It’s time to be creative and imaginative. Below you will find several figures of speech. It is your job to find the connection between the two concepts. Check out the options below and create your own figure of speech for your teacher or classmates to interpret. Once you have completed your post, comment on a classmate’s post, pose questions, or politely agree or disagree and explain why.

Here is one example: Teaching is like a mansion. There are many doors and windows to open to expand a student’s mind.


Option 1: Alice in Through the Looking Glass is like a bird. (Finish the connection.)


Answer 1
Alice in Through the Looking Glass is like a bird, always flitting from one adventure to the next, exploring new worlds and encountering strange creatures along the way. Just as a bird must spread its wings and take flight to truly experience the world around it, Alice must venture beyond the familiar confines of her own reality in order to discover the wonders that lie beyond. And like a bird, Alice's journey is marked by moments of soaring joy and exhilaration, as well as moments of fear and uncertainty as she navigates the unknown. But through it all, she remains curious and determined, always eager to push herself further and explore new realms of possibility.

Related Questions

In three to five sentences, describe how water is used in the western states, and why it is an important resource.



Water is a critical resource in the western states of the United States, where it is used for a wide range of purposes including irrigation, drinking water, hydroelectric power, and recreation. Due to the arid climate in many areas of the west, water resources are often limited and carefully managed to ensure that they are used effectively and sustainably. The importance of water in the western states is further highlighted by ongoing debates and legal disputes over water rights, as different groups seek to secure access to this vital resource.

If each customer takes 3 minutes to check out, what is the probability that it will take more than 6 minutes for all the customers currently in line to check out? The probability that it will take more than 6 minutes for all the customers currently in line to


To find the probability that it will take more than 6 minutes for all the customers currently in line to check out, we need to use the exponential distribution.

Let X be the time it takes for one customer to check out. We know that X follows an exponential distribution with a mean of 3 minutes (since each customer takes 3 minutes to check out). Therefore, the parameter lambda of the exponential distribution is lambda = 1/3.

Let Y be the total time it takes for all the customers currently in line to check out. If there are n customers in line, then Y follows a gamma distribution with parameters n and lambda (since the sum of n independent exponential random variables with parameter lambda follows a gamma distribution with parameters n and lambda).

We want to find the probability that Y is greater than 6 minutes. That is:

P(Y > 6) = 1 - P(Y ≤ 6)

Using the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the gamma distribution, we can compute:

P(Y ≤ 6) = GammaCDF(n, lambda, 6)

where GammaCDF is the CDF of the gamma distribution with parameters n and lambda.

Therefore, we have:

P(Y > 6) = 1 - GammaCDF(n, lambda, 6)

For example, if there are currently 5 customers in line, then we have:

lambda = 1/3
n = 5
P(Y > 6) = 1 - GammaCDF(5, 1/3, 6) = 0.016

So, the probability that it will take more than 6 minutes for all the customers currently in line to check out is 0.016 or approximately 1.6%.

Do a comparison and contrast on John Donne poem talking about his mistress going to bed and Marvel Andrews 'To coy his mistress'​


Marvell's housekeeper Mary Palmer announced the two had been married 'on or about' 13 May 1667, and that they had kept their union secret because of 'the difference in their [social] comparison '.

Who are the characters in To His Coy Mistress?

There are three characters in To His Coy Mistress: the speaker, his mistress, and Time. The speaker is an eager is growing frustrated with his mistress' cautiousness in regards to their courtship. His mistress is unwilling to fully commit to their relationship yet.

What is the main theme of Coy Mistress?

The poem is a famous example of the classical idea of 'carpe diem' or 'seize the day'.

To know more about comparison visit :-


Which statement best explains why a Supreme Court opinion is a seminal document?


A Supreme Court opinion is considered a seminal document because it establishes a legal precedent that shapes the interpretation and application of the law for future cases.

What is seminal document?

A seminal document is a primary source or foundational document that is considered to have great importance or influence in a particular field, discipline, or historical context. It is a document that has had a significant impact on subsequent developments or ideas, and is often studied or referred to as a key reference point. Seminal documents can take many forms, such as treaties, declarations, court decisions, scientific papers, or literary works. They are often regarded as milestones in the evolution of thought, knowledge, or culture, and are recognized as having enduring significance for future generations.

