let a and b be n × n matrices such that ab = in . prove that the rank of a is n


Answer 1

The rank of matrix A is n.
To prove that the rank of matrix A is n, we'll use the facts that AB = I_n (the n x n identity matrix) and that the rank of a product of matrices is less than or equal to the minimum of the ranks of the individual matrices. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Given: A and B are n x n matrices such that AB = I_n.

2. Let's denote the rank of A as rank(A) and the rank of B as rank(B).

3. Since AB = I_n, it's clear that the product of matrices A and B results in the identity matrix, which has a rank of n (rank(I_n) = n).

4. According to the properties of matrix ranks, rank(AB) ≤ min(rank(A), rank(B)).

5. As AB = I_n, we have rank(I_n) ≤ min(rank(A), rank(B)).

6. Since the rank of the identity matrix is n, we have n ≤ min(rank(A), rank(B)).

7. As A and B are n x n matrices, their maximum possible rank is n, so rank(A) ≤ n and rank(B) ≤ n.

8. From step 6, we know that n ≤ rank(A). Combining this with rank(A) ≤ n, we conclude that rank(A) = n.

Therefore, the rank of matrix A is n.

Learn more about rank of matrix here: brainly.com/question/29811883


Related Questions

which linear optimization outcome is not possible? multiple optimal solutions are found a unique optimal solution is found solver requests to change a constraint there is an unbounded solution


The option that linear optimization outcome is not possible is option (d) there is an unbounded solution

In linear optimization, a problem is said to be unbounded if there exists at least one feasible solution with an objective value that can be made infinitely large (or small) by increasing (or decreasing) the value of one or more decision variables without violating any of the problem's constraints. An unbounded solution is not a feasible or practical solution since it implies that there is no limit to how much the objective function can be improved.

On the other hand, it is possible to have multiple optimal solutions (a), a unique optimal solution (b), or have the solver request a change in a constraint (c) in linear optimization, depending on the specific problem and constraints.

Therefore, the correct option is (d) there is an unbounded solution

Learn more about linear optimization here



in the faculty lecture, dr. salon mentioned a survey that was taken in the slums in nairobi. from this survey, how long did the average person live in the slums?


Without specific data from the survey, I cannot provide the exact average length of time a person lived in the slums. I can be found by collecting data and finding average.

In general, surveys can be used to gather information on a population's characteristics and experiences, including their life expectancy. If the survey conducted in the slums of Nairobi included questions about life expectancy or mortality rates, the average lifespan of the individuals surveyed could be calculated using the data collected. It's important to note that the average lifespan in the slums may differ from that of other areas in Nairobi or other regions of the world.
Based on the information provided, Dr. Salon mentioned a survey conducted in the slums of Nairobi. To determine how long the average person lived in the slums, we would follow these steps:

1. Collect the data: The survey would gather information about the length of time people lived in the slums.
2. Calculate the average: Add up the total number of years all respondents lived in the slums and divide by the total number of respondents.

Without specific data from the survey, can't provide the exact average length of time a person lived in the slums. Please provide more information or refer back to Dr. Salon's lecture for the results of the survey.

Learn more about survey here:



help me please help answer the question below Do not round




Step-by-step explanation:




Restaurant Revenue

In this activity, you will create quadratic inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems. Read this scenario, and then use the information to answer the questions that follow.

Noah manages a buffet at a local restaurant. He charges $10 for the buffet. On average, 16 customers choose the buffet as their meal every hour. After surveying several customers, Noah has determined that for every $1 increase in the cost of the buffet, the average number of customers who select the buffet will decrease by 2 per hour. The restaurant owner wants the buffet to maintain a minimum revenue of $130 per hour.

Noah wants to model this situation with an inequality and use the model to help him make the best pricing decisions.

Part A


Write two expressions for this situation, one representing the cost per customer and the other representing the average number of customers. Assume that x represents the number of $1 increases in the cost of the buffet.

Enter the correct answer in the box. Type the cost expression on the first line and the customer expression on the second line


The cost per customer becomes $( 10+ x) and the average number of customers can be represented as (16 - 2x). Also the inequality equation is 160 - 4x -2[tex]x^{2}[/tex]  [tex]\geq[/tex] 130 to maintain minimum revenue of $130 after rising price by x number of times by $1 as 2 customers leave on average per hour.

Let x represents the number of $1 increases in the cost of the buffet.

Noah manages a buffet at a local restaurant and charges  $10 for the buffet.

On average, 16 customers choose the buffet as their meal every hour.

That is, the average revenue from 16 customers is = $(10*16)= $160

After surveying Noah has determined that for every $1 increase in the cost of the buffet, the average number of customers who select the buffet will decrease by 2 per hour.

