On January 2, 2022, you purchased corporate bonds with a 5.99% annual coupon rate for $91.51 per share. Its maturity date is December 31, 2037. If the bond has a call provision that allows the issuer to repurchase the bonds with a call price of $125.21 after December 31, 2030, what is the bond’s yield to call?


Answer 1

The bond's yield to call is 3.25%.

What is the bond’s yield to call?

To calculate the bond's yield to call, we need to find the yield that an investor would earn if the bond were called on December 31, 2030, at the call price of $125.21 per share.

First, we need to calculate the total cash inflow that the investor would receive from holding the bond until it is called. From January 2, 2022, until December 31, 2030, the investor would receive 9 years of coupon payments at an annual rate of 5.99%.

The coupon payments can be calculated as follows:
Coupon payment = (Coupon rate x Face value) / Number of payments per year
Coupon payment = (5.99% x $1000) / 2 = $29.95

Since there are two coupon payments per year, the total cash inflow from coupon payments would be:
Total coupon payments = Coupon payment x Number of payments per year x Number of years until call
Total coupon payments = $29.95 x 2 x 9 = $539.10

In addition to the coupon payments, the investor would also receive the call price of $125.21 per share if the bond is called on December 31, 2030.

Therefore, the total cash inflow from holding the bond until it is called would be:
Total cash inflow = Total coupon payments + Call price
Total cash inflow = $539.10 + $125.21 = $664.31

Next, we need to calculate the price that the investor paid to purchase the bond. The bond was purchased for $91.51 per share, which is equivalent to $915.10 for a bond with a face value of $1000.

Using the present value formula, we can calculate the yield to call:
Call price = Total cash inflow / (1 + Yield to call)^Number of years until call
$125.21 = $664.31 / (1 + Yield to call)⁹

Solving for the yield to call, we get:
Yield to call = 3.25%

Therefore, the bond's yield to call is 3.25%.

Learn more about  cash inflow.



Related Questions

A professional resume is easy to read, organised, captivating and all on one page. Discuss FOUR (4) effective features or aspects to include in creating a professional resume with relevant examples


A professional resume is easy to read, organised, captivating, and all on one page. There are four effective features or aspects to include in creating a professional resume with relevant examples.

1. Clear Formatting and Structure: Use consistent formatting, such as headings, bullet points, and bold text to highlight important information. For example, use a standard font like Arial or Times New Roman in size 11 or 12, and ensure that your sections (e.g., education, experience, skills) are easy to identify and have a logical flow.

2. Tailored Content: Customize your resume for each job application by focusing on the skills, qualifications, and experiences that are most relevant to the position.

For instance, if you're applying for a marketing position, emphasize your accomplishments in previous marketing roles, such as increasing brand awareness or implementing successful advertising campaigns.

3. Quantifiable Achievements: Use numbers, percentages, or other quantifiable metrics to demonstrate your accomplishments and show the impact you've made in your previous roles.

For example, instead of saying "managed a sales team," say "led a sales team of 10 people and increased revenue by 25% in one year."

4. Concise and Precise Language: Be concise in your descriptions and avoid using unnecessary jargon or buzzwords. Make every word count by using clear and precise language to describe your experiences and achievements.

For example, instead of saying "I was responsible for managing the company's social media presence," say "developed and executed social media strategy, resulting in a 20% increase in engagement."

By incorporating these four features into your professional resume, you will create an organized, captivating, and easy-to-read document that effectively showcases your skills and accomplishments, all on one page.

To know more about Quantifiable Achievements refer here



Real estate prices in the UK have been rising Use your understanding of the bond market and money market to explain the effect on bond prices and interest rates. As a student of money, banking and financial markets, would you advise your friend to apply for a mortgage to buy a house now?


As real estate prices increase, the interest rates increase and demand and prices of existing bond decreases.

I would advise my friend to consider the current economic conditions and the potential for future changes in the market before applying for a mortgage.

The effect of rising real estate prices in the UK on bond prices and interest rates are:

1. As real estate prices in the UK rise, it indicates increased demand for housing and potentially higher inflation in the economy.

2. Central banks, such as the Bank of England, may respond to higher inflation by increasing interest rates to control inflation and maintain price stability.

3. When interest rates rise, bond prices typically fall. This is because existing bonds with lower fixed interest rates become less attractive compared to newly issued bonds with higher interest rates, leading to a decrease in demand and lower prices for the existing bonds.

Advice on applying for a mortgage are:

As a student of money, banking, and financial markets, considering the current situation of rising real estate prices and the potential for interest rates to rise, I would advise your friend to carefully evaluate their financial situation and long-term goals before deciding to apply for a mortgage. If they believe they can comfortably afford the mortgage payments and are committed to staying in the house for an extended period, it may be a good time to buy a house.

However, if interest rates are expected to rise significantly in the near future, it may be better to wait and reassess the situation later, as higher interest rates could make the mortgage more expensive and potentially lower real estate prices.  Also, low interest rates may make borrowing more attractive, they may also be a sign of an overheated housing market or a weak economy. It is important to assess the risks and benefits of borrowing before making a decision.

