"Jean-luc Doumont notes that slide software is an effective presentation tool, especially when the speech goal is to:"


Answer 1

Hi, your question is incomplete. Here are the options:

A. persuade the audience.

B, encourage critical thinking.

C. increase discussion.

D. relay detailed information


D. relay detailed information


Indeed, slide software (like MS Powerpoint) would be an effective presentation tool, especially when the speech goal is to relay detailed information.

For example, a graph showing the exponential growth in the number of smartphone users in the United States for the last 15 years would be effectively presented using a slide that shows this data because it will allow the audience to easily see the detailed information.

Related Questions

Given four values representing counts of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies, output the total amount as dollars and cents. Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows: System.out.printf("Amount: $%.2f\n", dollars); Ex: If the input is: 4 3 2 1 where 4 is the number of quarters, 3 is the number of dimes, 2 is the number of nickels, and 1 is the number of pennies, the output is: Amount: $1.41 For simplicity, assume input is non-negative.
LAB ACTIVITY 2.32.1: LAB: Convert to dollars 0/10 LabProgram.java Load default template. 1 import java.util.Scanner; 2 3 public class LabProgram 4 public static void main(String[] args) { 5 Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in); 6 7 /* Type your code here. */|| 8 9) Develop mode Submit mode Run your program as often as you'd like, before submitting for grading. Below, type any needed input values in the first box, then click Run program and observe the program's output in the second box Enter program input (optional) If your code requires input values, provide them here. Run program Input (from above) 1 LabProgram.java (Your program) Output (shown below) Program output displayed here



The corrected program is:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class LabProgram{

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

int qtr, dime, nickel, penny;

double dollars;

System.out.print("Quarters: ");

qtr =scnr.nextInt();

System.out.print("Dimes: ");

dime = scnr.nextInt();

System.out.print("Nickel: ");

nickel = scnr.nextInt();

System.out.print("Penny: ");

penny = scnr.nextInt();

dollars = qtr * 0.25 + dime * 0.1 + nickel * 0.05 + penny * 0.01;

System.out.printf("Amount: $%.2f\n", dollars);

System.out.print((dollars * 100)+" cents");




I've added the full program as an attachment where I used comments as explanation

Write a C program to input basic salary of an employee and calculate gross salary according to given conditions.

Basic Salary <= 10000 : HRA = 20%, DA = 80%
Basic Salary is between 10001 to 20000 : HRA = 25%, DA = 90%
Basic Salary >= 20001 : HRA = 30%, DA = 95%

Your program must calculate each employee's gross pay amount.



Written in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

   float salary;

   printf("Salary: ");

   scanf("%f", &salary);

   float HRA, DA;

   if(salary <= 10000){

       HRA = 0.20; DA = 0.80;


   else if(salary >= 10000 && salary <= 20000){

       HRA = 0.25; DA = 0.90;



       HRA = 0.30; DA = 0.95;


   salary = salary + salary * HRA + salary * DA;

     printf("Gross Salary: %.2f\n", salary);

   return 0;



I've added the full program as an attachment where I used comments as explanation

Write a program that simulates flipping a coin to make decisions. The input is how many decisions are needed, and the output is either heads or tails. Assume the input is a value greater than 0.



import random

decisions = int(input("How many decisions: "))

for i in range(decisions):

   number = random.randint(0, 1)

   if number == 0:





*The code is in Python.

import the random to be able to generate random numbers

Ask the user to enter the number of decisions

Create a for loop that iterates number of decisions times. For each round; generate a number between 0 and 1 using the randint() method. Check the number. If it is equal to 0, print "heads". Otherwise, print "tails"

describe how to get started on a formal business document by using word processing software


Answer:Click the Microsoft Office button.

Select New. The New Document dialog box appears.

Select Blank document under the Blank and recent section. It will be highlighted by default.

Click Create. A new blank document appears in the Word window.


If the propagation delay through a full-adder (FA) is 150 nsec, what is the total propagation delay in nsec of an 8-bit ripple-carry adder



270 nsec


Ripple-carry adder is a combination of multiple full-adders. It is relatively slow as each full-adder waits for the output of a previous full-adder for its input.

