Mary has a mass of 40 kg and sprints at 1 m/s.Roberto has twice the mass his sister Mary has (see above) but runs at the same velocity as Mary. Will his kinetic energy be twice as much? Show your work.


Answer 1
Answer: Kinetic energy is entirely dependent on mass. Since Roberto has twice the mass of Mary, his kinetic energy will be twice as much. Hope this helps! :)

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what was ernest hilgards contribution to psychology



Ernest R. “Jack” Hilgard, the Stanford psychology professor who helped make hypnosis respectable as a medical tool and four decades ago led development of the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale to standardize research practices, has died. He was 97.


need the answer for a test .

1.Wilbur and Orville own and operate a bicycle shop.

2.The Wright brothers rush to fly their plane and be home in time for Christmas.

3.The Wright brothers study the flight of kites and birds to design their plane.

4.Wilbur and Orville control their plane using steering wires.



3......... . .............

What does Frank do for Mrs. Finucane?



Give a Fincidoodle :)


Frank gives a Fincidoodle

A small tribe that lives near the artic circle has a strong bond with white foxes. The tribe doesn’t interact with the foxes but in many of their drawings, stories, and songs the fox is a central figure. The fox seems to represent strength and intelligence. This is an example of



The arctic fox is a species of fox that lives in the most northern regions of the world. They survive in the tundra and thrive in cold climates through biological adaptations and scavenger-like behavior that keeps them alive and well.


hope this will help you:)


6. Which of the following frequencies of light has the highest energy?

Possible answers:
A. 1.4 x 10^15 s^-1
B. 2.5 x 10^10 s^-1
C. 7.0 x 10^13 s^-1
D. 2.3 x 10^14 s^-1
E. 5.0 x 10^14 s^-1



C 7.0*10^13 s^-1


The frequency of light that has the highest energy is; Option A; 1.4 × 10^(15) s^(-1)

Formula for energy of light is;

E = hν = hc/λ,


E is energy

h is Planck's constant

ν is frequency

c is speed of light

λ is wavelength

Now, since E = hν, we can see that the energy is directly proportional to the frequency as h is constant.

Thus, the highest frequency will produce the highest energy.

From our options, the highest frequency is option A with 1.4 × 10^(15) /s

Read more at;


A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?



when he showed the boy the paper it said "your exact weight"





When the boy was handed the paper it read your exact weigh

Amanda is a doing a report for her earth science class about the four seasons. Which of the following would be an
effective scientific model to incorporate in her project?
A) A calendar indicating the first days of autumn, winter, spring, and summer
B) Four earth models, each with a different tilt to represent the earth's position relative to the sun,
lined up in order of season
C) A poster board with pictures of weather characteristic of the four seasons
D) A bar graph indicating average high and low temperatures for Amanda's area in the autumn,
winter, spring, and summer


D is the correct thing to do.

Which of the following describes the cell wall of plants and prokaryotes?
A) The cell wall is a matrix composed mainly of cellulose, other polysaccharides, and proteins.
B) The cell wall is composed of phospholipid bilayer with proteins spread throughout.
C) The cell wall has regions of cholesterol and unsaturated phospholipids.
D) The cell wall is composed of glucose and other monosaccharides.





The answer is definitely A

What if you have an annoying brother but what if he is so mean to a teacher hwta do you do



tell him to stop

Explanation:but me i would do nothing

Can someone help me take my apush unit 3 test on edguenity i need 100% to bring my grade up PLEASEEEE someone help!!?



Sure I'll see what I can do. what is the questions and answer choices?


Which of the following describes a major consequence of the ideas William H. Seward promotes in the passage from A History of Lawrence, Kansas?

A. The Kansas territorial government closed off the state from trade and interaction with the United States.
B. The Supreme Court was forced to intervene in Kansas to reaffirm the constitutionality of slavery.
C. Abolitionists succeeded in banning slavery in Kansas despite its extensive popular support.
D. Supporters and opponents of slavery engaged in widespread violence to influence Kansas's political future.



D. Supporters and opponents of slavery engaged in widespread violence to influence Kansas's political future.



D. Supporters and opponents of slavery engaged in widespread violence to influence Kansas's political future.


I took the quiz.

