n 1895, which country experienced a border dispute that nearly resulted in war between the united states and great britain


Answer 1

In 1895, the country that experienced a border dispute that nearly resulted in war between the United States and Great Britain was Venezuela.

The dispute, known as the "Venezuelan Crisis of 1895," arose over the border between Venezuela, a South American country, and British Guiana, a British colony located in present-day Guyana. The border between the two territories had long been a source of contention, with Venezuela claiming that the border had been wrongly demarcated by a treaty between Great Britain and the Netherlands in 1893.

In 1895, Venezuela sought the support of the United States in its dispute with Great Britain, invoking the Monroe Doctrine, a U.S. foreign policy principle that stated that the Western Hemisphere was to be considered as part of the U.S. sphere of influence, and that European powers should not interfere in the region. The United States, under President Grover Cleveland, responded by expressing concern and asserting that the dispute should be resolved peacefully.

To learn more about Venezuela, visit here



Answer 2

In 1895, the border dispute between the United States and Great Britain took place in Venezuela. The dispute was over the boundary between British Guiana (now Guyana) and Venezuela. The United States, under President Grover Cleveland, took Venezuela's side and threatened Britain with military action. However, with the intervention of third-party countries and the fear of a wider conflict, the two sides agreed to arbitration, and the dispute was eventually resolved peacefully.

The United States, under the leadership of President Grover Cleveland, adopted a policy of mediation and called on Great Britain to agree to arbitration to resolve the dispute. After some initial resistance, Great Britain agreed to arbitration, and the dispute was eventually resolved through negotiations that led to the establishment of a new boundary between Venezuela and British Guiana.

The Venezuela Crisis of 1895 was an important moment in the history of US foreign policy, as it demonstrated the country's willingness to challenge European powers in the Western Hemisphere and to use diplomacy to resolve disputes. It also marked a significant step in the development of international law and the use of arbitration to resolve conflicts between nations.

For more question on arbitration



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What are 3 ways Interest Groups monitor and influence government i dont have any answer chooses



Interest groups are organizations that seek to influence public policy on behalf of their members or supporters. There are several ways in which interest groups monitor and influence government, including:

Lobbying: One of the main ways in which interest groups influence government is through lobbying, which involves attempting to persuade government officials to take a particular action or adopt a particular policy. Lobbyists may meet with government officials, provide them with information and research, and make arguments in favor of their organization's position.Campaign contributions: Interest groups may also seek to influence government through campaign contributions, which can be used to support political candidates who are sympathetic to the group's interests. By providing financial support to political candidates, interest groups can help to ensure that their concerns are taken into account when policy decisions are made.Grassroots mobilization: Another way in which interest groups can influence government is through grassroots mobilization, which involves organizing and mobilizing ordinary citizens to support the group's goals and put pressure on government officials. Grassroots mobilization may involve tactics such as protests, letter-writing campaigns, and social media campaigns, and can be particularly effective in raising public awareness and influencing public opinion on an issue.

who lived around 1680 A. D. ?


Here are some examples of notable figures who lived around 1680 A.D.:

Isaac Newton, the English physicist and mathematician who is widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists in history, was born in 1643 and was still alive in 1680.

Louis XIV, the King of France who reigned for 72 years and is often referred to as the "Sun King," was born in 1638 and was still reigning in 1680.

William Penn, the English Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania in America, was born in 1644 and was actively involved in colonial affairs in 1680.

Aphra Behn, the English playwright, poet, and novelist, was born around 1640 and was a prominent writer in the late 17th century.

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, the Dutch scientist who is credited with inventing the microscope and making important discoveries in microbiology, was born in 1632 and was still active in his research in 1680.

These are just a few examples, and there were many other important figures in various parts of the world during this time period.


Please Help With This


1. We can see here that completing the sentences, we have:

a. The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain with American Indians fighting for both sides.

b. The war began because U.S. ships trading in Europe were being seized.

c. In the south, only the Creek fought the United States.

d. Only the Native American tribes lost territory because of the war.

What is War of 1812?

The War of 1812 was a conflict fought between the United States and Great Britain from June 1812 to February 1815. It is also known as the Second War of Independence or the Anglo-American War. The war was primarily fought over maritime rights and territorial expansion, with the United States seeking to expand its territory into Canada and Great Britain attempting to maintain its control over North America.

2. Completing the table, we have:

Battle                                  Location                                              Year

1. Ft. Dearborn          Illinois Territory, near Lake Michigan        1812

2. Thames River       Upper Canada, near Lake Erie                   1813

3. Lake Champlain    Mississippi Territory                                    1814

3. Numbering the events from first to last.

1. Battle of Tippecanoe

2. Washington, D.C., is burned.

3. Battle of New Orleans

4. York is burned.

5. Treaty of Ghent is signed.

6. "Star Spangled Banner" is written.

4. a. The statement "Only American Indians who fought for the British were removed" is false. In fact, all Native American tribes were subject to removal, regardless of their allegiance during the American Revolution or any other conflict.

b. The statement "Reservation lands were located west of the Mississippi River" is true. After being forcibly removed from their ancestral lands, many Native American tribes were relocated to designated reservation lands in Indian Territory, which was located west of the Mississippi River.

c. The statement "American Indians accepted the removal" is false. Many Native Americans resisted relocation and removal, leading to numerous conflicts and battles between tribes and the U.S. government.

Learn more about War of 1812 on https://brainly.com/question/14301560


Good listening does not require giving advice or commentary.


Please help 20 points


True. Good listening involves actively paying attention to the person who is speaking without interrupting or judging them. It involves showing empathy and understanding, and allowing the person to express themselves fully without feeling rushed or judged. Giving advice or commentary may not always be helpful, and can sometimes make the person feel invalidated or dismissed. Therefore, good listening involves being present and attentive, and allowing the person to share their thoughts and feelings without feeling the need to offer solutions or opinions.




True. Good listening involves giving the speaker your full attention and allowing them to express themselves without interruption or judgment. It is not necessary to give advice or commentary, as this can sometimes distract from the speaker's message and make them feel invalidated. Instead, good listening often involves reflecting back on what the speaker has said, asking clarifying questions, and showing empathy and understanding. The focus should be on understanding the speaker's perspective and feelings, rather than on providing solutions or opinions.

Match the following. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column.

1 .
Paul said of him, For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare.
2 .
that which is necessary; something indispensable.
3 .
was urged to take heed and fulfill his ministry
4 .
zeal without this is useless
5 .
declares that a man's gift makes room for him
6 .
one of the ministry gifts God has placed in the Church
7 .
his gift brought him before great men
8 .
records the parable of the talents
9 .
records the parable of the pounds
10 .
In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy.
11 .
said we should grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (need help fast)


1. Proverbs - declares that a man's gift makes room for him.

2. Archippus - was urged to take heed and fulfill his ministry.

3. Daniel - something indispensable.

What are the Proverbs?

The Proverbs are a book of the Bible that contains a collection of wise sayings and teachings. The book of Proverbs is part of the Old Testament and is traditionally attributed to King Solomon, who is believed to have authored or collected many of the sayings contained in the book.

The Proverbs offer practical wisdom on a variety of topics, including ethics, morality, relationships, personal conduct, and the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. The book is structured as a series of short sayings, each offering a nugget of wisdom that can be applied to everyday life.


4. Paul - zeal without this is useless.

5. Timothy - Paul said of him, "For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare."

6. Peter - one of the ministry gifts God has placed in the Church.

7. Requisite - that which is necessary.

8. Matthew - records the parable of the talents.

9. Knowledge - records the parable of the pounds.

10. Teacher - In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy.

11. Luke - said we should grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

To know more about spirit, visit:



the swing era took place during which two important historical events?


The Swing Era took place during the Great Depression (1929-1939) and World War II (1939-1945), which were two important historical events. This period was marked by the popularity of swing music and dance, providing a sense of escapism and joy amidst challenging times.

The Great Depression was a severe economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted for over a decade. It was triggered by a stock market crash in October 1929 and was characterized by high unemployment, widespread poverty, and a decline in economic activity across the world. The Depression had a devastating impact on people's lives, with many losing their jobs, homes, and savings. Governments struggled to find effective solutions, with many countries implementing protectionist policies that ultimately worsened the crisis. The Great Depression is seen as a defining moment in the history of modern economics and played a major role in shaping economic policies in the decades that followed.

Learn more about Great Depression here:



The Swing Era took place during two important historical events: the Great Depression and World War II. The era began in the early 1930s and continued into the mid-1940s, coinciding with these significant periods in history.

The Great Depression, which lasted from 1929 to 1939, was an economic downturn marked by high unemployment rates, a decline in global trade, and overall economic hardship. During this time, the Swing Era provided a much-needed escape for people through its lively and upbeat music.

Big bands led by notable musicians like Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and Benny Goodman became popular, and swing dancing became a widespread social activity. The music and dance allowed people to temporarily forget their financial struggles and enjoy a sense of camaraderie.

World War II, which occurred between 1939 and 1945, was a global conflict involving most of the world's nations, including the major powers of the United States, the Soviet Union, and Germany. During this time, the Swing Era continued to thrive, with the music serving as a morale booster for both soldiers and civilians.

Radio broadcasts of big band performances helped to maintain a sense of unity and patriotism, and USO shows featuring swing music and dancing entertained troops stationed overseas.

In conclusion, the Swing Era took place during the Great Depression and World War II, serving as a source of entertainment and relief during these challenging times. Its lively music and dance provided a sense of escape, unity, and patriotism, which contributed to its widespread popularity and enduring influence on subsequent generations.

To know more about World War II refer here



Which of the following actions were NOT taken by Germany in the years leading up to World War II?
A. Creating an air force
C. Attacking and controlling the African country of Ethiopla
B. Increasing the size of its army through conscription
D. Sending troops into the demilitarized Rhineland



Option C, attacking and controlling the African country of Ethiopia, was NOT taken by Germany in the years leading up to World War II.

While Germany did create an air force (option A), increase the size of its army through conscription (option B), and send troops into the demilitarized Rhineland (option D) during the 1930s, it did not directly attack and control Ethiopia. However, Germany did provide military support to fascist Italy during Italy's invasion of Ethiopia in 1935-1936, and the conflict was seen as a precursor to World War II.

according to the dynamic systems perspective, development of a reorganized, more effectively functioning system results from ________.


According to the dynamic systems perspective, the development of a reorganized, more effectively functioning system results from the interplay between multiple factors

Interaction with the environment: The dynamic systems perspective emphasizes that development is influenced by the continuous interactions between individuals and their environment. Through these interactions, individuals actively engage with their environment, adapt to challenges, and acquire new skills and abilities.

Self-organization: Development is seen as a process of self-organization, where the individual's system reorganizes and adapts in response to internal and external changes. This self-organization allows for the emergence of more complex and effective ways of functioning.

Feedback loops: Feedback loops, which involve receiving information from the environment or internal processes, play a crucial role in the development of a reorganized system. Feedback helps individuals to adjust and refine their actions, allowing for more effective functioning over time.

Overall, the dynamic systems perspective emphasizes the complex and dynamic nature of development, highlighting the continuous interplay between various factors that contribute to the emergence of a reorganized and more effectively functioning system.

To learn more about dynamic systems, visit here



According to the dynamic systems perspective, the development of a reorganized, more effectively functioning system results from the interaction and integration of various components within the system.

According to the dynamic systems perspective, the development of a reorganized, more effectively functioning system results from the continuous interaction and adaptation of multiple subsystems and components within the system. These subsystems and components work together in a complex and nonlinear manner, constantly influencing and being influenced by each other to produce new patterns of functioning and behaviour. This process of self-organization and emergent order is what drives development and change in dynamic systems.

Learn more about the emergent here: brainly.com/question/30019251


What impacted the African continent the most from the end of the nineteenth century through the early twentieth century? a. European imperialism b. The spread of Islam c. The end of colonial empires d. The transatlantic slave trade


European imperialism affected the African continent the most from the end of the Nineteenth century through the early twentieth century.  Thus, option A is correct.

During this time period, European dominion countries like Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, and Italy, contested for control over African colonies for Scramble for Africa for slavery. The continent was split among European powers through various deals, like Berlin Conference, racial, etc.

This period of European imperialism held deep and enduring results on the African continent, including the removal of African societies, the exploitation of natural resources, the imposition of European political and monetary systems, and the organization of colonial rule that survived until the mid-20th century.

To learn more about European imperialism



What contrasts does source 7 draw China and Europe


The differences in prevailing values, economies, demographics, technology, commerce, and politics between China and Europe.

What is contrasts?

To compare or set off dissimilar things or objects in order to emphasize their differences is to use contrast. It can also be used to describe how clearly one object or another differs from another. Contrast, which can be a verb or a noun, is frequently used to contrast and show the differences between two or more objects.

The cultural beliefs and traditions of Europe and China are in contrast, which might make it difficult to cooperate politically or in business. Additionally, there are sectors where China and Europe may cooperate and complement one another, as in commerce and investment.

Learn more about on contrasts, here:



Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was.

What contrasts does between China and Europe? Given these differences, which region would likely be more motivated to maintain the status quo (keep things as they are)? Why?​

"Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing."
- George Orwell, 1984
Consider this quote from Orwell's book, 1984. Describe at least 3 things Totalitarian regimes typically do to make this an accurate quote.


To shape and control people's minds and opinions, totalitarian regimes frequently regulate information, utilize propaganda to sway public opinion, and repress opposition using monitoring and censorship.

What is the fundamental idea of power?

The capacity a person has to affect another person's behavior is referred to as power. One person exerts influence over another in order to get them to do what the influencing person wants.

What is the key phrase from 1984?

They won't rebel before they become conscious, and they won't become conscious until they have rebelled.

To know more about totalitarian visit:



Explain what the Little Rock school desegregation crisis was about and then explain what finally led to the integration of the Little Rock central and Arkansas schools .



Here ya go

Explanation:The Little Rock school desegregation crisis was a significant event in the Civil Rights Movement that occurred in 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. The crisis began when the Little Rock School Board adopted a plan to desegregate the city's schools in compliance with the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, which declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional. However, the plan was met with resistance from some members of the white community who opposed integration and wanted to maintain the segregation of the schools.

On September 4, 1957, nine African American students, known as the "Little Rock Nine," attempted to enroll at Little Rock Central High School, which had previously been an all-white school. However, they were met with a violent mob of white protesters who physically blocked them from entering the school. The Arkansas National Guard was sent in by Governor Orval Faubus to prevent the students from entering, citing concerns for their safety. President Dwight D. Eisenhower then ordered federal troops to intervene and enforce the integration of the school, leading to a standoff between federal troops and the National Guard.

After several weeks of tension and violence, the Little Rock Nine were finally able to attend classes at Little Rock Central High School under the protection of federal troops. The crisis brought national attention to the issue of desegregation and highlighted the resistance of some white Americans to the Civil Rights Movement.

The integration of the Little Rock Central and Arkansas schools was finally achieved through a combination of federal intervention, legal action, and activism by civil rights organizations and individuals. The Little Rock School District continued to face legal challenges to its desegregation efforts throughout the 1960s and 1970s, but the crisis served as a catalyst for the larger push towards desegregation and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed segregation in public schools and other public facilities. The Little Rock Nine and their supporters also paved the way for other African American students to attend integrated schools and helped to inspire further activism in the Civil Rights Movement.

1. estonia was an independent country until 1939 when stalin and hitler signed the molotov-ribbentrop pact that had a secret clause dividing europe between the two nations. soviet troops soon occupied estonia as a result of this pact. after the soviet troops invaded estonia there was one soviet solider for about how many estonians? group of answer choices 1 soviet solider for every 5 estonian 1 soviet solider for every 18 estonian 1 soviet solider for every 12 estonian 1 soviet solider for every 10 estonian


After the Soviet troops invaded Estonia in the 1940, there was approximately one Soviet soldier for every 12 Estonians.

What are troops?

Troops refer to a group of soldiers or military personnel organized and trained for combat, often under the command of a higher-ranking officer. These individuals are equipped with weapons and gear to carry out their duties, which may include defending their country, supporting allies, or engaging in offensive operations. Troops can be composed of various branches of the military, such as the army, navy, air force, or marines. They may be deployed to different locations within their own country or to foreign countries as part of a military mission. Troops undergo rigorous training to prepare them for the physical and mental demands of combat, including weapons training, physical fitness, and tactical strategy.

To learn more about troops, visit:



Identify two reasons that German leaders were unhappy after signing the Treaty of Versailles.



The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, imposed significant penalties and restrictions on Germany. Two reasons why German leaders were unhappy with the treaty are:

Reparations: The treaty required Germany to pay large sums of money in reparations to the Allied powers, as compensation for the damage caused by the war. The amount of the reparations was set at 132 billion gold marks, a sum that Germany could not afford to pay. The burden of the reparations payments placed a significant strain on the German economy, contributing to hyperinflation and economic instability in the years following the war.Territorial Losses: The Treaty of Versailles required Germany to cede significant territories to the Allied powers, including Alsace-Lorraine, which was returned to France, and parts of Germany's eastern territories, which were transferred to Poland. These territorial losses were seen as a humiliation by many Germans, as they felt that their national pride and identity had been compromised. The loss of territory also had economic consequences, as Germany lost access to valuable natural resources and industrial centers.

Overall, the Treaty of Versailles was a source of resentment and frustration for many Germans, who saw it as a harsh and unfair punishment for their country's role in the war. These grievances contributed to the rise of extremist political movements, such as the Nazi Party, which capitalized on popular discontent with the treaty and its aftermath.


Germany was blamed for causing world war I and they resented the reparations that Germany had to pay.

Hope it helped :D

according to the reading, what was the name of the person that built los angeles' first mass transit system?


The person who built Los Angeles' first mass transit system was Henry E. Huntington. Automobile-dependent To put together a well-balanced mass transit system.

Los Angeles has struggled. The Pacific Electric Railway (PE), a privately owned tram system built at the turn of the 20th century by real estate and railroad tycoon Henry E. Huntington, was once a source of pride for the city. To regulate highway and public transportation policies in LA county, the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission was established. The Metro Blue Line, Metro Green Line, and Metro Red Line were built by LACTC. The Los Angeles Cable Railway, which connected Westlake Park and Grand Avenue with Boyle Heights and East Los Angeles, was the city's biggest transit initiative. The last city line to switch to electrified rails was this one, which ultimately formed the Pacific Railway Company.

To know more about Pacific Railway Company refer :



what factors may have stymied industrial development in the south? multiple select question. the southern culture the booming agricultural economy the lack of raw materials the southern climate the lack of workers


I think the answer is A..

the truth in lending law of 1969 requires lenders to state the cost of borrowing as a specific amount so that consumers know exactly what the credit charges are. this is a one-word answer.


The Truth in Lending Act (TILA) of 1968 is a federal law designed to promote transparency and protect consumers in credit transactions. The key term you are looking for is "disclosure."

Disclosure refers to the process of providing borrowers with clear and concise information about the costs associated with obtaining credit. Under TILA, lenders are required to present the terms and conditions of a loan, including interest rates, finance charges, and payment schedules, in an easily understandable format.

This enables consumers to make well-informed decisions when comparing various credit offers and assessing the true cost of borrowing.

The main objective of the disclosure requirement is to prevent deceptive and misleading lending practices. By promoting transparency and standardization, TILA ensures that borrowers have access to essential information that helps them avoid entering into unfavorable credit agreements.

Additionally, the Act safeguards consumers from predatory lenders who may attempt to take advantage of their financial vulnerability.

In summary, the Truth in Lending Act of 1968, through its disclosure requirement, helps protect consumers by requiring lenders to clearly state the cost of borrowing. This empowers consumers to make informed decisions and fosters fair competition among credit providers.

For more such questions on Lending Act, click on:



a new period of international cooperation was entered with the signing of the __________ in san francisco in june 1945.


The new period of international cooperation that began after World War II was marked by the signing of the United Nations Charter in San Francisco in June 1945.

The Charter established the United Nations as an intergovernmental organization designed to promote peace, security, and cooperation among nations. It represented a significant departure from the isolationist policies of the pre-war era, emphasizing instead the importance of international cooperation and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.

The signing of the Charter marked the beginning of a new era of multilateralism, as nations came together to address a wide range of global challenges, including poverty, hunger, disease, and environmental degradation. The United Nations provided a framework for collective action, encouraging member states to work together to address these issues and promote sustainable development.

Over the years, the United Nations has played an important role in promoting peace and security around the world, mediating conflicts and supporting peacekeeping efforts in a wide range of countries. While the organization has faced its share of challenges and criticisms over the years, its impact on international cooperation and diplomacy cannot be overstated.

For more question on World War II



A new period of international cooperation was entered with the signing of the United Nations Charter in San Francisco in June 1945.

The United Nations Charter is a treaty signed by 50 countries in San Francisco on June 26, 1945, and entered into force on October 24, 1945. The Charter established the United Nations (UN) as an intergovernmental organization with the goal of promoting international cooperation and preventing future wars.

The Charter outlines the purposes and principles of the UN, including maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms, and promoting social and economic progress for all peoples. It also establishes the UN's organizational structure, which includes the General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court of Justice, and various other bodies.

To know more about United Nations (UN)



The Virginia Plan proposed to give more power to the national government, a bicameral legislature, and the number of both houses would be determined by population. True or false


True that the Virginia Plan proposed to give more power to the national government, a bicameral legislature, and the number of both houses would be determined by population.

What is Virginia Plan?

The Virginia Plan, proposed by James Madison during the Constitutional Convention in 1787, did indeed propose a strong national government with a bicameral legislature (two houses) and representation based on population. The plan was a departure from the Articles of Confederation, which gave more power to the states and had a unicameral legislature (one house) with equal representation for each state.

What is bicameral legislature?

A bicameral legislature is a type of government legislative body that consists of two separate chambers or houses. These two chambers typically have different roles and responsibilities within the legislative process, and they are often designed to provide checks and balances on each other's power. For example, in the United States, the bicameral legislature consists of the House of Representatives (based on population) and the Senate (two senators per state).

To know more about bicameral legislature, visit:



The postage stamp on the left shows a committee of the Second Continental
Congress drafting the Articles of Confederation.
Why did this committee create a weak central government?
A. to encourage more trade between states
5. to preserve the powers of the individual states
C to promote national security against foreign invasion
to permit the taxation of citizens to pay the nation's debts


Correct answer is D. To allow citizens to settle their debts through taxes.  The Articles established a loose confederation of independent states with a meagre central administration that delegated most authority to the member governments.

Why this committee created a weak central government?

The purpose of the Articles of Confederation was to keep the national government as weak as possible and the states as strong as possible due to the widespread fear of a strong central government at the time they were written and the strong loyalty of Americans to their own state during the American Revolution.

The Articles of Confederation's flaws became obvious over time; state governments eager to hold onto their authority accorded Congress little respect and provided little assistance. Without the willing cooperation of the states, Congress was unable to generate money, control commerce, or pursue foreign policy.

The Articles established a loose confederation of independent states with a meagre central administration that delegated most authority to the member legislatures. A larger federal government was soon required, which prompted the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

Learn more about weak central government:



a series of arches placed back to back produces


Answer: A Barrel Vault


How do radical religions play an impact in a global genocide according to this reading? How could we counteract this idea of hate? Explain (ww2)


Radical religions is the process by which someone begins to hold radical opinions and, in some situations, eventually joins terrorist organisations or commits terroristic acts.

What are the four different religions?

More over 77% of the world's population belongs to one of the following four religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, or Buddhism; 92% of people worldwide identify as atheists; as a result, the other 9,000+ faiths account for only 8% of the world's population as a whole.

What is a radical Christian doctrine?

This is a catch-all category for Christians who engage in political radicalism, or for Christians who work with other groups or individuals to change social structures and value systems through revolution or other means.

To know more about Radical religions visit :-



I want all the Answer's to The Achieve article Roman Engineering Ingenuity


Romans are renowned for their amazing technical accomplishments, including their magnificent aqueducts, roads, bridges, and tunnels. Their buildings, many of which are still standing today, are evidence of their great engineering abilities and creativity.

What is Roman Engineering?

Special engineering units, led by architects (engineers) from a class of soldiers known as immunes as they were excused from or, literally, immune from, ordinary duties, were in charge of building the camps. These units included specialists of various sorts and were made up of engineers of various specialties.

Because of their reliance on technology obtained from the Greeks, Etruscans, Celts, and others, the Romans were able to advance their technology to high heights. Even with restricted power sources, the Romans were able to construct some amazing buildings that are still standing today.

The Romans valued transportation by land so highly that they planned and constructed 29 roads connecting cities. The iconic Colosseum is one of the most impressive buildings that can be linked to Roman engineering and is readily recognizable to many people.

learn more about Roman Engineering:



the battles of trenton and princeton in late 1776 and early 1777 __________.


The Battles of Trenton and Princeton in late 1776 and early 1777 significantly boosted American morale and momentum during the American Revolutionary War.

Since the 1870s, the town's economy was tied to the Trenton Works factory and its predecessors which occupies a large property along the East River of Pictou. This factory closed permanently in 2016[4] after various incarnations as a steel fabrication, railcar fabrication, and wind turbine tower fabrication facility. Since the late 1960s, the town has also been host to the Trenton Generating Station. Other large employers in the past have included a paint manufacturer (Tibbett's Paints) as well as a glass works (Trenton Glass). The town's economy is undergoing a transition to a post-industrial tertiary/service economy. Major employers in the region are located outside the town, namely a Michelin Tire factory in Granton and an Asia Pulp & Paper (Paper Excellence Canada) pulp mill in Abercrombie.

Learn more about Trenton here:



The battles of Trenton and Princeton in late 1776 and early 1777 were significant turning points in the American Revolution.

After a series of losses, the Continental Army led by General George Washington was able to achieve two critical victories against the British army. The surprise attack on the Hessian troops in Trenton on December 26, 1776, boosted morale among American troops and convinced many soldiers to reenlist in the army.

In the battle of Princeton on January 3, 1777, the Continental Army was able to defeat the British army, which had been previously considered.

These two battles proved that the Continental Army was a formidable opponent and could stand up against the British army. It also led to an increase in support from the American public and from foreign nations, such as France.

The victories at Trenton and Princeton gave the Continental Army a much-needed boost and provided a glimpse of hope for the American Revolution's eventual success.

For more question on American Revolution



The belief, strongly held by Herbert Hoover and others, that hard work and individual effort, absent government interference, comprised the formula for success in the U.S.


The belief, strongly advocated by Herbert Hoover and others, emphasizes that hard work and individual effort, without government interference, are key components for achieving success in the U.S.

Herbert Hoover, who served as President of the United States from 1929 to 1933, was a strong advocate of rugged individualism. He believed that the government should not interfere with the free market and that individuals should take responsibility for their own economic well-being. Hoover's policies during the Great Depression reflected this ideology, as he initially opposed direct federal relief to the unemployed and instead favored voluntary efforts by private charities and local governments to address the crisis. However, the severity of the Great Depression and the failure of Hoover's policies to address the economic crisis led to a shift in public opinion towards greater government intervention. This culminated in the New Deal policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which emphasized the importance of government action in promoting economic recovery and social welfare.

Learn more about ideology here:



what does robert putnam believe is the single most important consequence of the television revolution of the latter part of the 20th century?


Answer: What does Robert Putnam believe is the single most important consequence of the television revolution of the latter part of the 20th century? ((People stayed home and watch TV and have less interaction with others.))

Explanation: sorry if this isn't what your looking for!

but hope it helps at least a bit!

Compara el gen AMY22B entre perros y la especie que debió haber evolucionado para generar el perro domestico como lo conocemos (Canis familiaris )


The AMY22B gene is a type of amylase gene that is responsible for breaking down carbohydrates into sugars for energy.

In dogs, this gene is located on chromosome 39 and is responsible for the production of amylase in the pancreas. In the species that must have evolved to generate the domestic dog as we know it (Canis familiaris), this gene is located on chromosome 37 and is also responsible for the production of amylase in the pancreas.

The AMY22B gene is slightly different between the two species as the sequence of nucleotides is different. However, the gene is essentially the same, as it is responsible for the same function in both species.

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What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

Gave the United States independence from Great Britain
Ended World War I
Gave women the right to vote
Freed slaves in most Southern states


England, which had abolished slavery in its own territory, was effectively Emancipation Proclamation from joining the American conflict by Lincoln's intention to release.

What justification did the Emancipation Proclamation serve?

Lincoln defended the Emancipation Proclamation as a defensive move to weaken the Confederacy. Lincoln applied the Emancipation Proclamation solely to the Southern states that were in rebellion, being mindful of the boundaries of his power.

Why did the Emancipation Proclamation change the course of the war?

The Emancipation Proclamation was a significant turning point in the Civil War by shifting the conflict's focus from protecting the Union to a struggle for human freedom and by displacing a sizable labour force that may be advantageous to the Union.

To know more about Emancipation Proclamation visit :-



the national assembly a. freed all slaves living in france b. outlawed christianity c. established gender equality d. established deism as the sate religion e. outlawed workers' associations


The correct answer is A: the national assembly freed all slaves living in France. The National Assembly in France was responsible for the abolition of slavery in the French colonies in 1794.

Christianity was not outlawed by the National Assembly, and neither was deism established as the state religion. Gender equality was not established at this time, and workers' associations were not outlawed by the National Assembly. The National Assembly outlawed workers' associations. They did not free all slaves, outlaw Christianity, establish gender equality, or establish deism as the state religion. Romans adopt Christianity. The Edict of Thessalonica, which the emperor Theodosius issued in 380 CE, declared Nicene Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire. The Roman government declared the majority of other Christian sects to be heretical, stripped them of their legal standing, and seized their assets. Although they do not oppose the First Amendment or call for a theocracy, Christian nationalists do think that Christianity should have special privileges in public life.

To know more about National Assembly refer :



an association of unions based on industry rather than skill and joined by african americans in record numbers during world war ii is called?


The association of unions based on industry rather than skill and joined by African Americans in record numbers during World War II is called the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO).

The CIO was founded in 1935 and included unions representing workers in manufacturing, mining, transportation, and other industries. The CIO was committed to organizing industrial workers, including those who had previously been excluded from craft unions because of their race or ethnicity. During World War II, the CIO played a crucial role in the war effort by working to improve wages and working conditions for industrial workers and by supporting the production of war materials. The CIO merged with the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1955 to form the AFL-CIO, which remains the largest federation of unions in the United States today.

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The association of unions based on industry rather than skill and joined by African Americans in record numbers during World War II is called the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO).

The CIO was formed in 1935 and aimed to unite workers across different industries and trades to gain better working conditions and wages.

During World War II, African American workers faced discrimination and segregation in the workplace, but the CIO welcomed them and fought for their rights. The CIO also played a significant role in the Civil Rights Movement, supporting desegregation efforts and advocating for equal rights for all workers.

The CIO eventually merged with the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1955 to form the AFL-CIO, which remains one of the largest labor organizations in the United States today. The CIO's efforts and contributions to workers' rights and civil rights have left a lasting impact on American history.

For more question on World War II



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