Is this C, and why would it not be B?


Answer 1

Based on the provided chart, the conclusion that can be drawn is that Texas has a greater percent of people under the age of 18 than the rest of the United States.

How to draw the conclusion

The chart provides the percentage of the population in three age groups: less than 5 years old, less than 18 years old, and more than 65 years old, for both the United States as a whole and for Texas. The percentage of people under the age of 18 in the United States is 28.2%, while in Texas it is 25.7%. This indicates that Texas has a slightly smaller percentage of people under 18 than the US average.

Therefore, the only conclusion that can be drawn from the chart is that Texas does not have a greater percentage of people over 65 years old or under 5 years old than the rest of the United States. Thus, the only remaining option is that Texas has a greater percentage of people under the age of 18 than the rest of the United States.

Read more on percentages here:


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this excerpt of indonesian music comes from portugal. how did this style make to the indonesian archipelago?


The Indonesian archipelago has a long and complex history of cultural exchange with other regions. This includes the introduction of musical styles from around the world.

Portugal is among the many cultures that have made an impact on Indonesian music, with Portuguese musical influences reaching the archipelago as early as the 16th century. During the Age of Exploration, Portuguese traders, missionaries, and colonists brought their music to Indonesia, where it blended with local musical styles to create a unique hybrid.

Portuguese instruments such as the guitar and mandolin were adopted by Indonesian musicians and incorporated into the traditional music of the islands. This blend of Portuguese and Indonesian music developed over the centuries and is still prominent in the archipelago today.

Know more about Age of Exploration here


eric did very poorly on his last psychology exam. the tendency to make the fundamental attribution error might lead his professor to conclude that eric did poorly because ___.


The tendency to make the fundamental attribution error might lead his professor to conclude that Eric did poorly because he is unmotivated to do well in school.

If the professor makes the fundamental attribution error, they might conclude that Eric did poorly on his psychology exam because he is not a smart or hardworking student. The fundamental attribution error is the tendency for people to overemphasize dispositional (internal) explanations for someone's behavior and underestimate situational (external) factors that may influence behavior.

Therefore, the professor might assume that the reason for Eric's poor performance is due to his personality traits, such as laziness or lack of intelligence, rather than considering factors such as the difficulty of the exam, personal issues that may have affected Eric's ability to study, or any other external factors that may have contributed to his poor performance.

To know more about personality traits


the mental process of inferring the causes of people's behavior is calle


The mental process of inferring the causes of people's behavior is called attribution.

In order to ascertain whether a person's conduct is the result of internal (such as personality traits or abilities) or external (such as situational conditions) elements, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate information.

The dispositional and situational forms of attributions are the two most common ones, claims the theory of attribution. The notion of attribution theory in social psychology explains how people form opinions about other people's behavior.

Situational attribution refers to explaining conduct based on external elements like the environment or circumstances, whereas dispositional attribution refers to explaining behavior based on a person's inherent features or attributes.

Learn more about Attribution


The mental process of inferring the causes of people's behavior is called attribution. Attribution involves analyzing and determining the factors that influence an individual's actions, such as their motives, intentions, and personal characteristics.

The mental process of inferring the causes of people's behavior is called attribution. It involves making judgments and assumptions about the reasons or motives behind an individual's actions, whether they are due to internal factors (such as personality traits or abilities) or external factors (such as situational factors or environmental influences). Attribution can affect how we perceive and interact with others, and can have important social and psychological implications.

Learn more about inferring here:


the major reason class-action suits became more common after the 1960s was that


The major reason class-action suits became more common after the 1960s was the passage of new laws and amendments to existing laws that provide greater protections and rights for consumers, workers, and other groups.

Particularly, the Consumer Protection Act of 1968 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it simpler for groups of people to sue businesses and other organisations that had injured them.

Additionally, class-action lawsuit certification was made simpler by the 1966 revisions to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which decreased the burden on individual plaintiffs to file separate lawsuits and improved the effectiveness of the judicial system.

Due to the difficulty or impossibility of pursuing individual cases, class-action lawsuits have grown to be a crucial weapon for organisations seeking justice and restitution for harms.

For such more question on amendments:


The major reason that class-action suits became more common after the 1960s was due to changes in legal and social attitudes towards the protection of consumer rights and civil rights.

Prior to the 1960s, class-action suits were relatively uncommon, and courts often rejected them on the grounds that they were not efficient or practical for resolving legal disputes. However, the civil rights and consumer rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s brought about significant changes in legal and social attitudes towards collective legal action, leading to a greater acceptance of class-action suits as a tool for protecting the rights of marginalized groups.In particular, the passage of consumer protection laws and civil rights legislation in the 1960s and 1970s made it easier for individuals and groups to bring class-action suits against businesses, organizations, and government entities for alleged violations of their rights. This led to an increase in the number and frequency of class-action suits filed in the United States, as more people became aware of their legal rights and more lawyers began to specialize in this area of law.

Learn more about consumer here:


any use of classical or operant conditioning to directly alter human behavior is called question 34 options: a) insight therapy. b) behavior modification. c) somatic therapy. d) gestalt psychotherapy.


Any use of classical or operant conditioning to directly alter human behavior is called b) behavior modification.

While classical conditioning is education puppies to salivate to the sound of a metronome, operant conditioning is education them to take a seat down with the aid of using giving them a deal with after they do. B.F. Skinner proposed the principle of operant conditioning, and he used a easy test with a rat to expand the principle. Behavior modification is a sort of conduct therapy. B. F. Skinner validated that conduct will be fashioned via reinforcement and/or punishment. Skinner referred to that a reinforcer is a result that will increase the chance of conduct to recur, at the same time as punishment is a result that decreases the chance.

To learn more about classical conditioning check the link below-


If you close both your eyes while standing on one foot, _____.
A. you eliminate distracting visual information B. you can stand longer than if just your "non-dominant" eye is open C. you can stand longer with one eye open because you are eliminating binocular disparity cues D. you lose your balance more quickly than if your eyes are open


If you close both your eyes while standing on one foot, you eliminate the visual information that your eyes provide about your body's position and orientation in space. This makes it more difficult for the brain to make the necessary adjustments to maintain balance. As a result, you are likely to lose your balance more quickly than if your eyes were open.

Standing on one foot is a task that requires the integration of sensory information from multiple sources, including the eyes, inner ear, and muscles and joints. When both eyes are open, the visual system provides important information about the position of the body in space, the location of nearby objects, and the direction and speed of movement. This information is used by the brain to make adjustments to muscle activity and body position in order to maintain balance.

Closing both eyes removes this important source of information, leaving the brain to rely more heavily on the information provided by the inner ear and the proprioceptive system, which includes information from muscles, joints, and other sensory receptors in the body. While these systems are important for balance control, they are less precise than the visual system, and may not provide enough information on their own to maintain balance when standing on one foot.

In contrast, standing with one eye open can be helpful in maintaining balance. By keeping one eye open, you retain some visual information about your body's position and movement, while eliminating some of the confusing or disorienting binocular disparity cues that can occur when both eyes are open.

In summary, the eyes play a crucial role in maintaining balance, and closing both eyes while standing on one foot can make it more difficult to maintain balance. While standing with one eye open can be helpful, standing with both eyes open is generally the easiest way to maintain balance while standing on one foot.

Click the below link, to learn more about Body's position:


which communication practice (such as information radiator, scrum events, and so on) do you think would be most effective in creating openness and tra


In creating openness and transparency within a team, the communication practice that would be most effective is the Daily Scrum or Daily Standup meeting.

The Daily Scrum is a key event in the Scrum framework used in agile software development. The purpose of the Daily Scrum is for the team to come together for a brief, daily meeting to discuss progress made towards the sprint goal, and to plan the work to be done during the upcoming day.

During the Daily Scrum, each team member is encouraged to share updates on what they accomplished the previous day, what they plan to work on that day, and any obstacles they may be facing. The Daily Scrum creates a forum for team members to openly communicate and collaborate with one another, allowing them to identify and address issues in a timely manner.

The practice of having a Daily Scrum promotes openness and transparency within the team, as everyone is encouraged to share their progress and any issues they are facing. This practice helps to create a culture of trust, where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and challenges openly. By doing so, the team can work together more effectively towards achieving their goals.

Other communication practices, such as information radiators, can also be effective in promoting transparency and openness. However, the Daily Scrum is specifically designed to encourage communication and collaboration on a daily basis, making it a highly effective practice for creating openness and transparency within a team.

Click the below link, to learn more about The communication practice:


buffy believed that socialism could be achieved only through violent revolution and totalitarian dictatorship. buffy was likely a:


Buffy believed that socialism could be achieved only through violent revolution and totalitarian dictatorship and buffy was likely believed in Marxist-Leninist ideology.

