one of the most important things an international businessperson can do to avoid cultural misunderstandings is to______


Answer 1

One of the most important things an international business person can do to avoid cultural misunderstanding is to hire an interpreter.

When hiring a language interpreter for international business purposes, it is important to consider a number of factors. Not only should they be a proficient speaker of the language in question, they should also be familiar with the nuances of the culture and its etiquette.

Additionally, it is important to consider the interpreter's communication skills to avoid cultural misunderstanding and accurately relay messages is a key requirement of the role. It is also helpful if the interpreter is a native speaker of both the source language and the target language. Ultimately, a great interpreter should possess all of these qualities, as well as a willingness to adapt and stay current on relevant trends.

To know more about business, click here.


Related Questions

true or false if they could, politicians and the media would exploit the other since each possesses (and would prefer not to surrender) something the other needs.


True, Politicians and the media frequently work together in a mutually beneficial relationship to advance their respective agendas.

Both politicians and the media depend on each other as a source of news and information. Politicians need the media to spread their messages and policies to the general public.

Politicians, on the other hand, might be reluctant to share information or attempt to control the narrative while the media might criticize politicians or attempt to reveal unreleased information.

In such situations, politicians and the media might use one another to further their objectives.

Such abuse can change the public's perception of the media and politicians, leading to mistrust and a lack of transparency in their interactions. For the benefit of society, it is important for both sides to maintain a balance in the relationship.

To learn more about social media at


true or false: legal behavior covers a broad range of laws that help us protect ourselves from fraud, theft, and violence, whereas ethics is much narrower in that it focuses on how we treat others.


True, legal behavior covers a broad range of laws that help us protect ourselves from fraud, theft, and violence, whereas ethics is much narrower in that it focuses on how we treat others.

What is moral and legal conduct?

An action is legal if it follows the rules of the law. Concepts of right and bad behavior are at the heart of ethics. Though some people may consider certain activities to be unethical, they may nonetheless be lawful.

                             For instance, although it is legal in many nations to test medications on animals, some people feel that this practice is unethical.

What distinguishes moral action from legal behavior?

It is not the same to act in a legal or moral manner. Acts that comply with a state's or nation's laws, policies, legislation, and regulations are referred to as being legal.

                       On the other hand, ethical behavior is any action that abides with the fundamental concepts of right and wrong.

Learn more about legal behavior


the social science that deals with mental processes and behavior is


Psychology is the social science that studies mental processes and behavior.

Psychology is a social science that studies the mental processes and behavior of individuals and groups. It is an important field of study that explores how people think, feel and act. The primary focus of psychology is to understand individual and group behavior by looking at the biological, cognitive, emotional, and social factors that influence behavior. It is also used to diagnose and treat mental health issues.

1. Biological Factors: Biological factors refer to the physical processes that affect a person’s behavior. These include genetics, hormones, and neurotransmitters.

2. Cognitive Factors: Cognitive factors refer to the mental processes that influence behavior. These include perception, memory, problem-solving, and decision-making.

3. Emotional Factors: Emotional factors refer to the feelings that motivate people to behave in certain ways. These include fear, joy, and anger.

4. Social Factors: Social factors refer to the influence of people’s social environment on their behavior. These include family, peers, and culture.

5. Treatment: Psychology is also used to diagnose and treat mental health issues. Treatment methods include cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and pharmacological interventions.

To know more about Psychology:


what does mond plan to do with helmholtz and marx? how does each man respond to their punishment is actually a reward


The man respond to their punishment is actually a reward as- He was going to ship them off to an island. Helmholtz handled it well and wasn't overly upset. Bernard, however, was extremely upset and begged for his life; as a result, he was given soma and moved to a different room.

Helmholtz and Marx were slated to be banished to the island, which Mustapha Mond, the head of the World State, designated as a place for those who do not adhere to its ideals.Helmholtz was unconcerned about his punishment and even picked the island he wanted to be exiled to. He stated that he would go to the Falkland island to write there.Marx, on the other hand, begged against his expulsion and knelt on the ground to convince Mond to reconsider.

To know more about Marx here


The man respond to their punishment is actually a reward as- He was going to ship them off to an island. Helmholtz handled it well and wasn't overly upset. Bernard, however, was extremely upset and begged for his life; as a result, he was given soma and moved to a different room.

In 1851, Helmholtz revolutionized the field of ophthalmology with the discovery of the ophthalmoscope; a tool used to study the interior of the human eye. This made him international-well-known in a single day.

