Multiple Choice

Identify the sentence in each group in which the underlined verb does NOT agree with its subject.


(20 point)

A Everyone in Max's family like to do jigsaw puzzles.

B one of the puzzles is missing a corner piece.

C Both of Max's cousins are searching for it on the rug.

D Neither of them is able to find it.


Answer 1

Answer: A Everyone in Max's family like to do jigsaw puzzles.

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which cannot be a part of email address


Space cannot be the part

Oraciones con la palabra papaya



Mi bebida tenía fruta fresca, con papaya que le daba un sabor dulce.


Espero eso ayude

Suggest FIVE ways in which Grade 11 learners can reawaken their will to persevere when there is an obstacle stopping them from achieving their academic goals.



Believe in yourself , never give up , take advice from teachers,parents and friends , focus and set study times

Some of the suggestions can be setting achievable goals, Practice positive self-talk, Seek help, etc.

What is a goal?

A goal is an objective or desired outcome that a person or group of people wishes to achieve within a specific time frame.

Set smaller, more attainable goals: Encourage students to set smaller, more attainable goals to help them overcome obstacles.Encourage learners to develop a habit of positive self-talk, reminding themselves of their abilities, past successes, and the progress they have made toward their goals.Seek assistance: When faced with a challenge, students should feel comfortable approaching their teachers, peers, or parents for assistance.Take a break: When students are feeling overwhelmed or stuck, encourage them to take a break.Learners can find inspiration from a variety of sources, including motivational books, inspirational speeches, and successful individuals in their field of interest.

Thus, these are some suggestions needed.

For more details regarding goal, visit:


In Rock short story by Lindiwe Nkutha
Discuss the story’s setting and analyse how Zibusiso manages to describe her
surroundings and the hardship her family is faced with, with wry humour?


The story is set in a rural village in South Africa. Zibusiso, the protagonist of the story, describes the setting in vivid detail, which paints a picture of a poor and struggling community.

What is rural village?

A rural village is a small settlement consisting of a small cluster of houses, typically located in a rural area far from large cities. Rural villages often have a village store, a post office, a church, and a community center. These are often the only places to shop, socialize, and find services within the village. Rural villages often have a strong sense of community and people rely on each other for support. Many villages also feature traditional festivals, events, and celebrations that bring people together.

She talks about how she has to fetch water from the river, how her family's small plot of land is too small to produce enough food, and how they must make do with little or nothing. Despite the hardships, Zibusiso is able to find some humour in her situation. She talks about how she can still make the most of her life by finding ways to entertain herself and her friends, such as playing with stones and twigs. She also talks about the beauty of the mountain and the river, and how the river is the only place where she can find a bit of peace and quiet. By showing the beauty of her surroundings, Zibusiso is able to find a bit of optimism in her difficult situation.

To learn more about rural village

How do I write an outline for literature review?
please help ​



I. Introduction

Background and context of the literature review

Purpose and objectives of the literature review

Scope and limitations of the literature review

II. Literature Search Process

Sources of literature

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Search terms and keywords used

III. Synthesis of the Literature

Major themes and concepts identified in the literature

Theoretical frameworks and approaches used in the literature

Key findings and conclusions from the literature

IV. Gaps in the Literature

Areas where there is a lack of research

Limitations and challenges of the existing literature

V. Implications and Applications

Practical and theoretical implications of the literature review

Recommendations for future research

Applications of the literature to the relevant field

VI. Conclusion

Summary of the main findings and contributions of the literature review

Final thoughts and suggestions for further research


Remember, this is just a basic outline, and the structure and content of your literature review may vary depending on your research question, methodology, and the specific field you are studying.


Writing an outline for a literature review involves organizing your thoughts and ideas in a clear and concise manner. Here are some steps to follow:

Identify your research question: The first step in writing an outline for a literature review is to identify your research question or thesis statement. This will help you determine the focus of your review.