Based on the given statement, it can be inferred that Buffy believed in Marxist-Leninist ideology which advocates for the overthrow of the ruling class through a violent revolution and the establishment of a socialist state.

Buffy's belief in violent revolution and totalitarian dictatorship suggests that she may have been a radical leftist or a Marxist-Leninist revolutionary. Marxist-Leninists believe that capitalism is inherently unjust and that socialism can only be achieved through the abolition of private property .

Totalitarian dictatorship is a key component of Marxist-Leninist ideology, as it is believed that a strong centralized government is necessary to guide society towards socialism. This type of government is characterized by a single party and the suppression of political opposition.

Know more about  violent revolution   here:


An increase in the government budget deficit will shift the​ ________ curve for loanable funds to the​ ________ and the equilibrium real interest rate will​ ________.
​demand; right; rise
​demand; left; fall
​supply; right; fall
​supply; left; rise


An increase in the government budget deficit will shift the ​demand curve for loanable funds to the right and the equilibrium real interest rate will ​rise. Therefore, the correct answer is A.

When the government runs a budget deficit, it needs to borrow money to finance its spending. This increases the demand for loanable funds, which shifts the demand curve to the right. As a result, the equilibrium real interest rate increases because borrowers are willing to pay higher interest rates to access the additional funds supplied by lenders. This higher interest rate also helps to reduce the quantity of loanable funds demanded and increases the quantity supplied, eventually leading to a new equilibrium. In a loanable funds market, the demand for loanable funds comes from households, businesses, and the government, while the supply of loanable funds comes from households and businesses who save their income. The equilibrium real interest rate is the interest rate at which the quantity of loanable funds demanded equals the quantity of loanable funds supplied.

Learn more about loanable here:


In Kintsch's model of text comprehension, the gist of a story corresponds to
the macro propositions
the micro propositions
the text base
the referential coherence


In Kintsch's model of text comprehension, the gist of a story corresponds to macro propositions. The correct option is the macro propositions.

Macro propositions are the main ideas or themes of a text that summarize the information and meaning conveyed in it. These propositions are constructed by integrating the information from the text into a coherent mental representation of the story. This representation includes not only the main ideas, but also the relationships between them and the context in which they occur.

In contrast, micro propositions are the smaller units of meaning that make up the text, such as individual sentences or phrases. The text base is the mental representation of the text that contains both macro and micro propositions, and is used to guide comprehension and memory. Referential coherence refers to the consistency and clarity of the references in the text, such as pronouns and proper nouns.

Overall, Kintsch's model emphasizes the importance of integrating and organizing information in order to comprehend and remember text. The correct option is the macro propositions.

For more about propositions:


if cultural relativism is true, then the moral values of our culture are group of answer choices inferior to the values of other cultures. superior to the values of other cultures. the exact same values that all other cultures have. no better or worse than the moral values of other cultures.


If cultural relativism is true, then the moral values of our culture are No better or worse than the moral values of other cultures Therefore the correct option is D.

Cultural relativism is an anthropological perspective that holds that people’s beliefs, values, and practices should be understood and judged in the context of their own culture. It requires that people try to understand other cultures on their own terms, rather than imposing their own values and ideas on them.

It challenges traditional Western notions of cultural superiority and argues for acceptance of all cultures as equally valid, even if their practices may seem strange or immoral from one’s own perspective. Cultural relativism acknowledges

the diversity of human experience and works to bridge cultural divides by learning from those with different backgrounds.

Hence the correct option is D

To know more about cultural relativism visit:


What physical feature is Mexico City missing that many other major cities have?



i don't see answer choices so..


One physical feature that Mexico City is missing that many other major cities have is a natural body of water such as a large river, lake or ocean coastline. Mexico City is located in a highland valley at an altitude of 2,240 meters above sea level, and it is not situated near any significant natural bodies of water. This can have implications for the city's water supply and transportation options. However, the city does have a number of man-made lakes and canals, such as Xochimilco, which have become important cultural and recreational landmarks.

The term degradation ceremony was coined by sociologist ________.Harold GarfinkelErving GoffmanTalcott ParsonsHerbert Spencer


The term "degradation ceremony" was coined by sociologist Harold Garfinkel. Degradation ceremonies are social events or rituals in which an individual's status or identity is publicly lowered or demeaned. These ceremonies often involve criticism, humiliation, or punishment, and can be found in various forms within different societies and institutions.

Garfinkel's concept is closely related to the work of other sociologists, such as Erving Goffman, who focused on the presentation of self in everyday life and the concept of "face." Talcott Parsons, another prominent sociologist, contributed to the understanding of social systems and the role of norms and values in society. Meanwhile, Herbert Spencer's ideas revolved around social evolution and the survival of the fittest.

In a degradation ceremony, the targeted individual's social identity is challenged or attacked, often resulting in a loss of status or respect. The ceremony may involve a formal accusation or charge, followed by a verdict or judgment, and finally, punishment or sanction. These events can occur in various settings, such as courts, schools, or workplaces.

Overall, degradation ceremonies serve to reinforce societal norms and values by demonstrating the consequences of violating them. By understanding the concept of degradation ceremonies, we can better comprehend how societies maintain social order and control through the enforcement of norms and the consequences of deviance.

To know more about degradation ceremony refer here:


an efficient tax system is one that imposes small deadweight losses and small administrative burdens


Little administrative costs and minimal deadweight losses are characteristics of an effective tax system. True.

The least deadweight loss in terms of tax revenue would be a tax that is paid regardless of what you do or purchase. The difference between the tax income the government receives and the cost of the public goods funded by the tax is known as the efficiency loss of the tax.

A personal income tax schedule is represented by the data below. Since taxes prohibit buyers and sellers from receiving part of the benefits of trade, they result in deadweight losses. If the decline in consumer and producer surplus is larger than the tax income, a tax on a good has a deadweight loss.

Learn more about tax system Visit:


Correct Question:

State true or false: An efficient tax system is one that imposes small deadweight losses and small administrative burdens.

True. An efficient tax system is one that imposes small deadweight losses and small administrative burdens.

Deadweight loss refers to the economic inefficiency that occurs when the tax imposed on a product or service is greater than the loss incurred by consumers or producers. An efficient tax system minimizes deadweight loss, which means that the tax is not too high and does not discourage economic activity. Administrative burdens refer to the cost and time associated with complying with tax laws and regulations. An efficient tax system minimizes these burdens by simplifying the tax code, reducing compliance costs, and making it easier for taxpayers to file their taxes. An efficient tax system benefits the economy by maximizing tax revenue while minimizing the negative impact on economic growth.

Overall, an efficient tax system is critical for promoting economic growth and ensuring a stable and sustainable fiscal policy.

To know more about Deadweight loss, click here:


Your friend Jim creates a flip cartoon during a boring meeting by drawing a slightly different image in the bottom right corner on all the pages in his notepad. When you flip the corners, it appears Jim's flip cartoon is moving because of:


When you flip the corners, it appears Jim's flip cartoon is moving because of Since Jim and John both want probability to be on the squad but there is only one room that belongs to another person, this question raises this issue.

There are a total of 6 colours in the spinner.

3 primary colours are used Jim's probability of spinning a primary colour is 3/6, or half.

There are two faces in all on a coin.

One head on each side of the coin.

Jim's chance of flipping a coin is half.

Jim's probability of spinning a primary colour and flipping a head is therefore 1/2 x 1V2 = 1/4.

Jim should be chosen in this instance even though they both possess the same skill and work ethic since it is OK to choose friends who have similar qualities or traits. The number of desired outcomes divided by the total number of outcomes yields a probability. Only one of the 2°=8 outcomes has three heads, hence the chance is stated as p=1/8. Three heads must have at least one tail, hence its probability is given as follows: p=1-1/8 = 8/8 -1/8 = 7/8.

To know more about probability visit:


a speaker can build rapport with audience members by making the message relevant to their interests and attitudes, and by being direct in the delivery of the speech. true or false?


A speaker can build rapport with their audience members by making the message relevant to their interests and attitudes, and by being direct in the delivery of the speech. Given statement is  True.

When the audience feels that the speaker understands and cares about their interests and concerns, they are more likely to be engaged and receptive to the message being presented. Similarly, a direct delivery style can help to establish trust and authenticity, which can also contribute to building rapport with the audience. When the speaker takes into account the audience's interests and concerns, and speaks to them in a direct and engaging manner, it can help to establish a connection with the audience and increase their engagement with the message. This can lead to a more successful speech overall.

Learn more about “ audience members “ visit here;


the tall and the short of it by barry bogin is calles? explain


"The Tall and the Short of It" is a book written by Barry Bogin, a biological anthropologist who studies human growth and development.

The book is a scientific investigation into the elements that govern human height and the effects of height on our lives. The title is a variation on the phrase "the long and the short of it," which refers to the main facts or aspects of a situation.

Bogin's book delves at how genetics, diet, and environmental variables like poverty, disease, and stress can all influence human growth and height.

He also investigates the social and cultural relevance of height, such as how it influences our self-esteem, attractiveness perceptions, and success in numerous parts of life.

For such more question on anthropologist:


The tall and the short of it by Barry Bogin is called a comparative study on human height variation. Bogin explores the factors that contribute to the differences in height among different populations, including genetics, nutrition, and environmental factors.

He also examines the social implications of height, such as how it affects individuals' self-esteem and social status.It is concluded that human height is positively related to interpersonal dominance, and may well contribute to the widely observed positive association between height and social status Overall, the book provides a comprehensive look at the complex nature of human height and its role in shaping our lives.

To know more about Barry Boggins, click here:-


which term refers to demeaning, exploiting, or taking advantage of another or influencing someone to do something they later regret?


The term that refers to demeaning, exploiting, or taking advantage of another, or influencing someone to do something they later regret is "abuse of power or manipulation."

Abuse of power can occur in various contexts, such as in interpersonal relationships, workplace dynamics, or government institutions. It is a form of behaviour that involves using one's position of authority or influence to manipulate or control others in a harmful way. It can have serious consequences for the victims, leading to emotional, psychological, or physical harm.

Manipulation involves the abuse of power to control or influence someone's actions or emotions, often leading to regretful decisions or actions. Manipulation involves using various tactics to influence someone's thoughts or actions, often for personal gain or control. It is more subtle and often involves deception or misleading information.

Both terms describe actions that involve using one's influence or control over another person to achieve personal gain or to harm the other person. These actions can be subtle or overt, but they are always harmful and unethical. It is important to recognize and address these behaviours to prevent further harm and ensure a safe and respectful environment for everyone.

Learn more about Power Abuse:


jimmy is screaming at people out the car window, trying to push into other lanes and snarling at the passenger in his car. what is the best way to describe his personality?


After considering the given instances that occurred in the car concerning Jimmy it is safe to say, that Jimmy is showcasing the following behavioral issues

Aggression and  impulsivelack of patience attention seeker

The personality of Jimmy can be determined as aggressive behavior which comprises of lack of patience, and being impulsive in taking actions that can turn out dangerous. The cause behind this kind of behavior from Jimmy's side is due to some emotions that lie dormant. The underlying emotions are


It is best to seek out help from a professional in order to bring Jimmy back to a normal and calm phase, that doesn't result in backlashes.

To learn more about Personality,


Which of the following represents the legal ability to enter into a binding agreement?
A. Majority.
B. Emancipation.
C. Contractual knowledge.
D. Contractual capacity.
E. Informed consent


The legal ability to enter into a binding agreement is represented by contractual capacity, which includes both contractual knowledge and informed consent.

Contractual capacity is the ability to understand the terms of a contract and the consequences of entering into it, as well as the ability to make a voluntary and informed decision to enter into the contract.

This requires a certain level of maturity and mental competence, which is why minors and individuals with certain mental disabilities may lack contractual capacity.

Emancipation, which is the legal process of gaining independence from one's parents or guardians, may grant a minor contractual capacity.

The most common way to obtain contractual capacity is through reaching the age of majority, which is the legal age at which one is considered an adult and is able to enter into binding agreements.

To know more about contractual capacity refer here:


according to calling and clarity, what are four features of direct calling?


Direct calling is a clear and concise way of calling fencing actions, and it involves four key features:

Clarity: Direct calling is clear and straightforward. The referee should call the attack or action that they see without hesitation or ambiguity.

Simplicity: Direct calling is concise and to the point. The referee should use simple language and avoid complicated explanations or unnecessary words.

Specificity: Direct calling is specific and accurate. The referee should call the name of the action and the body part that is targeted so that there is no confusion about what is called.

Consistency: Direct calling is consistent throughout the bout. The referee should use the same terminology and follow the same criteria for calling actions throughout the entire match.

To know more about Consistency


if a faculty member becomes aware that their student is in an emotionally abusive relationship, who must they report this information to?


'If a faculty member becomes aware that their student is in an emotionally abusive relationship, they must share this information with Title IX Coordinator.

Emotional abuse includes: Verbal abuse: Yelling, insulting, swearing Rejection: Constant rejection of one's thoughts, ideas, and opinions. Gaslighting: The manipulation of truth to make one question one's feelings, thoughts and even sanity.

Emotional abuse does not include physical behavior designed to control, isolate, or intimidate you. This can manifest in romantic relationships with threats, insults, constant surveillance, excessive jealousy, manipulation, humiliation, intimidation, rejection, among others.

Emotional and psychological abuse can have serious short- and long-term consequences. This kind of abuse can affect both physical and mental health. You may experience emotions such as confusion, fear, shame, guilt, frequent crying, overdoing, and helplessness.

Learn more about “  emotionally abusive relationship “ visit here;


look at your appearance right now. what aspects of your attire, hairstyle, or hygiene might create a problem if you were interviewing a general cross section of the public?


When evaluating your appearance for interviewing a general cross-section of the public, it's essential to consider the attire, hairstyle, and hygiene aspects. An unprofessional or inappropriate attire may negatively impact the interviewee's perception of you.

Additionally, an unkempt hairstyle or poor hygiene could lead to discomfort or distraction for the interviewee, which could ultimately hinder the quality and effectiveness of your interviews. In general, if someone's attire is too casual, revealing, or dirty, it might create a negative impression on the interviewer. Similarly, if someone's hairstyle is unkempt or unprofessional, it might also reflect poorly on them. Additionally, if someone's hygiene is not up to par, such as having bad breath, body odor, or unclean nails, it might create discomfort and distraction for the interviewer. Therefore, it's important to dress appropriately, maintain a neat and professional hairstyle, and ensure good hygiene when interviewing with a general cross-section of the public.

Know more about cross-section here:


identify and define the four features of gilligan's challenge to liberal morality.


Carol Gilligan's challenge to magnanimous ethical quality is based on her evaluation of Lawrence Kohlberg's hypothesis of ethical improvement, which she contended was based on a sexual orientation predisposition that marginalized the ethical voices of ladies.

Gilligan's evaluation of Kohlberg's hypothesis drove her to propose an elective hypothesis of ethical advancement based on four key highlights:

The centrality of care: Care includes sympathy and concern for the well-being of others, especially those who are defenseless or in require. Gilligan contended that care ought to be recognized as unmistakable ethical esteem that's fair as critical as equity.

The morals of obligation: Gilligan proposed that an ethic of duty is basic for ethical improvement. This includes taking duty for one's activities and the effect they have on others. An ethic of obligation recognizes that people are forbidden and their activities can have far-reaching results.

The significance of connections: Gilligan emphasized the significance of connections in ethical advancement. She contended that connections give the setting for ethical decision-making which shapes our sense of self and personality.

To learn about Lawrence Kohlberg visit:



Gilligan's challenge refers to the critique of liberal morality by Carol Gilligan, a prominent psychologist, and feminist.

She argued that traditional moral theories, especially those rooted in liberal morality, failed to consider the distinct experiences and perspectives of women. Here are the four features of Gilligan's challenge to liberal morality:

1. Emphasis on care and relationships: Gilligan emphasizes the importance of care and interpersonal relationships in moral decision-making, which contrasts with the liberal morality focus on rights and individual autonomy.

2. Different moral voices: Gilligan asserts that men and women often exhibit different moral voices. Men tend to adopt a justice-based approach rooted in rules and rights, while women tend to use a care-based approach focused on empathy and relationships.

3. Inclusion of women's perspectives: Gilligan's challenge highlights the need to include women's perspectives in moral theory, as traditional theories have predominantly been developed by male philosophers and may not fully capture the moral experiences of women.

4. Critique of impartiality: Liberal morality often emphasizes the importance of impartiality and universality in moral decision-making. Gilligan argues that this can overlook the significance of personal relationships and emotions, which play a crucial role in how women approach moral dilemmas.

In summary, Gilligan's challenge to liberal morality seeks to redefine moral theories by incorporating care, women's perspectives, and the importance of relationships and emotions in moral decision-making.

To learn more about Gilligan, click here:


______________premise reasoning starts with a broad, general statement, called a(n)_________premise. It then gives a specific situation and derives a(n) __________premise based on the premise and the situation.