Formula to calculate the delay of a ripple-carry adder is;

  = 2( n + 1 ) x D

delay in a full-adder = 150 nsec.

number of full-adders = number of ripple-carry bits = 8

 = 2 ( 8 + 1 ) x 150

 = 18 x 150

 = 270 nsec

Write a program which simulate rolling dice. When the program runs, it will prompt the user to choose a number ranging from 1 to 6. It will then randomly choose a number between 1 and 6. The program will print the message "Your guess is correct!" if the guess number equals to the dice number, otherwise it will print "Wow! The dice number is --.". It should then ask the user if you’d like to roll again. Enter "1" to roll again and enter "0" to end the game. Concepts to keep in mind:

Concepts to keep in mind:
• Random
• Integer
• Print
• While Loops

Enter your guess number between 1 and 6: 5
Wow! The dice number is 1
Do you want to dice it up again:Enter 1 and if not enter 01
Enter your guess number between 1 and 6: 4
Wow! The dice number is 1
Do you want to dice it up again:Enter 1 and if not enter 01



Written in Python

import random

tryagain = 1

while tryagain == 1:

guess = int(input("Enter your guess number between 1 and 6: "))

num = random.randint(1,7)

if guess == num:

print("Your guess is correct")


print("Wow, the dice number is "+str(num))

tryagain = int(input("Do you want to dice it up again:Enter 1 and if not enter 0: "))


I've added the full source code as an image attachment where I used comments to explain difficult lines

My Mac is stuck on this screen? How to fix?



Press and hold the power button for up to 10 seconds, until your Mac turns off. If that doesn't work, try using a cellular device to contact Apple Support.


If that also doesn't work try click the following keys altogether:

(press Command-Control-Eject on your keyboard)


This makes the laptop (macOS) instruct to restart immediately.

Hopefully this helps! If you need any additional help, feel free and don't hesitate to comment here or private message me!. Have a nice day/night! :))))

Another Tip:

(Press the shift, control, and option keys at the same time. While you are pressing those keys, also hold the power button along with that.)

(For at least 10 seconds)

A pedometer treats walking 2,000 steps as walking 1 mile. Write a program whose input is the number of steps, and whose output is the miles walked. If the input is 5345, the output is 2.6725.


In python:

print(steps_walked / 2000)

Which feature of a database allows a user to locate a specific record using keywords?






Because you are searching up a specific recording using keywords.

I hope this helps




I got it correct for a quiz.

My computer keeps shutting down I've tried to completely wipe the memory but it didn't work do you have any ideas how to fix it or what's happening?​



You could have a bug, virus, or you might have been hacked the most I can tell you is try to contact a technician to check it and try to help you. It could also be a problem with your internet, maybe you hit your computer against something and it broke something inside, or it could be a technical glitch. I hop this helps! Good Luck fixing your computer!

The Beaufort Wind Scale is used to characterize the strength of winds. The scale uses integer values and goes from a force of 0, which is no wind, up to 12, which is a hurricane. The following script first generates a random force value. Then, it prints a message regarding what type of wind that force represents, using a switch statement. If random number generated is 0, then print "there is no wind", if 1 to 6 then print "this is a breeze", if 7 to 9 "this is a gale", if 10 to 11 print "this is a storm", if 12 print "this is a hurricane!". (Hint: use range or multiple values in case statements like case {1,2,3,4,5,6})

Re-write this switch statement as one nested if-else statement that accomplishes exactly the same thing. You may use else and/or elseif clauses.

ranforce = randi([0, 12]);
switch ranforce
case 0
disp('There is no wind')
case {1,2,3,4,5,6}
disp('There is a breeze')
case {7,8,9}
disp('This is a gale')
case {10,11}
disp('It is a storm')
case 12
disp('Hello, Hurricane!')



The equivalent if statements is:

ranforce = randi([0, 12]);

if (ranforce == 0)

     disp('There is no wind')

else  if(ranforce>0 && ranforce <7)

     disp('There is a breeze')

else  if(ranforce>6 && ranforce <10)

     disp('This is a gale')

else  if(ranforce>9 && ranforce <12)

     disp('It is a storm')

else  if(ranforce==12)

     disp('Hello, Hurricane!')



The solution is straight forward.

