Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.

Many women in the West were granted the right to vote.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Answer 1




because everyone has a right to do anything

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Which European nation's empire is the envy of the Germans?


It's important to note that the concept of empire and envy can be complex and multifaceted, and can vary depending on the historical context and the perspectives of different groups and individuals.

However, if we focus on the period of the late 19th and early 20th century, when Germany was rapidly industrializing and seeking to assert its power on the global stage, one could argue that the British Empire was the envy of many Germans.

At its height, the British Empire spanned a quarter of the world's land surface and controlled a vast network of colonies, territories, and dominions. It was the world's largest and most powerful empire, with a global reach that gave it tremendous economic, military, and political influence.

For many Germans, this was a source of envy and admiration, as they saw the British as a model for their own imperial ambitions. They were particularly impressed by the British navy, which was the most powerful in the world and enabled the Empire to project its power across the oceans.

However, this envy was also tinged with resentment and rivalry, as Germany sought to challenge British dominance and assert its own power. This would eventually lead to the outbreak of World War I, as Germany sought to challenge the British Empire and establish itself as a global superpower.

Learn more about empire here:

Did the conferences after World War II help
preserve peace?



The post WWII conferences did help maintain peace amongst mostly all countries involved in the conferences.


The rising disagreements between the Solviet Union and the United States did however start the Cold War which did not result in any serious military action but it came close serveral times.

state 4 reasons why choosing an appropriate career field us important for your pursuance of a career​


Here are four reasons why choosing an appropriate career field is important for pursuing a career:

Job satisfaction: When you choose a career that aligns with your skills, interests, and values, you are more likely to enjoy your work and find it fulfilling. Job satisfaction can lead to greater happiness and a sense of purpose in your life.

Professional growth: Choosing an appropriate career field can provide opportunities for professional growth and advancement. By selecting a career that offers opportunities for training, development, and progression, you can continually improve your skills and increase your value as an employee.

Financial stability: Choosing a career that is in high demand and pays well can lead to financial stability and security. By selecting a career with a strong job market and good earning potential, you can ensure that you have the financial resources to support yourself and your family.

Work-life balance: Choosing a career that is compatible with your lifestyle and personal goals can lead to better work-life balance. By selecting a career that allows you to work the hours you prefer and offers flexibility in terms of location and schedule, you can achieve a balance between work and other important aspects of your life, such as family, friends, and hobbies.

What is Vitruvian man? A. one of Leonardo's inventions of a machine man B. world renowned drawing of the correct human proportions C. another name for Leonardo da Vinci​



B. Vitruvian Man is a world-renowned drawing created by Leonardo da Vinci that depicts the correct proportions of the human body, based on the work of the Roman architect Vitruvius.

Final answer:

Vitruvian Man is a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci portraying the ideal human proportions as defined by Vitruvius, showing its connection with nature and the universe.


The Vitruvian Man is a world renowned drawing by Leonardo da Vinci. It is a representation of the ideal human proportions, as defined by the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius. The drawing depicts a man in two superimposed positions with his arms and legs apart and simultaneously inscribed in a circle and square. The design serves to illustrate the concept that the human body can be harmoniously integrated within these two basic geometric shapes, connecting human anatomy with nature and the universe


Learn more about Vitruvian Man here:


How did the saint patrick's holiday empower and raise awareness for the irish in the United States?


The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, and celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general. Celebrations generally involve public parades and festivals, céilithe, and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks. In contrast to the merry-making in the United States, March 17 has been more holy day than holiday in Ireland. Since 1631, St. Patrick’s Day has been a religious feast day to commemorate the anniversary of the 5th-century death of the missionary credited with spreading Christianity to Ireland. For several centuries, March 17 was a day of solemnity in Ireland with Catholics attending church in the morning and partaking of modest feasts in the afternoon. There were no parades and certainly no emerald-tinted food products, particularly since blue, not green, was the traditional color associated with Ireland’s patron saint prior to the 1798 Irish Rebellion.

Which of the following correctly compares Japanese feudalism to Western European feudalism?