That is, as cost of buffet for every hour rises by $x from $10 we get, $ (10+x) , and the average number of customers who select the buffet will decrease by 2 per hour.

The new average number of customers per hour after rise in cost of buffet by $x is (16 -2x).

This implies, the revenue earned now is = $(16- 2x)(10 + x) = $(160 + 16x - 20x -2[tex]x^{2}[/tex] ) = $ (160 - 4x -2[tex]x^{2}[/tex] )

The restaurant owner wants the buffet to maintain a minimum revenue of $130 per hour.

Thus, after the increase in price by $x per hour , the inequality equation that helps Noah to pick best pricing decisions will be ,

160 - 4x -2[tex]x^{2}[/tex]  [tex]\geq[/tex] 130

Here, cost per customer becomes $( 10+ x) and the average number of customers can be represented as (16 - 2x).

To know more about quadratic inequality equation here



dean halverson recently read that full-time college students study 20 hours each week. she decides to do a study at her university to see if there is evidence that students study an average of more than 20 hours each week. a random sample of 33 students were asked to keep a diary of their activities over a period of several weeks. it was found that the average number of hours that the 33 students studied each week was 22.2 hours. the sample standard deviation of 3.9 hours. find the p -value. the p -value should be rounded to 4-decimal places.


The p-value is 0.0001, indicating strong evidence that college students study more than 20 hours per week based on the sample data.

How to calculate the p-value?

To test the hypothesis that the average number of hours that college students study per week is greater than 20, we can use a one-sample t-test.

The null hypothesis is that the population mean is equal to 20 hours per week, while the alternative hypothesis is that the population mean is greater than 20 hours per week.

Let's calculate the t-value:

t = (sample mean - hypothesized population mean) / (sample standard deviation / √(sample size))

t = (22.2 - 20) / (3.9 / √(33))

t = 4.49

The degrees of freedom for the t-test is 33 - 1 = 32.

Using a t-table or calculator, we can find the p-value associated with a t-value of 4.49 and 32 degrees of freedom. The p-value is less than 0.0001 (it is actually very close to 0), which means that there is very strong evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that college students study more than 20 hours per week.

Therefore, the p-value is 0.0001 (rounded to 4 decimal places).

Learn more about t-test



what is the range and domain of y = 3x^2 + 2?


The domain of the function is (-∞, ∞) and the range of the function is [2, ∞).

Define range!

In mathematics, the range of a function refers to the set of all possible output values (dependent variable) that the function can produce for its corresponding input values (independent variable).

According to question:

The given function is y = 3x² + 2.

The domain of a function is the set of all possible values of the independent variable (x) for which the function is defined. Since the given function is a polynomial function, it is defined for all real numbers.

Therefore, the domain of the function y = 3x² + 2 is (-∞, ∞), which means that the function is defined for all real values of x.

The range of a function is the set of all possible values of the dependent variable (y) that the function can take. In this case, the function is a quadratic function with a leading coefficient of 3, which means that the parabola opens upwards and its vertex is at the point (0,2).

Since the minimum value of the function is 2, the range of the function is [2, ∞).

Therefore, the domain of the function is (-∞, ∞) and the range of the function is [2, ∞).

To know more about range visit:



Solve the trigonometric equation for all values -6π≤x≤6π


the solution set for the trigonometric equation is:{x | x = 8kπ/3 + π or x = 8kπ/3 + 5π, for all integers k, such that -6π ≤ x ≤ 6π}.

Trigonometric calculation.

First, we can isolate sin(1/4)x by dividing both sides by 2:

sin(1/4)x = sqrt(3)/2

To solve for x, we need to find all angles that have a sine of sqrt(3)/2. This corresponds to the 60-degree angle in the first quadrant and the 300-degree angle in the fourth quadrant. However, we need to take into account the period of the sine function.

The period of sin(1/4)x is 2π/(1/4) = 8π, which means that the function repeats every 8π. Therefore, the solutions for x are:

x = (2kπ + π/3)/ (1/4) or x = (2kπ + 5π/3)/ (1/4)

where k is an integer.

Simplifying, we get:

x = 8kπ/3 + π or x = 8kπ/3 + 5π

for all integers k, such that -6π ≤ x ≤ 6π.

Therefore, the solution set for the equation is:

{x | x = 8kπ/3 + π or x = 8kπ/3 + 5π, for all integers k, such that -6π ≤ x ≤ 6π}.

Learn more about trigonometric below.



Determine two coterminal angles (one positive and one negative) for each angle. Give your answers in radians. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list.)


The two coterminal angles for 3/4 radians are (3π + 4)/4 and (-5π + 4)/4 radians.

What is coterminal angles ?

Coterminal angles are two or more angles that have the same initial and terminal sides, but differ by a multiple of 360 degrees or 2π radians. In other words, coterminal angles are angles that overlap each other when drawn in standard position (with their initial side on the positive x-axis).