Conduct a preliminary search: Before you begin outlining, it's important to conduct a preliminary search of the literature. This will help you identify key themes and trends in the literature.

Create a working thesis statement: Based on your research question and preliminary search, create a working thesis statement that summarizes the main argument or purpose of your literature review.

Organize your outline: Once you have a working thesis statement, you can begin organizing your outline. Your outline should include the following sections:

a. Introduction: This section should include your research question, working thesis statement, and a brief overview of the literature you plan to review.b. Body: This section should be organized into subsections based on key themes or trends in the literature. Each subsection should include a summary of the literature, analysis of the literature, and a conclusion that ties the literature to your working thesis statement.c. Conclusion: This section should summarize the main findings of your literature review, restate your thesis statement, and identify any gaps or areas for future research.Revise and refine your outline: After you have created your initial outline, it's important to revise and refine it. Make sure your outline is clear, concise, and organized in a logical manner.Use your outline to guide your writing: Once you have a final outline, use it to guide your writing. Write each section of your literature review based on the outline, making sure to include all the necessary information and analysis.

Remember, the purpose of an outline is to help you organize your thoughts and ideas in a clear and concise manner. By following these steps, you can create an effective outline for your literature review.

outline forty instances of subject - verb concord rules application


To put it another way, if the subject is singular, the verb should likewise be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should also be numerous. He plays football, for instance.

What are the implications What are the rules for subject-verb agreement and examples?

It is vital to keep in mind when writing a paper that verbs must always agree with the subject in both number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third). Your document will be accurate, understandable, and stylistically appropriate with the help of this kind of agreement.

How many guidelines exist for subject-verb agreement?

There are thirteen rules that correlate to these particular circumstances to make sure that our subjects and verbs always agree in quantity.

To know more about verb visit :-


Read this outline for an argumentative essay about government.

1. People have different ideas about the role of government.
A. The primary purpose of government is to protect its citizens.

2. Government should protect citizens from foreign and domestic threats.
A. The country faces threats from other nations, terrorists, and criminals.
B. The military can provide a strong defense at home and abroad.
C. The police and other government agencies keep citizens safe locally.
D. Some people believe social services are more important than defense,
but citizens cannot survive without protection and security.

3. Government’s main role is to provide protection via the military and other agencies.

Which statement could be added to the outline as supporting evidence for the claim?

In the past, the military and the FBI have prevented a number of terrorist attacks.
I still remember how it felt on September 11 when our country was attacked by terrorists.
Social services cannot provide the sense of security that a strong national defense can.
Social services provide food, health care, and other forms of assistance to millions of citizens each year.


To the template, the sentence that states, "Social services cannot deliver the sense of security that a robust national defence can," might be added to substantiate the argument.

Which statement could be added to the outline as supporting evidence for the claim?

To the template, the sentence that states, "Social services cannot deliver the sense of security that a robust national defence can," might be added to substantiate the argument. This claim emphasises how crucial a potent national defence apparatus is in giving citizens a sense of security. While their importance, social services fall short of the level of defence against domestic and foreign dangers that a robust military and law enforcement can provide. The assertion that protecting civilians is the main goal of government is supported by the statement's emphasis on defence and security. Overall, it makes a stronger case for why the government should give defence and security measures top priority in order to protect citizens' wellbeing.

To Know more about Essay Visit:


Plugged In, but Tuned Out: The Evil Influence of Ear Buds
Darrell Thomas

I. Invasion of the Body Snatchers:
Have you noticed a change in the world around you recently? Have you seen how more and more people are walking around with little rectangles in their hands or pockets with long wires plugged straight into their ears? At the grocery store yesterday, I counted at least twenty people completely lost in the music provided by their ever-present cell phones. It’s as if the old science-fiction movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers was coming true; we are being overtaken by pod people. So at the risk of appearing to be a crotchety old man complaining about the “good ole days,” I have to make a stance against the evil influences of the cell phone and ear-bud phenomena on our society.

II. A Rational and Well-Thought Out Fear:
Now, I am not a Luddite; I have no desire to go around smashing up every cell phone or technological gadget in sight. I enjoy and benefit from technological advances just like everyone else. I have a microwave, a television, a lap-top computer, and a gas stove, and I use them all practically every day. I am not accusing people listening to music on their cell phones of having detrimental effects upon our society because I hate music either. I profoundly do not hate music—but I do, ridiculous as it sounds, hate when cell phones are used to block out the real world.

III. The Dangers and Distractions of Ear Buds:
People who have ear buds in their ears simply cannot hear danger approaching. All they hear is the pretend soundtrack of their lives. People walking with ear buds in cannot hear a dog dashing up behind them nor can they hear the footsteps of a thief or murderer sneaking up behind him or her either. People who drive their cars with ear buds plugged in their ears (an act that is considered a traffic violation in many states) cannot hear a child screaming or a horn blowing in warning. Cell phones are known to be a factor in many car accidents. I won’t even mention how distracting ear buds plugged into a cell phone can be for a student in a classroom setting! We basically have handed a device to students that invites them to not pay attention to the real world around them.

IV. Narcissism:
Beyond just being distracting and dangerous, ear buds are detrimental and damaging to society as a whole. Ear buds work against a community of listeners. Everyone is walking all over the neighborhood, plugged into their latest favorite playlist, but no one is talking to anyone. People who are addicted to their ear buds don’t care about other people. They don’t want community and contact with the real world. Ear buds also actively destroy live musicians' ability to make a living with their art form. No one wants live music anymore when they can pay less to hear it instantly and privately anytime they want. If we don’t curb our use of ear buds, all our musicians will languish and no new music will be developed.

V. Toss Them In the Trash!
People refuse to recognize the danger of ear buds because they simply love their ear buds too much to give them up. Ear buds are probably doing serious physical damage to their inner eardrums or even the brain itself, but apparently that doesn’t bother anyone. I shudder to think of what the future will be like if we continue on the path of ear bud dependence we’re traveling. Next time you’re tempted to plug in and tune out, remember my warning. Either we learn to live without ear buds, or we’re going to turn into a nation of complete zombies. Is that where you want to live?

Which BEST describes the details related to the main idea in section one?
A The author provides a quote from an expert and a reference to a movie to support his idea.The author provides a quote from an expert and a reference to a movie to support his idea.
B The author provides a personal example and a quote from an expert to support his idea.The author provides a personal example and a quote from an expert to support his idea.
C The author provides a quote from an expert to support his idea.The author provides a quote from an expert to support his idea.
D The author provides a personal example and a reference to a movie to support his idea.The author provides a personal example and a reference to a movie to support his idea.



D. The author provides a personal example and a reference to a movie to support his idea.


I selected option D because section one of the passage provides a personal example and a reference to a movie to support the main idea. The author describes how more and more people are using cell phones with earbuds and compares it to the science-fiction movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," where people are taken over by alien pods. The author's personal observation and reference to the movie are used to support the idea that the use of earbuds is having a negative impact on society. Therefore, option D, "The author provides a personal example and a reference to a movie to support his idea," is the best description of the details related to the main idea in section one.

BRAINLIST HELP PLEASE! What do you think when you see this quote
“Roughly 14 states have band outlawing most abortions with varying exemptions in penalties for doctors.”


They will think about the emotionally draining controversy surrounding abortion laws in the United States that will linger for a long time. They might also think of the consequences of abortion in many states and the need for a safer se-x-ual life.

What else might a person think looking at the quote about outlawing abortion?

They may also think about the potential consequences of these laws, such as the risk of harm to people seeking abortion services from unqualified providers, or the fact that limiting access to abortion can disproportionately affect marginalized communities who may not have the resources to travel to other states to access these services.

They may feel concerned or even outraged that so many states have enacted laws that limit or outright ban access to abortion, which is a deeply personal and often difficult decision for many individuals.

In conclusion, this quote is likely to elicit strong reactions from people with different opinions and beliefs about abortion rights and the role of the government in regulating reproductive health.

Find more information on abortion laws;


In Rock short story by Lindiwe Nkutha.
This story uses first person narration. Explain how the narrative style
influences our perception of the events in the story, and how this contributes
to the story’s meaning?


The first person narration in "Rock" by Lindiwe Nkutha influences the reader's perception of events and contributes to the story's meaning.

What is a narration?
Narration is the act of telling a story or describing a series of events. It can be in the form of written or spoken words and can be delivered in various styles or modes, such as first-person, second-person, or third-person.

The first-person narration in Lindiwe Nkutha's short story "Rock" allows the reader to experience the events of the story through the perspective of the protagonist, Thuli. This narrative style provides an intimate look into Thuli's thoughts, emotions, and experiences, which allows readers to develop a deeper understanding and connection with her character. Through Thuli's narration, the reader is able to see the impact of poverty and societal pressures on her life and her choices. The use of first-person narration also emphasizes the theme of self-discovery and personal growth as Thuli navigates the challenges and hardships in her life. Overall, the narrative style in "Rock" contributes to the story's meaning by highlighting the importance of empathy and understanding towards others, especially those who may be facing difficult circumstances beyond their control.

To know more about story visit:

Do you realize ............. you’ve done?
a) that
b) what
c) why
d) which



Explanation: makes more sense

Answer: B) what


Who is Mr. Turner's Ben, and how did he learn how to read? Support your answer with
evidence from the text.





like and support me if u'd love the answer..

Read the sentence.

The canyon, formed by years of erosion, was a breathtaking sight to behold.

What best describes the underlined part of this sentence?

restrictive phrase
nonrestrictive phrase
restrictive clause
relative clause


Answer: Nonrestrictive Phrase

Explanation: I am smart :)

The underlined part of the sentence, "formed by years of erosion," is a nonrestrictive phrase. A nonrestrictive phrase is a phrase that adds additional information about a noun, but that information is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. Hence option B is correct.

In this case, the phrase "formed by years of erosion" tells us how the canyon was formed, but we could remove the phrase and still understand the sentence's basic meaning.

A restrictive phrase, on the other hand, is a phrase that is essential to the meaning of the sentence. If we were to remove a restrictive phrase, the sentence would no longer make sense.

For example, the phrase "the canyon" in the sentence "The canyon was a breathtaking sight to behold" is a restrictive phrase. If we were to remove the phrase "the canyon," the sentence would no longer make sense.

The other two options, the restrictive clause, and the relative clause, are not correct. A restrictive clause is a type of restrictive phrase, and a relative clause is a type of subordinate clause. In this case, the underlined phrase is not a clause, so it cannot be a restrictive or relative clause.

Therefore, option B) the nonrestrictive phrase is correct.

To know more about Nonrestrictive phrases:


A balanced way of life is an antidote to greed and materialism speech


We should all make an effort to have balanced lives, I implore you. Our love, generosity, and compassion for ourselves, others, and the planet around us should define us rather than our material goods or fortune. Let's strive towards a more balanced.

Why does materialism matter?

The benevolent materialists-

In collectivistic cultures, buying items that reflect the appearance of people you hold in high regard can also allow you to fit in with societal norms, which can then envelop you in a sense of belonging.

Provide one example of materialism.

A person who values material belongings highly is said to be materialistic. Everything could count as one of these items, including apparel, footwear, purses, automobiles, electronics, and gadgets. Even though everyone requires a place to live, one's home also qualifies as a tangible possession.

To know more about speech visit:


2. Read the dictionary entry below.
Motion 1. the
act or process of changing place 2. a formal proposal in a deliberative
assembly 3. melodic change of pitch 4. an impulse of inclination of the
mind Which definition best matches the word motion as it is used in line


Impulse or inclination of the mind is the definition that best matches the word motion as it is used in line 1 2 in The Wife of Bath's Tale.