All you need to do is to replace the case statements with corresponding if or else if statements as shown in the answer section

4.3 Code Practice: Question 2
Write a program that uses a while loop to calculate and print the multiples of 3 from 3 to 21. Your program should print each number on a separate line.



i = 3

while i  <= 21:

   if i % 3 == 0:


   i += 1


The required program written in python 3 is as follows :

num = 3

#initialize a variable called num to 3

multiples_of_3 = []

#empty list to store all multiples of 3

while num <=21 :

#while loop checks that the range is not exceeded.

if num%3 == 0:

#multiples of 3 have a remainder of 0, when divided by 3.


#if the number has a remainder of 0, then add the number of the list of multiples


#add 1 to proceed to check the next number


#print the list

Learn more :https://brainly.com/question/24782250

Java Eclipse Homework JoggerPro
Over a seven day period, a jogger wants to figure out the average number of miles she runs each day.

Use the following information to create the necessary code. You will need to use a loop in this code.

The following variables will need to be of type “double:”
miles, totalMiles, average

Show a title on the screen for the program.
Ask the user if they want to run the program.
If their answer is a capital or a lowercase letter ‘Y’, do the following:
Set totalMiles to 0.
Do seven times (for loop)

Show which day (number) you are on and ask for the number of miles for this day.
Add the miles to the total

Show the total number of miles
Calculate the average
Show the average mileage with decimals
Use attractive displays and good spacing.
Save your completed code according to your teacher’s directions.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class JoggerPro {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       String days[] = {"Monday?", "Tuesday?", "Wednesday?", "Thursday?","Friday?","Saturday?","Sunday?"};

       System.out.println("Welcome to JoggerPro!");

       Scanner myObj = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("Do you want to continue?");

       String answer = myObj.nextLine();

       if (answer.toLowerCase().equals("y")){

           double totalMiles = 0;

           for (int i =0; i < 7; i++){

               System.out.println(" ");

               System.out.println("How many miles did you jog on " + days[i]);

               double miles = myObj.nextDouble();

               totalMiles += miles;


           double average = totalMiles / 7;

           System.out.println(" ");

           System.out.println("You ran a total of " + totalMiles+ " for the week.");

           System.out.println(" ");

           System.out.println("The average mileage is " + average);






I'm pretty sure this is what you're looking for. I hope this helps!

1. When you write HTML code, you use ______ to describe the structure of information on a webpage. a. a web address b. tags c. styles d. links



b. tags


When you write HTML code, you use tags to describe the structure of information on a webpage. These tags are represented by the following symbols <>. All of HTML is written using different types of tags such as <body>, <main>, <div>, <nav>, etc. Each of these serves a different purpose but are all used for structuring the specific information on a website so that the information is well organized and is not all on top of each other. This also allows for specific sections to be easily targeted and styles separately from the other sections.

Plz answer me will mark as brainliest ​


1 plus 1 is too and three to four is 111

A____server translates back and forth between domain names and IP addresses.
O wWeb
O email
O mesh





Hope this helps

DNS I thin hope that helps

Read the following code:

n = 3

while(n <= 5):


n = n + 1

What output would be produced for the given values of n?

A. 0 1 2 3 4

B. 1 2 3 4 5

C. 2 3 4

D. 3 4 5


The code will print out 3 4 5

Answer choice D is correct.

The output that would be produced for the given values of n is 3 4 5. The correct option is D.

What are codes?

Codes Program is a free developer platform where programmers can learn and share their knowledge. It is regarded as the simplest application development method, and it is frequently used as the standard (method).

Fixing code well into the software program because they discovered an error while composing the program, then he will modify the program, and then they will fix it again.

Less formally, code refers to text written for markup or styling languages such as HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Good code is written in such a way that it is readable, understandable, covered by automated tests, not overly complicated, and does the job well."

Therefore, the correct option is D. 3 4 5.

To learn more about codes, refer to the below link:



In Python
Write the special method __str__() for CarRecord.

Sample output with input: 2009 'ABC321'
Year: 2009, VIN: ABC321



def __str__(self):

       return ('Year: %d, VIN: %s' %(self.year_made, self.car_vin))


Here you go! This should do it.

The program gives an implementation of the car record class which displays the model year and registration number of a car. The program written in python 3 goes thus :

class CarRecord :

#initialize a class named carRecord

def __init__(self):

#define the init method of the class

self.year_made = 0

#year car was made is initialized to 0 (integer)

self.car_vin = ' '

#vehicle registration is an empty string

def __str__(self):

#define an str method

return f"Year:{self.year_made}, VIN:{self.car_vin}"

#returns formatted display of the year and VIN number

my_car = CarRecord()

#creates an instance of the carRecord class

my_car.year_made = int(input())

#prompts user for the model year of the car

my_car.car_vin = input()

#prompts user for the model Vin number


# display the details

A sample run of the program is given

Learn more :https://brainly.com/question/20504501

Select a cybersecurity career that interests you. Describe the job duties and identify the skills required to excel in that career. Then, make a career plan.



it's business


business you started with small and work for it grow up.

Suppose one machine, A, executes a program with an average CPI of 1.9. Suppose another machine, B (with the same instruction set and an enhanced compiler), executes the same program with 20% less instructions and with a CPI of 1.1 at 800MHz. In order for the two machines to have the same performance, what does the clock rate of the first machine need to be



the clock rate of the first machine need to be 1.7 GHz



CPI of A = 1.9

CPI of B = 1.1

machine, B executes the same program with 20% less instructions and with a CPI of 1.1 at 800MHz

To find:

In order for the two machines to have the same performance, what does the clock rate of the first machine need to be


CPU execution time = Instruction Count * Cycles per Instruction/ clock rate

CPU execution time = (IC * CPI) / clock rate

(IC * CPI) (A) / clock rate(A) =  (IC * CPI)B / clock rate(B)

(IC * 1.9) (A) / clock rate(A) = (IC * (1.1 * (1.0 - 0.20)))(B) / 800 * 10⁶ (B)

Notice that 0.20 is basically from 20% less instructions

(IC * 1.9)  / clock rate = (IC * (1.1 * (1.0 - 0.20))) / 800 * 10⁶

(IC * 1.9)  / clock rate =  (IC*(1.1 * ( 0.8))/800 * 10⁶

(IC * 1.9)  / clock rate =  (IC * 0.88) / 800 * 10⁶

clock rate (A) =  (IC * 1.9) / (IC * 0.88) / 800 * 10⁶

clock rate (A) =  (IC * 1.9) (800 * 10⁶) /  (IC * 0.88)

clock rate (A) = 1.9(800)(1000000)  / 0.88

clock rate (A) =  (1.9)(800000000)  / 0.88

clock rate (A) = 1520000000  / 0.88

clock rate (A) = 1727272727.272727

clock rate (A) = 1.7 GHz

how many basic element makes up a computer system​





Input/output, datapath, control, and memory

There wrong its C bold it.


Write code that prints: Ready! numVal ... 2 1 Start! Your code should contain a for loop. Print a newline after each number and after each line of text Ex: numVal



Written in Python

numVal = int(input("Input: "))

for i in range(numVal,0,-1):




This line prompts user for numVal

numVal = int(input("Input: "))

This line iterates from numVal to 1

for i in range(numVal,0,-1):

This line prints digits in descending order


This line prints the string "Ready!"


Match letters from column B to Column A by looking at the picture above.



The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


This question is about mapping correct terms with their number in the given picture. The correct matching of Column A and Column B is given below

Column A                               Column B

Horizontal axis                        3

Legend                                    4

Vertical axis                             2

Chart Data                               1

A have a string, called "joshs_diary", that is huge (there was a lot of drama in middle school). But I don't want every one to know that this string is my diary. However, I also don't want to make copies of it (because my computer doesn't have enough memory). Which of the following lines will let me access this string via a new name, but without making any copies?

a. std::string book = joshs_diary;
b. std::string & book = joshs_diary; const
c. std::string * book = &joshs_diary;
d. std::string book(joshs_diary);
e. const std::string & book = joshs_diary;
f. const std::string * const book = &joshs_diary;
g. std::string * book = &joshs_diary;



C and G


In C language, the asterisks, ' * ', and the ampersand, ' & ', are used to create pointers and references to pointers respectively. The asterisks are used with unique identifiers to declare a pointer to a variable location in memory, while the ampersand is always placed before a variable name as an r_value to the pointer declared.

Jake or Peggy Zale must fix quickly the fax.



Sentence: Jack or Peggy Zale must fix quickly the fax.

Correct: Either Jack or Peggy Zale must quickly fix the fax.

There are 2 errors in these sentence construction. In stating two persons as an option we must use the word "either" to indicate that you only have two choose from the two of them. The word "


The correct sentence would be "either Jake or Peggy Zale must quickly fix the fax".

In the question construction, there is a conjunction and misarrangement error.

In conclusion, the word " "either Jake or Peggy Zale must quickly fix the fax" is correct

Read more about conjunction


The __________ list is intended to facilitate the development of the leading free network exploration tool.



Nmap development list


The list being mentioned in this question is known as the Nmap development list. This list basically acts as an information gathering and analytical tool. It allows the user to easily roll out and integrate Nmap tools on a network in order to easily detect all of the IP addresses that are connected as well as analyze all of the details regarding each connected individual system. All of this information is highly valuable to a developer and facilitates the development process.

Secondary sources
information gathered from primary sources.



The answer is interpret Proof is down below


Here is the proooooooffffffff i made a 90 but this one was right

Secondary sources interpret information gathered from primary sources.

What are Secondary sources of information?

A secondary source is known to be made up of discussion that is often based on a primary information source.

Hence, the feature of secondary sources are known to give some kind of interpretation to all the information that has been gathered from other primary sources.

Learn more about Secondary sources from



What are the benefits of computer?



online toutoring.

helpful games give mind relaxation.

Increase your productivity. ...
Connects you to the Internet. ...
Can store vast amounts of information and reduce waste. ...
Helps sort, organize, and search through information. ...
Get a better understanding of data. ...
Keeps you connected.

Write a program, weeklypay.m, that asks an employee to enter their hourly rate and the number of hours they worked for the week. Then have the program calculate and display their weekly pay. pay



Follows are the code to this question:

def weeklypay(hour_rate,hour ):#defining a method weeklypay that accepts two parameters

   pay=hour_rate* hour#defining variable pay that calculate payable amount

   return pay#return pay value

hour_rate=float(input("Enter your hour rate $: "))#defining variable hour_rate that accepts rate vlue

hour=int(input("Enter total hours: "))#defining hour variable that accepts hour value

print('The total amount you will get $: ',weeklypay(hour_rate,hour))#call method and print return value


Enter your hour rate $: 300

Enter total hours: 3

The total amount you will get $:  900.0


In the above-given code, a method "weeklypay" is declared, which holds two value "hour_rate and hour" in its parameter, inside a method a "pay" variable is declared, that calculate the total payable amount of the given inputs and return its value.

In the next step, the above variable is used to input the value from the user-end and uses the print method to call the "weeklypay" method and print its return value.

The Gas-N-Clean Service Station sells gasoline and has a car wash. Fees for the car wash are $1.25 with a gasoline purchase of $10.00 or more and $3.00 otherwise. Three kinds of gasoline are available: regular at $2.89, plus at $3.09, and super at $3.39 per gallon. User Request:
Write a program that prints a statement for a customer. Analysis:
Input consists of number of gallons purchased (R, P, S, or N for no purchase), and car wash desired (Y or N). Gasoline price should be program defined constant. Sample output for these data is
Enter number of gallons and press 9.7
Enter gas type (R, P, S, or N) and press R
Enter Y or N for car wash and press Y
* *
* *
* Gas-N-Clean Service Station *
* *
* March 2, 2004 *
* * ************************************** Amount Gasoline purchases 9.7 Gallons Price pre gallons $ 2.89 Total gasoline cost $ 28.03 Car wash cost $ 1.25 Total due $ 29.28 Thank you for stopping Pleas come again Remember to buckle up and drive safely



import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main


public static void main(String[] args) {

              //print the header


              System.out.println("*                                    *");

              System.out.println("*                                    *");

              System.out.println("*   Gas-N-Clean Service Station      *");

              System.out.println("*                                    *");

              System.out.println("*   March 2, 2004                    *");

              System.out.println("*                                    *");



               //set the constant values for gasoline

               final double REGULAR_GASOLINE = 2.89;

               final double PLUS_GASOLINE = 3.09;

               final double SUPER_GASOLINE = 3.39;


              // initialize the variables as 0

              double gasolinePrice = 0, gasolineCost = 0, carWashCost = 0, totalCost = 0;


               Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);


               //ask the user to enter the gallons, gas type and car wash choice

               System.out.print("Enter number of gallons ");

               double gasolinePurchase = input.nextDouble();

               System.out.print("Enter gas type (R, P, S, or N) ");

               char gasType = input.next().charAt(0);

               System.out.print("Enter Y or N for car wash ");

               char carWashChoice = input.next().charAt(0);

               //check the gas type. Depending on the choice set the gasolinePrice from the corresponding constant value

              if(gasType == 'R')

                  gasolinePrice = REGULAR_GASOLINE;

              else if(gasType == 'P')

                  gasolinePrice = PLUS_GASOLINE;

              else if(gasType == 'S')

                  gasolinePrice = SUPER_GASOLINE;


                //calculate the gasolineCost

                gasolineCost = gasolinePurchase * gasolinePrice;


               //check the carWashChoice. If it is yes and gasolineCost is greater than 10, set the carWashCost as 1.25. Otherwise, set the carWashCost as 3.00

               if(carWashChoice == 'Y'){    

                   if(gasolineCost >= 10)

                       carWashCost = 1.25;


                       carWashCost = 3.00;


              //calculate the total cost, add gasolineCost and carWashCost

              totalCost = gasolineCost + carWashCost;


               //print the values in required format

              System.out.println("Amount Gasoline purchases " + gasolinePurchase);

              System.out.println("Gallons Price per gallons $ " + gasolinePrice);

              System.out.printf("Total gasoline cost $ %.2f\n", gasolineCost);

              System.out.println("Car wash cost $ " + carWashCost);

              System.out.printf("Total due $ %.2f\n", totalCost);

               System.out.println("Thank you for stopping\nPlease come again \nRemember to buckle up and drive safely");




*The code is in Java.

Please see the comments in the code for explanation

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Please helpppp pleaseee If it _______________ (work) normally, you can be confident that nothing else is wrong with it. Jeffrey thinks that the largest place value that 8.21 and 19.5 have in common is the tens place Austin thinks that the largest place value they have in common is the ones place 5. How many musical alphabets are there in music?5b. 64C.d. 76. How many clefs do we have in common use?a. 3b. 4NEc.d. 6nep7. What clef is represented in the picture?3. Bass Clerb. Treble clef Question 11 ptsSay you want to look up data about watermelon production in Georgia in unitsof mass. What additional basic parameter will you have to specify before youcan look up the data?O FreshnessO Nutritional contentO SpoilageOTimeframe Yo (correr)A. corroB. correO C. corraD. corres Which is the simplified form of 7+5-12?O17912O-/7-91217oN$121+1312 Line M passes through the points (-5, 9) and (-1, 9) which is true of line M?A: line M is a vertical line with an undefined slopB: line M is a vertical line with a slope of zeroC: Line M is a horizontal line with an undefined slopeD: Line M is a horizontal line with a slope of zero Evaluate f(x) = 9x - 6 for x=1 Cory, Josh and Dan went shopping for Halloween treats. Cory bought 3 chocolate pumpkins, 4 masks and 8 candy witches. He spent $36.65. Josh bought 5 chocolate pumpkins,3 masks and 10 candy witches. He spent $37.50. Dan bought 4 chocolate pumpkins, 5 masks and 6 candy witches. He spent $43.45. Write a system of equations to represent this problem. Complete the sentence.____ use only apps acquired from app stores.O tablets O laptopsO servers O desktops yeah uh what are these called pls federalism is best defined as a principle of goverment that Anita is baking dinner rolls and pumpkin bread. She needs 4 cups of flour for the rolls. She needs at least 7 cups of flour left for the pumpkin bread. Writeand solve an inequality to determine how much flour Anita needs before shestarts baking. what causes the tides yeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeah Divide n by 5 then add 6 can someone help fast please will be marked as brainiest Will give brainliest for the first and the correct answer. What part of the dermis cushions the body from stress and strain?O Blood vesselsSebaceous glandsO CollagenO Sudoriferous glands