Is saying the beautiful are the ones who help people gramatically correct?


Answer 1


no the correct sentence would need to be "The ones who help people are beautiful."  


Answer 2


yes because if u help someone and u compliment them thats a good ded

Related Questions

Read the chart carefully, then answer the question located beneath.

A chart contains boxes that show parts of a paragraph. The first box contains the word Introduction, with dangers of texting too much written underneath. Under the box that says introduction, there are two more boxes side by side. In the left box it says main fact 1, body paragraph with topic sentence written underneath. In the right box it says main fact 2, body paragraph with A person who texts too much can put others at risk written underneath. Under the box for main fact 1 is another box that says supporting details. In that box are bulleted items that say stiff neck from constant looking down at phone, texting thumb numbness from overuse, and eyestrain can cause headaches and dry eyes. Under the box that says main fact 2 is another box that says supporting details. There are no additional details listed in this box. Below all of the boxes, in the middle, is one final box that says conclusion with thesis recap and call to action written underneath.

Based on the supporting details for Main Fact 1, which topic sentence would you expect to read?

Texting is the leading cause of injury in teenagers.
People who text while driving can cause accidents.
Limiting time spent texting will protect your wellness.
Excessive texting can be harmful to your physical health.



Excessive texting can be harmful to your physical health.


The topic sentence is a sentence that summarizes the main idea of a paragraph or a larger part of the text (such as the Introduction, like in this case). It is usually the first sentence of the text segment.

We can see that the paragraph named Main fact 1 discusses ways excessive texting can negatively affect your physical health. Its topic sentence should summarize that idea, and that's why the fourth option is the correct one.


Excessive texting can be harmful to your physical health.


SPENCER, North Carolina (Achieve3000, May 17, 2019). Don't ever let anyone tell you that young people can't do great things. Take it from Mrs. Fleming's 7th-grade class at North Rowan Middle School in North Carolina. This compassionate classroom crew is proof-positive that young people can make a difference in the lives of others. And activism can begin with four little words: How can we help?

So how do you go from sitting in a classroom to tackling the problems of the world? For Mrs. Fleming's class, it all started with learning about horrible global events that devastate individuals, families, and communities.

"We planned a trip to Washington, D.C., so that we could immerse ourselves in learning about the Holocaust and refugees," said Mrs. Fleming. "We [also] had the opportunity to participate in a Doctors Without Borders interactive refugee exhibit. We read Achieve3000 articles and novels about refugees, and we watched documentaries and news clips."

Then, the students had yet another extraordinary experience: the chance to speak via video teleconference to a refugee named Lubo, one of the estimated 20,000 Lost Boys who found themselves displaced or orphaned during a deadly civil war that began in Sudan in the 1980s. The students were very moved by Lubo's story as he told them about what he witnessed before he fled Sudan.

"The enemy from the North attacked, people were caught, houses burned, nothing [was] left," student Katie P. remembered him saying. "[It was] really sad because all he had and everything he lived for was no longer there, no one to count on, nothing."

"[We realized that] we usually took everything for granted," said Katie's classmate, Jennifer G. "We never appreciated what we had."

It's one thing to read about history, and quite another to hear from someone who lived it, and who made it clear that Sudan is still affected by life-threatening issues like poverty and lack of access to clean water. The students knew they had to do something, and that's when they asked: "How can we help?"

Soon, they found their answer.

The class was invited by the nonprofit group Mothering Across Continents to host a Walk for Wisdom walkathon to raise money and awareness for impoverished schools in South Sudan. It was a great idea—but the students wanted to take it further.

"We said 'yes,' but asked if we could involve our whole community," Mrs. Fleming said. She joined forces with Karen Puckett, a media specialist at Isenberg Elementary School in Salisbury, North Carolina, which had participated in a school-based Walk for Wisdom for several years.

Meanwhile, the students in Mrs. Fleming's class leaped into action, working in teams to design t-shirts and flyers for the April 2019 walkathon. They also created an iMovie, a website, and a GoFundMe page to help raise money.