What is the main point of the 'Wife of Bath's' tale?

The fundamental message of this tale, according to The Wife of Bath's Tale, is that husbands should respect their wives' opinions and give them the reins. From the outset of the narrative, the ladies of the court assume control of the circumstance by giving the knight one more opportunity to rescue himself.

The narrative, therefore, implies that, in contrast to its own claim that women most seek sovereignty over their husbands and lovers, what women actually desire is their husbands' willingness to cede authority. The irony of this narrative is that while the Knight had entire control over the victim when he committed the crime against her, the victim now has control over him.

To learn more about The Wife of Bath's Tale, visit:


write a letter apply for a company



[Hello, I tried my best, please forgive me if this is not what was needed, Please let me know so I can redo it for you. But here's what i wrote]


Dear Hiring Supervisor,

I'm writing to express my enthusiasm for the open position at your prestigious company. I am confident that I have the skills and qualifications required to excel in this role as a highly motivated and qualified individual with [number] years of experience in [field/industry].

My area of expertise is [specific skills/areas of expertise], and I have a track record of success in [accomplishment 1] and [accomplishment 2]. I was responsible for [responsibility 1] and [responsibility 2] in my previous position at [previous company], which allowed me to develop strong skills in [skill 1] and [skill 2].

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to your team while also furthering my professional development. I am confident that my [list specific skills or qualifications] qualify me for this position.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I am looking forward to discussing my qualifications further and learning more about this exciting opportunity.


[Your name]

affectionate is to loving as sinister is to __ ?

A - Threatening
B - Benevolent
C - Good


Answer: A - Threatening


The word “sinister”, according to Oxford Languages, is “giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen”. Based on this definition, the word “threatening” is similar to “sinister”, which means answer choice A is correct.

Affectionate is to loving as sinister is to Threatening. Thus, option A is the correct option.

What is sinister?

When the English term sinister first appeared in the 15th century, left-handed persons were seen as unlucky or even malevolent. Shakespeare described the villain in his play Hamlet as having a human skull in his evil hand, which is his left. To see a human skull in the right hand would look ominous or wicked, not to mention unfortunate for the individual who is without a head in the first place.

Something dark appears wicked or damaging. She detected something ominous about him that disturbed her. Threatening, nasty, menacing, and forbidding are some synonyms Other Words That Mean Sinister. Thus, according to the meaning, the word 'auspicious' is the opposite of the word 'sinister'.

Learn more about sinister here:


(1) "Went from dawn to dusk.... "This poetic line has an example of:
A. Antithesis B. Simile C. Metaphor D. Enjambment


The given phrase in the query is an instance of Antithesis (Option A). The picks listed here are the quite a number types of literary gadgets many times utilised in poetry. Because the two contrasting phrases "dawn" and "dusk" are used in the identical sentence, the antithesis is correct.

Why is antithesis used?

Antitheses are used to reinforce an argument by means of the usage of either precise opposites or virtually contrasting ideas, but can additionally encompass both. They typically make a sentence greater memorable for the reader or listener thru stability and emphasis of the words.

Some common synonyms of antithetical are contradictory, contrary, and opposite. While all these phrases mean "being so a ways aside as to be or seem irreconcilable," antithetical stresses clear and unequivocal diametrical opposition. a law that is antithetical to the very thought of democracy.

Learn more about antithesis here:

PART A: Which of the following best describes a central idea of the passage?A.Once someone was accused of witchcraft, there was no way out; anyone who confessed or tried to prove their innocence was executed.B.If Tituba had not been present in Salem, any suspicions about witchcraft would not have been taken as seriously.C.The town of Salem believed it was being plagued by witches, and in their panic they held a number of unfair trials.D.The girls of Salem purposefully targeted people they hated, fully understanding the consequences of their actions.SAVE & NEXT


The main point or thesis that the author is attempting to convey is the central idea of a passage. It is the author's main message or argument.

