Most of the indentured servants in the American colonies were born in. A. Africa B. Asia OC. South America OD. Europe


Answer 1


Explanation: Just took it

Related Questions

he files provided in the code editor to the right contain syntax and/or logic errors. In each case, determine and fix the problem, remove all syntax and coding errors, and run the program to ensure it works properly.

An example of the program is shown below:

Enter a number between 1 and 20 >> 5
5 4 3 2 1 Blastoff!
// Prompt user for value to start
// Value must be between 1 and 20 inclusive
// At command line, count down to blastoff
// With a brief pause between each displayed value
import java.util.Scanner;
public class DebugSix3
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
int userNum, val;
final int MIN = 1;
final int MAX = 20;
final int TIME_WASTER = 100000;
System.out.print("Enter a number between " + MIN +
" and " + MAX + " >> ");
userNum = keyboard.nextInt();
while(userNum < MIN && userNum < MAX)
System.out.println("Number out of range");
System.out.print("Enter a number between " + MIN + " and " +
MAX + " inclusive >> ");
userNum = keyboard.nextInt();
for(val = userNum; val == 0; --val)
System.out.print(val + " ");
for(int x = 0; x < TIME_WASTER; ++x)
for(int y = 0; y < TIMEWASTER; ++y)
for(int z = 0; z < TIME_WASTER;);
// Adjust these numbers for faster or slower performance


Fixed code:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class DebugSix3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
int userNum, val;
final int MIN = 1;
final int MAX = 20;
final int TIME_WASTER = 100000;

System.out.print("Enter a number between " + MIN + " and " + MAX + " >> ");
userNum = keyboard.nextInt();

while (userNum < MIN || userNum > MAX) {
System.out.println("Number out of range");
System.out.print("Enter a number between " + MIN + " and " + MAX + " inclusive >> ");
userNum = keyboard.nextInt();

for (val = userNum; val >= 0; --val) {
System.out.print(val + " ");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

Changes made:

Fixed the while loop condition to use OR instead of AND
Fixed the for loop condition to use greater than or equal to instead of equal to
Added a try-catch block to pause the loop for 1 second using Thread.sleep() instead of nested for loops
Fixed some syntax errors and indentation issues.

program to take the command line input to cut down the blast off.


// Prompt user for value to start

// Value must be between 1 and 20 inclusive

// At command line, count down to blastoff

// With a brief pause between each displayed value

import javax.swing.*;

public class DebugSix3


 public static void main(String[] args)


   String userNumString;

   int userNum, val;

   final int MIN = 1;

   final int MAX = 20;

   userNumString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,

       "Enter a number between " + MIN + " and " + MAX + " inclusive");

   userNum = Integer.parseInt(userNumString);

   while(userNum < MIN || userNum > MAX)


      userNumString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,

       "Number out of range" +

       "\nEnter a number between " + MIN + " and " + MAX + " inclusive");

      userNum = Integer.parseInt(userNumString);


   for(val = userNum; val > 0; --val)


     System.out.print(val + "  ");

     for(int x = 0; x < 100000; ++x)

      for(int y = 0; y < 10000; ++y);

      // Adjust these numbers for faster or slower performance





learn more about command line input here:


Using An assembly code
Read a 3 digit number from one row, then a 1 digit number from the second row. Subtract the 1 digit number from the 3 digit number, and display the result. Make sure you print your name first, then your output.
Sample Input
Name Last name
Sample Input
Name Last name
099 (or you can display 99 without the 0, either one is fine)

Sample Input


Name Last name
0 (or you can display 000, either one is fine by me)


An example implementation of the algorithm you described in x86 assembly language using NASM syntax:

The Assembly Language Program

section .data

   ; Define your data here if needed

section .text

   global _start


   ; Print your name here


   ; Read the 3-digit number

   mov eax, 3       ; number of characters to read

   mov ebx, 0       ; file descriptor (stdin)

   mov ecx, buf     ; buffer to store the input

   mov edx, eax     ; maximum number of characters to read

   int 0x80         ; invoke the read system call


   ; Convert the input to a number

   mov eax, buf

   sub eax, '0'     ; convert the hundreds digit

   mov ebx, 10

   imul ebx

   mov ecx, buf+1

   sub ecx, '0'     ; convert the tens digit

   add eax, ecx

   imul ebx

   mov ecx, buf+2

   sub ecx, '0'     ; convert the units digit

   add eax, ecx


   ; Read the 1-digit number

   mov eax, 1       ; number of characters to read

   mov ebx, 0       ; file descriptor (stdin)

   mov ecx, buf     ; buffer to store the input

   mov edx, eax     ; maximum number of characters to read

   int 0x80         ; invoke the read system call


   ; Convert the input to a number

   mov ebx, 10

   mov ecx, buf

   sub ecx, '0'     ; convert the digit

   mul ebx


   ; Subtract the 1-digit number from the 3-digit number

   sub eax, ecx


   ; Convert the result to a string

   mov ebx, 10

   div ebx

   add edx, '0'     ; convert the units digit

   mov [result+2], dl

   div ebx

   add edx, '0'     ; convert the tens digit

   mov [result+1], dl

   add eax, '0'     ; convert the hundreds digit

   mov [result], al


   ; Print the result

   mov eax, 4       ; system call for write

   mov ebx, 1       ; file descriptor (stdout)

   mov ecx, result  ; address of the string to print

   mov edx, 3       ; number of characters to print

   int 0x80         ; invoke the write system call


   ; Exit the program

   mov eax, 1       ; system call for exit

   xor ebx, ebx     ; exit status

   int 0x80

section .bss

   buf resb 4       ; buffer for input (3 digits + newline)

   result resb 4    ; buffer for output (3 digits + null terminator)

Note that this implementation uses system calls for input/output and assumes that the input is terminated by a newline character. You may need to modify it to suit your specific requirements or platform.

