Jeanine was selected to head the
magazine committee.
A. choose
B. skull
C. lead
D. caption​


Answer 1

The word that can be best used to complete the sentence is C. Lead

What is a Word Meaning?

This refers to the definition of a word, showing its uses in a sentence, how to use it, its etymology, oral uses, etc.

Hence, we can see that based on the word meaning of a magazine committee, it is a group of people that have a given function and because Jeanine needs to lead a magazine committee and option C is the correct answer.

Read more about word meanings here:


Related Questions

In Chapter 1 of The Hobbit, what is the outcome of Gandalf's first visit to Bilbo's house?
A. Bilbo is angry and refuses to let Gandalf in for tea.
B. Bilbo expresses excitement at being the burglar for the expedition.
C. Gandalf decides Bilbo is a good choice for the expedition.
D. Gandalf decides not to return to Bilbo's house for tea.

I need an answer as soon as possible ​



A. Bilbo is angry and refuses to let Gandalf in for tea.


From the book The Hobbits, Hobbits are described as little beings who live in holes, even though some have homes of their own.

There is a particular hobbit named Bilbao who is visited by the wizard Gandalf who asks if he wants to go for an adventure, Bilbao immediately declines and wants nothing to do with the wizard. However, do as not to seem rude he invites Gandalf for tea when next he comes around.

Therefore, from the first visit, Bilbao is angry and refuses to let Gandalf in for tea.

The answer is A.

Answer: C: Gandalf decides Bilbo is a good choice for the expedition

Explanation: i got it right on the quiz

Which line best creates a lighthearted mood in a narrative?


The first one would be it


"Everyone joined in with Clary as he made silly faces." Because everyone is having fun and laughing and making silly faces.


Complete the organizer below to create your own Declaration of Independence.
Follow the following format. Sentence starters are provided for topic sentences and
concluding sentences. You may use the sentence starters or come up with your own.
I. Preamble - Discuss the reasons for why you are writing this Declaration. The
Preamble should broadly explain the topic (independence for teenagers) and the purpose (why
this is needed and necessary). Don't use any specific examples in the preamble,
Sometimes in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for teenagers to break the
bonds with their
that have connected
them together
From what are you declaring independence?
Why do you want to declare your independence?





scramble the word answer in the word of philippines and lambot

You have read the first three acts of Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. Describe the characters in the play and their relationships with other
characters in the table given below

Sir Toby Belch
Andrew Aguecheek



Orsino: Duke of Illyria. He is a powerful nobleman who is trustworthy and kind to everyone he meets

Olivia:  wealthy, beautiful, and noble Illyrian lady

Viola : young woman of aristocratic birth, and the play's protagonist

Sebastian: a supporting character, a useful foil for his twin, Viola. doesn't give as much thought to those around him as he does his own motivations

Antonio: tough, savvy sea captain, sensitive side.  loyal, courageous, and forthright

Malvolio: vain, pompous steward of Olivia's household, main antagonist

Maria: a servant in Olivia's household, witty attitude.

Sir Toby Belch: the uncle of Lady Olivia, ill-mannered character who drinks a lot and enjoys playing tricks on others

Andrew Aguecheek: comic character, stereotypical fool, who is goaded into unwisely duelling with Cesario

Feste: Olivia's licensed fool, literally has a license to say whatever he wants

Valentine: one of Orsino's attendants, sent to Olivia as a messenger of love

Curio: one of Orsino's attendants, seeks to distract Orsino by taking him to hunt

Fabian: a member of Olivia's household, joins in the plot to make a fool of the steward


hope this helps!!


Character Description and Relationships with Other Characters


He is the lovesick duke of Illyria. Orsino is a noble man but lacks the courage to directly woo his lady, Olivia. He is melancholy and despondent. Orsino uses Cesario (Viola in disguise) as a go-between to convey his messages to Olivia. He is unaware that Viola is actually in love with him.


Olivia is a countess (a lady of high social rank). She is proud and dignified. Following the death of her brother, she became the head of her household. She has gone into a self-imposed seclusion of seven years to mourn her brother. She scorns Duke Orsino and spurns his moves to impress her. Nevertheless, she succumbs to the charms of Cesario (Viola in disguise), the messenger from Orsino’s court. This situation creates a complicated love triangle in which Orsino loves Olivia, Olivia loves Cesario (Viola), and Viola loves Orsino.


Viola, the play’s protagonist, is a young lady of noble birth who finds herself on the shores of Illyria after a shipwreck. She is told that her twin brother, Sebastian, was not found after the shipwreck. Viola must fend for herself in a strange land. Therefore, she decides to disguise herself as a man named Cesario and serves as a page to Duke Orsino. She falls in love with him but is unable to express her feelings because she is disguised. Throughout the play, she handles difficult situations effectively and emerges as an intelligent, resourceful, and strong woman.


