news produced by individuals and organizations who are not employed as professional journalists is called a. citizen journalism. b. fake news. c. adversarial journalism. d. advocacy journalism


Answer 1

News produced by individuals and organizations who are not employed as professional journalists is called a. citizen journalism.

In this case option A is correct

Citizens with access to digital technology and social media platforms who are not professional journalists but instead produce and distribute news are referred to as practicing citizen journalism. Citizen journalists are people who report on news events, share information, and express opinions. They frequently offer a distinct viewpoint that may not be covered by mainstream media.

On the other hand, fake news describes false information that is purposefully disseminated through conventional or social media platforms to deceive people, frequently for political or financial gain.

By using aggressive questioning and investigative reporting, adversarial journalism aims to reveal wrongdoings and hold those in authority responsible.

In this case option A is correct

To know more about journalists. here


Related Questions

parents today face questions that would not have been imagined several decades ago. they include all but:


Parents today face questions that would not have been imagined several decades ago. They include all but financial and work-related concerns. What kind of questions do parents face today? Today's parents are bombarded with a barrage of questions that their parents would have never considered.

Given below are some questions that parents face:

What is the right way to monitor a child's internet usage and to keep them safe online?

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All of the issues outlined above are now a normal part of being a parent, and they are all important to think about in order to be a good parent.

To know more about  refer Parenting here:


jon has just been diagnosed with cancer. his initial response is to deny the seriousness of his condition. this type of coping mechanism


Jon's initial reaction to being diagnosed with cancer may be to deny the seriousness of his condition. This is an example of a coping mechanism known as denial, which is a way of distancing oneself from the reality of a difficult situation.

Denial can be a short-term reaction to difficult situations, and it can help to provide some relief and a sense of control over the situation. However, it is important to recognize that denial can also be a dangerous coping mechanism, as it can prevent someone from seeking out necessary treatment and support.



if a study about the relationship between intelligence and income produced a person correlation coefficient of .90, it would suggest that:


The person correlation coefficient of .90 suggests that there is a strong positive relationship between intelligence and income.

A correlation coefficient is a statistic that measures the degree of correlation between two variables. Correlation is a statistical technique that is used to establish the degree of relationship between two variables. Correlation ranges from -1 to +1, and it is a value that shows how strong the correlation is.

Correlation Coefficient is used in statistical analysis and is a measure of the linear relationship between two variables. The correlation coefficient is a value that ranges between -1 and +1.

A positive correlation indicates that when one variable increases, the other variable also increases. A negative correlation indicates that when one variable increases, the other variable decreases.

The relationship between intelligence and income in the above scenario is strong. The correlation coefficient is .90, which is near +1.

Therefore, If a study about the relationship between intelligence and income produced a person correlation coefficient of .90, it would suggest that the relationship between intelligence and income is strong.

To know more about correlation coefficient click here:


what brings miss jimenez to honest sancho's lot? a. she is taking a public opinion poll. b. she is investigating working conditions for latinx people. c. she is searching for undocumented workers. d. she is looking for a mexican type to work for governor reagan.


The correct option is b..Miss Jimenez is visiting Honest Sancho's lot because she is investigating working conditions for Latinx people.

She is looking into the potential exploitation of Latinx workers by employers in the area, as well as examining the wages and working conditions in the area. Her visit is part of a broader investigation into working conditions of Latinx people across the United States. She is not taking a public opinion poll, searching for undocumented workers, or looking for a Mexican type to work for Governor Reagan.

to know more about honest sancho's lot:


professional touch, functional touch, and friendship touch are all part of the study of


Professional touch, functional touch, and friendship touch are all parts of the study of interpersonal communication.

Professional touch involves understanding the professional relationship between two people and the expectations associated with it. Functional touch involves understanding the functional dynamics between two people, such as roles and responsibilities.

Friendship touch is about understanding the dynamics of a friendship and the type of connection that exists between two people.

In conclusion, interpersonal communication is a study of professional touch, functional touch, and friendship touch, and how these three elements combine to form relationships between people.

To know more about interpersonal communication click on below link:


you own a single family home with a rather narrow space between your's and your neighbor's house. your neighbor, who has complained about the narrow space, simply erects a privacy fence partially on your property without your permission. what fundamental characteristic of rights does this violate, if any? a. rights are limited to citizens. b. rights are non-revocable. c. rights are enduring. d. there is no issue of rights here.