Even after all that, the students were just getting started! They planned a Refugee Awareness Community Night at their local bookstore, where they spoke to Ngor Kur Mayol—another Sudanese refugee. The event featured their presentations, art, and writing, as well as a marketplace to raise money for a source of clean water for the students at Nyarweng Primary School in South Sudan.

Mrs. Fleming and her students hope they will eventually be able to exchange messages and photos with the Nyarweng Primary School pupils.

All this might be just the beginning of an ongoing effort. "Our hope is that these events will turn into yearly global events for our county, and that our community will unite for a global cause to help youth in another country," Mrs. Fleming explained.

Needless to say, Mrs. Fleming is extremely proud of how her class has stepped up to help—not that she's surprised.

"Our students have incredible ideas," she said. "All we need to do is listen and encourage. I love seeing where my students' voices and actions can lead us."

And if you want to make a difference in the lives of others, student Kimberly F. has some advice.

"You may think that starting a project to change the world would be difficult," she said. "But if you really put your mind into it, you can achieve amazing things. It can start with a simple act in your community, but you'll see that it will grow and grow."

Most importantly, the students say, don't ever feel like you're too young to make a mark on the world.

"There are many things we are limited to do because we are kids," Katie said. "A lot of people may underestimate [us], but that is what drives us to stand out and help other people."

The best alternate headline for this Article would be __________.

A.Mothering Across Continents Arranges Walk for Wisdom Walkathons

B.Middle School Class Creates GoFundMe Page To Raise Money

C.Students Use Achieve3000 Articles To Learn About Tragic World Events

D.Students Tackle Global Problems One "Step" at a Time



uh what is this basically asking


What is the question

Which consumers in the prairie ecosystem do you think are secondary consumers?


Answer:The Primary Consumers – the prairie dogs, grasshoppers, jackrabbits, and pronghorn antelope. The Secondary Consumers – the owls, rattlesnakes and coyotes. The Scavengers – the coyotes and insects.


How does Anne Frank directly acknowledge conflicting viewpoints in her diary in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl?

(A) She writes why she thinks people should believe what she does.

(b) She quotes her family's conversations and explains how she disagrees.

(c) She describes and interprets other people's facial expressions.

(d) She guesses what her family members are thinking when they don't respond.





I took the test and that was the answer.

Answer: I think its b I hope this was helpful :D


Which sentence has the MOST objective tone?
The Northeast has at least five months of cold weather, which is four months too
O We have a long, dreary wait until the beginning of spring.
O I can't agree with the poet that April is a cruel month.
O The northern United States is statistically colder for longer than the South.


it would be “the northern United States is statistically colder for longer than the south”. Objective means to have no bias, and this answer is the only one that uses statistics and not opinions

Answer: The northern United States is statistically colder for longer than the South.  

Explanation: This is the only sentence that sticks to facts and neutral language in describing the weather.

please help me asap​


they happen infrequently during the full moon
The third one I’m pretty sure it’s that one

We must do something to help the bee population win the battle against a colony collapse or the world faces horrendous consequences. Bees are important to our food chain. The loss of bees would mean the extinction of food as we know it.

What is the purpose of this passage?



To inform and persuade the reader


Bees truly are essential to all life on Earth; without them there would be know pollination- with no pollination, there’s no flowers- without producers, the world dies. We need to keep their population safe.


The awnser is persuasise.

We must do something to help the bee population win the battle against a colony collapse or the world faces horrendous consequences. Bees are important to our food chain. The loss of bees would mean the extinction of food as we know it.

What is the purpose of this passage?

The awnser is persuasise.  


Explanation: thank you

which sentence best rewrites the following line so that that it includes hyperbole?
Jackson lived for a long period of time in a small



jackson lived forever


a hyperbole is an exaggeration

1) In line 7, the word “knell” most nearly means...

