Myths often address a duality. Which is the best example of a duality?
A.youth and beauty
B.strength and weak
C.fruits and vegitable and order​


Answer 1


B: strength and weak


I got the question right on the assignment.

Answer 2


B is correct on edg


Related Questions

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Based on this part of the soliloquy, which best describes Hamlet's perception of life? He believes that life is too long and boring. He believes that life is fun and interesting. He believes that life is full of pain and suffering. He believes that life is full of joy and excitement.



He believes that life is full of pain and suffering


From the excerpt in this question, hamlet believes that life is full of pains and also suffering. The man had lost his dad, not long after his death his mother had remarried and he is fully sad. He feels like everything is sad and nothing feels right so he shouldn't still be living. He had thoughts of taking his own life but he doesn't follow through with it.

What do you know about letters? What is the first thing you think of when
you think of a letter? Is a letter personal or impersonal? Why would
someone write a letter?


When you think of a letter it makes think of people trying to contact you in a different way. You would think the letter is impersonal someone would write a letter again to communicate with you.

Hope this helps.

a letter is a written form of communication.

the first thing I think when i think of a letter is a stamp, envelope and something to read.

a letter is categorized into personal and impersonal(which is formal)

reasons for writing a letter;

asking for a jobwell wishinginquiry on formal issuesresigninggreetingslove addressformal complaints

basiclly a letter is a form of communication that can be elaborate,funny,open as wished when sent to friends and families but can be formal,authorized and improvised when it's impersonal and is sent to a titled person.




Talk back to my mom


Answer:climbed on top of sanafe highschool

Explanation: i spelt sanafe wrong

The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?





The more there is the less you see. What is it? Darkness. There more darkness there is, the less you can see.

To evaluate a piece of media means to

express the main idea in a clear and specific way.
disseminate the contents to a wide audience.
judge the purpose and message in a thoughtful way.
communicate the information to a group of people.



judge the purpose and message in a thoughtful way.


express the main idea in a clear and specific way – this is not the right answer. Evaluation is more complex and analytical than just the main idea.

disseminate the contents to a wide audience – this is not the right answer. Evaluation of the message doesn’t concern spreading it.

judge the purpose and message in a thoughtful waythis is the correct answer. Media is used to convey a certain message through some of the tools (radio, TV, internet, etc.) Therefore, its evaluation concerns seeing the message and analyzing it, giving the judge of it at the end. This includes possible critics or praise for the message, ways of conversion, tools, etc.

communicate the information to a group of people – this is an incorrect answer. Evaluation, as said before, does not concern the spreading of the information.

Answer: Option C

(C) judge the purpose and message in a thoughtful way.


What happened to John Smith on his way to Jamestown?



Smith was severely injured by a gunpowder explosion in his canoe, and he sailed to England for treatment in mid-October 1609. He never returned to Virginia. Colonists continued to die from various illnesses and disease, with an estimated 150 surviving that winter out of 500 residents.

Part D
What characterizes this poem as a work from the age of reason?


Not sure need more info

What’s the theme for daughter of invention


Answer:The Theme is to adapt your surroundings and be an open person to change and others ideas.


Look at the image, read, and choose the correct sentence that goes with the image.

A deer by a secluded lake in the mountains

El lago grande y bonito está debajo de la playa donde el animal toma agua.
El viernes, tus padres pasan el día en el lago lejos de la ciudad.
Me encanta nadar en el lago dentro de la plaza de mi ciudad.
Tu hermano practica en el lago encima de la piscina de su casa.



A - El lago grande y bonito está debajo de la playa donde el animal toma agua.

This is 100% correct. This response trsnalted to english would be 'The big and beautiful lake is under the beach where the animal drinks water.'

Good luck!! xox

Answer: El lago grande y bonito está debajo de la playa donde el animal toma agua.


answer correctly you get brainiest


What’s the question

Answer: I don't know if theres any options but i would put:  In WW2 They had to suffer a lot they ran out of food a lot millions of lives dying and some of them didn't want to go but they still had to anyways.


I hope this help if theres options comment it to me ASAP.

Which question from When Birds Get Flu and Cows Go Mad by John DiConsiglio best summarizes the main problem that the author is addressing?

Can one animal cause a national health emergency?

How do you make a cow mad?

How could that happen?

And would it be worse next time?




Can one animal cause a national health emergency?


i did it on edge




Important quote from the character Curley and the importance of the quote, chapter 2 , “Of Mice and Men”



Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don't belong no place. . . . With us it ain't like that.


Read the excerpt from Little Women by Louisa May Which statement correctly identifies a transition used in Alcott. this excerpt and explains how it supports the reader? OThe words "on which the firelight shone" indicate a shift in place and help the reader determine where

The four young faces on which the firelight shone brightened at the cheerful words, but darkened again as Jo said sadly, "We haven't got Father, and shall not have him for a long time." She didn't say "perhaps the girls are.

The words "but darkened again" indicate a shift in never," but each silently added it, thinking of Father far away, where the fighting was. time and help the reader determine that it is nighttime.

The words "thinking of Father far away" indicate a shift in place and help the reader determine that the girls' father is in another location.

The words "where the fighting was" indicate a shift in time and help the reader determine that the action is moving from one time period to another.​






The correct answer is C., or "The words "thinking of Father far away" indicate a shift in place and help the reader determine that the girls' father is in another location."

In the passage, Too Tall gets injured and Kane volunteers to take his place as drummer. What effect does the author create for the reader through this timing of events?
anticipation that participation in the band will resolve Kane’s conflict
anticipate Kane's lack of joy playing with his own band
anticipate Kane's nightmares for not believing in his own band
anticipation about how participation in the band help Kane become more confident



it would be D

What can you infer about the identity of the “white speck whose sound has disturbed Old Musoni’s work?



The "white speck whose sound ha[s] disturbed" Old Musoni's work is an airplane.


At the beginning of the short story "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World," the character Old Musoni is working on his land, tilling the soil. However, the sound of a "white speck" distracts him. He looks up and sees the white speck quickly disappearing over the rim of the sky. We can already assume it is something of great speed, which can also produce noise loud enough to be heard by the man and to distract him. As the story proceeds, the identity of the white speck is made even clearer when it is described as a "white metal bird." The white speck was an airplane, whose sound reached Old Musoni in time for him to see it disappearing over the horizon.

What is the authors’ purpose in this passage?





Students in a social studies class were studying two different wars: the Korean War and the Vietnam War. During the prewriting phase for writing a comparison essay, they used the following t-chart. A 2 column t chart with several rows of blank entries. Column 1 is labeled Vietnam War. Column 2 is labeled Korean War. How will the information under the title "Korean War” differ from the information under the title "Vietnam War”?



It will only show information about the Korean war.


I took the quiz and got 100%.

The answer is "A" because it is a T Chart


this other dude is lying he just wants likes

Change the sentences to past simple and past continuous.
Ex: We write on the newspaper every day.
We wrote on the newspaper every day.
We are writing on the newspaper every day.
He comes to school by bus.
I always walk to school.
I eat lunch in the cafeteria every day.
The children play in the park every afternoon.
Sue works very hard.


I was always walk to school
-I always walked to school.
-I am always walking to school.

I eat lunch in the cafeteria every day.
-I ate lunch in the cafeteria every day.
-I am eating lunch in the cafeteria everyday.

The children play in the park every afternoon.
-The children played in the park every afternoon.
-The children are playing in the park every afternoon.

Sue works very hard.
-Sue worked very hard
-Sue is working very hard.

Hope this helps!

Read the excerpt from "Opening Ceremonies of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge" by Hon. Seth Low, Mayor of the City of Brooklyn.

Brooklyn becomes available, henceforth, as a place of residence to thousands, to whom the ability to reach their places of business without interruption from fog and ice is of paramount importance. To all Brooklyn's present citizens a distinct boon is given. The certainty of communication with New York afforded by the Bridge is the fundamental benefit it confers.

Read the following summary of the excerpt.

It is great that the Brooklyn Bridge finally created new business opportunities by allowing the citizens of Brooklyn to easily commute to Manhattan.

Which of the following flaws can be found in this summary of the excerpt?

The summary gives the reader’s personal opinion.
The summary does not include the main idea.
The summary is written in the mayor’s words.
The summary includes unimportant details.





"it is great" indicates the readers personal opinion, which based on your other questions seems like what you don't want in a summary

Answer:A (gives personal opinion)


what does “He who is dizzy thinks the world is spinning.” in the taming of the shrew mean?




Summary of “the scoop on Disney the dirty laundry”


Answer: The operation is full service. Drivers pick up dirty laundry and return clean laundry to 260 locations at Disney on 13 pick-up routes. The facility is divided roughly in half - laundry on one side, dry-cleaning on the other. During a holiday week, the facility did 818,000 pounds of laundry.

Explanation: Have a blessed day hopefully this helped!

Next to the statues and the head, the slab seems unimpressive at first glance. It is roughly the size of a tabletop-three feet nine inches long, two feet four and a half inches wide, and eleven inches thick. But many experts would say that this rather small piece of rock was more valuable than any of the larger objects in the room. For it is the famed Rosetta Stone, which gave nineteenth-century scholars their first key to the secrets of ancient Egypt.

—The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone,
James Cross Giblin

Which statement is an opinion?

It is roughly the size of a tabletop . . .
[T]his rather small piece of rock was more valuable than any of the larger objects in the room.
Next to the statues and the head
three feet nine inches long, two feet four and a half inches wide, and eleven inches thick.





The other are all facts.

A. Is a fact and can be measured

C. The heads can be seen on the side in real

and finally D. Can be measured

Therefore it is B. It is an opinion because other people might think it is not the most valuable in the room.

Hope this helps!




[T]his rather small piece of rock was more valuable than any of the larger objects in the room.

d. "John had an accident.
Bidhya said that ......change into indirect reporting.


Bidhya said that John had an accident


bidhya said that john had an accident

When Ponyboy broke the news at home, how did the Greasers respond? Use quotes from the chapter in your explanation.


I see, are you reading outsiders?

Read the claim below.

The government should not use taxpayers' money to fund the arts.

Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.

The largest government arts program costs the average taxpayer only about

forty-five cents per year.

Private citizens, corporations, and foundations already spend billions of dollars

each year to support the arts.

The Federal Art Project was a government-funded program that employed

thousands of artists during the Great Depression.



Private citizens, corporations, and foundations already spend billions of dollars each year to support the arts.


The piece of evidence that best supports this claim is "Private citizens, corporations, and foundations already spend billions of dollars each year to support the arts".

Actually, who are the taxpayers? They are private citizens, corporations and foundations. That means if the government is using taxpayers' money to fund arts, indirectly it means that the billions of dollars spent each year to support arts are the monies of the private citizens, corporations and foundations. This then means that these private citizens, foundations and corporations are actually the ones supporting the arts through the taxes they pay.



Private citizens, corporations, and foundations already spend billions of dollars each year to support the arts.


Belived me I got this right

3. Choose the correct answer.
Over the mountain is a(n)
complex sentence
independent clause



phrase im pretty sure

4. Explain the significance of the following passage. Be sure to explain fully.
“He understood fully that he might actually be going to die; his arms, maintaining
his balance on the ledge, were trembling steadily now. And it occurred to him
then with all the force of a revelation that, if he fell, all he was ever going to have
out of life he would then, abruptly, have had. Nothing, then, could ever be
changed; and nothing more-no least experience or pleasure-could ever be added
to his life. He wished, then, that he had not allowed his wife to go off by herself
tonight-and on similar nights. He thought of all the evenings he had spent away
from her, working, and he regretted them. He thought wonderingly of his fierce
ambition and of the direction his life had taken; he thought of the hours he'd spent
by himself, filling the yellow sheet that had brought him out here. Contents of the
dead man's pockets, he thought with sudden fierce anger, a wasted life"(6-7).




SO, its simple 6s cowy on a bull froggy woggy so, pollu.

What’s the mood throughout stanzas 1-8 in the poem “the raven” if u answer I’ll give brainliest!!


"The Raven" stanzas 1-8 has a lot to unpack - but overall, the mood is very mysterious and somber. The narrator is hearing a knock at the door, and at first, is being rational about it. He goes from describing darkness to describing "the raven," who most likely represents a great loss or bad omen. The first 8 stanzas are setting the poem up to be pretty dark and gloomy.

CommonLit Poem:"Universal Declaration of Human Rights" Question: Part A: Which statement identifies the central idea of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?PLSS HELP ASAP LIKE RN
A) It identifies countries that have successfully protected human rights.
B) It declares which countries are guilty of denying their citizens human rights.
C) It describes rights and freedoms that are not protected by the United Nations.
D) It establishes and protects the rights and freedoms of people all over the world.


D. It estavlishes and protects the rights and freedoms of people all over the world.

The phrase that enumerates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights' main premise is given in option (D): "It establishes and protects the rights and freedoms of people all over the world."

What is the central idea of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

Its fundamental tenet is based on the assertion that, in accordance with Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a global agreement that was drafted in December 1948.

48 of the 58 United Nations members present at the time voted in favor of the Declaration.

All individuals around the world have their rights and freedoms established and safeguarded by this document.

It was created as a result of the horrific deeds committed during World War II, particularly in Germany under the Nazi government.

Therefore, option (D) is the central idea.

Check below to know about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;


Compare both passages below. What is the purpose of each passage? How does each passage use supporting details to support its specific purpose?
Passage 1:
Your next tablet should be the upcoming G2 tablet, which is hitting stores this Thursday. Tired of the slow, glitchy performance of your old, tired tablet? Sick of having to install update after update, patch after patch, only to deal with the same subpar performance? Frustrated with the lack of exciting, useful apps for your tablet? Treat yourself to the new G2 tablet, on sale Thursday at all A-Mart locations near you!

Passage 2:
The new G2 tablet is seven inches tall, five inches wide, and a half-inch thick. It uses the Roboto operating system, which will allow many popular apps and programs to run on the machine. Most people bring their G2 tablets on the train or bus and take advantage of the included Wi-Fi card. This convenient, portable, and useful device will help users run their lives while running their errands. The G2 tablet is available for purchase at A-Mart starting this Thursday.



Passage 1 and passage 2 are similar because both passages are promoting the new G2 tablet, They're different because passage 1 talks about the cons of your old tablet while passage 2 only talks about the pros of the G2 tablet. The purpose of both passages are to promote/endorse the G2 tablet. Passage 1 uses supporting details by saying "tired of the slow, glitchy performance of your old, tired tablet? " and backs it up by using examples of the cons of your old tablet as supporting details. Passage 2 uses supporting details by saying ''This convenient, portable, and useful device will help users run their lives while running their errands." and backs that statement up by telling the reader the pros of the tablet using that as supporting details.


Other Questions
2. If Mrs. Esposito drove 585 miles to North Carolina in 9 hours, what speed was she driving? (miles per hour) a. 55 mph b. 60 mph c. 58.5mph d. 65mph Please help!__________ were at the top of the social order within Sumerian city-states.A. PriestsB. ArtistsC. GodsD. Kings (x - 3)? > -3(x + 2) for x = 3 It will make my life if you help me with this forealzez What is the range of the function graphed below? explain the relation between cell tissue organ and system Which of the following best describes the Articles of Confederation?A. document outlining how the British government ignored the colonies' rightsB. The first plan for the government of the original thirteen statesC. John Locke's writings on the separation of government powerD. James Madison's document outlining the principles of the US government 13. Which of the following is NOT an example of verbal irony?(1 Point)O A left hand person is called a "Lefty"O A tall person is called a "Shorty"An arrogant criminal gets caught/O A best selling writer's latest novel is a flop. 1. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build) had built. 2. He (not / be) ______ to Cape Town before 1997. 3. When she went out to play, she (do / already) ______ her homework. 4. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make) ______. 5. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put on) ______ six weeks before. 6. The waiter brought a drink that I (not / order) ______. 7. I could not remember the poem we (learn) ______ the week before. 8. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall) ______ from the tree. 9. (he / phone) ______ Angie before he went to see her in London? 10. She (not / ride) ______ a horse before that day What is the mass of a car if 4500N of force is used to accelerate it at a rate of 3.0m/s? please help am confused due soon please help what is the scientific name for powdered pepper A speaker says:You know, you could've finished your project if you hadn't gone to play at your friend's house A grocery store sells cheese for $0.48 a pound. What would be the price for 6 pounds of cheese? Help me !!! Solve: 3b 2 = 7 what are some of the factors contributing to which candidate wins a presidential election? Find the remainder when f(x) is divided by g(x) given that f(x) = 4x3 5x2 3x + 2 and g(x) = x 3. What did we learn about the character Curley in chapter 2 and why is it important to the story (Of mice and men)? Explain Which of the following statements is FALSE?a.Colonel Jos de las Piedras was sent by the Mexican government to monitor the activities in Texas after the Fredonian Revolt.b.Samuel Norris was the son-in-law of Haden Edwards and was voted into the position of alcalde for the Nacogdoches colony. c.Martin Parmer helped the Edwards brothers take over an old stone fort in Nacogdoches where they wrote a Declaration of Independence.d.Peter Ellis Bean negotiated with Cherokee leaders on behalf of the Mexican government prior to the Fredonian Revolt..