Michael has not exercised for months, and one day, plays four hours of basketball.
That might he complain of the next day?
O thrombocytopenia


Answer 1
He might complain of myalgia the next day. Myalgia is a type of muscle pain that can occur after physical exertion, especially if someone has not exercised regularly for a long time.

Related Questions


A student claims that sound will travel fastest through brass because it is more likely to be the largest object of the four choices shown here. The teacher states that their choice of substance is correct but their reasoning is not correct. How could the student revise their claim to correctly provide a reason for sound traveling fastest through the brass substance?

A. The wavelength is decreased when moving through brass, causing a faster travel speed through this substance.

B. The source of the sound is closest to the brass substance, allowing sound waves to travel faster.

C. The particles are closer together in dense materials like brass, making sound waves travel faster.

D. The vibration of the particles is lower in a brass substance, which allows the sound waves to travel faster.


By selecting option C, the student could modify their assertion.

What do you understand by sound waves?

Mechanical waves, such as sound waves, are produced when particles in a medium like air, water, or solids vibrate.

A vibrating object generates pressure waves that travel through the medium and cause the particles in its vicinity to vibrate as well. This causes a disturbance that emanates from the source and finally travels to our ears, where it is picked up by our ears.

The pitch, timbre, loudness, and other aspects of sound waves are determined by their frequency, wavelength, amplitude, and speed.

As they pass through various materials and run into obstructions, they can be reflected, refracted, absorbed, and diffracted, which can change how we see them.

The amount of matter crammed into a specific volume of a medium is referred to as that medium's density.

The density of the medium affects the ease with which particles can be moved and the speed at which they can transmit that motion to nearby particles in the case of sound waves.

Sound waves can go through denser materials more quickly because they contain more particles per volume.

For instance, because solids are more dense than liquids or gases, sound waves pass through them more quickly. Similar to how sound waves move more quickly through water than through air due to water's greater density.

The density of a medium has a significant impact on the speed and spread of sound waves .

According to question :-

"The particles are closer together in dense materials like brass, making sound waves travel faster."

This is so that sound waves can travel more quickly through denser materials like brass,

where the particles are closer together and the density of the medium determines the speed of sound.

This might be a valid explanation for why sound travels through brass the quickest.

To learn more about sound waves visit:



If I have an unknown quantity of gas at a pressure of 1.35 atm, a volume of 25 liters, and a temperature of 300. K, how many moles of gas do I have?



We can use the ideal gas law to solve for the number of moles of gas:

PV = nRT

where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, and T is temperature in Kelvin.

Plugging in the given values:

(1.35 atm)(25 L) = n(0.0821 L·atm/mol·K)(300 K)

n = (1.35 atm)(25 L) / (0.0821 L·atm/mol·K)(300 K)

n = 1.29 mol

Therefore, there are 1.29 moles of gas in the container.

Do you think Grevy’s zebras also migrate to different destinations during wet season in the summer months? Why is that important to know?


Grevy’s zebras were more likely to spend the night close to waterholes during the rainy season than during the dry.

Why are Grevy's zebras vanishing?

The reduction of Grevy's zebras in Ethiopia is primarily due to hunting. Although they are largely hunted for their striking skins, they are occasionally slaughtered for food, and in some areas, they are still used medicinally. On their yearly migration across Serengeti National Park in June, they accompany gazelles, wildebeests, and other grazers.

What are some intriguing zebra-related facts?

Grevy's are the biggest zebras, having long necks and conspicuous, upright manes. Their tall, thin skulls give them a mule-like appearance, and they have the biggest ears of any zebra species.

To know more about Grevy’s zebras visit:-



How many grams of Ag would be produced from the complete reaction of 48 grams of Mg?
Mg + 2AgNO3 ----> 2Ag + Mg(NO3)2
Mg: 24 g/mol Ag: 108 g/mol
48g Mg --> g Ag



432 grams of Ag


First, we need to determine the limiting reagent between Mg and AgNO3.Using the stoichiometry of the balanced chemical equation, we can see that 1 mole of Mg reacts with 2 moles of AgNO3 to produce 2 moles of Ag.

The number of moles of Mg present in 48 grams can be calculated as:

48 g / 24 g/mol = 2 moles Mg

Now, let's calculate the number of moles of Ag that can be produced from 2 moles of Mg:

2 moles Mg x (2 moles Ag / 1 mole Mg) = 4 moles Ag

Finally, we can calculate the mass of Ag produced by multiplying the number of moles of Ag by its molar mass:

4 moles Ag x 108 g/mol = 432 grams Ag

Therefore, 48 grams of Mg will produce 432 grams of Ag in this reaction.

what atomic or hybrid orbitals make up the sigma bond between b and f in tetrafluoroborate ion, bf4-?


The sigma bond between b and f in tetrafluoroborate ion, bf4-, is formed by the overlap of the atomic orbitals of boron and fluorine. Specifically, each of which contributes one p orbital to form a sp3-p sigma bond.

In the tetrafluoroborate ion (BF4-), the bond between boron (B) and fluorine (F) is a sigma (σ) bond. The σ bond is formed by the overlap of atomic or hybrid orbitals.Boron in BF4- is sp3 hybridized, which means that it has four hybrid orbitals that are involved in bonding. Three of these hybrid orbitals are involved in bonding with three of the fluorine atoms, while the fourth hybrid orbital is used to form the σ bond with the fourth fluorine atom.Fluorine is a halogen and has the electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p5. In BF4-, each of the fluorine atoms is also involved in the formation of the σ bond with boron. Fluorine has three unpaired electrons in its 2p orbitals that can form a σ bond by overlapping with the sp3 hybrid orbital of boron.Therefore, the σ bond between boron and fluorine in BF4- is formed by the overlap of the sp3 hybrid orbital of boron and the 2p orbital of the fluorine atom.

Learn more about fluorine here



group 1 cations precipitate easily in a relatively high concentration of hydrochloric acid. after the separation from the other group 1 cations, the presence of lead can be tested by addition of potassium chromate. explain what is wrong with the given equation for this test.


The given equation for testing the presence of lead cations (Pb) using potassium chromate (K₂CrO₄) is incorrect. The correct equation is Pb(aq) + K₂CrO₄(aq) ⇒ PbCrO4(s) + 2K+(aq).

The incorrect equation, Pb(aq) + CrO₄(aq) ⇔ PbCrO(aq), is incorrect because it does not take into account the charge balance of the species involved in the reaction. In the correct equation, two potassium ions (2K+) are formed as counter ions to balance the charge on the lead chromate (PbCrO₄) precipitate.

In addition, the incorrect equation refers to PbCrO(aq), which implies that lead chromate is in a dissolved state. However, lead chromate is highly insoluble in water and precipitates as a yellow solid. Therefore, the correct equation includes the formation of a solid precipitate of lead chromate.

To learn more about chromate follow the link:



The complete question is:

Group 1 cations precipitate easily in a relatively high concentration of hydrochloric acid. After the separation from the other group 1 cations, the presence of lead can be tested by addition of potassium chromate. Explain what is wrong with the given equation for this test. Pb(aq) + CrO₄(aq) ⇔ PbCrO(aq)

Which two types of information are found in am elements box in the periodic table?
OA. Atomic structure
OB. Atomic number
OC. Chemical formula
OD. Chemical symbol​


The two types of the information are found in the elements box in the periodic table are Atomic number and the Chemical symbol. The correct option are B and D.

The atomic number of the element can be defines as the number of the protons of the element. The neutral atom contains the number of the electrons will equal to the number of the protons.

There are the total 118 elements in the periodic table and the elements are classified into the different group and the periods. The Elements for the same number of the valence electrons and they have the similar physical and the chemical properties that are classified into the group. Therefore, the correct option are B and D.

To learn more about periodic table here



explain how ice crystals first form in a cold cloud. describe two mechanisms by which ice crystals can then grow to the size of precipitating particles.


Ice crystals can form in a cold cloud through a process known as homogeneous nucleation. In this process, water molecules in the cloud collide with each other and form clusters.Once ice crystals are formed, they can grow in size through two mechanisms:

Deposition: This process involves the direct conversion of water vapor into ice crystals. As water vapor comes into contact with the surface of the ice crystal, it freezes and adds to the crystal's mass. This process is more efficient at colder temperatures and at higher altitudes, where there is less water vapor in the air.

Accretion: This process involves the collision of ice crystals with supercooled water droplets. Supercooled water droplets are liquid droplets that remain in a liquid state even at temperatures below freezing due to the absence of a nucleation site. When these droplets come into contact with an ice crystal, they can freeze instantly and become attached to the crystal's surface, leading to the growth of the ice crystal.As ice crystals continue to grow through deposition and accretion, they can eventually become large enough to fall from the cloud and reach the ground as precipitation, such as snow or hail. The size and shape of the ice crystals and their growth mechanisms can also affect the type of precipitation that is produced, such as the difference between snow and SLEET.

