mehmet ii's conquest of ______ was alarming throughout europe.


Answer 1

Mehmet II's conquest of Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire's capital, was alarming throughout Europe and marked the end of the Eastern Roman Empire.

Constantinople's capture by Mehmet II in 1453 was a crucial turning point in human history. The rest of Europe was shocked when the capital of the Byzantine Empire fell to the Ottoman Turks under Mehmet II since it was thought to be invincible.

The Eastern Roman Empire, which had existed for more than a thousand years, came to an end as a result of the incident. Additionally, it provided a path for Ottoman expansion into Europe and had significant geopolitical ramifications. A significant event that changed the direction of Middle Eastern and European history for centuries is the capture of Constantinople, which is seen as a turning point in world history.

Learn more about Roman Empire:


Answer 2

Mehmet II's conquest of Constantinople in 1453 was alarming throughout Europe because it was a significant event that marked the end of the Byzantine Empire and the beginning of the Ottoman Empire's expansion in Europe.

Constantinople was a major city and cultural center of the Eastern Roman Empire, and its capture by the Ottomans signaled a shift in the balance of power in Europe. The Ottoman Empire, under Mehmet II's leadership, was a rapidly growing military and economic power that threatened the stability of many European countries, and the fall of Constantinople was seen as a major blow to European Christendom.

The Ottomans continued their expansion into Europe, conquering territories in the Balkans and Hungary, which caused widespread fear and anxiety among European nations. The Ottoman threat was a major factor in shaping European politics and military strategies for centuries to come.

Visit here to learn more about Byzantine Empire


Related Questions

Among the institutions Spain imported to Puerto Rico was _____. a. maquiladoras b. familism c. panethnicity d. slavery


Among the institutions Spain imported to Puerto Rico was slavery (option d) .Due to a lack of workers, the royal government of Spain started to rely upon African enslavement to staff its fortification and mining projects.

Why were people of Spain sent as slaves?

The Tanos, the island's original inhabitants, were sold into slavery by the Spaniards, and many of them perished as a consequence of novel contagious diseases and the cruel colonization practices of the Europeans.

Spain imported African slaves into Puerto Rico because there was a greater need for goods and fewer locals to labour the land.

The importation of African slaves was permitted by the Spanish Crown in 1517, and hundreds were forcibly taken to the island. Compared to chattel slavery in the South of the United States, slavery on Puerto Rico wasn't as harsh.

To know more about Puerto Rico visit:


Complete question: Among the institutions Spain imported to Puerto Rico was _____.

a. maquiladoras

b. familism

c. panethnicity

d. slavery

Among the institutions Spain imported to Puerto Rico was slavery (option d) .Due to a lack of workers, the royal government of Spain started to rely upon African enslavement to staff its fortification and mining projects.

The Tanos, the island's original inhabitants, were sold into slavery by the Spaniards, and many of them perished as a consequence of novel contagious diseases and the cruel colonization practices of the Europeans.

Spain imported African slaves into Puerto Rico because there was a greater need for goods and fewer locals to labour the land.The importation of African slaves was permitted by the Spanish Crown in 1517, and hundreds were forcibly taken to the island. Compared to chattel slavery in the South of the United States, slavery on Puerto Rico wasn't as harsh.

learn more about locals visit:


how did the national consciousness of the filipinos emerge?​



The sense of national consciousness came from the Creoles, who now regard themselves as "Filipino". It was brought to its advent by three major factors: 1) economy, 2) education and 3) secularization of parishes. These factors contributed to the birth of the Filipino Nationalism.


1.How did Lincoln’s point of view differ from that of Douglas?


One of the most significant distinctions between Douglas and Lincoln's perspectives on slavery is that, in contrast to Lincoln, Douglas did not see slavery as a moral dilemma, an agonizing choice, or a problem that would split the Union.

Lincoln was raised on the frontier, mostly in Indiana, and was born into poverty in a log cabin in Kentucky. He self-educated himself to become a lawyer, leader of the Whig Party, state lawmaker for slavery Illinois, and member of the United States Congress from Illinois.

He resumed his prosperous law career in central Illinois in 1849. He returned to politics in 1854 after becoming enraged by the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which allowed slavery in the new territory.

Learn more about Lincoln, from :


When and how was this group given the right to vote? Gives specific dates if possible.


'Representation of the People' Act was passed in 1918. In addition to women over 30 who were householders (i.e., local government electors) or the wives of householders, all males over the age of 21 were now able to vote.

When did the public get the right to vote?

To gain public support for the cause, they lobbied lawmakers, organized protests, marches, and petition drives, and ran public campaigns.

For a variety of reasons, women believed they should be allowed to vote, most notably because they were subject to the same laws and tax obligations as males. They thought that voting gave them an equal opportunity to affect Parliament and the government.

The Representation of the People Act of 1918 increased the number of people who could vote by eliminating nearly all property requirements for males and granting voting rights to women over 30 who satisfied certain property requirements.

Lobbying. The suffragists, who felt that change could be brought about by legislative methods, employed lobbying strategies to encourage lawmakers who supported their cause to bring up the subject of women's suffrage during House floor debates.

Learn more about the right to vote:


the nation's first subways were constructed in group of answer choices boston. trenton. philadelphia. chicago. new york city.


The nation's first subways were constructed in Boston.

The Tremont Street Subway, which opened in 1897, was the first subway in the United States. It was built in Boston and served as an underground pedestrian walkway that ran beneath Tremont Street. It was later converted to a trolley tunnel, and eventually became part of the MBTA Green Line. The subway system in Boston expanded over time, with additional lines being added in the early 20th century. However, it was the New York City Subway that became the most extensive and well-known subway system in the United States, with its first underground line opening in 1904. Today, the New York City Subway is one of the largest and busiest rapid transit systems in the world, with more than 5 million daily riders.

Learn more about subways here:


do you think the right to vote still needs to be protected and guarded? Why or why not?





the right to vote is not only an essential part of making the country and economy in a fair and peaceful position, but it allows everyone to be considered as humans, not racially, generally, or any other way.

yes because the right to vote is essential and if we dont than people can take it away from groups of people which will not be fair and inclusive, and will cause thise groups to fight back yet again like women and people of color did to get their rights.

Anexo 7
1. Completa la siguiente tabla
a) Oaxaca (1522) B) Guadalajara (1530) ) Taxco (1524) d) Campeche (1540)
e) Morelia (1541) f) Zacatecas (1548) g) Guanajuato (1548) h) Monterrey (1596)
Rendición de los señores purepechas.
Se funda la ciudad de
Comienza la explotación minera en Tlachco, ahora Taxco
Conquista del territorio maya
Fundación de la ciudad de Guadalajara.
Se funda la ciudad de
en una zona rica en plata.
Con el tiempo, se convierte en un importante cerro minero.
El descubrimiento de yacimientos de oro y plata provoca la fundación de la ciudad de Guanajuato.
2. Colores de amarillo los hechos anteriores que se relacionan con la minería.
3. Elige las palabras adecuadas para completar los párrafos.
Además de las minas y ciudades, los españoles también edificaron
pona su labor religiosa. Con el fin de
a los indígenas, los
misioneros los agruparon en
Esta reubicación, así como
las enseñanzas religiosas, de las ciencias, las artes y los oficios, transformaron
y la forma de vida de los indígenas.
Evangelizar​ doy corona


a) Oaxaca (1522) b) Guadalajara (1530) c) Taxco (1524) d) Campeche (1540) e) Morelia (1541) f) Zacatecas (1548) g) Guanajuato (1548) h) Monterrey (1596).The events related to mining are: a), c), f), and g).In addition to mines and cities, the Spanish also built missions to carry out their religious work. In order to evangelize the indigenous people, the missionaries grouped them into congregations. This relocation, as well as the religious teachings, sciences, arts, and crafts, transformed the beliefs and way of life of the indigenous people.

The table lists important events in the history of Mexico, including the founding of several cities and the start of mining operations. The events related to mining are highlighted in yellow. The paragraph prompts the reader to select the appropriate words to complete the sentences about the Spanish mission to evangelize the indigenous population.

The correct words are "Misiones" (Missions), "Evangelizar" (Evangelize), "Congregaciones" (Congregations), and "Creencias" (Beliefs). The completed sentences describe how in addition to mining and city-building, the Spanish missionaries also established religious missions to evangelize and organize the indigenous people into congregations. Through the teachings of religion, science, art, and trade, the indigenous people's beliefs and way of life were transformed.

To learn more about Spanish mission, here


list three events that occurred before the united states joined the war.


United states get into the war because of many reasons but among them these are the important reasons-

1. German invasion of Poland: On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, which marked the beginning of World War II in Europe. This event led to the declaration of war by Britain & France on Germany and its allies.

2. Battle of Britain: In the summer & fall of 1940, Germany launched a major air campaign against Britain in an attempt to gain control of the skies over the English Channel and prepare for a ground invasion. The Royal Air Force (RAF) of Britain was able to repel the attacks, and this marked a turning point in the war.

3. Pearl Harbor attack: On December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, which led to the United States' entry into World War II. The attack resulted in the deaths of over 2,400 Americans and was a major turning point in the war.

To know more about war-


Before the United States joined World War II, three significant events occurred:
1) The German invasion of Poland in 1939, which prompted Britain and France to declare war on Germany;
2) The fall of France to German forces in 1940, which left Britain as the sole major Allied power in Europe;
3) The German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, which led to a massive and brutal conflict on the Eastern Front.
Here are three events that occurred before the United States joined World War II:

1. German invasion of Poland (September 1, 1939): This event marked the beginning of the war when Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland, prompting Britain and France to declare war on Germany.

2. Battle of Britain (July-October 1940): The Battle of Britain was an air campaign waged by the German Luftwaffe against the United Kingdom. The British Royal Air Force successfully defended the country from German air attacks, marking a turning point in the war.

3. Attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941): The Japanese military launched a surprise attack on the US naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, destroying numerous ships and aircraft. This event led to the US declaration of war on Japan the following day and officially joining World War II.

Visit here to learn more about United States


as an effect of allied defeats and high casualty rates on the eastern front, russia experienced a revolution and dropped out of the war.


The effects of Allied defeats and high casualty rates on the Eastern Front during World War I did contribute to the Russian Revolution and ultimately led to Russia's withdrawal from the war.

In the course of the conflict, Russia experienced substantial military reverses and incurred high casualty rates on the Eastern Front. Due to inadequate equipment and logistical difficulties, the Russian army suffered several losses to the German soldiers. These setbacks, along with the toll that the war took on the Russian economy and society, fueled a rise in social unrest and growing discontent among the populace.

Learn more about Eastern Front here:


what was the impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the jewish nation by the nazi germany during the period 1933-1946


The Nazis believed in the concept of racial purity and considered the Jewish nation to be an inferior race.

What is Jewish nation?

The Jewish nation refers to a collective of people who share a common heritage, culture, and religion. Historically, Jews have faced persecution, displacement, and genocide, yet they have maintained a strong sense of identity and community throughout the centuries. The Jewish nation originated in the land of Israel, where it established a monarchy and a distinct way of life centered around the worship of one God. Today, Jewish communities exist all over the world, and many continue to practice their faith and celebrate their cultural traditions. While there is no single definition of what it means to be Jewish, many Jews view themselves as part of a larger global family with a shared history, values, and destiny.

To learn more about Jewish nation, visit:


Complete Question:

What was the impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation by the Nazi Germany during the period 1933-1946?

Historically, during and in the immediate aftermath of recessions, when the economy was still recovering, the Federal Reserve ____ the federal funds rate.


Historically, during and in the immediate aftermath of recessions, when the economy was still recovering, the Federal Reserve decreased the federal funds rate.

The correct option is decreased.

By decreasing the federal funds rate, the cost of borrowing money becomes cheaper for banks, which in turn, allows them to provide loans with lower interest rates to businesses and consumers. This encourages spending and investments, as it becomes more affordable for people to borrow money and invest in various sectors of the economy.

Moreover, reducing the federal funds rate can help combat inflation. In a recession, the demand for goods and services decreases, leading to lower prices and reduced inflationary pressures. By cutting interest rates, the Federal Reserve aims to maintain a healthy level of inflation and stabilize the economy.

In summary, the Federal Reserve decreases the federal funds rate during and after recessions to stimulate economic growth, encourage borrowing and investments, and control inflation, thereby aiding in the recovery of the economy.

For more such questions on recessions, click on:


the security council attempts to keep peace in the world. true false


True. The United Nations Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security through diplomatic means, including the use of sanctions and peacekeeping operations.

An essential international organisation that is in charge of upholding world peace and security is the United Nations Security Council. It has 15 members, including 10 rotating members chosen for two-year terms and 5 permanent members with veto power (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States).

The Security Council has the authority to adopt a variety of methods to avert and end crises, including the imposition of sanctions, the approval of lethal force, and the dispatch of peacekeeping forces. Its fundamental objective is to maintain global peace and security and stop conflicts from getting worse.

Learn more about security:


True. The United Nations Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security. It does this by identifying potential threats to peace, calling for peaceful resolutions to conflicts, imposing sanctions and authorizing military intervention when necessary. The Security Council is made up of 15 members, including five permanent members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) who hold veto power over any decisions made by the Council.
The Security Council, a component of the United Nations, plays a crucial role in maintaining international peace and security. Its primary responsibility is to prevent conflicts, resolve disputes, and take appropriate actions when global peace is threatened. The Security Council consists of 15 member countries, including 5 permanent members with veto power. By working together, they aim to achieve a peaceful and secure world.

Visit here to learn more about United Nations Security Council


Please answer this question down below
1)What was the most important turning point for First Nations at this time?



The Number 4


This cultural concept is based on the Aboriginal belief that natural occurrences happen in fours and four is a sacred number.

\which american film of the 1930s used editing and framing to create images of collective triumph somewhat reminiscent of soviet films of the same era?


The American film that used editing and framing to create images of collective triumph somewhat reminiscent of Soviet films of the same era is "Gone with the Wind" (1939).

The film's iconic scene of Scarlett O'Hara standing among hundreds of wounded Confederate soldiers and declaring "As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again!" is a prime example of this technique. The film's use of sweeping camera movements, dramatic music, and tight editing helped to create a sense of unity and triumph among the characters, similar to the collective spirit often depicted in Soviet films of the time. The American film of the 1930s that used editing and framing to create images of collective triumph somewhat reminiscent of Soviet films of the same era is "The Crowd" (1928) directed by King Vidor. Although released slightly before the 1930s, it employed techniques similar to those seen in Soviet films to emphasize the power of the collective spirit.

To know more about Soviet films refer :


in part because of the black power movement, by the mid-1960s, martin luther king jr. had decided to


Martin luther king jr. had decided to shift his focus towards economic justice and the anti-war movement.

The Black Power movement was a social and political movement that emerged in the mid-1960s in the United States. It was a response to the ongoing racial discrimination and violence against Black people, and sought to promote self-determination, economic independence, and political power for African Americans.The movement emphasized the importance of Black pride, cultural heritage, and community control. It also challenged the nonviolent and integrationist approach of the Civil Rights Movement, and advocated for more militant and confrontational tactics to achieve its goals.The Black Power movement played a significant role in shaping the political and cultural landscape of the 1960s and 1970s, and inspired similar movements around the world. It also had a lasting impact on the African American community and continues to influence discussions around race, power, and social justice today.

Learn more about black power movement here:


What is outlawed with the 13th Amendment? What is the exclusion?



slavery nor involuntary servitude


except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Former President Thomas Jefferson was pleased with the Missouri Compromise of 1820, because he believed that it had solved the issue of slavery once and for all.

A. False

B. True


A. False

Thomas Jefferson did not express support for the Missouri Compromise of 1820, nor did he believe that it had solved the issue of slavery once and for all. In fact, Jefferson wrote to John Holmes in 1820 expressing concern that the Missouri Compromise would only serve to temporarily ease tensions between North and South over the issue of slavery. Jefferson believed that the issue of slavery would continue to be a divisive one for the United States, and he expressed regret that the country had not dealt with the issue more definitively during the drafting of the Constitution.

Which country won the french and indian war?


Answer: Britain

Explanation: Because they had greater resources and numbers

meiji reformers chose to model the new japanese government of the late 1800s after the government of
a. the United States. b. Great Britain. c. Germany.
d. the Netherlands


Answer: C Germany


If a source is valid, it will most likely:


If a source is valid, it is more likely to be reliable, accurate, and trustworthy. Here are some characteristics of a valid source:

Accuracy: A valid source provides accurate information and has been fact-checked by experts in the field.

Authority: A valid source is written by an author who is an expert in the field and has relevant credentials and expertise.

Objectivity: A valid source presents information in an objective and unbiased manner, without any personal or ideological bias.

Currency: A valid source is up-to-date and reflects the most current research and information available.

Verifiability: A valid source provides evidence to support its claims and can be cross-checked against other reliable sources.

Overall, a valid source is one that can be trusted and relied upon to provide accurate and credible information on a given topic.


Answer:  Generally, a credible or reliable source is one that is valid for your purposes.

Explanation: It will have true information. (Most credible sources are from the government. Example; (name of link).gov ) It will also have information about the author and if it's been newly posted or edited it is most likely a credible source.


Continue using at least five (5) sentences below in your responses
during the Third Quarter. Please use your text and don't "guess" what
you're trying to write about. Due Date: Wednesday, April 12


Sentence for the Topic: Cooking calls for a variety of abilities. "Many distinct abilities" serves as the central theme of the topic of "cooking." Being prepared is essential before purchasing a home.

How do you construct an effective topic sentence for a body paragraph?

In order to offer readers a clear idea of what to expect from the paragraph, a topic sentence must be both specific and general enough to avoid giving away everything. You might think of it as a signpost.

How do you write a solid body paragraph for a five paragraph essay?

The theme sentence (or key sentence), pertinent supporting sentences, and a concluding (or transitional) sentence are the three primary parts of a strong body paragraph. With a clear, simple message, this structure helps you keep your paragraph's key point in mind.

To Know more about paragraph,





1. Lincoln viewed the future of the country as a country undivided and free from slavery. He believed that the government could not endure permanently half-slave and half-free1. He also stated that “It will become all one thing or all the other”, meaning that the United States would either become entirely pro-slavery or entirely anti-slavery

2 The statement from the excerpt that shows Lincoln’s point of view is “I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free”. This statement shows that Lincoln believed that the country could not continue to exist with both free and slave states.

3.The selected quote “I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free” shows Lincoln’s point of view that the country could not continue to exist with both free and slave states. He believed that the only way for the country to endure or survive was for everyone to be free and for there to be no two opposing sides. This quote reflects his vision of a future where the country is undivided and free from slavery.

4Are you referring to Stephen Douglas or Frederick Douglass? Both have different points of view regarding the Constitution. Stephen Douglas believed that the country is better off the way the Founding Fathers intended it to be. He stated that "the Union can only be preserved by maintaining inviolate the Constitution of the United States as our fathers have made it"

5 “the Union can only be preserved by maintaining inviolate the Constitution of the United States as our fathers have made it”

6 “the Union can only be preserved by maintaining inviolate the Constitution of the United States as our fathers have made it”

a major scientific advance of the late 1800s that greatly influenced the process of tracking communicable diseases was the blank . multiple choice question. discovery of antibiotics elucidation of dna structure invention of smallpox vaccine germ theory of disease


The major scientific advance of the late 1800s that greatly influenced the process of tracking communicable diseases was the germ theory of disease. Option D is the correct answer.

The germ theory, which posits that microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses can cause illness and disease, was first proposed by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch in the mid to late 1800s.

This theory revolutionized the field of medicine and paved the way for new approaches to tracking and preventing communicable diseases, such as the development of vaccines, antibiotics, and other treatments.

While the discovery of antibiotics, elucidation of DNA structure, and invention of the smallpox vaccine were all important scientific advances, it was the germ theory of disease that had the greatest impact on the tracking and prevention of communicable diseases.

Learn more about tracking communicable diseases at


The question is -

A major scientific advance of the late 1800s that greatly influenced the process of tracking communicable diseases was _______.

multiple choice questions,

a. discovery of antibiotics

b. elucidation of dna structure

c. invention of smallpox

d. the vaccine germ theory of disease

write a short essay explaining How did the competition between the Superpowers lead to the Cold War?



The Cold War was a period of political and military tension between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from the end of World War II until the early 1990s. The competition between the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, was a significant factor in the emergence of the Cold War.

The end of World War II marked the beginning of a new era in international relations. The United States emerged as the dominant superpower, while the Soviet Union was expanding its influence in Eastern Europe and Asia. The ideological differences between the two superpowers, capitalism versus communism, were a major factor in the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The United States was committed to promoting democracy and free-market capitalism, while the Soviet Union was committed to spreading communism and establishing a socialist system of government. The competition between the two superpowers led to the arms race, where both sides developed and stockpiled nuclear weapons, creating a state of mutually assured destruction.

The competition between the two superpowers also led to numerous proxy wars around the world, where the United States and the Soviet Union supported opposing sides. The Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan are examples of proxy wars fought during the Cold War.

The competition between the superpowers also had a significant impact on domestic politics in both the United States and the Soviet Union. In the United States, the fear of communist infiltration led to the rise of the anti-communist movement and the McCarthy era. In the Soviet Union, the competition with the United States led to the rise of a powerful military-industrial complex, which had a significant impact on the Soviet economy.

In conclusion, the competition between the superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, played a significant role in the emergence of the Cold War. The ideological differences between the two superpowers, the arms race, the proxy wars, and the impact on domestic politics were all driven by the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Cold War had a profound impact on world history, and its legacy continues to shape international relations to this day.

The Cold War is regarded as a period of military as well as political tension that began after World War II in 1945 and lasted till the early 1990s. This period was characterized by the struggle between the Soviet Union and the United States, the two superpowers. That rivalry between these nations was based on political, economic as well as ideological differences, which ultimately resulted in the Cold War.

The emergence of the Soviet Union and the United States as the most powerful nations of the world after World War II was also the period of the inception of the Cold War. Even though both nations fought as allies against Nazi Germany their economic and political systems differed drastically. The United States was a capitalist democracy whereas the Soviet Union was a communist state. The difference in their ideology developed tension between the two nations.

Key reasons that led to the Cold War :

One of the major factors leading to the Cold War was the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union for global influence. Both nations wanted to advance their ideologies around the world in order to take control of European, Asian, and African countries. Another major factor contributing to the Cold War was the arms race. Massive nuclear arsenals were built up by these nations to discourage each other from nuclear attacks. The Cold War was also fear driven. While on one hand, the United States was worried about the spread of communism as well as the loss of political and economic control, on the other hand, the Soviet Union was fearful of the United States' encirclement and invasion.

Therefore, The Cold War was a consequence of the rivalry and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. Contrasting ideologies, the struggle to gain global influence, the arms race as well as fear had a major role in giving rise to the Cold War.

To know more about, the Cold War, visit :

Read the first chapter of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique here. Reflect on the chapter and answer the following question:

What is the problem that Friedan outlines?


The problem that Friedan outlines is the "problem that has no name," which is the pervasive dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment experienced by many middle-class American women during the 1950s and 1960s.

What is the problem that Friedan outlines?

In the first chapter of The Feminine Mystique, Friedan describes the lives of suburban housewives and the sense of emptiness and boredom that many of them experienced.

She argues that the expectations placed on women by society and the media at the time were limiting and oppressive, and that many women felt trapped in their roles as housewives and mothers. Friedan notes that despite the material comforts and opportunities available to many middle-class women, they still felt unfulfilled and lacked a sense of purpose or direction in their lives.

Read more about Friedan


what was one of the primary purposes of constructing terraces for civilizations living in the andes mountains?


Answer: They are created for farming/crops.

Explanation: Terraces (most common on mountains) are man-made "landforms" used for cultivation of crops on sloped areas, still used today in many forms of agriculture.

How, if at all, did the early twentieth-century Dada movement influence the creation of art using alternative media and/or processes?
> It challenged traditional notions of art.
> It focused on the message over the medium.
> It brought objects from the real world into a fine art context.


The Dada movement had a profound influence on the creation of art using alternative media and/or processes by challenging traditional notions of art, focusing on the message over the medium, and bringing objects from the real world into a fine art context.

The early twentieth-century Dada movement had a significant influence on the creation of art using alternative media and/or processes. Firstly, it challenged traditional notions of art by rejecting the idea that art must be beautiful or aesthetically pleasing. Instead, Dada artists believed that art should shock and challenge the viewer. This rejection of traditional ideas about art led to experimentation with new media and techniques.

Secondly, Dada art focused on the message over the medium. This means that the content of the artwork was more important than the materials or techniques used to create it. This led to artists using unconventional materials such as found objects and everyday items in their work.

Lastly, the Dada movement brought objects from the real world into a fine art context. By using everyday objects as art, Dada artists were able to challenge the idea of what could be considered art. This paved the way for future artists to experiment with alternative materials and processes, leading to the development of new art movements such as Pop Art and Conceptual Art.

To learn more about traditional visit;


The early twentieth-century Dada movement had a significant influence on the creation of art using alternative media and processes.

One of the primary ways it did so was by prioritizing the message over the medium. Dada artists rejected traditional artistic techniques and materials, instead opting for unconventional approaches to convey their anti-establishment message. This led to the creation of works using alternative media, such as found objects, ready-made materials, and performance art.

Furthermore, the Dada movement brought objects from the real world into a fine art context, effectively blurring the boundaries between art and everyday life. This paved the way for artists to experiment with different media and processes, such as assemblage and collage, which allowed them to incorporate a wider range of materials into their work.

Overall, the Dada movement's focus on the message and use of alternative media and processes encouraged artists to challenge the traditional boundaries of art, leading to the development of new artistic movements and styles in the decades that followed.

For more question on movement


Describe de Vaca's route of conquest.
Giving Brainlest Plssss help me!!!


Answer: Cabeza de Vaca's journey through Texas, along the coast, up to San Angelo, along the Rio Grande, and finally down into Mexico.

Explanation:Map of the Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca's journey through Texas, along the coast, up to San Angelo, along the Rio Grande, and finally down into Mexico. An area in south Texas is circled in red and labeled "Tuna Area."


U.S. Army Colonel John Chivington took
his revenge against the Native
Americans for the death of his family by
killing 150 sleeping Native Americans at
what location in 1864?
A. Black Hills
B. Fort Laramie
C. Sand Creek
D. Wounded Knee



C. Sand Creek.


On November 29, 1864, U.S. Army Colonel John Chivington led a surprise attack on a peaceful village of Cheyenne and Arapaho Native Americans at Sand Creek in Colorado. Chivington and his men killed approximately 150 Native Americans, including women, children, and elderly people who were sleeping or trying to flee. The attack was in retaliation for the death of Chivington's family in a Native American raid, although the specific tribe responsible for the raid was not present at Sand Creek. The Sand Creek Massacre was a brutal and unjustifiable act of violence against Native Americans and remains a shameful episode in U.S. history.

~ :D

which of the following would jefferson have viewed as a positive effect of westward expansion in the early 19th century? having a larger territory gave the united states a more prominent position in international affairs. access to more natural resources would allow manufacturers to grow their businesses. the federal government was able to gain land it could control itself. new states could be formed and admitted to the union as equals with the originals.


Jefferson would have viewed the new states being formed and admitted to the Union as equals with the originals as a positive effect of westward expansion in the early 19th century.

Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, was a strong advocate of westward expansion and believed it was essential for the growth and prosperity of the nation. He saw the expansion of the United States as a way to create new states that would share in the benefits of democracy and individual rights.Jefferson believed that the new states created through westward expansion would help to balance the power of the original thirteen states and prevent the concentration of power in a single region. He also believed that the new states would contribute to the economic growth of the nation by providing new markets and resources.While Jefferson may have also viewed having a larger territory and access to more natural resources as positive effects of westward expansion, he was primarily concerned with the political implications of the expansion and the creation of new states that would be equal partners in the Union.

Learn more about Jefferson here:


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