Helmholtz famously considered perception as “subconscious inference” — symbols or representations of the physical world that can be interpreted and disambiguated via converging proof from different senses. The most vital claim becomes, perhaps, that lots of those inferences are discovered rather than innate.

German physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–1894) measured the velocity of neural impulses and explored the physiology of listening to an imaginative and prescient. His paintings indicated that our senses can lie to us and are not a mirror of the external global.

To learn more about Helmholtz visit here:


As you might expect, in both the individual and published results, word pairings had the highest pleasantness rating, while the lowest pleasantness ratings were given to the word pairings, with the remaining word type falling between these two extremes, in terms of perceived pleasantness of associated syllables


Positive; Negative , As you might expect, in both the individual and published results, positive word pairings had the highest pleasantness rating.

While the lowest pleasantness ratings were given to the negative word pairings, with the remaining word type falling between these two extremes, in terms of perceived pleasantness of associated syllables.

No context is provided however this should be the right answer. Positive word pairings elicit a happier feeling in humans so they will have a higher pleasantness rating. Words such as money and happy for instance have very high pleasantness ratings. Negative word pairings on the other hand will have the lowest pleasantness ratings as they have more somber connotations.

Learn more about to pleasantness


what the longest study on human happiness found is the key to a good life


What The Beatles sung all those years ago is supported by this study.

Who are The Beatles?

John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr created the English musical group The Beatles in Liverpool in 1960. They are recognised as the most influential band of all time and had a significant role in the rise of the counterculture in the 1960s and the appreciation of popular music as an art form. Their sound, which had its roots in skiffle, beat, and 1950s rock 'n' roll, creatively combined parts of classical music and traditional pop; the band also experimented with a variety of musical genres, from folk and Indian music to psychedelic and hard rock. The Beatles revolutionised many facets of the music business as innovators in recording, songwriting, and artistic presentation. They were frequently hailed as the leaders of the young and societal movements of the time.

To learn more about The Beatles visit;


chief security officer, chief technology officer, chief knowledge officer, chief information officer, and chief privacy officer, is one role more important than another?


One position is more crucial than the roles and responsibilities of the MIS department: chief security officer, chief technology officer, chief knowledge officer, chief information officer, and chief privacy officer.

The CTO or Chief Technology Officer is an executive function that usually reports to the CIO. The CTO focuses their exertions on more complete issues and new science integration. CISO or Chief Information Security Officer will usually report to the CEO.

The CSO provides executive leadership and manages the labeling, estimate, and prioritization of risks, addressing all works and engaging attention to the freedom of the organization. Modern associations have many valuable tangible and mathematical properties. MIS department (administration news structures) MIS (management information systems) is the area ruling fittings and program structures secondhand for trade-detracting in charge inside an enterprise.

To know more about chief privacy officer refer to:


a company is interested in building a new factory in bolivia and wants to know how to ensure positive interactions between workers and management. which type of anthropologist should the company contact? a. linguistic anthropologist b. cultural anthropologist c. biological anthropologist d. archaeologist


B is the correct answer; cultural anthropologist, Cultural anthropologists study how people who share a common cultural system organize and affect the physical and social world around them, as well as how those ideas, behaviors, and physical settings change them.

Cultural anthropology is based on the concept of culture. They will perform surveys, collect oral histories and myths, interview people, and document their findings as a member of the community.

Franz Boas, Ruth Benedict, Ralph Linton, Margaret Mead, and other notable anthropologists contributed to the modern understanding of anthropology. Anthropology is the study of humans and human nature.

Learn more about to Cultural anthropologist


research that was identified as an experimental design in psychology might be called what other synonymous term if it were work testing a new treatment in medicine?
a. Participant Independent Trial
b. Correlational Design
c. Medical Standard Design
d. Randomized Control Trial


Randomized control experiment the participants in the trial are chosen at random (by pure chance) to receive one of several clinical therapies.

The benchmark or control is one of these interventions. A placebo ("sugar pill"), a routine procedure, or no intervention at all may be used as the control. RCTs are the most effective method for examining the safety and effectiveness of novel treatments.

A valid measurement is most likely dependable. Although they have a close relationship, reliability and validity have different meanings. Even without being valid, a measurement can be trusted. Validity depicts the trustworthiness of the data, whilst reliability informs us about the repeatability of the data.

Learn more about Randomized control experiment here:


The siren sound you may have heard was a regularly scheduled silent test of the McGuire Nuclear Station Sirens.