To know more about seminal visit:


Read through each sentence carefully and correct any errors that you find (e.g., subject-verb agreement, look-alikes/sound-alikes, capitalization, misplaced or missing apostrophes, etc.). Many sentences have more than one error in them.

Some (two) of the sentences are correct; you can either put a "C" next to them or leave them alone. :)


(1) With their scaly bodies slit eyes and long tails alligators and crocodiles look a lot like

dinosaurs. (2) In fact alligators and crocodiles descended from the same family as dinosaurs. (3)

While its true that alligators and crocodiles look a lot alike, they differ in three ways.

(4) First alligators and crocodiles are found in different parts of the world. (5) Alligators be

found in China, Central America, and South America. (6) On the other hand, crocodiles are found in

Africa (especially around the Nile River), Australia, Southeast Asia, India, Cuba, and the West Indies.

(7) Only in the southern United States is both alligators and crocodiles found.

(8) In all cases however alligator’s and crocodile’s live in hot, tropical regions. (9) Reptiles were cold-blooded, so at

temperatures below 65 degrees, alligators and crocodiles gets sluggish and cannot hunt.

(10) Alligators and crocodiles also differ in appearance. (11) Alligators has broader flatter

snouts that are rounded at the end. (12) Crocodiles has narrower almost triangular snouts. (13) The

best way to tell the difference is two view both from the side when they have they’re mouths

closed, you can see only upper teeth on a alligator, but you can also see four lower teeth on a

croc. (14) If you get really close you can see that alligators have a space between their nostrils

whereas the nostrils of crocs are very close together.

(15) Finally alligators and crocodiles are temperamentally different. (16) Alligators are not

aggressive they are even a bit shy. (17) They will lie in wait along a riverbank for prey when they are on

land, they move slowly and unevenly. (18) Crocodiles, however, are much more aggressive.

(19) They are fast and mean, they often stalk there prey. (20) The Australian freshwater crocodile and the Nile

crocodile can even run on land, with their front and back legs working together like a dogs legs.

(21) Nile crocodiles kill hundred’s of people every year.

(22) Alligators and crocodiles have outlived the dinosaurs but they might not survive hunters who want to turn them into

shoes wallets briefcases and belts. (23) In 1967 the U. S. government declared alligators an endangered species.

(24) Fortunately American alligators have repopulated and their now reclassified as threatened. (25) Importing crocodile and

alligator skins are banned worldwide but some species is still threatened. (26) These frightening and fascinating ancient

creatures need help now if they were to survive.


The sentences have been corrected with the right grammatical forms as follows:

(1) With their scaly bodies, slit eyes, and long tails, alligators and crocodiles look a lot like dinosaurs.

(2) In fact, alligators and crocodiles descended from the same family as dinosaurs.

(3) While it's true that alligators and crocodiles look a lot alike, they differ in three ways.

(4) First, alligators and crocodiles are found in different parts of the world.

(5) Alligators can be found in China, Central America, and South America.

(6) On the other hand, crocodiles are found in Africa (especially around the Nile River), Australia, Southeast Asia, India, Cuba, and the West Indies.

(7) Only in the southern United States are both alligators and crocodiles found.

(8) In all cases, however, alligators and crocodiles live in hot, tropical regions.

(9) Reptiles are cold-blooded, so at temperatures below 65 degrees, alligators and crocodiles get sluggish and cannot hunt.

(10) Alligators and crocodiles also differ in appearance.

(11) Alligators have broader, flatter snouts that are rounded at the end.

(12) Crocodiles have narrower, almost triangular snouts.

(13) The best way to tell the difference is to view both from the side when they have their mouths closed. You can see only upper teeth on an alligator, but you can also see four lower teeth on a croc.

(14) If you get really close, you can see that alligators have a space between their nostrils, whereas the nostrils of crocs are very close together.

(15) Finally, alligators and crocodiles are temperamentally different.

(16) Alligators are not aggressive; they are even a bit shy.

(17) They will lie in wait along a riverbank for prey. When they are on land, they move slowly and unevenly.

(18) Crocodiles, however, are much more aggressive.

(19) They are fast and mean; they often stalk their prey.

(20) The Australian freshwater crocodile and the Nile crocodile can even run on land, with their front and back legs working together like a dog's legs.

(21) Nile crocodiles kill hundreds of people every year.

(22) Alligators and crocodiles have outlived the dinosaurs, but they might not survive hunters who want to turn them into shoes, wallets, briefcases, and belts.

(23) In 1967, the U.S. government declared alligators an endangered species.

(24) Fortunately, American alligators have repopulated, and they're now reclassified as threatened.

(25) Importing crocodile and alligator skins is banned worldwide, but some species are still threatened.

(26) These frightening and fascinating ancient creatures need help now if they are to survive.

What is subject-verb agreement?

Subject-verb agreement is a grammatical rule that states that the subject of a sentence must agree with its verb in number and person. In other words, a singular subject must have a singular verb, while a plural subject must have a plural verb.

For example, in the sentence,  Crocodiles, however, are much more aggressive, the plural subject crocodile must agree with the plural verb, are.

Learn more about subject-verb agreement here:


Part One introduces the central idea that people are comfortable with the things they know and
uncomfortable with things that are unfamiliar to them. Which of the following from Part Two best
develops this central idea?
A paragraph 11
B paragraph 12
C paragraph 13
D paragraph 14


Paragraph 12 best develops this central idea that people are comfortable with the things they know and uncomfortable with things that are unfamiliar to them.

Where is this central idea taken from? What is the story about?

The central idea is taken from Miss Brill. "Miss Brill" is a short story by Katherine Mansfield that really hits a person in the feels. The paragraph provides a writing style as well as the essay's main theme, which is how lovely the oceans and seas are and the species that dwell in them. Miss Brill's main themes are the agony of loneliness and reckless attempts to comprehend life by emulating the experiences of others. It is clear from the start that Miss Brill need warmth and companionship throughout the story.The major concept serves as the narrative's underlying topic, uniting all of the author's fictitious ways for telling the story.

Learn more about Miss Brill here:


Victoria is a member of both a soccer team and a swim team. Last summer, she had a total of 105 practices in all for the soccer and swim teams. Victoria had twice as many swim practices as soccer practices.
How many swim practices did Victoria have last summer?
[ ] practices



70 is the answer


Let’s use “s” to represent the number of soccer practices Victoria had last summer. Since Victoria had twice as many swim practices as soccer practices, she had “2s” swim practices last summer.

We know that Victoria had a total of 105 practices in all for the soccer and swim teams. Therefore, we can write an equation:

s + 2s = 105

Simplifying this equation gives us:

3s = 105

Dividing both sides by 3 gives us:

s = 35

So Victoria had 35 soccer practices last summer. Since she had twice as many swim practices as soccer practices, she had 2 x 35 = 70 swim practices last summer.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Victoria participated in 70 swim practises last summer and 105 practises overall for the swim and soccer teams. Victoria attended twice as many pool sessions as football sessions.

How long is Victoria's summer season?

Summer (December – February) (December – February)

Melbourne experiences the warmest months in January and February, when highs occasionally reach 30°C (86°F).

What time of year is it right now in Victoria?

Melbourne's climate is changeable; it warms up from December to February (summer), cools off from March to May (autumn), chills out from June to August (winter), and then warms back up from September to November (spring). January and February often see Melbourne's highest temperatures.

To know more about Victoria swim visit:-


You have just read two passages about sports injuries in young people. Write an informational essay explaining the strategies parents and children can use to prevent sports injuries among young athletes.

Manage your time carefully so that you can plan your essay and do some prewriting. Be sure to

use evidence from both passages.
avoid over-relying on one passage.
Your written response should be in the form of a multi-paragraph informational essay.


By utilising the right sports gear and ensuring that kids are participating in activities that are appropriate for them, many of these injuries can be avoided.

The best way to avoid sports injuries?