Read more about assembly language here:


Select the correct answer.
Which statement best describes a website builder?
A. an application that enables code editing to create a unique website
a tool that enables developers to create web apps without programming knowledge
a tool that enables developers to create websites without programming knowledge
D. an application that automatically applies HTML tags to text


The statement that best describes a website builder is option C. a tool that enables developers to create websites without programming knowledge

What is programming?

A website builder is a software tool that allows individuals or organizations to create websites without the need for advanced technical skills or knowledge of programming languages.

Website builders are designed to simplify the website creation process by providing an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and pre-designed templates that users can customize with their own content.

Therefore, With a website builder, users can create and edit web pages, add images and videos, and customize the design and layout of their website without needing to write code.

Read more about programming here:


What do you think will be different between telling a person about your imagine and telling a computer about your image?


Telling a person your image could be simplified in the other persons head with few words. Telling a computer your imagine on the other hand has to be exact and precise. You have to give every detail, where as humans can fill in the blanks.

Sort the school supplies alphabetically. (Be sure to select cells A5:H14 to sort the entire row of data.) Your spreadsheet should look similar to figure below

[ Every time I try sorting it I keep getting a "#DIV/0!" error. I highlighted it in red.

I'm not sure how to fix it this error, I tried sorting each cell in Microsoft Excel separately but it keeps affecting the other ones, like "% of grand total." At the end next to “Oct. cost” For example, and it keeps changing all the numbers and giving incorrect ones. If anyone has a solution to fix it so I can get it to look like exactly like the picture shown below, that would be great! ]


When you get the "#DIV/0!" error, you are attempting to divide an integer by 0. Make sure the denominator (the number you are dividing by) is not zero to correct this mistake.

What does it imply when you get the answer "Div 0" while you're trying to divide by 0?

When you divide a number by zero in Microsoft Excel, you get the #DIV/0! error (0). That happens when you type a simple formula, like =5/0, or when a formula refers to a cell that has a value of 0 or is empty, as shown in this image.

If the formula is attempting to divide by zero, what is the error?

When a formula tries to divide by zero or a value equivalent, it produces the #DIV/0! error.

To know more about error visit:-


Write a function (getResults) that has a parameter (myGrades - a List data type). The function will return the sum of numbers in the list which are positive. (python)


There are both positive and negative numbers on the list of grades. The get Results function returns 347 as the total of all "yes" grades.

How do you make a Python list include only positive values?

The "lambda" function is utilised: The lambda function, as we all know, applies the condition to each element. Hence, we can determine whether the integer is bigger than zero using lambda. If it is greater than zero, It will print the list of all positive numbers.

def getResults(myGrades):

total = 0 in myGrades for the grade:

if grade > 0:\s total += grade

return total\sgrades = [90, -5, 85, 75, -10, 92]

print result = getResults(grades) (result) # Output: 347 (sum of positive grades: 90 + 85 + 75 + 92 = 347)

To know more about function  visit:-


Question 9 of 15 Which benefit does Infrastructure as a Service (laaS) provide to IT professionals and SysAdmins, as opposed to on-premises setups? O They can communicate to the cloud with on-premises data centers They can dedicate specific hardware racks in cloud data centers for additional security O They can provision free infrastructure at scale They can provision infrastructure without having to worry about physical servers or networking O I don't know this yet. Submit answer​



Answer: They can provision infrastructure without having to worry about physical servers or networking

H. W 2: A class includes 20 female students and 30 male students, including 15 female students and 20 male students with black hair. If a person is randomly chosen from the class, what is the probability that the chosen person is a female student with black hair? Hint: (Female student with black hair ) = P(AU B)​



The probability that the chosen person is a female student with black hair is 15/50, or 3/10.

You have just purchased a new Dell PowerEdge R820 Rack Server. The server is equipped with four Xeon E5-4650 CPUs, 128 GB of RAM, four 1 TB SAS hard drives, and two 750-watt power supplies. You have a 21-inch LCD monitor connected to your server. You want a UPS to keep your server running for up to 20 minutes in the event of a power failure. You prefer a rackmounted solution. Use the UPS selector tool at APC's Web site (a well-known UPS vendor). The UPS selector is at

Determine which model of UPS will work well for this server, and state your reasons. Write a one-page memo explaining your choice and why this would work for the above situation. Upload the document here.



To: Management

From: [Your Name]

Subject: UPS Recommendation for Dell PowerEdge R820 Rack Server

This memo is to recommend a UPS solution for the Dell PowerEdge R820 Rack Server. After considering the specs of the server and the desired use, I recommend the APC Smart-UPS RT 8000VA RM XL3U.

The Smart-UPS RT 8000VA RM XL3U is a rack mounted UPS designed for large applications. It has an output of 8000VA/5600W and can provide battery backup for up to 20 minutes. It has eight output receptacles, which should be enough to power the server, monitor, and any other peripherals that may be connected. The UPS also has a built-in web/network management interface, which allows you to monitor the UPS and its connected loads, as well as control the UPS remotely.

In addition, the Smart-UPS RT 8000VA RM XL3U can be configured with an optional external battery pack, which can provide up to 90 minutes of backup power. This is ideal for situations where an extended period of time without power is expected, such as during a blackout.

Overall, the Smart-UPS RT 8000VA RM XL3U is an excellent choice for the Dell PowerEdge R820 Rack Server. It is a powerful, reliable, and feature-rich UPS that can provide up to 20 minutes of battery backup and can be configured with an external battery pack for extended backup times.

If you have any questions or concerns about this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.


[Your Name]

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