John agrees to 5.5 years of month-end payments of $479.45 to pay off the balance of a used boat purchase. The interest on the debt is 3.50% compounded quarterly. a) If John made a down payment of 8,300, what is the purchase price of the boat? Round final dollar answer to 2 decimal places. Mode A/ N = 1/Y = 3.50 P/Y - PJ C/Y - PV = PMT = FV = AJ Purchase price = b) How much will John pay including the downpayment? Total payments How much is the interest? A A/


Answer 1

The purchase price of the boat is $29,637.32.John will pay a total of $31,670.70 including the down payment, and the total interest paid will be $1,033.38.

a) To find the purchase price of the boat, we need to first calculate the loan amount. Let's use the TVM (Time Value of Money) function on a financial calculator or spreadsheet:


BGN (since payments are made at the end of each month)

N = 5.5 * 12 = 66 (total number of payments)

Y = 3.5 / 4 = 0.875 (quarterly interest rate converted to monthly)

P/Y = 4 (since interest is compounded quarterly)

C/Y = 12 (since payments are made monthly)

PV = -8,300 (present value of the down payment, entered as negative)

PMT = -479.45 (monthly payment, entered as negative)

FV = 0 (since the loan will be paid off at the end of the 66th payment)

Solving for the present value (loan amount), we get:

PV = $21,337.32

To find the purchase price of the boat, we need to add the down payment to the loan amount:

Purchase price = $8,300 + $21,337.32

                         = $29,637.32

Therefore, the purchase price of the boat is $29,637.32.

b) To calculate the total payments, we can simply multiply the monthly payment by the total number of payments:

Total payments = $479.45 * 66

                          = $31,670.70

To find the interest paid, we can subtract the loan amount from the total payments:

Interest = $31,670.70 - $21,337.32 - $8,300

             = $1,033.38

Therefore, John will pay a total of $31,670.70 including the down payment, and the total interest paid will be $1,033.38.

To know more about Time Value of Money refer here


Related Questions

Identify the specific audit objective (1 through 16) that each of the following specific audit procedures (a. through l.) satisfies in the audit of sales, accounts receivable, and cash receipts for fiscal year ended December 31, 2019.Examine a sample of electronic sales invoices to determine whether each order has been shipped, as evidenced by a shipping document number.


Occurrence to ensure that the transactions have been fulfilled and there is no profit overage.

Because we are checking invoices that indicate that a business has made sales, and because we previously stated that this is an area where fraud is likely to happen because it is so simple to create invoices and record sales, we want to ensure that all invoices for generated sales reflect actual events. The goods must be sent to the client in order for the sales to take place, which is why we are examining the shipping documentation to verify that the transactions have actually taken place.

Not Existence because this is (a) the year's transactions, and Existence is balancing that account at year's end. If these specific transactions are unpaid as of year-end, the customer will have an outstanding balance on their account receivable, and we will need to check the account receivable (Existence relate to the items in statement of financial position).

Not Customer orders, goods are shipped, invoices are raised, transactions are recorded, customers pay, and you record the payment. Since we are only checking one step of the transaction, however, the recordings of the payment and transaction steps are needed to determine whether the transaction is complete.

To learn more about transaction, here:


The specific audit objective that this procedure satisfies is Objective #7: To determine whether recorded sales transactions have been properly authorized, processed, and recorded in the correct accounting period.
Based on the provided information, the specific audit procedure you mentioned is:

a. Examine a sample of electronic sales invoices to determine whether each order has been shipped, as evidenced by a shipping document number.This audit procedure satisfies the following specific audit objective: Completeness - This objective ensures that all transactions and events that should have been recorded have been recorded.

By examining a sample of electronic sales invoices and checking for shipping document numbers, the auditor can verify that all shipped orders have been properly documented and included in the sales records. This helps to confirm that sales, accounts receivable, and cash receipts are complete for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019.

For more such questions on audit


big board makes high-end custom surfboards and gets new clients primarily by word of mouth. the small company has a few sample surfboards in stock, but it mostly customizes its products to customer specifications. the best supply chain strategy for big board is the strategy, which enables businesses to .


Based on the information provided, the best supply chain strategy for Big Board would be a flexible supply chain strategy that enables the company to quickly respond to the changing demands of its customers.

Since Big Board primarily customizes its surfboards to meet customer specifications, a flexible supply chain strategy would enable the company to quickly and efficiently adapt to changes in customer demand. This could involve maintaining close relationships with suppliers who can provide the necessary materials and components for custom surfboards, as well as utilizing a streamlined production process that can easily incorporate new designs and specifications.

Furthermore, since Big Board relies heavily on word-of-mouth referrals to attract new customers, a flexible supply chain strategy can also help the company maintain a positive reputation by consistently delivering high-quality, custom surfboards that meet the unique needs and preferences of its customers.