What is the passage's main point?

The most important concept that the author wishes to convey to the reader is the central idea of a passage or story. The main idea can be stated directly. The main point is stated by the author. The central idea may be implied rather than stated.

What is the main point of the passage quizlet?

the subject of the passage/text. This is the most important thought in the entire text and informs the reader of the author's main point.

To know more about  central idea visit:-


In Winston Churchill's speech called the Price of Greatness what does the phrase "the long arm (of destiny) reaches out remorselessly..." mean


He declared “the charge of greatness is responsibility” and that the human beings of America were no longer absorbed in their personal affairs remaining undisturbed past their shielding oceans, which were “shrinking beneath our very eyes.” The Prime Minister spoke about the ties of blood and history between our two countries.

What is Churchill's speech about?

June 4, 1940

Churchill's 'We shall fight on the beaches' speech on 4 June 1940 is a eulogy to the British war effort that has been immortalised in famous reminiscence of the Second World War. As a newly appointed Prime Minister, Churchill's first month in workplace was described by way of the Dunkirk evacuation.

What was one of Winston Churchill's well-known phrases?

“All the greatest matters are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honour; duty; mercy; hope.”

Learn more about Churchill's here;


Picture A shows an advocate at the court of law reprimanding
Picture B shows a lady typing on a computer
Picture C shows a cat hiding
Picture D showing a a chemical structure of DNA
Picture E showing a toddler laughing

Provide a sentence for each of the picture.Your sentences should be classifiable into the five illucationary points.​




Picture A - Directive: The advocate is admonishing the defendant in the court of law for his actions.

Picture B - Declarative: The lady is typing on the computer to finish her project on time.

Picture C - Commissive: The cat is hiding under the couch, promising to come out only when it feels safe.

Picture D - Expressive: The chemical structure of DNA is awe-inspiring, revealing the complexity of life.

Picture E - Behabitive: The toddler is giggling and smiling, enjoying the moment with pure happiness.

BRAINLIST PLEASE HELL IM BEGGING I NEED HELP! What do you think when you see this quote
“The majority of Americans do not want these cases overturned, and an overwhelming majority, said that abortion should not be banned outright.”



Well, I think this quote is telling me that Americans do not want the Roe vs Wade Overturned, or for abortion to be banned outright.

So, it's telling me that most Americans want Roe vs Wade to stay in place, and for abortion not to be illegal.


Explain why you cannot invest in every innovative technology introduced in the market?


Motives that aren't aligned. I recall a time when every successful person in business own a BlackBerry.

Lack of planning.

Being unaware of your market.

What are the main dangers involved in commercializing your innovation?

Market risk, credit risk, operational risk, strategic risk, liquidity risk, regulatory risk, reputational risk, and political risk are some of the risk types that can affect the success of your innovation. You name it—they might be internal or external. There is risk everywhere.

What is the main cause of IT innovation failures?

The main reason for innovation project failure is obvious: in 75% of cases, bad marketing, or misalignment between the planned service and the actual demands of the market, is to blame. The actual problems are not addressed.

To Know more about planning.


Grammar check

What is the adverb and the plural noun in the sentence below?

Scientists study the virus closely because it is deadly.



Adverb: Closely

Plural noun: Scientists


An adverb describes an action, hence why the word "adverb" is a combination of the words "adjective" and "verb."

A plural noun is when you have more than one thing.

Shelby saw that concert tickets were on sale but she didn't know how much she was aloud to buy

What's misspelled plsss help me?





aloud is. speaking

Create a method called print_seating_area that shows the seats that have
been sold, and the seats that are still available. Display available seats with the character
‘O’ and the sold seats with ‘X’. Call this method when the user selects ‘2’ in the main menu




Here is an example implementation of the print_seating_area method in Python:

def print_seating_area(seats_sold):

   # Define the seating arrangement as a list of lists

   seating = [['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'],

              ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'],

              ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'],

              ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O'],

              ['O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O']]

   # Mark seats that have been sold with an 'X'

   for seat in seats_sold:

       row, col = seat

       seating[row][col] = 'X'

   # Print the seating arrangement

   print("Seats Sold: ")

   for row in seating:

       print(" ".join(row))

This method takes a list of tuples representing the seats that have been sold as its argument. It first initializes a list of lists representing the seating arrangement, with all seats initially marked as available ('O').

It then updates the seating arrangement by marking seats that have been sold with an 'X'. Finally, it prints out the seating arrangement, with sold seats represented by an 'X' and available seats represented by an 'O'.

To call this method when the user selects option 2 in the main menu, you can simply include the following code in your main program:

if choice == '2':


Here, seats_sold is a list of tuples representing the seats that have been sold, and choice is the user's input from the main menu. When choice is '2', the print_seating_area method is called with seats_sold as its argument, which displays the current seating arrangement.

First, define institutional racism with reference to specific examples (e.g., immigration policy, housing discrimination). How does institutional racism shape access to citizenship and notions of belonging and exclusion? Then, using notes from class andthe recordedlectures (NOT the internet!), define one of the following concepts below:

a. Failure of Reconstruction

Then, explore how this concept plays out in Marita Bonner's Black feminist play The Purple
Flower. You may want to consider how the play represents the relationship between race
and space, and/or what must be relinquished in order for this "New Man" (i.e., new person)
to come into being.



Institutional racism refers to the ways in which societal institutions, such as the government, legal and education systems, perpetuate racial discrimination through their policies and practices. An example of institutional racism in the United States is the history of discriminatory housing policies, such as redlining, which resulted in segregated neighborhoods and limited access to affordable housing for Black and brown communities. Another example is the country's immigration policies, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and the Muslim Ban of 2017, which have systematically discriminated against individuals based on their race, religion, or country of origin.

Institutional racism shapes access to citizenship and notions of belonging and exclusion by creating and perpetuating systemic barriers for marginalized groups. For example, discriminatory voting laws and policies have historically limited access to voting rights for Black and brown communities, resulting in their exclusion from the democratic process. Additionally, discriminatory practices in the criminal justice system, such as racial profiling and mandatory minimum sentencing, have resulted in disproportionate incarceration rates for Black and brown individuals, further perpetuating cycles of poverty and exclusion.

The failure of Reconstruction refers to the period following the Civil War in the United States, during which the federal government attempted to rebuild the South and integrate formerly enslaved Black individuals into society. However, despite some initial progress, Reconstruction ultimately failed to achieve its goals due to the rise of white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, and the inability of the federal government to effectively enforce its policies.

In Marita Bonner's Black feminist play The Purple Flower, the failure of Reconstruction is represented through the character of Johnnie, a formerly enslaved man who struggles to find his place in a post-Civil War society that is still deeply rooted in racism and inequality. Johnnie's attempts to establish a new life for himself and his family are repeatedly thwarted by white supremacist violence and discrimination, reflecting the ongoing legacy of institutional racism in the United States. The play also explores the relationship between race and space, as Johnnie's desire to create a new home for himself is continually undermined by the racialized power dynamics that govern the physical and social spaces in which he exists. Ultimately, the play suggests that in order for a "New Man" to emerge, the old structures of power and oppression must be dismantled and replaced with new systems that are truly equitable and just.


Read the poem.

To a Dark Girl
by Gwendolyn Bennett

Gwendolyn Bennet was a dynamic figure in the Harlem Renaissance. She was an artist, poet, journalist, and essayist. Her most well-known poem is “To a Dark Girl.”

I love you for your brownness,
And the rounded darkness of your breast,
I love you for the breaking sadness in your voice
And shadows where your wayward eyelids rest.

Something of old forgotten queens
Lurks in the lithe abandon of your walk
And something of the shackled slave
Sobs in the rhythm of your talk.