Create a fitness regimen that incorporates flexibility, strength training, and cardiovascular activity. As a result, there will be fewer hazards of wounds to you. Switch between pounding out various muscle categories every other day when you exercise. After exercise or sports, properly cool down.

How might sports-related injuries in kids be avoided?

Sports Injury Prevention. Use the appropriate tools. It's crucial that children use appropriate gear and safety clothing that fits well and is the correct size. On secure ground, have fun. Verify sure playgrounds are free of ruts and holes that could trap children and cause them to trip or fall.

To know more about sports injury visit:


What is a claim for the civil rights movement with cause and effect?



hope it help :)


Causes- The discrimination towards blacks. The bad reputation of america. Effects- Desegregated the United States of America. cause was that the laws had not all been fair to blacks so the effects was they pushed their was until they were allowed all blacks to vote and get a chance to vote for fair laws.

Explanation: A claim for civil rights with a cause is they had discrimination, Racism, and White supremacy and an effect is The civil rights act hastened the end of legal Jim Crow.

common general barries of entry of small businesses into markets makes special reference to township entrepreneurship barries ​


Managing Finances, Inadequate Market Experience, Human Resource Issues, Non-strategic Planning, Lack of Capacity, Political Barriers, Lack of Practical Knowledge are general barriers to small enterprises .

What are the four impediments to entrepreneurship?

Four frequent impediments to entrepreneurship can be identified: inability to acquire funding, a lack of human capital, a lack of social capital, and discrimination.

What is one impediment to small business success?

Even for organisations with higher profit margins, inefficiencies in unexpected expenses might jeopardise growth. It's critical to sort through and properly identify all expenses so that you can devise a strategy to reduce them and allow your small business to flourish.

The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

What are the common general barries of entry of small businesses into markets makes special reference to township entrepreneurship barries ​?

To know more about small businesses  visit:


Based on the underlined passage from Sec. 2 of Saki's "The Open Window," we find that we are seeing things from

A. the niece's point of view.
B. Framton's point of view.
C. Framton's sister's point of view.​


c. Based on the underlined passage from Section 2 of Saki's "The Open Window," we discover that we are seeing things via Framton's sister's eyes.

What does The Open Window by Saki represent?

The most significant symbol in "The Open Window" is the open window itself. When Vera tells Mr. Nuttel about the missing hunters, the open window symbolises Mrs. Sappleton's anguish and heartbreak over the loss of her husband and younger brother.

What does the child's name The Open Window represent?

Vera, the only child in the novel, takes advantage of their adult frailty for her own amusement and fools both of them with her childlike imagination. The window is both a symbol of and an example of

To know more about "The Open Window," visit:


It is not who you are, but what you are that is important. Is this standard English sentence



Yes, the sentence "It is not who you are, but what you are that is important" is a standard English sentence. It follows standard English grammar rules and uses common vocabulary and syntax. The sentence is grammatically correct and conveys a clear meaning, which is that someone's identity or personal qualities are less important than their actions or accomplishments.

Match the description to the term.

1. referring to words of a previous speaker
2. repeating a word, phrase, pace, or pattern of a prior paragraph
3. asking an opinion then giving the response
double transition
4. using more than one connective
question and answer


Referring to words of a previous speaker echo.Repeating a word, phrase, pace, or pattern of a prior paragraph quotation.Asking an opinion then giving the response double transition.

What is speaker ?

A speaker is an electronic device that produces sound from an audio signal. They are usually powered by an amplifier, and use one or more drivers, such as woofers, mid-range speakers, or tweeters, to convert the electrical signal into sound waves. Speakers may be built into TVs, radios, stereos, computers, or other audio systems, or they may be separate components. When used in conjunction with an amplifier and a source of audio, speakers can reproduce a wide range of sounds from music to speech.

To learn more about speaker


how does imagery syntax and tone connect
and why bother learning about them?


the writer or speaker's attitude toward the subject, audience, or events of the text. Word choice (diction), details, imagery, and sentence structure (syntax) all contribute to the understanding of tone. So… tone is the result of other literary choices made by the author. It is important to learn because Using the appropriate kind of descriptive words, including imagery, or vivid language used to paint a mental picture, can convey mood and tone by helping readers get a clearer sense of what they're reading about and how the author thinks and feels about the subject, and thus what they're supposed to think and feel.