Learn more about flexible supply chain


economists who study monetary policy believe that it takes anywhere from ________ for monetary policy to have a substantial effect on economic activity.


Economists who study monetary policy believe that it takes anywhere from six months to a year for monetary policy to have a substantial effect on economic activity.

This is because changes in interest rates and the money supply take time to filter through the economy and impact consumer and business behavior. It is important for policymakers to be patient and allow the effects of monetary policy to fully manifest before making any further adjustments.
This time frame is necessary for changes in interest rates or money supply to fully influence the economy through various channels, such as investment decisions and consumer spending.

Monetary policy is enacted by a central bank to sustain a level economy and keep unemployment low, protect the value of the currency, and maintain economic growth. By manipulating interest rates or reserve requirements, or through open market operations, a central bank affects borrowing, spending, and savings rates.

Learn more about economic activity here:


Your client wants to prepay $15 million in notes, which bear interest at a fixed rate of 7.5% per annum, payable quarterly. The notes do not provide for any payments of principal other than at maturity and there are 27 months until maturity. The Note Purchase Agreement provides for the payment of a "Make-Whole Amount" in the vent of prepayment of principal. This is an amount, not less than zero, which is the amount by which (i) the present value of all remaining payments of principal and interest that would be due with regard to the amount of principal that is be prepaid, discounted to the present date by a "Reinvestment Yield," exceeds (ii) the amount of principal that is being prepaid. The "Reinvestment Yield" is equal to the sum of (a) 75 basis points plus (y) the yield to maturity implied by the U.S. Treasury yields for the remaining contractual term of the principal being paid. The current implied US Treasury yield for obligations with 27 months remaining in their term is 2.45%.What is the applicable Make-Whole Amount that is due in connection with the prepayment? Show the Excel formula you used to compute the answer.


The applicable Make-Whole Amount that is due in connection with the prepayment is $1,316,485.95.

The Excel formula used to compute this is: =max(0, (PV((0.075/4), 274, -15000000)(0.0245+0.0075/4+1)-15000000))

To calculate the Make-Whole Amount, we need to find the present value of all remaining payments of principal and interest that would be due with regard to the amount of principal that is to be prepaid, discounted to the present date by a "Reinvestment Yield," and then subtract the amount of principal being prepaid.

First, we calculate the Reinvestment Yield, which is equal to the sum of (a) 75 basis points plus (b) the yield to maturity implied by the U.S. Treasury yields for the remaining contractual term of the principal being paid.

So, the Reinvestment Yield is:

= 0.0245 + 0.0075/4

= 0.026875

Next, we calculate the present value of all remaining payments of principal and interest using the PV function in Excel:

PV((0.075/4), 274, -15000000) = $15,869,334

Finally, we calculate the Make-Whole Amount by multiplying the present value by the Reinvestment Yield plus 1, and then subtracting the amount of principal being prepaid:

= 15,869,334 (0.026875 + 1) - 15,000,000

= $1,316,485.95

Since the Make-Whole Amount cannot be less than zero, the final formula used in Excel is =max(0, (PV((0.075/4), 274, -15000000)(0.0245+0.0075/4+1)-15000000)).

Learn more about present value:


2. Using formula: If your credit card says 28% interest compounded monthly, what is the effective interest rate? (4 marks)


To calculate the effective interest rate, we need to take into account the compounding period. In this case, the interest is compounded monthly.

The formula for calculating the effective interest rate is:

Effective Interest Rate = (1 + (nominal interest rate/number of compounding periods))^number of compounding periods - 1

Using this formula, we can calculate the effective interest rate as follows:

Effective Interest Rate = (1 + (0.28/12))^12 - 1
= 0.3068 or 30.68%

Therefore, the effective interest rate for a credit card with a nominal interest rate of 28% compounded monthly is 30.68%.

Your employer asks you to run some errands. The reimbursement rate is $0.54 per mile. You drive 6.5 miles. How much will the reimbursement be?


If your employer asks you to run some errands, you may be eligible for reimbursement for the expenses incurred during your work. In this case, your employer has stated that the reimbursement rate is $0.54 per mile. You have driven a total of 6.5 miles while running these errands.

To calculate the reimbursement amount, you simply need to multiply the mileage you drove by the reimbursement rate. Therefore, $0.54 x 6.5 = $3.51. This means that your reimbursement amount for driving 6.5 miles will be $3.51.

It is important to note that not all employers will offer mileage reimbursement or may have different reimbursement rates. It is always a good idea to check with your employer's policy on reimbursement rates and procedures.

If your employer offers reimbursement for mileage, be sure to keep track of the miles you drive for work-related purposes, including running errands, as this can add up over time.

In conclusion, in this scenario, your reimbursement for driving 6.5 miles for work-related errands will be $3.51 at a reimbursement rate of $0.54 per mile.

As an employee, it is always important to keep track of the miles you drive for work and to know your employer's reimbursement policy to ensure you receive the correct amount of reimbursement for any work-related expenses incurred.