To find two coterminal angles with 3/4 radians, we can add or subtract multiples of 2π radians (which is equivalent to a full circle).

One positive coterminal angle is obtained by adding 2π radians to 3/4 radians:

3/4 + 2π = 3/4 + 8π/4 = 3/4 + 2π

Simplifying, we get:

3/4 + 2π = (3π + 4)/4

Therefore, one positive coterminal angle is (3π + 4)/4 radians.

One negative coterminal angle is obtained by subtracting 2π radians from 3/4 radians:

3/4 - 2π = 3/4 - 8π/4 = 3/4 - 2π

Simplifying, we get:

3/4 - 2π = (-5π + 4)/4

Therefore, one negative coterminal angle is (-5π + 4)/4 radians.

Hence, the two coterminal angles for 3/4 radians are (3π + 4)/4 and (-5π + 4)/4 radians.

To know more about coterminal angles  visit:



During a snowstorm, Annabelle tracked the amount of snow on the ground. When
the storm began, there were 3 inches of snow on the ground. Snow fell at a constant
rate of 1 inch per hour until another 4 inches had fallen. The storm then stopped for 6
hours and then started again at a constant rate of 2 inches per hour for the next 5
hours. As soon as the storm stopped again, the sun came out and melted the snow for
the next 7 hours at a constant rate of 2 inches per hour. Make a graph showing the
inches of snow on the ground over time using the data that Annabelle collected.


The graph will have a horizontal line from 4 to 15 hours (since there is no change in snow depth during that time) and two downward sloping lines from 0 to 4 hours and from 15 to 22 hours (representing snowfall and snow melt, respectively)

How to draw a graph?

To make a graph of the inches of snow on the ground over time, we can use the following steps:

We can divide the time into different intervals based on the snowfall, the break in the storm, and the snow melt. We have:

Snowfall for the first 4 hours (at a rate of 1 inch per hour).Break in the storm for 6 hours.Snowfall for the next 5 hours (at a rate of 2 inches per hour).Snow melt for the next 7 hours (at a rate of 2 inches per hour).

We can then calculate the inches of snow on the ground at the end of each interval, starting with the initial 3 inches of snow. We have:

After 4 hours of snowfall: 3 + 4(1) = 7 inches of snow on the ground.After 10 hours (4 hours of snowfall + 6 hours of break): 7 inches of snow on the ground.After 15 hours (10 hours + 5 hours of snowfall): 7 + 5(2) = 17 inches of snow on the ground.After 22 hours (15 hours + 7 hours of snow melt): 17 - 7(2) = 3 inches of snow on the ground.

We can now plot these points on a graph with time (in hours) on the x-axis and inches of snow on the y-axis. The graph will have four points: (0,3), (4,7), (15,17), and (22,3).

To know more about graph, visit:



Determine the domain of the following graph:
ܐ ܣ ܣ ܟ ܬ ܬ { ܣ ܣ
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


The domain of the following graph is equal to [-11. -3]

What is a domain?

In Mathematics and Geometry, a domain refers to the set of all real numbers (x-values) for which a particular function is defined.

How to identify the domain any graph?

In Mathematics and Geometry, the horizontal portion of any graph is used to represent all domain values and they are both read and written from smaller to larger numerical values, which simply means from the left of any graph to the right.

By critically observing the graph shown in the image attached above, we can reasonably and logically deduce the following domain and range:

Domain = [-11, -3].

Range = [-5, 0].

Read more on domain here: brainly.com/question/9765637


On a trip, you had to change your money from dollars to euros.
You got 450
euros for 600

What is a unit rate that describes the exchange?


Answer: 0.75 euros = 1 dollar

Step-by-step explanation:

Unit rate

450 euros ----> 600 dollars

450/600 = 0.75

0.75 euros = 1 dollar

Answer :

Uni rate for the exchange of dollars to euros is 0.75 euros/dollars.

Explanation :

[tex]\implies[/tex] To find the unit rate of exchange from dollars to euros, divide the amount of euros Monica received by the amount of dollars she paid:

[tex]\largearrow{\sf{\boxd{\boxed{Unit \ change = \dfrac{Number \ of \ euros \ you \got}{Number \ of \ dollars \ you \ have} }}}}[/tex]

[tex]\implies{\sf{Unit \ change = \dfrac{\cancel{450}}{\cancel{600}} }}[/tex]

[tex]\implies{\sf{Unit \ change = 0.75 }}[/tex]

As a result, the unit rate for the exchange of dollars to euros is 0.75 euros/dollar.

which of the following is true with regards to statistical analysis? which of the following is true with regards to statistical analysis? bivariate analysis is a special form of multivariate analysis. it examines the relation between two or more variables. regression analysis is a univariate analysis. multivariate analysis examines the relationship between one, two or more variables. univariate analysis involves the analysis of a single variable.