Oh, little brown girl, born for sorrow's mate,
Keep all you have of queenliness,
Forgetting that you once were slave,
And let your full lips laugh at Fate!
How does Bennett characterize the girl in “To a Dark Girl”?

The girl presents herself as a woman who, despite being enslaved, is optimistic.

Bennett portrays her as a former enslaved girl who carries herself as though she is of royal blood.

The girl is described as a woman who has been beaten down and discarded.

Bennett describes the girl as a beautiful and tall woman with dark brown skin and a shy demeanor.


The target audience for Gwendolyn Bennett's poem, "To a Dark Girl," is most likely young African-American girls.

What does the author want the reader to understand?

She urges the young black females to embrace rather than be ashamed of their skin tone.

What does the author want the reader to understand?

She urges the young black females to embrace rather than be ashamed of their skin tone.

Gwendolyn Bennett's statement implies what?

In "To a Dark Girl," Gwendolyn Bennett writes an open letter of love to a dark girl who is demoralized by her history and has low self-esteem. She is told in this poem that she accepts her for who she is, including her "brownness," difficult history, and stain .

To know morer about To a Dark Girl by Gwendolyn Bennett visit:


does a Savage dog bite​





pls mrk me brainliest

please help i was sick when she gave out the assiment so i do not know what do to and she will not let me see the recordings because when i was sick i should have been paying attention ( i had covid.)


1. Answer: Rikki-tikki-tavi felt curious and brave the first time he stepped into the garden.

   Cite: "He was a mongoose, rather like a little cat in his fur and his tail, but quite like a weasel in his head and his habits."

   Explain: The text does not provide an explicit answer to this question, but it does describe Rikki-tikki-tavi's appearance and behavior, which suggests that he was curious and unafraid.

  2.    Answer: Rikki-tikki-tavi refrained from eating Karait because he knew that the snake was poisonous and eating it could make him sick or even kill him.

   Cite: "Karait, the dusty brown snakeling, who curled himself up in the dust and pretended to be dead, but later on was detected by Rikki-tikki-tavi, who never knew when a snake was dead or alive till he had tested it."

   Explain: The text explicitly states that Rikki-tikki-tavi did not eat Karait, and provides a reason for this decision.

What is "Rikki-tikki-tavi" by Rudyard Kipling?

3. Answer: Darzee's wife told Nagaina that Rikki-tikki-tavi was in the bathroom, which allowed Nagaina to attack him by surprise. The consequence was that Rikki-tikki-tavi was almost killed by Nagaina.

   Cite: "And she flew at Nagaina, and pecked her head till she jumped off the porch: she was frightened that the valiant bird would strike her to death. So she flew away to the hedges and counted her family."

   Explain: The text explicitly states that Darzee's wife gave away Rikki-tikki-tavi's location to Nagaina, which allowed Nagaina to attack him by surprise.

   Lastly, question 4,  Answer: Yes, Rikki-tikki-tavi was willing to die to protect Teddy.

   Cite: "The boy was safe, but Rikki-tikki-tavi was bleeding from nose and mouth, and half of one ear was torn off."

   Explain: The text describes how Rikki-tikki-tavi was injured while protecting Teddy from Nagaina, which suggests that he was willing to put himself in harm's way to protect the boy.

Learn more about Rikki-tikki-tavi on:


See transcribed text below

Short Story of the Month

"Rikki-tikki-tavi" by Rudyard Kipling

I. Citing Text Evidence - Literal Comprehension Use the ACE method to answer each question.

1. How did Rikki-tikki-tavi feel the first time he stepped into the garden?




Reading Literature

2. What did Rikki-tikki-tavi refrain from doing after he killed Karait? Why? Answer:

Skill: Citing Text Evidence



3. What mistake did Darzee's wife make, and what was the consequence? Answer:



4. Was Rikki-tikki-tavi willing to die to protect Teddy?




Activity 9


©2017 ern cobb

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