To know more about employer refer here


to be successful in the role of facilitator, the agile project manager must do all of the following except . a. conduct effective meetings b. successfully remove roadblocks c. assign specific tasks to the most appropriate individual d. focus on goals rather than on low level tasks


To be successful in the role of facilitator, the agile project manager should conduct effective meetings, successfully remove roadblocks, and assign specific tasks to the most appropriate individual. So, option c is the correct.

The role of a facilitator is crucial in ensuring that team members work together effectively to achieve project goals. This involves conducting effective meetings, removing roadblocks, and assigning specific tasks to the most appropriate individuals, while also focusing on high-level goals rather than low-level tasks.

The agile project manager should do all of the following except focusing on low-level tasks to be successful in the role of facilitator, which means they should delegate specific tasks to the most appropriate individuals, conduct effective meetings, and successfully remove roadblocks to achieve project goals.

Learn more about Facilitator :


Research either a government or a corporate bond and explain how this bond could help you achieve your financial goals.


Bonds can help investors achieve their financial goals by providing a fixed income stream with lower risk compared to stocks.

Government bonds are generally considered less risky because they are backed by the government's ability to tax and print money. Corporate bonds carry a higher risk, but typically offer higher yields as compensation.

Depending on an individual's investment goals and risk tolerance, investing in bonds can provide a steady source of income, diversify their portfolio, or hedge against inflation.

To know more about Corporate bonds click on below link:


Suppose you believe that Du Pont's stock price is going to decline from its current level of $ 83.10 sometime during the next 5 months. For $ 353.63 you could buy a 5-month put option giving you the right to sell 100 shares at a price of $ 75 per share. If you bought a 100-share contract for $ 353.63 and Du Pont's stock price actually changed to $ 87.27 , your net profit (or loss) after exercising the option would be ______? Show your answer to the nearest .01. Do not use $ or , signs in your answer. Use a - sign if you lose money on the contract.


If you bought a 100-share contract, your net or loss after exercising the put option would be -$353.63.

To calculate the net profit (or loss) after exercising the 5-month put option, follow these steps:

1. Determine the option premium:

The cost of the put option is $353.63.

2. Calculate the total cost of the put option:

Since the put option covers 100 shares, the total cost is $353.63 * (1 contract) = $353.63.

3. Determine the stock price at the time of exercising the option:

Du Pont's stock price changed to $87.27.

4. Check if the option is exercised:

Since the stock price of $87.27 is higher than the strike price of $75, you would not exercise the put option, as you would be selling the shares at a lower price than the current market price.

5. Calculate the net profit (or loss):

In this case, since the option is not exercised, the loss if you bought a 100-share contract is equal to the cost of the put option, which is $353.63.

Learn more about Strike price:


price reductions offered on products and services to stimulate demand during off-peak seasons are referred to as


Price reductions offered on products and services to stimulate demand during off-peak seasons are referred to as seasonal discounts.

Seasonal discounts are a common marketing strategy used by businesses to boost sales and generate more revenue during periods when demand for their products or services is typically low. By offering these price reductions, companies aim to attract customers who may be hesitant to make a purchase due to budget constraints or lack of interest. The reduced prices can also incentivize consumers to try out new products or services they might not have considered otherwise.

To implement seasonal discounts, businesses first identify their off-peak seasons, which may vary depending on the industry and location. For example, a ski resort may offer discounted rates during the summer months, while a clothing retailer might provide lower prices for winter apparel in the spring.

Once the off-peak season has been identified, businesses determine the appropriate discount rates and promotions to offer. These could include percentage discounts, fixed-price reductions, or bundle deals that encourage consumers to purchase multiple items or services at a discounted rate.

To ensure the success of the seasonal discounts, businesses must effectively communicate their promotions to potential customers. This can be done through various marketing channels, such as social media, email campaigns, and in-store advertisements.

In conclusion, seasonal discounts are a strategic way for businesses to stimulate demand during off-peak seasons by offering price reductions on their products and services. By identifying the right times to implement these discounts and promoting them effectively, companies can attract more customers, increase sales, and maintain a steady revenue stream throughout the year.

To know more about Price reductions refer here:


suppose that the workers were paid 19 dollars per hour for work during the time period 9 am to 5 pm and were paid 28.5 dollars per hour for work during the rest of the day. what would the total personnel costs of the clean up have been under these conditions? total cost


The total personnel costs of the clean up under these conditions would be:

$152/day + $114/day = $266/day

To calculate the total personnel costs of the clean up, we need to know the number of hours worked during each period. Let's assume that the clean up took place for 8 hours per day, from 9 am to 5 pm, and for 4 hours per day, from 5 pm to 9 pm.