How do genetics (genetic predisposition) and the environment work together to cause substance abuse in individuals? What is the likely role of epigenetics in this process?


Answer: I could be wrong but id say

Genetics is the study of genes. Genes are functional units of DNA that make up the human genome. They provide the information that directs a body's basic cellular activities. Research on the human genome has shown that, on average, the DNA sequences of any two people are 99.9 percent the same. However, that 0.1 percent variation is profoundly important. t accounts for three million differences in the nearly three billion base pairs of DNA sequence. These differences contribute to visible variations, like height and hair color, and invisible traits, such as increased risk for or protection from certain diseases such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and addiction. Genetics and lifestyle factors—such as diet, physical activity, and stress—affect high blood pressure risk. NIDA research has led to discoveries about how a person's surroundings affect drug use in particular. For example, a community that provides healthy after-school activities has been shown to reduce vulnerability to drug addiction, and data show that access to exercise can discourage drug-seeking behavior, an effect that is more pronounced in males than in females.

in the following examples who is functioning as a consumer


Can you give us the animals? I don’t understand. Srry

can someone write a 2-3 page journal on being the oldest child, or just give me some ideas? thanks!



me no entender waka waka

Jennifer Lawrence's friend has started to send her rude texts. Jennifer has decided that every time her friend sends her a text that is rude that she will not respond. Jennifer is going to continue this plan until her friend stops sending rude texts. (4 points) EXPLAIN whether Jennifer's plan uses reinforcement or punishment EXPLAIN whether Jennifer's plan is a positive or negative form of reinforcement or punishment



This is a positive form of reinforcement.


Since J. Law. technically isn't cussing or responding with mean messages, this is not a negative form, but instead a positive form.

Hope this helped! :)

Jennifer is trying to have positive reinforcement on her friend as she is often talking rudely to her.

What is reinforcement?

Everything that enhances or improves a behavior qualifies as reinforcement. Reinforcement could be defined as a way through which people usually contemplate on the data that is being presented to them. It is a way to handle a technique aura situation.

In this form as Jennifer is not talking route to her and me trying to make the friend understand. The text that she is sending is rude and she is doing this by not replying to her in any form possible. this would make the friend understand that what she is been texting is rude and she should not have that kind of behavior.

She is having a positive attitude towards the situation and his thinking that her friends will also do the same.

Learn more about reinforcement, here:


Alejandra has come across a section in her physics textbook detailing the affect of wing span on an airplane’s cruising speed. How should she adjust her reading speed? a. Increase her reading speed because she will probably need to review it again later c. Decrease her speed to better understand the technical information b. Increase her speed and focus on the visual aids d. Decrease her speed and try to memorize the vocabulary as she reads i





Alejandra has come across a section in her physics textbook detailing the affect of wing span on an airplane’s cruising speed. Decrease her speed to better understand the technical information. Thus, option C is correct.

What is technical information?

Decrease her speed to better understand the technical information. To understand technical information, such as that found in a math or science textbook, extra time is required to make sense of how the technical information applies in a real world context.

As we know that decrease her speed and try to memorize the vocabulary as she reads it In learning a complicated topic (such as physics), it's reccomended to slowed down your reading process in order to increase your focus and analyzation capabilities. This will make Alejandra has a deeper grasp toward the topics.

Alejandra should adjust her reading speed in the following way: She should decrease her speed to better understand the technical information. If Alejandra has no knowledge on the affect of wing span on an airplane's cruising speed.

Therefore, Alejandra has come across a section in her physics textbook detailing the affect of wing span on an airplane’s cruising speed. Decrease her speed to better understand the technical information. Thus, option C is correct.

Learn more about technical information on:


in the following poem by gregory pardlo (published in 2007), the speaker describes watching children playing double dutch—a version of jumping rope in which two ropes are turned in opposite directions. read the poem carefully. write a paragraph in which you make a defensible claim regarding how pardlo uses simile and met


Incomplete question. Here's the remaining part of the question and the poem:

In the following poem by Gregory Pardlo (published in 2007), the speaker describes watching children  playing double Dutch-a version of jumping rope in which two ropes are turned in opposite directions.