A fundamental characteristic of rights that is violated when a neighbor erects a privacy fence partially on your property without your permission is that "rights are enduring."

Rights are defined as entitlements that allow individuals to act or not act in certain ways, and they are generally seen as a means of ensuring that people have the ability to live in the way they wish to live. Fundamental rights, on the other hand, are a set of basic human rights that have been recognized as inherent in the individual's existence, and they are guaranteed by law. The US Constitution's Bill of Rights lists fundamental rights such as the right to freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to privacy. Rights are enduring, meaning that they are enduring and remain in place regardless of circumstances. They don't go away simply because somebody else wants them to. As a result, if a neighbor builds a fence partially on another's property without permission, it violates the enduring nature of that person's rights. In this scenario, it is clear that the neighbor does not have the right to build a fence on the other person's property. However, this is a legal issue that will need to be resolved by the courts.

To know more about US Constitution's click on below link:


maria is the school chess champion and is invited to compete at a regional tournament. an opponent tells maria that men are naturally better at chess than women. upon hearing this, maria becomes upset and worried about her performance and subsequently loses her first match. what has maria just experienced?


If maria is the school chess champion and is invited to compete at a regional tournament. Maria has just experienced stereotype threat.

What is stereotype threat?

This occurs when an individual is aware of a negative stereotype about their group and is concerned that they will confirm that stereotype through their behavior or performance.

This can lead to anxiety, reduced confidence, and lower performance. In this case, Maria's opponent's comment likely activated the stereotype that men are better at chess than women, causing Maria to doubt her abilities and ultimately perform worse in the tournament.

Learn more about stereotype threat here:


as jules stares at the group of baseball players, his attention is drawn toward the one player not wearing a uniform. this is an example of .


The sentence "As Jules stares at the group of baseball players, his attention is drawn toward the one player not wearing a uniform." is an example of imagery.

Therefore, imagery is the answer to the question. Here is an explanation of imagery: Imagery refers to the use of vivid language to produce mental images of a setting, object, or character, thereby helping readers visualize and experience a work of literature or poetry.

This is done by using descriptive language, such as figurative language, sensory language, or other types of descriptive language. Writers use imagery to create vivid and lifelike representations of their characters, events, and settings.

Imagery also helps readers to experience the same sensations that the characters do in a story, such as hearing a sound, smelling a scent, or seeing a color.

To learn more about imagery, refer below:


if a review of a legislator's record shows that they sponsor over 400 bills during any given legislative session, it may be a sign that the legislator is engaged in what activity to help their chances for re-election?


This is a sign that the legislator is engaging in a practice known as "logrolling," which is the process of sponsoring bills that are popular with their constituents in order to gain favor and increase their chances for re-election.

t's possible that the legislator is engaging in logrolling, as they are sponsoring bills that are popular with their constituents to gain favor. However, it's also possible that the legislator genuinely believes in the bills they are sponsoring and is trying to promote policies they think are beneficial. Without further information, it's difficult to determine the true motivation behind the legislator's actions.

Learn more about legislator at:


god controlling and man recording is the doctrine of:a. illuminationb. inspirationc. interpretationd. revelation


The doctrine of "god controlling" and "man recording" is the doctrine of (b) inspiration.

This doctrine states that God guided the authors of the Bible in their writings, ensuring the content was accurate and true, while still allowing the authors to use their individual styles and personalities in the process. The doctrine of god controlling and man recording is doctrine of option B. inspiration. The doctrine of divine attributes, then, is set out as a reflection on Holy Scripture: the One God as omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, and all these as expressions of the Love who is God.

Learn more about god controlling here:


jonathon is a six-year-old boy who has been experiencing difficulty sleeping for three consecutive nights. his mother took him to the doctor and she reported that he has been waking up in the middle of the night with feelings of panic and intense emotional arousal. jonathon is most likely suffering from:





I’m not fully sure about my answer, but my confidence lever is about 80%.
hope this helps!

Jonathon is most likely suffering from nighttime anxiety.

Nighttime anxiety is a type of anxiety disorder that can cause feelings of panic and intense emotional arousal when a person is trying to sleep. Symptoms can include difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night, feelings of fear, sweating, and a racing heart. To help treat Jonathon's nighttime anxiety, it is important to address the underlying causes of the disorder.

This can include talking to a mental health professional to identify the source of Jonathon's anxiety, learning calming techniques to help him relax before bedtime, and developing a consistent sleep routine. Additionally, avoiding stimulants such as caffeine or nicotine close to bedtime, avoiding screens before bedtime, and engaging in calming activities before bed can all help reduce the symptoms of nighttime anxiety.

to know more about nighttime anxiety:


what would you tell someone if they came to you and said that they wanted a bigger sample size for interviews or a survey?


If someone came to you and said that they wanted a bigger sample size for interviews or a survey, you should suggest them to increase the sample size.

The number of observations in a sample is referred to as the sample size. Sample size is a crucial element of study design, and it's critical to choose the appropriate sample size to ensure that a study is statistically reliable. Larger sample sizes can reduce sampling error and increase precision. To maximize statistical power, researchers aim for the smallest sample size that will yield acceptable results.

Here are some ways to increase the sample size for interviews or a survey:1. Set a realistic sample size goal: You should establish a reasonable target size for your sample. This will be based on how representative you want the sample to be, as well as your survey's goals and constraints.2. Choose your sampling method carefully: Choosing the appropriate sampling method can help you obtain a representative sample that reflects the larger population.

You must guarantee that all members of the population have an equal chance of being chosen for the sample.3. Extend the length of the data collection period: You can improve your chances of recruiting a bigger sample by lengthening the data collection period.4. Provide incentive: You may motivate potential participants to complete your survey or interview by providing a little reward or compensation.

5. Use different recruiting techniques:You may try recruiting participants through various channels, such as social media, email lists, or advertising, to reach a larger population.6. Reducing sample error:You can reduce sampling error by increasing the sample size. This is the most straightforward way to reduce the impact of random variation on the survey's results.

To know more about sample size, refer here:


if u could help id appreciate it



I would suggest the following methods to maintain soil fertility and prevent erosion:

Crop rotation: Growing different crops in a particular field each year can help improve soil fertility. It prevents depletion of specific nutrients and allows for natural replenishment of the soil. Crop rotation also disrupts pest and disease cycles, reducing the need for chemical treatments.

Cover crops: Planting cover crops such as legumes or grasses during fallow periods can help reduce soil erosion. These crops help to retain soil moisture, prevent weed growth, and provide nutrients to the soil. They also increase soil organic matter and reduce nutrient runoff.

Conservation tillage: Traditional tillage methods can disturb the soil, leading to erosion and nutrient loss. Conservation tillage methods such as no-till or reduced tillage can help to preserve soil structure and prevent erosion. These methods also conserve soil moisture, reduce fuel and labor costs, and increase organic matter.

Terracing: For areas with steep slopes, terracing can be an effective method for preventing soil erosion. Terracing involves constructing a series of level platforms on the slope, with each platform acting as a barrier to prevent soil from washing away. This method helps to conserve water and reduce nutrient runoff.

By implementing these methods, the agricultural company can maintain soil fertility and prevent erosion, ensuring long-term sustainability and profitability.

jacinta beliefs that people who are military veterans are all brave, honorable, and respectable. she tends to treat them with an enhanced sense of consideration, and thanks them for their service whenever she can. these beliefs represent a(n) that jacinta has for veterans.


Jacinta's beliefs that people who are military veterans are all brave, honorable, and respectable and her tendency to treat them with an enhanced sense of consideration represent a positive stereotype that she has for veterans.

A stereotype is a widely held and oversimplified belief or image about a group of people, based on their perceived characteristics or attributes. Stereotypes can be positive or negative, and they can be based on various factors, such as age, gender, ethnicity, or occupation.

In this case, Jacinta's beliefs stereotype about veterans is positive, as she believes that they are all brave, honorable, and respectable. Her tendency to treat them with an enhanced sense of consideration and thank them for their service whenever she can is likely a result of her positive stereotype about them.

To learn more about Jacinta's beliefs, visit here


the theory that humans cope with the uncertainties of life by constructing a view of the world that helps to preserve their self-esteem is called group of answer choices self-perception theory affective forecasting self-awareness theory. terror management theory.


Terror Management Theory (TMT) proposes that humans manage the anxieties produced by their awareness of their mortality by constructing and maintaining a sense of value and self-esteem.

The theory proposes that this self-esteem is created and maintained through cultural beliefs, such as adherence to societal values, striving for personal achievement, and a sense of purpose or meaning in life. These beliefs serve as a buffer between a person's mortality and their sense of self-worth, and the presence of these beliefs gives humans a sense of meaning and purpose in life, which helps them cope with the anxieties of death. TMT is thus concerned with how humans maintain and create a sense of meaning and value in the face of their mortality.

to know more about terror management theory:


what does the field of metaethics seek to establish? check all that apply. group of answer choices what god commands to be right an accurate description of normative principles the study of what moral beliefs mean the logical structure of moral beliefs


The field of metaethics seek to establish option C and D: the study of what moral beliefs mean and the logical structure of moral beliefs.

The area of ethics devoted to examining the philosophical foundations of ethical concepts is known as metaethics. It is a field of study that focuses on moral principles, debating things like whether they are absolute or relative, if they exist apart from individuals, etc. One could say that metaethics is a reflection of moral standards.

In metaethics, the issue of deriving moral conclusions from logic is taken into account. It is significant to emphasize that it is focused on the meaning of these judgements and their logical structure rather than offering conclusions about what is correct and what is erroneous.

To know more about metaethics, refer:


what is the most important aspect of marking media? content description date labeling classification electronic labeling


The most important aspect of marking media is content.

Marking media refers to the process of labeling or organizing media materials in a particular system. This can include audio, video, photos, and other types of media formats.

Content refers to the subject matter, themes, and ideas expressed in media materials such as movies, TV shows, music, and books. It is the substance or material that makes up a specific work. The most important aspect of marking media is content because it is what the media material is all about. Without proper labeling or organization of the content, it can be difficult to find and identify specific materials within a large collection.

Properly marking content can also help with categorizing and sorting media materials based on different themes, topics, or genres. To ensure effective marking of media, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the content and use appropriate labels or tags that accurately describe the material. By doing so, it becomes easier to search and locate specific media materials when needed.

Know more about content


the element that is least characteristic of enduring love relationships is


The element that is least characteristic of enduring love relationships is infidelity.

Enduring love relationships are built on a foundation of trust, commitment, and mutual respect. Infidelity, or engaging in romantic or sexual relationships with someone outside of the relationship, is a betrayal of that trust and commitment. While infidelity is unfortunately common in many relationships, it is not a characteristic of enduring love. Enduring love relationships involve a willingness to work through challenges and conflicts, a commitment to growth and personal development, and a deep sense of connection and intimacy. Infidelity undermines these qualities and can damage or destroy even the strongest of relationships.

To know more about infidelity click here:


josh falls asleep at very peculiar times, such as when he is engaged in a heated conversation or playing basketball. josh is likely suffering from:


Josh falls asleep at very peculiar times, such as when he is engaged in a heated conversation or playing basketball. josh is likely suffering from narcolepsy

A neurological disorder that affects the brain's ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles. Narcolepsy can cause people to fall asleep suddenly and unexpectedly, even during activities that would normally keep them awake, such as conversations or physical activities like playing basketball.

Other symptoms of narcolepsy can include excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle tone), sleep paralysis, and hallucinations. It is important for Josh to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

To know more about  narcolepsy here


by age 40 years, many individuals in midlife experience sleep problems. what are the consequences? adults in midlife are .


Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and depression

describe and explain the requirement regarding the imminence of serious bodily harm or death which must exist prior to engaging in self-defense.


To engage in self-defense, the law requires that a person must face an imminent threat of serious bodily harm or death. Imminence means that the danger must be present, imminent, and impending. If a person has an objectively reasonable belief that he or she is about to be attacked and will suffer serious harm or death, then the person may take reasonable action to protect him or herself.

What is  Self-defense?
Self-defense is a legitimate defense used by a person to protect themselves or someone else from harm. In self-defense, a person has the right to use reasonable force to protect themselves or someone else from harm. However, this force must be proportional to the threat that they face

The concept of imminence is important in self-defense because it ensures that people do not use excessive force when they are not in immediate danger. It also ensures that people do not use self-defense as an excuse to commit violence against others. In summary, the requirement regarding the imminence of serious bodily harm or death that must exist before engaging in self-defense is that the threat of harm or death must be immediate or imminent, and the force used in self-defense must be proportional to the threat.

learn more about Self-defense here:


why might you need to use reason to decide what the right thing to do is even if you are a divine command theorist?