For the 8 hours worked from 9 am to 5 pm, the cost per hour is $19, so the total cost for this period is:

8 hours/day x $19/hour = $152/day

For the 4 hours worked from 5 pm to 9 pm, the cost per hour is $28.5, so the total cost for this period is:

4 hours/day x $28.5/hour = $114/day

Therefore, the total personnel costs of the clean up under these conditions would be:

$152/day + $114/day = $266/day

To learn more about personnel costs  here


Paola has little choice in how to accomplish her work tasks—her company employs strict process control.
-Skill variety
-Task Significance
-Task Identity


Paola's work situation involves strict process control, which means her autonomy is limited. This can affect her skill variety, as she may not have the opportunity to use a diverse range of skills.

Autonomy refers to the degree to which an employee has control over how they perform their work tasks. If Paola's company employs strict process control, she likely has little choice in how to accomplish her work tasks, which suggests a low level of autonomy.Skill variety refers to the degree to which a job requires a variety of different skills and abilities. Task significance refers to the degree to which a job has a meaningful impact on the lives or work of others. Task identity refers to the degree to which a job involves completing a whole, identifiable piece of work. Feedback refers to the degree to which employees receive clear and direct feedback on the effectiveness of their performance.Based on the information provided, it is not clear whether Paola's job involves high or low levels of skill variety, task significance, task identity, or feedback.

Learn more about autonomy here:


The total market value of the common stock of the Okefenokee Real Estate Company is $13.5 million, and the total value of its debt is $8.5 million. The treasurer estimates that the beta of the stock is currently 1.8 and that the expected risk premium on the market is 9%. The Treasury bill rate is 4%. Assume for simplicity that Okefenokee debt is risk-free and the company does not pay tax.
a. What is the required return on Okefenokee stock? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.)
Required return %
b. Estimate the company cost of capital. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.)
Cost of capital %
c. What is the discount rate for an expansion of the company's present business? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.)
Discount rate %
d. Suppose the company wants to diversify into the manufacture of rose-colored spectacles. The beta of unleveraged optical manufacturers is 1.15. Estimate the required return on Okefenokee's new venture. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.)
Required return %


The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) can be used to determine the needed return on Okefenokee capital assets pricing model shares. The CAPM formula is: Required Return = Market Risk Premium x Beta x Risk-Free Rate.

Here, the beta is 1.5, the market risk premium is 6%, and the risk-free rate (Treasury bill rate) is 4%.

Required Return is 4% plus 1.5 x 6%, or 4% plus 9%, or 13%.

b. We must apply the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) methodology to get the firm's cost of capital:

WACC is equal to (e) + (D/VxRdx(1-Tc))

The equation changes because Okefenokee doesn't pay taxes to:

(EN x Re) + (D/W x Rd) = WACC

E is the market value of the company's stock in its whole ($6 million), D is the market value of the company's debt, and WACC = ($6,000,000/$10,000,000 x 13%) + ($4,000,000/$10,000,000 x 4%).

WACC is calculated as (0.6 x 13%) + (0.4 x 4%) = 7.8% + 1.6% = 9.4%

C. The company's cost of capital, which is 9.4%, would be the discount rate for an expansion of the current firm.

d. Using the updated beta of unleveraged optical producers (1.2), we once more apply the CAPM formula to calculate the needed return on Okefenokee's new business.

Required Return = Market Risk Premium x Beta x Risk-Free Rate

Required Return is equal to 4% + 1.2 x 6%, or 4% + 7.2%, or 11.2%.

Okefenokee's new business requires a return of 11.2%.

To know more about Capital assets pricing model visit:


A portfolio consists of the following two investments:
a bond with face value of $100.00 paying annual coupons of 9% maturing in 5 years
an annuity with payments of $40.00 at the end of each year for 5 years
The portfolio is comprised of 46% bonds and 54% annuities.
The term structure is flat and the current yield is 12% pa effective.
Calculate the duration (D) of the portfolio. Give your answer to 2 decimal places.
D = ______ years


The duration of the portfolio is 3.57 years.

To calculate the duration of the portfolio, we can use the following formula:

D = w1D1 + w2D2

where w1 and w2 are the weights of the bond and annuity in the portfolio, and D1 and D2 are the durations of the bond and annuity, respectively.

First, let's calculate the duration of the bond. Since the term structure is flat, the yield to maturity is equal to the current yield of 12%. Using the formula for the duration of a bond, we get:

D1 = (1 + y) * [ (1 - (1 + y)) / y ] - n * [ (1 + y) ]

where y is the annual yield to maturity, n is the number of years to maturity, and D1 is the duration of the bond.

Plugging in the values, we get:

D1 = (1 + 0.12) * [ (1 - (1 + 0.12) / 0.12 ] - 5 * [ (1 + 0.12) ]

= 3.87 years (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Next, let's calculate the duration of the annuity. Since the payments are made at the end of each year, we can use the formula for the duration of an annuity due and subtract 1 to get the duration of the annuity:

D2 = [ (1 + r) * (1 - (1 + r)) / r ] - 1

where r is the discount rate, n is the number of years, and D2 is the duration of the annuity.

Plugging in the values, we get:

D2 = [ (1 + 0.12) * (1 - (1 + 0.12)^(-5)) / 0.12 ] - 1

= 3.37 years (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Finally, we can calculate the duration of the portfolio by weighting the durations of the bond and annuity by their respective weights:

D = 0.46 * 3.87 + 0.54 * 3.37

= 3.57 years (rounded to 2 decimal places)

learn more about Portfolio here:


the debts that rhonda's company will repay within the next _____ are considered to be current debt.


The debts that Rhonda's company will repay within the next "12 months" are considered to be current debt.

Current debt is the term of short-term debt that must be repaid within a year and it is typically listed as a current liability on the balance sheet.

There are many examples that reflect current debt like current debt include accounts payable, short-term loans, and credit card balances. There are four types of debt like secured debt, unsecured debt, revolving debt and mortgages.

Therefore, the the debts that Rhonda's company will repay within the next one year or 12 months are considered to be current debt.

To know more about debt here,


Royal, Inc., is considering a change in its cash-only sales policy. The new terms of sale would be net one month. The required return is 64 percent per month. Current Policy New Policy Price per unit $ 780 $ 780Cost per unit $ 570 $ 570 Unit sales per month 840 890Calculate the NPV of the decision to switch. (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) NPV $_______


The NPV of switching from the current cash-only sales policy to the new net one-month policy is -$84,787.80.

How to calculate the net present value (NPV) for a company?

To calculate the NPV of the decision to switch from the current cash-only sales policy to the new net one-month policy, we need to compare the present value of the cash inflows and outflows associated with each policy.

Under the current policy, Royal, Inc., receives cash of $780 per unit sold, and incurs a cost of $570 per unit sold. Therefore, the cash inflow per unit is $780 - $570 = $210. Multiplying this by the number of units sold per month (840), we get a total monthly cash inflow of $176,400.

Under the new policy, Royal, Inc., will receive cash of $780 per unit sold one month after the sale, and will continue to incur a cost of $570 per unit sold at the time of sale.

Therefore, the cash inflow per unit under the new policy is $0 in the first month and $780 in the second month. Multiplying the number of units sold per month (890) by the second-month cash inflow per unit ($780), we get a total monthly cash inflow of $695,400 in the second month.

However, we need to discount this amount back to present value using the required return of 64% per month.

Therefore, the present value of the second-month cash inflow is:

PV = $695,400 / (1 + 0.64) = $422,512.20

The net cash outflow under the new policy is the cost of goods sold ($570) multiplied by the number of units sold per month (890) in the first month. Therefore, the net cash outflow is:

$570 × 890 = $507,300

The NPV of the decision to switch to the new policy is the present value of the second-month cash inflow minus the net cash outflow in the first month:

NPV = PV of second-month cash inflow - net cash outflow in first month

NPV = $422,512.20 - $507,300

NPV = -$84,787.80

Therefore, the NPV of the decision to switch to the new policy is -$84,787.80. This suggests that switching to the new policy is not a profitable decision for the company.    

Learn more about the NPV of the decision.


On her 18th birthday, Riley deposits $9,000 per year into a retirement account with an estimated 9.5% rate of return. She will stop making deposits after her 61st birthday (i.e., she will make her final deposit on her 61st birthday), and her investment will continue to grow until she retires at age 75. Assuming her deposits occur at the beginning of each year, how much money will Riley have in her retirement account on her 75th birthday?


Riley will have approximately $3,086,367.19 in her retirement account on her 75th birthday.

Based on the given information, Riley will make 44 deposits into her retirement account, starting on her 18th birthday and ending on her 61st birthday. Each deposit is $9,000, so the total amount of money she will deposit into her account is:

44 deposits x $9,000 per deposit = $396,000

Assuming an estimated 9.5% rate of return, her investment will grow each year. To calculate how much money she will have in her retirement account on her 75th birthday, we need to use the formula for the future value of an annuity:

FV = Pmt x (((1 + r)^n - 1) / r)

- FV is the future value of the annuity
- Pmt is the amount of the regular payments (in this case, $9,000 per year)
- r is the annual interest rate (9.5%)
- n is the number of periods (in this case, 57, since she will make her final deposit on her 61st birthday and retire at age 75)

Plugging in the numbers:

FV = $9,000 x (((1 + 0.095)^57 - 1) / 0.095) = $3,086,367.19
Learn more about  personal finance and retirement planning:


the process of moving strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries from portland fresh and ready farms to the farmer's market where customers will purchase them, is a marketing activity called


The process of moving strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries from Portland Fresh and Ready Farms to the farmer's market where customers will purchase them is a marketing activity called "distribution."

Distribution is a critical marketing activity that involves moving products from the manufacturer or producer to the end customer. In this case, the strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries are being transported from the farm to the farmer's market, where they will be sold directly to customers.

Effective distribution is important because it ensures that products are available in the right place at the right time, and in the right quantities. This can help to maximize sales and customer satisfaction while minimizing waste and inefficiency.

In the case of fresh produce like strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries, efficient and timely distribution is particularly important to ensure that the products arrive at their destination in good condition and are available for customers to purchase when they want them.

You can learn more about distribution at


You find PBB Corp's 2.9% bonds at a price quote of ($)97.3 on the website. The bond pays semiannually and matures 6 months from now. How many the bond's YTM is _____%.


The bond's Yield To Maturity (YTM) is 3.91%.

To calculate the bond's YTM, we can use the bond pricing formula, which is:

[tex]PV = C / (1+r)^{(1/2)} + C / (1+r)^{(2/2)} + ... + C / (1+r)^{(n-1/2)} + FV / (1+r)^{(n/2)}[/tex]

where PV is the present value, r is the yield to maturity, n is the number of periods to maturity, C is the coupon payment, and FV is the face value of the bond.

Substituting the given values, we get:

[tex]97.3 = 2.9 / (1+r/2)^{(1/2)} + 2.9 / (1+r/2)^{(1)} + 100 / (1+r/2)^{(1)[/tex]

Simplifying the equation, we get:

[tex]0.029 / (1+r/2)^{(1/2)} + 0.029 / (1+r/2) + 100 / (1+r/2) = 97.3[/tex]

Using a financial calculator or a spreadsheet, we can find that the bond's YTM is 3.91%.

To know more about Yield To Maturity, refer here:

a client is taking tolcapone for parkinson's disease. what blood test will the nurse perform often on this client?


The nurse will likely perform regular liver function tests on the client taking tolcapone for Parkinson's disease.

These tests measure the levels of certain enzymes and proteins in the blood that indicate how well the liver is working. Elevated levels of these enzymes and proteins can indicate liver damage. It is important to monitor these levels as tolcapone has been known to cause liver damage in some people.

The nurse may also test for creatine kinase levels, which can also be elevated due to tolcapone use. Other tests such as complete blood count, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine levels may also be performed to monitor for any abnormal changes in the blood that may be caused by tolcapone. Regular monitoring of these tests is necessary to ensure the safety of the client taking tolcapone for Parkinson's disease.

Know more about Parkinson's disease here


S = $76, C= $5, and x = $75 O a. The call option is in the money Ob. The call option should be exercised O c. The payoff if exercised is -$4 d. The payoff if left to expire without exercising is -$5 O e. All of the above


Considering the given terms: S = $76, C = $5, and X = $75, we can evaluate the call option as follows:

a. The call option is in the money: Since the stock price (S) is greater than the strike price (X), the call option is in the money ($76 > $75).

b. The call option should be exercised: In this case, exercising the call option allows the holder to purchase the stock at the lower strike price (X) and sell it at the higher market price (S). Therefore, it should be exercised.

c. The payoff if exercised is -$4: To calculate the payoff if exercised, subtract the strike price (X) and the cost of the call option (C) from the stock price (S): ($76 - $75 - $5) = -$4.

d. The payoff if left to expire without exercising is -$5: If the call option is not exercised, the holder would lose the entire premium paid for the option (C), which is $5 in this case.

e. All of the above: Given the analysis, all of the above statements are true.

In summary, with the given terms of S = $76, C = $5, and X = $75, the call option is in the money, should be exercised, has a payoff if exercised of -$4, and a payoff if left to expire without exercising of -$5. Therefore, all of the above statements are correct.

To know more about payoff refer here


CBC stock is expected to sell for $25 two years from now. Supernormal growth of 5% is expected for the next 2 years. The current dividend is $1.95 and the required return is 15%. What constant growth rate is expected beginning in year 3?


The constant growth rate expected beginning in year 3 for CBC stock is 23.6%.

1. Calculate the dividend for year 1 and year 2 using the supernormal growth rate of 5%.

Year 1 dividend: $1.95 * (1 + 5%) = $1.95 * 1.05 = $2.0475

Year 2 dividend: $2.0475 * (1 + 5%) = $2.0475 * 1.05 = $2.149875

2. Calculate the stock price for year 2.

The expected stock price for year 2 is given as $25.

3. Determine the expected constant growth rate using the Gordon Growth Model.

The Gordon Growth Model states that the stock price (P) is equal to the next year's dividend (D) divided by the difference between the required return (r) and the constant growth rate (g). Rearranging the formula to solve for g, we get:

g = (D / P) + r

Using the Year 2 dividend and stock price, we can find the constant growth rate expected beginning in year 3:

g = ($2.149875 / $25) + 15%

g = 0.085995 + 0.15

g ≈ 0.235995 or 23.6%

The constant growth rate is approximately 23.6%.

Learn more about Gordon Growth Model:


gatorade is a well-known drink brand that almost every active person is familiar with, whether you are a professional athlete, hiker, or regular at the gym. the best distribution strategy for this product would be multiple choice intensive. specialized. selective. multichannel. exclusive.


The best distribution strategy for Gatorade would be a multichannel approach to reach a wide range of customers.

The target market for Gatorade comprises physically active people who need energy and hydration while exercising. The ideal strategy for this brand would be a multichannel distribution plan. Reaching as many clients as possible entails using a variety of distribution channels, including supermarkets, convenience shops, vending machines, internet merchants, and direct selling.

Gatorade can easily access its product by employing a multichannel strategy, which is crucial for a company that caters to consumers who need to keep hydrated and energised while on the road.

Learn more about distribution:


g any system of performance compensation: a. should motivate desired actions b. may encourage unethical behavior c. needs compensating accounting controls to detect and prevent fraud d. all of the above answers are correct e. none of the above answers is correct


The correct answer is (d) all of the above answers are correct. A system of performance compensation should motivate desired actions, but it may also have unintended consequences, such as encouraging unethical behavior.

Therefore, compensating accounting controls are necessary to ensure that the system operates with integrity and does not incentivize unethical behavior.

Compensating accounting controls are necessary to detect and prevent fraud, ensuring that the system operates with integrity and does not incentivize unethical behavior. These controls may include regular audits, internal controls, and performance monitoring, among others.

However, such a system may also encourage unethical behavior, as individuals may resort to fraudulent or unethical practices to achieve their targets.

To know more about Compensating control:


tcpa regulation, lead gen advertiser tend to shift to lead-to-sales, lead-to-installation. why? how does it works


The TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) regulation has strict rules regarding the use of automated phone calls, text messages, and faxes for marketing purposes. This has led lead generation advertisers to shift their focus to lead-to-sales and lead-to-installation strategies.

TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) regulations are in place to protect consumers from unwanted telemarketing calls, faxes, and text messages.

Because of these regulations, lead gen advertisers have shifted their focus from generating leads solely for marketing purposes to generating leads for sales and installation. In lead-to-sales, advertisers focus on generating leads that are more likely to convert into sales. This means they may target specific demographics or use more personalized messaging to increase the chances of a sale. In lead-to-installation, advertisers focus on generating leads for products or services that require installation, such as home security systems or solar panels. This can lead to higher quality leads that are more likely to result in a sale.Overall, these strategies work by targeting more specific audiences and tailoring the messaging to their needs and interests. By doing so, advertisers can increase the likelihood of a sale and comply with TCPA regulations.
This shift to lead-to-sales and lead-to-installation works by focusing on acquiring customers who are more likely to make a purchase or request installation services. This allows advertisers to focus their efforts on high-quality leads that are more likely to convert, ultimately improving their return on investment.

In summary, lead gen advertisers are shifting to lead-to-sales and lead-to-installation strategies due to TCPA regulations to ensure compliance and improve their targeting of high-quality leads, which results in a better return on investment.

Learn more about telemarketing here:


Finding operating and free cash flow In April 2020, Nike filed with the S.E.C. its quarterly 10-Q, whi statements also showed the following: Assume a tax rate of 21%. a. What was Nike's operating cash flow (OCF)? b. What was Nike's net fixed asset investment (NFAI)? c. What was Nike's net current asset investment (NCAI)? d. What was Nike's free cash flow (FCF)? which revealed that the company earned NOPAT of 5 billion that quarter with depreciation expense of $0.51 billion. Nike's financial


a. Nike's operating cash flow (OCF) can be calculated as follows:

NOPAT + Depreciation - Change in Operating Working Capital

OCF = 5 billion + 0.51 billion - (1.6 billion - 1.5 billion) = $3.41 billion

b. Nike's net fixed asset investment (NFAI) cannot be calculated from the given information.

c. Nike's net current asset investment (NCAI) can be calculated as follows:

NCAI = Change in Operating Working Capital - Change in Short-term Debt

NCAI = (1.6 billion - 1.5 billion) - (0.33 billion - 0.24 billion) = $0.01 billion

d. Nike's free cash flow (FCF) can be calculated as follows:

FCF = OCF - Net Fixed Asset Investment - Net Current Asset Investment

FCF = $3.41 billion - NFAI - $0.01 billion

Nike's operating cash flow (OCF) was calculated using the formula: NOPAT + Depreciation - Change in Operating Working Capital. The net current asset investment (NCAI) was calculated using the formula: Change in Operating Working Capital - Change in Short-term Debt.

The free cash flow (FCF) was calculated using the formula: OCF - Net Fixed Asset Investment - Net Current Asset Investment. Nike's net fixed asset investment (NFAI) could not be calculated from the given information. These calculations are important in analyzing a company's financial performance and liquidity position.

For more questions like Debt click the link below:


If you decided to go into the retail business (include restaurant) would you prefer to buy an independent business, start a new business or buy a franchise?