Read the poem carefully. Write a paragraph in which you make a defensible claim regarding how Pardlo uses simile and metaphor to convey a complex image of the girls. In your paragraph, you should  incorporate at least one piece of evidence from the text to support your claim .

"The girls turning double-dutch

bob & amp; weave like boxers pulling

punches, shadowing each other,

sparring across the slack cord

casting parabolas in the air. They

whip quick as an infant's pulse

and the jumper, before she

enters the winking, nods in time

as if she has a notion to share,

waiting her chance to speak. But she's

anticipating the upbeat

like a bandleader counting off

the tune they are about to swing into.

The jumper stair-steps into mid-air

as if she's jumping rope in low-gravity,

training for a lunar mission. Airborne a moment

long enough to fit a second thought in,

she looks caught in the mouth bones of a fish

as she flutter-floats into motion

like a figure in a stack of time-lapse photos

thumbed alive. Once inside,

the bells tied to her shoestrings rouse the gods

who've lain in the dust since the Dutch

acquired Manhattan. How she dances

patterns like a dust-heavy bee retracing

its travels in scale before the hive. How

the whole stunning contraption of girl and rope

slaps and scoops like a paddle boat.

Her misted skin arranges the light

with each adjustment and flex. Now heather-

hued, now sheen, light listing on the fulcrum

of a wrist and the bare jutted joints of elbow

and knee, and the faceted surfaces of muscle,

surfaces fracturing and reforming

like a sun-tickled sleeve of running water.

She makes jewelry of herself and garlands

the ground with shadows."


Remember, a simile refers to a literary device that employs the use of comparisons of one thing or subject with another thing of a different kind using such as, "like" or "as".

While a metaphor refers to a literary device unlike a simile, makes comparisons between two things that are not exactly alike but do have something in common usually in a figurative sense.

For example, we notice the author's use of simile when he said,

"The girls turning double-dutch

bob & amp; weave like boxers pulling


Here he compares the girl's physical activity of "turning jumping ropes" to literal "boxers pulling punches", making such seemingly simple/less strenuous activity look complex.

Why is water necessary for our body??


Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Because your body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it's important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water.


water carries nutrients to all parts of our cells in our body and oxygen to the brain .water allows the body to absorb and assimilate vitamin, minerals , amino acids etc . water flushes out wastes . water helps to regular body

An eighth-grade teacher has asked you to present information to her students about how watching television can affect adolescents’ academics and behavior. What important information should you share with this audience?

Write an essay that will serve as the basis for the speech you will deliver to the students.


Depending on the research you find, it could vary. Explain to them that while watching TV is not an "evil" thing, it can have some affects in the youth. Tell them how it can affect the behavior with friends, family and other people whom are around them. In addition you could even as far as mentioning academic success and failure.

Watching television can significantly influence the academics and behavior of adolescents. This action typically affects the academic performance of adolescents.

What is an Essay?

An essay may be defined as a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument, but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of a letter, a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short story.

The possible negative health effects of television viewing on children and adolescents are violent or aggressive behavior by watching violent films, increase sexual activity, increase weight, and poor body image. Watching more television waste time as well as lowers school performance.

The adolescents stay away from physical activities such as sports and outdoor games. While watching TV is not an "evil" thing, it can have some effects on the youth. It can affect behavior with friends, family, and other people who are around you.

In addition, it could even go as far as affecting academic success and failure. It can also interfere with time the adolescents could be used to study or spend time outdoors. It also could show images that would not be appropriate for an adolescent to view. Overall, while television is not evil, and can be an entertaining pastime, it can affect adolescents negatively.

To learn more about Essays, refer to the link:


What do you regret most in your life?​


Dating lol people suck sometimes
I don’t regret anything

A. Write about classical conditioning by identifying and giving an example of an unconditioned stimulus, an unconditioned response, a neutral stimulus, a conditioned stimulus, a conditioned response, a stimulus discrimination, and a stimulus generalization that you have experienced or seen.
B. Cite four examples of operant conditioning you have experienced or seen. Be sure to cite the particular behavior and the consequence (reinforcer or punisher).


Classical conditioning is a type of learning that had a major influence on the school of thought in psychology known as behaviorism. Discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, classical conditioning is a learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus.

Classical conditioning involves placing a neutral signal before a naturally occurring reflex. In Pavlov's classic experiment with dogs, the neutral signal was the sound of a tone and the naturally occurring reflex was salivating in response to food. By associating the neutral stimulus with the environmental stimulus (food), the sound of the tone alone could produce the salivation response.

In order to understand how more about how classical conditioning works, it is important to become familiar with the basic principles of the process. Classical conditioning involves forming an association between two stimuli resulting in a learned response.  There are three basic phases of this process.

The first part of the classical conditioning process requires a naturally occurring stimulus that will automatically elicit a response. Salivating in response to the smell of food is a good example of a naturally occurring stimulus.

During this phase of the processes, the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) results in an unconditioned response (UCR).

 For example, presenting food (the UCS) naturally and automatically triggers a salivation response (the UCR).

At this point, there is also a neutral stimulus that produces no effect yet. It isn't until this neutral stimulus is paired with the UCS that it will come to evoke a response.

What best explains the relationship between a borrower’s credit score and a down payment requirement? Someone with a high credit score may be required to make a higher down payment. Someone with a high credit score may be required to make a lower down payment. Someone with a low credit score may be required to make a lower down payment. Someone with a low credit score may not have to make a down payment.


Answer: B: Someone with a high credit score may be required to make a lower down payment


Answer: Someone with a high credit score may be required to make a lower down payment

Explanation: Edge 2020

Which of the following describes convergent evolution between two species with analogous structures?

Analogous structures share similar functions but not a common ancestry.
Analogous structures have different functions but share a common ancestry.
The two species shared a recent common ancestor, resulting in similar structures.
The two species evolved from the same ancestors but adapted to different environments.



The answer is A


Please help!! I'll give 15 points and brainliest!!



I am pretty sure it's the first option.

any help on this frq


There is no photo or anything attached please try again and I will try to help you :)

The measure of the average number of children who are born to women
of childbearing age in the population is called the



The fertility rate measures the number of births per 1,000 women of childbearing age (ages 15 to 44) occurring in a particular year; birth rates refer to this measure within particular age groups.


The measure of the average number of children who are born to women of childbearing age in the population is called the fertility rate.

What is the population?

The population is the portion that can be characterized as the total number of people residing in a given area or nation. These individuals are those who are mortal or alive.

The number of births to women of a certain range throughout the year expressed as a percentage of the average yearly headcount of women of such an age is known as the fertility rate of a  certain age.

At a certain age the women's fertility rate is the highest and after that age has passed the rate of fertility is reduced. The number of birth per year with respect to the women of the fertility age is important to determine it.

Learn more about the population, here:


A school of fish would be an example of
what type of population distribution?


Shoaling and schooling
I think so

Which kind of kiss do many political figures in Europe practice, signifying goodwill?
A ceremonial kiss
B. social kiss
C. parent/child kissing
D. erotic kiss
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



A. a ceremonial kiss


edge 2020

Many political officials in Europe give each other ceremonial kisses as a gesture of friendship. Option A is correct.

What is the significance of the ceremonial kiss?

In the West, it is traditional for newlyweds to kiss each other after their wedding ceremony. According to some Christians, the couple's kiss represents the souls they exchange, fulfilling the prophecy that “the two shall become one flesh.”

The kiss represents the fulfillment of the biblical verse that repeats the events of Genesis and states, “And the two shall become one flesh” Whatever the reason for its longevity over time, we're rather happy that the ceremonial kiss has persisted.

In Europe, ceremonial kisses are frequently exchanged between political figures as a sign of friendship, this is the by way that the peoples enter into a friendship with each another.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the kiss, refer to:


What adaptation would you expect organisms to have in streams?
ability to thrive in low pH
transparent eyelids
ability to survive in high salinity conditions
holding mechanisms




holding mechanisms


Organisms need to have some kind of adaptation so they don't get swept away. Sea otters will wrap themselves in weeds in the bottom of a river to anchor themselves.


D.) holding mechanisms


got it right on edge

write a sentence using proper and common nouns for the following pictures below​



Could you show the pictures...please if you do I will DeFinItEly do my best to help ya out

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