Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,

The muttering retreats

Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels

And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:

Streets that follow like a tedious argument

Of insidious intent

What does the use of the word muttering suggest?

the inability to be understood
a feeling of discontent
a sense of loneliness
the noise of city streets


Answer 1


The use of the word "muttering" in this context suggests a feeling of discontent or dissatisfaction. It implies that the speaker is moving through the streets, possibly alone or in a state of thought or reflection, and experiencing some level of dissatisfaction or frustration with their surroundings. The street itself is described as a "retreat" and the line "of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels" adds to the sense of transience and ennui. Overall, the use of words and phrases like "half-deserted", "one-night cheap hotels", and "insidious intent" convey a sense of discomfort and unease, which the word "muttering" complements by suggesting that the speaker is grumbling or murmuring under their breath.

Related Questions

If a media outlet’s owner also owns a race track and the media outlet runs on that race track, the story would have a _______ level of objectivity and a _______ level of dependability.

medium, high, low

Please answer it correctly and fast


The story would have a low level of objectivity and a low level of dependability. The media outlet's owner has a potential conflict of interest due to their financial stake in the race track, which may lead to biased reporting that undermines the dependability of the media outlet.

More about the answer:

This is due to the inherent conflict of interest that arises when a media outlet is owned by an individual or entity that has a financial stake in the subject matter being covered.

In this case, the media outlet's owner has a vested interest in promoting the success of their race track, which could lead to biased reporting that presents events in a way that is favorable to their business interests. This undermines the objectivity of the reporting and makes it difficult for readers to trust the information presented.

As a result, readers may perceive the media outlet as less reliable and less trustworthy, which could harm its reputation and credibility. To maintain journalistic integrity and provide reliable reporting, media outlets must avoid conflicts of interest and strive for impartiality in their coverage.

To know more about passages, visit:



Select the correct answer.
Which of these modes of narration does Emily Brontë use in Wuthering Heights?
OA. free indirect speech
O B. frame narrative
third-person limited
O D. third-person omniscient


B. Frame narrative is the style of narration utilized by Emily Bronte in Wuthering Heights.

What is a frame narrative?

A frame narrative is a literary device in which one story or a group of stories frames the main narrative. The frame story provides the main story or stories with background or location as well as, frequently, a thematic or narrative link between them.

A frame narrative may be a story within a story, a collection of tales told by several characters, or a story that makes use of other literary devices like letters, diaries, or fictitious documents. The employment of a frame narrative can add complexity and depth to a story, as well as provide a platform for the author to comment on the nature of storytelling itself.

Learn more about frame narrative with the help of the given link:



what could grade 12s do to minimise the impact of the anxiety they may feel on the day of the examination and how that could enhance their Performance in the examination



Deep breathing, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation.


These are effective ways to calm your mind and body. Take a few minutes to practice these techniques before the exam to help you relax and reduce anxiety.

On page 74, the narrator describes the “shell-shocked” veterans he sees at the Golden Day bar.
“Many of the men had been doctors, lawyers, teachers, Civil Service workers; there were several cooks, a preacher,a politician, and an artist. One very nutty one had been a psychiatrist. Whenever I saw them I felt uncomfortable. They were supposed to be members of the professions toward which at various times I vaguely aspired myself, and even though they never seemed to see me I could never believe that they were really patients. Sometimes it appeared as though they played some vast and complicated game with me and the rest of the school folk, a game whose goal was laughter and whose rules and subtleties I could never grasp.”

At this point in the book, the narrator believes that hard work and rule-following will help him earn respect in society. What lesson might he learn about this from the veterans he encounters in this chapter?



The narrator may learn that life can be unpredictable and that success is not always guaranteed despite hard work and rule-following. The veterans he meets in the Golden Day bar are all members of the professions he aspires to, yet they have been reduced to being “shell-shocked” patients in a bar. This may teach the narrator that life can take unexpected turns, and he should not take for granted the good fortune he has.

Janelle uses a lot of technology in her classroom. She finds that it makes it easier for students to work at their own pace. In addition, instant feedback can also let both her and the students know if they have grasped a concept. What kind of instruction is this?