Deductive premise reasoning starts with a broad, general statement, called a premise premise. It then gives a specific situation and derives a conclusion premise based on the premise and the situation.

A fundamental type of reasoning is deductive reasoning, commonly known as deduction. It begins with a broad assertion, or hypothesis, and considers all of the possible outcomes before coming to a clear, logical conclusion. The scientific method use deduction to examine ideas and hypotheses, which, if true, predict specific consequences.

In deductive reasoning, there is a first premise, followed by a second premise, and then an inference. The syllogism, in which two statements—a major premise and a minor premise—combine to generate a logical conclusion, is a popular example of deductive reasoning. Deductive conclusions are trustworthy if the premises are truthful.

Know more about deductive reasoning here


what technique allows researchers to examine the relationship between two or more variables, while systematically controlling for one or more potential third variables?


The technique that allows researchers to examine the relationship between two or more variables while systematically controlling for one or more potential third variables is called multiple regression analysis.

Multiple regression analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze the relationship between a dependent variable and two or more independent variables, while controlling for the effects of other variables that may be related to the dependent variable. The technique involves estimating the effects of the independent variables on the dependent variable, while controlling for the effects of other variables, known as control variables or covariates.

By using multiple regression analysis, researchers can examine the relationship between variables while accounting for other factors that may be influencing the relationship. This can help to isolate the effects of specific variables and provide a more accurate understanding of the relationship between them.

Click the below link, to learn more about The technique:


T/F performance effectiveness is defined as the quantity and quality of outputs relative to the course inputs.


True. Performance effectiveness is defined as the quantity and quality of outputs relative to the predetermined inputs.

This measurement is used to evaluate the efficiency of a system, process, or individual in achieving desired objectives. It is a quantitative measure of how well a job or activity is performed relative to how much time and energy is invested in it.

By assessing and improving performance effectiveness, organizations can reduce costs and improve quality. The use of performance effectiveness can help identify areas for improvement, thereby optimizing processes and resources.

It also serves as a means of measuring the success of a project and the overall performance of an organization.

Know more about organizations here


What religious group does this man belong to?






Answer: Hinduism.
Explanation: There are many religious beliefs that are included in hinduism, but karma and reincarnation are well-known beliefs in this religion. Also, Hindus believe in multiple gods while Buddhists focus on reaching Enlightenment, also known as Nirvana.




The woman in India is likely a practitioner of Buddhism. The Tripitaka is a collection of Buddhist scriptures and is considered a holy text in Buddhism. The aim of overcoming suffering and attaining Nirvana is a central tenet of Buddhism. Additionally, Buddhism is non-theistic, meaning that it does not require belief in a particular god or gods.

which of the following would be the best use of citizen science? responses an experiment that requires all participants to be working in the same laboratory an experiment that requires all participants to be working in the same laboratory an experiment that requires expensive equipment to conduct an experiment that requires expensive equipment to conduct an experiment that requires data measurements to be taken in many different locations an experiment that requires data measurements to be taken in many different locations an experiment that requires specialized knowledge and training to conduct


Citizen science is an effective way to involve the general public in scientific research and data collection. The best use of citizen science would be an experiment that requires data measurements to be taken in many different locations. This is because it enables a larger number of people to participate in the experiment, regardless of their geographical location, allowing for more extensive data collection.

In contrast, experiments that require all participants to be in the same laboratory, involve expensive equipment, or demand specialized knowledge and training are less suitable for citizen science. These requirements limit the number of people who can participate, and may exclude those without access to specialized resources or expertise.

By engaging citizens in an experiment that involves data collection from various locations, researchers can benefit from the diverse perspectives and local knowledge of participants. Additionally, this approach can increase public awareness of scientific research, fostering greater interest and support for future endeavors. Overall, citizen science is most effective when applied to experiments that are accessible and inclusive, leveraging the collective efforts of a wide range of individuals.

For more questions on: scientific


a set of ideas that explain or justify some aspect of social reality is called _____.


A set of ideas that explain or justify some aspect of social reality is called a social theory.

Social theories are frameworks for understanding how society works and why people behave the way they do. They provide explanations for social phenomena, such as inequality, power, and social change, and offer insights into how societies are structured and function.

Social theories are developed by scholars in various fields, including sociology, anthropology, political science, and economics, among others. They can be used to inform research, policy, and practice, and are continually evolving as new ideas and evidence emerge.

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