The correct option is: "Univariate analysis involves the analysis of a single variable."

The following statement is true with regards to statistical analysis:

Univariate analysis involves the analysis of a single variable.

The other statements are not entirely accurate:

Bivariate analysis is a form of multivariate analysis that examines the relationship between two variables, but multivariate analysis can involve more than two variables.

Regression analysis is a multivariate analysis technique that examines the relationship between one dependent variable and one or more independent variables.

Multivariate analysis involves the examination of the relationship between two or more variables, not necessarily one, two, or more.

for such more questions on statistical analysis



Janelle opened a savings account with $500 that earns 0.3% simple interest annually. After how many years will the balance in the account be $510.50?


It will take 7 years for Janelle's savings account balance to reach $510.50 at an annual interest rate of 0.3%.

What is simple interest?

The interest rate on a loan or investment is calculated using the original principal amount. It does not take into account the effects of compounding, hence the interest charge or payment does not alter over time. Simple interest can be applied to several sorts of loans or savings accounts. It is computed only on the basis of the principal.

We can use the formula for simple interest to solve this problem:

Simple Interest = Principal * Rate * Time

where Principal is the initial amount in the account, Rate is the annual interest rate, and Time is the number of years.

Let's use the given information to find the time it takes to reach a balance of $510.50:

Simple Interest = $510.50 - $500 = $10.50

Principal = $500

Rate = 0.3% = 0.003 (since the rate is given as a percentage, we need to divide by 100 to get the decimal equivalent)

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

$10.50 = $500 * 0.003 * Time

Simplifying this equation, we get:

Time = $10.50 / ($500 * 0.003) = 7 years

Therefore, it will take 7 years for Janelle's savings account balance to reach $510.50 at an annual interest rate of 0.3%.

Learn more about simple interest on:



Chase is moving and must rent a truck. There is an initial charge of $35 for the rental plus a fee of $2.50 per mile driven. Make a table of values and then write an equation for C,C, in terms of m,m, representing the total cost of renting the truck if Chase were to drive m miles.


The required equation in the given situation is C = 35 + 2.50m where C is the total cost and m is the number of miles driven.

What is the equation?

Equation: A declaration that two expressions with variables or integers are equal.

In essence, equations are questions and attempts to systematically identify the solutions to these questions have been the driving forces behind the creation of mathematics.

A mathematical statement known as an equation is made up of two expressions joined together by the equal sign.

A formula would be 3x - 5 = 16, for instance.

The equation would be:

C is the total cost and m is the miles driven.

We know that:
Charge of the truck: $35

Charge per mile: $2.50

Then, form the equation as follows:

C = 35 + 2.50m

Therefore, the required equation in the given situation is C = 35 + 2.50m where C is the total cost and m is the number of miles driven.

Know more about equations here:



FINANCE Rawan deposits $13,000 into an account that pays 2.6% annual interest
compounded every 6 months.

a. Write a function to represent the balance A in the account after t years.

b. What will be the balance after 4 years?

c. What will be the balance after 7.5 years?


a) Required function is [tex]A(t) = 13,000 \times (1.013)^{2t}[/tex]

b) The balance after 4 years is $15,182.51.

c)The balance after 7.5 years is $16,802.59

a. What is the function represent the balance A in the account after t years?

The function to represent the balance A in the account after t years can be given by:

[tex]A(t) = P \times (1 + \frac{r}{n})^{(nt)}[/tex]

where P is the principal amount (initial deposit), r is the annual interest rate, n is the number of times interest is compounded per year, and t is the number of years.

In this case, P = $13,000, r = 2.6%, n = 2 (interest is compounded every 6 months), and t is the time in years.

Substituting these values into the formula,

[tex]A(t) = 13,000 \times (1 + \frac{ 0.026}{2})^{(2t)}[/tex]

Simplifying the expression,

[tex]A(t) = 13,000 \times (1.013)^{2t}[/tex]

b. To find the balance after 4 years, we can substitute t = 4 into the formula we derived above:

[tex]A(4) = 13,000 \times (1.013)^{(2 \times 4)} \\ = 13,000 \times (1.013)^8 \\ = 15,182.51[/tex]

Therefore, the balance after 4 years is $15,182.51.

c. To find the balance after 7.5 years, we can substitute t = 7.5 into the formula we derived above:

A(t) = 13,000 × (1.013)¹⁵ = 16,802.59

Therefore, the balance after 7.5 years is $16,802.59.

Learn more about function here,



In an all boys school, the heights of the student body are normally distributed with a mean of 71 inches and a standard deviation of 4.5 inches. Out of the 1912 boys who go to that school, how many would be expected to be between 61 and 70 inches tall, to the nearest whole number?​


The range of heights between 66 inches and 76 inches indicates the center 95% of males' heights from this school.