Because getting feedback of your own means that you have mastered a concept yourself

Adaptive instruction using technology allows students to work at their own pace and provides instant feedback.

The kind of instruction described in the question is adaptive instruction. Adaptive instruction uses technology to individualize and adjust the learning experience according to the needs and progress of each student. It allows students to work at their own pace and provides instant feedback to help them understand if they have grasped a concept or need further assistance.

Learn more about Adaptive Instruction here:





The blog entry can have the title: Proven ways to care for you health. You can make the claim that eating healthy food is a sure way to better health. Cite examples of people who improved their diet with good results and show how people with opposite opinions are flawed. A poll question can be formulated this way: What other effective measures do you think improves health?

What is a poll question?

A poll question is an inquiry that is meant to elicit a response from an audience. Given the blog title above, a good poll question can help to elicit the opinions of readers by asking them about other effective measures they can apply to better their health.

A good poll question should make room for self-expression.

Learn more about poll questions here:



Farquhar is being hanged by Union troops. Farquhar seemingly breaks free from the noose.


Peyton Farquhar, the major personality in Bierce's short story, is slated to be hung no longer for  some different violent crime, but for trying to ruin a railroad bridge. A civilian, Farquhar hoped to defend Confederate troopers from attack by tampering with the railroad line.

What used to be does Farquhar strive to suppose about as he wait to be hanged?

Answer and Explanation: In "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," Farquhar visualizes his break out moments earlier than he is hanged. He thinks that he should free his hands, dispose of the noose and drop into the wate

Unbeknownst to Farquhar, Union troops captured the bridge and surrounding territory, and upon shooting Farquhar, select to cling him on fees of being a Confederate secret agent and sympathizer. As he is being hanged, however, Farquhar is capable to get away his destiny through falling into the river below.

Why is Peyton Farquhar being hanged by the Union Army?

Learn more about Peyton Farquhar here:


Plot elements pls help me


(D) Dorothy has old worn-out shoes.

None of the options provided can be conclusively inferred from the given details in the excerpt. From the excerpt, the reader can infer that Dorothy is preparing for a long journey and is concerned about having appropriate clothing and footwear.

What is the central idea of this excerpt?

The theme of this excerpt could be interpreted as resourcefulness or adaptability in the face of challenging circumstances. Despite having limited options, Dorothy is able to make do with what she has, finding a clean dress to wear and filling a basket with bread for her journey. When she realizes her shoes are too worn for a long journey, she spots the silver shoes and sees them as a potential solution to her problem. This theme of making the best of a difficult situation is a recurring one throughout the novel as Dorothy navigates various challenges on her journey to find the Wizard of Oz.

To learn more about adaptability, click



Part B
Construct a written analysis of approximately 300−500 words about the poem “The Cremation of Sam McGee.” Your analysis should explain how the figurative language and literary devices contribute either to the meaning or to the narrative structure— plot, setting, characterization, and point of view—of the poem. Your analysis should contain a thesis that is discussed throughout the essay. The essay should also contain textual evidence to support the analysis and a concluding paragraph. Be sure to use correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling, and write using a formal style with precise vocabulary. Use terms from the list provided below to construct your analysis.

Ballad—a type of narrative poem that tells a story, usually in the form of a folktale or legend
Stanza—a division of a poem that consists of two or more lines
Diction—the selection and use of words that influence the style and tone of the poem
Connotation—the emotional suggestion or implied meaning of a word that goes beyond its dictionary definition
Denotation—the actual or dictionary definition of a word
Rhythm—the recurrence of sound patterns created by a series of stressed and unstressed syllables
Meter—the pattern of beats within a line of poetry created by the rhythmic structure of stressed sounds
Rhyme scheme—a pattern of rhymes in poetry
Tone—the attitude of the poet toward the subject or readers, separate from mood or atmosphere
Mood—the overall or prevailing feeling that is created in a story or poem
Theme—the central idea of the story that reveals something about human life or behavior
As you write your analysis, consider these questions:

What is the function of rhyme in the poem?
What would the poem be like if it did not rhyme?
How do the rhyme and rhythm affect or enhance the meaning of the poem?
How does the use of imagery and figurative language affect the poem?
How is the subject matter and conflict affected by the structure of the poem?
Did I conclude my analysis clearly, supporting my analysis?


