Lynching is:
A. a labor system in which a person farms a piece of land but doesn't own it
B. a relationship between the criminal justice system and private companies to provide business owners with cheap labor.
C. an illegal and racially motivated killing often committed publicly to intimidate members of a minority group.
D. an economic system in the South that forced laborers to work for employers to pay off debt .


Answer 1

Lynching is C. an illegal and racially motivated killing often committed publicly to intimidate members of a minority group.

What is Lynching ?

Lynching is a form of extrajudicial punishment in which an individual or a group of individuals is killed, typically by hanging, without a legal trial or due process.

Historically, lynching in the United States was primarily used to terrorize and intimidate African Americans and other minority groups. The act of lynching was often a public spectacle and served to reinforce racial and social hierarchies. It was quite prevalent in several parts of the South in the early 1900s.

Find out more on lynching at


Related Questions

Hi can someone please check my essay. (Tell me if there are things that should be added and changed and give good explanation)

*****And also what's a good creative title here for this essay?******

Is someone good at writing?? I need help please!


Overall, your essay provides a good analysis of the use of formalism in analyzing Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Your introduction effectively explains the purpose of literary analysis and how formalism has been used as a tool to achieve that purpose. You also do a good job of explaining the key components of formalism, such as focusing on form, structure, and style rather than historical context.

Your analysis of the Allegory of the Cave is well-done, with clear explanations of how the use of light and darkness as symbols contribute to the story's themes of enlightenment and knowledge. Your use of textual evidence is strong, and you effectively connect the symbolism to the larger themes of the work.

One area for improvement could be in your conclusion. While you do provide a good summary of your analysis and how it supports your thesis statement, it could be helpful to tie it back to the larger context of literary analysis and how formalism can be applied to other works of literature. Additionally, you could consider including a brief reflection on what you personally gained from using the formalist lens to analyze this text.

Overall, your essay effectively demonstrates how formalism can be used to analyze a literary work and provides a strong analysis of Plato's Allegory of the Cave.

Here are a few potential title options for your essay:

1. Analyzing Plato's Allegory of the Cave through a Formalist Lens

2. The Role of Formalism in Literary Analysis: A Study of Plato's Allegory of the Cave

3. Beyond Historical Context: A Formalist Analysis of Plato's Allegory of the Cave

4. Exploring Symbolism and Themes in Plato's Allegory of the Cave Using Formalist Techniques

5. Formalism and the Allegory of the Cave: Examining the Use of Light and Darkness as Symbols.

6. Plato's Allegory of the Cave: A Formalist Analysis

7. Understanding Symbolism in the Allegory of the Cave Through Formalism

Formalism and the Allegory of the Cave

8. The Importance of Form in Analyzing Plato's Allegory of the Cave

9. Analyzing Plato's Allegory of the Cave from a Formalist Perspective.

Hope any of this helps you! If you need more help, ask me! :]

What are some ways citizens stay in touch with their elected officials? How has this changed over the years? Why?



Emails, social media, writing letters, and speaking in person. The increase of internet useage has eased talking to elected officials and made it more common.

Specialization includes people who

A. are very good at one skill.
B. grow all their own food.
C. speak one language very well.
D. can solve almost any problem.


Answer: A) Are very good at one skill


Specialization involves becoming a master in the area of career one choice, it entails learning a skill and knowing it perfectly so that one can face any challenges that come in that chosen area or field.

Who invented math? ?​



albert einstein


he invented the math

Hitler’s aim was to create a __


Adolf Hitler aspired to create a new racial order in Europe that would be governed by the German "master race" when he came to power. This objective guided Nazi foreign policy, which sought to: elude the constraints imposed by the Treaty of Versailles.

What was Class 9 Hitler's foreign policy?

Three key objectives dominated Hitler's foreign policy: Make changes to the Versailles Treaty. create a single Reich with all German-speaking people. To reach Lebensraum, extend eastward.

What goals did Hitler have for his foreign policy?

Hitler envisioned Germany as the hegemon of all German-speaking countries in Europe. In order to achieve this, he intended to bring Austria, his own country, and Germany back together. Yet, it was prohibited for Germany and Austria to be united by the stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles.

To Know more about German


50 POINTS REALLY NEED HELP ASAP Please match the Supreme Court case with the correct descriptions.

Question 5 options:

Outcome: Led to the impeachment and resignation of a President.

Was a case that confirmed the concept of Rule of Law, that the President is not above the law.

Outcome: The Supreme Court determined that a ballot recount was NOT constitutional because the processes used were not consistent.

Was a case that determined whether or not the 14th Amendment of Equal Protection was being upheld 1.
U.S. v Nixon

Bush v Gore



1. U.S. v Nixon

Was a case that confirmed the concept of Rule of Law, that the President is not above the law.

Outcome: Led to the impeachment and resignation of a President.

2. Bush v Gore

Was a case that determined whether or not the 14th Amendment of Equal Protection was being upheld.

Outcome: The Supreme Court determined that a ballot recount was NOT constitutional because the processes used were not consistent.


U.S. v Nixon was a case that confirmed the concept of Rule of Law, that the President is not above the law and led to the impeachment and resignation of a President.

Bush v Gore was a case that determined whether or not the 14th Amendment of Equal Protection was being upheld and the Supreme Court determined that a ballot recount was NOT constitutional because the processes used were not consistent.



Please match the Supreme Court case with the correct descriptions.

Question 5 options:

Was a case that confirmed the concept of Rule of Law, that the President is not above the law.

Outcome: Led to the impeachment and resignation of a President.

Was a case that determined whether or not the 14th Amendment of Equal Protection was being upheld.

Outcome: The Supreme Court determined that a ballot recount was NOT constitutional because the processes used were not consistent.


U.S. v Nixon


Bush v Gore

1.Which of the following most accurately describes American public opinion of the use of the atomic bombing immediately after it was reported?

There was an even and sharp division between those opposed and those in support.
Most Americans did not have an opinion until more details about it became available.
Most Americans feared the United States setting the precedent for the weapon's use.
There was broadly overwhelming support for its use to end the war quickly.

2.Who in the military chain of command made the final official decision whether to use the atomic bomb?

Pilot Paul Tibbets
President Franklin Roosevelt
President Harry Truman
General Douglas MacArthur

3.Modern historians generally believe that the number of casualties that Allies would have suffered in a land invasion was ________ and the willingness of the Japanese to surrender before the atomic bombing was ________.

overestimated; overestimated
overestimated; underestimated
underestimated; underestimated
underestimated; overestimated

4.What country was second after the United States to develop the atomic bomb and successfully test it?

Soviet Union
United Kingdom

5.Which of the following most accurately describes the impact of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

The cities sustained shocking but mainly superficial damage.
The cities were not nearly as affected as physicists predicted.
The cities were near-totally destroyed.
The cities were destroyed and are uninhabitable to present day.

6.Hiroshima, Japan was selected for what main reasons?

It was a completely military target.
It had already been heavily bombed so civilian casualties would be low.
As an ancient capital of Japan it had high symbolic value.
It was important for the Japanese military for communication and supplies.

7.What did President Truman identify as his main consideration when he approved of the use of the atomic bomb?

Demonstrating its power to the Soviet Union
Saving American lives a land invasion would require
Getting revenge for the Pearl Harbor attack
Initiating a new era of warfare

8.What primary concern did Albert Einstein raise to President Franklin Roosevelt about the development of the atomic bomb?

It had potential not to merely win the war but to destroy human civilization.
Its uncertain power could be so great as to knock the Earth off its orbit.
If Germany successfully developed it first they would be unstoppable.
It could be too expensive and time-consuming to be used before the end of the war.

9.What was the main purpose of the United Nations?

Stopping the spread of communism
Stopping the spread of capitalism
Helping former colonies develop
Preserving a lasting peace

10.According to Soviet leadership, what was the only way of ensuring a lasting peace in the world?

Keeping Germany weak
A revolution replacing capitalist elites with a global classless society
A strong United Nations Security Council
Free liberal democracies rather than monarchies throughout the world

11.What was a major point of conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States at the end of World War II?

The Americans demanded Soviet help with Japan and the Russians refused.
The Americans wanted more severe punishment of Germans than the Soviets.
The Americans wanted to rebuild Germany and the Soviets wanted it weakened as much as possible.
The Americans wanted a United States of Europe which the Soviets saw as threat to their power.

12.What was the Marshall Plan?

