One of the main causes of the reformation in Europe was the?


Answer 1

Causes of Reformation. The start of the 16th century, many events led to the Protestant reformation. Clergy abuse caused people to begin criticizing the Catholic Church. The greed and scandalous lives of the clergy had created a split between them and the peasants.

Best I can do.

Related Questions

How did the Second Great Awakening influence American society?
a. The movement deemphasized self-control.
b. It led to women's suffrage by the time of the Civil War.
c. The movement led to most immigrants becoming Methodist and Baptist.
d. The religious aspect led to alcohol being banned in the United States.
e. It inspired some to combat the sins of society, such as alcoholism.




it is right i tested it on plato

During the early middle ages,christiany provided its followers with wich of the following?



a sense of security and belonging


a sense of security and belonging, it should state a means of controlling the masses and preserving the feudal system.


Christianity, like many organized religions, was a means of giving hope to the masses who were largely feudal peasants, or in other forms of indentured servitude.  The false promise of a better after life or heaven was a means of getting the masses to conform and observe certain societal norms to maintain order and preserve the feudal system.  It was primarily a means of social, economic, and political oppression that established a clear hierarchy in various settings by enslaving the minds of the impoverished who were almost always illterate and literally treated the word of the clergy as gospel.

Which person is fulfilling a personal responsibility?
O Louise is voting in an election.
O Bruno is organizing a political campaign.
O Tamir is attempting to get out of jury duty.
O Nora is keeping her promise to attend a work function.








because she is keeping her promise to attend a work function

Which two lines from Passage 1 suggest that the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom and refuge?



The two lines from Passage 1 which suggest that the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom and refuge are:

"Line 10: With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor..."

"Line 14: I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Emma Lazarus wrote his poem titled "The New Colossus" (1883), where he depicted the Statue of Liberty as the "Mother of Exiles" and a refuge of freedom.  Commissioned to raise funds for the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty,  Emma's poem illustrated the Statue of Liberty as a welcoming symbol to all immigrants from around the world.

Which group of people would have been targeted by Benito Mussolini’s secret police force



It is Italians with strong nationalistic feelings



Its not d so not what the person above me said. I think it is c



Which application of a new technology can be attributed to an invention of Thomas Edison?
Sonar technology was used to track submarines.
Refrigerated railroad cars allowed food to be transported long distances.
Light bulbs made it efficient for factory workers to work at night.
Diesel engines were used in the production of airplanes.
Question 9 (5 points)
The Knights of Labor and the America Federation of Labor developed in response to the-
increased demand for skilled workers
decreased power of political machines
decreased profitability of the agricultural sector
increased need to protect worker interests



1.In his 84 years, Thomas Edison acquired a record number of 1,093 patents (singly or jointly) and was the driving force behind such innovations as the phonograph, the incandescent light bulb and one of the earliest motion picture cameras. He also created the world's first industrial research laboratory.

2.The aircraft diesel engine or aero diesel is a diesel-powered aircraft engine. They were used in airships and tried in aircraft in the late 1920s and 1930s, but never widely adopted beyond this.

3. ether a or c


why might china's governmental system be the first truly merit based bureaucracy



The Renaissance set the principle that "Man is the measure of all things". As a consequence, there was a growing interest in the development of humankind in all fields. In order for this to happen, improvements in education and intelligence were crucial. As a product of this growing importance of education, that Humanism was founded. Humanism is known as a stance that emphasizes the value of all human beings.


The Renaissance set the principle that "Man is the measure of all things". As a consequence, there was a growing interest in the development of humankind in all fields. In order for this to happen, improvements in education and intelligence were crucial. As a product of this growing importance of education, that Humanism was founded. Humanism is known as a stance that emphasizes the value of all human beings.

Two routes to China included: A an all-water route to India B a land route across China a combination land andC water route



B.  an all-water route to India

C.  a combination of land and water route


Basically, the two routes to China are :

1. an all-water route to India: these routes involve various water bodies such as the South China Sea, Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, etc. Through these water bodies, a lot of commercial activities involving Europe and Asia took place.

2. a combination of land and water route: this is evident in the Silk Route, which comprised various routes both on land and water. In it, there is a combination of northern, southern, southwestern, and maritime routes. All of these routes serve as trading routes connected to Europe and China.


a combination land and water route

a land route across China


The guy above me looked it up, ITS WRONG mine is right. DONT USE THE ANSWER ABOVE ME!!!

What was the slave code ? Please provide an explanation, using full sentences



Slave code, in U.S. history, any of the set of rules based on the concept that enslaved persons were property, not persons.