Sam McGee was originally from Tennessee, where cotton grows and blows. God only knows why he decided to travel around the Pole.

What premise underpins The Cremation of Sam McGee?

Service tells the tale of Tennessee native Sam McGee, who perished in the frigid north pole, in this poem. It tells the tale of passion and its disastrous impact on one's life.

Sam McGee's cremation was it legal?

The poem was fictional, but it was based on individuals and events that Robert Service actually encountered in the Yukon. The Yukon River is widened just north of Whitehorse to create Lake Laberge.

To know more about Sam McGee visit:



what is the possessive form of the word park





I could say it's my park, but if i have multiple its They are my park's.


Write a literary analysis on the poem “Once by the Pacific” by Robert Frost.

LITERACY DEVICES YOU CAN CHOOSE TO ANALYZE: Alliteration, repetition, rhyme, assonance, metaphor, personification, imagery.

· Introduce the poem and the author
· “Once by the Pacific” by Robert Frost is a poem about…
· Author name uses (insert poetic devices) to develop the theme that (insert theme)
· Explain each poetic device, providing a quote of where it is used
· Explain how that poetic device contribute to the theme or how it represents something related to the theme
· Explain each poetic device, providing a quote of where it is used
· Explain how that poetic device contribute to the theme or how it represents something related to the theme
Concluding sentence


The shattered water made a misty din.
Great waves looked over others coming in,
And thought of doing something to the shore
That water never did to land before.
The clouds were low and hairy in the skies,
Like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes.
You could not tell, and yet it looked as if
The shore was lucky in being backed by cliff,
The cliff in being backed by continent;
It looked as if a night of dark intent
Was coming, and not only a night, an age.
Someone had better be prepared for rage.
There would be more than ocean-water broken
Before God’s last Put out the light was spoken.


Answer: click thanks if you like my answer, have a good day


Robert Frost's poem, "Once by the Pacific," portrays the speaker's encounter with the powerful Pacific Ocean, and how it fills him with a sense of foreboding. The poem is written in free verse, with no rhyme scheme, and makes use of a variety of literary devices.


Robert Frost uses imagery, personification, and metaphor to develop the theme that nature is unpredictable and powerful, and that humans are insignificant in the face of its might.


The first line of the poem, "The shattered water made a misty din," uses alliteration to create a vivid image of the waves crashing against the shore. The use of "shattered" personifies the water, making it seem as though it has a destructive force.

The metaphorical language in "Great waves looked over others coming in, / And thought of doing something to the shore / That water never did to land before," suggests that the waves are planning something new, and that nature is unpredictable and ever-changing.

The clouds are described as "low and hairy in the skies, / Like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes," which uses simile to create a vivid image of the clouds, and emphasizes their weight and density. The clouds seem to be gathering, preparing for a storm.


The use of imagery and personification throughout the poem helps to create a sense of the ocean's power, as well as its unpredictability. The metaphorical language used to describe the waves and clouds reinforces the idea that nature is constantly changing, and that humans have no control over it.

The metaphor of the "night of dark intent" suggests that something terrible is about to happen, and the reference to "God's last Put out the light" implies that this event will be catastrophic, and may signal the end of the world. This reinforces the idea that humans are insignificant in the face of nature's power, and that they are at its mercy.


In "Once by the Pacific," Robert Frost uses literary devices such as imagery, personification, and metaphor to create a powerful depiction of the ocean's power and unpredictability. The poem suggests that humans are small and insignificant in the face of nature's might, and that they must be prepared for whatever it may bring.


hope its help <:

Who does Marie claim works the hardest – slaves or their masters?
Uncle toms cabin


Answer: In Uncle Tom's Cabin, Marie claims that slaves work harder than their masters.

Explanation: In Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Marie St. Clare is depicted as a character who represents the callousness and indifference of slaveholders.  Marie makes the claim that slaves work harder than their masters, highlighting her belief in the idea that the labor and toil of enslaved individuals surpasses that of their owners.

Marie's statement reflects the irony and hypocrisy prevalent in the institution of slavery.  Slavery was built on the exploitation of enslaved individuals, who were forced to perform labor-intensive tasks under harsh conditions.  The enslaved population endured physical labor, abuse, and deprivation, while their owners reaped the benefits and lived lives of relative comfort and luxury.

By asserting that slaves work harder than their masters, Marie attempts to downplay the brutality and injustice of slavery.  However, this claim is far from accurate and serves as a critique of the slaveholding system.

Learn more about Uncle Tom's Cabin here: https://brainly.com/question/15348644.

Read the list of sentences from the article.

1. It started as a playful self-challenge at his family's cabin about 30 miles from home.

2. His dad recalled that Isaac did a lot of research to find the best equipment to keep him warm and safe while sleeping outdoors in four seasons.

3. A bad snowstorm, a migraine headache, a leaky tent — nothing gets him down.

4. Isaac said he's not out to break any records for sleeping outside, although there are a few other records already on the books.

Which two sentences taken together provide the BEST evidence to support the idea that Isaac sees his outdoor sleeping as just a hobby?

1 and 3

1 and 4

2 and 3

2 and 4




The article is likely about a person who enjoys camping outdoors in all four seasons. The person's name is Isaac, and he has taken measures to ensure his safety and comfort while sleeping outside in all kinds of weather. Despite facing challenges such as snowstorms, migraines, and leaky tents, Isaac remains undeterred in his quest to spend time in nature. Though he is not specifically attempting to break any records, there are apparently others who have set records for sleeping outside.

How does the author develop her ideas in the text? In what killed the dinosaur

A by weighing the evidence for one side of the debate more heavily than anotherby weighing the evidence for one side of the debate more heavily than another

B by presenting two different perspectives on a scientific debate without biasby presenting two different perspectives on a scientific debate without bias

C by having two authoritative scientists debate the evidence against one anotherby having two authoritative scientists debate the evidence against one another

D by ridiculing both sides of the dinosaur debate as extreme perspectives .


The answer to your question, I believe is C, because the scientists are more intelligent, and know more about what happened to the dinosaurs than anyone else does

Hope this helped : )

Name A sentence tells a whole idea. It has a beginning and an en Write a sentence about each picture. Make the first letter o capital. End with a period. Color the picture. 1. 2. leaf kite boat frog Skill: Complete Senten- cblicati. 47​



The vibrant green leaf glistened in the sunlight.

The colorful kite soared high in the clear blue sky.

The little boat sailed smoothly across the calm waters.

The slimy frog hopped quickly away from danger.

What key words hint that Holmes knows the Count’s identity?



The key words that hint that Holmes knows the Count's identity are "recognition," "instinct," and "certainty."

What goals ,objectives or the key performance indicators indicate could you have as pca



As a PCA (Personal Care Assistant), some key performance indicators (KPIs) that could indicate your effectiveness and performance include:

Patient satisfaction ratings: This measures how satisfied patients are with the care and support you provide. Regular feedback surveys or follow-up calls can be conducted to collect data and track trends.

Number of successful transfers or mobility assistance: This measures your ability to assist patients with transferring, walking, or other mobility needs. This KPI can help assess your physical capabilities and the effectiveness of your training.

Number of reported incidents or falls: This KPI can help identify areas of improvement in your care and support. If there are multiple falls or incidents, it could indicate a need for further training or an adjustment in care plans.

Compliance with healthcare regulations: This KPI measures your adherence to healthcare regulations and best practices. Compliance can be measured through regular audits, training sessions, or reviews of care plans.

Communication with healthcare team: This measures your ability to communicate effectively with the healthcare team, including nurses, doctors, and other care providers. Good communication can help ensure continuity of care and improve patient outcomes.

3. Apple products are ............. other companies’ products.

a) much more expensive, then
b) much expensive, as
c) more expensive, than
d) so much more expensive, as


It’s more expensive than
c) more expensive, as ,, Hope this helps!

You have read two articles about Maya society.
Write an essay in which you identity a common central idea of both articles and analyze the way the idea is developed in each article. Be sure to use details from both articles to support your analysis. (the two articles are “Each in His Place” by Robin Varnum and “Who Were the Maya?” by Diana Childress.)


The articles "Each in His Place" by Robin Varnum and "Who Were the Maya?" by Diana Childress share a common central idea of the complexity of Maya society. Varnum's article highlights the rigid social hierarchy that existed within Maya society, with each person having a specific role based on their birth and gender. In contrast, Childress' article focuses on the extensive network of trade and exchange that existed among Maya cities, which fostered a sense of cultural unity despite the hierarchical nature of society. Together, these articles provide a nuanced understanding of Maya society and the various factors that shaped it.

Why does a helium balloon float in air?

A.It has a density less than the air
B.It has a density equal to the air it is floating in.
C.Heavy particles like smog in the air help to hold up the balloon.
D.Helium is magical because it makes your voice higher if you inhale it.


A helium has a less density so it floats in the air

is there a hyphen in well prepared


There is a hyphen in well prepared and the correct form is well-prepared. A hyphen is a punctuation mark that connects two or more words.

When should a hyphen be used?

A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that is used to separate syllables within a word and to link words together. With other dash kinds, it cannot be used interchangeably. A hyphen should be used in a compound modifier when it appears before the term it is modifying.

When two or more adjectives precede a noun and function as a single notion, you will typically hyphenate between them. The hyphen is used in this sentence the most frequently. Although a dash has a space on either side, hyphens do not. As a result of their similar appearances and differing uses, the two are occasionally mistaken.

To learn more about hyphen, visit:



Well prepared has a hyphen, while well-prepared is the right form. A hyphen is a type of punctuation that joins two or more words together.

When should a hyphen be used?

A hyphen (-) is a type of punctuation that is used to connect words and to divide syllables within them. It is not interchangeable with other dash types. When a compound modifier precedes the term it modifies, a hyphen should be used.

You usually hyphenate between two or more adjectives that precede a noun and express a single idea. In this sentence, the hyphen is most usually used. Hyphens do not have a space on either side, but dashes do. The two are occasionally confused due to their similar appearances and different applications.

To know more about punctuation, visit:



Please help me get the answers to this


In "A Rice Sandwich" vignette, there are several conflicts:

Conflict between the protagonist and his/her socio-economic statusConflict between the protagonist and his/her motherConflict between the protagonist and his/her classmatesConflict between the protagonist and his/her socio-economic status:

How to explain the conflict

The protagonist is ashamed of his/her socio-economic status and feels inferior to his/her classmates who can afford to buy expensive lunches. The protagonist says, "I was always ashamed of my lunch...I didn't want anyone to know that all I had was a rice sandwich" (para. 1).

The protagonist's mother insists on making him/her a rice sandwich for lunch every day despite the protagonist's reluctance to bring it to school.

Learn more about conflicts on



what the object summary for “My sister, The soldier”. NEED A 2 to 3 PARAGRAPH RESPONSE


The object summary for this story would focus on the themes of sacrifice, patriotism, and sisterhood.

What is  the object summary?

"My Sister, The Soldier" is a short story that centers around a young girl named Lupe who idolizes her older sister, Margie, who is serving in the military overseas. The story highlights the challenges and sacrifices Margie has made as a soldier, including missing out on family events and putting her life at risk for her country. Lupe also struggles with missing her sister and the uncertainty of her safety while away on duty.

It would highlight the importance of honoring those who serve in the military and the impact their service has on both themselves and their families.

Therefore, The story reminds readers of the challenges and risks involved in being a soldier, and the strength and resilience it takes to endure those challenges. It also emphasizes the bond between sisters and the power of love and support to help get through difficult times.

Learn more about object summary from



Prompt: What is the individual's responsibility to the
community and likewise, what is the community's responsibility
to the individual?
MLA format is required for this essay. Make sure to use specific
examples from your novel to support your findings in your essay
and cite appropriately.