As a divine command theorist, you might need to use reason to decide what the right thing to do is because it helps in understanding and interpreting divine commands more accurately.

Additionally, reason can assist in resolving conflicts between different interpretations of the commands and ensure that your actions align with the intended moral principles. The divine command theory is a moral theory that asserts that morality is determined by God's commands. God establishes ethical rules by commanding them, and the rules that He has set must be followed.

In other words, the divine command theory states that things are right or wrong based on God's commands. As a result, ethical laws and regulations are established by God, and His subjects are obliged to obey them. However, the divine command theory does not clarify what God's commands are or how to interpret them. It is up to people to understand what divine commands are and how to follow them appropriately.

Therefore, a divine command theorist may need to use reasoning to determine what divine commands are and how to interpret them. Reasoning allows divine command theorists to decide how to apply God's commands in particular situations and how to interpret them in light of their beliefs and the circumstances surrounding them. Therefore, even divine command theorists require reason to comprehend and apply divine commands appropriately.

Know more about  command theorist    here:


shs 222 the world federation of the deaf (wfd) serves about 70 million people worldwide. it is estimated that: group of answer choices more than 80% of these 70 million live in developing countries, where authorities are rarely familiar with their needs or desires more than 80% of these 70 million live in developed countries, where authorities are rarely familiar with their needs or desires more than 80% of these 70 million live in first-world countries, where authorities are rarely familiar with their needs or desires


It is estimated that more than 80% of the 70 million people served by the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) live in developing countries. This means that these countries are generally poorer and have less access to resources, as well as fewer opportunities to improve the situation of the Deaf community.

The authorities in these countries are rarely familiar with the needs and desires of the Deaf community, leading to a lack of support and understanding.

This can result in lower education levels, fewer employment opportunities, and limited access to healthcare and other essential services. The WFD works to improve the situation of Deaf people in developing countries by promoting understanding, advocating for their rights, and providing resources and support.

Know more about developing countries here:


according to a study by horn et al. (2011), athletes who were amotivated preferred coaches who were:


According to the study by Horn et al. (2011), athletes who were amotivated preferred coaches who were more demanding and gave more negative feedback.

Negative feedback is a regulatory process that works to counteract or dampen an existing condition, returning it to a set point or ideal level. This feedback loop operates by sensing changes in a system, such as temperature, blood glucose levels or hormone secretion, and triggering a response that opposes the change. The response then feeds back to the sensor to reduce or stop further change. Negative feedback loops play an essential role in maintaining homeostasis, the internal balance of an organism. They can also be found in many engineered systems, such as electronic circuits and control systems. Negative feedback is a critical mechanism that ensures stability and control in various natural and artificial systems.

Know more about amotivation


True or false: Under the doctrine of strict liability, persons are liable only for the results of their intentional acts or their failure to exercise due care.


Under the doctrine of strict liability, persons are liable for the consequences of their actions regardless of intent or fault. So, the statement is false.

This means that if someone engages in an activity that is inherently dangerous and causes harm to another person, they can be held liable even if they did not intend to cause harm or were not negligent in their actions.

What is strict liability?

Strict liability is a legal concept that holds a person or company liable for the consequences of their actions, regardless of whether they intended to cause harm or were negligent in their actions. Strict liability can apply in cases where a person engages in an activity that is inherently dangerous, such as using explosives or keeping wild animals, or in cases where a product is defective or unsafe.

In these cases, the person or company can be held liable for any harm that results from their actions or products, even if they were not intentionally or negligently responsible for the harm.

What is the doctrine of strict liability?

The doctrine of strict liability is a legal principle that holds a person or company strictly liable for any harm that results from their actions or products, regardless of whether they intended to cause harm or were negligent in their actions. Under this doctrine, a person or company can be held liable for harm that results from inherently dangerous activities or defective products, even if they took all reasonable precautions to prevent harm.

The doctrine of strict liability is often used in cases involving defective products, such as cars, medical devices, or toys, as well as in cases involving hazardous activities, such as using explosives or keeping wild animals. Therefore, the statement is false.

To know more about strict liability refer:


which of the following would be an example of the social ecological model for explaining low rates of physical activity participation? which of the following would be an example of the social ecological model for explaining low rates of physical activity participation? at the community level, your neighborhood and surrounding area do not have well-maintained parks or sidewalks. at the organizational level, the university encourages students to participate in intramural sports through campus rec. at the individual level, you have adequate knowledge and skills to participate in leisure time sports. at the policy level, the state of illinois mandates weekly physical education and recess for k-5 students.


An example of the social ecological model for explaining low rates of physical activity participation would be at the community level, where your neighborhood and surrounding area do not have well-maintained parks or sidewalks.

The social ecological model is a framework used to understand the various factors that influence human behavior, including physical activity participation. It considers multiple levels of influence, including individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and policy levels. Each level interacts with the others, and understanding these interactions can help to identify barriers to and opportunities for promoting physical activity.

In this specific example, the community level is highlighted as a possible explanation for low rates of physical activity participation. The lack of well-maintained parks and sidewalks can create a barrier for people to engage in physical activities such as walking, jogging, or playing sports. If individuals do not have access to safe and appealing environments for exercise, they may be less likely to participate in physical activities.

At the organizational level, the university's encouragement of intramural sports through campus recreation could potentially increase physical activity participation, but this influence may be limited if other levels, such as the community level, present barriers.

At the individual level, having adequate knowledge and skills to participate in leisure time sports can help to increase physical activity participation, but again, this may be limited if there are barriers at other levels.

At the policy level, the state of Illinois mandates weekly physical education and recess for K-5 students, which can promote physical activity among children. However, this policy may not directly address the low rates of physical activity participation in the broader community.

Overall, the social ecological model helps to highlight the complex interplay between different levels of influence on physical activity participation. To effectively address low rates of physical activity, it is crucial to consider and address the barriers present at each level, including the community level where a lack of well-maintained parks and sidewalks can limit opportunities for engagement in physical activities.

For more question on "Social Ecological Model" :


In terms of organizational culture, a _______ is an artifact, act, quality, or event that conveys an organization's most important values to others.
A. ritual
B. story
C. hero
D. symbol


In terms of organizational culture, a symbol is an artifact, act, quality, or event that conveys an organization's most important values to others. Symbols play a crucial role in representing the underlying values and beliefs of an organization. Correct answer is option D

Symbols can take various forms, such as logos, slogans, uniforms, or even physical spaces like the layout of an office. They act as visual or tangible representations of the organization's values and serve as a constant reminder of what the organization stands for.

For example, a company's logo might symbolize innovation, customer focus, or environmental sustainability, depending on its design and the values it represents.

A well-designed and easily recognizable symbol can help create a strong brand identity and build customer loyalty. Therefore the Correct answer is option D

Know more about customer loyalty here:


when people use sociology for practical applications to help people and organizations, they are practicing what discipline?


When people use sociology for practical applications to help people and organizations, they are practicing Applied sociology.

Sociology is the study of people's behavior, social relations, institutions, and organizations in society. It helps us to comprehend how the different parts of society function and how they are interrelated with one another. It entails analyzing data, creating theories, and discovering patterns to comprehend human behavior more comprehensively.

Applied sociology is the application of sociological principles, methodologies, and findings to real-world situations. It focuses on putting sociological knowledge into practice to resolve social issues, such as poverty, homelessness, healthcare, education, and criminal justice. It may also include consulting for private companies and organizations to help them better comprehend and adapt to changing social norms and behaviors. In essence, applied sociology seeks to utilize sociological knowledge to improve the quality of life for people and to better society overall.

To know more about sociology refer to-


since airline flying is statistically very safe, in the event of an accident the airline cannot use as a defense:


The Airline companies cannot use the fact that air travel is statistically very safe as a defense in the event of an accident. Although air travel is generally safe, accidents can and do still occur. They have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their passengers,

Even though air travel is safe, an accident can still lead to tragedy, and the airline must take responsibility for their passengers’ safety.

In the event of an accident, the airline must investigate the cause of the accident to determine liability. In some cases, the accident may be caused by a third party, such as a manufacturer of faulty aircraft parts or an air traffic controller, and the airline can then point the finger at that party as the cause of the accident.

However, if the accident is determined to have been caused by the airline, then the airline cannot use the fact that air travel is statistically safe as a defense. In addition, the airline is responsible for the safety of its passengers, so it must make sure that its aircraft are properly maintained and that its staff is properly trained.

Even if air travel is generally safe, an airline still has an obligation to take necessary precautions to ensure the safety of its passengers. If it fails to do so, then it cannot use the fact that air travel is safe as a defense in the event of an accident.

To learn more about Airline companies  here:


a bumper sticker that reads, not now, can you come back later? would best reflect which type of negotionation strategy


The bumper sticker reading "Not Now, Can You Come Back Later?" is an example of the delay negotiation strategy. This strategy is used to postpone a decision, allowing both parties to consider the situation more carefully and come to a better decision. The idea behind delay strategy is that it gives the parties more time to negotiate and reach a better outcome.

The delay strategy is most effective when used in situations where the parties do not have to make a quick decision or where the impact of making a bad decision is low. It is also helpful when used in situations where the parties have time to research the issue and can come to a more informed decision.

The delay strategy also allows for the negotiation to be conducted in a more orderly fashion, where each side can present their arguments and considerations in a clear and organized manner. Delay strategies can also be used to gain an advantage in the negotiation, as it gives one party more time to prepare and formulate a better argument or offer. Ultimately, the delay strategy is an effective tool that can be used to reach a satisfactory agreement between the two parties.

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a chemist determined by measurements that moles of magnesium participated in a chemical reaction. calculate the mass of magnesium that participated in the chemical reaction. which statement best describes the reason for the use of trench warfare in world war i? responses soldiers dug into the ground to protect themselves from machine gun and mortar fire. soldiers dug into the ground to protect themselves from machine gun and mortar fire. soldiers dug into the ground to protect themselves from the weather. soldiers dug into the ground to protect themselves from the weather. the soldiers needed a large enough space in which to bury all of their dead comrades. the soldiers needed a large enough space in which to bury all of their dead comrades. the soldiers wanted a clear line from which to launch their offensives. the soldiers wanted a clear line from which to launch their offensives. the rotational speed of a flywheel increases by 40%. by what percent does its rotational kinetic energy increase? explain your answer. originally from jamaica in the west indies, which harlem renaissance writer lived mainly in the new york neighborhood of greenwich village? the nurse is conducting an assessment on a newborn and witnesses a startled response with the extension of the arms and legs. the nurse should document this as which response? dean and emma are nonidentical twins separated at birth and brought up in different households. their iq scores are most likely a load of 12 kg stretches a spring to a total length of 15 cm, and a load of 30 kg stretches it to a length of 18 cm. find the natural (unstretched) length of the spring. what do we call the system of human communication based on a set of symbols and signs with learned and shared meanings? a 170-hz sound travels through pure helium. the wavelength of the sound is measured to be 5.92 m. what is the speed of sound in helium? alexis puts dimes and quarters aside for the parking meter. she has a total of 20 coins and they are worth $3.80. how many quarters does alexis have? Which of the following equation will produce the graph shown below three students were applying to the same graduate school. they came from schools with different grading systems. which student had the best gpa when compared to his or her school? Find the volume of a right circular cone that has a height of 20 ft and a base with a radius of 18 ft. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a cubic foot a mixture of three gases has a total pressure of 1,380 mmhg at 298 k. the mixture is analyzed and is found to contain 1.27 mol co2, 3.04 mol co, and 1.50 mol ar. what is the partial pressure of ar? multiple choice 0.258 atm 301 mmhg 356 mmhg 5,345 mmhg 8,020 mmhg What is the objective of the study?A to disprove people's beliefs about lyingB to find out why people lieC to prove a widely-held hypothesisD) to prove whether lying leads to criminality suppose you have an atwood machine with two different masses m and m. what are the external forces acting on this system? Andy is a freelance reporter and is reviewing an article he wrote for a magazine.He wants to quickly crosscheck some facts he stated in his article.Which of the following can help Andy?A) RhythmOneB) Wolfram AlphaC) Ask a LibrarianD) TinEye true or false: the northern hemisphere of mars experiences long cold winters. question 1 options: true false hurricane formation is most likely where there is little wind shear, some coriolis force to provide spin, and what else? What are the integer solutions to the inequality below?1x3