The problem of not replacing the right person in the organization.

what's the reason?
good and bad?
What’s the solution?




While there can be several reasons why an employee is resistant to organizational change, here are the five most common reasons:

Mistrust and lack of confidence. ...

Emotional responses. ...

Fear of failure. ...

Poor communication. ...

Unrealistic timelines.

PART 1: Knowledge-based Questions 1 Explain, in your own words, why functional words, as opposed to content words, are limited in number. 2 Marks​


Functional words are words that are used to connect or clarify the meaning of content words in a sentence.

Functional words include prepositions, conjunctions, articles, and pronouns, and they serve an important role in the structure and coherence of language. However, compared to content words like nouns, verbs, and adjectives, there are relatively few functional words in any given language. This is because functional words rely on context and syntax to convey their meaning, rather than a specific lexical definition. In other words, their meaning is often determined by their position in a sentence or their relationship to other words.

Because of this, it is not necessary to have a large number of functional words to convey a clear message, whereas content words require more specificity to convey meaning. Therefore, the limited number of functional words is a reflection of their unique role in the structure of language.

To learn more about Functional words, here


inferred the reason why the droeshout engraving and Shakespeare statue are considered unreliable


Answer: That is because it was created 7 years after his death


All rights reserved.
Passage 1
The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution (1870)
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled.... That the following article be proposed....
which, when ratified by three fourths of said legislatures, shall be valid as part of the Constitution, namely:
Article XV.
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or
previous condition of servitude-
Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
And, further,... that the amendment to the Constitution... has been ratified by the legislatures of...all...states.
Passage 2
excerpt from United States Supreme Court Decision in Smith v. Allwright (1943)
Lonnie E. Smith, an African American from Texas, sued to overturn a 1923 state law declaring that only white citizens could vote in Texas's Democratic Party
nimanninntinn Innte hadded that nalitical partine unen hinta amanisations and could maken thair runnine The Cunma Cute Inndmark
Select the correct answer.
Which conclusion about voting rights can be drawn based on these two excerpts?
O A. Because the Fifteenth Amendment did not apply to all states, people of color in Texas were barred from primary voting.
Despite the Fifteenth Amendment, some states had wrongly blocked people of color from voting in all elections.
O C.
The Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed the right to vote in general elections but not in primary elections.
O D. The Supreme Court agreed that states should be able make exceptions to the Fifteenth Amendment.


Option D.  The Supreme Court agreed that states should be able make exceptions to the Fifteenth Amendment.

What does the supreme court say about the amendment

The passage from Smith v. Allwright shows that even though the guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race, Texas had a law that prevented African Americans from voting in the Democratic primary.

The Supreme Court decision in Smith v. Allwright declared that such laws were unconstitutional, as they violated the Fifteenth Amendment's protection of voting rights. Therefore, option D is the correct conclusion that can be drawn from these two excerpts, as the Supreme Court did not agree that states should be able to make exceptions to the Fifteenth Amendment.

Read more on Fifteenth Amendment's


based on his replies to M.Morrel, how does Dantes feel about Danglars?
A. he wants to be friends and feel sad that Danglars dislikes him
B. He worries that Danglars will cause trouble aboard the Pharaoh
C. He believes Danglars to be good at his job but finds him unpleasant
D. He has contempt for Danglars and wants to be rid of him immediately ​


Dante feels that he believes Danglars to  be skilled in his job but finds him unpleasant.


An excited crowd gathers around to watch as the Pharaon, a ship, docks at the port of Marseilles, France. Sad news that the ship's captain has passed away at sea is sent to Monsieur Morrel, the ship's owner. Despite the death of the skipper, the voyage passed without a hitch, and all the cargo arrived safely, tells Morrel the 19-year-old first mate Edmond Dantès. The young man did well in his interim captain role, according to Morrel. The ship's supercargo, Danglars, who is in charge of all financial concerns, makes an effort to discredit Morrel's positive impression of Dantès. When Morrel joins the ship, Danglars informs him that Dantès caused the ship to make a time-consuming stop at the Isle of Elba, costing them valuable time. Dantès responds to Morrel's charge by saying that he halted the ship in Elba to fulfil his dying captain's request to send a parcel to Maréchal Bertrand, an exiled grand-marshal. He claims that he communicated with Napoleon, the overthrown emperor of France, when he was on the island. After this issue has been resolved, Morrel asks Dantès what he thinks about Danglars. Dantès responds truthfully, stating that although he dislikes Danglars personally, he does a great job on the job. Dantès' actions on Elba, as well as his candid evaluation of an adversary, were all deemed acceptable by Morrel. Dantès will be chosen the next captain of the Pharaon, despite his youth, says Morrel after consulting with his partner. Danglars is overcome with jealousy, while Dantès is overjoyed.

To know more about The the Count of Monte Cristo visit:


Can you think of a real-life situation where you have had to see something from another person’s point of view in order to understand them or an issue better? Explain.



this is just a personal example to give you an idea


A real-life situation where I had to see something from another person's point of view is how hard a teacher's job is. Growing up, I always thought teaching was easy because you are just relaying information to a bunch of kids. However, when I volunteered to help the teacher teach a special education class I realized that being a teacher takes dedication, determination, patience, and hard work. Having to actually help teach students, I realized you have to keep your classroom safe, controlled, and a good environment for the students while still also having to teach, prepare lessons, overwork to grade and give extra help to students, and more. So to this day, I will always know how hard my teachers worked to ensure I and hundreds of other students were thriving, growing, and learning in a safe environment, and I will be grateful.

Chapter One: Start Your Day With a Task Completed.

After his injury, when he was well enough to get out of bed, what
is the first thing McRaven did? Why?


Admiral McRaven emphasises the importance of beginning your day with a finished task. Life can be difficult and stressful at times, so routine is essential.

What was Admiral McRaven's main point throughout his speech?

Admiral McRaven demystified the broad and scary concept of "changing the world" by proposing that anyone may have a global impact by improving the lives of ten people. Give your audience specific actions they can take right now to put their inspiration into action.Starting each day with a modest accomplishment, such as making your bed, can provide you with the desire and inspiration to tackle the day's greater responsibilities.

To know more about McRaven visit:


Four score and 7 years ago blank brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in the liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. now blank are engaged in a civil war, testing weather blank Nation blank or any Nation so conceived and dedicated, can long endure. we are met on a great battlefield l this. but, in large sense, blank cannot dedicate -- we cannot consecrate -- we cannot Hollow this ground. the brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract . the world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here . it is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to unfinish the work which blank who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. it is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take devotion to that cause for which they gave the least full measure of devotion -- that we are highly resolved that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God , shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that the government of people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. ​


We can see here that the given speech was actually made by Abraham Lincoln.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, serving from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. He is one of the most well-known and respected American political figures in history, credited with leading the country through the Civil War, preserving the Union, ending slavery, and modernizing the economy.

He was born on February 12, 1809, in Hodgenville, Kentucky, and moved to Illinois as a young man. Before becoming president, he was a lawyer, state legislator, and member of the United States House of Representatives. Lincoln is also remembered for his eloquent speeches and writings, including the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address.

Learn more about Abraham Lincoln on


1. I need to buy a new .............

a) pair of jean

b) some jeans

c) jeans

d) none of the above


D) none of the above


I believe this would be the correct answer because none of them exactly fit. I'm not sure if A was a typo because it's missing the s but if it is, it would be A :)

I the answer would be A if you forgot to add the S if not D none above

Do you agree with the old cherokees story about the two wolves? Why?



What can you say about the story of the two wolves?

The feeling and experience of happiness comes from feeding the wolf from within. As he becomes bigger and stronger, he will be better equipped to handle life's challenges. If you choose to feed only him, he will always win.

What is the central message in the story Grandfather' s Journey by Allen Say?


The central message in the story "Grandfather's Journey" by Allen Say is the difficulty of finding a true sense of belonging when one feels a connection to multiple cultures and places.

What does culture mean?
Culture refers to the beliefs, customs, practices, and behaviors of a particular group or society. It includes the shared values, traditions, language, arts, music, religion, and other aspects that define the way of life for a group of people. Culture is transmitted from one generation to the next and is constantly evolving through interactions with other cultures and changes in society.

The central message of "Grandfather's Journey" by Allen Say is the idea of longing for home and the feeling of being torn between two cultures. The story is about the journey of the narrator's grandfather, who left Japan to live in the United States but constantly yearned for his homeland. He shared his love for Japan with his daughter and grandson, but they could not fully understand his attachment to a country they had never known. In the end, the narrator himself travels to Japan and feels a sense of belonging and understanding of his grandfather's attachment to the country. The story shows how one can love and embrace more than one culture, but the longing for home and the attachment to one's roots can never be fully replaced.

To know more about religion visit:

Why do allusions make a poem more meaningful?



he allusion often creates a metaphor which intensifies and vivifies the poet's message by hinting, indicating, illustrating, or suggesting deeper meaning to the reader.


Which of these is a properly formatted APA style in-text citation of a website?



A properly formatted APA-style in-text citation of a website should include the author's last name and year of publication. If the website does not have an identifiable author, use the first few words of the title in quotation marks.

For example:

(Smith, 2021) for a website with an identifiable author and publication date("How to cite websites," 2020) for a website without an identifiable author but with a publication date("APA Style," n.d.) for a website without an identifiable author or publication date

NOVEL : NEW – Do these words have



the words "novel" and "new" have a clear semantic relationship, as they are synonyms and have similar meanings. Both words refer to something that is fresh, original, or recently created.


Read the following text to answer the question below. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the form and structure of "The Cremation of Sam McGee"?

A.)A narrative poem that uses simile, hyperbole, metaphor and personification to tell the tale of a man who asks his friend to do him an unusual favor.

B.) A narrative poem that uses suspense and foreshadowing to tell the tale of a man who asks his friend to do him an unusual favor.

C.) An essay that uses simile, hyperbole, metaphor and personification to tell the tale of a man who asks his friend to do him an unusual favor.

D.) A short story that uses simile, metaphor and personification to tell the tale of a man who asks his friend to do him an unusual favor.


Despite the fact that the word "cremation" will always be linked to his name, he was not cremated. McGee was instead interred in a graveyard after.

Why is Sam McGee's Cremation so well-liked?

He based "The Cremation of Sam McGee" on the sights, acquaintances, and tales he heard when he was residing there. The poem has gained popularity among readers over the years thanks to its unique blend of dark humour, adventure, and engrossing descriptions of the lives of Yukon prospectors.

What would be the topic of The Cremation of Sam McGee?

Sam McGee, a native of Tennessee, died in the icy north pole, and Service recalls his story in this poem. This is a story of how lust can wreck a person's life. The main guy lost sight of the outside world because he was so preoccupied with money.

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Part A
What is the effect of the narrator’s mindset at the beginning of the story?

A) It develops the theme that actions demonstrate a person’s true character.
B) It introduces the theme that talent, not practice is the key to peak performance.
C) It introduces the theme that people’s thoughts directly influence their behaviors.
D) It develops the theme that hard work, not natural ability contributes most to success.

Part B
Which quotation from the story best supports the response to Part A?

A) “…I've practiced with my teammates in the evenings, the only rising freshman to show up to the optional preseason runs.”
B) “I was thrilled to be fitting in with a fun group of girls before stepping into a new school—…”
C) “…a group of girls who didn't know that I was secretly a quitter.”
D) “Despite my coach's advice to 'stay loose' before the five-kilometer race, I remain still, and I can feel my muscles start to tense.”+


The effect of the narrator’s mindset at the beginning of the story is that it introduces the theme that people's thoughts directly influence their behaviors.

How to explain the excerpt

The quotation that best supports this response is "Despite my coach's advice to 'stay loose' before the five-kilometer race, I remain still, and I can feel my muscles start to tense."

This shows that the narrator's mindset is directly affecting her behavior and physical state, despite external advice to the contrary.

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