Both developed in rebellion against central government.
Both lasted only a brief time before dissolving.
Both relied on mainly on family-based power structures.
Both resulted in the creation of representative government.



The selections do not adequately contrast Japanese and Western European feudalism.

The interaction between the central government and the feudal lords was one significant distinction between Japanese feudalism and Western European feudalism. In contrast to Western Europe, where the central government had greater control and influence over the feudal lords, Japan had a comparatively weak central government and the majority of power was held by regional lords, or daimyos.

Both systems included a warrior class and a hierarchical social framework, but they were different in how they handled land ownership. Whereas the feudal lords in Western Europe held territory because of their connections to the king, the daimyos in Japan received land grants from the central government.

Generally speaking, contrasting Japanese feudalism to

Feudalism in Western Europe is a complicated topic with numerous parallels and contrasts.

11. Why was Daniel Webster featured in newspapers across the country?
A He developed the nation's first dictionary
B. He defended the federal government in a Senate debate over nullification
C. He supported John Quincy Adams in the 1824 presidential election
D. He made an eloquent Senate speech attacking Jackson's removal policy



D. He made an eloquent Senate speech attacking Jackson's removal policy.

what was a significant change that resulted from the expansion of trade routes in the first few centuries bce?


One significant change that resulted from the expansion of trade routes in the first few centuries BCE was the spread of ideas, culture, and technology. As trade routes expanded, merchants and travelers exchanged not only goods but also ideas and knowledge. This led to the diffusion of innovations and technologies across different regions and cultures, contributing to the advancement of civilizations.

For example, the Silk Road, which connected China with the Mediterranean world, facilitated the exchange of goods such as silk, spices, and precious metals, as well as religious ideas such as Buddhism and Christianity, scientific knowledge, and artistic styles. The Indian Ocean trade network, which linked East Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, facilitated the exchange of goods such as textiles, spices, and ceramics, as well as religious ideas such as Hinduism and Islam.

The spread of ideas and technology also facilitated the development of new systems of government, social structures, and economic systems. For example, the spread of Buddhism from India to China and Southeast Asia contributed to the development of new religious and philosophical traditions, while the spread of Hellenistic culture from Greece to the Middle East and Central Asia contributed to the development of new forms of art and literature.

In conclusion, the expansion of trade routes in the first few centuries BCE had a significant impact on the world, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and technology across different regions and cultures, and contributing to the advancement of civilizations.

What is the subject of the cartoon? (What is the
Historical person or event it's referring to?)


Do you mind giving us an image- seems like there is an image missing?

Fish can be negatively impacted by dams because

Question 3 options:

A. dams create large reservoirs, making it easier to trap fish for fishermen.

B. dams slow water and raise the temperature.

C. dams have shallow pools at their base, which make it difficult for fish to lay their eggs.




Explanation: I did this too and that was the correct answer.




who benefited more in the patronato real​


The patronato real was intended to benefit both the Spanish Crown and the Catholic Church.

What was the patronato real?

The patronato real was a system of royal patronage that existed in colonial Latin America, whereby the Spanish Crown granted control of certain aspects of the Catholic Church to secular authorities. Under this system, the Spanish Crown controlled the appointment of bishops and other high-ranking clergy, as well as the administration of church property and finances.

However, in practice, the patronato real tended to benefit the Spanish Crown more than the Church. This was because the Crown used its control over the Church to extract wealth and resources from the colonies, often at the expense of the Church's own interests. For example, the Crown might appoint bishops who were more loyal to the Crown than to the Church, or it might seize church property and use it for its own purposes.

Learn more about patronato real​ at:


Because Japan refused to surrender to the Allies, and an Allied invasion of
Japan would result in an estimated 1 million Allied casualties, President
A. demanded that the other Allied nations provide more troops.
B. ordered the firebombing of Tokyo and other major cities.
C. organized a cease-fire between Japan and the Allies.
O D. made the decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan.








The conflict alluded to in the passage is best explained by the spread of Marxist ideology during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the spread of Marxist ideology during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries A protest and insurrection among the populations of France and Germany protest and insurrection among the populations of France and Germany B territorial disputes and rival alliance structures involving the two countries territorial disputes and rival alliance structures involving the two countries C the collapse of European empires as anticolonial movements developed in the early twentieth century


The conflict alluded to in the passage is best explained by the spread of Marxist ideology during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

What is ideology?

Ideology is a set of beliefs, values, and ideas that shape the way a person, group, or society perceives the world. It is often closely linked to political and cultural movements, and can have a profound influence on individuals and society as a whole. Ideologies can be used to further personal and political objectives, and can be shared or adopted by individuals or groups. Ideologies can also be used to define and explain social phenomena and to influence social change.

Marxist ideology was a powerful force in Europe during this period, and it led to the growth of socialist and communist movements, the formation of trade unions, and the organization of strikes and other forms of protest. In France and Germany, these movements and their associated activities increasingly threatened the political and economic status quo, leading to a widespread conflict between the two countries.

To learn more about ideology

annotate the letter from washington to hamilton & Hamilton to Washington and which conflict affected american politics in each letter?
1. forcing the opposing sides to compromise
2. strengthening loyalty to political parties
3. by increasing the division between the two parties

Hamilton to Washington (it won’t let me attach 2 pics sorry) :
I have the pleasure of your private letter of the 26th of August. The feelings and views which are manifested in that letter, are such as I expected would exist. And I most sincerely regret the causes of the uneasy sensations you experience. It is my most anxious wish, as far as may depend upon me, to smooth the path of your administration, and to render it prosperous and happy…I do not hesitate to say, that in my opinion the period is not remote, when the public good will require substitutes for the differing members of your administration. The continuance of a division there must destroy the energy of government, which will be little enough with the strictest union…
I know that I have been an object of uniform opposition from Mr. Jefferson, from the moment of his coming to the city of New-York to enter upon his present office. I know from the most authentic sources, that I have been the frequent subject of the most unkind whisper…I have long seen a formed party in the legislature under his auspices, bent upon my subversion. I cannot doubt from the evidence I possess, that the National Gazette was instituted by him for political purposes, and that one leading object of it has been to render me, and all the measures connected with my department, as odious as possible…
Nevertheless, I can truly say, that, except explanations to confidential friends, I never directly or indirectly retaliated or countenanced retaliation till very lately. I can even assure you, that I was instrumental in preventing a very severe and systematic attack upon Mr. Jefferson


A disagreement between Hamilton and Washington in 1781 resulted in Hamilton's departure from his position as aide-de-camp. In conclusion, Washington visited Hamilton in person, but Hamilton accidentally kept Washington waiting for a while.

What led Hamilton and Jefferson to argue with one another?

The Federalists, who favored a strong federal government, saw Alexander Hamilton rise to prominence among them. Republican Thomas Jefferson fought against it, arguing that giving the federal government too much power would lead to tyranny.

What is the purpose of Hamilton and Jefferson's letters to George Washington in light of these two documents?

They are discussing their problems with him and trying to give him their point of view. On how the government ought to be run, they disagree. We can tell since they are each offering George Washington their respective perspectives, and after reading the letters, it is somewhat obvious what they are arguing about.

Learn more about George Washington:


What country was the Philippines declaring independence from in this proclamation? United States France Spain Indonesia



C: Spain


ur welcome




What brought an end to the fighting in World War I in 1918?
O A peace treaty
O An armistice
O The collapse of Germany
O The destruction of London


Armistice on the Western Front. On Nov. 11, 1918, after more than four years of horrific fighting and the loss of millions of lives, the guns on the Western Front fell silent. Although fighting continued elsewhere, the armistice between Germany and the Allies was the first step to ending World War I.

On November 11th, at 5:00 a.m., the German envoy at Compiegne consented to the conditions set by the Allied leader; the Armistice (effectively a German capitulation) was to take effect in six hours. 2 In June 1918, delegates from 32 nations gathered in Versailles to draught the Treaty of Versailles, a peace treaty. 3 The Treaty of Versailles chastised Germany for their role in beginning World War One.