A. The past tense of kneel
B. The sound of ringing bells
C. A song
D. A type of se animal

2) This poem can be best describes as

A. Celebratory
B. Elegiac
C. Humorous
D. Persuasive

4) The topic of this poem can be best described as

A. The difficulty of continuing life after death
B. The transformative nature of death
C. the just death of the villain
D. Man’s return to the heaven after death

5) In line five, the word “suffer” most nearly means

A. To experience pain
B. To undergo
C. To die
D. To patiently endure



No. 1: B. The sound of ringing bells

No. 2: B. Elegiac

No. 4: B. The transformative nature of death.

No. 5: B. To undergo


The poem is elegiac. It sounds sad and seems to talk about the transformative nature of death. The poem seems to explain what happens to the father that was in the grave.

Also, the sound of the knell in the poem depicts that it is elegiac.

(Score for Question 2: of 20 points)
Read the passage. Then answer the question.
Out of Place
“Ben bunu yapmayacağım . . . I will not do that. He can’t have my shoes, he stole my guitar!” Erkan’s eyes looked impudent beneath his dark brow as his cheeks reddened in fury. His gray-whiskered lips trembled as his hand gripped tightly around the nurse’s wrist. The nurse carefully but firmly freed himself from Erkan’s grasp. He then turned to the caregiver who was assisting him, smiled, and said calmly, “Go get Michelle.”
Michelle was scanning boxes of gauze bandages and stacking them onto a shelf in the storeroom when the caregiver came in and announced, “Phillip’s trying to get Erkan to take a shower and he needs your help.” Michelle rushed out of the store room and down the hall to Erkan’s room.
This was the last week of Michelle’s internship. It was her junior year, and the internship was part of her “Workplace and Consumer Education” class. At first she wanted to intern at her dad’s gas station, but her teacher told her she needed to branch out and signed Michelle up at the Oakcourt Nursing Home, only 15 minutes away from her house.
Wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers sweatshirt and jeans, with dark curls pushed back in a hair clip, Michelle stood out from the crowd of nurses and caregivers in white pants and polo shirts who were standing huddled in the doorway of Erkan’s room. She moved past them and rushed to Erkan’s side. As soon as he saw her, Erkan’s face brightened and he stopped looking like a stricken animal and instead looked like someone who recognized a dear old friend.
“He can’t have them, Michelle. I sold them at the corner,” Erkan shouted, pushing his way to Michelle. “He stole my guitar,” he whispered.
“I know, Erkan, but he was only trying to help you get some money to pay for your trip.” Michelle had been frightened by a lot of the residents of the nursing home when she first started the beginning of the semester. Many of them were incoherent and loud, and some could be very aggressive and scary. Erkan often pushed or kicked and ranted. Michelle had started to regret this internship, and she even avoided going near Erkan’s room whenever possible. “He lives in his own world,” Philip, the managing nurse, explained to Michelle after her first encounter with Erkan’s temper.
Still, Michelle had been curious, and she felt sorry that Erkan had a bad reputation among the staff. She too had felt like everyone mistrusted her—especially at the nursing home where she was so much younger than the rest of the staff—so she understood how he must feel. Besides, he was the only person in the whole place with skin nearly as dark as hers.
Over time, she noticed patterns in Erkan’s rants: He would sometimes mention his guitar and his father and the city of Diyarbakir, which she learned is in Turkey. So she decided that the next time she brought supplies to his room, instead of avoiding Erkan, she would play along with whatever he said. If he lived in his own world, then she would try to join him there. Bit by bit, she discovered that he had immigrated to the United States from Turkey when he was very young. His father had saved as much money as possible to pay for his journey, but he needed to sell Erkan’s guitar to help cover the cost. Erkan had moved in with his aunt’s family in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and finished school there. Eventually he got married, had children of his own, and worked for years signing Turkish singers to a small record label. But he’d never quite felt at home in the United States.
“I know he sold your guitar, but you told me yourself he just wants what’s best for you,” Michelle said, while Philip and the caregiver looked on in amazement as Erkan settled into an armchair. “Now why don’t you listen to Philip, take your shoes off, and have a shower?”
“For you, Michelle, I’ll do it.”
You can feel out of place in a country, in the place where you live, or even in your own head, Michelle thought. But if you’re lucky, someone will know how to find you and remind you that we all feel that way sometimes.
In “Out of Place,” how has Ekran’s relationship with Michelle affected him? Discuss interactions between the two characters and explain how Ekran reacts to these interactions. Use evidence from the text to support your response. Your response should be at least two complete paragraphs.
Type your answer here



Ben is being amazing


Why does a bannana curve



Bananas curve so they can get sunlight.


