My other friend arianagrandelover12 is also looking for someone her type:
brown blue and green eye, skin (not being racist) = white as in looks, blonde or brown hair, likes to cuddle 11-13 (she's 12)
Also Please help I'm being timed
Why wasn’t there unanimous support for the proposed US Constitution, which was presented during the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia?
A. Many delegates argued that a strong central government would endanger the rights of states and individuals.
B. Many delegates argued that a strong central government couldn’t resolve issues such as interstate wars.
C. Many delegates argued that a strong central government couldn’t resolve economic crises.
D. Many delegates argued that a strong central government couldn’t resolve intrastate uprisings.


Answer 1

A is the answer, I hope your friend finds someone :)

Related Questions

Which of the "Big Five" personality factors is characterized (on the high end) by traits like imaginative and independent and (at the low end) by traits like practical and conforming?





Openness is the personality factor characterized by characteristics as imaginative and independent, along with practical and conformed characteristics. Individuals who fit this personality type have a strong acceptance of changes and new experiences, but they also like stability and calm. They have a high capacity for reflection, kindness, friendliness and seclusion, in some moments.

what is Aristocracy,Generotocracy,plutocracy.​



Aristocracy: a government in which power is vested in a minority consisting of those believed to be best qualified

Generotocracy: a form of social organization in which a group of old men or a council of elders dominates or exercises control

plutocracy:government by the wealthy


Which amendment provides for the protections described in this list?

Question 2 options:

First Amendment

Fourth Amendment

Fifth Amendment

Tenth Amendment


the fourth amendment
The answer is the fourth amendment.

The Lanham Act applies to through the Commerce Clause.



The Lanham Act defines “commerce” as “all commerce which may be lawfully regulated by Congress,” meaning all commerce subject to Congress's power under the Commerce Clause. Congress's Commerce Clause power, in turn, includes the power to regulate interstate commerce.


From Google




What does Confucius consider the “Root of Humanity”



The word humanity is from the Latin humanitas for "human nature, kindness.” Humanity includes all the humans, but it can also refer to the kind feelings humans often have for each other. Awww.


How long did it take the Mongol Empire to
conquer more land than the Roman


Around 6 decades. Good luck! :D

a sentence about the early years of the Virginia colony that uses the following terms.
a. headright b. burgess



the early Virginia colony was the first to have a legislative house of burgess


At the Constitutional Convention of
1787, the Great Compromise settled
the issue of representation in
Congress by-

A giving each state two senators
and a number of representatives
based on population.

B having both houses of Congress
elected directly by the people.

C having both houses of Congress
chosen by the state legislatures.

D allowing all states to have equal
representation in Congress.


The great compromise settled the issue of the representation in the congress by allowing all the states to have equal representation in congress. Thus, option D is correct.

What was Great Compromise?

The Connecticut Compromise was an agreement achieved during the 1787 Constitutional Convention that specified the legislative structure and representation of each state under the United States Constitution.

The Great Compromise resolved the question of congressional representation by proclaiming that each state, regardless of size, would have an equal vote in the legislature's upper body.

The grand agreement resolved the question of congressional representation by granting equal representation to all states. As a result, option D is correct.

Learn more about Great Compromise, here:


What goal united the Democrats in the South in the late 1800s?
A. Taking power away from the Republican Party
B. Starting more farms
C. Developing more industry
D. Finding common ground with the federal government



A. Taking power away from the Republican Party


Out of all the things listed, taking away authority from the Republican Party of which had become a great threat to Southern values, and this was seen as such by many Southerners, became a unifying basis for a Dixie cause.

Hope I helped, either way have a great day!

Which statement is true about the U.S. Constitution?



we have to gave the statements to help you :(((

And the statements are? I can’t really help you with no information.

which describes Eurasia



Eurasia is europe, asia, and africa as one super continent. If you add afro at the beginning then it includes NA, SA, antarctica, and australia.