The siren sound you may have heard was a regularly scheduled test of the McGuire Nuclear Station sirens. These sirens are used to alert the public in the event of an emergency at the nuclear power plant.

The Nuclear Station test is done to ensure that the sirens are working properly and that the public is familiar with the sound, in case of a real emergency. The sirens are tested on a regular schedule to ensure that they are always in good working order. The test is usually done in silence, which means that it does not emit any audible sound, Nuclear Station but you may have heard the siren during the test, which is done to check the functionality of the Nuclear Station system. It is important to note that this test is not an emergency and there is no need to take any action. Regularly Nuclear Station scheduled test of emergency warning systems such as sirens is important to ensure the readiness of the system and to familiarize the public with the warning signals in case of emergency.

Learn more about Nuclear Station here:


The complete Question is:

What is the purpose of the regularly scheduled silent test of the McGuire Nuclear Station Sirens?

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

[District] [Apeals] courts do not have a jury-based trial. Instead, there are [three] [five] [two] judges who determine if the laws were correctly applied in the lower court.


The correct answer from the drop down menu is : District courts do not have a jury-based trial. Instead, there are three judges who determine if the laws were correctly applied in the lower court.

What is meant by a district court?

When compared to most municipal courts, the district court is highly unique. The district court is more official, will force the defendant to appear in court more frequently, has more procedural protections, and has the option of holding jury trials.

The Local Court and the District Court have some distinctions. The key distinction is that there is no jury in Local Court and the case is handled by a magistrate with attorneys for the accused in attendance. Judges, attorneys, and jurors perform their duties in district court.

Read more on district courts here:


1.09 quiz influencing readers and persuading audiences


the above statement is  "rhetorical appeals": This refers to the method of persuasion used to  to influence the audience's view on a certain subject.

According to Aristotle, there are three of such methods - ethos, pathos, and logos.

Rhetorical appeals are used to persuade the audience. It is also known as modes of persuasion. There are 3 widely used techniques of persuasion. They are ethos, pathos and logos. In order to evaluate the speech, one must pay attention the usage of these techniques in the text.

the above statement is  "rhetorical appeals": This refers to the method of persuasion used to  to influence the audience's view on a certain subject.

learn more about of quiz persuasion here


a psychological study finds that people tend to ignore their society’s moral code if someone with authority over them commands them to do so. what is this study an example of?


On the other hand, descriptive ethics use a different methodology to research morality or moral phenomena. With this strategy, we try to define moral behaviour and moral judgement.

Why is descriptive ethics so important?

The goal of descriptive ethics is to learn what individuals believe about values, what behaviours are morally right and bad, and what traits of moral actors are virtuous, or what behaviours societies reward or punish in law or politics.

What is the equivalent phrase for descriptive ethics?

Descriptive ethics, another name for comparative ethics, is the empirical (observational) examination of the ethical convictions and conduct of numerous groups of individuals from distinct eras and civilizations.

To know more about Descriptive Ethics, visit:


love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you


This statement is from Jesus Christ, it is a call to practice love and forgiveness towards those who may have wronged or hurt us, rather than seeking revenge or harboring ill-will, it is a central principle of Christianity

This statement is often attributed to Jesus Christ and is found in the Bible in Matthew 5:44, which states "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." It is a call to practice love and forgiveness towards those who may have wronged or hurt us, rather than seeking revenge or harboring ill-will. It is considered a central principle of Christianity and is part of the Sermon on the Mount.

This statement is from Jesus Christ, it is a call to practice love and forgiveness towards those who may have wronged or hurt us, rather than seeking revenge or harboring ill-will, it is a central principle of Christianity.

The complete question is :

"love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"

What did Jesus say about loving your enemies?

learn more about forgiveness here


Use the map showing the UN Partition Plan for Palestine to answer the
question, What was the ultimate outcome of this plan?


The ultimate outcome of this plan was the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, which was accepted by the United Nations.

What is the United Nations?

The United Nations (UN) is an international organization formed in 1945 to promote international peace and security, development, and human rights. The UN includes 193 member states and is headquartered in New York City, USA. The UN provides a forum for its member states to collectively address global challenges and to work towards a more peaceful, equitable, and secure world. The UN works on a range of issues, including climate change, economic development, human rights, and armed conflict.

The plan also resulted in the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.

To know more about the United Nations,


john stuart mill provided an argument in favor of utilitarianism. a version of the argument goes like this:


John stuart mill provided an argument in favor of utilitarianism, 1. By nature, people want happiness and nothing else. 2. As a result, happiness should be the yardstick by which we evaluate people's actions.

According to Mill's defense of utilitarianism, the only things that are valuable as ends are pleasure and the absence of suffering, and everything else is only desirable because it will bring about that pleasure or because it will help to promote pleasure and prevent suffering. Mill blended philosophy with economics. He adhered to the utilitarian moral philosophy, according to which actions that result in people's enjoyment are right and those that result in their suffering are wrong. An ethical theory known as utilitarianism establishes right from wrong by emphasizing results.

To learn more about utilitarianism, click at:


(q027) which type of media influence involves calling attention to some details of an issue or news story while ignoring others?


Selective exposure is a type of media influence that involves calling attention to some details of an issue or news story while ignoring others.

This refers to the process where people seek out information that is consistent with their beliefs and attitudes, and avoid information that contradicts their beliefs. This type of media influence is becoming more prevalent with the increasing access to the internet and social media platforms, as people can now easily choose to consume information that confirms their existing beliefs and avoid information that challenges them. This can lead to a phenomenon known as an echo chamber, where people are exposed to a narrow range of views and perspectives and are less likely to be exposed to dissenting opinions and alternative perspectives.

To Learn More About media click


which statement is most accurate about laws relative to onlookers who may intervene if they witness crimes in progress?


Good Samaritan law facilitates the onlookers to intervene if they witness crimes in progress.

Some protection is provided by Good Samaritan legislation to those who try to assist others who are in need. Examples of common cases are someone who has chest symptoms or who tripped and smashed their head on the sidewalk.

Good Samaritan laws are designed to encourage onlookers to assist in these and other emergencies without worrying that they may face legal repercussions if their actions unintentionally cause someone's harm or death. This is crucial because in an emergency, time is of the essence, and providing first aid before an ambulance comes might be the difference between someone living or dying.

To know more about crimes  click here,


What can we learn from this "essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management" book?


It educates you how to start and run a business successfully. You gain the knowledge and critical-thinking abilities required for business success from this text. It analyzes triumphs and failures.

What does entrepreneurship's small business management entail?

Aligning and coordinating all component of a small organization is part of small business management. This can involve overseeing the company's regular activities in addition to its personnel, suppliers, finances, and operational procedures. The overall business strategy will frequently be under the control of a small business manager.

What do you anticipate in terms of entrepreneurship?

In conclusion, investors expect an entrepreneur to put out great efforts, devotion, care about their investment, and the essential enthusiasm to protect ventures from unanticipated conditions and unexpected situations, as well as the ability to meet requests.

To know more business entreprenuer, visit:


CIVICS | Describe two things you see in the briefing room that a president does as part of their job. Explain how each activity relates to the job of the president


Two Activities of a President incldes Holding press conferences and Reviewing and signing legislation.

Activities of a President

Holding press conferences : In the briefing room, it's common to see the president holding press conferences, where they answer questions from journalists about current events and their administration's policies and actions. This activity is an important part of the president's job because it allows them to communicate directly with the public and the media, and to explain their decisions and actions to the people. It also gives the president an opportunity to shape public opinion and to build support for their policies and initiatives.

Reviewing and signing legislation: Another activity that a president might do in the briefing room is reviewing and signing legislation. The president is responsible for evaluating and making decisions on the bills that are passed by Congress, and they have the power to sign them into law or to veto them. This activity is critical to the president's job because it allows them to shape the nation's laws and policies, and to advance their own agenda. It also allows the president to exert executive power and to exert a certain level of control over the legislative process.

Both activities are important to the president's role as the head of the executive branch of government, and as the chief representative of the  people. Through these activities, the president sets the direction for the nation and helps to shape the country's laws and policies for the benefit of the people.

Learn more on President activities here:


which sentencing philosophy focuses on consistency for a crime committed, specifying by statute or sentencing guidelines an exact amount of time to be served in prison or in a community.


Determinate sentencing is a sentencing concept that emphasizes consistency for a crime committed, establishing a minimum period of time before an offender is eligible for release and defining by statute or sentence guidelines an exact amount or restricted range of time to be served in prison or in the community.

What is a conclusive sentence?

A determinate sentence is one in which the court sets a specific length for the prison term. If a criminal receives a sentence of four years in prison, for example, this is the maximum time frame they could be detained for without necessarily completing the full sentence in jail.

Why is precise sentencing necessary?

Advocates for the use of definitive sentences claim that it increases equity and predictability. According to the study, inmates serving predetermined sentences felt that the sentencing process treated them more equitably and that they knew when they would be released with greater confidence.

Learn more about Determinate sentencing:


It is easy to classify people into clear-cut racial categories. please select the best answer from the choices provided true false


False because they may look the part but it doesn't mean they're white or black.

It is difficult to categorize humans into distinct racial groups. There are no races that are physiologically pure. Sociologists have little use for race as a biological classification. People with the same cultural background make up American culture.

Race is described as "a group of people who share some distinguishing physical characteristics." More broadly, ethnicities are "huge groupings of individuals classified according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background."

Learn more about to racial categories


if conditions are so bad that you cannot see the road ahead, _________.


Turn on your emergency flashers and pull off the road as far as you can if visibility is so poor that you cannot see the road ahead.

Hazard lights serve more than aesthetic purposes. The hazard warning function is by FMVSS 108 definition a "driver-controlled device which causes all required turn signal lamps to flash simultaneously to indicate to approaching drivers the presence of a vehicular hazard," the professionals at the Ford Driving Skills for Life Team (Ford DSFL) tell Reader's Digest. The majority of state laws are user laws, so states can choose when to allow drivers to operate them. In essence, these are lights on your automobile that occasionally flash on and off to warn other motorists of a potentially hazardous scenario.

Learn more about emergency flashers here:


name and briefly describe the two fundamental forms of learning emphasized in this textbook. how do these two forms of learning differ from each other?


Non-associative learning, such as habituation and sensitization, is the simplest type of learning.

The three main categories of learning are classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning. Associative learning refers to the process of creating associations between related events, and it includes both classical and operant conditioning. Both Latin American educator Paulo Freire and American philosopher John Dewey have elaborated on this topic.

Everybody absorbs new information differently and learns new things in various ways. The three primary cognitive learning modalities are visual, aural, and kinesthetic. You can better understand how you learn and choose which learning techniques work for you by looking at the common traits of each learning type described below.

Learn more about philosopher.


discuss some advantages and disadvantages of a circuit-based approach to understanding psychopathology


A circuit- grounded approach to understanding psychopathology focuses on the neural pathways of the brain and how they're affected by  internal illness.  

Advantages of this approach include the capability to identify certain brain circuits associated with specific  internal health issues. This can help to more understand the  natural base of  internal health  diseases. In addition, this approach can  give  sapience into how  specifics and other treatments might work to  palliate symptoms.  

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages associated with this approach. It can be  delicate to identify which brain circuits are impacted by  colorful cerebral conditions. likewise, this type of approach isn't always effective in understanding the more complex, multi-dimensional aspects of  internal health.

To know more about psychopathology  visit:


which drug is most closely associated with flashbacks? group of answer choices marijuana lsd amyl nitrite cocaine


LSD is most closely associated with flashbacks, as it is a powerful hallucinogenic drug that can cause people to experience unexpected, vivid flashbacks to their past experiences on the drug.

LSD is most closely associated with flashbacks because of its powerful hallucinogenic effects. It is known to cause intense visual and auditory hallucinations, and its effects can linger long after the drug has been taken. Flashbacks can occur weeks, months, or even years after the drug has been taken, and they can be triggered by anything from a smell to a sound or a thought.

Learn more about  LSD  at:


what are some of the main takeaways from the history of the social media platforms? what points stand out the most? g


Social media platforms facilitate global connectivity, allow user-generated content, are influenced by mobile technology, target content using data and algorithms, have an impact on privacy and security, and have an impact on politics and society.

Some important insights are highlighted by the history of social media platforms:

An increase in user-generated content has occurred as a result of social media platforms, which allow users to produce and distribute their own content rather than relying solely on traditional media sources. A more varied and decentralized media environment has resulted from this. Impact of mobile technology: The popularity of smartphones and mobile Internet access has contributed significantly to the success of social media platforms because it is now much simpler to access and use these platforms while on the go. The Function of Data and Algorithms: Social media platforms are able to produce enormous amounts of data about their users. As a result, we have been able to create sophisticated algorithms that can target ads and content to particular user groups. Impact on politics and society: Social media sites have a big impact on public opinion and the direction of politics and society. They were utilized to plan protests, spread information, and mobilize political campaigns.

To learn more about social media platforms at


Why were England and France opposed to the Fourteen Points?


England and France were opposed to the Fourteen Points for a variety of reasons. originally, the Fourteen Points proposed an end to secret  covenants and an end to Allied occupation of Germany,

England and France were bothered would lead to a  important Germany that could hang  their security. Secondly, the Fourteen Points proposed the independence of several former German colonies in Africa, which would have weakened England and France's  social conglomerates. Incipiently,

The Fourteen Points proposed the establishment of a League of Nations, which would have given Germany a seat at the table and a say-so in  transnational affairs,  commodity England and France weren't willing to accept. All of these factors led England and France to be opposed to Wilson's Fourteen Points.

To know more about England and France visit:


What nickname were the employees at Lowell Mills called?
answer choices
Lowell Mill Girls
Factory Folks


During the American Industrial Revolution, young female labourers known as "Lowell mill girls" arrived to work in textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts.

What are the Lowell System's factory conditions like?

In an effort to elevate the status of its female workforce and workers, the Lowell System integrated extensive mechanisation. The average age of the girls travelling with their mothers or elder sisters was about 24, although some were as young as eight years old and some were middle-aged.New hires were given a variety of tasks as spare hands and paid a fixed daily salary while more seasoned loom operators were paid by the piece. Contracts were typically for one year, with an average tenure of roughly four years.

To know more about The Lowell mill girls visit:


explain how solvents, solutes and solutions are different.


The substance that typically determines the physical state of the solution is the solvent whereas The solute is the substance that the solvent dissolves and a  solution is an uniform mixture of solvent and solute.

A solute is a material that a solvent can dissolve into a solution. A solute can take on various shapes. The component of a solution that is present in the greatest quantity is known as a solvent, and it can take the form of a gas, a liquid, or a solid. It is the fluid in which the solute has been dissolved. Typically, a solvent is a liquid.

A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances is referred to as a solution. A solute and a solvent are the two elements that make up a solution. In a saline solution, for instance, salt is the solute that is dissolved in water as the solvent.

Visit here to learn more about solution:


Other Questions
FILL THE BLANK_________ is the belief that plants, animals, or other elements of the natural world are endowed with spirits or life forces that have an impact on events in society a portion selected to represent the whole is called a a. survey. b. sample. c. census. d. population. 6. Which region is known for it's cold climates and outdoor sports? Which of these contributed to the development of agriculture between 9000and 1000 BCE? can i dispute a debit card charge that i willingly paid for Which one of the following is an example of a negative feedback loop in humans?A.Salivation of mouth at the sight of delicious foodB.Constriction of skin blood vessels and contraction of skeletal muscles when it is too coldC.Secretion of sweat glands and constriction of skin blood vessels when it is too hotD.Secretion of tears after falling of sand particles into the eye AlCl has a van't Hoff factor of i = 3.20. What is the concentration of particles in a 0.651 M solution of AlCl? The Renaissance also gave rise to a vogue for ______, which laid more social and intellectual groundwork for the scientific revolution. if i have 8 dna nucleotides, how many base pairs do i have? Select 3 of the Trends affecting marketing communications covered in the session and explain them by giving contemporary examples from brands, sectors, or product categories.1 page, word/pdf format 1. Emphasis on accountability, measurable results2. Mobile marketing3. Integration of media platforms which would the nurse expect to see when reviewing the results of a complete blood count | for an infant with tetralogy of fallot? Drag numbers to complete a function in terms of x and y for the line that contains the points (2, 4) and (6, 16). Numbers may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 12346 y = x Which question might help reader gauge the tone of a piece of writing?OA. What setting has the author chosen?B. How formal does the writing seem?C. Which event happens first in the story?D. Who is most affected by the conflict?SUBMIT What is the right answer? 7/10c=4 1/5 Solve for C Which statements about rainbows are true? Choose more than one answer. a defendant was charged with possession of cocaine. at the defendant's trial, the prosecution established that, when approached by police on a suburban residential street corner, the defendant dropped a plastic bag and ran, and that when the police returned to the corner a few minutes later after catching the defendant, they found a plastic bag containing white powder. the defendant objects to introduction of this bag (the contents of which would later be established to be cocaine), citing lack of adequate identification. Give me 25 word to describe work conditions in the factory based on the testimony in Industrial Revolution Write sentences using the present progressive with the information provided. follow the model. presentation modelo mis amigos / descansar en la playa mis amigos estn descansando en la playa. many popular myths, such as the idea that sleepwalkers are acting out their dreams, have been debunked using: