the number of days that are needed when the lowest common multiple was calculated. This will be illustrated thus:

= May 1 + 8 days

= May 9

The next training is May 9.

Learn more about date on:


The following extract is missing 4 commas. Insert them in the appropriate places.

A new lease of life has been promised for The Emerald Rocket, a steam engine that was left to rot after the railways were electrified in 1962. The train which is today covered with graffiti has been sitting in a siding near Shirebrook for more than 40 years. Its windows have been smashed its doors have long since been stolen, and every part of it made of steel or iron is covered in rust. However the Sherwood Railway Trust has now secured a £200,000 grant to bring the Rocket back to working order.


We should add four commas to the paragraph, one comma after "train," one after "graffiti," one after "smashed," and the last one after.

Where to add the commas?

After "train" and "graffiti," we put a comma to denote a clause that is not necessary. The word that comes after "smashed" divides the list of verbs in the sentence. Last but not least, "although" is an introduction word that denotes contrast, thus we also need to put a comma after it.

There are four commas missing from the sentence under review. Commas are typically used for the following purposes:

Make brief pauses clear.List elements should be demonstrate that a clause is distinguish the first few words or clauses from the remainder.

Thus, We should add four commas to the paragraph, one comma after "train,"

For more information about add the commas, click here:


Brainstorm everything you can think of on the following topic:

How does a person’s individuality affect their family and community? Does their family or community more greatly affect an individual’s personality, thoughts, and beliefs?

This will not be graded based on grammar, spelling, or similar, but instead you need to show that you have thought about these questions in detail and have come up with multiple ideas.

You can brainstorm a simple list in a word processing document or draw a brainstorming chart. If you hand draw a chart, be sure you create a clear scan or photo of it.



A person's individuality can affect their family and community in a variety of ways. They may have unique perspectives and ideas that contribute to discussions and decision-making within the family or community.Their individuality may also cause tension or conflict within the family or community if it clashes with the values or beliefs of others.On the other hand, a person's family and community can also greatly affect their personality, thoughts, and beliefs.Family values and traditions can shape an individual's beliefs and morals.Socialization within the community can also influence an individual's thoughts and beliefs, as they learn from and interact with those around them.Family and community dynamics can also shape an individual's personality and how they interact with others.A person's individuality can also be shaped by the experiences and opportunities provided by their family and community.A family or community can support an individual's individuality and help them to explore and express themselves in unique ways.The impact of family and community on an individual's personality, thoughts, and beliefs can also depend on the individual's level of exposure to different perspectives and ideas.Factors such as culture, socioeconomic status, and location can also play a role in shaping both a person's individuality and their experiences within their family and community.

RS MAY MAKE COPIES OF THIS PAGE TO DISTRIBUTE TO THEIR STUDENTS. L needs? 4. Make a prediction about Kenny and Franchesca. Which student is more likely to text less in the future than they did before the experiment? needs?​


It is difficult to make a prediction about Kenny and Franchesca based on the limited information provided. However, based on the results of the experiment, it appears that Franchesca is more likely to text less.

What is experiment?
An experiment is a scientific study conducted to test a hypothesis, theory or concept in order to gain more knowledge or understanding of the subject being studied. Experiments typically involve controlled conditions to ensure accuracy and reproducibility of results, and involve the collection of data to analyze and interpret the results. Experiments can be conducted in a lab setting, in the field, or in a computer simulation. In addition to collecting data, experiments often include manipulation of variables to study their effect on the results. Experiments are used to gain insight into cause and effect relationships, as well as to explore new methods or technologies.

To learn more about experiment


aspects of Brazil's culture that revels the cultural identity.
provide thesis statement or main controlling idea.
(Short Essay ideas)


The Brazil's culture that revels the cultural identity on essay was the main points are:

Brazil's culture popular on dance. Brazil's culture popular on sounds of the Samba.

What is culture?

The term “culture” represent the society's entire life, such as dressing, language, religion, rituals, and artistic standards as a result. The culture depends on area, location, nations, and the group of people's behavior.

According to the Brazil's cultural identity on essay are:

It was famous for dance and sounds of the Samba. The music on jazz and  pop music. There was the totally on the modern culture.

As a result, the significance of the Brazil's culture are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on culture, here:


After extensive customer research and segmentation, an artist sketchpad company decided it would offer low-priced pads for artists. It then decided it could off-set the lower price by removing the pads from retail stores and offering them exclusively through their own website. After implementation of their marketing strategy, sales plummeted for the sketchpad. What question should the company have asked itself about the promotion of its sketchpad before implementing their new marketing strategy


The question that the company should have asked itself about the promotion of its sketchpad before implementing its new marketing strategy is: "What would be the ideal price for your targeted segment"?

What is Marketing?

This refers to the term that is used to show the creation of awareness for a particular product or service in order to maximize sales.

Hence. it can be seen that after extensive customer research and segmentation, an artist sketchpad company decided it would offer low-priced pads for artists, but their sales plummeted because they did not ask the critical question.

Read more about marketing here:

citizens do not like how the Supreme Court interprets part of the Constitution, they can
O encourage other citizens to vote the justices out of office.
Owork to get the Constitution amended.
encourage their legislators to remove the justices from the court.
O petition the Supreme Court to change its ruling.


If citizens disagree with how the Supreme Court has interpreted a particular provision of the Constitution, they can strive to have it changed.

The Supreme Court is what?

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the nation and has jurisdiction over all matters and disagreements arising under the Constitution or other laws of the United States. The Supreme Court's nine justices continue to function as the final arbiters of the law, and the American people are guaranteed equal justice under the law.

The US Constitution established the Supreme Court. The Judiciary Act was enacted by Congress in 1789, and the court's first official session was conducted in 1790. The Supreme Court is composed of the Chief Justice of the United States and "such number of Associate Justices as may be set by Congress."

Learn more about the Supreme Court with the help of the given link:


Does the second line say something about the character of speaker?

(from the poem wandering singers by sarojini naidu)​


The second line from the first stanza of the poem does not say anything about the character of the speaker. Rather it talks about the echoing of the path that they take.

What does the second line say?

In the first stanza of the poem, the poet details their journey as they wander through the forests. The forests are said to be echoing and this likely refers to the busy villages and urban areas that they must pass as they journey through the land.

In this first stanza, the poet simply introduced the reader to the condition of the path that they take.

Learn more about poems here:


how was the conflict in the story resolved in safety of numbers by Lucy Tan


The resolution of Lucy Tan's safety of numbers develops the theme by telling us the experiences a person has, and the people around him or her help to shape who they become.

Highlight of "Safety of Numbers” by Lucy Tan:

Students in high school will identify with the narrator of this short story, who is attempting to balance her mother's demands with her growing sense of independence. As the narrator studies for the SATs, she decides to take a trip to New York with her best friend after the exam.

The theme that I find most present in Lucy Tan's short story "Safety of Numbers" is how experiences and people shape who we become. This theme is present not only in the main character, but also in her mother. We initially had the impression that the mother was simply overly strict, and that her primary goal as a parent is to ensure that her daughter does well in school.

Read more about Safety of Numbers


Other Questions
Pls mark all Ill mark brainlestQuestion 7(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(03.07 LC)Estimate the product of 653.2 x 4.6. What numbers does it lie between? Between 2,612 and 3,265 Between 3,000 and 2,612 Between 5 and 654 Between 4 and 653Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(03.02 LC)Solve 147 x 3 = ___. 548 441 428 321Question 9(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(03.05 MC)6.84 x 57 = ___. 342.68 389.88 34,268 38,988Question 10(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(03.02 LC)A garden at the Hemingway House contains 236 plants. If each garden had the same number of plants, how many plants would be in 7 gardens? 1,652 1,422 1,412 1,282Question 11(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(03.01 LC)Solve 16 x 103 = ___. 16,000 1,600 160 16Question 12(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(03.05 MC)At the food stand near Fisherman's Wharf, a drink costs $2.98. What is the cost of 75 drinks? $223.50 $412.60 $2,235.00 $4,126.00Question 13(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(03.06 LC)Choose the answer that best describes the estimate for 1.2 x 1.2 = ___. The answer will be 24 because 12 x 12 = 144. The answer will be greater than 1 because the decimals are greater than 1. The answer will be equal to 1 because the decimals are the same number. The answer will be less than 1 because the decimals are less than 1.Question 14(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)(03.04 LC)Estimate the product of 2,456 x 38 by rounding to the nearest thousand and ten. 120,000 93,328 80,000 60,000 las edades de los hermanos de una familia son 3, 4, 6, 9, 15, 17. La varianza de las edades de esta poblacion es because portugal did not want to risk a pacific expedition, ferdinand magellan pursued his goal of finding a western route to asia under the sponsorship of this is the structure of ibuprofen. it has limited solubility in water (21 mg/l at ph 7) and has a pka of approximately 5. you have a headache but you have to study for the cell bio midterm, and you decide to take an ibuprofen pill. human cells have no transporter for ibuprofen. how then, does this molecule cross the intestinal epithelial cell membranes to get from your gastrointestinal tract into your bloodstream? Which statements about the portraits by Judith Leyster, Rembrandt, and Pablo Picasso studied in this lesson are true?Choose all answers that are correct.A.Leyster expressed joy in the features.B.Rembrandt expressed anger in the features.C.Picasso showed anguish in the features.D.Leyster added drama by using chiaroscuro.E.Rembrandt added drama by using tenebrism.F.Picasso showed multiple views simultaneously.These are the options.all are correct except for B. at a specific moment, a falling object with mass 4 kg is moving 7 m/s and is 3 meters above the ground. how many joules of mechanical energy does the object have? How does Ruby Bridges age at the time of the narrative affect her understanding of events as they happened. what is the volume of this triangle ( im confused and need help) "Dondarrion's Wood," Galshore said to herself as she approached the dense growth of trees. She spied all kinds of trees and shrubs. Galshore prided herself on her knowledge of plant life, but there were three trees that she did not recognize. She regarded the strange trees for a moment then turned to the trees she knew. She saw ten sprightly maple trees eager to catch the sun. She saw four ancient and venerable oaks placidly lording over the wood. She saw two cedars, four pines, a birch and seven sycamores. A crow quorked. Galshore looked up searching. She spotted the crow perched at the top of one of the maple trees hidden behind the sycamores. The crow quorked again. Galshore was a little afraid. The wood was dark. She felt a coolness linger and caress her face. Galshore concentrated on listening and noticed other sounds coming from the wood. They were strange sounds. She wondered what sort of animals made such sounds and shivered. Galshore turned and sat on a boulder.She stared into the wood for fifteen minutes wondering about the strangeness of the wood and trying to peer through the shadows of leaf and branch to discover what awaited her in the wood. "It is the only way to Ten Alders," she said under her breath.A light breeze shimmered through the cedars. Galshore smelled oak and pine and remembered."Father, what will we do when the Kargs come to Oranea?" Galshore asked.The stout merchant sat down by the fire with a book. "Galshore dear child, fear not for our safety." He leaned forward in his high backed chair. "The walls of our city are strong. We are well protected by stone and metal.""What about food?" Galshore asked. "Do we have enough food to survive if the Kargs stay outside our walls for a long time?"Galshore's father took a sip of Merasha tea. "We have been storing grain for quite some time. I have calculated that we have enough grain to give each of the 2200 inhabitants of Oranea one and one half pounds of grain each week. Never fear, you shall continue to enjoy cakes and cookies even if the Kargs come." He folded his hands and looked down at Galshore. "We shall not be troubled by mindless Kargs.Our hard work will not be undone by savages and brutes. The beauty we have created here will be protected. We are safe. asked."What about your Merasha? Maybe we should give it to the Kargs," Galshore Galshore's father hooked his thumbs under his belt and smiled. "So you would invite the Kargs to tea my little dear? Even if they could learn to precisely measure the proper proportions of 5 parts black lion's fennel leaf to two parts greebe root and seven parts prisic, they don't believe in medicines of any kind. They have some sort of superstition that medicines weaken the body and rob the true warrior of his strength and turn him into a zombie or some such nonsense."Galshore's father picked up his book.Galshore was curious, "Why do the Kargs want to attack us?"Galshore's father sighed. "The Kargs are not nice. They do not build and work.They plant no crops. They only know how to destroy, so they have nothing of their own. They steal from others. They know nothing of peace or beauty. They know only the violence and disorder they bring wherever they go."Galshore clasped her knees. "Why don't we give them some food if they have none of their own? I want to give them half of my one and a half pounds of grain I am to receive each week."Galshore's father smiled. "I am afraid my dear that would only insult theKargs. There is no reasoning with them. They must destroy or be destroyed. Misery is like a comfortable warm blanket for them."The crow left its tree and perched on a rock in front of Galshore and cawed loudly. Galshore started. The crow regarded her curiously. "I wish you had been right father," Galshore whispered into the darkness of the wood. "I wish you had been right." She stepped into a green unknown world of shade and shadows.QUESTIONS:1. What percentage of the trees were oaks?2. If over the span of one year the number of pines were increased by 3, cedars by 2, sycamores by 1 , oaks by 5 and birches by 4; by what fraction would the total number of trees have increased?(dont forget the unknown trees)**3. Make a table of the propagation of the trees in Dondarrions Wood over a year. The table should include information about the fractional changes in tree proliferation over the year. (use all the info at your disposal including the info from question 2 -and dont forget the unknown trees)**4. What percentage of the trees were unknown to Galshore?(first year)5. How much grain would it take to feed the inhabitants of Oranea for one year?6. If Galshore gave 24% of her grain to the Kargs for one week, how much grain would she have left for that week?7. How much prisic would be contained in 13 pounds of Merasha Tea?. **8. How much greebe root would be contained in 13 pounds of Merasha Tea?** NEED HELP ASAP - Algebra 2 uncle henry has ten one-dollar bills to distribute among his five youngest nieces and nephews. how many ways are there to distribute his money? is the process in which haploid gametes fuse to form a diploid cell called a zygote. 1.Respond to this question in a complete ACES paragraph: What social behavior of the wealthy are shown in the play The Importance of Being Earnest? (Sentence stems: In the play The Importance of Being Earnest, the wealthy are shown to be [...] in social situations. For example, when [...]. To explain, this character behaved [...] by [...]. In summary, the play is Oscar Wilde's commentary on upper class society.2. Respond to this question in a complete ACES paragraph: What is the role of the characters Cecily and Gwendolen in the play The Importance of Being Earnest? (Sentence stems: In the play The Importance of Being Earnest, Cecily and Gwendolen serve the role of [...]. For example, when [...]. To explain, these characters were important because [...]. In summary, they were [...]."3. Respond to this question in a complete ACES paragraph: In Act III of The Importance of Being Earnest, what does Miss Prism reveal about Jack? (Sentence stems: In Act III of the play The Importance of Being Earnest, Miss Prism reveals that Jack is [...]. She states, "[...]." To explain, this character showed that [...]. In summary, the secondary character told quite an important tale!4. Answer in a full sentence: What is ironic about the title The Importance Being Earnest? *Hint: Earnest/Ernest! (Sentence stem: "The title The Importance Being Earnest is ironic because [...]".)5. Cite a detail/quote/example from the play The Importance of Being Earnest. (Sentence stem: "For example, there's the detail that to be 'earnest' means [...].)6. Cite a second detail/quote/example from the play The Importance of Being Earnest. (Sentence stem: "In addition, there's the detail that the name 'Ernest' is used in the play to [...].)7. Explain/Summarize your written response by restating your thesis/answer from above. (Sentence stem: "In conclusion, the title of the play is [...].") one of the reasons absorbance is so useful for chemists is because it allows us to find the concentration of a solution if we know the molar absorptivity. if the absorbance of a new blue dye solution is 0.96 what is the concentration of that solution in a gas station employee monitored gas sales one day. the data showed that 80% of customers purchased regular gas. of the customers who purchased regular gas, 10% paid in cash, whereas 20% of the customers who did not purchase regular gas paid in cash. what percentage of the customers paid in cash? 30% 28% 14% 12% a plant has two alleles for color. the red allele is recessive, and is represented by q. the purple allele is dominant, and is represented by p. if 30 of 100 organisms are red, what is q? which of the following is necessarily characterized by a non-covalent linkage? peptide bond ionic bond ester bond phosphodiester bond glycosidic bond In Problems 13 through 16, substitute y = e^rx into the given differential equation to determine all values of the constant r for which y = e^rx is a solution of the equation. 13. 3y' = 2y 14. 4y" = y 15. y" + y' - 2y = 0 16. 3y" + 3y' - 4y = 0 what is a formal accusation of misconduct against a public official ? if you had excess aluminum, how many moles of aluminum chloride could be produced from 37.0 g of chlorine gas, cl2 ?