Eurasia=Europe+Asia. Afro+Eurasia=Africa+Europe+Asia

How did the triangular slave trade work?
A.Triangular trade never occurred
B.Trade was expanded to India and West Africa
C.Ships sailed to three islands to reach West Africa
D.Ships sailed to West Africa,North/South Africa and Europe and made triple profit with cargo





The trade went from europe with goods to Africa, where they selled goods for slaves, then to the Americas where they sold and deposited slaves, then all over again.

Politicians in Georgia supported the expansion of slavery into the territories so that slavery could 
A gradually be ended in Georgia
B become more widespread and protected
C eventually spread to the north
D be practiced only in the territories and not the states


Answer: it's B



become more widespread and protected. or B



1f y0u c4n r34d 7h15 y0u 4r3 5m4r7 4nd v3ry w153

1 l1k3 y0ur cu7 6.....





Answer: if you can read this you are smart and very wise, I like your cut g.

What do you think the author is referring to as “the Day of Jubilee”?



sorry can you give details

what were some restrictions placed to stop people from voting?​



During the later 19th and early 20th centuries, Southern states passed Jim Crow laws to suppress poor and racial minority voters – such laws included poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses. Most of these voter suppression tactics were made illegal after the enactment of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


Hope this helped, Have a Great Day!!



I would say the electoral collage in the us. Its stupid. They made it a while ago when black people and woman could just start to vote. This was a way to make it seem like they had a choice when in reality it only matters if you win the state, otherwise its useless. And ofc we in modern society think "yeah lets do that electoral college thing seems like fun"

What was the political relationship between the Kingdom of Kush and Egypt? Egypt and Kush were never truly independent. The two nations competed for control over Nubia. The two kingdoms had few links besides geography. Kush and Egypt shared cultures and constantly worked together.\



I think its A, im not too sure



i think its c


Which of the following is the most important political result of the election of 1800? (5 points)

It proved that the nations who thought the United States would not last were right.

It proved that unpopular laws and actions could get a sitting President reelected.

It showed that Adams and Jefferson could still be friends even though they were bitter political enemies.

It demonstrated that the ideas in the U.S. Constitution were stronger than the ideas of a political party.


Answer: D

Explanation: An extraordinary amount of things had changed on this decade. The Democratic-Republicans had essentially expanded the old Anti-Federalist alliance. Above all, urban specialists and craftsmen who had bolstered the Constitution amid sanction and who had generally upheld Adams in 1796 currently joined the Jeffersonians. Additionally, key pioneers like James Madison had changed his political position by 1800.

Madison presently rose as the ablest party coordinator among the Republicans. At base, the Democratic-Republicans trusted that administration should have been comprehensively responsible to the general population. Their alliance and beliefs would overwhelm American governmental issues well into the nineteenth century.

True or False:
Maine was a part of Massachusetts.
O True
O False


True. Maine was a part of Massachusetts




Which of these ideas from China was modified by the Japanese? (4 points)

The samurai
Lunar calendar



it's between lunar calendar and the samurai

but not sure maybe the samurai


The Samurai, shinto, bushido

what part of the agenda of southern Democrats most directly affected African Americans?



Cutting all taxes for landowners



Using fear and violence for political gain


Fugitive slave act of 1793

1. PART A: Which of the following best summarizes a
central idea of the text?

A. Slavery has always been a controversial and
divided issue in the United States.

B. Southern states, which were the majority slave-
holding states, held great influence in Congress
and their legislation.

C. Runaway slaves were considered fugitives and
could then be hunted down, arrested, and

D. America allowed slaveholders to run wild all over
the country and the free states in search of their
missing slaves.


According to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, C. Runaway slaves were considered fugitives and  could then be hunted down, arrested, and  retrieved.

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793:

Labeled those who ran away from enslavement as fugitives Provided for the enslaved person's arrest and retrievementMade children born under slavery the property of their mother's owner

The Fugitive Slave Act essentially said that if an enslaved person escaped, they could be declared criminals and hunted down.

Northern states came up with laws that required evidence of identity before an enslaved person could be rearrested to protect Black people.

In conclusion, the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 ensured that any enslaved person who escaped slavery would have to be vigilant for the rest of their lives.

Find out more at

Name two advances that helped Sumerian civilization expand.



Two advances that are important for Sumerian civilizations are development of written letter and development of irrigational system.


Sumerian civilization is one of the world's first civilization where first countries and political organization emerged. Created in the valley of Tigris and Euphrates, this civilization developed irrigational system that enabled people to create more permanent settlement in that area and to develop agriculture. On the other side, the development of written letter enabled the creation of certain institutions that enabled easier functioning of the city-states that were created there.

The Panama Canal was built as part of a treaty between the US and Columbia. True Or False


Answer: True




Which answer best describes the portion of the chart labeled M?

© 2011 FLVS (4 points)

The president presents drafts of bills to the House of Representatives and the Senate.
The president appoints subcommittees to review bills from the House of Representatives and the Senate.
President receives bills from Congress which he approves or vetoes.
The president reviews vetoed bills from Congress and can override the vetoes.



President recieves bills from congress which he approves or vetoes.


1st: the bill starts as an idea either from the citizens, the President, or the lobbyist.

2nd: the is introduced by a member of the congress. So, the idea is now a bill

3rd: then it will go to committee and they talk about the bill and they think if it is fine then it goes to the next step.

4th: then the bill goes to either the House of Reps. Or the Senate.

5th: then one of the houses vote on the bill.

6th: then the bill goes to the next house where they vote again.

7th: then the bill passes the congress and goes to the president who could either sign or veto it.

8th: if the president signs it then the bill become a law, but if he vetoes it then it is going back to the two houses were the bill has to get 2/3rds vote in each house to become a law.


C: President receives bills from Congress which he approves or vetoes.


Congress sends the approved bill to the president. The president signs the majority of passed bills into law. However, the president may choose to veto the bill. Congress may override the president's veto with a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate. If the override succeeds, the bill becomes law. Congress considers the president's views throughout the process to prevent a veto.

All the states had to ratify the Article of Confederation before the new government could take effect.


Unlike the current Constitution, all thirteen states had to approve the Articles before it would be in effect.

What caused the Boston tea party?


Answer: In simplest terms, the Boston Tea Party happened as a result of “taxation without representation”, yet the cause is more complex than that. The American colonists believed Britain was unfairly taxing them to pay for expenses incurred during the French and Indian War.


The overtaxing of the tea and British made items, led the colonists to dump thousands of tea into the harbour, resulting in the "Boston Tea Party"

The term "No Taxation without Representation comes from this act. It describes a populace that is required to pay taxes to a government authority without having any say in that government's policies. The term has its origin in a slogan of the American colonials against their British rulers.

Nick stole a car and was chased by the police and later arrested. He was told
he didn't have to speak if he didn't want to and that he would have a speedy
and public trial by jury. HOWEVER, when the trial
happened, he found out
that he had to represent himself and no one would help him.

What 6th amendment right was violated?

- Right to a lawyer
- Right to due process
- Right to remain silent
- Right to joyriding


Answer: A



- Right to a lawyer


The 6th amendment means the right to a lawyer, the right to a public trial, right to an impartial judge and some other things that I can't remember.

Could I please have BRAINLIEST?

plz help 15 pts and i’ll give y brainliest

What was thr major limitation of DC? How would AC fix it?



Since high voltages are more efficient for sending electricity great distances, AC electricity has an advantage over DC. This is because the high voltages from the power station can be easily reduced to a safer voltage for use in the house. ... This device uses properties of AC electromagnets to change the voltages


2. What part of the Preamble to the Constitution means that the states will unite better than when they were under the Articles of Confederation?

A. Establish justice
B. Ensure national tranquility
C. provide for common defense
D. form a more perfect union





It’s definitely A i’m done with this unit already
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