In Lord of the Flies, William Golding explores the concept of individual responsibility to the community and the community's responsibility to the individual. The novel suggests that individuals have a duty to contribute positively to their community and to prioritize the well-being of others. At the same time, the community must work to protect the rights and safety of each individual.

Early on in the novel, Ralph recognizes the importance of working together as a community in order to survive on the island. He takes on the responsibility of leading the group and encourages everyone to participate in the construction of shelters, the gathering of food, and the creation of a signal fire. Ralph's leadership creates a sense of order and structure, which allows the community to function more efficiently.

However, as the novel progresses, individual desires and selfishness begin to undermine the community's stability. Jack becomes obsessed with hunting and gradually takes control of the group, leading to a breakdown in communication and cooperation. The boys begin to focus on their own personal interests and fail to consider the well-being of the community as a whole.

Throughout the novel, the community also has a responsibility to protect the rights and safety of each individual. When Simon is mistaken for the "beast" and brutally murdered by the other boys, it represents a failure of the community to recognize the value of every individual. This event demonstrates the importance of upholding the dignity and worth of every member of the community, regardless of their status or appearance.

In conclusion, Lord of the Flies highlights the importance of individual responsibility to the community and the community's responsibility to the individual. It emphasizes the need for individuals to work together towards a common goal while recognizing the value of each member of the community. At the same time, the community must work to protect the rights and safety of each individual and uphold their dignity and worth. Golding's novel ultimately suggests that a balance between individual and community needs is necessary for a functional and healthy society.

What are the mistakes in the following paragraph?
In the second paragraph of his article Eli claimed that adults are more
responsible then teenagers. Though this is usually true he failed to
recognize the teens that hold down jobs, get good grades in school, and
look after younger siblings. Some admit that some teens are responsible
but most believe that the amount of teens like this is relatively small.
Teens deserve more credit.
there should be a comma between "paragraph" and "of"


There should be a comma between 'paragraph' and 'of'

The following (line 86) is told in the fill in the blank_________ tense, from a fill in the blank__________ point of view.

The stories of the gum stuck underneath tables make me curious.
Answer choices for the above question

A. present; first-person

B. past; second-person

C. present; third-person

D. past; first-person


D the answer is D not B

make correct sentence


The correct sentence is:

Describe what you see that would be captured by a video camera. But stick to what is relevant and do with objective, descriptive language.

How do you write a correct statement?

To be grammatically correct, a phrase's subject and verb must both be singular or plural, hence the tenses of the subject and the verb must match. The verb should be in the plural if the subject is, and vice versa if the subject is not. The main subject and verb in the phrase should be identified, and you should next check to determine if they are both singular or plural to confirm that the subject and verb agree.

People's inability to construct entire, grammatically accurate phrases, however,  is mostly caused by four issues. The run-on sentence, the sentence fragment, the absence of subject-verb and pronoun-reference agreement, and the absence of parallel structure are some of these issues.

To learn more about sentence fragment, visit:



and are a pair of eye rhymes.Divefive
O True
O False


Answer: False


Why will explaining to a child that the triangle belong in the blue container be less effective than showing him or her or than doing the activity with the child?



w 1.9


3 Think about the author's attitude toward the oil spill. How do the
quotations from the BP oil executives help to reveal her position on
who is responsible for the disaster? Use at least two details from the
text to support your answer.


The quotations from the BP oil executives may reveal the author's position on who is responsible for the disaster.

How to convey the information

If the author is critical of the oil spill and the executives' handling of the situation, their language may contain negative words and phrases, such as "disastrous," "negligent," or "reckless." The author may also emphasize the environmental impact and the need for accountability and action.

The quotations from the BP oil executives may reveal the author's position on who is responsible for the disaster. If the author includes quotations that suggest the executives were aware of the risks and did not take sufficient action to prevent the spill, the author may be implying that the executives bear some responsibility for the disaster. Alternatively, if the quotations show the executives denying responsibility or deflecting blame, the author may be criticizing the executives for not taking accountability for their actions.

Learn more about author on



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