off-net syndicated programs were originally shown on broadcast networks. group of answer choices true false


Answer 1

True. Off-net syndicated programs are programs that have been sold or licensed by a production company to be shown on television channels or networks other than the production company’s original broadcast network.

Before they were syndicated, many of these shows debuted on broadcast networks like ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, and the CW.

Television shows are made available to other television networks or channels through the process of syndication, frequently in exchange for a fee.

Syndicated programming can include more recent series that haven't yet aired on a broadcast network as well as older programmes that were previously broadcast on broadcast networks.

Additionally, syndicated shows may be seen on streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu as well as on cable networks like TBS, USA Network, and TNT.

To learn more about Netflix visit:


Related Questions

The total cost for Tech Deck Extreme to run its factory for one month is $5,000, plus $1 for each Tech Deck that they make. Each Tech Deck sells for $5.00. If Tech Deck Extreme made 2000 Tech Decks last month and sold all of them, how much profit did they make.
R - E = P

A. $2,000

B. $10,000

C. $3,000

I am stuck on it I don't know If I got it right!!


The profit made by Tech Deck Extreme last month was $3,000. The answer is option C. $3,000.

How did we get the value?

To calculate the profit made by Tech Deck Extreme, we need to subtract the total expenses from the total revenue earned.

Total Revenue (R) = Price per Tech Deck x Number of Tech Decks sold

R = $5.00 x 2000

R = $10,000

Total Expenses (E) = Fixed Cost + Variable Cost

E = $5,000 + ($1.00 x 2000)

E = $5,000 + $2,000

E = $7,000

Profit (P) = Total Revenue - Total Expenses

P = $10,000 - $7,000

P = $3,000

Therefore, the profit made by Tech Deck Extreme last month was $3,000. The answer is C. $3,000.

learn more about profit:


According to a constructionist approach, both norms and deviance are
a. unchangeable.
b. determined only by judges and courts.
c. based on religious ideals.
d. socially constructed through interaction.
d. socially constructed


According to a constructionist approach, both norms and deviance are: d. socially constructed through interaction.

What is socially constructed through interaction?

According to a constructionist approach, both norms and deviance are socially constructed through interaction. This means that what is considered normal or deviant behavior is not determined by fixed or objective criteria, but rather by the social and cultural context in which it occurs.

Norms are the unwritten rules or expectations that guide behavior in a particular social group or society, while deviance refers to behavior that violates these norms.

Therefore the correct option is d.

Learn more about interaction here:


with the second great awakening, american christianity became more hierarchical and out of touch with the common folk.T/F


Respect to child maltreatment, permanency planning is a tertiary level of prevention.

Tertiary prevention is the last level of prevention and focuses on addressing the long-term consequences of a problem that has already occurred. In the case of child maltreatment, tertiary prevention focuses on minimizing the negative effects of abuse or neglect that have already occurred and preventing further harm to the child. Permanency planning is a type of tertiary prevention that aims to find a permanent and safe living arrangement for a child who has been removed from their home due to abuse or neglect.

Permanency planning is often used in cases where a child cannot be safely reunited with their biological family and involves finding a permanent placement for the child, such as adoption, legal guardianship, or long-term foster care. The goal of permanency planning is to provide stability and security for the child and to minimize the disruption and trauma that can result from repeated placements or prolonged stays in foster care.

In summary, permanency planning is a type of tertiary prevention that is used in cases of child maltreatment to find a permanent and safe living arrangement for a child who has been removed from their home due to abuse or neglect.

Click the below link, to learn more about Tertiary:



With the Second Great Awakening, American Christianity actually became more democratic and accessible to the common folk, as it emphasized individual conversion experiences and rejected traditional hierarchical structures.

To know more about the above please click:-


the – formally nominates judges for federal district courts. after nomination, the candidate must first be considered by the – committee and confirmed by a full vote of the – .


The President of the United States formally nominates judges for federal district courts. After nomination, the candidate must first be considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee and confirmed by a full vote of the Senate.

To explain the process in a step-by-step manner:

1. The President selects a nominee for a federal district court judgeship based on various factors, such as legal expertise, qualifications, and recommendations from trusted sources.

2. The nomination is sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is responsible for evaluating the candidate's qualifications and background.

3. The Senate Judiciary Committee conducts a hearing to review the nominee's qualifications and ask questions to better understand the candidate's views and judicial philosophy.

4. Following the hearing, the Senate Judiciary Committee votes on whether to recommend the nominee to the full Senate for a confirmation vote.

5. If the nominee is recommended by the committee, the full Senate considers the nomination and conducts a vote. A simple majority (51 votes) is needed for confirmation.

6. If the Senate confirms the nominee, they become a federal district court judge and assume their duties.

This process ensures that the judicial nominees are thoroughly vetted and qualified to serve in the federal judiciary, maintaining a high standard of justice and integrity in the court system.

To know more about Senate Judiciary, refer here:


margo suffers from a behavioral syndrome that is characterized by hypersexuality. she experiences this due to bilateral injury she experienced to her temporal lobe. what is this called?


The behavioral syndrome that Margo is experiencing is known as Hypersexuality Disorder or Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD).

It is a condition in which a person has intense, ongoing sensual cravings, fantasies, and actions that are frequently viewed as being excessive or out of control.

The temporal lobe is in charge of regulating emotions, judgement, and behaviour, hence those who have sustained bilateral temporal lobe injury, like Margo, are more likely to suffer it.

Even when they are not interested in them, people who have this disease frequently experience a strong need to participate in genital activity.

Additionally, they might struggle to restrain their sexual thoughts and actions, which could cause issues in their personal and professional lives as well as at work, school, and other places.

Cognitive behavioural therapy, medicines, and support groups are available treatments for CSBD.

Complete Question:

Margo suffers from a behavioral syndrome that is characterized by hypersexuality. She experiences this due to bilateral injury she experienced to her temporal lobe. What is this called?

To learn more about emotions visit:


As human population and demands for resources have changed, our definition of sustainability has also changed. One hundred and fifty years ago, human resource use was largely determined by ________.


As the human population and demands for resources have changed over time, our definition of sustainability has also changed. One hundred and fifty years ago, human resource use was largely determined by local availability and accessibility of resources.

In the 19th century, people mostly relied on locally available materials, such as timber, water, and minerals, for their day-to-day needs. This localized approach to resource use ensured that communities were dependent on their immediate surroundings, promoting a more sustainable lifestyle. Resource extraction and consumption were primarily based on what could be found within a community's reach, with long-distance trade being more limited.

As time progressed, technological advancements, urbanization, and globalization transformed the way we obtain and use resources. Today, we have a more interconnected global economy that enables us to source materials from different parts of the world. While this has facilitated growth and development, it has also led to an increase in our ecological footprint and put pressure on the Earth's ecosystems.

In response to these challenges, our understanding of sustainability has expanded to include a more holistic approach that considers not only the availability of resources, but also their environmental impact, renewability, and equitable distribution. This modern concept of sustainability emphasizes the need to balance economic development, social well-being, and environmental protection to ensure a more resilient and equitable future for all.

In conclusion, the definition of sustainability has evolved from being primarily focused on local resource availability and accessibility to a more comprehensive understanding that takes into account global resource management, environmental impact, and social equity. This shift highlights the importance of adapting our resource use and consumption patterns to ensure a more sustainable future for both the planet and its inhabitants.

To learn more about sustainability refer here:


elaine is a clinical sociologist who practices marriage and family therapy. she is also a college professor. one of her current students ask if she can make an appointment for a therapy session. elaine tells the student that she will refer her to a colleague because she feels that holding therapy sessions with a student might cause:


Elaine's decision to refer the student to a colleague is an appropriate ethical move to maintain professional boundaries.

According to the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics, boundary crossings, such as entering a dual relationship with a student, can lead to potential exploitation and harm. As a mental health professional, Elaine must prioritize the safety of her student and must not use her professional power to exploit the student.

It is also important for Elaine to protect her own professional integrity by avoiding any potential conflicts of interest. Her decision to refer the student to a colleague is an ethical one that will ensure the student's safety and privacy, while also protecting Elaine's professional reputation.

To know more about Social Workers , click here:


the study of tax policy and its relationship to the stratification system is known as fiscal sociology.


Fiscal sociology is a field of study that examines the relationship between tax policy and the stratification system. This field of study is concerned with understanding how taxation policies impact social and economic inequality.

The stratification system refers to the way in which society is divided into different levels based on factors such as income, wealth, and social status.

Tax policy plays a critical role in shaping the stratification system. For instance, tax policies can be designed to redistribute wealth or to preserve the status quo. Taxation policies can also affect the ability of different groups to participate in society and the economy.

Therefore, fiscal sociology is an important field of study for understanding the dynamics of social and economic inequality.

In summary, fiscal sociology is a field of study that focuses on the relationship between tax policy and the stratification system. This field seeks to understand how taxation policies impact social and economic inequality.

By examining this relationship, scholars in this field hope to identify ways to reduce inequality and promote greater social and economic mobility.

To know more about Fiscal sociology refer here


what conclusion does the image above help to support? (5 points) group of answer choices the olmecs worshipped a warrior god. the nazca were highly organized and capable of carrying out complicated projects. the olmecs were highly organized and capable of carrying out complicated projects. the nazca worshipped a warrior god.


C) The Olmecs were highly organized and capable of carrying out complicated projects.

The earliest notable Mesoamerican civilization is thought to have been the Olmecs. As Socinus grew, the population relocated to the tropical lowlands of the modern Mexican states of Tabasco and Veracruz. Some theories contend that the nearby Mikenzie or Mokaya cultures may have had some influence on the Olmecs.

Between around 1500 BCE and 400 BCE, Mesoamerica was developing at the time that the Olmecs thrived. Since around 2500 BCE, pre-Olmec cultures had flourished, but by 1600–1500 BCE, early Olmec culture had appeared, with its Centa at the San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán site along the coast in southeast Veracruz. They were the first Mesoamerican civilization, and many of the subsequent civilizations' foundations were set by them.

Learn more about Olmecs here:


The correct question is:

What conclusion does the image above help to support?

A) The Olmecs worshipped a warrior god.

B) The Nazca were highly organized and capable of carrying out complicated projects.

C) The Olmecs were highly organized and capable of carrying out complicated projects.

D)The Nazca worshipped a warrior god.

axl has always been a loner. he has never much cared for being with other people and does not form relationships easily. he appears to be without emotion. axl may be exhibiting:


Axl has always been a loner. He has never much cared for being with other people and does not form relationships easily. He appears to be without emotion. Axl may be exhibiting schizoid personality disorder.

Schizoid personality disorder is a type of personality disorder that is characterized by apathy, emotional coldness, detachment, and a lack of interest in social interactions. It also has traits of predisposition towards isolation or sheltered living. A rich, elaborate, but entirely personal fantasy world may be present in affected people at the same time as an inability to develop close relationships with others.

Aside from stilted speech, other symptoms include feeling like a "observer" rather than a participant in life, being unable to tolerate others' emotional expectations, appearing unconcerned when praised or criticized, being somewhat asexual, and having peculiar moral or political beliefs.

Learn more about schizoid here:


The correct question is:

Axl has always been a loner. He has never much cared for being with other people and does not form relationships easily. He appears to be without emotion. Axl may be exhibiting _______ personality disorder.





the divisions of an m-form organization are true group of answer choices matrix teams. profit-and-loss centers. functional units. organic structures.


The divisions of an M-form (multidivisional) organization: profit-and-loss centers. The correct option is A.

In an M-form organization, divisions are structured as profit-and-loss centers. This means that each division operates independently and is responsible for its own revenue generation and expenses.

These divisions are managed separately and their performance is measured based on the profits they generate, allowing for better monitoring and control.

This differs from other organizational structures such as B) functional units, where divisions are based on the functions they perform, like marketing or finance;

C) matrix teams, which involve employees from different functions working together on projects or tasks; and D) organic structures, where there is a flat hierarchy, emphasizing flexibility and adaptability in decision-making processes.

In summary, the divisions of an M-form organization are true profit-and-loss centers, with each division functioning independently and being responsible for its own financial performance. This structure allows for better monitoring, control, and accountability of each division within the organization.

To know more about multidivisional, refer here:


Complete question:

The divisions of an M-form organization are true:

A) profit-and-loss centers.

B) functional units.

C) matrix teams.

D) organic structures.

the __________________was responsible for the drastic increase in the number and diversity of new immigrants entering the united states since the 19th century. learning objective:


The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was responsible for the drastic increase in the number and diversity of new immigrants entering the United States since the 19th century.

Before the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, immigration to the United States was limited by quotas based on national origins. These quotas favored immigrants from Western Europe and severely restricted immigrants from other regions.

The act abolished the national origins quota system and replaced it with a preference system that focused on immigrants' skills and family relationships with U.S. citizens or residents.

This change in policy resulted in a significant increase in the number of immigrants coming to the United States from diverse regions, including Asia, Africa, and Latin America. It also led to the growth of multiculturalism in the United States, as various ethnic and cultural groups began to contribute to the rich tapestry of American society.

In summary, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 played a crucial role in transforming the demographics of the United States by promoting diversity and encouraging immigrants from various backgrounds to enter the country. This has had lasting effects on American society, culture, and economy.

To know more about Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, refer here:


an anesthetic is used primarily to produce the sensation of numbness. True or False


The statement "An anesthetic is used primarily to produce the sensation of numbness" is true because anesthetics are substances that are used to reduce or eliminate pain and sensation.

An anesthetic is a medication that is used to produce a lack of sensation or feeling. It can be administered locally, regionally, or generally to produce numbness or loss of consciousness during medical procedures.

Anesthetics work by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses from the site of the procedure to the brain, effectively preventing the patient from feeling pain or discomfort. While other sensations may also be affected by anesthetics, such as touch or temperature, the primary goal is to produce a state of numbness.

To know more about anesthetic, click here.


the ______ element of a social bond refers to a shared value and moral system.


The belief element of a social bond that refers to a shared value and moral system.

Social relationships can be divided into four primary categories, according to Travis Hirschi's social bond theory: attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief.

A person's internalisation of social standards, values, and beliefs—which instill a sense of duty to live up to social expectations—is referred to as belief.

People can refrain from acting in a deviant or illegal manner if they have a strong sense of faith in the morality of society rules and regulations. As a result, belief plays a crucial role in social control and conformity.

For such more question on social bond:


a properly positioned pa axial (caldwell) projection of the skull directs the central ray:


A properly positioned pa axial (Caldwell) projection of the skull is a radiographic projection that is used to view the skull from the front.

The central ray is directed perpendicular to the plane of the skull and enters the patient's head from the front at a 90 degree angle. This produces an image of the patient's entire skull from the front, including the facial bones, nasal bones, mandible, and other structures.

The projection offers the highest level of detail for the structures of the skull, and it is often used to diagnose and monitor fractures, tumors, and other conditions.

The image produced can also be used to compare with older images to track changes in the patient's condition.

Know more about radiographic projection here


interest in intelligence has often focused on individual differences and assessment. in this context, the term individual differences refers to


In the field of psychology, interest in intelligence has often been centered around individual differences and assessment.

The term "individual differences" refers to the unique characteristics and traits that each person possesses, which can affect their cognitive abilities and performance on intelligence tests. These differences can include factors such as age, gender, genetics, culture, education, and life experiences.

Assessing individual differences in intelligence involves the use of standardized tests, such as IQ tests, which measure cognitive abilities such as reasoning, problem-solving, and memory. These tests are designed to provide a standardized and objective measure of intelligence, allowing for comparison between individuals and groups.

However, it is important to note that intelligence is a complex and multifaceted construct, and individual differences in intelligence cannot be fully captured by a single test or measure. Other factors such as emotional intelligence, creativity, and practical skills also play a role in overall intelligence and may not be accurately reflected in traditional IQ tests.

Overall, the study of individual differences in intelligence has contributed to our understanding of the diversity of human cognition and the factors that influence cognitive abilities.

For more such questions on intelligence


in the acute phase of bipolar disorder, manic episode, which biopsychosocial need is the priority?
a) psychological
b) physical
c) intellectual
d) relational


In the acute phase of bipolar disorder, manic episode, the priority biopsychosocial need is typically the physical need of the individual.

During a manic episode, individuals may experience hyperactivity, insomnia, and reduced appetite. In severe cases, they may even engage in risky behavior that can put their physical safety at risk. Therefore, it is important to address the individual's physical needs first, such as ensuring they are getting enough sleep, eating properly, and avoiding behaviors that can cause harm.

While psychological, intellectual, and relational needs are also important, they may be less of a priority during the acute phase of bipolar disorder. Once the individual's physical needs are taken care of, other needs can be addressed through therapy, medication, and support from family and friends.

when a person speaks to an audience, they're not only appealing to the audience's mental process but also asking them to:


Speaking to an audience involves both appealing to their thought processes and requesting that they develop a disposition toward you. Option a is Correct.