Hope this helps.

HELP AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!





I'm not sure what the story is but I'm pretty sure

Please help me get this chart filled out


take a better picture

I am writing an essay.
The teacher wrote me an email and gave me some tips.
But what does "Provide your source here " mean?
Should I add examples? Because my sentence is: "The government even decided about religion and controlled the education."

Should I leave some space from the beginning when starting a new paragraph?

And Should I italicize foreign Latin words?



Provide your source means to tell what source(website, article, etc.) you're got your sources from. The more examples you use the better the reader will be able to understand what you writing about and it will make your writing piece clearer. Yes, you should always indent your paragraphs. Italicizing Latin words is not crucial but it might be helpful.


Hope this helps!

what are some promo codes



What do you mean by promo codes?????


For what store or site exactly?

Btw go download honey for all promocodes.


they are alphanumeric stings that online stores offer to purchase on their website and thry typically have a promotional marking strategy


The dictionary and a helpful teacher taught me this

Correcting run-On sentences using semicolons
1 The economic summit meeting was held in Britain many diplomats attended.
2 I especially enjoy poetry by Emily Dickinson her poems are intense, concise, and revealing.
3 The use and abuse of drugs is a popular course because the material is geared for non-science majors.
4 The food festival offers a wide selection of food everything from hot dogs to elegant deserts was available.
5 Since the flight was turbulent, the flight attendant suggested that we remain in our seats.
6 The bowling alley was not crowded most of the lanes were open.
7 swimming is an excellent form of exercise it gives you a good aerobic workout.
8 When the disabled aircraft landed safely, the onlookers cheered.
9 The two-lane highway is being expanded to four lanes even that improvement is not expected to solve the traffic congestion problems.
10 Before visiting Israel, Carolyn read several guidebooks they helped her plan her trip.



1. The economic summit meeting was held in Britain; many diplomats attended.

2. I especially enjoy poetry by Emily Dickinson; her poems are intense, concise, and revealing.

3. The use and abuse of drugs is a popular course, because the material is geared for non-science majors.

4. The food festival offers a wide selection of food; everything from hot dogs to elegant deserts was available.

5. Since the flight was turbulent, the flight attendant suggested that we remain in our seats.

6. The bowling alley was not crowded; most of the lanes were open.

7. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise; it gives you a good aerobic workout.

8. When the disabled aircraft landed safely, the onlookers cheered.

9. The two-lane highway is being expanded to four lanes; even that improvement is not expected to solve the traffic congestion problems.

10. Before visiting Israel, Carolyn read several guidebooks they helped her plan her trip.


Run-on sentences are sentences that consist of two or more independent clauses that are connected incorrectly. A common example of a run-on sentence is a comma splice, which occurs when independent clauses are connected just by a comma.

Run-on sentences can be corrected by adding a:

semicoloncomma followed by a subordinate conjunctioncomma followed by a coordinating conjunction

Run-on sentences can also be corrected by dividing the independent clauses into separate sentences.

Examples of run-on sentences are the first, second, fourth, sixth, seventh, and ninth sentences, and they are now corrected by adding the semicolon.

1. a_hl___S it is in olympic​



thx for the points


Read the excerpt from "Ellis Island."

For 62 years, some 12 million people passed through Ellis Island for the promise of a better life in America. They came on huge steamships, the majority from Eastern Europe and Italy, the rest from other corners of the world: Lebanon, Cyprus, China, Jamaica, and numerous other places. Many had left their homelands to escape poverty, while others had fled religious persecution or war.