A covenant of peace:

The Deals That Put a Stop to World War One. Thursday, June 7, 2018. On 11 November 1918, an armistice was signed, effectively stopping the war in Western Europe, but this did not signal the end of the conflict. The armistice was essentially a German capitulation, asThe effects will be felt in six hours. Germany submitted to the Allies. 2 Delits conditions effectively terminated Germany's chances of extending the conflict.

an armistice; the Armistice entered into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, silencing the cannons of the Western Front and effectively terminating the First World War. So goes the tale. After forty-one months of fighting, British forces were ready for a cease-fire in January 1918, but they were not expecting one.

Germany's implosion:

The Imperial German Army collapsed in the latter half of 1918, resulting in the German Revolution of 1918-1919, the Armistice, and the ultimate end of World War I with the signature of the Treaty of Versailles.

The devastation of London: World War One concluded on November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m. This became known as Armistice Day, the day Germany signed an armistice (a peace treaty) that put an end to the war. People in the United Kingdom, France, and other nations that backed them rejoiced.

What is inflation? How does this issue affect your life today?



Inflation is when the prices of goods and services go up over time. This means that the same amount of money you had before can now buy less stuff. Inflation can happen for a lot of reasons, like if there's too much money in circulation or if the cost of making things goes up.

Inflation can affect my life today because it means I might have to pay more money for things than I used to. For example, if a gallon of milk used to cost $3 but now costs $5 because of inflation, then I will either have to spend more money on milk or buy less of it. This can be a problem if I have a limited budget or if I really need certain things to live. Additionally, inflation can make it harder for people to save money because the value of their savings may decrease over time.

What did the communists taking control of China in 1949, the outbreak of * 6 points
war in Korea in 1950, and the exposure of Soviet spies in our government
lead to in the United States?
demands that the U.S. lead a United Nations-sponsored invasion and full-scale war
against China
the Red Scare and growing support for McCarthy's claims of communists in the
State Department
suspicions that Truman administration had secretly been funding Stalin's policies
O Senate investigation by HUAC into why the U.S. had supported Mao Zedong's regime
Which of the following is LEAST likely to be associated with the quote
"I have in my hand 57 cases of individuals who would appear to be either
* 6 points


The quote, "I have in my hand 57 cases of individuals who would appear to be either..." is a reference to Senator Joseph McCarthy's claims of communists in the US government during the Red Scare, which was fueled by a combination of factors, including the communist takeover of China in 1949, the Korean War, and the exposure of Soviet spies in the US government.

Out of the options given, the least likely to be associated with this quote is option A, "demands that the US lead a United Nations-sponsored invasion and full-scale war against China." While the communist takeover of China did lead to concerns about the spread of communism and US involvement in the Korean War, there were no demands for a full-scale war against China by the US or the United Nations. The US did get involved in the Korean War, but its primary focus was on containing the spread of communism rather than invading China.

Options B, C, and D are all associated with the Red Scare and the fallout from the communist takeover of China, the Korean War, and the exposure of Soviet spies in the US government. The exposure of Soviet spies led to increased suspicions of communist infiltration in the US government, which in turn led to the Red Scare and the growing support for McCarthy's claims of communists in the State Department. The communist takeover of China and the Korean War also contributed to these fears, as they were seen as evidence of communist expansionism and the need for the US to contain the spread of communism. The investigations by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) were part of the broader effort to root out communism and communist sympathizers in the US government and society.

Explain why the person, place and time of recording can affect the value of a source to a historian


Historians use the historical method to gather and assess material from a wide range of primary sources in order to answer queries about historical events. During the course of their inquiries, they may examine written documents, physical artifacts, and other kinds of proof.

Written history emerges relatively late in human history. The first written documents stretch back about 5,000 years in Egypt and ancient Sumer. The oldest Sumerian documents were made on earthenware with wedge-shaped (cuneiform) marks made with reeds cut at an angle.I believe you're referring to sources. Sources can be primary or secondary.

The individual always has a significant impact on how the chronicler records the information. Let's take a look at an illustration. The Emperor of China . If he had left a supplementary source that someone else obtained, then it was most certainly not from his viewpoint, but from the perspective of another individual. But if he kept a private diary, we'd know what he thought about certain issues. The location is also important because we can see where the individual walked and how that location affected them. What that location was like back then. Time is also important because whether it is the 21st century or the 16th century, it counts based on how the world was back then or now. As well as the development.

Because there is no universal way of time, historians must understand howto use societal variables and context to deduce the sequence of occurrences over time.

who was the navaja code talker



The Navajo Code Talkers were a group of Native American soldiers who served in the United States Marine Corps during World War II. They used their Navajo language to create a secret code that the Japanese could not decipher, playing a critical role in the Pacific theater of the war. The contributions of the Navajo Code Talkers remained classified until the 1980s, and they were later recognized for their bravery and service to the country.


The Navajo Code Talkers were recruited by the United States Marine Corps during World War II for their language proficiency in Navajo. The Marines recognized that the Navajo language was not known to the Japanese, and could therefore be used to create a secret code that the enemy could not decipher. The Navajo Code Talkers developed the code and used it to transmit important military messages, which helped the US forces achieve victory in several key battles. The secrecy surrounding the code was so important that the Navajo Code Talkers themselves were not recognized for their contributions until decades after the war. Their bravery and service to the country have since been widely recognized and celebrated.

Hope this helps, sorry if it's wrong (or didn't help you) !!

Create maps showing Europe before and after World War I to identify territorial changes.
Click the links to open the resources below. These resources will help you complete the assignment. Once you have created your file(s) and are ready to upload your assignment, click the Add Files button below and select each file from your desktop or network folder. Upload each file separately.


A map of Europe before and after World War I would show how there were territorial changes such that the, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, Russian Empires ceased to exist.

How did World War I change the composition of Europe ?

Before World War I, Europe was composed of large empires, including the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Russian Empire. These empires controlled large territories and diverse populations, which led to tensions and conflicts within and between them.

The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, led to the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was divided into several new countries, including Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. The Ottoman Empire was also dissolved, and its territories were divided among various European powers, including France and Britain.

Russia also experienced significant territorial changes after World War I. Many of the former territories of the Russian Empire became independent states, including Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Find out more on territorial changes at


Refer to the chart.
Powers of Congress under the Articles of
It had the responsibility of establishing a
It could draft soldiers into the armed forces.
It had sole responsibility for making laws for
the nation.
It could directly tax citizens for revenue.
It had no ability to create a national currency.
Which row in the chart accurately compares the powers and weaknesses of Congress under the Articles of
Weaknesses of Congress under the Articles of
It could not settle disputes between the states.
It could not control the armed forces.
It had no way of enforcing the laws it created.


The row accurately shows that while Congress had some powers, such as ability to make treaties and alliances with nations, declare war, make peace, borrow money, and set postal system, it also had weaknesses.

What are treaties?

Treaties are legally binding agreements between two or more sovereign states or international organizations. They are used to establish rules, obligations, and rights between parties, and are often used to regulate international trade, promote cooperation on issues such as climate change or human rights, and to resolve conflicts between nations. Treaties can be bilateral, involving only two parties, or multilateral, involving many parties. They are typically negotiated by diplomats and must be ratified by the relevant governing bodies of each party before they come into effect. Violating a treaty can have serious consequences, including economic sanctions or military action, and international law recognizes the sanctity of treaties as a fundamental principle of peaceful relations between nations.

To learn more about treaties, visit:


how did the letter from hamilton to washington led to compromise in the situation? (please give some examples with quotes contained from the picture i have attached)


In the letter from Hamilton to Washington, he expressed his concerns about the division within the government and how it could potentially harm the country's energy and ability to govern effectively.

What else he mentioned?

He also mentioned how he had been the subject of opposition from Thomas Jefferson and his supporters, which had led to a formed party in the legislature bent on his subversion. Despite these issues, Hamilton emphasized his desire to work towards compromise and unity within the government.

Hamilton wrote, "I most sincerely regret the causes of the uneasy sensations you experience. It is my most anxious wish, as far as may depend upon me, to smooth the path of your administration, and to render it prosperous and happy."