What do we mean by interval?

All the numbers between two specific integers are referred to as an interval.

All actual values between those two are included in this range.

The class interval is calculated by deducting the upper limit from the class' lower limit.

The following is the formula for the class interval: Upper limit - Lower limit equals the class interval.

Let x represent the heights of the male students at this institution.

The Empirical Rule states that given the mean and standard deviation:

1) Approximately 68% of the x values fall within the range of the mean plus or minus one standard deviation.

2) Nearly 95% of the x values fall within the range of the mean plus or minus two standard deviations.

3) Nearly 99.7% of the x values fall within a range of 3 standard deviations either above or below the mean.

Considering the data provided:

mean = 71 inches

Standard deviation = 2.5 inches

We want to know where 95% of the x values fall. The variation from the mean is 2 standard deviations. Therefore,

2 standard deviations = 2 × 2.5 = 5 inches


71 - 5 = 66 inches and

71 + 5 = 76 inches

Therefore, the range of heights between 66 inches and 76 inches indicates the center 95% of males' heights from this school.

Know more about intervals here:



Complete question:

In an all-boys school, the heights of the student body are normally distributed with a mean of 71 inches and a standard deviation of 2.5 inches. Using the empirical rule, determine the interval of heights that represents the middle 95% of male heights from this school.

the average car can go 25 miles on one gallon of gas. You can write an equation to show the relationship between the amount of gas you buy and how far you can travel



Step-by-step explanation:

the inword

a recent survey revealed that 30% of us households own one or more cats. you visit 50 random households. what is the mean number of households that will have one or more cats? 15 what is the standard deviation of the number of households that will have one or more cats? 3.2 round your answer to 1 decimal place. suppose that 10 of the 50 random households had one or more cats. would you consider this unusual?


1. The mean number of households that will have one or more cats is 15.

2. This means that getting 10 or fewer households with cats out of 50 is not extremely unusual, as there is a 5.3% chance of it happening by random chance alone.

The mean number of households that will have one or more cats can be calculated as:

Mean = (30/100) x 50 = 15

Therefore, the mean number of households that will have one or more cats is 15.

The standard deviation can be calculated using the formula:

Standard deviation = [tex]\sqrt{(npq)}[/tex]

where n is the sample size (50), p is the probability of success (30/100 = 0.3), and q is the probability of failure (1 - p = 0.7).

Standard deviation = sqrt(50 x 0.3 x 0.7) = 3.08

Rounding to 1 decimal place, the standard deviation is 3.1.

If 10 of the 50 random households had one or more cats, we can calculate the z-score as:

z = (x - μ) / σ

where x is the observed number of households with cats (10), μ is the mean (15), and σ is the standard deviation (3.1).

z = (10 - 15) / 3.1 = -1.61

Looking up the z-score in a standard normal distribution table, we find that the probability of getting a z-score of -1.61 or lower is 0.053.

This means that getting 10 or fewer households with cats out of 50 is not extremely unusual, as there is a 5.3% chance of it happening by random chance alone.

However, it is somewhat lower than the expected value of 15, which suggests that the sample may not be fully representative of the population.

For similar question on mean.



Solve the right triangle. 5
Write your answers in simplified, rationalized form. Do not round. DF =
DE =
m∠D =


The length of the other leg is 8 cm, and the measures of the two acute angles are approximately 36.87° and 53.13°.

To solve the right triangle, we can use the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Therefore, we have:

[tex]10^2 = 6^2 + x^2 \\x = sqrt(10^2 - 6^2) = 8 cm[/tex]

So the length of the other leg is 8 cm.

Let θ be one of the acute angles:

sin(θ) = opposite/hypotenuse = 6/10 = 0.6

cos(θ) = adjacent/hypotenuse = x/10 = 8/10 = 0.8

θ ≈ 36.87°.

Since the other acute angle is complementary to θ, its measure is 90° - 36.87° = 53.13°.

To know more about Pythagorean theorem, here



--The complete Question is,  A right triangle has a hypotenuse of length 10 cm and one leg of length 6 cm. Solve the right triangle, finding the length of the other leg and the measures of the two acute angles. --

#15 Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The calculated measure of the arc PM is 19 degrees

Calculating the measures of the arc PM

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

The circle

The angles created by secants and tangents that intersect outside a circle, which states that

The size of the angle formed by these two lines is equivalent to half the numerical difference between the measures of the arcs that they cut out from the circle.

So, we have

PM = 1/2 * (59 - 21)


PM = 19

Hence, the measure of the arc is 19 degrees

Read more about angles at



find the equation that is parallel to the line y=x+9 and passes through the point (-6,7).Write the equation in slope intercept form


Answer: -1

Step-by-step explanation:

First, determine your slope from the given equation y = x - 6

In slope intercept form: y = mx + b, the value for m is the slope.

By looking at "x", there is a coefficient of 1 and therefore 1 is the slope.

Since parallel lines have the same slope, use the slope 1 to rewrite a second eqaution using

the point-slope formula: y - y1 = m(x - x1) and the given point (-6,7)

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

y - (7) = 1 (x - (-6))        (Plug in values)

y -7   = 1(x +-6)            (Distribute negatives)

y -7  = -1x  -6             (Distribute 1 to both terms in the parentheses)

+ 6             +6              (add 6 from both sides)

  y = 1x - 1 OR y = x - 1  

Check your work by plugging in the given point to your equation:

y = x - 1

6 = 7 - 1                   (Plug in values)

7 = 7

The box plots display measures from data collected when 20 people were asked about their wait time at a drive-thru restaurant window.

A horizontal line starting at 0, with tick marks every one-half unit up to 32. The line is labeled Wait Time In Minutes. The box extends from 10 to 14.5 on the number line. A line in the box is at 12.5. The lines outside the box end at 5 and 20. The graph is titled Fast Chicken.

A horizontal line starting at 0, with tick marks every one-half unit up to 32. The line is labeled Wait Time In Minutes. The box extends from 8.5 to 15.5 on the number line. A line in the box is at 12. The lines outside the box end at 3 and 27. The graph is titled Super Fast Food.

Which drive-thru typically has less wait time, and why?

Fast Chicken, because it has a smaller median
Fast Chicken, because it has a smaller mean
Super Fast Food, because it has a smaller median
Super Fast Food, because it has a smaller mean


The correct answer is: Super Fast Food, because it has a smaller median.

What is the median?

The median is a measure of central tendency that represents the middle value in a set of data when the data is arranged in ascending or descending order.

Based on the given information, Super Fast Food typically has less wait time compared to Fast Chicken.

The median is the middle value in a set of data, and it is often used as a measure of central tendency in box plots. In this case, the median for Super Fast Food is 12, while the median for Fast Chicken is 12.5. Since the median for Super Fast Food is smaller than the median for Fast Chicken, it suggests that the wait times at Super Fast Food are generally lower than those at Fast Chicken.

Hence, the correct answer is: Super Fast Food, because it has a smaller median.

To learn more about median, Visit



Amy is sewing some pants for herself. This is the rule for how much fabric she needs to buy. • Measure from your waist to the finished length of thepants • Double this measurement • Add 8inches 1. Amy’s measurement from her waist to the finished length of the pants is 35inches. How many inches of fabric does sheneed?


Amy needs 78 inches of fabric for her pants if she follows the given rule.

Define inches ?

An inch is a unit of length that is equal to exactly 2.54 centimeters. It is commonly used in the United States and other countries that use the Imperial system of measurement.

To determine how much fabric Amy needs for her pants, we can use the rule provided to us. The first step is to measure from the waist to the finished length of the pants, which in this case is 35 inches.

Next, we need to double this measurement, which gives us 2 * 35 = 70 inches. This is because we need to account for the fabric that will make up both the front and back of the pants.

Finally, we need to add 8 inches to the doubled measurement, which gives us 70 + 8 = 78 inches. This additional 8 inches is to account for any seams, hems, or other finishing touches that may be required to complete the pants.

Therefore, Amy needs 78 inches of fabric for her pants.

To learn more about length visit the link :


Find the domain for each expression. 1/x


The domain of function 1/x is (-∞, 0) U (0, ∞), which means all real numbers except 0.

What is a domain?

In mathematics, the term "domain" refers to the set of possible input values for a function, equation, or expression. The domain represents the valid inputs that can be used to evaluate the function or expression and obtain a meaningful output.

For example, consider the function f(x) = x^2. The domain of this function is all real numbers because we can plug in any real number for x and obtain a valid output. However, if we consider the function g(x) = 1/x, the domain of this function is all real numbers except x = 0, because division by zero is undefined and we cannot evaluate the function at that point.

According to the given information

The expression 1/x has a domain of all real numbers except x = 0. This is because division by zero is undefined, so the expression is not defined for x = 0. For all other values of x, we can evaluate 1/x and get a real number. Therefore, the domain of 1/x is (-∞, 0) U (0, ∞), which means all real numbers except 0.

To know more about the domain visit:



the mean life of a television set is 97 months with a variance of 169 . if a sample of 59 televisions is randomly selected, what is the probability that the sample mean would be less than 100.9 months? round your answer to four decimal places.


The probability that the sample mean would be less than 100.9 months is approximately 0.9600.

We can use the central limit theorem to approximate the sampling distribution of the sample mean as a normal distribution with a mean of 97 months (the population mean) and a standard deviation of σ/√n, where σ is the population standard deviation and n is the sample size.

The standard deviation of the sampling distribution can be calculated as follows

σ/√n = √(169)/√59 = 2.065

Therefore, the z-score corresponding to a sample mean of 100.9 months is

z = (100.9 - 97) / 2.065 = 1.75

Using a standard normal distribution table or calculator, we can find that the probability of obtaining a z-score less than 1.75 is approximately 0.9599.

Therefore, the probability that the sample mean would be less than 100.9 months is approximately 0.9599.

Rounding this to four decimal places, we get

P(x < 100.9) ≈ 0.9600

Learn more about probability here



Kylie brought 5 pears to soccer practice to share with her teammates. She cuts each pear into thirds. How many slices of pears does she have to share with her teammates? Which equations can you use to solve the problem? Select two equations. A. 5 × 3 = 15 B. 1 5 × 1 3 = 1 15 C. 1 5 × 3 = 3 5 D. 5 ÷ 1 3 = 15 E. 1 3 ÷ 5 = 1 15


Answer: a and d

Step-by-step explanation:

1 pear = 3 slices

5 pears = 15 slices




Equation A and Equation D are the two equations that Kylie can use to solve the problem.

This is a simple mathematics problem.

Kylie has five pears. She cuts each of her pears into thirds, i.e., three slices of each pear.

So, now Kylie will do the same for each pear she has:

Total Slices with Kylie = 5 x 3

Total Slices with Kylie = 15

Equation D can also be used to define the situation of Kylie. Total pears with her are five and each pear is divided into thirds, i.e., 1/3

Total Slices with Kylie = 5 ÷ 1/3

Total Slices with Kylie = 15

To know more about Fractions,


How many pair of numbers (x;y) that satisfy
log₃ (x² + y² + x) + log₂ (x² + y²) ≤ log₃ (x) + log₂ (x² + y² + 24x)



We can simplify the given inequality using the properties of logarithms:

log₃ (x² + y² + x) + log₂ (x² + y²) ≤ log₃ (x) + log₂ (x² + y² + 24x)

log₃ [(x² + y² + x) / x] + log₂ [(x² + y²) / (x² + y² + 24x)] ≤ 0

log₃ [(x + y²) / x] + log₂ [(1 - 24x / (x² + y² + 24x))] ≤ 0

log₃ [(x + y²) / x] + log₂ [(x² + y² + 24x - 24x) / (x² + y² + 24x))] ≤ 0

log₃ [(x + y²) / x] + log₂ [(x² + y²) / (x² + y² + 24x))] ≤ 0

log₃ [(x + y²) / x] - log₂ [(x² + y² + 24x) / (x² + y²))] ≥ 0

log₃ [(x + y²) / x] - log₂ [(x + 24) / x] ≥ 0

log₃ [(x + y²) / x] ≥ log₂ [(x + 24) / x]

(x + y²) / x ≥ (x + 24) / x^2

x + y² ≥ x + 24

y² ≥ 24

y ≤ ± 2√6

Therefore, the system of inequalities that satisfies the given inequality is:

y ≤ 2√6, y ≥ -2√6

For each value of y between -2√6 and 2√6, there is a corresponding range of x values that satisfies the inequality.

For example, if y = 0, then the inequality simplifies to:

log₃ (x) + log₂ (x²) ≤ 0

log₃ x + 2 log₂ x ≤ 0

log₃ x + log₂ x² ≤ 0

log₆ x³ ≤ 0

x³ ≤ 1

x ≤ 1

So, if y = 0, then the possible values of x are:

0 < x ≤ 1

Thus, for each value of y between -2√6 and 2√6, there is a corresponding range of x values that satisfies the inequality.

Therefore, the total number of pairs (x,y) that satisfy the inequality is infinite, since there are infinitely many real numbers between -2√6 and 2√6, and each of these corresponds to a range of x values that satisfies the inequality.



Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this inequality, we can use the properties of logarithms to simplify it. First, we can combine the two logarithms on the left side of the inequality using the product rule:

log₃[(x² + y² + x)(x² + y²)] ≤ log₃(x) + log₂(x² + y² + 24x)

Next, we can use the fact that logₐ(b) ≤ logₐ© if b ≤ c to simplify the right side of the inequality:

log₃[(x² + y² + x)(x² + y²)] ≤ log₃(x(x² + y² + 24x))

Now we can expand both sides of the inequality and simplify:

log₃(x⁴ + 2x³y² + x²y⁴ + x³ + xy²) ≤ log₃(x⁴ + 24x³)

Subtracting log₃(x⁴ + 24x³) from both sides gives:

log₃(x⁴ + 2x³y² + x²y⁴ + x³ + xy²) - log₃(x⁴ + 24x³) ≤ 0

Using the quotient rule for logarithms gives:

log₃[(x⁴ + 2x³y² + x²y⁴ + x³ + xy²)/(x⁴ + 24x³)] ≤ 0

Finally, we can use the fact that logₐ(b) ≤ 0 if and only if b ≤ 1 to solve for x and y:

(x⁴ + 2x³y² + x²y⁴ + x³ + xy²)/(x⁴ + 24x³) ≤ 1

Multiplying both sides by (x⁴ + 24x³) gives:

x⁴ + 2x³y² + x²y⁴ + x³ + xy² ≤ x⁴ + 24x³

Simplifying gives:

2x³y² + x²y⁴ + x³ - 24x³ ≤ -xy²

Rearranging terms gives:

xy² - 2x³y² - x²y⁴ - x³ + 24x³ ≥ 0

Factoring out an xy term gives:

xy(y - (2x)^(3/2))(y + (2x)^(3/2)) ≥ 0

This inequality holds when either y ≥ (2x)^(3/2) or y ≤ -(2x)^(3/2). Therefore, there are two pairs of numbers that satisfy this inequality for any given value of x.

I hope this helps!

a scientist claims that the mean gestation period for a fox is more than 48.9 weeks. if a hypothesis test is performed that rejects the null hypothesis, how would this decision be interpreted? g


The rejection of the null hypothesis in a hypothesis test that claims the mean gestation period for a fox is more than 48.9 weeks implies there is sufficient evidence to support the claim, indicating a statistically significant difference between the observed sample mean and the hypothesized mean.

If a hypothesis test is performed that rejects the null hypothesis that the mean gestation period for a fox is 48.9 weeks or less, it means that there is sufficient evidence to support the claim that the mean gestation period for a fox is more than 48.9 weeks.

The rejection of the null hypothesis implies that the observed sample mean is significantly different from the hypothesized mean, and this difference is unlikely to have occurred by chance alone. The statistical test used to evaluate the hypothesis would have produced a p-value less than the significance level, indicating that the evidence against the null hypothesis is strong.

Therefore, the scientist can conclude that there is evidence to support their claim that the mean gestation period for a fox is more than 48.9 weeks, and this finding could have important implications for understanding fox reproductive biology and management.

Learn more about hypothesis test here



The Bermuda Triangle is a part of the Atlantic Ocean reputed to cause mysterious navigational problems for ships and airplanes. The sides of
the Bermuda Triangle run from Miami, Florida, southeast to San Juan, Puerto Rico; then north to Bermuda, Bermuda; and then southwest back
to Miami. The region is roughly equilateral with each side about 1000 miles long. A coordinate grid is placed on a map so that Miami is at
(0,0) and San Juan is at (10,0). What are the coordinates of Bermuda?


The coordinates of Bermuda are approximately (5, 995.037).

How to calculate the coordinates of Bermuda

Since the Bermuda Triangle is roughly equilateral with each side about 1000 miles long, we can assume that the distance between Miami and Bermuda is approximately 1000 miles.

Since the coordinates of Miami are (0,0) and the coordinates of San Juan are (10,0), we can use the distance formula to find the coordinates of Bermuda.

Let (x,y) be the coordinates of Bermuda. Then the distance between Miami and Bermuda is given by:

d = √[(x - 0)^2 + (y - 0)^2] = √[x^2 + y^2]

Similarly, the distance between San Juan and Bermuda is given by:

d = √[(x - 10)^2 + (y - 0)^2] = √[(x - 10)^2 + y^2]

Since the distances between all three points are equal and approximately 1000 miles, we can set the two distance formulas equal to each other and solve for x and y:

√[x^2 + y^2] = √[(x - 10)^2 + y^2]

Squaring both sides, we get:

x^2 + y^2 = (x - 10)^2 + y^2

Expanding the right side and simplifying, we get:

x^2 + y^2 = x^2 - 20x + 100 + y^2

Simplifying further, we get:

20x = 100

x = 5

Substituting x = 5 into one of the distance formulas and solving for y, we get:

√[5^2 + y^2] = 1000

Simplifying and solving for y, we get:

y = √(995^2) ≈ 995.037

Therefore, the coordinates of Bermuda are approximately (5, 995.037).

Learn more about coordinates at https://brainly.com/question/31293074


Transformations Task Card # 29 What is the image of point (3,4) after a dilation of 2? New Coordinate​



(6, 8)

Step-by-step explanation:

A dilation scales an object on the coordinate plane using the scale factor, causing it to get bigger or smaller.

We are given that the point (3, 4) is dilated by 2; since 2 is greater than 1, this is an enlargement (in which the figure gets bigger).

So, all we need to do is multiply each of the coordinates by 2, like so:


Thus, the image of the point (3, 4), after being dilated by 2, is (6, 8).

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