Mon H. the opinion of the audience on the suitability of a speaker to address a certain subject. Competence and character are the two main aspects that affect a speaker's credibility. Credibility refers to how the listeners feel about or perceive the speaker. 1. Listeners are more inclined to accept what a speaker says the more positively they perceive the speaker.

Disposition process differences between audiences that are friendly, antagonistic, and neutral. Generally speaking, using words that have a lot of pathos attached to them is an excellent technique to build emotional appeal. Pathos is an emotive appeal that rhetoricians employ to illustrate particular emotional states. Option a is Correct.

Learn more about audience's process Visit:


Correct Question:

when you speak to an audience, you're not only appealing to their mental process but also asking to adopt a(n) _______ toward you.

a. disposition

b. emotion

c. attitude

d. bias

How might these ideas inform our larger class inquiry?​


In a larger class inquiry, these concepts could be used to design and conduct experiments or studies to investigate specific research questions or hypotheses

The experiments can be conducted more rigorously and methodically, producing results that are more solid and reliable, if it is possible to recognize, control, and measure independent variables and dependent variables.

Furthermore, using independent and dependent variables can aid in elucidating the causal connections between various variables and aid researchers in better comprehending the underlying mechanisms of the phenomena they are studying.

To know more about class inquiry, here


the shift in subsistence experienced by many cultures at the end of the holocene is characterized by: group of answer choices the adoption of an agricultural mode of life a replacement of megafauna in the diet to smaller animals, fish, shellfish, and birds a shift from hunting small game to megafauna an initial shift from hunting to scavenging the many animals that died when glacial conditions changed


The shift in subsistence experienced by many cultures at the end of the Holocene is characterized by the adoption of an agricultural mode of life. This period, known as the Neolithic Revolution, saw a transition from hunting and gathering to settled farming communities.

It was a significant milestone in human history, as it allowed for the development of more complex societies and the accumulation of surplus food. Additionally, it led to the domestication of animals and plants, which had profound effects on human culture, technology, and the environment. While the shift did involve changes in the types of foods consumed, such as a greater reliance on grains, it was primarily characterized by the adoption of agriculture.

Learn more about Neolithic Revolution


an agricultural mode of life, a replacement of megafauna in the diet with smaller animals, fish, shellfish, and birds.


The shift in subsistence experienced by many cultures at the end of the Holocene is characterized by the adoption of

This term can be misleading, though; modern humans were already well-established long before the epoch began. The Holocene Epoch began 12,000 to 11,500 years ago at the close of the Paleolithic Ice Age and continues today.

This shift was not an initial shift from hunting to scavenging the many animals that died when glacial conditions changed, nor was it a shift from hunting small game to hunting megafauna. It was primarily driven by the need to sustain larger populations and ensure a consistent food supply.

To know more about cultures at the end of the Holocene


A prediction of something dreadful about to happen is involved in a(n) __________.a. millenarian social movementb. alternative social movementc. proactive social movementd. social movement organization


A social movement that seeks only minor societal change is referred to as an alternative movement or alterative movement in sociology. Option b is Correct.

They aim to alter the behavior of certain individuals in respect to a problem by focusing on a limited group of people and one particular behavior. Alternative movements frequently emphasize self-improvement and small, targeted adjustments to a person's ideas and conduct. A different societal trend involves the foretelling of something terrible going to occur.

These organizations include Mothers Against Driving (MADD), Anonymous, and Planned Parenthood. Social movements are group initiatives that aim to alter the political, economic, or cultural landscape. This course examines unique characteristics of movements to study such collective acts by using a variety of historical and modern case studies. Option b is Correct.

Learn more about social movement Visit:


A prediction of something dreadful about to happen is involved in a millenarian social movement.

Millenarian social movements are characterized by a belief that a catastrophic event is imminent and that society must be transformed to survive. They often involve the expectation of a new age or millennium and a utopian vision of the future. Examples of millenarian social movements include religious cults and groups that believe in an impending apocalypse.

To know more about Millenarian movements, please click on:


in contrast to skinner’s more traditional approach, bandura’s theory maintains that


In contrast to Skinner's more traditional approach, Bandura's theory maintains that learning can occur through observation and imitation of others.

Bandura's theory also emphasizes the importance of cognitive processes, such as attention, memory, and motivation, in learning and behavior. This approach suggests that people can learn new behaviors and attitudes by watching others and modeling their actions, rather than solely through trial-and-error or reinforcement.

Additionally, Bandura's theory suggests that people can regulate their own behavior and control their environment through self-efficacy beliefs and self-regulation. Overall, Bandura's theory offers a more complex and holistic understanding of learning and behavior, incorporating both environmental and internal factors.

To know more about Bandura's theory click on below link:


i cannot, in good ________, allow you to send that email to your client.


I cannot, in good conscience, allow you to send that email to your client.

Moral or Ethical Concerns: The person speaking may have identified some moral or ethical concerns with the content or intent of the email being sent to the client. This could include potential legal or regulatory violations, unethical behavior, misrepresentation, or other actions that could harm the client, the organization, or others.

Personal Values and Principles: The person speaking may have personal values or principles that conflict with the content or intent of the email. These values and principles could be related to integrity, honesty, fairness, respect, or other moral or ethical considerations.

Professional Responsibilities: The person speaking may have professional responsibilities or obligations that prohibit or discourage sending the email. This could include adherence to a code of conduct, professional standards, or ethical guidelines specific to their role or industry.

Potential Consequences: The person speaking may anticipate potential negative consequences of sending the email, such as legal repercussions, damage to the organization's reputation, harm to client relationships, or other adverse outcomes. They may feel a responsibility to prevent these consequences from occurring.

Concern for Others: The person speaking may have genuine concern for the well-being of the client or others who may be affected by the email. They may believe that sending the email could have harmful consequences for the client, and they want to prevent those consequences.

Decision-making Process: The person speaking may have gone through a thoughtful decision-making process and concluded that sending the email would not be the right course of action based on their moral or ethical considerations, personal values, professional responsibilities, potential consequences, and concern for others.

To learn more about personal values, refer below:


which of the following scenarios demonstrates personality? group of answer choices misty is generally friendly, likable, and calm under pressure. roxanne can perform any mechanical task well. dalton regularly volunteers in a nearby domestic crisis shelter. mitchell scores extremely well on an intelligence test. sammi lacks coordination and performs poorly in all sports.


The scenario that best represents personality is Misty's. Personality refers to an individual's unique patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that persist over time and across different situations.

Misty's description of being generally friendly, likable, and calm under pressure reflects her personality traits, which are relatively stable characteristics that shape her behaviors and responses to different situations. While the other scenarios describe different skills, abilities, and behaviors, they do not necessarily reflect stable and enduring patterns of personality.

Misty's description implies a more complex and multi-dimensional personality that is characterized by positive interpersonal qualities and emotional stability.

Learn more about Personality


Correct Question:

Which of the following scenarios best represents personality?

a. Misty is generally friendly, likable, and calm under pressure.

b. Roxanne can perform any mechanical task well.

c. Dalton regularly volunteers in a nearby domestic crisis shelter.

d. Mitchell scores extremely well on an intelligence test.

e. Sammi lacks coordination and performs poorly in all sports.

If you have been asleep for about 50 minutes and are in a deep sleep such that when awakened you are disoriented, you have most likely been experiencing:A) REM sleepB) stage 2 sleepC) stage 3 sleepD) dream sleep


If you have been asleep for about 50 minutes and are in a deep sleep such that when awakened you are disoriented, you have most likely been experiencing stage 3 sleep.  So, the correct option is C) stage 3 sleep.

Stage 3 sleep, also known as slow-wave sleep or deep sleep, is the stage of sleep that is characterized by delta waves in the brain. During this stage, it is difficult to wake up and if awakened, one may feel groggy or disoriented.

REM sleep, on the other hand, is a stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements and heightened brain activity. It is during REM sleep that we most commonly experience vivid dreams. Stage 2 sleep is a transitional stage between wakefulness and deeper sleep, while dream sleep is not a recognized stage of sleep.

Overall, if you have been asleep for about 50 minutes and are disoriented upon awakening, it is most likely that you were in stage 3 sleep.

To know more about deep sleep refer here:


in a macrosociological examination of street people, one would study __________.


In a macrosociological examination of street people, one would study the larger social structures and systems that contribute to their situation.

This includes factors such as poverty, unemployment, lack of affordable housing, and inadequate access to social services.

It also involves analyzing the cultural and political beliefs that shape how society views and treats the homeless population.

Macrosociological analysis would focus on the wider implications of homelessness and how it is intertwined with larger social issues such as inequality, discrimination, and social exclusion.

Additionally, research would look at how government policies and economic systems perpetuate or alleviate homelessness.

By examining these broader social factors, we can better understand the root causes of homelessness and develop effective strategies to address this social problem.

To know more about macrosociological r here:


hat do infant studies teach us about how humans learn to specialize at detecting the phonemes in their native language?


Infant studies have shown us that humans learn to specialize at detecting the phonemes in their native language through a process called "phonetic learning."

Infants and early children learn to differentiate between the sounds of their native language and those of foreign languages through a process known as phonetic learning.

The ability to discern between all the phonemes used in all the languages of the world is something that infants are born with.

Nevertheless, as they are exposed to their original tongue, they start to become more adept at identifying the phonemes unique to that tongue.

The first year of life sees a steady process of specialisation that is greatly influenced by the infant's exposure to language.

For such more question on phonetic:


Infant studies suggest that humans learn to specialize at detecting the phonemes in their native language through a process of perceptual narrowing.

This means that during the first year of life, infants are able to discriminate between a wide range of phonemes from all languages. However, as they become more familiar with their native language, their ability to discriminate between non-native phonemes gradually declines, while their ability to discriminate between the phonemes of their own language becomes more refined. Studies have shown that infants are particularly sensitive to the phonemes of their own language, even before they are able to produce them themselves. This suggests that the process of specialization for native language phonemes begins early in life and is likely driven by experience and exposure to the sounds of the language. Infants are also able to learn from the social cues of their caregivers, such as facial expressions and intonation patterns, which can help them to identify and distinguish between the phonemes of their own language. In addition, studies have shown that infants are able to track statistical patterns in the sounds of their language, which can help them to learn and remember the phonemes more effectively. Overall, infant studies suggest that humans are able to learn to specialize at detecting the phonemes in their native language through a combination of innate abilities, social cues, and exposure to the sounds of the language. This process of specialization is important for language acquisition and helps to facilitate effective communication and understanding within a particular linguistic community.

Learn more about social cues here:


the just-world phenomenon often leads people to group of answer choices believe that victims of misfortune deserve to suffer. respond with kindness to those who mistreat them. express higher levels of prejudice after suffering frustration. dislike and distrust those who are wealthy. work to resolve and lessen social injustices.


The just-world phenomenon often leads people to believe that victims of misfortune deserve to suffer.

This phenomenon refers to the cognitive bias that people have of believing that the world is a fair and just place, and that people get what they deserve based on their actions and behavior. Therefore, when people see someone experiencing misfortune, they may attribute it to that person's own actions or character, rather than external factors or circumstances beyond their control. This can result in blaming the victim for their own misfortune and feeling less sympathy for them.

It is important to note that the just-world phenomenon is a cognitive bias and not an accurate reflection of reality. In many cases, people may experience misfortune through no fault of their own, such as through natural disasters, accidents, or systemic injustice.

Therefore, it is important to respond to those who are experiencing misfortune with empathy and compassion, rather than blaming or shaming them.

learn more about just-world phenomenon here:


true or false: the more value an individual places on information to be learned, the more effective and efficient the individual becomes in the learning process.


The statement is True. When an individual places a high value on the information they are trying to learn, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in the learning process.

This leads to a deeper understanding of the material, better retention of information, and improved performance on related tasks.

Additionally, when an individual sees the relevance and importance of the information, they are more likely to approach the learning process with a growth mindset and view mistakes as opportunities for improvement.

On the other hand, if an individual does not see the value in the information, they may be less motivated to learn and may not retain the information as effectively. Therefore, placing a high value on the information being learned can make the learning process more effective and efficient.

Consequently, the individual's overall learning process becomes more effective and efficient, allowing them to acquire and apply the knowledge more successfully.

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as people move into late adulthood, they are predominantly group of answer choices learning to combine two or more serial skills adapting their movements due to changes in anatomy and physiology learning new skills learning to combine two or more discrete skills


As people move into late adulthood, they are predominantly adapting their movements due to changes in anatomy and physiology.

As people move into late adulthood, they experience a variety of physical changes, including changes in sensory and motor systems. These changes can affect movement and mobility, making it necessary to adapt movements in order to maintain balance and stability.

For example, older adults may take shorter steps or walk more slowly to avoid falling. They may also use assistive devices, such as canes or walkers, to help with balance and mobility. Overall, adapting movements to changes in anatomy and physiology is an important aspect of maintaining physical function and independence in late adulthood.

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