Sebastian is Viola’s twin brother who was lost in the shipwreck. He is saved by Antonio, a sea-captain who becomes his devoted friend. Sebastian is often mistaken as Cesario in the course of the play. He is a loving brother and has a penchant for adventure.


Antonio is a sea-captain who saved Sebastian after the shipwreck. He takes on the responsibility of safeguarding Sebastian in Illyria. Antonio comes upon Viola disguised as Cesario in the duel scene and thinks that she is Sebastian. He is a loyal and devoted friend.


Malvolio is the steward in Olivia’s household. He has ambitions of climbing the social ladder by marrying Olivia. He is a puritan who abhors merrymaking, is vain, and is self-absorbed. Malvolio is immersed in self-love. As a steward, he is always berating those who are lower in rank than he is. People hate him for his condescending attitude toward them. He is at odds with Sir Toby, who is a compulsive drinker. Maria, Sir Toby, and Andrew Aguecheek trick Malvolio into making a fool of himself in front of Olivia.


Maria is a maid in Olivia’s household. She does not like Sir Toby’s drinking habit but dislikes Malvolio more. She writes the letter that causes Malvolio to appear in yellow cross garters in front of Olivia and act like a madman. Maria is sharp tongued and witty. She is also the love-interest of Sir Toby.

Sir Toby Belch

He is Olivia’s uncle who drinks and whiles away his time in the company of Andrew Aguecheek. This behavior earns Sir Toby the disapproval of Malvolio. Sir Toby, in turn, conspires to insult Malvolio. He comes across as a careless and irresponsible person who loves to play practical jokes.

Andrew Aguecheek

He is Sir Toby Belch’s favorite drinking partner. He is an aristocrat who earns three thousand ducats a year. He is not very intelligent and is gullible enough to be manipulated by Sir Toby. Sir Andrew Aguecheek also tries to woo Olivia, but she rejects him.


Feste is the clown in Olivia’s household. His duty is to entertain people with his antics. Feste has the freedom to say what he likes. He has a way with words and indulges in punning. Feste is also the aloof observer who makes precise comments on the behavior of other characters. He points out their folly and entertains them at the same time. He is the typical Shakespearean fool, with great insight into human nature.


He is a servant in Orsino’s court.


He is an attendant in Orsino’s court.

Fabian He is a servant in Olivia’s household and is party to the conspiracy against Malvolio.


How is a delegate different from a representative?



The delegate model of representation is a model of  representative democracy. These delegates act only as a mouthpiece for the wishes of their constituency/state and have no autonomy from the constituency only the autonomy to vote for the actual representatives of the state. ...

A space ship would use a descent tank while it was traveling to the moon from the Earth.


true, what the person above me said. i need points lol

Why is the word "bookend" a synonym for a "frame"?

because they both mean story
because they both mean a framing device
because the can both be considered in an introduction
because they form a conclusion



because they both mean story. because they both mean a framing device.


because they both mean a framing device aka answer

Perhaps a good night's rest would have given him a better result. ( What is the verb or verb phrase)



would have given.


A verb phrase is a phrase that includes a main verb, modal and an auxiliary verb. The pattern usually follows first with a modal then an auxiliary verb and finally the main verb. In fact, in a verb phrase, the main verb should always come last.

Here, the verb phrase is "would have given" as it includes a modal which is 'would', an auxiliary verb which is 'have' and the main verb which is 'given'. In some cases, there can two auxiliary verbs in a verb phrase such as 'would (have been) giving' or 'might (have been) dancing'.

The most common form of meter is called:
iambic meter.
anapestic meter.
trochaic meter.
dactylic meter



Lambic meter is the most common



im pretty sure its iambic pentamer


no Explanation

Whom does Prince Escalus blame for the tragic events?





He blames Capulet and Montague, the respective fathers of Juliet and Romeo. He also blames himself for looking the other way and allowing their feud to continue.

At the very end of Romeo and Juliet, Prince Escalus casts a lot of blame around. He certainly blames the patriarchs of the Capulets and the Montagues for the death of the two young lovers.

What is ironic about Edna's dialogue in this excerpt from the text?
A. This statement is ironic because Edna finally gains confidence in her ability to swim just before she swims out far enough that the shoreline seems too far. B. This statement is ironic because Edna's husband believes she can swim just fine on her own since she did so well during their joint swimming lessons. C. This statement is ironic because Edna and her husband have been arguing for the majority of the trip, but once she goes swimming, she feels at peace. D. This statement is ironic because Edna and her husband took swimming lessons together, but he thinks that she is a far superior swimmer to him.



A. This statement is ironic because Edna and her husband have been arguing for the majority of the trip, but once she goes swimming she feels at peace.