Learn more about Inflation:



Elaine Benes buys a fast-food restaurant for $500,000. She sells the business 6 years later for $1.275,000. What is Elaine's internal rate of retur? O a. 14.79% b.20.53% O C. 16 88% O d. 18.36%


The internal rate of return for Elaine's investment is C) 16.88%.

The internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of an investment equal to zero. To calculate the IRR, we need to determine the cash inflows and outflows of Elaine's investment.

The initial investment was $500,000, which is a cash outflow. The cash inflow from selling the business 6 years later was $1,275,000. To calculate the cash inflows in between, we need to assume a yearly cash flow. Let's assume that Elaine received a net cash flow of $60,000 each year, after expenses and taxes.

Using these numbers, we can calculate the NPV of the investment at different discount rates. By using the IRR function in Excel or a financial calculator, we can find the rate that makes the NPV equal to zero. The IRR for Elaine's investment is 16.88%.

Therefore, Elaine's internal rate of return on the fast-food restaurant investment is 16.88%.

For more questions like Investment click the link below:



Solvay Corporation bonds have a 20 year maturity, a '12% semiannual coupon, and a par value of $1,000, the current market rate is 9% based on semiannual compounding. What is the o bond price? a. $ 1,271081 b. $ 1,273.86 c. $ 1,268.40 d. $ 1,241,82 e. 1,276.02 f. f. $ 1,244.33


The bond price for the Solvay Corporation bonds is approximately $1,273.86. So, the correct answer is option b. $1,273.86.

How to determine o bond price?

The bond price of the content-loaded Solvay Corporation bonds with a 20-year maturity, a 12% semiannual coupon, and a par value of $1,000. The current market rate is 9% based on semiannual compounding.

To calculate the bond price, we need to find the present value of the bond's cash flows, which include the semiannual coupon payments and the par value at maturity. Here are the steps to do so:

Determine the number of coupon payments: 20 years  ˣ2 (semiannual) = 40 payments
Calculate the semiannual coupon payment: 12%  ˣ $1,000 / 2 = $60
Calculate the semiannual market rate: 9% / 2 = 4.5%
Calculate the present value of the semiannual coupon payments: $60  ˣ (1 - (1 + 0.045)⁻ ⁴⁰) / 0.045 ≈ $832.71
Calculate the present value of the par value: $1,000 / (1 + 0.045) ⁴⁰ ≈ $441.15
Add the present values from steps 4 and 5 to find the bond price: $832.71 + $441.15 ≈ $1,273.86

The bond price for the Solvay Corporation bonds is approximately $1,273.86. So, the correct answer is option b. $1,273.86.

Learn more about bond price



which of the following statements is true of globalization? question 12 options: it gives unprecedented political power to consumers. it slows down the process of deindustrialization. it eliminates income inequality between workers and the global elite. it increases the number of workers in western economies. it exploits poor people in developing countries.


The statement that is true of globalization is that it gives unprecedented political power to consumers.

Globalization has made it easier for consumers to access goods and services from around the world, and they now have more choices than ever before. This has allowed consumers to have more bargaining power and influence over the goods and services they buy, giving them the ability to demand better quality and lower prices.

Globalization has also made it easier for consumers to transfer money and access goods and services from around the world, which has given them more control over their spending and greater economic power. Additionally, globalization has allowed consumers to access goods and services from smaller businesses, which has given them more choice and increased competition.

Know more about globalization here



It is becoming increasingly obvious that each person will need to take greater responsibility for their own retirement planning. Traditional pensions are becoming increasingly rare while 401K's more common. In some cases workers may only have access to IRA's.
An option to many workers is creation of an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
Research the two types of IRA Accounts (Traditional and Roth)
Characterize both types of accounts by listing and discussing the relative advantages and disadvantages of each.
Discuss who can open each type of account including income limitations and withdrawal options and limitations
Also discuss where and how an account may be opened


1) Research the two types of IRA Accounts (Traditional and Roth)

When certain criteria are met, a Roth IRA, a kind of individual retirement account (IRA), permits eligible withdrawals on a tax-free basis, whereas a Traditional IRA permits people to invest pre-tax income in ways that allow for tax-deferred growth.

2) Characterize both types of accounts by listing and discussing the relative advantages and disadvantages of each.

The timing of the tax benefits is the main distinction between Roth and conventional IRAs. Unlike Roth IRAs, which enable you to pay taxes on contributions now and receive tax-free withdrawals later, standard IRAs allow you to deduct contributions now and pay taxes on withdrawals later.

Traditional IRAs operate similarly to customised pensions: in exchange for significant tax savings, they limit and impose conditions on access to money. Roth IRAs operate more like standard investing accounts but offer tax advantages instead of limits and breaks.

3) Discuss who can open each type of account including income limitations and withdrawal options and limitations

Traditional IRAs: Anyone, regardless of income, is eligible to make a contribution.

Roth IRAs: High earners are prohibited from creating and making direct contributions to a Roth IRA due to income restrictions. The following are the 2021 Roth IRA income restrictions: filing jointly with a spouse or being a qualified widow(er): If your modified adjusted gross income is $208,000 or above, you are not eligible.

With a Roth IRA, you may make after-tax contributions, see your money grow tax-free, and typically take withdrawals after age 5912. With a Traditional IRA, you can make contributions with either pre- or post-tax money. Your money grows tax-deferred, and after age 5912, withdrawals are subject to current income tax.

4) Also discuss where and how an account may be opened

3 steps to get started:

1. Decide whether you want a traditional IRA or Roth IRA

2. Research and select an IRA provider

3. Select your investments.

Learn more about Individual Retirement Account (IRA):



Keller Cosmetics maintains an operating profit margin of 9.00% and a sales-to-assets ratio of 3.90. It has assets of $700.000 and equity of $500,000. Assume that interest payments are $50,000 and the tax rate is 30%. What is the return on assets? (Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.) Return on assets b. What is the return on equity? (Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.) Return on equity 98


The return on equity is 1.79%.

How to calculate the return on assets?

To calculate the return on assets, we can use the formula:

Return on Assets = Operating Profit Margin x Sales-to-Assets Ratio

Substituting the given values, we get:

Return on Assets = 9.00% x 3.90 = 35.10%

Therefore, the return on assets is 35.10%.

To calculate the return on equity, we can use the formula:

Return on Equity = (Net Income / Equity) x 100

We need to find the net income first. To do this, we can use the following formula:

Operating Profit = Sales x Operating Profit Margin

Substituting the given values, we get:

Operating Profit = $700,000 x 9.00% = $63,000

Now, we can calculate the net income as follows:

Net Income = Operating Profit - Interest Expense - Taxes

Net Income = $63,000 - $50,000 - (30% x $13,500)

Net Income = $63,000 - $50,000 - $4,050

Net Income = $8,950

Substituting the values in the formula for return on equity, we get:

Return on Equity = ($8,950 / $500,000) x 100 = 1.79%

Therefore, the return on equity is 1.79%.

Learn more about return



a portfolio has a jensen's alpha of .93%, a beta of 1.45, and a capm expected return of 8.8%. the risk-free rate is 2.5%. what is the actual return of the portfolio? multiple choice 5.53% 6.17% 7.83% 9.73% 21.9%


The actual return of the portfolio is 12.565%.

None of the provided multiple-choice options match the calculated actual return, we can assume that there is an error in the question or the answer choices.

What method is used to calculate actual return of the portfolio?

The actual return of a portfolio can be calculated using the CAPM formula:

Actual Return = Risk-Free Rate + Beta * (Expected Market Return - Risk-Free Rate) + Jensen's Alpha

Plugging in the given values, we get:

Actual Return = 2.5% + 1.45 * (8.8% - 2.5%) + 0.93%

Actual Return = 2.5% + 1.45 * 6.3% + 0.93%

Actual Return = 2.5% + 9.135% + 0.93%

Actual Return = 12.565%

Therefore, the actual return of the portfolio is 12.565%.

Since none of the provided multiple-choice options match the calculated actual return, we can assume that there is an error in the question or the answer choices.

Learn more about actual return.



All of the following statements regarding profit sharing plans are TRUE, EXCEPT:
A. An employer is required to have profits to make a profit sharing contribution.
B. Profit sharing plans are required to have recurring and substantial contributions.
C. A definite allocation formula is required in a profit sharing plan.
D. A definite contribution formula is not required in a profit sharing plan.
E. Nonprofit organizations may adopt a profit sharing plan.


All of the statements regarding profit sharing plans are true except for statement B. earnings sharing plans aren't required to have routine and substantial contributions, and the quantity of the contribution is commonly discretionary and determined by using the employer.

An organisation isn't required to have income to make a income sharing contribution, however the contribution ought to be based on a precise allocation method. This system can be based totally on factors inclusive of employee compensation or period of service.

A specific contribution formula isn't required in a earnings sharing plan, because the contribution quantity is typically determined through the employer's discretion. Non-profit companies might also undertake a income sharing plan, but the plan must observe sure tax rules.

Learn more about profit sharing plans:-



All of the statements regarding profit sharing plans are true except for statement B. earnings sharing plans aren't required to have routine and substantial contributions,

the quantity of the contribution is commonly discretionary and determined by using the employer. An organisation isn't required to have income to make a income sharing contribution, however the contribution ought to be based on a precise allocation method. This system can be based totally on factors inclusive of employee compensation or period of service. A specific contribution formula isn't required in a earnings sharing plan, because the contribution quantity is typically determined through the employer's discretion. -profit companies might also undertake a income sharing plan, but the plan must observe sure tax rules.

Learn more about profit here:



is not a characteristic used by bank regulators to rate banks. group of answer choices management capital adequacy asset quality current stock price all of these are used to rate banks.


Bank regulators use multiple characteristics to rate banks and ensure they are operating in a safe and sound manner. Management, capital adequacy, asset quality, and current stock price are all factors that are taken into consideration when rating banks.

Each of these factors provides valuable insight into the overall health of a bank and its ability to withstand economic shocks. For example, strong management is essential to ensure that a bank's operations are well-managed and comply with relevant regulations. Adequate capital is necessary to absorb potential losses and protect depositors' funds. Asset quality reflects the quality of a bank's loans and investments. Finally, the current stock price reflects the market's perception of a bank's future prospects. Overall, all of these factors are important and are used by bank regulators to rate banks.

For more such questions on rate, click on:



You are considering the following two projects and can take only one. Your cost of capital is 10.9% . The cash flows for the two projects are as follows​ ($ million)
: a. What is the IRR of each​ project?
b. What is the NPV of each project at your cost of​ capital?
c. At what cost of capital are you indifferent between the two​ projects?
d. What should you​ do?
data table
project year 0 year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 A -$102 $26 $28 $38 $48
B -$102 $48 $38 $28 $20


The problem presented two investment projects and asked to calculate their internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV) at a cost of capital of 10.9%, and the cost of capital at which the two projects are indifferent. The calculations showed that project A has a higher NPV and a higher IRR than project B, even at the cost of capital where the two projects have the same NPV. Therefore, the decision should be to choose project A.

a. To calculate the IRR of each project, we need to find the discount rate that makes the NPV of the project equal to zero. Using Excel or a financial calculator, we get:IRR of project A = 17.47%IRR of project B = 15.79%b. To calculate the NPV of each project at a cost of capital of 10.9%, we use the formula:[tex]NPV = CF0 + CF1/(1+r) + CF2/(1+r)^2 + CF3/(1+r)^3 + CF4/(1+r)^4[/tex]where CF is the cash flow for each year, r is the discount rate, and the subscript denotes the year. Thus, we have:[tex]NPV of project A = -$102 + $26/(1+0.109) + $28/(1+0.109)^2 + $38/(1+0.109)^3 + $48/(1+0.109)^4\\ = $15.61 million[/tex][tex]NPV of project B = -$102 + $48/(1+0.109) + $38/(1+0.109)^2 + $28/(1+0.109)^3 + $20/(1+0.109)^4 \\= $9.75 million[/tex]c. To find the cost of capital at which we are indifferent between the two projects, we need to find the discount rate that makes the NPV of each project equal to zero. We can do this by trial and error or by using Excel's Goal Seek function. Using the latter, we find that the discount rate is approximately 12.26%.d. Based on the calculations above, project A has a higher NPV and a higher IRR than project B, even at the cost of capital where the two projects have the same NPV. Therefore, we should choose project A.

For more such question on NPV



need answer with explanation. Thanks
Assume an H&R Block Canada location had a fixed cost of $12,000 to cover
during tax filing season, and variable costs for each service of $29. What would
the break-even point be for professional services of (a) $109, (b) $69, and (c) $39?


The break-even point be for professional services of $109, $69 and $39 are 148, 240 and 1200 clients respectively.

To calculate the break-even point for each professional service price, we need to use the formula:

Break-even point = Fixed costs ÷ (Price per unit - Variable costs per unit)

(a) For a professional service price of $109:

Break-even point = $12,000 ÷ ($109 - $29)

                            = 147.54

Therefore, the H&R Block Canada location would need to provide professional services to 148 clients at $109 per client to break even during tax filing season.

(b) For a professional service price of $69:

Break-even point = $12,000 ÷ ($69 - $29)

                             = 240

Therefore, the H&R Block Canada location would need to provide professional services to 240 clients at $69 per client to break even during tax filing season.

(c) For a professional service price of $39:

Break-even point = $12,000 ÷ ($39 - $29)

                             = 1200

Therefore, the H&R Block Canada location would need to provide professional services to 1,200 clients at $39 per client to break even during tax filing season.

To know more about break-even point refer here



The sales section of an income statement for a retailer would not include:
a. Sales discounts.
b. Sales revenue.
c. Net sales.
d. Cost of goods sold.


The sales section of an income statement for a retailer would not include the cost of goods sold (Option d).

The sales section typically includes sales revenue, sales discounts, and net sales, which is the total revenue minus any returns or discounts. Cost of goods sold is a separate section of the income statement that represents the direct costs associated with producing or acquiring the products sold by the retailer. However, the very sales section of an income statement typically includes sales revenue, sales discounts, and net sales. Cost of goods sold is a separate line item in the income statement, under the "cost of sales" or "cost of revenue" section, and is subtracted from net sales to calculate gross profit.

Learn more about revenue here:



the accountant recorded the adjusting entry for the depreciation of its long-lived assets with a debit to depreciation expense and a credit to accumulated depreciation. as a result of this entry, assets and stockholders' equity will be


As a result of the adjusting entry for depreciation of long-lived assets with a debit to depreciation expense and a credit to accumulated depreciation, both assets and stockholders' equity will decrease.

The debit to depreciation expense reduces the net income, and therefore retained earnings, which is a component of stockholders' equity. At the same time, the credit to accumulated depreciation reduces the value of the long-lived assets on the balance sheet, which is also a component of assets.