The strategy to win in Europe and then focus on Japan
The decision not to oppose communism directly but to contain it
The decision to divide territories occupied by the Allies
The strategy to provide significant aid to European countries to help them rebuild

13.Fairly quickly after World War II, ________ became an enemy of the United States and ________ became an ally.

Germany; Japan
the United Kingdom; Soviet Union
the Soviet Union; West Germany
Japan; Germany

14.Where was the headquarters of the United Nations located, and why?

London, so that it would be close to Europe but safely apart from the mainland
France near the border with West Germany, because that had been the source of so much conflict
Geneva, Switzerland, because the Swiss had successfully avoided both world wars
New York City, to make sure that the United States would contribute to it

15.Which two continents suffered the most from World War II?

Africa and Asia
Europe and Asia
Africa and Europe
North America and Asia

16.Which of the following was planned and discussed openly to help countries have confidence in its fairness?

Treaty of Versailles
League of Nations
United Nations
Yalta Conference



There was broadly overwhelming support for its use to end the war quickly.

President Harry Truman.

overestimated; underestimated.

Soviet Union.

The cities were near-totally destroyed.

As an ancient capital of Japan it had high symbolic value.

Saving American lives a land invasion would require.

It had potential not to merely win the war but to destroy human civilization.

Preserving a lasting peace.

A revolution replacing capitalist elites with a global classless society.

The Americans wanted to rebuild Germany and the Soviets wanted it weakened as much as possible.

The strategy to provide significant aid to European countries to help them rebuild.

the Soviet Union; West Germany.

New York City, to make sure that the United States would contribute to it.

Europe and Asia.

United Nations.

There was broadly overwhelming support for its use to end the war quickly:  accurately describes American public opinion of the use of the atomic bombing immediately after it was reported. Thus, option D is the correct option.

What is an atomic bomb?

Atomic bombs, also known as atom bombs, are powerful explosive weapons that are created when the nuclei of heavy material, such as plutonium or uranium, split or fission. An atom of the isotopes uranium-235 or plutonium-239 experiences a neutron attack that causes the nucleus to split into two pieces, each of which has a nucleus with roughly half as many protons and neutrons as the original nucleus.

Gamma rays, two or more neutrons, and a significant quantity of thermal energy are all produced during the splitting process. In some circumstances, the escaping neutrons hit the nearby uranium nuclei, causing more of them to fission, which releases additional neutrons that divide still more uranium.

Learn more about atomic bombs here:


What was the purpose of Nixon's courting of China?

a. To make sure the Chinese continued their support of North Vietnam
b. To discourage the Chinese from supporting North Korea
c. To ally the Chinese with another American ally, the Japanese
d. To split the Chinese away from the Russians.



The right answer is d. To keep the Chinese and Russians from working together.

Nixon's efforts to get along with China, which came to a head with his historic trip to Beijing in 1972, were a big change in the way the United States dealt with other countries. Nixon's main goal in courting China was to make things better between the US and China and to drive a wedge between China and the USSR.

At the time, the Soviet Union was a major world power and the US's rival. Nixon thought that if the US got along better with China, it could change the balance of power in the world and maybe even break up the communist bloc by making China and the Soviet Union fight each other.

Nixon's trip to China was a major turning point in American foreign policy and an important part of the Cold War. It made it possible for the US and China to start talking to each other again, and it had a big effect on world politics for decades. Overall, Nixon's efforts to get along with China were meant to help the United States and change the balance of power in the world.

Fomo, or fear of missing out, is associated with the use of social media.




I believe the concept of FOMO was introduced in 2004. The phenomenon has been increasing as we develop a more digitally-involved world.

Online communicators self-disclose at lower rates and share fewer emotions than they would in person.


the answer is true!! It is generally true that online communicators self-disclose at lower rates and share fewer emotions than they would in person. This is because online communication lacks the nonverbal cues that are present in face-to-face communication, making it more difficult to gauge the other person's reactions and respond appropriately. Additionally, people may feel more anonymous and less accountable online, leading them to be more cautious about what they share.
Final answer:

True — online communicators tend to self-disclose at lower rates and share fewer emotions than they would in person.


True — online communicators tend to self-disclose at lower rates and share fewer emotions than they would in person. This phenomenon, known as the "online disinhibition effect," occurs due to the perceived anonymity and lack of nonverbal cues in online communication.

When communicating online, individuals may feel less pressured to reveal personal information or express strong emotions due to the potential for public exposure or misunderstandings. This can lead to a more restrained and less emotive communication style.

For instance, someone who would openly share their feelings of sadness or excitement in face-to-face conversations may choose to maintain a more neutral tone in their online interactions.

Learn more about Online communication here:


Briefly discuss African labour conditions on the mines in Kimberly and the Witwatersrand


African workers in South Africa's Kimberly and Witwatersrand mines endured extreme exploitation and inhumane treatment in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Describe briefly the working conditions for Africans in the mines of Kimberly and the Witwatersrand.

African miners were subjected to long hours, hazardous working conditions, and low pay because they were frequently forced to work in the mines by colonial authorities or tribal leaders. They were also denied fundamental rights like the ability to organise unions or engage in collective bargaining, and they were the victims of racial discrimination and segregation, with many being forced to live in segregated dormitories or compounds. The labour conditions were further exacerbated by the system of indentured labour, which bound workers to work for a specific period of time without the ability to leave, and the use of violence and coercion to maintain discipline and control over the workforce. Although this system of exploitation and abuse was a major contributor to the expansion and profitability of the South African mining industry, it had catastrophic effects on African miners and their communities.

To Know more about African workers Visit:


21.) What economic issue impacted the Rust Belt in the Northeast and Midwest
regions during the late 1980s and early 1990s?
of the United States
A. population growth causing environmental damage
OB. increased taxes on the upper class
OC. collapse of the steel industry and loss of manufacturing jobs
OD. increased tariffs on imports


The economic issue that impacted the Rust Belt in the Northeast and Midwest regions during the late 1980s and early 1990s was the collapse of the steel industry and loss of manufacturing jobs.

Why it is?

The Rust Belt was historically dependent on manufacturing industries, including steel production, but in the late 20th century, many of these industries declined due to competition from foreign countries and technological advancements.

As a result, many Rust Belt communities experienced high rates of unemployment and economic decline. The collapse of the steel industry and loss of manufacturing jobs was a significant economic issue in the Rust Belt during the late 1980s and early 1990s.

To know more about economic issue related question visit:


How were the survivors treated after the bombings in Hiroshima & Nagasaki?


The survivors of atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, known as hibakusha, faced significant challenges in the aftermath of the bombings.

What is a survivor?

Survivor is a popular reality TV show that has been airing since 2000. The show places a group of strangers on a deserted island where they must compete in challenges and vote each other off in order to be the last person standing and win a cash prize. The contestants are divided into tribes and must work together to survive in harsh conditions, while also forming alliances and strategizing to stay in the game. Throughout the competition, the contestants face physical, mental, and emotional challenges, and must rely on their survival skills and social game to outlast their opponents. The show has spawned multiple spin-offs and has become a cultural phenomenon.

To learn more about alliances, visit:


Who was better at leadership in American History; George Washington after the Revolutionary War, Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, or Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression and World War II?
Your response should be 3-5 sentences long


Answer: Check below


It is difficult to determine who was the better leader among George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt as each faced unique challenges during their respective times in office. However, they are widely regarded as some of the greatest leaders in American history due to their ability to navigate through difficult situations and inspire their fellow citizens. Each leader demonstrated a strong commitment to democracy, civil rights, and national unity, making their legacies enduring to this day.

George Washington served after the Revolutionary War, Abraham Lincoln served during the Civil War, and Franklin D. Roosevelt served during the Great Depression and World War II.  Out of those 3 leaders, I think that Abraham Lincoln's leadership during the Civil War was the best. Abraham Linncoln was the 16th prsident of the United States of American. He is known for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation allowed slaves within the confederacy to be freed. The world would not be were it is today without Abraham Lincoln.

Which one of the following provisions was part of the first draft of the Articles of Confederation submitted to the Second Continental Congress but not in the final version?
Question 5 options:


Government control over the unsettled western lands


Representation by states in government based on population


No right for the federal government to levy taxes


A strong central government



D) A strong central government.


What is the president pro tempore of the Senate?
Question 15 options:


the next in line, after the vice-president, for the presidency of the United States


a senator presiding over the chamber in place of the president of the Senate


the majority leader of the Senate


the chairman of the Rules and Administration Committee



B is correct because the President pro tempore of the Senate is a senator who presides over the Senate in the absence of the Vice President of the United States, who serves as the President of the Senate.

Option A, "the next in line, after the vice-president, for the presidency of the United States" is incorrect because the correct answer to that would be the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who is fourth in the line of succession after the Vice President.

Option C, "the majority leader of the Senate" is incorrect because the majority leader is a different position in the Senate, who leads the majority party in the Senate and is responsible for setting the agenda.

Option D, "the chairman of the Rules and Administration Committee" is incorrect because the chairman of the Rules and Administration Committee is a committee position in the Senate and does not hold the position of President pro tempore.

What is Wahhabism? Where does it have the most influence?



Wahhabism is official in Saudi Arabia, being completely subsidized by the Saudi regime with oil income; and it is influential in Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates; it has a substantial following in Yemen.

Which of the following was true of the way automobile manufacturers advertised their products in the 1950s?

- They appealed to consumers’ fantasies of speed and space exploration.

- They tried to court female consumers.

- They emphasized new car safety, reliability, and value.

- They abandoned auto shows in favor of television advertising.


- They appealed to consumers’ fantasies of speed and space exploration.
- They tried to court female consumers.

What is TRUE about gender? is defined by a persons bialogical sex is never used in society to seperate people

C. It is not influenced by media.

D. It is socially constructed.





I think that it is A. because when someone is born at first, they typically are either a boy or a girl and so it makes sense that a person’s gender could be defined by there biological gender when born.

what kind of government does zimbabwe have


The answer is Republic

is not a New England state.

New York
New Hampshire



New York is not a New England state.


What was the National Liberation Front (NLF)?
a. The South Vietnamese army.
b. The Cambodian allies of the North Vietnamese.
c. The North Vietnamese army.
d. The South Vietnamese insurgent allies of the North.



The National Liberation Front (NLF) was a political group that was set up in 1960 to overthrow the US-backed South Vietnamese government. The NLF was made up of both communist and non-communist nationalists from South Vietnam who were against President Ngo Dinh Diem's government. So, the correct answer is d, "The South Vietnamese rebels who worked with the North."

Option a, "The South Vietnamese army," is wrong because the NLF was fighting against the South Vietnamese government, which included its army.

Option b, "The Cambodian allies of the North Vietnamese," is wrong because Cambodia did support North Vietnam, but the NLF was not active in Cambodia.

Option c, "The North Vietnamese army," is also wrong because, even though it helped and worked with the NLF, the North Vietnamese army was a separate group with different goals.




An armed communist organization in South Vietnam

In the election of 1864, most of the Union soldiers voted for
O A. George McClellan
OB. Andrew Johnson
OC. Jefferson Davis
O D. Abraham Lincoln



Explanation: When all the votes were tallied, Lincoln won the election in a landslide, defeating McClellan by more than 500,000 popular votes and 191 electoral votes.

The presidential election of 1864 was a remarkable example of the resilience of the democratic process in a time of extreme national uncertainty and chaos. The last presidential election to take place in wartime had been in 1812.


D. Abraham Lincoln


The majority of Union soldiers cast their ballots for Abraham Lincoln in the 1864 election. George McClellan, the former head of the Union Army who had been stripped of command by Lincoln earlier in the war, was Lincoln's opponent in the race for reelection. Although some soldiers were initially dubious of Lincoln's leadership and plan, his steadfast dedication to upholding the Union and putting an end to slavery ultimately won the allegiance of the majority of Union soldiers.

What were Darwin's views on the relationship between science and religion?
Was Darwin's scientific theories and work influenced by his personal beliefs? Provide historical evidence.
Is it valuable for historians and students of history to explore issues of personal belief in the history of science, technology and medicine?




Charles Darwin's views on the relationship between science and religion evolved over time. In his early years, he was a devout Christian who believed in divine creation. However, as he began to develop his scientific theories, particularly his theory of evolution by natural selection, he began to question the traditional religious beliefs of his time. He ultimately rejected the idea of divine creation and became an agnostic.

Darwin's scientific work was influenced by his personal beliefs to some extent. His religious upbringing and beliefs initially led him to study theology, but his interest in natural history eventually led him to develop his scientific theories. However, Darwin was also deeply committed to the scientific method and believed in the importance of empirical evidence and observation in scientific inquiry. He did not allow his personal beliefs to interfere with his scientific work.

It is valuable for historians and students of history to explore issues of personal belief in the history of science, technology, and medicine. Personal beliefs can shape scientific inquiry and influence the way that scientific discoveries are interpreted and understood. Understanding the personal beliefs and motivations of scientists can provide important insights into the development of scientific theories and the broader social and cultural contexts in which they emerge.

Which of the following is an example of a drawback of trade during the Vedic Age?

The people declared war on neighboring civilizations.
Craft products increased in value.
Diseases were introduced that led to decline.
Outlying kingdoms were vulnerable to invasion.


Diseases were introduced that led to decline is an example of a drawback of trade during the Vedic Age.

What is Vedic Age?

The Vedic Age is the heroic era of prehistoric Indian civilization. In the lengthy past of the Indian subcontinent, the Vedic Age of Ancient India was a critical era. The deep foundations of later Indian civilization were set during these centuries, which occurred between the collapse of the Indus Valley civilization and the rise of the urban, literate civilization of classical India. These include the early development of Hinduism as India's primary faith and the social and religious phenomenon of caste.

Know more about Vedic Age -



Diseases that were introduced that led to decline.


Which of the following is not true about Benedict Arnold


Answer: Arnold spent his last years of the Revolution as a prisoner of war.

Argue to show why certain thinkers insist on the limitations of the reality of causes?


Since there's simply no other perception from which our notion can be traced, Hume claims that we are unable to imagine any other relationship between cause and effect. It's only this certainty left. This certainty is all that Hume sees as constituting the required relationship evoked by causality.

What is meant by Hume's claims?Hume argues that if reason is not what allows us to discriminate between moral virtue and badness, then there must be some other human faculty. His focus is on altruism; the moral impulses that he claims to find in people, he connects, primarily, to a sentiment for and a sympathy with one's fellows. He contends that it is part of human nature to rejoice with the joyful, to weep with the weepy, and to look out for the welfare of others as well as one's own. The Humean hypothesis contends that the existence of a pertinent desire and a means-end belief is the basis for motivation.

To learn more about Hume claims, refer to:

How did anti-Semitic people incorporate science at the end of the nineteenth century?

They attempted to disprove the Biblical accounts of the exodus out of Egypt.
They began to argue that Jewish people were an inferior racial group.
They tried to show that Hebrew was an inferior language.
They used economic theory to try to show that Jewish people were a drain on public assistance.
Question 26(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)


Antis which is characterised as hostile acts or prejudice towards Jews as just a religious or racial group, has a long history.

Jews are what?

A Jew is someone who practises Judaism as well as someone who is having Jewish ethnic ancestry. Jews often think that they are a race in addition to as followers of a religion.

A Jew is somebody who belongs to the global community that, via ancestry or conversion, represents a continuance of the historical Jewish people who've been also decedent of a Hebrews of the Torah.

Describe the Bible?

We can witness God's holiness, constancy, faithfulness, goodness, and love in every chapter of the Bible

To know more about jews visit :


Which of the following best describes the concept of federalism?


Power divided between state governments and the people  best describes the concept of federalism.

What does the term "federalism" mean?

Federalism, which refers to the division and sharing of power between the federal and state governments, is another fundamental idea incorporated in the Constitution.

The Constitution itself establishes the division of authority between the national government and the regional governments in a federal system of government. The state and the center each have unique governmental structures and powers.

Federalism is part of the essential framework of the Indian constitution which cannot be amended or destroyed through constitutional changes under the constituent powers of the Parliament without passing judicial review by the Supreme Court.

To know more about federalism, refer to:


Complete Question:

Which of the following best describes the concept of federalism?

power divided between state governments and the people

power divided between the House and the Senate

power divided between state and federal governments

power divided between the president and Congress

Answer: A. power divided between state governments and the people


Edge 2023

A community group is upset because drivers speed through their neighborhood. They want the local government to install a stop sign or a speed bump to make drivers slow down. Which option might be the best way for them to accomplish this?
They should go to the local government board meeting to plead their case.
They should install their own sign even without the government’s permission.
They should stop paying property taxes until their demands are met.
They should have a disruptive and rowdy protest in the middle of downtown.
They should admit defeat because they know the government will never listen to them


Answer: A) They should go to the local government board meeting to plead their case.


In order for changes to be effectively made in a community, one who desires a change must speak with their local government, and see what they can do.

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