The Awakening is a novel written by Kate Chopin. The story revolves around Edna who has been living with her husband. The romantic feeling between them has been fade away because they have been arguing on every matter. Edna plan to join swimming classes where she meet Robert. Eventually Robert consoles her heart and she become happy and loves to visit for swim every day.

2. Synthesize: What idea about Abby's tripis emphasized in the editorial but

not in the other two reports? How does this emphasis change your view

of Abby's story



Parents of Rescued Teenage Sailor Abby Sunderland Accused of Risking Her

Life, Online News, Article by Paul Harris

Ship of Fools, Editorial by Joanna Weiss

Was Abby Too Young to Sail? TV News Interview by CBS News

What idea about Abby's trip is emphasized in the editorial but  not in the other two reports? How does this emphasis change your view  of Abby's story?


What the editorial addresses but the other two reports fail to inform is the possibility of this event being a publicity stunt to acquire fame.


Abby Sunderland is a sixteen-year-old American who had to be rescued during her attempt to sail solo around the world.

Weiss claims that Abby Sunderland writing a book, and her father working on a reality show, about her experience shows that their goal is to make money and gain fame.

Central idea


I never heard of the story but, remember this! The Central Idea is the Main point that the Author is making. (Main idea or Key idea) in other words it’s what it’s MAINLY ABOUT. It’s sorta like a Thesis statement. One sentence that states what the arrival is about.. A article can have more than one Central Idea. Keep this in mind. Bud.

Hope this helps

The central idea of "Witchcraft in Salem" refers to the historical event in which accusations of witchcraft led to a series of trials and executions in Salem, Massachusetts, in the late 17th century. It explores the mass hysteria, fear, and social dynamics that contributed to the witchcraft trials, shedding light on the consequences of superstition, religious fervor, and intolerance within a community.

The central idea refers to the main concept or theme that is conveyed or explored in a piece of writing, such as an article, essay, or book. It represents the core message or focus of the text and provides a unifying thread for the various arguments, examples, or evidence presented.

The central idea encapsulates the author's main point or purpose and serves as a guiding principle for the reader to understand the overall meaning and significance of the work. It helps to establish the context, relevance, and intended message of the writing, providing a clear direction for the reader's interpretation and engagement.

Learn more about central idea here:


Identify the authors point of view.

Explain how the authors point of view impacts this as a reliable source of evidence.



sorry copy pasted

Account by

Joshua Wyeth

Account by

John Andrews



7. Describes the crowd in the

meeting house Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ

8. Describe what the participants

looked like Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ

9. Describes what happened to the

chests of tea. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ

10. Explains why Captain Connor was

treated roughly. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ

11. Explains that the men disguised

themselves as Indians. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ

12. Describes what it was like to

participate in the Boston Tea Party. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ

Which of the following is an example of a fiat? *
9 points
a king’s decree that nobody may criticize him
a child’s request for a second helping at dinner
a customer’s demand for a refund for a defective product
a manager’s recommendation that the department be reorganized





king’s decree that nobody may criticize him

what does " Lax" means?​



not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful



hope this helps srry if it doesn't tho

What is the theme of the poem



In this poem, being yourself enough to make your own decisions is the best way to live. "Underface" (5th-6th Grade) The speaker explains that he acts happier and more self-assured than he really is.



Sad to happy


Starts in a little sorrow ends with happiness

Represent the following sentences in first-order logic, using a consistent vocabulary (which you must define): a. Some students took French in spring 2001. b. Every student who takes French passes it. c. Only one student took Greek in spring 2001. d. The best score in Greek is always higher than the best score in French. e. Every person who buys a policy is smart. f. No person buys an expensive policy. g. There is an agent who sells policies only to people who are not insured.



maby it's "B"


Please forgive me if I'm wrong

Every student who takes French passes it in first-order logic, using a consistent vocabulary. Thus, option B is correct.

What is first-order logic?

First-order logic is a type of symbolic reasoning where each declaration or phrase is divided into such a subject and just a predicate. The subject's attributes are altered or defined by the predicate. A predicate in first-order logic may only be used to refer to one topic.

This will be with respect to the French and the passes with every student that was to defined as the first-order logic in this statement that was presented in the vocabulary. this was to make sure that the student need to pass it. in describing the, one student might arrange her sentences in order from the top to the bottom of the room while another student might move from left to right.

Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about first-order logic, here:


A device used to rename a character without actually using their name is a/an






The answer is Pseudonym.


Select the correct answer.
Read the following excerpt from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s First Inaugural Address.

With this pledge taken, I assume unhesitatingly the leadership of this great army of our people dedicated to a disciplined attack upon our common problems.