Learn more about  crystals



A closed system is one which no matter can enter or exit. True or false


False. In a closed system, matter can not enter or exit that is there is no change in the matter of the system.

Three types of systems exist in nature:

1. Open System: In this system, the matter can interact with the surroundings or matter can enter or exit the system from the surrounding. Similarly, the energy of the system also interacts with its surroundings and can be lost or gained.

For example oceans etc.

2. Closed system: In this system, the matter is unable to interact with the surroundings that are matter can't exit or enter the system. While the energy of the system is able to interact with the surroundings.

For example Earth etc

3. Isolated system: In this system, both matter and energy are unable to interact with the surrounding. There is no exchange between matter and the energy of surroundings.

For example thermos-teel bottles etc.

Learn more about Open Systems:



hydrochloric acid is sold as a concentrated aqueous solution if the molarity of concentrated hcl is 12.0m and the desnity is 1.18g/ml what is the molality of this acid


The molality of concentrated hydrochloric corrosive is around 163.8 mol/kg. 

To discover the molality of hydrochloric corrosive, we ought to know the mass of HCl in 1 kg of the dissolvable (water).

Able to utilize the thickness of the arrangement and the molarity of the HCl to discover the mass of HCl in a given volume of the arrangement, and after that utilize the molar mass of HCl to change over mass to moles. At last, we will utilize the mass of water to calculate the molality of the arrangement.

The molar mass of HCl is around 36.5 g/mol.

To begin with, we ought to calculate the mass of HCl in 1 L (1000 mL) of the arrangement:

Mass of HCl in 1 L of arrangement = (thickness of arrangement) x (volume of solution) x (molarity of HCl) x (molar mass of HCl)

Mass of HCl in 1 L of arrangement = (1.18 g/mL) x (1000 mL) x (12.0 mol/L) x (36.5 g/mol) = 5.142 kg

Following, we have to calculate the mass of water within the arrangement:

Mass of water in 1 L of arrangement = (thickness of arrangement) x (volume of arrangement) - (mass of HCl in 1 L of arrangement)

Mass of water in 1 L of arrangement = (1.18 g/mL) x (1000 mL) - (5.142 kg) = 858 g

Presently able to calculate the molality of the arrangement:

Molality of HCl arrangement = (moles of solute) / (mass of dissolvable in kg)

MoL of solute (HCl) in 1 L of arrangement = (mass of HCl in 1 L of arrangement) / (molar mass of HCl) = 5.142 kg / 36.5 g/mol = 140.6 mol

Mass of dissolvable (water) in 1 L of arrangement = 858 g / 1000 g/kg = 0.858 kg

Molality of HCl arrangement = 140.6 mol / 0.858 kg = 163.8 mol/kg

Hence, the molality of concentrated hydrochloric corrosive is around 163.8 mol/kg. 

To know more about molality refer to this :



The melting point of this substance is __________________.

Put a number in the answer.


The melting point of the substance is 12.5 degrees Celsius

What is melting point

Melting point is the temperature at which a solid substance changes state from solid to liquid at atmospheric pressure.

At the melting point, the solid and liquid phases of the substance exist in equilibrium, and any further increase in temperature will cause the substance to completely melt into a liquid.

The melting point is a characteristic physical property of a substance and can be used to identify and purify a substance. The melting point of a substance is usually reported in degrees Celsius (°C) or Kelvin (K).

Learn more about melting point at



the pka values for some indicators are given below. which of the indicators listed would be suitable for a titration with a ph of 2.97 at the equivalence point?



In order to select a suitable indicator for a titration, we want to choose an indicator whose pKa value is close to the pH at the equivalence point of the titration. The pH at the equivalence point depends on the specific acid and base being titrated, but for most strong acid-strong base titrations, the equivalence point is around pH 7. For weak acid-strong base or weak base-strong acid titrations, the equivalence point can be at a different pH.

The pKa values for some common indicators are:

Methyl orange: pKa = 3.4 - 4.4
Bromothymol blue: pKa = 6.0 - 7.6
Phenolphthalein: pKa = 8.2 - 10.0
Since the pH at the equivalence point in this specific titration is 2.97, we want to choose an indicator whose pKa is closest to this value. From the list above, none of the indicators have a pKa value that matches exactly with a pH of 2.97, but the closest is methyl orange, which has a pKa range that includes pH values close to 2.97.

Therefore, methyl orange would be the most suitable indicator to use for this titration with a pH of 2.97 at the equivalence point.

N2O4 ⇌ 2NO2, for the following reaction at 373 K, Kc = 0.36. If initial concentration of N2O4 is 0.1 mol dm^-3, what is the equilibrium concentration of NO2? ((do not use quadratics)


The equilibrium concentration of NO₂ is [tex]0.19 mol dm^-3[/tex].

What is equilibrium constant?

The equilibrium constant (K) is a numerical value that relates the concentrations of reactants and products at equilibrium for a chemical reaction. It is a measure of the extent to which a reaction proceeds and is determined by the ratio of the concentrations of products to reactants, with each concentration raised to the power of its coefficient in the balanced chemical equation.

The equilibrium constant expression for the given reaction is:

Kc = [NO₂]² / [N₂O₄]

We are given the value of Kc as 0.36 at 373 K. We are also given the initial concentration of N₂O₄ as [tex]0.1 mol dm^-3[/tex].

Let's assume that at equilibrium, the concentration of  NO₂ is [tex]x mol dm^-3[/tex]. Then, the concentration of N₂O₄ will be[tex](0.1 - x) mol dm^-3[/tex](since N₂O₄ is being consumed to form  NO₂).

Now, we can substitute these expressions into the equilibrium constant expression and solve for x:

[tex]0.36 = (x^2) / (0.1 - x)[/tex]

[tex]0.036 - 0.36x = x^2[/tex]

Rearranging, we get:

[tex]x^2 + 0.36x - 0.036 = 0[/tex]

We can solve this quadratic equation using the quadratic formula, but we were asked not to use quadratics. So, we can use an approximation method instead.

Since the value of Kc is relatively small (less than 1), we can assume that the change in concentration of N₂O₄ is negligible compared to its initial concentration. This means that we can approximate[tex](0.1 - x)[/tex] as 0.1 in the equilibrium constant expression.

Then, we have:

[tex]0.36 = (x^2) / 0.1[/tex]

[tex]x^2 = 0.036[/tex]

[tex]x = 0.19 mol dm^-3[/tex] (since we cannot have a negative concentration)

Therefore, the equilibrium concentration of NO₂ is[tex]0.19 mol dm^-3[/tex].

Learn more about equilibrium here:



naoh is a hygroscopic solid, which means that it can absorb water from its surroundings, therefore it is important to


As a result, it is important to store NaOH in a dry and cool place, away from any sources of moisture or water.

NaOH, also known as sodium hydroxide, is a highly hygroscopic solid. This means that it can easily absorb moisture from its surroundings, including the air. When NaOH absorbs water, it can become more corrosive and potentially dangerous.

This is why it is also important to handle NaOH with care and wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and goggles. Additionally, any spills or leaks should be cleaned up immediately and properly disposed of according to local regulations.

By following these precautions, NaOH can be safely used in a variety of applications, including in the production of soap, paper, and textiles.

To learn more about : water



How might this explain the pattern shown in the graph?


The pattern in the graph may be explained by selection for large males over small males. Large males are more successful in defending territory, so they are more likely to reproduce and pass on their genes.

What is territory?

Territory is an area of land, sea or airspace with a defined boundary that is under the jurisdiction of a particular state, nation or governing body. It is often used to refer to a region or area with specific political, cultural, geographical or historical characteristics. Territory can also refer to a section of a country or region, or a group of related countries or regions, that are considered to be part of a larger political entity. In international law, a territory is an area that is subject to the authority of a state, but is not considered to be part of the state itself.

Over time, this has led to an increase in the proportion of large males relative to small males, resulting in the shifted distribution shown in the graph.

To learn more about territory

beginning with 1m each of co2 and h2 at 25 degrees, which substance will have the highest concentration in an equilibrium mixture


In an equilibrium mixture of 1m each of CO² and H² at 25 degrees, the substance with the highest concentration is CO².

This is because when these two substances are brought together, they will react to form water and Carbon Monoxide (CO). The reaction is exothermic, meaning that energy is released in the form of heat.

This energy will cause the reaction to favor the formation of CO² over H², as H² requires more energy to form. As a result, the equilibrium mixture will have a higher concentration of CO² than H².

Know more about Equilibrium mixture here



s dated using uranium 235 hal life 704,000,000years and it has to be 1/4 the original ammmount of uranium. how old is thee sample?


The sample is approximately 1,408,000,000 years old.

The half-life of uranium-235 is 704,000,000 years, which means that every 704,000,000 years, the amount of uranium-235 in a sample will be reduced to half of its original amount.

If a sample of uranium-235 has to be reduced to 1/4 of its original amount, it means that it has undergone two half-lives because:

- After one half-life, the amount of uranium-235 remaining is 1/2 of the original amount.
- After two half-lives, the amount of uranium-235 remaining is 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 of the original amount.

Therefore, the age of the sample can be calculated by multiplying the half-life of uranium-235 by the number of half-lives that have occurred:

Age of sample = Half-life of uranium-235 x Number of half-lives
Age of sample = 704,000,000 years x 2
Age of sample = 1,408,000,000 years

Therefore, the sample is approximately 1,408,000,000 years old.

Visit to know more about Sample:-



6) A 0. 20 ml CO2 bubble in a cake batter is at 27°C. In the oven it gets

heated to 177°C. What is its new volume?


A 0.20 ml CO₂ bubble in the cake batter is at the 27 °C. In the oven it gets heated to the  177 °C. The new volume is 1.3 mL.

The ideal gas equation is :

P V = n R T


P = pressure

V = volume

n = number of the moles

R = gas constant

T = temperatute

The relation between the volume and the temperature as :

V₁ / T₁  = V₂ / T₂


The initial volume, V₁ = 0.20 mL

The initial temperature, T₁ =  27 °C

The final temperature, T₂ = 177 °C

The final volume, V₂ = ?

V₂ = V₁  T₂ / T₁

V₂ = ( 0.20 × 177 ) / 27

V₂ = 1.3 mL

The new volume will be 1.3 mL.

To learn more about volume here



a reaction vessel contains 1.01 atm so2 (g) and 0.510 atm o2 (g) what will be the equilibrium partial pressure of all gases in the vessel at equilibrium


The partial pressure of all gases present in the vessel contains 1.01 atm SO₂ (g) and 0.510 atm O₂ (g) at equilibrium is equals to 1.46.

In a mixture of gases, partial pressure is the pressure exerted by an individual gas. The partial pressure is independent of other gases in mixture. The equilibrium constant of a chemical reaction is used to drive a relationship between the products and reactants when a chemical reaction reaches at equilibrium. Now, a reaction vessel contains the following elements

Pressure of SO₂ gas = 1.01 atm

Pressure of oxygen gas, O₂ = 0.520 atm

Chemical reaction which occur here

[tex]2SO_2 + O_2 --> 2SO_3 [/tex]

The equilibrium constant formula, in terms of partial pressure is written as

[tex]K_p = \frac{(P_{SO_3} )² P_{O_2}}{(P_{SO_3})²}[/tex]

Substitute all known values in above formula, Kₚ = (0.0166)²×( 0.520)/(1.01 )²

= 1.46

Hence, required value is 1.46.

For more information about partial pressure, visit :



By Using the equilibrium constant expression for the reaction between SO2 and O2 to form SO3:

2 SO2 (g) + O2 (g) ⇌ 2 SO3 (g)
Kc = [SO3]^2 / ([SO2]^2 [O2])

At equilibrium, the reaction quotient Qc will be equal to Kc. So we can set up an ICE table to find the equilibrium concentrations (and hence partial pressures) of each gas:

Initial:      1.01 atm      0.510 atm         0
Change:   -2x            -x                     +2x
Equilibrium: 1.01-2x   0.510-x            2x

Here, x represents the change in concentration (or partial pressure) at equilibrium. We assume that 2x is the change in concentration of SO3 because 2 moles of SO2 react with 1 mole of O2 to form 2 moles of SO3.

Substituting these values into the equilibrium constant expression:
Kc = [2x]^2 / ([1.01-2x]^2 [0.510-x])

Simplifying and solving for x, we get:
x = 0.656 atm

So the equilibrium partial pressures are:

[SO2] = 1.01 - 2x = 0.698 atm
[O2] = 0.510 - x = -0.146 atm (This is a negative value, which means O2 is completely consumed in the reaction)
[SO3] = 2x = 1.31 atm

Therefore, the equilibrium partial pressures of SO2, O2, and SO3 in the vessel are 0.698 atm, 0 atm, and 1.31 atm, respectively.

To know more about equilibrium constant:



A balloon is rubbed against a wall. The picture on the left shows the balloon and the wall before rubbing. The picture on the right shows the balloon and the wall after rubbing.

What happened when the balloon was rubbed against the wall?

A. Electrons were transferred from the wall to the balloon.

B. Protons were transferred from the wall to the balloon.

C. Electrons were transferred from the balloon to the wall.

D. Protons were transferred from the balloon to the wall.


When a balloon is rubbed against wall : A.) Electrons were transferred from wall to the balloon.

What are electrons and protons?

When a balloon is rubbed against a wall, electrons are transferred from the wall to surface of the balloon. This is because the rubbing action causes balloon to become negatively charged, while the wall becomes positively charged.

Electrons and protons are subatomic particles that make up atoms, which are the basic units of matter.

Electrons are negatively charged particles that orbit around the nucleus of atom and have a very small mass compared to protons and neutrons.

Protons are positively charged particles that are located in the nucleus of an atom.

To know more about electrons and protons, refer



examine this bowen's reaction series diagram. if a rock contains amphibole, potassium feldspar, and quartz, and the rock is heated, which mineral would melt first?


The Bowen's reaction series diagram is a representation of the order in which minerals crystallize as magma cools. The minerals that crystallize first are the ones with the highest melting temperatures, while those that crystallize last have the lowest melting temperatures.

In the case of the rock containing amphibole, potassium feldspar, and quartz, the mineral that would melt first upon heating would be quartz. This is because quartz is the mineral with the lowest melting temperature among the three. Amphibole and potassium feldspar have higher melting temperatures and would not melt until the temperature is raised significantly higher.

It is important to note that heating a rock containing these minerals would not necessarily cause them to melt completely. Instead, they may undergo partial melting, leading to the formation of new minerals with different compositions.

To know more about Bowen's reaction series:



Bowen's reaction series is a diagram that shows the order in which minerals crystallize from a magma as it cools. The minerals on the left side of the diagram crystallize at higher temperatures, while those on the right side crystallize at lower temperatures.

In this case, the rock contains amphibole, potassium feldspar, and quartz. According to Bowen's reaction series, amphibole and potassium feldspar crystallize at higher temperatures than quartz. Therefore, if the rock is heated, quartz would melt first because it is the mineral that crystallizes at the lowest temperature.

Heating a rock causes the minerals to break down or transform, depending on the temperature and other conditions. The exact temperature at which a mineral melts depends on its composition, but in general, minerals that crystallize at higher temperatures require more energy to melt.

In this case, if the rock is heated to a temperature that is high enough to melt quartz, then the amphibole and potassium feldspar would still be solid. If the temperature is further increased, the amphibole and potassium feldspar would also melt at higher temperatures.

In summary, if a rock contains amphibole, potassium feldspar, and quartz, and the rock is heated, quartz would melt first because it is the mineral that crystallizes at the lowest temperature according to Bowen's reaction series.

Learn more about quartz here:



a 3.0 m solution of naoh has a volume of 0.40 l. in order to make a 0.15 m solution, to what volume in liters should the solution be diluted?


The volume in liters of with molarity, 3.0 M, solution of naoh has a volume of 0.40 which is diluted to make 0.15 m solution is equals to the 0.8 L.

Let the volume and molarity of NaOH solution be V₁ and M₁ and volume and molarity of other solution be V₂ and M₂. We have, Molarity of solution of NaOH = 3.0 M

Volume of solution = 0.40 L

Molarity is defined as the moles of substance divided by volume of solution in litres . It is represented by capital M. Symbolically, formula for molarity M = n/V

Using the molarity equation, is written as

[tex]M_1V_1 = M_2V_2[/tex]

Substitute all known values in above formula, 0.40 L × 3.0 M = 0.15 M × V₂

=> V₂ = 0.12/0.15 L

= 0.8 L

Hence, required value is 0.8 L.

For more information about Molarity, visit :



To find the volume needed to dilute a 3.0 M NaOH solution with a volume of 0.40 L to a 0.15 M solution, we'll use the dilution formula:

M1V1 = M2V2

where M1 and V1 are the initial concentration and volume of the solution, and M2 and V2 are the final concentration and volume.

Here, M1 = 3.0 M, V1 = 0.40 L, and M2 = 0.15 M. We need to find V2.
3.0 M × 0.40 L = 0.15 M × V2

Now, divide both sides by 0.15 M to solve for V2:
(3.0 M × 0.40 L) / 0.15 M = V2
V2 = 8 L

So, to make a 0.15 M solution, the 3.0 M NaOH solution with a volume of 0.40 L should be diluted to a volume of 8 liters.

To know more about dilution formula:



Lemon juice has a hydrogen ion concentration of 4x10^-3 M.
Calculate the pH, and pOH, and [OH-] (log 4 = 0.6)


The pH of lemon juice is 2.4, the pOH is 11.6, and the hydroxide ion concentration is 2.51x10⁻¹²M.

How do you calculate the pH, pOH and  hydroxide ion concentration of the lemon juice?

Given, hydrogen ion concentration [H⁺] = 4x10⁻³ M

pH = -㏒[H⁺]

pH = -㏒(4x10⁻³)

pH = 2.4

Using the relation pH + pOH = 14, we can find pOH as:

pOH = 14 - pH

pOH = 14 - 2.4

pOH = 11.6

Also, we know that pH + pOH = 14, so we can find [OH⁻] as:

pOH = -㏒[OH⁻]

11.6 = -㏒[OH⁻]

[OH⁻] = 10^(-11.6)

[OH⁻] = 2.51x10⁻¹² M

Therefore, the pH of lemon juice is 2.4, the pOH is 11.6, and the hydroxide ion concentration is 2.51x10⁻¹² M.

Learn more about pH and ion concentration here:



problem 9.34 the cis and trans isomers of 2,3-dimethyloxirane both react with to give butane-2,3-diol. one stereoisomer gives a single achiral product, and one gives two chiral enantiomers. which epoxide gives one product and which gives two?


The reaction of both cis and trans isomers of 2,3-dimethyloxirane with HBr gives butane-2,3-diol. However, one of these stereoisomers gives a single achiral product, while the other gives two chiral enantiomers.

The reaction of 2,3-dimethyloxirane with itself is an example of an intramolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction.

The cis isomer of 2,3-dimethyloxirane has a plane of symmetry and is therefore an achiral molecule. When it reacts with itself, it will only form a single product nucleophilic substitution reaction.

The trans isomer of 2,3-dimethyloxirane is a chiral molecule and does not have a plane of symmetry. When it reacts with itself, it will form two enantiomers of the product, one being the mirror image of the other.

Learn more about 2,3-dimethyloxirane



N2O4 ⇌ 2NO2
for the following reaction at 373 K, Kc = 0.36. If initial concentration of N2O4 is 0.1 mol dm^-3, what is the equilibrium concentration of NO2? (Is there a way to solve this without using quadratics?)


Okay, let's solve this step-by-step without using quadratics:

1) The equilibrium constant Kc = 0.36 means the equilibrium lies to the left. So there will be more N2O4 than NO2 at equilibrium.

2) The initial concentration of N2O4 is 0.1 mol dm^-3. Let's call this [N2O4]initial.

3) At equilibrium, the concentrations of N2O4 and NO2 will be [N2O4]equil and [NO2]equil respectively.

4) We know the equilibrium constant expression for this reaction is:

Kc = ([NO2]equil)^2 / [N2O4]equil

5) Setting this equal to 0.36 and plugging in 0.1 for [N2O4]initial, we get:

0.36 = ([NO2]equil)^2 / (0.1 - [NO2]equil)

6) Simplifying, we get:

0.036 = [NO2]equil^2

7) Taking the square root of both sides, we get:

[NO2]equil = 0.06 mol dm^-3

So the equilibrium concentration of NO2 is 0.06 mol dm^-3.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I can also provide a more step-by-step explanation if needed.

A 100.0-mL buffer solution is 0.175 M in HClO and 0.150 M in NaClO. What is the initial pH of this solution?


A 100.0-mL buffer solution is 0.175 M in HClO and 0.150 M in NaClO

Part A: The initial pH of this solution is 7.39Part B: The pH after addition of 150.0 mg of HBr is 7.29Part C: The pH after addition of 85.0 mg of NaOH is 7.51

The pH of a solution gives a measure of the concentration of hydronium ions in the solution, and therefore, indicates the level of acidity or basicity of the solution.

We have a buffer solution made of 0.175 M HClO and 0.150 M NaClO

Part A :

pH of buffer solution can be calculated using equation, which is given below

pH =  pKa +  log  [ Base]/[Acid]

We have [acid] = [ HClO] = 0.175 M

[Base] = [NaClO] = 0.150 M

Ka of HClO is 3.5 x 10⁻⁸   (  Note : Ka value is taken from online resource. Please check the value given to you and make the changes accordingly)

pKa =  - log ( Ka)

pKa = - log ( 3.5 x 10⁻⁸)

pKa = 7.46

pH =   7.46 +  log  ( 0.150/0.175)

pH = 7.46 + ( -0.0669)

pH = 7.39

Part B:

When we add HBr to this buffer, basic component of buffer which is NaClO would try to neutralize effect of acid HBr.

Let's write the reaction that takes place here

HBr  +   NaClO  ------------->  HClO   +   NaBr

Let's find moles of HBr , HClO and NaClO we have

mol HBr = 150 mg HBr x  1 g/1000 mg x   1mol / 80.9 g = 0.00185 mol

mol NaClO = 100 mL x 1 L/1000 mL x  0.150 mol/L = 0.015 mol

mol HClO = 100 mL x 1 L/1000 mL x  0.175 mol/L = 0.0175 mol

pH = 7.46 +  log ( 0.01315/0.01935)   ( Note : we can use mole values instead of concentration terms in this case)

pH = 7.46 + (-0.1678)

pH = 7.29

Part C:

When NaOH is added to the buffer, acidic component , HClO of the buffer tries to neutralize its effect.

The reaction  given below

NaOH  +  HClO ----->  NaClO +   H2O

mol NaOH = 85 mg NaOH x 1 g/1000 g x 1 mol/40 g = 0.002125 mol

Equilibrium mol of base NaClO = 0.0171 and acid , HClO= 0.0154

pH = 7.46 +  log ( 0.0171/0.0154)

pH = 7.46 + 0.0455

pH = 7.51.

Learn more about pH of the solution:



Complete question:

1) A 100.0-mL buffer solution is 0.175 M in HClO and 0.150 M in NaClO.

Part A: What is the initial pH of this solution?

Part B: What is the pH after addition of 150.0 mg of HBr?

Part C: What is the pH after addition of 85.0 mg of NaOH?

To determine the initial pH of the buffer solution, we can use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

pH = pKa + log([base]/[acid])

where pKa is the dissociation constant of the weak acid (HClO), [base] is the concentration of the conjugate base (ClO-), and [acid] is the concentration of the weak acid (HClO).

First, we need to calculate the pKa of HClO. The Ka of HClO is 3.0 x 10^-8, so the pKa is:

pKa = -log(Ka) = -log(3.0 x 10^-8) = 7.52

Next, we can plug in the concentrations of HClO and NaClO into the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

pH = 7.52 + log(0.150/0.175)

pH = 7.52 - 0.080

pH = 7.44

Therefore, the initial pH of the buffer solution is 7.44.

Visit here to learn more about buffer solution  : https://brainly.com/question/24262133

which term is defined as a pollutant that is formed by a chemical reaction between a primary pollutant and another compound in the atmosphere (either natural or human-made)


The term defined as a pollutant that is formed by a chemical reaction between a primary pollutant and another compound in the atmosphere (either natural or human-made) is "secondary pollutant".

Primary pollutants are directly emitted into the atmosphere from sources such as cars, factories, and power plants. Examples of primary pollutants include carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO₂), and nitrogen oxides (NOₓ).

Secondary pollutants, on the other hand, are not directly emitted into the atmosphere, but are formed through chemical reactions between primary pollutants and other compounds in the atmosphere. Examples of secondary pollutants include ground-level ozone (O₃), which is formed through the reaction of NOₓ and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and acid rain, which is formed through the reaction of SO₂ and NOₓ with water, oxygen, and other chemicals in the atmosphere.

The formation of secondary pollutants is often dependent on factors such as temperature, sunlight, and the presence of other chemicals in the atmosphere. Secondary pollutants can be just as harmful to human health and the environment as primary pollutants, and are an important consideration in air pollution control strategies.

To learn more about pollutants, here



write the symbol for every chemical element that has atomic number 11 greater than and atomic mass less than 29.9 u.


The symbols for the chemical elements that meet the given criteria are Na and Mg.

The chemical elements that have atomic number 11 greater than and atomic mass less than 29.9 u are sodium (Na) and magnesium (Mg). Sodium has an atomic number of 11 and an atomic mass of approximately 22.99 u,

while magnesium has an atomic number of 12 and an atomic mass of approximately 24.31 u. These elements are located in the third period of the periodic table and are both alkaline earth metals.

The symbol for sodium is Na, which comes from the Latin word natrium, while the symbol for magnesium is Mg, which comes from the Greek word magnesia. Both of these elements are essential for life and have numerous applications in industry and medicine.

To learn more about : elements



energetic molecules such as nadh and atp are often reactants of ____________ reactions.


Energetic molecules such as NADH and ATP are often reactants of exergonic reactions.

Exergonic reactions are those that discharge energy and have a harmful Gibbs-free energy change. In these reactions, the reactants have more free energy than the products, so the excess energy is cast in the state of heat. An exergonic reaction is a chemical reaction where the shift in the free energy is negative.

Energetic molecules like NADH and ATP store energy in their chemical adhesives, which can be emitted in exergonic reactions to drive endergonic responses that need energy input. Therefore, they are usually employed as reactants in exergonic reactions.

To learn more about Exergonic reactions



What is the molality of a solution containing 10.0g of Na2SO4 dissolved in 750g of water?


Answer: 74

Explanation: cause it can

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