Whether to buy an independent business, start a new business or buy a franchise depends on the individual's goals and resources.

Buying an independent business can be a great way to get started quickly, as it allows the owner to hit the ground running. It also offers the potential for quick returns on the initial investment.

Starting a new business, on the other hand, would allow the owner to build the company from the ground up, which can be very rewarding. It also allows for greater creative control over the business.

Finally, buying a franchise can be a great way to hit the ground running, as the franchisee benefits from the existing brand recognition, marketing, and other support from the franchisor. Ultimately, the choice depends on the individual's goals and resources.

Know more about independent business here


jensen company has $350,000 of bonds outstanding. the unamortized premium is $6,200. if the company redeemed the bonds at 101, what would be the gain or loss on the redemption?


The gain or loss on the redemption is D. $2,700 gain.

To answer your question, let's first understand the terms involved and then calculate the gain or loss on the redemption of the bonds.

1. Bonds outstanding: This refers to the total value of the bonds that Jensen Company has issued and are currently held by investors. In this case, the bond's outstanding amount is $350,000.

2. Unamortized premium: This is the remaining portion of the premium (the amount paid above the face value of the bond) that has not yet been amortized (expensed) over the life of the bond. The unamortized premium is $6,200.

3. Redeemed at 101: This means that the company is repurchasing the bonds at 101% of their face value. In this case, the redemption amount would be $350,000 * 1.01 = $353,500.

Now, let's calculate the gain or loss on redemption:

1. Subtract the unamortized premium from the bonds' carrying value: $350,000 + $6,200 = $356,200.

2. Compare the carrying value with the redemption amount: $356,200 (carrying value) - $353,500 (redemption amount) = $2,700.

Since the carrying value is higher than the redemption amount, the company would experience a gain of $2,700 on the redemption of the bonds.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. $2,700 gain.

The question was incomplete, Find the full content below:

Jensen company has $350,000 of bonds outstanding. the unamortized premium is $6,200. if the company redeemed the bonds at 101, what would be the gain or loss on the redemption?

A. $6,100 gain

B. $9,600 loss

C. $2,700 loss

D. $2,700 gain

Know more about Bond's outstanding here:


A retailer received a written firm offer signed by a supplier. The offer committed the supplier to providing the retailer with up to 10,000 tubes of toothpaste over the next 45 days at $1 a tube. Thirty days later, the supplier informed the retailer that the price per tube of toothpaste would be $1.10. The next day the retailer ordered 6,000 tubes of toothpaste from the supplier, which the supplier promptly shipped. Sixty days after the receipt of the offer, the retailer ordered another 4,000 tubes of toothpaste, which the supplier also promptly shipped.
What price is the supplier permitted to charge the retailer for the toothpaste?


The supplier is permitted to charge the retailer $1 per tube of toothpaste for all 10,000 tubes that were ordered by the retailer within the 45-day time frame of the original offer.

The supplier is permitted to charge the retailer $1 per tube of toothpaste for the first 10,000 tubes. This is because the offer committed the supplier to providing the retailer with up to 10,000 tubes of toothpaste over the next 45 days at $1 a tube, and the retailer ordered a total of 10,000 tubes within that time frame.

However, the supplier is not permitted to charge the retailer $1.10 per tube of toothpaste, as they informed the retailer of this price increase after the retailer had already placed an order for 6,000 tubes at the original price of $1 per tube. Therefore, the supplier must honor the original price of $1 per tube for the remaining 4,000 tubes that the retailer ordered.

learn more about Retailer here:


the impact of psychological factors and investor expectations make it difficult for exchange rate theories to predict blank______ changes in exchange rates. multiple choice question.


The impact of psychological factors and investor expectations make it difficult for exchange rate theories to predict blank changes in exchange rates.

Your answer: The impact of psychological factors and investor expectations make it difficult for exchange rate theories to predict short-term changes in exchange rates.

Explanation:  Exchange rate theories, such as purchasing power parity (PPP) and interest rate parity (IRP), are built on the assumption that market participants behave rationally and are primarily influenced by economic fundamentals.

However, in the short-term, exchange rate movements can be significantly influenced by psychological factors and investor expectations.

Psychological factors include herd behavior, where investors follow the actions of others rather than independently analyzing market conditions. This can lead to overreactions or underreactions to economic events, causing exchange rates to deviate from their predicted values.

Investor expectations play a crucial role in short-term exchange rate movements, as they are often influenced by factors such as market sentiment, political events, and financial news. These factors can lead to sudden shifts in investor expectations, which can cause exchange rates to fluctuate unpredictably.

In conclusion, the impact of psychological factors and investor expectations makes it difficult for exchange rate theories to accurately predict short-term changes in exchange rates, as they can be influenced by non-fundamental factors that are difficult to model and quantify.

To know more about psychological refer here


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