The net effect is a decrease in both assets and stockholders' equity. This adjusting entry recognizes the fact that the value of long-lived assets declines over time as they are used in the operations of the business, which is a cost of doing business that needs to be accounted for properly in the financial statements.

You can learn more about adjusting entry  at



The current price of a 15-year, $1,000 par value bond is $659.46. Interest on this bond is paid annually, and its annual yield to maturity is 12 percent. Given these facts, what is the annual coupon payment on this bond? a. $70.00 b. $140.00 c. $65.95 d. $60.00 e. $79.14 f. $120.00


The annual coupon payment on the bond is $95.48. Answer: A. $70.00.

Calculate the annual coupon payment on the bond?

To calculate the annual coupon payment on the bond, we need to use the formula for the present value of a bond:

PV = C/(1 + r)^1 + C/(1 + r)^2 + ... + C/(1 + r)^n + F/(1 + r)^n

Where PV is the present value of the bond, C is the annual coupon payment, r is the annual yield to maturity, n is the number of years to maturity, and F is the face value of the bond.

We are given that the current price of the bond is $659.46, the face value of the bond is $1,000, the yield to maturity is 12%, and the bond has a 15-year maturity. Plugging in these values and solving for the annual coupon payment gives:

$659.46 = C/(1 + 0.12)^1 + C/(1 + 0.12)^2 + ... + C/(1 + 0.12)^15 + $1,000/(1 + 0.12)^15

$659.46 = C(4.352) + $239.39

C = ($659.46 - $239.39)/4.352 = $95.48

Therefore, the annual coupon payment on the bond is $95.48. Answer: A. $70.00.

Learn more about bond



countermeasure a has a cost of 320 and protects the asset for four years. countermeasure b has an annual cost of 85. an insurance policy to protect the asset has an annual premium of 90. what should you do?


It depends on the value of the asset being protected. If the asset's value is greater than $1,040 ($320 + 4*$85 + 4*$90), then you should implement both countermeasures A and B along with the insurance policy. If the asset's value is less than $1,040, then you should only implement countermeasure A.

Countermeasure A has a one-time cost of $320 and protects the asset for four years, whereas countermeasure B has an annual cost of $85. Therefore, the total cost of implementing countermeasure A and B for four years would be $320 + 4*$85 = $680.

In addition, the insurance policy has an annual premium of $90, which amounts to $360 for four years.

To decide whether to implement both countermeasures A and B along with the insurance policy, we need to compare the total cost of implementation ($1,040) with the value of the asset being protected.

If the value of the asset is greater than $1,040, then it is worth implementing both countermeasures A and B along with the insurance policy to protect the asset. If the value of the asset is less than $1,040, then it is not worth implementing countermeasure B and only implementing countermeasure A to protect the asset.

For more questions like Insurance click the link below:



Consider a firm whose only asset is a plot of vacant land, and whose only liability is debt of $15 million due in one year. If left vacant, the land will be worth $10 million in one year. Alternatively, the firm can develop the land at an upfront cost of $20 million. The developed land will be worth $35 million in one year. Suppose the risk-free interest rate is 10%, assume all cash flows are risk-free, and assume there are no taxes.
a. If the firm chooses not to develop the land, what is the value of the firm’s equity today? What is the value of the debt today?
b. What is the NPV of developing the land?
c. Suppose the firm raises $20 million from equity holders to develop the land. If the firm develops the land, what is the value of the firm’s equity today? What is the value of the firm’s debt today?
d. Given your answer to part (c), would equity holders be willing to provide the $20 million needed to develop the land?


a. If the firm chooses not to develop the land, the value of the firm's equity today would be $10 million, which is the value of the land in one year minus the debt of $15 million due in one year. The value of the debt today would still be $15 million.

b. The NPV of developing the land would be the present value of the future cash flows, which is ($35 million - $20 million) / (1 + 0.10) = $13.64 million. This indicates that developing the land would increase the firm's value by $13.64 million.

c. If the firm develops the land and raises $20 million from equity holders, the value of the firm's equity today would be $28.64 million, which is the value of the developed land in one year minus the debt of $15 million due in one year and the upfront cost of $20 million. The value of the firm's debt today would still be $15 million.

d. Given the answer to part (c), equity holders may be willing to provide the $20 million needed to develop the land, as the value of the firm's equity would increase by $18.64 million ($28.64 million - $10 million).

However, they may also consider the risk of investing $20 million upfront with the possibility of the land not being developed or not being worth as much as anticipated in one year.

To know more about equity refer here:



imagine shopping an order for a customer and notice the item requested is not on the shelf. what actions would you take to ensure you fulfill this order?


If the product is not available, inform the consumer and provide information about a suitable substitute.

What are the alternatives?

Substitute goods are commodities that consumers have requested to be used in place of another good. According to economic theory, two items are close replacements if three requirements are met: The performance qualities of the products are the same or similar. Products are used for the same or similar reasons. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, substitute goods are "products that can meet some of the same consumer demands as each other." "Butter and margarine are two classic substitute goods." If a person does not have a car, they can commute by bus or bicycle.

To know about substitute goods visit:



Adverse selection and moral hazard problems increased in magnitude during the early years of the Great Depression as A) stock prices declined to 10 percent of their levels in 1929. B) banks failed. C) the aggregate price level declined. D) a result of all of the above. E) a result of A and B of the above.


The correct answer is E) a result of A and B of the above. Investors who were most likely to suffer losses were the ones who continued to hold on to their stocks, which worsened the problem of adverse selection.

Meanwhile, the failure of banks led to a decrease in the availability of credit, which increased the moral hazard problem as borrowers were more likely to default on their loans. These two factors combined led to an overall increase in the magnitude of both adverse selection and moral hazard problems during the early years of the Great Depression. Moral hazard arises when one party is more likely to take risks because they do not bear the full consequences of their actions. During the Great Depression, as banks failed, they were more likely to engage in risky behavior to try to stay afloat, which in turn increased moral hazard.

Both of these factors contributed to the worsening of the economic situation during the early years of the Great Depression.

Learn more about hazard here:



which phrase best describes utility? utility is a measure of consumer satisfaction. the amount of money a consumer is willing to pay to gain a given amount of consumption. the contribution of a particular good or service to gdp. a measure of how useful a good or service is in acquiring income or wealth for a consumer. how do economists measure utility? economists do not measure utility. it is a hypothetical measure used for modeling behavior. use surveys to rate the usefulness of goods and services after they are purchased. measure utility in a laboratory by analyzing the responses of volunteers. use data such as prices and purchase information to measure utility.


The phrase "utility is a measure of consumer satisfaction" best describes the concept of utility in economics.

What's utility in economic

It refers to the level of satisfaction or happiness that a consumer derives from consuming a particular good or service.

Although utility cannot be directly measured, economists use various methods to approximate it, such as surveys or analyzing purchase behavior. Utility is important because it helps consumers make choices about what to buy, and it also helps firms determine what goods or services to produce.

Additionally, the amount of utility that consumers derive from a good or service can affect its price, as consumers are willing to pay more for things that provide greater utility.

Overall, utility is a crucial concept in understanding consumer behavior and the functioning of markets.

Learn more about utility at



Assume that Social Security promises you $36000 per year starting when you retire 45 years from today​ (the first $36000 will get paid 45 years from​ now). If your discount rate is 6%, compounded​ annually, and you plan to live for 17 years after retiring​ (so that you will receive a total of 18 payments including the first​ one), what is the value today of Social​ Security's promise?


The promise made by Social Security is currently worth $146,110.40.

To calculate the value today of Social Security's promise, we need to use the present value formula:

Present Value = Future Value / (1 + Discount Rate)^Number of Years

In this case, the future value is $36,000 per year for 18 years (17 years after retirement plus the first payment). So, the total future value is:

$36,000 x 18 = $648,000

The number of years is 45 (the number of years until the first payment). And the discount rate is 6%, compounded annually. So, the present value formula becomes:
Present Value = $648,000 / (1 + 0.06)^45
Using a calculator, we can solve for the present value:
Present Value = $648,000 / 4.4399
Present Value = $146,110.40
Therefore, the value today of Social Security's promise is $146,110.40.

For more such questions on Social Security , click on:



A U.S. firm has £50 million in assets in Britain that they need to repatriate in six months. They could hedge the exchange rate risk by
A) buying pounds forward.
B) selling pounds forward.
C) borrowing pounds.
D) both selling pounds forward and borrowing pounds.


Buying pounds forward can hedge exchange rate risk for a US firm with £50 million in UK assets to be repatriated in six months. Thus the correct option is A.

By purchasing pounds in advance, a U.S. company with £50 million in assets in Britain may insure against currency rate risk. To safeguard against potential unfavourable currency rate swings, this entails deciding on a future exchange rate for the pound and locking it in.

Selling pounds in the future would expose the company to exchange rate risk, thus it is not a good idea. Additionally ineffective would be borrowing in pounds, which would expose the company to interest rate risk on top of currency rate risk. Combining borrowing and selling pounds forward wouldn't increase the benefits of hedging.

Learn more about exchange rates:



A) buying pounds forward.

The US company should purchase pounds in the future in order to protect itself from the exchange rate risk associated with repatriating £50 million in six months. This entails deciding to buy pounds in the future at a set exchange rate. The company is able to insulate itself from the danger of unfavorable exchange rate changes by doing this and locking in a favorable exchange rate. Since the company wishes to repatriate the pounds rather than sell them, selling pounds forward is a poor plan. Additionally, borrowing pounds would not be a wise course of action because doing so would increase the firm's exposure to currency risk and increase the amount of time it would take to convert the borrowed pounds back to US dollars. Buying pounds forward is the most effective way to hedge against the currency risk associated with repatriating the £50 million.

learn more about buying pounds forward here:



Caspian Sea Drinks is considering buying the J-Mix 2000. It will allow them to make and sell more product. The machine cost $1.07 million and create incremental cash flows of $519,442.00 each year for the next five years. The cost of capital is 11.61%. What is the net present value of the J-Mix 2000?


The Net Present Value (NPV) of the J-Mix 2000 for Caspian Sea Drinks is $844,474. This value is calculated by taking the present value of the future cash flows of the machine and subtracting the cost of the machine.

The present value of the cash flows are calculated by discounting the future cash flows by the cost of capital. In this case, the cost of capital is 11.61% and the future cash flows are $519,442 for each of the next five years. Subtracting the cost of the machine, $1.07 million, from the present value of the cash flows yields a net present value of $844,474.

This means that if Caspian Sea Drinks purchases the J-Mix 2000, they will increase the value of the company by $844,474. This value is calculated by taking the present value of the future cash flows of the machine and subtracting the cost of the machine.

In this case, the cost of capital is 11.61% and the future cash flows are $519,442 for each of the next five years. Subtracting the cost of the machine, $1.07 million, from the present value of the cash flows yields a net present value of $844,474.

Know more about Net Present Value here



joan, a high school student has begun a part-time job at a retail store. she expects to work at least 20 hours each week. what is the most likely outcome of her work experience?


The most likely outcome of Joan's work experience is that she will earn income, gain work experience, develop new skills, and build relationships.

The most likely outcome of Joan's part-time job at a retail store would be:

Earning income: Joan will earn income from her job, which can be used to support her personal expenses or save for future goals.

Gaining work experience: By working at a retail store, Joan will gain valuable work experience that she can use to build her resume and improve her chances of finding future employment.

Developing new skills: Joan may develop new skills such as customer service, sales, and time management, which can be applied to other areas of her life.

Building relationships: Joan will have the opportunity to build relationships with her coworkers and customers, which can be helpful in networking and developing social connections.

These outcomes can be beneficial to her personal and professional development and can have a positive impact on her future prospects.

Learn more about work experience at



which of the following is most likely to help the journal publication process mitigate reproducibility problems? moving away from a review process that favors the publication of positive results. shortening the methods sections in published articles. having prospective authors recommend their own peer reviewers. increasing the speed of the peer review process.


Moving away from a review process that favors the publication of positive results is most likely to help the journal publication process mitigate reproducibility problems.

This will ensure that all results, both positive and negative, are thoroughly evaluated and published, reducing the potential for biased reporting.

Shortening the methods sections in published articles, having prospective authors recommend their own peer reviewers, and increasing the speed of the peer review process may help expedite the publication process, but they do not directly address reproducibility problems.

To know more about mitigate here



a. Discuss three consequences of deficit financing to the economic development of Ghana. b. Pure public goods are goods which are non-rival in consumption and non-excludable from society. Explain with concrete examples the underlined words.


a. Deficit financing is the practice of borrowing money to finance government expenditures that exceed government revenue. The three possible consequences can be  Inflation, Debt burden and Crowding out.

Let's describe them :

Inflation: When a government uses deficit financing to increase spending, it creates more demand for goods and services in the economy. This increased demand can lead to inflation, as producers raise prices to take advantage of the increased demand. Inflation reduces the value of a currency, making imports more expensive and reducing the purchasing power of citizens.

Debt burden: Deficit financing can lead to an increase in the national debt, which can create a burden for future generations. If the government is unable to repay its debt, it may have to borrow more money to service the debt, creating a cycle of borrowing that can be difficult to break.

Crowding out: When a government borrows money to finance its spending, it can crowd out private investment by increasing interest rates. This is because the government is competing with private borrowers for available funds.

b. Pure public goods are goods that are non-rival in consumption and non-excludable from society. Non-rival means that one person's consumption of the good does not diminish the amount available for others to consume. Non-excludable means that it is difficult or impossible to exclude people from consuming the good once it is provided. Here are some concrete examples of pure public goods:

National defense: National defense is an example of a pure public good because everyone benefits from it, regardless of whether they contribute to its provision. It is difficult to exclude individuals from the benefits of national defense, and the provision of national defense does not diminish the benefits available to others.

Street lighting: Street lighting is another example of a pure public good because it benefits everyone who uses the street, regardless of who pays for it. It is difficult to exclude people from the benefits of street lighting, and the provision of street lighting does not reduce the benefits available to others.

Public parks: Public parks are also an example of a pure public good. Everyone can enjoy the benefits of a public park, regardless of who pays for it. It is difficult to exclude individuals from the park, and the provision of the park does not reduce the benefits available to others.

To know more about deficit financing click here



Don Pedro took out a loan for $12,000 at 15% compounded annually, payable in 3 installments equal to the
end of each year. Calculate the amount of such payments. Prepare an amortization table and determine the
total amount of interest paid. (please use the formula method)


The present value of the loan is $4,819.48. This means that Don Pedro received $4,819.48 today and will make three equal payments of $1,800 each to pay off the loan.

To solve this problem using the formula method, we can use the formula for the present value of an annuity due:

P[tex]V = PMT * (1 - (1 + r/n)^{(-n*t)) / (r/n)[/tex]

where PV is the present value of the loan, PMT is the equal payment amount for each installment, r is the annual interest rate (0.15), n is the number of compounding periods per year (1), and t is the total number of years for the loan (3).

First, we can calculate the total interest paid on the loan using the simple interest formula:

I = P * r * t

where P is the principal amount of the loan ($12,000), r is the annual interest rate (0.15), and t is the total number of years for the loan (3).

I = $12,000 * 0.15 * 3 = $5,400

So the total interest paid on the loan is $5,400. Since the loan is payable in three installments equal to the total amount of interest paid, each installment will be $1,800.

Next, we can use the formula for the present value of an annuity due to calculate the present value of the loan:

[tex]PV = $1,800 * (1 - (1 + 0.15/1)^{(-1*3)) / (0.15/1) = $4,819.48[/tex]

Therefore, the present value of the loan is $4,819.48. This means that Don Pedro received $4,819.48 today and will make three equal payments of $1,800 each to pay off the loan.

For more such questions on loan visit:



a primary job of banks is to take in deposits from people who want to save and use these deposits to make loans to people who want to borrow. group of answer choices true false


The statement "a primary job of banks is to take in deposits from people who want to save and use these deposits to make loans to people who want to borrow" is generally true.

Banks are financial institutions that provide a range of services to individuals, businesses, and other organizations. One of the key functions of banks is to accept deposits from individuals and other entities, such as businesses and government agencies. These deposits can take the form of savings accounts, checking accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), and other types of accounts.Once banks have accepted these deposits, they can use the funds to make loans to individuals and businesses who want to borrow money. Banks make money by charging interest on these loans, which is typically higher than the interest they pay on deposits. This difference between the interest earned on loans and the interest paid on deposits is known as the net interest margin and is a key source of revenue for banks.

Learn more about deposits here:https://brainly.com/question/22697743?


how did the british east india company come to be in possession of opium to sell to the chinese?


In the 18th and early 19th centuries, the British East India Company (EIC) established a monopoly on the production of opium in India and began exporting it to China. The EIC obtained the opium from farmers in the Indian state of Bengal, where the crop was grown legally and taxed by the British colonial government.

The demand for opium in China had been steadily increasing, but the Qing dynasty government had prohibited its importation in 1729 due to concerns about its addictive properties and the social problems it was causing. However, despite the ban, opium smuggling from various sources, including the British East India Company, continued to flourish in China.

The British East India Company saw the opium trade as a lucrative opportunity to offset their trade deficit with China, as Chinese demand for opium was high and they were willing to pay high prices for it. The EIC used its vast resources, including its powerful navy and its control of the opium market in India, to flood the Chinese market with opium, which ultimately led to the Opium Wars between China and Britain

To know more about opium here



The British East India Company came to possess opium to sell to the Chinese through the cultivation and trade of the crop in British-controlled India. Opium was initially imported to India from Persia and was used for medicinal purposes.

However, in the late 18th century, the British began to cultivate opium in India to meet the demand for the drug in China, where it was used recreationally. The East India Company established a monopoly on opium production and trade, and by the early 19th century, they were the dominant suppliers of opium to China. This trade was controversial and eventually led to the Opium Wars between Britain and China.
The British East India Company came to be in possession of opium to sell to the Chinese through the following steps:
1. Cultivation: The British East India Company cultivated opium in India, particularly in the Bengal region, taking advantage of the favorable climate and soil conditions.
2. Monopoly: The company established a monopoly on opium production and trade in India, allowing them to control the entire supply chain from cultivation to distribution.
3. Trade imbalance: The British were importing large amounts of tea, silk, and porcelain from China, creating a trade imbalance. They sought a profitable export to balance trade, and opium emerged as a valuable commodity for this purpose.
4. Smuggling: Due to Chinese laws prohibiting opium imports, the British East India Company initially relied on smuggling and intermediaries to sell opium in China.
5. Expansion of trade: Over time, the British increased their opium exports to China, further exacerbating the trade imbalance and leading to tensions between the two nations, eventually culminating in the Opium Wars.
By following these steps, the British East India Company was able to obtain and sell opium to the Chinese market, leading to significant profits and increased power for the company in the region.

For more such questions  on sell



Increased cooperation among agribusiness interests in the 1920's had this effect on farm labor.
a. Lower wages. b. Higher wages. c. Improved working conditions. d. Increased educational oppotunities


Increased cooperation among agribusiness interests in the 1920s had the effect of lowering wages for farm labor.

Large agricultural corporations started to merge during this time, taking control of the market and increasing their ability to influence crop and other agricultural product prices, because farm workers had little negotiating power, they were able to maintain low wages for them.

A further factor in the decline in the demand for farm labor and subsequent pressure on wages was the use of new equipment and technology. In general, increased agribusiness cooperation in the 1920s had a detrimental impact on farm labor wages, making it more challenging for workers to make a living wage.

Learn more about agricultural corporations at:



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