Mark is in a summer program that has these age requirements: Students must be more than 13 years old to take part in the program. Students must be 18 or older to work at the program. Let x represent Mark's age in years. Answer the questions to find out how old Mark could be. 1. Mark is old enough to take part in the program. Write an inequality using x that shows this. (3 points) 2. However, Mark is too young to work in the program. Write an inequality using x that shows this. (3 points) 3. Mark is old enough to take part in the program but too young to work at the program. List all the ages Mark could be. Explain how you found your answer. (4 points)


Answer 1

The answer can be found as:

1. x > 13

2. x < 18

3. 13 < x < 18

What is programming?

Making a set of instructions that instruct a computer how to carry out a task is the process of programming.

He cannot be 13 years old because it doesn't mention "at least." That one would be "more than or equal to" if it did. In order to work at the program, he must be at least 18 years old. He therefore cannot be 18 years old.

Ages 14, 15, 16, and 17 are the only ones between 13 and 18 that aren't also 13 or 18.

Therefore, the correct option is:

1. x > 13

2. x < 18

3. 13 < x < 18

To learn more about programming, refer to the link:


Related Questions

Choose a state and see how the foreign-born population there compares to the U.S. (hint: see Wyoming, New York, Georgia, and Colorado. What percentage was foreign-born? What percentage was only of one race, and what percentage was of two or more races? Is this data available for 1990? Why or why not?

Now uses your finding to tell us who qualifies or disqualifies a person from being considered a "mixed race" person in the U.S. Is it simply a genetic mixture, or s it confined to the first generation when a person who identifies with one race has a child with a person who determines with another race?I’m


In the United States, the concept of "mixed race" or "multiracial" generally refers to a person who has a heritage or identity that includes more than one racial or ethnic group.

What criteria is used?

The exact criteria for determining a person's racial or ethnic identity can vary, and may be based on factors such as genetics, self-identification, cultural background, or societal perceptions.

Some people may consider themselves to be mixed race based on a combination of their parent's races, while others may identify as multiracial due to a more complex or nuanced heritage or cultural background.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not a person is considered to be mixed race is a personal one and can be based on a variety of factors.

Read more about mixed races here:


This chapter emphasizes how broad the discipline of anthropology is and how many different kinds of research questions anthropologists in the four subdisciplines pursue. What do you think are the strengths or unique opportunities of being such a broad discipline? What are some challenges or difficulties that could develop in a discipline that studies so many different things?




The strengths or unique opportunities of being such a broad discipline like Anthropology is that it allows for a wide range of research questions to be explored and studied. Anthropologists can study various topics such as human evolution, culture, language, and social organization, to name a few. This diversity of research questions allows for a better understanding of human nature and the complexity of the human experience. Additionally, the holistic approach of anthropology allows for understanding human cultures and societies in their entirety, rather than focusing on one specific aspect.

However, one of the challenges or difficulties that could develop in a discipline that studies so many different things is that it can be difficult to establish a common ground or shared understanding among anthropologists. Anthropologists may have different research methods, theories, and perspectives, which can lead to a lack of consistency within the discipline. Additionally, the breadth of the discipline can also make it difficult to gain recognition and funding for certain research projects or to establish a clear career path for anthropologists.

Consider the checklist that you saw in the unit and think about your personal goals
for your Personal Game project. Write a checklist that represents the goals that
you, personally, want to achieve as you work on your game-both for this course
and in future versions of it! What are some of the tasks you need to accomplish to
meet those personal goals? Remember, you're not graded on the content of this
checklist, so consider what you might want in your dream game.




Conduct thorough research on the game industry, market trends and audience preferences.

Identify the game's core mechanics and overall gameplay experience.

Develop a game design document outlining the game's concept, mechanics, and goals.

Develop a prototype of the game that demonstrates core mechanics and overall gameplay experience.

Gather feedback and iterate on the prototype.


Create detailed design and technical documentation for the game.

Implement the game's art, animation, and sound.

Implement the game's code and logic using industry-standard programming languages and frameworks.

Continuously test and debug the game, identifying and fixing any bugs.

Refine and polish the game, making final adjustments and adding any additional features or content.


Create a detailed testing plan and test the game thoroughly.

Implement localization and accessibility features for different regions and audiences.

Implement anti-cheat and anti-piracy measures.

Create a build of the game for submission or release.

Continuously gather feedback and iterate on the game to improve it.

Additionally, in future versions of the game:

Continuously update the game to fix any bugs and issues.

Add additional content, such as levels, characters, and items.

Implement new features and mechanics to enhance the gameplay experience.

Continuously improve the game's art, animation, and sound.

Optimize the game's performance and reduce bugs.

Consider porting the game to other platforms.

Continuously update the game to fix any bugs and issues.

It's important to note that this checklist is a general one, and the tasks may vary depending on the game and personal goals that you want to achieve. Furthermore, at Cambridge university level, the checklist should be customized to the specific requirements and expectations of the course and the department.

The cogeneration plant institutes a policy that no one may work more than eight hours per day. As a result, which of the following statements is consistent with the 8-hour day policy?


The statement that is consistent with the 8-hour day policy is only workers in the Fuel Gas Compressor House, the Control Room, and the Confirm Demineralizer Station must wear hearing protection.

What is Cogeneration plant?

Policies are deliberate sets of guidelines intended to control behavior and yield reasonable outcomes. A policy is a statement of intent that is implemented using a procedure or technique.

A person may not work more than eight hours a day, according to the cogeneration plant institutes' guideline, which is good for people's health because too much work is harmful.

Therefore, Only those working in the Control Room, Confirm Demineralizer Station, and Fuel Gas Compressor House are required to wear hearing protection.

To learn more about Compressor, refer to the link:


On July 20x1, P Co purchased 1,500,000 shares from S Co's existing owners. The total

number of shares issued by S Co was 2,000,000. A reliable measure of the fair value of S Co's share was $10.00 per share. P Co was obligated to pay an additional $1,000,000 to the vendors of S Coif S Co maintained existing profitability over the subsequent two years from 1 July 20x1. It was highly likely that S Co would achieve this expectation and the fair value of the contingent consideration was assessed at $1,000,000. Fair value of non-controlling interests as at July 20x1 was $5,000,000. The identifiable net assets of S Co as at July 20x1 are shown below. Tax effects on fair value differences have not yet been recognized. The tax effects on fair value differences are to be recognized on the basis that the tax bases of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed are not affected by the business combination. Assume a tax rate of 20%.

S Co

S Co

S Co

Plant and equipment....

In-process research and development.

Other intangible assets..


Accounts receivable..


Total assets.

Current and long-term liabilities

Contingent liabilities Total liabilities...

Net assets

Share capital..

Retained earnings.. Shareholders' equity.

Book value $3,000,000










1,650,000 $3,650,000

Fair value Fair value less BV







350,000 50,000

(50,000) 0

$ 16,350,000 $11.200.000




$ 14,350,000 $10,700,000



1. Determine the acquirer's interest in the acquiree.

2. Determine the fair value of consideration transferred.
3. Determine goodwill arising from the acquisition.

4. Prepare the consolidation entry to eliminate investment in S Co as at acquisition date.




mnx iuh  jdnjo maaan cbefg edh

A firm estimated that it would have to invest $500,000 in order to produce hand held compact disc players. Production cost would add another $200,000 per year. The firm estimates that it could sell about $225,000 worth of cd players each year. Would it pay the firm to manufacture the players? Distinguish between the short-run and long-run. Explain your answer


To determine if it would pay the firm to manufacture the players, you need to calculate the net present value (NPV) of the project. NPV takes into account the initial investment and the expected cash flows from the project over time.

Would it be profitable for the company to manufacture the players?

NPV = (Expected cash flows - Initial investment) / (1+r)^t

where r denotes the discount rate and t denotes the number of years.

If the NPV is positive, it would pay the firm to manufacture the players. If the NPV is negative, it would not pay the firm to manufacture the players.

To calculate the NPV in this case:

NPV = (225,000 - 200,000 - 500,000) / (1+r)^1

NPV = -275,000 / (1+r)^1

If the discount rate is 0 then the net present value would be -275,000. So it would not pay the firm to manufacture the players.

Distinguish between the short-run and long-run?

In economics, the short-run refers to a period of time in which at least one factor of production, such as capital or labor, is fixed. In contrast, the long-run refers to a period of time in which all factors of production can be varied.

To learn more about short-run and long-run, visit:


Evidence-based psychotherapy uses techniques that observation and experimentation show are effective for a particular issue or disorder, regardless of the theoretical perspective they reflect. Evidence-based psychotherapy reflects a(n) approach.



Empirical 1.1.1

Please help related to the great gatsby need help picture included


The line(s), in the first passage, that distinguishes the way the billboard of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg is perceived to define those who reside in the Valley of Ashes is option B They look out of no face but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a nonexistent nose." - lines 3-4

What is the Great Gatsby  about?

In the passage, the billboard of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg is described as having a pair of blue, gigantic eyes that look out from behind enormous yellow spectacles. This imagery suggests that the billboard, with its unseeing eyes, looms over the desolate area known as the Valley of Ashes, watching over the residents there.

The fact that the eyes are described as "looking out of no face" emphasizes the disconnect between the billboard and the people it watches over. It also gives the sense that the billboard is a kind of ominous presence in the area, and the eyes are not human.

Therefore, The imagery of the eyes on the billboard suggests that they are a symbol of a higher power or authority that is watching over the people in the Valley of Ashes, but is distant and uninvolved in their lives.

Learn more about The Great Gatsby from


See transcribed text below

"But above the gray land and the spasms of bleak dust which drift

endlessly over it, you perceive, after a moment, the eyes of Doctor

T.J. Eckleburg. The eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg are blue and

gigantic-their retinas are one yard high. They look out of no face

but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass

over a nonexistent nose. Evidently some wild wag of an oculist set

them there to fatten his practice in the borough of Queens, and then

sank down himself into eternal blindness or forgot them and moved

away But his eyes, dimmed a little by many paintless days under sun

and rain, brood on over the solemn dumping ground"

(The Great Gatsby, Chapter 2)


01:29:05 Jule

What line(s), in the first passage, distinguishes the way the

billboard of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg is perceived to define

those who reside in the Valley of Ashes?

OA "But his eyes dimmed a little by many paintless days

under sun and rain, brood on over the solemn

dumping ground"-lines 6-7

OB They look out of no face but, instead, from a pair of

enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a

nonexistent nose." - lines 3-4

OC "The eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg are blue and

gigantic-their retinas are one yard high-lines 2-3

OD. "But above the grey land and the spasms of bleak

dust which drift endlessly over it, you perceive, after a

moment, the eyes of Doctor TJ Eckleburg" - lines 1 - 2



The lines from passage 2 that best support the idea that the heat is affecting the characters' perception and behavior are options B and D.

Option B "The relentless beating heat was beginning to confuse me and I had a bad moment there before I realized that so far his suspicions hadn't aligned on Tom"Option D "Over the ashheaps the giant eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg kept their vigil but I perceived, after a moment, that other eyes were regarding us with peculiar intensity from less than twenty feet away"

What is the passage  about?

The text provided is a passage from the novel "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The passage describes a scene where the characters have stopped at a gas station owned by a man named Wilson, who is feeling unwell.

Therefore, Option B describes how the heat is affecting the narrator's state of mind, causing confusion, and option D describes how the heat is affecting the narrator's perception of the giant eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg.

Learn more about The Great Gatsby from


See transcribed text below

Midway through Chapter 7, "We  were all imtable now with the fading ale and, aware of it, we ove for a while in silence. Then as Doctor T.J. Eckleburg's faded wes came into sight down the road, I remembered Gatsby's caution cout gasoline

"We've got enough to get us to town," said Tom

"But there's a garage right here," objected Jordan. "I don't want to get stalled in this baking heat."

om threw on both brakes impatiently and we slid to an abrupt dusty top under Wilson's sign. After a moment the proprietor emerged rom the interior of his establishment and gazed hollow-eyed at the


Let's have some gas!" cried Tom roughly. "What do you think we stopped for-to admire the view?"

I'm sick said Wilson without moving "1 been sick all day" "What's the matter?"

"I'm all run down"

"Well, shall I help myself? Tom demanded "You sounded well enough on the phone"

re to search


Which lines from passage 2 best support your response to question 1?

OA "The relentless beating heat was beginning to confuse me and I had a bad moment there before I realized that so far his suspicions hadn't aligned on Tom"

O BI stared at him and then Tom, who had made a parallel discovery less than an hour before- and it occurred to me that there was no difference between men, in intelligence or race, so profound as the difference between the sick and the well."

O C. Then as Doctor T.J. Eckleburg's faded eyes came into sight down the road, I remembered Gatsby's caution about gasoline

OD. "Over the ashheaps the giant eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg kept their vigil but I perceived, after a moment, that other eyes were regarding us with peculiar intensity from less than twenty feet away"

The original price of a box of facial tissues is $3, the original quantity is 8000 boxes. The new price is $3.50 and the new quantity is 7500 boxes. Find the price elasticity of demand. Is it elastic or inelastic?
Question 4 options:

.375, inelastic

2.67, elastic

2.14, inelastic

.467, elastic



0.467, inelastic


The price elasticity of demand can be calculated using the following formula:

% Change in Quantity Demanded / % Change in Price

Using this formula:

(7500 - 8000) / 8000 = -0.0625

(-0.0625) / (3.5 - 3) / 3 = -0.467

So the price elasticity of demand is -0.467.

When the price elasticity of demand is between -1 and -0, it is considered inelastic. Since -0.467 is between -1 and -0, the demand is considered inelastic.

Therefore, the answer is 0.467, inelastic

The price elasticity of demand is 0.467, and it is inelastic in nature. When the price elasticity of demand is between -1 and -0, it is considered inelastic. Since -0.467 is between -1 and -0, the demand is considered inelastic.

Thus, the last option is the correct answer.

What is price elasticity of demand?

The price elasticity of demand is the ratio of the percentage change in quantity demanded to the percentage change in price for a product. Economists use it to understand how supply and demand change when the price of a product changes.

The price elasticity of demand can be calculated using the following formula:

% Change in Quantity Demanded / % Change in Price

% Change in Quantity Demanded= (7500 - 8000) / 8000 = -0.0625

Price elasticity of demand = (-0.0625) / (3.5 - 3) / 3

                                            = -0.467

Therefore, the price elasticity of demand is -0.467.

To learn more about price elasticity of demand, click here:


Explain ONE negative social aspect of the settlement pattern in
Settlement B.


Urban settlement requires living in a congested metropolitan, which is the first significant drawback. Due to a lack of jobs and a predominance of agricultural and manual labour in rural settlements, income is generally low.

What is a Settlement?

Humans who have established a stable community in a particular location are considered to live in settlements. A small fishing village on a river in a remote area can be considered a settlement, while population centres like metropolises can be considered as complex settlements. Numerous names are used to describe settlements, including towns, villages, cities, hamlets, bases, and camps. Any arranged pattern of human habitation can be considered a settlement.

Historical information about settlements, including the date the area was first settled and the original settlers, can be valuable. Settlements may have complex infrastructure, such as towers, parks, and highways, or they may have more simple infrastructure, such as earthen enclosures and irrigation systems.

Learn more about settlements


Full question:

Explain ONE negative social aspect of the settlement pattern in


A. urban

B. rural

a) Identify the counties (regions) with the most export-related jobs and those with the highest proportion of export-related jobs.

b) Draw a conclusion about the relative importance of exports on jobs in Ohio and in Florida.

c) Based on the information graphic, discuss a potential political or electoral impact of export-related jobs in Ohio and in Florida.




Ans:- a) The country(region) with most export related job can be found in the region of Detroit country involved is Ohio. As the graph shows the majority of blue mark nearby the region of Detroit so, majority of export activity involves most jobs

a) The country(region) with most export related job can be found in the region of Detroit country involved is Ohio.

b) As we observed that most of the jobs are created due to export activity in Florida and people are much more dependent of export despite less volume of export activity.

c) In Ohio potential political or electoral has more impact and can serve as greater importance in Export related job as the government can imply polices and programme to increase the jobs in Export sector.

What is an exports?

Exports are goods and services produced in one country and sold in another. International trade is made up of exports and imports. Instead of limiting themselves to their own borders, countries frequently seek out external markets all over the world for commerce.

Exports are critical to modern economies because they provide people and businesses with access to a wider range of markets. One of the primary functions of government diplomacy and foreign policy is to promote economic trade, encouraging exports and imports for the benefit of all trading parties.

Export agreements are frequently heavily strategic, with countries exchanging agreements to ensure that their own country not only receives the goods they require through exports, but also distributes goods for increased domestic revenue through imports.

Learn more about Exports


Complete question:

Use the information graphic here to answer the questions.

a) Identify the counties (regions) with the most export-related jobs and those with the highest proportion of export-related jobs.

b) Draw a conclusion about the relative importance of exports on jobs in Ohio and in Florida.

c) Based on the information graphic, discuss a potential political or electoral impact of export-related jobs in Ohio and in Florida.

Use the distributive property to rewrite this equation 11(3x+4)





When someone uses the word car, he or she is using a (concept, prototype).
A math formula, like P = 4s, is an example of an (analogy, algorithm).
___________ are generally less complicated than algorithms.
Insight is when the solution to a problem occurs (gradually, suddenly).
A person who sees a screwdriver as a tool with the sole purpose of tightening or loosening screws is experiencing ___________.
The type of reasoning that begins with the general and concludes with the specific is ___________ reasoning.


When someone uses the word car, he or she is using a concept. A math formula, like P = 4s, is an example of an algorithm. Analogies are generally less complicated than algorithms. Insight is when the solution to a problem occurs suddenly.

A person who sees a screwdriver as a tool with the sole purpose of tightening or loosening screws is experiencing functional fixedness. The type of reasoning that begins with the general and concludes with the specific is deductive reasoning.

What is the algorithms about?

A concept is an idea or abstraction that represents a category or group of similar objects or things. When someone uses the word "car," they are referring to a concept that encompasses all types of vehicles that are used for transportation on roads.

Therefore, An algorithm is a set of instructions or rules that can be followed to solve a problem or accomplish a specific task. A math formula like P = 4s is an example of an algorithm because it provides a set of instructions for calculating the perimeter of a square (P) based on the length of one of its sides (s).

Learn more about algorithms from


1. concept

2. algorithm

3. Heuristics

4. suddenly

5. functional fixedness

6. deductive

7. less

8. framing effect

9. self-fulfilling prophecy

Directly from penn

Dr. Miguel Nicolelis is a professor at Duke University who conceptualizes the brain as functioning as an entire organ. This is against the dominant view of brain function where we view it as having localized functions handled by specific areas of the brain. Write a summary of Dr. Nicolelis' view of how the brain functions


Dr. Miguel Nicolelis, a professor at Duke University, conceptualizes the brain as functioning as an entire organ rather than as a collection of localized functions handled by specific areas.

What does this mean?

This means that he believes that the brain works as a unified whole, with all parts communicating and working together to process information and control the body.

This view is in contrast to the dominant view of brain function, which holds that different areas of the brain are responsible for specific functions such as vision, movement, and memory.

Read more about Dr. Miguel Nicolelis here:


SOAPstone for the powdered wife by John smith?


The chapter tells the tale of a husband who, during a period of famine in Virginia, killed and ate his wife and juxtaposes it with the adage "never married as if you were going to Virginia."

What is The powered wife?

Some people who ventured into the woods in search of relief perished while looking for it and were eaten by others who discovered them dead. They meant salted when they said powder.

In its minutes from that year, the General Assembly of Virginia recorded that one man had killed and powdered up his wife in order to consume her, for which he had been burned.

Therefore, the chapter tells the tale of a husband who, during a period of famine in Virginia, killed and ate his wife and juxtaposes it with the adage "never married as if you were going to Virginia."

To learn more about The powered wife, refer to the link:


Which of the following best describes the relationship of content to form in the sentence, "The nation....of purpose" (lines 26-31)?

The sentence speaks about improvements so the style becomes more grammatically sensible as it progresses.

The sentence speaks about superfluous features of society so the writing is full of redundant and unnecessary clauses.

The sentence speaks about a united nation so it is a single sentence made up of many different types of clauses.

The sentence speaks about successful institutions so its grammatical complexity reflects the intricacies of the institutions

The sentence speaks about the need for decisive leadership so it is comprised almost entirely of imperative statements.


D. The sentence speaks about successful institutions so its grammatical complexity reflects the intricacies of the institutions themselves.

A consumer group is investigating the number of flights at acertaron airline that are overbooked. They concluded a simulation to estimate the probability of overbooked flights in the next 5 flights. The results of 1000 trials are shown in the following histogram


The probability that four or five of the upcoming flights would be overbooked, which is calculated as the sum of those probabilities, is 0.446.

What is probability?

The area of mathematics known as probability deals with numerical representations of the likelihood that an event will occur or that a statement is true.

The probability of having at least 4 flights overbooked can be defined as :

P(X ≥ 5) = P(X = 4) + P(X = 5)

From the probability distribution on the histogram :

P(X ≥ 5) = 0.332 + 0.114 = 0.446

Thus, the probability of having 4 flights overbooked ls 0.446.

For more details regarding probability, visit:


Please help with this AP Stats question! Lots of points


According to the calculated odds, there is a 0.42 = 42% chance that you will watch a movie today.

How do you calculate probability?

How likely something is to occur is known as its probability.We can discuss the probabilities of various outcomes—how likely they are—when we aren't sure how a particular event will turn out.Statistics describes the examination of events subject to probability.

The probability of anything occurring is known as probability.To determine probability, divide the total number of possible outcomes by the number of possible ways an event could occur.

According to the calculated odds, there is a 0.42 = 42% chance that you will watch a movie today.

The likelihood that someone is watching a movie right now is:

0.5 of 0.6(if it rains today) (if it rains today).

0.3 of 1 - 0.6 = 0.4(if it does not rain today) (if it does not rain today).

The probability of watching a movie today is thus

P = 0.5(0.6)+0.3(0.4

)= 0.3+0.12

=0.42 0.42 = 42%.

To learn more about probability refer


Label the thoracic membranes and cavities


The thoracic cavity, also known as the chest cavity, is the second largest hollow space in the body. It is surrounded by the rib cage and several layers of membranes, which help keep the organs safe from any threats in the environment.

What purpose do the thoracic membranes serve?

The sternum, or breastbone, the vertebral column, and the ribs enclose it. The diaphragm, a muscular and membranous wall, separates it from the abdominal cavity, the body's largest hollow space.

The tracheobronchial tree is made up of the heart, the lungs, the middle and lower airways, the tracheobronchial tree, the great arteries, the major veins, and the blood vessels that carry blood between the heart and the lungs.

Learn more about thoracic membrane on:


What is reality? By Roger Penrose. ...
What is life? By Robert Hazen. ...
Do we have free will? By Patricia Churchland. ...
Is the universe deterministic? By Vlatko Vedral.
Answer this if you can​


What is reality? By Roger Penrose

Can we be sure that the world we experience is not just a figment of our imaginations?

What is life? By Robert Hazen

If we encountered alien life, chances are we wouldn’t recognise it – not even if it were here on Earth

Do we have free will? By Patricia Churchland

The more we find out about how the brain works, the less room there seems to be for personal choice or responsibility

Is the universe deterministic? By Vlatko Vedral

However you look at it, the answer seems to be “maybe”

I have a customer who's very taciturn


The synonym of the word "taciturn" is reserved.

What is a Synonym?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the use of words or phrases that are nearest in meaning to another word, based on usage and context in a given sentence.

Hence, it can be seen that when the meaning of the word "taciturn" is considered, it can be seen that the customer is reserved, secretive or silent and thus, that is the synonym.

Read more about synonyms here:


I have a customer who's very taciturn

What is the synonym of the word "taciturn"?

by the end of the 19th century, the united states had passed laws that


Note that by the end of the 19th century, the United States had passed laws that: "Restricted most immigration from all countries" (Option A) Some of the tools that were used are:

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882; and The Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907

What is the rationale for the above response?

It if historically correct to state that the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 limited Chinese immigration but did not prohibit all immigration.

The Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907 restricted not only Asian immigrants but also Japanese immigration. Moreover, during WWII, American citizens of Asian ancestry were interned rather than deported.

Learn more about immigration:


Full Question:

By the end of the 19th century, the united states had passed laws that:

Restricted most immigration from all countriesPrevented Chinese immigrants from entering the United StatesDiscriminated ONLY against Japanese immigrantsDeported American citizens with Asian ancestry

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under the inpatient prospective payment system (ipps), there is a 3-day payment window (formerly referred to as the 72-hour rule). this rule requires that outpatient preadmission services that are provided by a hospital up to three calendar days prior to a patient's inpatient admission be covered by the ipps ms-drg payment for Identify the transformed function that represents f(x) = ln x stretched vertically by a factor of 5, reflected across the x-axis, and shifted by 6 units left. A. G(x) = -5ln (x - 6) B. G(x) = 5ln (x + 6) C. G(x) = -5ln (x + 6) D. G(x) = 5ln (x - 6) 100 POINTS What can you tell about the climate and environmental of ancient Greece from the artifact why is line a primary means of visual communication? everyone can make a line. lines are inherently symbolic. it is a basic means of recording and documenting ideas. lines do not have to be explained with text. according to siemens enterprise communications, what is one of the most effective routes to stealing confidential data from organizations? responding to a remark from a peer that a report looks like it was slapped together at the last minute (you had spent most of last week working on it), the sensitive line was crossed. what will the most likely response be? harry and emily wells friends of yours were married on december 30 2022 they kinow you are studying taxes and have sent you an email with a question concerning their filing status What would happen if people did not have standard measures and instead described quantities as "a little" or "a lot"? What effect does a system of standardized measurement have on communication between people, businesses, and nations? Write a paragraph of 8 to 10 sentences telling why communities need standard weights and measures. Use details to support your writing. how do i find the square root of a circle Pleas answer these questions.. Which event started the Boston Massacre?A. Colonists attacked and killed British soldiers.B. Native Americans were attacked by colonists searching for land.C. British soldiers fired on a crowd of angry colonists.D. Colonists threw barrels of tea into Boston Harborpls help What is most significant about the Empire of Ghana?It didn't have a lot of natural resources, but it became the first super power in West Africa by controlling all the trade in the area.It was located along the Nile River and was known for copper and gold. It was a beacon of light for scholarly work in AfricaIt never completely met its full potential. what did Zhou artisans discover which of the following is used to perform a scan of the network and create a network topology chart? a stock in a customer account has been dropping rapidly in value. the investment adviser has attempted to contact the customer to advise her to sell the security, but the adviser is unable to reach that customer. the investment adviser is prohibited from placing the sell order unless the: show that the directional derivative exists iff directional derivative of partial derivative exists What step of the bulletproof problem-solving process helps avoid making common decision-making biases such as confirmation biasGroup of answer choicesStep-3: Prioritize the issue, prune the treeStep-1: Define the problemStep-6: Conduct a critical analysisStep-4: Build a work plan and timetable what did the greeks do to influence the us constitution which of the following types of pain results from convergence of visceral pain neurons with skeletal nociceptors at a common nerve root? acute pain chronic pain referred pain because the conducting shell creates zero field inside itself, it also has no effect on the field inside the sphere. therefore, write an expression for the field in region 1 as that due to the sphere: