n the text, supporters of segregation claimed that racial segregation was acceptable because the spaces and services blacks used were "separate, but equal" to those used by whites. Why was this not true? Is it possible to ever have "separate, but equal" spaces and services? Why or why not?


Answer 1

Answer: It is posible to have seperate but equal spaces and services because as long as the seperate area receive equal funding and pretty much every thing is the same aside from the race of people that go to daid places it would be equal while still separated. however if these institutions do not receive equal funding and have a large difference in the quality of equipment that would not be fair or equal separation.


Related Questions

what reforms did roosevelt support?


He actively supported the conservation movement and stressed the wise use of natural resources. He significantly enlarged the network of national forests and parks. After 1906, he shifted to the left, criticizing the wealthy and trusts while advocating for a welfare state and labor unions.


See explanation.


Roosevelt supported the conservation movement (efficient use of natural resources), his own "Square Deal" (fairness for all citizens, regulation of railroads, pure food and drugs), denouncing the rich, attacking trusts, proposing a welfare state, and supporting labor unions. He was a leader of the Progressive movement.

A New Kind of Library - Comprehension Ques
5. What is this passage mostly about?
A. how technology and computers changed the New York Public Library
B. how public libraries in cities across the United States function
C. how the New York Public Library has changed the way people use computers
D. how crowdsourcing can help many people become involved in a project

I need this today :(


The passage titled "A New Kind of Library" is mostly about how the New York Public Library (NYPL) has adapted to changes in technology and community needs.

What does the author notes ?

The author notes that while books and physical resources are still important, the NYPL has also become a hub for digital resources and technology training. The library's new initiatives include circulating Wi-Fi hotspots, offering coding classes, and creating a digital collection of maps and historical documents.

The passage also discusses the NYPL's use of crowdsourcing to improve access to its resources. Through its "What's on the Menu?" project, the library has asked the public to help transcribe thousands of historical menus. This project has not only made these resources more accessible but also engaged the public in the library's mission.

Overall, the passage demonstrates how public libraries like the NYPL are evolving to meet the changing needs of their communities. It highlights the importance of adapting to new technologies and engaging the public to create a more inclusive and accessible library experience.

to know more about historical documents, visit :




Describe how immigration affected the growth of industry in the North and religious differences in America.


Answer: Immigration has an impact on a country’s economy.

Explanation:  Studies have shown that when people move to the U.S. from other countries, they add to the economic growth of the country. Immigration can help lead to increased innovation, education, economic productivity, and more.

Unfortunately, however, immigration in the U.S. is long-rooted in part of the mistreatment of people and its impact on the nation’s economy is a topic that is still debated among lawmakers. Below, we’ll dive deeper into immigration in the U.S. and how it impacts the economy.

Throughout history, people from all over the world moved to the U.S. However, not all people who immigrated to the U.S. chose to do so, nor have they been treated with the same respect and human rights. For example, before the Civil War, many people from Africa and other continents and countries were enslaved and brought to the U.S. to work in poor conditions without rights. During World War II, Japanese-Americans were forced into internment camps where the government required them to live and stay for months with little privacy or rights. And even in the 21st Century, some people who have come to the U.S. have been forced to enter detention centers where living conditions are inhumane as well as medical care is lacking.

please give brainleist!!

What is the largest source of revenue for most states?
O A.
O B.
O C. sales taxes
O D. income taxes
inheritance taxes
property taxes





The Scientific Revolution changed the way people perceived the world around them. This shift in thought led to revolutions in pretty much every branch of science.

What kinds of sciences come to mind when thinking about the Scientific Revolution? Your assignment is to list three different areas of science that changed significantly in the Scientific Revolution. You are provided one example to get you started.

After you have come up with three areas of the sciences you will write three to four sentences on how these sciences contributed to the Scientific Revolution. Make sure you are going below the surface: who contributed and how they created change, what ideas were challenged, what questions did they want answered?

After you have completed your chart, you will need to choose one Great Thinker of The Scientific Revolution and explain in one complete paragraph how they challenged the norms of the time period. Be specific on what the accepted view was and how the person changed the way people thought about that norm. While this assignment can be completed without outside research, you will likely enjoy it more if you pick an area of science you are interested in and research it a bit to see how it came out of the Scientific Revolution.


Answer:I think is The Scientific Revolution changed the way people perceived the world around them. This shift in thought led to revolutions in pretty much every branch of science

Final answer:

During the Scientific Revolution, three areas of science that changed significantly were astronomy, physics, and medicine. These sciences challenged traditional beliefs, questioned accepted views, and sought to answer fundamental questions about the universe and the human body. Galileo Galilei, a Great Thinker of the Scientific Revolution, challenged the norm of the geocentric view of the universe and revolutionized astronomy through his support for heliocentrism and his use of the telescope.


During the Scientific Revolution, three areas of science that changed significantly were:

Astronomy: The discovery of heliocentrism by Nicolaus Copernicus challenged the prevailing geocentric view of the universe.Physics: Isaac Newton's laws of motion and universal gravitation revolutionized the understanding of motion and the forces that govern it.Medicine: The development of the scientific method by Francis Bacon influenced the approach to medical research and advancements in anatomy and physiology.

These sciences contributed to the Scientific Revolution by challenging traditional beliefs and encouraging empirical investigation. They questioned the accepted views of the time and sought to answer fundamental questions about the nature of the universe and the human body.

One Great Thinker of the Scientific Revolution was Galileo Galilei. He challenged the norm of the geocentric view of the universe by providing evidence for heliocentrism through his observations of the moons of Jupiter and the phases of Venus. His support for Copernican theory and his use of the telescope revolutionized astronomy and challenged the authority of the Catholic Church.

Learn more about Scientific Revolution here:



Lessons that can be learnt from the Gracchi brothers experience in our modern era



Compare and contrast vision statements with mission statements in terms of composition and importance

Answer for brainlist, How did America change between 1800 and 1850?


Between 1800 and 1860, the United States underwent a period of increased territorial expansion, immigration, economic growth, and industrialization.

Pick a side and argue in support of or against the New Deal. When doing this, take on the persona of someone who lived during the time. , if you are against the New Deal you can pretend to be a businessperson, banker, or a minority who has been hurt or left out by the New Deal's policies. If you are for the New Deal, you can pretend to be a small farmer or small businessperson who has been hurt by the Depression


Note that the Argument for New Deal as presented by a business owner  is given below.

The argument for New Deal

As a small business owner during the Great Depression, I fully support the New Deal. Before the New Deal, I struggled to keep my business afloat due to the economic hardships of the time.

With the introduction of programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Administration, jobs were created and people had money to spend, which helped boost the economy. The Social Security Act provided a safety net for those who were struggling, including myself and my employees.

Without the New Deal, I may have been forced to close my business, and my employees would have been left without jobs. Overall, the New Deal provided much-needed relief and hope during a difficult time in our nation's history.

Learn more about New Deal on:



Does afghanistan have a good base for democracy to be successful? why or why not


The answer is debatable, but many experts would argue that Afghanistan does not have a good base for democracy to be successful.

Afghanistan has a history of political instability, conflict, and weak institutions that have undermined its attempts at building a democratic system.The country's ongoing state of war and internal conflict has made it difficult to establish a stable and legitimate government that represents the interests of the Afghan people.Afghanistan's geography and ethnic diversity have posed challenges to the development of a unified and inclusive democratic system.The country is characterized by rugged terrain and a patchwork of ethnic and tribal groups, many of whom have their own distinct languages, cultures, and political affiliations.Afghanistan has struggled with issues such as corruption, nepotism, and the influence of powerful warlords, all of which have undermined the legitimacy of the government and eroded public trust in democratic institutions.

Overall, while the idea of democracy may have some appeal in Afghanistan, the country's political, social, and cultural context presents significant challenges to the development of a successful democratic system.

1. What was the goal of the Lend-Lease Act? (1 point)
O to force Axis countries to pay back loans to the U.S.
O to make money from loans to the Allies
O to stimulate the American economy and recover from the Great Depression
O to supply the Allies with materials to fight the war



O to supply the Allies with materials to fight the war


Following two months of debate, Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act, meeting Great Britain's deep need for supplies and allowing the United States to prepare for war while remaining officially neutral

what is the role of south Africans woman play were taken stand​


Women played a key role, encouraging the larger democratic movement to include women’s issues and fostering the leadership of women. The newly formed Federation of South African Women began organizing women of all races to fight together for equality. Before apartheid began in 1948 there were cases of women fighting racial oppression in South Africa. One important such process was on 23 September 1913. The main movements through which women expressed their growing political awareness in the 1930s were therefore the ANC, the CPSA and the trade union movement. It is only over the last three or four decades that women's role in the history of South Africa has, belatedly, been given some recognition. Previously the history of women's political organization, their struggle for freedom from oppression, for community rights and, importantly, for gender equality, was largely ignored in history texts. Not only did most of these older books lean heavily towards white political development to the detriment of studies of the history and interaction of whites with other racial groups, but they also focused on the achievements of men (often on their military exploits or leadership ability) virtually leaving women out of South African history.

100 POINTS!!!
Using what you have learned from class, write a letter to Louis XVI persuading him to take a certain
action before the country turns to revolution. You may write your letter from the perspective of any
class/estate. Be sure to include what specific actions Louis should take, as well as how you believe
this will benefit the country as a whole and keep them from turning to revolution.



Dear King Louis XVI,

As a member of the Third Estate, I am writing to you with great concern for the future of our country. The people are growing increasingly frustrated and disillusioned with the current state of affairs, and I fear that if action is not taken soon, we will be faced with a revolution that could have disastrous consequences for us all.

I implore you to take immediate action to address the issues facing our country. Specifically, I believe that you must make sweeping reforms to the tax system and provide greater representation to the Third Estate in government.

Currently, the burden of taxation falls disproportionately on the Third Estate, while the First and Second Estates are largely exempt. This is deeply unfair and contributes to the growing resentment and anger felt by the people. By implementing a fairer tax system, you will not only ease the burden on the Third Estate but also demonstrate your commitment to the welfare of all your subjects.

Taking these actions will demonstrate your commitment to the well-being of your subjects and go a long way towards easing tensions in the country. If we can work together to address the concerns of the people, we can prevent a revolution that could have dire consequences for us all.

I urge you to act quickly and decisively before it is too late.


[Your Name]

How might seeing a woman on the coin affect users over time? In a few sentences, write a reflection about this change. Be sure to use complete sentences.


The representation of women on currency can have a significant impact on people's perceptions and attitudes over time. By featuring women on coins, it can help to increase their visibility and recognition in society. It can also serve as a powerful symbol of gender equality and can challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes.

What is a coin?

A coin is a small, round piece of metal or plastic used as a medium of exchange in financial transactions. It typically features a design or image on one or both sides and has a denomination indicating its value.

Over time, this can help to normalize the presence and contribution of women in all areas of society, including politics, economics, and social life. Seeing a woman on a coin can also inspire young girls and women to strive for leadership positions and pursue their dreams, knowing that they too can leave a lasting impact on history.

Learn more about coin on https://brainly.com/question/1177475


What act created "homelands" for black South Africans? Prevention of Organized Crime Act Magistrates' Courts Act Bantu Authorities Act​




about onla dose

Answer: The Bantu Authorities Act created "homelands" for black South Africans.


Which of these inferences about Tom is best supported by the entire excerpt?

Answer choices for the above question

A. He cares most about making sure the fence job is done well.

B. He has a pre-planned strategy to fool the other boys.

C. He feels bad about tricking so many of his friends.

D. He didn’t really have any fun activities planned out for the day.
of the adventures of tom sawyer


If it's a kind of book or something like that, you'll have to put it here so we know how Tom's personality is. That'll be easier for someone to answer it.

California's early settlers came from

A- Europe

B- the eastern states

C- Asia

D- all of these




Explanation: the answer is c because all of those above are true

Giving brainliest to whoever answers this question correctly.

Please explain how the Enclosure and Crop Rotation paved the way for an agricultural Revolution.

(8-10 sentences)



How did crop rotation help agriculture?

This rotation of crops often has important production benefits, such as improving soil nutrients by incorporating nitrogen-fixing crops like soybeans, or improving soil organic matter by planting high-residue crops such as sorghum or many grasses

Enclosure is also considered one of the causes of the Agricultural Revolution. Enclosed land was under control of the farmer, who was free to adopt better farming practices. Following enclosure, crop yields and livestock output increased while at the same time productivity increased enough to create a surplus of labor.

Which characteristic best describes the hunter-gatherer societies during the
Paleolithic Era?
F Created cave art
G Made pottery
H Domesticated animals
J Developed agriculture


H I think is the answer…

Question 17
What was built on the land bought during the Gadsden Purchase?



Gadsden died before he could complete his railroad. The first transcontinental railroad was built farther north instead. A southern railroad across the land from the Gadsden Purchase was not completed until the 1880s.


State whether total revenue rises or falls in each of the following situations: A. Demand is elastic and price increases. B. Demand is inelastic and price decreases. C. Demand is elastic and price decreases. D. Demand is inelastic and price increases.


Total revenue is the total amount of money a seller can earn from offering clients goods or services. Hence, in the given situation: (A) Revenue decreases. (B) Revenue increases. (C) Revenue increases. (D) Revenue decreases.

What is revenue?

The whole amount of money a seller can make by providing goods or services to customers is known as total revenue.

The formula for this is P * Q, or the purchase price times the quantity of the products sold.

An indefinitely elastic demand curve is presented to a corporation that is perfectly competitive.

In other words, the market price is the only price at which it may be sold.

At any lower price, it could sell the same quantity at the going rate and yet make more money, whereas, at any higher price, nobody would purchase any quantity.

The market price multiplied by the amount that the business decides to manufacture and sell equals total revenue.

So, in the given situation:

(A) Revenue decreases.

(B) Revenue increases.

(C) Revenue increases.

(D) Revenue decreases.

Therefore, total revenue is the total amount of money a seller can earn from offering clients goods or services. Hence, in the given situation: (A) Revenue decreases. (B) Revenue increases. (C) Revenue increases. (D) Revenue decreases.

Know more about revenue here:



how did Hoovervilles lead to the passing of the Social Security Act


There was a lack of social safety netting and with no job, no savings thousand of Americans were losing their homes

Use the graph below to answer the following question:

A line graph of the Weimar Republic depicting the value of one gold mark per paper mark in the years 1918 to 1923. Between 1918 and 1922, values fluctuate between approximately 3 gold marks in paper marks to 10,000. By 1923, it reaches its peak at 1,000,000,000,000 paper marks to one gold mark.
Public Domain

Which of the following best explains the graph above?

The high reparations against Germany
The Dawes Plan investing American dollars into Germany
Germany printing more and more money
The Germans losing a trade partner when Russia became the Soviet Union


The value of the German paper mark in terms of gold marks from 1918 to 1923 is shown in the graph above.

Which of the following best explains the graph above?

The hyperinflation brought on by Germany printing ever-increasing amounts of money to pay its war debts and reparations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles is what caused the sharp rise in value beginning in 1922 and peaking in 1923, reaching a ratio of 1,000,000,000,000 paper marks to one gold mark. As a result, the graph's best explanation is that Germany continued to print more money, which decreased the paper mark's value relative to gold marks. The Dawes Plan, high reparations against Germany, and the loss of a trading partner were some of the other options that may have  some impact on the German economy, but they do not directly explain the drastic increase in inflation depicted in the graph.

To Know more about Hyperinflation Visit:



Answer: Germany printing more and more money


was colonisation a blessing or a curse



I guess you can see that from both the sides it is blessing as well as curse .


Colonization has impacted all the aspect of a country,both positively and negatively.

What action did President Ronald Reagan take to reassert U.S. dominance
over the Soviet Union?
A. He sent troops to assist countries that shared anti-communist
B. He used détente as a form of diplomacy to encourage
C. He increased spending on the Space Race and on scientific
D. He increased the military budget and spending on nuclear


The action that President Ronald Reagan take to reassert U.S. dominance over the Soviet Union is: D .He increased the military budget and spending on nuclear defense.

What action did President Ronald Reagan take to reassert U.S. dominance over the Soviet Union?

President Ronald Reagan took a number of actions to reassert U.S. dominance over the Soviet Union during the 1980s. One of his key strategies was to increase the military budget and spending on nuclear defense, which included the development of a new missile defense system known as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

Reagan believed that this would give the U.S. a decisive advantage in any potential conflict witAfghanistan h the Soviet Union and serve as a deterrent to Soviet aggression. He also pursued a policy of supporting anti-communist forces around the world, including sending military aid to countries such as and Nicaragua.

Therefore the correct option is D.

Learn more about President Ronald Reagan here:https://brainly.com/question/4784629


Compare the Assyrian lands with Babylonia.


Assyria was a mountainous region with a militaristic culture, while Babylonia was a fertile region with a rich cultural heritage and a focus on agriculture, with different political structures and geographical features.

What is the Comparison between the Assyrian lands with Babylonia?

Assyria and Babylonia were both ancient Mesopotamian civilizations located in what is now modern-day Iraq, but they had distinct differences in their geography, culture, and political structures.

Assyria was a mountainous region to the north, with a militaristic culture and an empire that frequently engaged in warfare to expand its territory. Babylonia, on the other hand, was a more fertile region to the south, with a focus on agriculture and a rich cultural heritage, including the development of early writing systems and legal codes.

Babylonia was also ruled by a series of dynasties, while Assyria was more centralized under a series of powerful kings.

Learn more about the Assyrian lands with Babylonia on:



briefly explain one specific historical development in the period from 1865 to 1900 that showed this cartoon’s effectiveness


After taking a close look at the cartoon given above, it can be stated that the cartoon portrays the historical event of the Chinese Exclusion Act.

Chinese Exclusion Act showed this cartoon’s effectiveness.

The Chinese Exclusion Act was signed and brought into an enforcement in the American society in the year 1882. By the virtue of this act, the immigrants in the American society that came from China were not allowed to be a part of the American society.

"Cartoon" signify in its purest form?

As a result, the word "cartoon" originally described the substance used to create a drawing in Italian before becoming the name of the actual drawing. Later, it came to refer to a funny artwork, a collection of drawings, or an animation.

Is it and animated films the same thing?

When a video is exhibited one by one , the practice of capturing consecutive positions of models to simulate movement is said to as animation. Cartoons can refer to a drawing, a television show or movie that uses animation techniques, or both.

To know more about Cartoon visit:



How did Elizabeth Cady Stanton influence the women's suffrage movement?
O She organized the Seneca Falls meeting for women's rights.
O She served as president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association.
OShe created the National Women's Party.
O She started a feminist newspaper.



See below.


a. Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized the Seneca Falls meeting for women's rights in 1848, which is considered to be the birthplace of the women's suffrage movement.

b. Stanton served as the president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) from 1890 to 1892 and played a vital role in the organization's efforts to secure voting rights for women.

c. While Stanton did not create the National Women's Party, she was an early supporter of the organization and played an instrumental role in advancing its agenda of equal rights for women.

d. Stanton started a feminist newspaper called The Revolution in 1868, which advocated for women's rights and social reform. The newspaper played a crucial role in shaping public opinion and rallying support for the women's suffrage movement.


She organized the Seneca Falls meeting for women's rights

Explanation: I took the test.

how did the declaration of independence influence today



We explore how the Declaration influenced the drafting of the Constitution itself; the abolitionist movement and Abraham Lincoln’s conception of a new birth of freedom after the Civil War; the Seneca Falls Convention and the campaign for women’s suffrage; the Progressive movement and the New Deal; Dr. King and the Civil Rights revolution; through to the modern conservative originalist movement as well as progressivism today.


According to Oakes, why was Frederick Douglass not able to support Abraham
a) Douglass had been inspired by John Brown's radical abolitionism.
b) Douglass had contempt for Lincoln's support for gradual emancipation.
c) Douglass predicted that Lincoln and the Republican Party would compromise
with the South on the issue of slavery
d) All of the above


Answer: c) Douglass predicted that Lincoln and the Republican Party would compromise


Why did Walt Disney want to build Disneyland?



Disney wanted to build a place that had all of the fun of the traveling fairs where parents and children could ride together. That is how Mr. Disney got the idea for Disneyland. In 1953, Disney talked to people at Stanford University. He asked them to find a place that would be a good place to build his park.


Answer:Walt claimed the idea of Disneyland came to him while watching his two daughters ride the carousel in L.A.'s Griffith Park. There, he began to imagine a clean, safe, friendly place where parents and children could have fun together!


hope this helps

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