He also stated, "The continuance of a division there must destroy the energy of government, which will be little enough with the strictest union."

These statements show that Hamilton recognized the harm that division could cause and was committed to working towards unity.

Hamilton also mentioned his efforts to prevent a severe and systematic attack on Thomas Jefferson, despite their political differences. He wrote, "I can even assure you, that I was instrumental in preventing a very severe and systematic attack upon Mr. Jefferson."

This shows that Hamilton was willing to set aside his personal grievances to prevent further division and conflict within the government.

Overall, Hamilton's letter demonstrated a willingness to compromise and work towards unity, which likely played a role in bringing the opposing sides together and ultimately reaching a compromise.

To know more about letter related questions, visit:


review the sentence. by the late 19th century, france, germany, great britain, russia, and japan had divided their separate areas of control in china, which were called [blank] . which most accurately completes the sentence? responses zones of occupation zones of occupation spheres of influence spheres of influence settler colonies settler colonies protectorates


The sentence "By the late 19th century, France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, and Japan had divided their separate areas of control in China, which were called spheres of influence is most accurately completed by the phrase.

What is meant by the phrase "spheres of influence"?

A sphere of influence refers to a region where one country has a more significant impact or control over other territories, including military, economic, and political domination.

European colonial powers, such as Great Britain, France, and Germany, established spheres of influence throughout China during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

To conclude, France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, and Japan had divided their separate areas of control in China, called spheres of influence.

to know more about spheres of influence refer here:


Given to the church as a tithe while still a child, this composer of Gregorian chant later founded a convent; popes as well as kings sought her advice.

answer choices

O Beatriz, Countess of Dia

O Weelkes

O Hildegard of Bingen

O Machaut


The correct option for this question is: Hildegard of Bingen. Hildegard of Bingen (German: Hildegard von Bingen; Latin: Hildegardis Bingensis; c. 1098 - 17 September 1179), otherwise called Holy person.

Hildegard and the Sibyl of the Rhine, was a German Benedictine abbess and polymath dynamic as an essayist, writer, scholar, spiritualist, visionary, and as a clinical essayist and specialist during the High Middle Ages. She is one of the most incredible known authors of holy monophony, as well as the most kept in current history. She has been considered by researchers to be the organizer behind logical normal history in Germany.

Hildegard's cloister chose her as Magistra (mother predominant) in 1136. She established the religious communities of Rupertsberg in 1150 and Eibingen in 1165. Hildegard composed religious, natural, and restorative works, as well as letters, psalms, and antiphons for the ritual. She composed sonnets, and regulated scaled-down enlightenments in the Rupertsberg original copy of her most memorable work, Scivias. There are more enduring serenades by Hildegard than by some other arranger from the whole Middle Ages, and she is one of a handful of the known authors to have composed both the music and the words. One of her works, the Ordo Virtutum, is an early illustration of ceremonial show and ostensibly the most seasoned enduring profound quality play.[a] She is noted for the development of a built language known as Lingua Ignota.

to know more about Lingua Latina click here:


2. Identify the Battles the US lost early in the war *
O Hawaii and Hiroshima
O Guam and Wake Island
OIwo Jima and Tarawa
O Leyte Gulf and Okinawa


Battle of Leyte Gulf is identify the Battles the US lost early in the war .

Why did the fight in the Leyte Gulf occur?

On October 20, 1944, the Japanese dispatched an armada to the islands in response to the Allied Invasion to retake the Philippine Islands. The most significant naval engagement of World War II was the consequence of the succeeding conflicts from October 23 to October 26.

Where did the Leyte Gulf Battle begin and end?

The greatest naval engagement in modern times was the Battle of Leyte Gulf, also known as the Second Battle of the Philippine Sea. Between the Allies and the Empire of Japan, it took place between October 23 and October 26, 1944, in the Pacific Theater of World War II in the waters around the Philippine island of Leyte.

Learn more about Battle of Leyte Gulf


Briety support the statement, the real power in government lies
in the people.


Power in social science and politics refers to the social production of an impact that controls an actor's abilities, actions, beliefs, or behavior.

What are the government's powers?Among other things, these enumerated powers include the ability to levy taxes, control commerce, establish a uniform naturalization law, create federal courts (subordinate to the Supreme Court), create and maintain a military, and declare war. The U.S. Federal Government is divided into the legislative, executive, and judicial branches to ensure a balance of power. Each arm of government has its own authority and duties, including cooperating with other branches, to ensure that the government is effective and that individuals' rights are respected. They include the authority to mint money, build an army and navy, declare war, control commerce, create immigration and naturalization policies, and establish the federal courts and their powers.The executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government are the three.

To learn more about government, refer to:

From what influences did the culture of enslaved men and women in the South draw upon? Do you think this future was a source of hope or relief for enslaved people?


The culture of enslaved men and women in the South was a source of hope and relief, as it allowed them to maintain a sense of identity and community despite the oppression and hardships they faced. Through their culture, enslaved people were able to resist the dehumanizing effects of slavery and to find meaning and purpose in their lives.

The culture of enslaved men and women in the South drew upon influences from their African heritage, as well as from the European and Native American cultures they encountered in the New World. Enslaved people created a unique and vibrant culture that included music, dance, storytelling, and religion. This culture was a source of hope and relief for enslaved people, as it allowed them to maintain a sense of community and identity despite the hardships and oppression they faced.
One of the most important aspects of enslaved culture was religion. Enslaved people often combined elements of African religious practices with Christianity, creating a unique form of worship that emphasized spiritual resistance to slavery and the hope of eventual freedom. Music and dance were also important parts of enslaved culture, with African rhythms and melodies influencing the development of spirituals, work songs, and other forms of music. Storytelling was another important aspect of enslaved culture, with tales and folktales serving as a way to pass on cultural traditions and to offer moral lessons and hope.

For more such questions on enslaved, click on:


To make an invasion of France easier, the Allies forced Germany to divert
troops from France by invading(?)
O A. Austria
B. Italy
OC. Spain
OD. Egypt



B. Italy yessssss

The Allies employed the strategy of diverting German forces from France in order to make an invasion of France easier.

This strategy was implemented by attacking German forces in other areas, such as Austria, Italy, Spain, and Egypt. This strategy worked by forcing Germany to shift their focus and resources to defending themselves in the invaded countries, or to launch counterattacks against the new threats. This in turn made it easier for the Allies to launch their own military invasion into France, as it provided them with a numerical superiority on the battlefield.

Furthermore, it allowed them to attack Germany from multiple directions and to keep their forces fresh, while the German troops were spread thin. Thus, this strategy allowed the Allies to make an invasion of France easier, to ultimately achieve victory in World War II.

To know more about World War II, click here:


President Roosevelt approved of the funding for the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb after receiving a letter from Albert Einstein Enrico Fermi Robert Oppenheimer Adolf Hitler


President Roosevelt approved the funding for the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb after receiving a letter from Albert Einstein.

President Roosevelt approved the funding for the Manhattan Project to build the atomic bomb after receiving a letter from Albert Einstein. Thus, option A is the correct option.

Why did Roosevelt approve of the atomic bomb?

On October 19, 1939, Roosevelt wrote to Einstein to let him know that he had formed a group to research uranium that included Sachs and members from the Army and Navy. Events showed that once he made a decision, the President was a man of tremendous action.

In reality, Roosevelt's approval of uranium research in October 1939—which was motivated by his conviction that the United States could not take the chance of letting Hitler acquire unilateral possession of "extremely powerful bombs"—was merely the first of many choices that ultimately resulted in the establishment of the Manhattan Project, the only atomic bomb effort that was successful in World War II.

Learn more about the Manhattan Project here:


Other Questions
Find in the sequence where each primer binds. Draw a box around where each primer will bind. In this case, exactly how many base pairs do you expect your pcr product to be? Marquis has an ear for music. He was recently listening to some music that he instantly knew was from the Baroque period. What did he MOST likely notice about the music that made him sure it was Baroque music?Marquis has an ear for music. He was recently listening to some music that he instantly knew was from the Baroque period. What did he MOST likely notice about the music that made him sure it was Baroque music?It was monophonic and avoided chords.It was highly ornamented with trills and grace notes.It transitioned through several emotions in one place.It was very simple and had very little dissonance. In her speech, Lorenda tries to persuade her classmates to give money to The Red Cross. In order to do this, shemuststrengthen their beliefsb change their valuesmotivate them to actiond weaken their attitudes. Please select the best answer from the choices providedABDSave and ExitNeadSEMark this and retum it is hypothesized that early photosynthesis was anoxygenic. think about the role of oxygen in photosynthesis as carried out by green plants, green algae, and cyanobacteria (as opposed to modern organisms that use anoxygenic photosynthesis). what would have been different in anoxygenic photosynthesis (or is different in modern organisms that use anoxygenic photosynthesis)? 3/9 * 6/4 - 1/12 + 13/6 + 2/7 How useful are Sources A and B for an enquiry into the failure of the police tocatch Jack the Ripper?Explain your answer, using Sources A and B and your knowledge of the historicalcontext.(8) Suppose that the local government of Tulsa decides to institute a tax on soda producers. Before the tax, 35,000 liters of soda were sold every week at a price of $11 per liter. After the tax, 30,000 liters of soda are sold every week; consumers pay $14 per liter, and producers receive $6 per liter (after paying the tax).The amount of the tax on a liter of soda is$per liter. Of this amount, the burden that falls on consumers is$per liter, and the burden that falls on producers is$per liter. An equipment with an estimated lifespan of 10 years is to be bought for Php 1,500,000. It will generate revenues of Php400,000 annually, and annual operating and maintenance cost of Php50,000. MARR is 20% per year. Calculate the IRR for the investment. What should be the decision here? What is the IRR in decimal form? Can someone answer this question Which describes literature during the Goryeo dynasty?A) it was controlled by rulers that would not tolerate any religion except ConfucianismB) it included books on history sacred texts and legends by both Buddhist and Confuican scholars C) it was mostly the domain of Chinese-born monks and scholars sent to Korea by the Tang dynasty D) it contained very little poetry or drama but was focused on history philosophy and religious teachings What weakened France's absolutist rulers, such as Louis XV?A.ignoring military spending to finance palacesB.draining the treasury to finance costly warsC.sharing power with the nobility and clergyD.allowing constitutional laws and liberties if you were giving a speech on prostate cancer, which of the following would be a good way to begin the speech and capture the audience's attention? multiple choice question. telling a story about the rough childhood of a neurosurgeon asking the audience if they have ever wanted to visit europe telling a story about someone who has suffered from the illness introducing yourself and stating the purpose of the speech You currently have $9,300 (Present Value) in an account that has an interest rate of 5% per year compounded annually (1 times per year). You want to withdraw all your money when it reaches $15,810 (Future Value). In how many years will you be able to withdraw all your money? Question 6, please help 6/10 In a real-life communist society, who are the wealthiest and most powerful people? aIntellectuals bBusiness leaders cMilitary leaders dWhoever controls the government Mira looks at her fitness monitor and sees that she has run 2 miles so far. If this distance is 40% of the total distance she plans to run, how many total miles does Mira plan to run? What impacts does alcohol labeling requirements indifferent countries have on marketing? What becomes of the first page of the verse the speaker writes after moving into a new home from the narrow road of the interior poem The correlation be reasonable to conclude that the data come from a r X Table of critical values Sample Size, n Critical Value Sample Size, n Critical Value 5 0.880 16 0.941 6 0.888 17 0.944 7 0.898 18 0.946 8 0.906 19 0.949 9 0.912 20 0.951 10 0.918 21 0.952 11 0.923 22 0.954 12 0.928 23 0.956 13 0.932 24 0.957 14 0.935 25 0.959 15 0.939 30 0.960 jar contains 30 red balls and 20 white balls. twenty-five balls are randomly selected from the jar with replacement. what is the probability that a red ball was selected more than 20 times? Someone who has purchased four generations of an Android smartphone decides to purchase an iPhone 12 Pro Max would best under which category?A. RoutineB. ExternalC. InternalD. Flags