Which words signal the passage of time?

some 12 million people
fled religious persecution
through Ellis Island
For 62 years



the answer is For 62 years


i took the test


the awnser is d.for 62 years


i just took the test

A figure of speech in which one directly addresses an absent or imaginary person, or some abstraction​





Select the correct answer.
Which citation style is used in literature?


MLA is most often used in literature




Most common one

"We can't fight our way through this, Robinson. We've got no army. There's virtually nobody on our side. No owners, no umpires, very few newspapermen. And I'm afraid that many fans will be hostile. We'll be in a tough position. We can win only if we can convince the world that I'm doing this because you're a great ballplayer and a fine gentleman."

—I Never Had It Made,
Jackie Robinson, as told to Alfred Duckett

What is the central idea in this advice from Branch Rickey to Jackie Robinson?

It will be hard to earn respect for Robinson, both on and off the field.
He thinks some fans will support Robinson, but only if he proves that he is a great ballplayer.
Robinson is strong enough for the job, but he is not a great ball player.
Robinson does not know how to talk to newspapermen, but Rickey does.



A. It will be hard to earn respect for Robinson, both on and off the field.


Got it correct on edgen


Please mark brainiest please I showed you and the other person didn't show you that the answer is correct or not.


What is the size of the matrix resulting from



Size of a matrix = number of rows × number of columns. It can be read as the size of a matrix and is equal to number of rows “by” number of columns. There are several popular types of matrices: 1

Number of rows x number of columns

write an informative essay on the topic of immigration. Your essay will use to research to describe the changes and challenges that today's immigrant children experience ​



Those children get poor support from government agencies and face high level of discrimination.


Parents who have low levels of education and are poor have been subject to high levels of discrimination which in turn harms children. Those children get poor support from government agencies and face a high level of discrimination. They are racially classified as black or brown. This further makes the process of their settlement difficult.


The immigrant children get poor support form government agencies and face high level of discrimination.Parents who have levels of education and poor have been subject to high levels of discrimination which in turn harm children. The immigrant children are racially classified as black or brown. This further makes the process of their settlement difficult. Immigration is used to keep people safe everywhere all though it sounds racist people still have to go through it. It is very hard to get by. Most people don't last it. 



In the song, "And American Draft Dodger in Thunder Bay," does the phrase,
"Canadian Shield" have a double meaning?



no it does not for your quistion

What is the best definition of the word pall as used in this sentence?

Her audience's attention began to pall as Catherine's speech kept going and going.












What word is the best synonym for Synagogue?






please help me asap​


C trust me thank me later

Answer: C.


Someone deleted my answer..

Hope this helps. Have a good night ma´ám/sir. Be safe!

Why should a reader recognize the author's purpose?
A. It guides the respons of the reader.
B. It helps the reader honor the author's name.
C. It makes the reader agree with the author
OD. It encourages the author to write more.



A. It guides the response of the reader


To recognize the authors purpose, it helps the response of the reader to better understand why they wrote what they did. Hope this helps

The person with whom you find yourself identifying in a story sometimes depends on your own identity. With whom did you identify at the start of staples essay and how did it affect your reading of the full piece?



As a woman, identifying with the story´s protagonist based on the first paragraph was complex. The beginning ('My first victim was a woman') made me feel like he was dangerous for those of my gender.


However, realizing that the 'victim' was actually a white woman discriminating against him for his race, something I have experienced personally because of my Latinamerican heritage, allowed me to identify myself with the protagonist, and therefore, I felt so much more immersed in his story.

Analyzing Exposition
Why then do we continue in this miserable condition?
Because nearly the whole of the produce of our labour is
stolen from us by human beings. There, comrades, is the
answer to all our problems. It is summed up in a single
word-Man. Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove
Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and
overwork is abolished for ever.
-Animal Farm,
Why is this passage an example of exposition?
O It introduces one of the main conflicts of the novel.
It introduces several main characters in the novel.
O It describes the physical environment of the novel.
It describes the time period in which the novel takes
George Orwell


Answer: A


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