Match the Founding Father to their important contribution.

I am the cousin of Samuel Adams and a merchant businessman

I played a key role in introducing the great compromise during the Constitutional convention

I spied on British soldiers reported on their movements

I believed in the ratification of the Constitution so much that I wrote 51 essays encouraging states to ratify the constitution

I didn’t like the reduction of states rights in the new constitution so I helped encourage the creation of the bill of rights

I am an English American writer who wrote and distributed the pamphlet commonsense to encourage colonist to fight for independence

1. Paul revere

2. Roger Sherman

3. Alexander Hamilton

4. John Adams

5. Patrick Henry

6. Thomas Pine


Answer 1


John Adams=1. I am the cousin of Samuel Adams and a merchant businessman.

Roger Sherman=2

Paul Revere=3

Alexander Hamilton=4

Patrick Henry=5

Thomas Paine=6


Hope this helps! Sorry if it doesn't. :(

Answer 2

John Adams= I am the cousin of Samuel Adams and a merchant businessman.

What are the main role about the Given leaders ?

Roger Sherman =I played a key role in introducing the great compromise during the Constitutional convention.

Paul Revere= I spied on British soldiers reported on their movements .

Alexander Hamilton=I believed in the ratification of the Constitution so much that I wrote 51 essays encouraging states to ratify the constitution

Patrick Henry= I didn’t like the reduction of states rights in the new constitution so I helped encourage the creation of the bill of rights.

Thomas Paine=I am an English American writer who wrote and distributed the pamphlet commonsense to encourage colonist to fight for independence .

The ability of a person, group, or organization to "lead," influence, or direct other people, groups, or entire organizations is referred to as leadership, both as a field of study and as a practical talent. The term "leadership" is frequently seen as a contentious one.

A leader is someone who gives people a sense of purpose and inspiration. A leader is someone who has a vision and knows how to get there. A leader is someone who provides their team with the resources and encouragement they need to succeed.

Learn more about Leaders here

# SPJ 2

Related Questions

What is 1 check on the judicial branch? Will give brainliest


Answer:Checks and Balances

Explanation: Each branch of the government is subject to a number of constitutional checks by either or both of the other branches.

Which of these explorers landed at Matagorda Bay while searching for the mouth of the Mississippi River? Hernando Cortés Rene-Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca Francisco Vásquez de Coronado



Robert Cavelier De La Salle


In 1682 Robert intended to found the colony at the mouth of the Mississippi River. Inaccurate maps and navigational errors caused his ships to anchor instead 400 miles (640 km) to the west, off the coast of Texas.

Source: Hadith, collection of sayings of the Prophet Muhammad

"The Prophet said: 'Seek knowledge even in China."

The teaching above best explains which historical development in the Islamic


A. The sponsorship of innovation and exchange in Dar al-Islam.

OB. The establishment of universal education in Islamic states.

c. Islamic scholars were prevented from studying subjects not mentioned in the


D. Arabic unified Dar al-Islam as the sole language of the Quran.



B. The establishment of universal education in Islamic states.


According to the excerpt, the Prophet Muhammad said, "seek knowledge, even in China" and this shows that the prophet is encouraging his followers to seek knowledge anywhere.

The teaching best explains the historical development in the Islamic world of establishment of Universal Basic Education in the Islamic states

How did religious orders bring Christianity to medieval Europe?

They taught Christian beliefs to people.
They copied Christian books to sell them.
They fought Protestants in wars to spread Christianity.
They taught Christians to read the Bible for themselves.




They taught Christians beliefs to people


Took test on edge


They copied Christian books to sell them.

Which scientist most likely studied tadpole cells under a microscope

A) Schwann

B) Janssen

C) Hooke

D) schleiden

Please tell me which one is science





Lee Hooke was the scientist most likely to study tadpoles under a microscope.



1. Why was Malacca such an important
location in the region?



During the 16th century Malacca developed into the most important trading port in Southeast Asia. Indian, Arab, and European merchants regularly visited there, and the Portuguese realized enormous profits from the especially lucrative spice trade that passed through the port.


How did the steamboat affect the economy and the population in the Devils Lake area?


I agree^ that person is correct

1. What African country was the site of colonization efforts for freed slaves?

Sierra Leone

2. What compromise had a strong Fugitive Slave Law added to it?

Missouri Compromise
Kansas Nebraska Act
Compromise of 1850
Bleeding Kansas

3.Which describes northern soil?

productive lush soil
rocky poor soil
clay based soil
fertile rich soil

4. Which group caused Georgians to fear for the end of slavery?

small farmers
plantation owners

5.Why did the north have to use immigrant labor in the factories?

Cheap western lands had attracted northerners.
Disease caused many workers to die.
Those in the north refused to work in the factories.
War had killed much of the population.


Bleeding Kansas
Lush soil

Which of the following statements is accurate about the Mongols during the 1200s and 1300s?

A. The Mongols suppressed Islamic and Buddhist religious practices.

B. The Mongols facilitated the diffusion of many Chinese inventions.

C. The Mongols led successful naval invasions of Japan.

D. The Mongols conquered Constantinople.



it's B


The Mongols during the 1200s and 1300s facilitated the diffusion of many Chinese inventions.

Mongols recognise as Nomadic people that built the empire under Genghis Khan. The Mongols from the North frequently attack China.Mongols adopted Chinese culture and inventions that later spread to other parts of Asia.Gunpowder spread to Europe during the Mongol expansion in 1200-1300 A.D.The Mongols briefly ruled most of Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia and the Middle East.

Therefore we can conclude that the Mongols adopted many things from China.

Thus option B. is correct answer.

Learn more about "Mongols" here:

How did the French and Indian War affect the relationship between the colonies and the British government?


Answer: The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The war provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America, but disputes over subsequent frontier policy and paying the war's expenses led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American Revolution.


Which of the following is a power of Congress? *
O Coin and print money
O Raise taxes
O Determine the naturalization process
O All of these



D. All of these


All are examples of congressional powers.

Part A. What is the basic independent unit of world politics? (1 point)

a. country
b. province
c. nation
d. organization

Part B. Which of the following grouped is an example of the basic unit you selected in the previous question?



It is C! NOT D! I took the quiz!

I hope this helps so you don't click D and get it wrong.

and for part B the answer is: people who live together under a sovereign goverment.

and question 5 with the excerpt about Jefferson is C religious freedom

6 is C the leader of britan is chosen by the legislature

7 is free speech and trial by jury

3. is B socialist oligarchy

those are the hard ones that are not on brainly hope it helps

The basic independent unit of world politics is known as nation.

Under the basic unit is where the people who live together under a sovereign government is an example of this.

What is sovereign Nation?

Sovereign nation is independent and not under the authority of any other   country. The United States is a sovereign nation is the finest example of this.

The Sovereign Nation refers to that nation have one centralized government which have the power to govern a specific geographic area.

Under the international law, a sovereign nation has a defined territory with just have one government.

Those country or states who are independent not under the other authority is sovereign nation. Therefore, the basic independent unit of world politics defined as nation.  

To learn more about the Sovereign nation, visit



The main reason Thomas Paine published Common Sense was to persuade Britain that it could not govern the colonies well. let foreign countries know that the colonies were ready to fight Britain. persuade colonists that the colonies should become independent. force Southern colonies to support Northern ones in the coming war.


C. Persuade colonists that the colonies should become independent.


The pamphlet called "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine helped colonists realize that they could be independent and did not need Great Britain.

Thomas Paine was an Englishman who was essentially a failure at everything. He had worked at numerous jobs and tried numerous things and would fail at all of them. When he moved to the colonies, he decided to become a magazine editor and over time became very passionate about the colonists declaring their independence.

The main purpose of "Common Sense" was to try to persuade the colonists that they did not need Great Britain and that they could be independent by themselves. Paine wrote this pamphlet in a wonderful way, starting off by saying that everything that he is writing about is based on facts and common sense, which grabs the reader's attention and leaves them curious.

"Common Sense" was a very big hit and sold tons of copies. It is known for helping the colonies realize their independence and the Declaration of Independence was written around six months later.


Persuade colonists that the colonies should become independent.



which section of the declaration of independence is a brief explanation of why the declaration was written.



The Introduction


I took the quiz




Before the Northwest Ordinance, there was no method of allowing a territory to become a?



Step 1: When territory was just being settled, congress would appoint a governor, a secretary, and 3 judges. Step 2:Once the territory had 5,000 free adult male settlers, it could elect a legislature. Step 3:When the free population reached 60,000, the territory could ask to become a state.


The graph shows the death rates in some Chinese provinces during the Great Leap Forward.

A line graph titled Death Rates in Selected Chinese Provinces, 1957 to 1961. The provinces are Anhui, Sichuan, Guangxi, Henan, Qinghai. The x axis shows Years, from 1957 to 1961, and the y axis shows deaths per 1,000 citizens, from 0 to 80. The Anhui line starts at 12 in 1957, to 12 in 1958, 17 in 1959, 70 in 1960, 8 in 1961. The Sichuan line starts at 10 in 1957, 25 in 1958, 47 in 1959, 55 in 1960, 30 in 1961. The Guangxi line starts at 12 in 1957, 12 in 1958, 18 in 1959, 30 in 1960, 10 in 1961. The Henan line starts at 14 in 1957, 13 in 1958, 20 in 1959, 68 in 1960, 8 in 1961.
On the basis of the graph, in what year did China call off the Great Leap Forward?



It started in 1958 and ended in 1960 so 1960


C. 1960

Have a good day

Approximately how much alcohol did the average adult male consume in 1825?

A. Two gallons, mostly beer and wine

B. Twelve gallons, mostly whiskey and beer

C. Seven gallons, mostly whiskey and hard cider



Seven gallons, mostly whiskey and hard cider


Right from the early 1800s, the cost of producing alcoholic drinks in the United States was cheaper. This is evident in the cost of converting corn to alcoholic drinks than to transport it to the point of sales. Thereby, by the 1820s, whiskey in a liquid store was selling for 25 cents a gallon, which makes it cheaper than most common commodities at the time such as milk, tea, and coffee.

Consequently, in 1825, it was reported that an average adult male in the United States consumes "Seven gallons, mostly whiskey and hard cider."

Which statement best explains the Three-Fifths Compromise?



The correct answer is: For the purposes of determining the population of a state, three out of every five enslaved people would be counted



For the purposes of determining the population of a state, three out of every five enslaved people would be counted


"Confiscate" means
A. "a place where religious persons live in seclusion"
B. "a person who does not have sex"
C. "a kindness that God shows toward people"
D. "to take something away as punishment" "


Hi :)

The answer is D

Hope this helps!


Confiscation is a legal form of seizure by a government or other public authority. The word is also used, popularly, of spoliation under legal forms, or of any seizure of property as punishment or in enforcement of the law.

Answer: Letter (D)

Which of the following pieces of evidence does the author use to support his argument
about the pride of Inca rulers in the second paragraph? *
"One of the things that struck me most in Peru was its great, splendid highways, and I wondered how many men it must
have required to build them and what tools and instruments were used to level the mountains and cut through the rock to
make them as broad and good as they are. It seems to me that if the king of Spain wanted to build a highway from Quito
to Curco. I do not think that he could do it even with all of his power unless he followed the method that the Inca
When an Inca king decided to build one of these highways, all he needed to do was give the command. Then, the
inspectors would go through the provinces, laying out the highway's route and assigning Indians to help build the road.
In this way, the road was built in a short time from one boundary of the kingdom to the other. The Inca rulers
built many of these roads and were so full of pride that when one ruler died, his heir would build his road larger and
broader if he intended to set out on a conquest."

Inca rulers followed the method of dynastic succession for passing political authority
from one ruler to another

Inca rulers performed religious ceremonies to bless the highways and those who
traveled on them.

Inca rulers assigned men and women from the provinces to construct the highways.

Inca rulers typically tried to construct bigger and broader highways than their
predecessors if they wanted to undertake conquests.



Inca rulers typically tried to construct bigger and broader highways than their

predecessors if they wanted to undertake conquests.


From the excerpt, the author narrates how magnificent the Inca roads were and how the people worked for their king so faithfully, who had not to give a command.

The piece of evidence that the author uses to support his argument about the pride of the Inca rulers is the detail he mentioned about Inca rulers constructing bigger and broader highways if they wanted to go on a conquest.

Match this weakness of the articles of confideration to the outcome it caused:

Congress had no power to enforce laws...
A)the federal government could print money
B) the federal government controlled all trade
C) the federal government had no control over state law
D) the federal government controlled state affairs



C:The federal government had no control over state law


"The Articles of Confederation established a weak national government .Congress had the power to declare war, sign treaties, and settle disputes between states, though it could not tax its states or regulate trade."


C) the federal government had no control over state law

Someone pls help, be kind, may God Bless you. Would passing measure 110 affect the government’s financial situation? 1 or two sentence



um well im sorry that i dont know the answere


god bless you too hun

what role did boston massacre played


The Boston Massacre intensified anti-British sentiment and proved a pivotal event leading up to the American Revolution.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1How was the Revolutionary War going for the Americans in 1777? What did
they need badly?



During early 1777, British officials considered a number of plans for their upcoming campaign. One they apparently decided upon was to campaign through the Hudson River Valley and thereby cut off New England from the rest of the colonies. They needed help from other colonies.



During early 1777, British officials considered a number of plans for their upcoming campaign. One they apparently decided upon was to campaign through the Hudson River Valley and thereby cut off New England from the rest of the colonies. They needed help from other colonies.

Before telescopes and spaceships, how did people know that Earth is round?



they didn't they thought that is was flat and if you sailed to far the you would fall off the edge of the earth.


what was the native americans and the frenchs relationship



They respected Native territories, their ways, and treated them as the human beings they were. The Natives, in turn, treated the French as trusted friends. More intermarriages took place between French settlers and Native Americans than with any other European group.


I looked it up but here is what I found

Question 8 (10 points)
The ocean that the slaves came over from Africa to the United States was...?
Pacific Ocean
Indian Ocean
Nile Ocean
O Atlantic Ocean



Atlantic Ocean hoped this helped


It was the Atlantic Ocean I think?

What happened to Leon Trotsky?



After the rise of Joseph Stalin, Trotsky was removed from his positions and eventually expelled from the Soviet Union in February 1929. He spent the rest of his life in exile and was assassinated in 1940 in Mexico City by Ramón Mercader, a Soviet NKVD agent.


When was genocide officially labeled a crime?
in 1941 when Lemkin moved to the United States from Poland
in 1943 when Lemkin used genocide in a quote
in 1945 shortly after the end of WWII
in 1948 as defined by the UN



Its D in 1948 as defined by the UN


edge 2021

In 1948 genocide was labelled a crime by the UN. After the holocaust under the Nazis' occupation of Germany and its territories.


The Holocaust by the Nazis on the Jews, political prisoners and gipsies resulted in declaring genocide as a crime.

The United Nation marked genocide as a crime under the UN Convention in 1948.

The efforts of Raphael Lemkin played an influential role in making genocide identified as a crime under international law.

Leaders committing genocide will be judged in international court and sentenced accordingly.

Thus option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about genocide here:

Which idea is most associated with the Mayflower Compact?



the right to trial by jury

the need for limitation of government






Answer: self governance

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