How does Roosevelt communicate his intentions?

by using personification to make the country appear as someone who fights for the nation’s people.
by using an allusion to describe the universal problem of conflict.
by using a metaphor to compare fixing the nation’s problems with fighting an enemy at war.
by using an idiom to relate to his audience about their common issues.
Reset Next


B is the answer to the question


B. by using an allusion to describe the universal problem of conflict.


i got it right

hope this helps

plz mark brainlest?

Read the excerpt from chapter 2 of Night by Elie Wiesel.

There was a woman among us, a certain Mrs. Schächter. She was in her fifties and her ten-year-old son was with her, crouched in a corner. Her husband and two older sons had been deported with the first transport, by mistake. The separation had totally shattered her.

How does the word shattered affect the tone of the excerpt?



Be the word suggest a fearful town


Your mobile phone makes a noise during a face to face meeting with a client. Select any reasons why this might give a bad impression. A) You value the meeting less than being in contact with others B)You didn’t respect your client enough to turn it off C)You are too disorganised to remember to turn your phone off



You didn’t respect your client enough to turn it off


Even if the client didn't inform you to turn the mobile phone off, its your responsibility to turn it off. This shows how you respect your client.

What is the author's purpose in this passage?
When the music started, the guests jumped to their feet,
grabbed partners, and started to dance. As Kelly waltzed,
she felt like the ballroom was spinning. What a beautiful
sight! Everyone moved so gracefully around the floor that it
was like they were on wheels.
A. To teach an idea
B. To persuade
C. To entertain
D. To explain something


To teach an idea is the answer!!

How did Holland's colonial efforts in North America end?
A) The colony was taken over by the French.
B) The colony was taken over by the English (Great Britain).
C) The colonists all died from starvation.
D) The colonists all died from disease.
E) The colony was taken over by the Spanish.
30points plz.....





The colony was taken over by the French.✓


France's attacks to Dutch land, aided by its incredible amount wealth, power, and ruthlessness in war and trade, also had a huge impact. Finally, the Dutch Republic's own imbalances of wealth and power, mistrust, and conflicting ideas on government, economy, and military share the blame as well.


Hope it helps


PART A: What is the author's main attitude towards the society he describes in "Harrison Bergeron"?


He thinks it is impressive.


He thinks it is disturbing.


He thinks it is silly.


He thinks it is advanced.




He thinks it is disturbing.


The above is the authors thought on the society which he describes. He was of the opinion that, all that is happening in the society and the various social ills which takes place makes the society to look off place and the whole thing being disturbing in nature.

Please someone help me please please please help


what is the question ?


I found that Eteazer Hawks was killed outright was very informational because the indians shot him before he had time to react and was killed. That was very emotional too. Simeon Amsden they found dead was very sad because in the next line it says he was killed by a rod.


Read the excerpt from Act I, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet. Servant: God gi’ good den. I pray, sir, can you read? 55 Romeo: Ay, mine own fortune in my misery. Servant: Perhaps you have learn’d it without book: but, I pray, can you read any thing you see? Romeo: Ay, if I know the letters and the language. Servant: Ye say honestly; rest you merry! [Offering to go.] Romeo: Stay, fellow; I can read. What causes the servant to ask for Romeo’s help? The servant needs directions. The servant cannot see. The servant needs to pray. The servant cannot read.



The servant cannot read.


William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Ju liet" revolves around the tragic love story of two "star-crossed" lovers stuck in a secret that eventually led to their deaths. The play delves into the theme of romantic love that is violent, overpowering everything including one's loyalty and emotions.

In the given dialogue between the servant from the Capulets and Romeo, we can know that the servant is looking for someone to read the list of names he was given for the party at his master's house. His assertion that he needs someone who can read, and continuously asking Romeo "can you read? [. . .] can you read anything you see?" clearly suggests that he cannot read what he holds in his hand.

Thus, the correct answer is the fourth option.


d. is the right answer


what are the difference of a past tense and a past perfect tense..thanks for answering my question​



These two tenses are both used to talk about things that happened in the past. However you should use past perfect tense to talk about something that happened before another action in the past


Past tense:

They ate the meal

Past perfect tense:

They had already eaten the meal


Ambos indican acciones que ya han sido completadas, pero los tiempos difieren en estructura y significado. El tiempo pasado simple también es conocido como tiempo pretérito e indica una acción que ocurrió en un punto determinado del tiempo. El tiempo pasado perfecto incluye el tiempo pasado del verbo "to have" (haber).


Why did slim say to george, "you hadda, george. i swear you hadda"? what does he mean?



eather meaning u had her or you had to do it


Why is the golden rule important



The golden rule is important because it teaches you how to respect others. It is a simple moral that almost every kid has been taught. The concept is simple; if you don't want to be treated poorly, then don't treat others poorly.


Other Questions
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