The slave codes were laws relating to slavery and enslaved people, specifically regarding the Atlantic slave trade and chattel slavery in the Americas. Most slave codes were concerned with the rights and duties of free people in regards to enslaved people.



Without protest, the slaves did not recognize their fate. Many incidents of Revolt, also in colonial times, were known to Americans. These uprisings have not been limited to the South. In fact, one of the first examples of a Revolt slave was in Manhattan in 1712. There was a justifiable fear on the part of the white colonists that a violent uprising might occur in one's own neighborhood as African Americans in the colonies grew greater and greater in number.

Crime scene investigators arrived at the scene of a brutal murder, and casts were made of every footprint Why could
this be a waste of an investigator's time?
Almost everyone wears shoes.
The suspect's shoeprint could be present.
The lab is not sure how to analyze shoe print evidence.
Some of the prints were known to belong to the police investigators.





x   D

Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

Why do some people protest against Christopher Columbus being seen as a hero? (Site 1)


Answer More people began looking at the story of Columbus from the point of view of the native people. This version points out that Columbus’s main goal was finding and taking resources for Spain. Many native people, however, associate Columbus with the destruction of their cultures. They have protested Columbus Day for decades.


I did it on edge and got a 100, Hope it helps


More people began looking at the story of Columbus from the point of view of the native people. This version points out that Columbus’s main goal was finding and taking resources for Spain. Many native people, however, associate Columbus with the destruction of their cultures. They have protested Columbus Day for decades.Columbus Day is arguably the most divisive of all federal holidays. There’s no mail service. Some big banks are closed. And while plenty of stores offer “Columbus Day Savings,” the specials they’re promoting tend to indicate the explorer wasn’t the keenest shopper on the planet.

While he’s credited for leading the charge of European immigration to North America, history has shown that Christopher Columbus was less a heroic historical figure and more of an arch-villain, bringing disease, wars and more to what would eventually become the U.S. and brutalizing Native Americans in the process.


name the 5 nations that were in the Iroquis league​





Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca.

Why did the American colonists oppose the Stamp Act?

They objected to the tax because it was imposed without their consent or representation.

They learned King George III had not approved the Stamp Act.

They were more heavily taxed than the people in Britain.

They wanted their independence from Great Britain




They objected the tax because it was imposed without their consent


The reasoning behind this is because the colonists had no representation or choice in the matter, the king just levied the tax on them and they had to abide.

how did the first americans use geogrphy to help them hunt



by the tools



some native amaricans lead the anaimal  of a cliff to kill it or they cornered it and then killed it with spears and arrows


Which lines from Passage 1 support the idea that the author is illustrating how “The New Colossus" is
different from other statues from ancient history? Select one answer choice.



"The New Colossus"

The lines from the passage which support the idea that the author is illustrating how "The New Colossus" is different from other statues from ancient history are:

Line 1: "Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame."

Lines 6 and 7: "Mother of Exiles" ... glows world-wide welcome."

Line 10: "Give me your tired ..."


These lines were written by Emma Lazarus in his poem titled "The New Colossus" (1883).  It was a poem commissioned in order to raise funds for the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.  Lazarus noted that the Statue of Liberty was the "Mother of Exiles," thereby portraying The New Colossus as a welcoming symbol to all immigrants from all over the world.

Which Plateau groups had councils? Check all that apply.
O villages
O farmers



Option: villages




Plateau group are members of the Native American peoples occupying the plateau region. The peoples of the Plateau belong to families like Sahaptin, Kutenai, Salishan, and Klamath. Plateau tribes lived in Teepees and in summers in villages. Villages, bands, and tribes had councils. The role of the council was to hear all complaints and discuss solutions to problems. Plateau tribe consist of many families with independent Villages, equality, less strict, and had councils.

What army held Ft. Sumter in March 1861? Why was this army forced to surrender the fort?



Confederate forces held Fort Sumter in March 1861


"Following Beauregard's bombardment in 1861, Confederate forces occupied Fort Sumter and used it to marshal a defense of Charleston Harbor. Once it was completed and better armed, Fort Sumter allowed the Confederates to create a valuable hole in the Union blockade of the Atlantic seaboard."

"Major Robert Anderson...was forced to surrender it to Southern forces and returned to the North disappointed that he had not been able to postpone a civil war." because his troops were running out of supplies. They were on the verge of starving.

I hope this helps...

Which two governments would share the characteristic of being ruled by a single leader?
a dictatorship and a republic
an absolute monarchy and an autocracy
a direct democracy and a socialist state
an autocracy and an oligarchy








SELECT ALL THAT APPLY MULI CHOiCE QUESTION Which did Nubia and Egypt have in common? gold and ivory participated in trade alphabet located along Nile River pyramids pharaohs



The answer is below


Nubia which is the present-day Sudan and Egypt had so much in common. This is because they shared boundaries and have been existing for ages. Some of the things they share in common are:

1. participated in trade: both the Nubia and Egypt participated in trade among each other. This led to an exchange of commodities such as gold and ivory from Nubia and in return, Egypt traded with Wheat.

2. alphabet: they both shared similar royal symbols in writing. This is evident through rock art found in both regions.

3. located along the Nile River: they are both located along the Nile River. This is evident from the map of Africa, showing the Nile River passing through both areas.

4. pyramids: why pyramids are synonymous with Egypt, Nubia was also known to have over 200 pyramids constructed at the necropolis at Meroë.

5. pharaohs: again, why Pharaohs are synonymous with Egypt, the Nubia also had Pharaohs who at some point ruled over Egypt and Nubia during the Nubia conquest of Egypt. For example Alara.

One of the main roles of police during the 19th century was "strike-breaking." Why did the police engage in these actions and who benefitted from these actions?



The police engaged in strike-breaking because in the 19th century, labor unions were starting to emerge, and they had a low reputation among the political ruling class and the economic elite. This is because labor unions represented and obstacle to their profits.

Those who benefited were mainly the economic elite who owned the enterprises. These owners did not want to meet the demands of the labor unions, like an 8 hour work-day, simply because these demands represented a reduction in profits.

In the last ten games, Jamal made 7


of his free throws and Brian made 5


of his free throws. Which player has the better record? Explain.



Jamal has the best record


He scored more points than Brian.




Jamal has the better record because his record is 0.7 and Brian’s record is 0.625. Jamal made more free throws.

sample response on edgenuinty  

ur welcome

How was the Protestant reformation related to the renaissance?


The renaissance was a period of time where people started to question the Catholic Church, they felt controlled and scammed by the church and wanted to reform the church’s political and social influence. This lead to the Creation of the Protestant Church. Directly Relating the Renaissance and the Reformation.

What safeguards are in place to ensure that the wealthy
and the poor are equally impacted by this legislation?
Check all that apply.
People cannot furnish a substitute.
People cannot pay for their release,
People cannot receive a bounty to enlist
People cannot make money while enlisted,
People cannot serve more than one term of service,





got it right  trust me


Its A.B.C


They got it right.

What are some of the reasons this is such a relatively large operation



Human history, also known as world history, is the description of humanity's past. It is informed by archaeology, anthropology, genetics, linguistics, and other disciplines; and, for periods since the invention of writing, by recorded history and by secondary


The Fourth Amendment states that a reasonable search and seizure must

include a warrant and be based on an indictment.

include a warrant and be based on probable cause.

be based on probable cause and include due process.

be based on probable cause and include a Miranda warning.



include a warrant and be based on probable cause.


The fourth Amendment was created to prevent the abuse of power from the police department. Before the fourth amendment was created, the police had the right to conduct a search to citizens' home at any given time and place. This leaves a lot of opportunities for them to plant evidence and disrupt the right of privacy.

After the amendment, Police can no longer do that. In order to search a private property, they need to gain a warrant (which is basically a permit given by the court) or maybe the have a strong basis to believe that a citizen is in danger. (For example, if police heard a gun shot from a private property, that police can conduct a search without a warrant)





What was one reason that China lost the Sino-Japanese War?

China decided to trust their chances for victory to a Manchurian general.

China’s alliance with Russia proved to be much too weak.

China had decided not to modernize and industrialize.

China’s powerful navy had been led off course by a trick of the Japanese commandant.


The answer is c China decided not to modernize and industrialize

In the United States, slavery was abolished first, then the slave trade.



it would be true I think


i think false


The southern colonies in America... *

made money from shipping
believed slavery was wrong and wanted it abolished
made money from plantation farming and trading of enslaved people
were very diverse in their industry and citizens.


Answer: made money from plantation farming and trading of enslaved people

The Southern colonies did not make so much money from shipping. They liked slavery, they would never want it abolished. They were not so diverse, either. The answer is made money from plantation farming and trading of enslaved people.

Which statement summarizes the Enslaved Persons Clause?

Enslaved persons who escape must be given constitutional rights.
Enslaved persons who escape must be given equal protection.
Enslaved persons who escape must be returned to their home states.
Enslaved persons who escape must be granted their freedom.



C.Enslaved persons who escape must be returned to their home states.


edg 2020


must be returned to their home states


The Pax Romana was the period of peace enjoyed by Romans under the rule of
a. Vespasian
c. Augustus
b. Marcus Aurelius
d. Hadrian
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


The answer is c if wrong sorry



Explanation:hope it helps

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