Part 4: Case study
To complete this part of the assessment, you are required to read the case study and session information below. Once you have read the information, complete their responses to questions in the spaces provided.
Read each question carefully.

Case study

This case study is based on a simulated school.
The teacher provides you with your SLSO (student learning support officer) timetable for the day. The timetable outlines the support activities you are required to implement during each session.
Time / Classroom
Students with additional needs

9:00am – 11:00am
3G – Literacy support
Mia has a cochlear implant, and she communicates with key signing at home as her parents are deaf.

5M – Numeracy support
Eli has a diagnosis of ODD. He often refuses to line up when the bell goes after recess (11:45am), and he regularly runs out of the room when it is time to move from the mat to his desk.

8E – English
Kyla has recently been diagnosed with dyslexia, and she often disrupts the English class by calling out, swinging on her chair, and refusing to complete work. Kyla’s work is printed on blue paper.

1. How could you support Mia’s diverse needs and ensure an inclusive approach?

2. How could you support Eli to remain in the classroom today?

3. What strategies could you use to encourage Eli to complete the numeracy task?

4. What will you do if Eli gets angry and leaves the classroom?

5. How could you support Kyla’s engagement in learning?

6. What strategies could promote Kyla’s self-regulation?

Choose one of the above students – either Mia, Eli or Kyla. Research how their additional need may have impacted on their communication and language skills. Consider their stage of development in your response. Provide references where required, using either the Harvard or APA reference style. Your response should be a minimum of 60 words but no longer than 200 words.


Answer 1


Response to Question 1:

To support Mia's diverse needs and ensure an inclusive approach, I would use visual aids and written instructions in addition to spoken communication. It is important to communicate with Mia before starting the lesson and understand her preferred method of communication, such as key signing or written notes. I would also make sure that any audio or video materials used in the lesson are appropriately captioned or transcribed. During group activities, I would ensure that Mia is positioned in a way that allows her to see the speaker's face clearly, as this can improve lip-reading and understanding. I would also encourage the other students to use clear and concise language when communicating with Mia. By using these strategies, Mia's learning experience would be more inclusive and accessible.


Australian Government Department of Education and Training. (2018). Disability Standards for Education 2005. Retrieved from

Word count: 116

Answer 2

1. I would make sure that the classroom atmosphere is welcoming and sensitive to Mia's communication needs in order to meet her various demands.

2. I would use behavior management strategies that were adapted to Eli's Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) diagnosis in order to encourage his involvement and assist him in staying in the classroom.

3.  Eli would be motivated to complete the numeracy task if given tasks with a sufficient level of difficulty and interest.

4. My main fear would be Eli's safety if he became furious and left the class.

5. I would design a controlled and predictable learning environment to encourage Kyla's interest in her studies.

6. I would attempt to increase Kyla's self-awareness in order to support her self-regulation.

1. I would become proficient in key signing so that I could communicate with her more effectively. Along with spoken directions, I would also give visual aids like written instructions and visual clues.

2. Giving him options and setting clear expectations could give him more control and decrease defiance. It might be useful to implement a reward system for adhering to classroom procedures and finishing assignments. Eli would be permitted to take little breaks as needed in a peaceful and organized atmosphere that I would design.

3. His participation could be increased by utilizing interactive and hands-on activities. He might be able to maintain concentration if tasks were broken down into smaller chunks and given visual signals.

4. I would let the teacher know what was happening and start a procedure to find him on the school grounds. Talking calmly to Eli when he gets back might help calm things down. If he needs to calm down, finding a quiet place might be helpful.

5. She might be less disruptive if you set up a regular schedule and clear expectations. Her dyslexia could be accommodated, and she could remain engaged, by using multi-sensory teaching techniques and providing a variety of learning tools.

6. Her ability to notice indicators of annoyance or agitation may aid in the implementation of self-control techniques. Teaching her soothing exercises like deep breathing or taking a break could help her better control her emotions.

Mia's choice of key signing as her main form of communication may have an impact on how she develops linguistically and in social situations. Delays in learning a spoken language may result from being raised by deaf parents in a key-signing setting. Her preference for visual communication may interfere with her ability to understand and produce language.

To learn more about schedule link is here


Related Questions

Based on context clues in the text, what do you think the word industrialism means as it is used in paragraph four? Write your best definition of industrialism here and explain how you figured it out.


Industrialism means having an industry-based economy, and context clues are words and phrases that reveal the meaning of other words and phrases.

The use of context clues

We must first explain that this question is incomplete. We searched for a complete version online, but were unable to find it, which means we do not know which passage we should analyze. Thus, this is a general answer to help you concerning industrialism and context clues.

Industrialism is a socioeconomic system based on the mass production of goods using industrial technologies. It is characterized by the use of machinery, factories, and standardized production methods to increase efficiency and productivity. Industrialism has led to significant economic and social changes, including urbanization, globalization, and the growth of the middle class.

Context clues are words and phrases that appear in a text and that can be helpful in determining the meaning of an unfamiliar word or phrase. Thus, some context clues that may appear in your passage to help guess the meaning of industrialism are the examples below:


Learn more about context clues here:


Read the extract and find two examples each of person, spatial and temporal deictic expression,one anaphoric and one cataphoric reference.

Then one Saturday morning everything changes.He is in the city on business ,he is walking down St.George's Street when his eyes fall on a slim figure ahead of him in the crowd.It is Soraya, unmistakably,flanked by two children,two boys.​



Person Deictic Expressions:

First Person: "He is in the city on business."

Second Person: There are no examples of second person deictic expressions in this extract.

Third Person: "His eyes fall on a slim figure ahead of him in the crowd." "It is Soraya, unmistakably, flanked by two children, two boys."

Spatial Deictic Expressions:

Demonstrative: "ahead of him in the crowd."

Deictic Adverb: "in the city."

Temporal Deictic Expressions:

Past Time: "One Saturday morning."

Present Time: There are no examples of present time deictic expressions in this extract.

Future Time: There are no examples of future time deictic expressions in this extract.

Anaphoric Reference:

"It" is an anaphoric reference to Soraya, the slim figure mentioned earlier in the extract.

Cataphoric Reference:

There are no examples of cataphoric reference in this extract.

what jude does to comfort herself


Jude may use a variety of methods to comfort herself. These may include engaging in activities that she finds calming, such as listening to music, going for a walk, practicing deep breathing, or doing yoga.

What is activities?

Activities are any type of tasks or actions that people do for recreational, educational, physical, or mental purposes. They can include anything from sports and physical activities to hobbies, such as painting and cooking. Activities can be done alone or in groups, with varying levels of intensity and duration. Activities can also be used to develop skills, build relationships, and relax. Activities can be used to help people explore their hobbies, interests, and passions, as well as to increase their self- confidence and promote positive mental health.

She may also talk to a trusted friend or counselor, journal her thoughts, or try to reframe the situation in a more positive light. Ultimately, the best way for Jude to comfort herself will depend on her individual needs and preferences.

To learn more about activities


How does the first paragraph compare to the central idea of the paragraph?


The central, or most important, idea in a paragraph or passage is referred to as the central  idea. It establishes the purpose and direction of the paragraph or passage.

What is the main point of paragraph 1?

When doing creative writing, such as article writing, the first paragraph should be used to introduce or briefly mention the main points that will be discussed in the rest of the article.

What is the distinction between a main idea and a central idea?

The main idea is the essence of something. A literary passage usually contains the main ideas. An informational text contains central ideas. The theme is the lesson or message that the author wishes to convey.

To know more about  central idea visit:-


Mention THREE reasons why Grade 11s could experience positive changes within friendships due to their renewed focus on academics


The three reasons why Grade 11s could experience positive changes within friendships due to their renewed focus on academics are;

Shared academic goalsIncreased intellectual stimulationImproved time management skills

A better explanation of  the three identified reasons why  Grade 11s could experience positive changes within friendships due to their renewed focus on academics?

With regards to experiencing positive changes within friendships due to their renewed focus on academics for grade 11 students;

As Grade 11s begin to focus more on their academics, they may find themselves drawn to friends who share their goals and ambitions. This can create a sense of camaraderie and mutual support that strengthens their friendships.

Secondly, As students begin to engage more deeply with their academic work, they may find that they have more interesting and engaging conversations with their friends. This can lead to a deeper appreciation of each other's intellectual abilities and a renewed sense of respect for each other.

And lastly, By prioritizing their academic work, Grade 11s may find that they have less time to engage in negative or unproductive behaviors with their friends. This can help to foster healthier relationships, as they are less likely to get caught up in gossip, drama, or other negative behaviors that can strain friendships. Additionally, by developing strong time management skills, they may be better able to balance their academic and social lives, leading to a more well-rounded and fulfilling high school experience.

Find more useful information on positive friendships here;


He was an outstanding public speaker he was also a talented writer.
O He was an outstanding public speaker
O He was an outstanding public speaker,
O An outstanding public speaker,
An outstanding public speaker and


The best way to combine the sentences is;

An outstanding public speaker and he was also a talented writer. Option D

How to combine the sentence using a coordinating conjunction?

A coordinating conjunction is a special kind of conjunction that joins two or more equally significant words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. Conjunctions like "and," "but," "or," "nor," "for," and "yet" are among them. Because they join parts that are both syntactically and semantically equivalent, showing that both are equally significant in the phrase, they are known as "coordinating" conjunctions.

They are frequently employed to connect words, phrases, or clauses to create compound sentences, and they aid in establishing the interrelationships between various sentence components.

The answer d is correct because it correctly combines both ideas into one sentence, using the coordinating conjunction "and" to show that the person being described was not only an outstanding public speaker but also a talented writer. This construction makes for a clear and concise sentence that conveys both pieces of information in a single thought.

Find more useful information on coordinating conjunction;


The great gastby
When did gastby says “i asked her to wait until I made something of myself”?

In what chapter did Nick realized everything that Gatsby ha done has been for Daisy?

Please help


If I’m not mistaken it’s chapter 5

Summarize in 100 words
Include the citation in MLA format, children deprived of their family environment



Children who are deprived of their family environment are at risk of experiencing negative developmental outcomes, including poor physical and mental health, educational delays, and social difficulties. A study conducted by Rutter et al. (1998) found that children who were placed in institutional care experienced significant delays in cognitive, language, and social development, as well as emotional problems. However, children who were placed in high-quality foster care environments were found to have better developmental outcomes than those in institutional care. These findings highlight the importance of providing children with stable and nurturing family environments to promote healthy development.


Rutter, M., Dunn, J., Plomin, R., Simonoff, E., Pickles, A., Maughan, B., Ormel, J., Meyer, J., & Eaves, L. (1998). Integrating nature and nurture: Implications of person-environment correlations and interactions for developmental psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology, 10(3), 517-550. doi:10.1017/s0954579498001629


Read the passage and question carefully then select your answer.

'Well, if I cannot keep Heathcliff for my friend—if Edgar will be mean and jealous, I'll try to break their hearts by breaking my own. That will be a prompt way of finishing all, when I am pushed to extremity! But it's a deed to be reserved for a forlorn hope; I'd not take Linton by surprise with it. To this point he has been discreet in dreading to provoke me; you must represent the peril of quitting that policy, and remind him of my passionate temper, verging, when kindled, on frenzy. I wish you could dismiss that apathy out of that countenance, and look rather more anxious about me.'

The stolidity with which I received these instructions was, no doubt, rather exasperating: for they were delivered in perfect sincerity; but I believed a person who could plan the turning of her fits of passion to account, beforehand, might, by exerting her will, manage to control herself tolerably, even while under their influence; and I did not wish to 'frighten' her husband, as she said, and multiply his annoyances for the purpose of serving her selfishness. Therefore I said nothing when I met the master coming towards the parlour; but I took the liberty of turning back to listen whether they would resume their quarrel together. He began to speak first.

'Remain where you are, Catherine,' he said; without any anger in his voice, but with much sorrowful despondency. 'I shall not stay. I am neither come to wrangle nor be reconciled; but I wish just to learn whether, after this evening's events, you intend to continue your intimacy with—'

'Oh, for mercy's sake,' interrupted the mistress, stamping her foot, 'for mercy's sake, let us hear no more of it now! Your cold blood cannot be worked into a fever: your veins are full of ice-water; but mine are boiling, and the sight of such chillness makes them dance.'

'To get rid of me, answer my question,' persevered Mr. Linton. 'You must answer it; and that violence does not alarm me. I have found that you can be as stoical as anyone, when you please. Will you give up Heathcliff hereafter, or will you give up me? It is impossible for you to be my friend and his at the same time; and I absolutely require to know which you choose.'

'I require to be let alone!' exclaimed Catherine, furiously. 'I demand it! Don't you see I can scarcely stand? Edgar, you—you leave me!'

She rang the bell till it broke with a twang; I entered leisurely. It was enough to try the temper of a saint, such senseless, wicked rages! There she lay dashing her head against the arm of the sofa, and grinding her teeth, so that you might fancy she would crash them to splinters! Mr. Linton stood looking at her in sudden compunction and fear. He told me to fetch some water. She had no breath for speaking. I brought a glass full; and as she would not drink, I sprinkled it on her face. In a few seconds she stretched herself out stiff, and turned up her eyes, while her cheeks, at once blanched and livid, assumed the aspect of death. Linton looked terrified.

'There is nothing in the world the matter,' I whispered. I did not want him to yield, though I could not help being afraid in my heart.

'She has blood on her lips!' he said, shuddering.

'Never mind!' I answered, tartly. And I told him how she had resolved, previous to his coming, on exhibiting a fit of frenzy. I incautiously gave the account aloud, and she heard me; for she started up—her hair flying over her shoulders, her eyes flashing, the muscles of her neck and arms standing out preternaturally. I made up my mind for broken bones, at least; but she only glared about her for an instant, and then rushed from the room. The master directed me to follow; I did, to her chamber-door: she hindered me from going further by securing it against me.

The exchange between Edgar and Catherine in this passage serves to

Group of answer choices

emphasize Heathcliff's personality traits that annoy Catherine

establish Catherine's extremely fragile mental state

foreshadow Catherine and Edgar's surprising divorce

reveal Catherine's responsibility for Edgar's sudden illness

set in motion events that lead to the climax of the novel



The exchange between Edgar and Catherine in this passage serves to establish Catherine's extremely fragile mental state.


Whats the correct answer answerr asap for brainlist


Answer: C


C doesn't fit the def for hospitable

What do Jovie, Micheal, and Buddy need to do to help Santa? Why?


Jovie, Michael, and Buddy are characters from the movie "Elf". In the movie, they need to help Santa save Christmas by making sure that his sleigh can fly again. They do this by fixing the sleigh's engine, which had been damaged. They also help Santa by spreading Christmas cheer throughout New York City, which helps to raise the Christmas spirit and make it easier for Santa to complete his mission.

Testimonial m: which of the following best describes the theme of the text



What text are we supposed to tell the theme of?


What if all cars replace missiles and all missile replace cars?


Answer: After 50 years of service, and the Army is now set on replacing the TOW with a missile that can reach at least twice as far at a much higher ...


should people be able to profit from their own cells?



depends what you mean by cells


if you are referring to human body cells than sure ,if you are willing to sell your cells them why not

Write a letter to the District chief executive, telling him about the acute shortage of water in the community and suggest ways fo solving the problem.​



[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, Country]


The District Chief Executive

[District Name]

[District Address]

[City, Country]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to draw your attention to the acute shortage of water in our community. As you are aware, water is a basic necessity of life, and the current situation is posing a significant threat to the health and well-being of our community.

We have been experiencing this shortage for a considerable period of time, and it is affecting everyone, including women, children, and the elderly. As a result, people have to walk long distances to fetch water, and some have to resort to using unclean sources of water, which can lead to water-borne diseases.

Therefore, I would like to suggest some ways of solving the water shortage problem in our community. Firstly, we need to drill more boreholes and wells in the area, especially in the areas where there is no access to clean water. Secondly, we could also consider setting up water treatment plants in the area to ensure that the water is clean and safe for consumption.

In addition, we need to educate the community on water conservation methods, such as rainwater harvesting, and the importance of not wasting water. This will go a long way in reducing the demand for water and help to ensure that everyone has access to clean and safe water.

I urge you to take immediate action to address this problem and help alleviate the suffering of the people in our community. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]

Identify the tone of the poem you selected for the TOASTT in this lesson and provide examples of words the poet used to express that tone. (10 points)

Poem: A word is dead


The tone of the poem "A word is dead" by Emily Dickinson is melancholic and somber. The poet uses words such as "death," "mourning," and "solemnity" to express this tone.

What is the poem  about?

The poem selected for the TOASTT analysis is "The Convict's Return" by Robert Southey. The tone of the poem is a mix of hope and melancholy. The poet uses words that express the prisoner's hope for freedom, but also convey a sense of sadness and regret for the past.

Therefore, the Examples of such words and phrases that convey the melancholic tone of the poem are "The deadest word that ever lived," "When it is said," "We who have the slower perception," and "The only imperial palace." The overall tone of the poem reflects on the power of language and how it can evoke strong emotions, even after the words themselves have lost their original meaning or power.

Learn more about poem here:


Which events could cause the change in supply shown on this graph? Check all the apply



I search it on brainly hope that is the answer you need


The events that could cause the change in supply shown on this graph will be A producer going out of business. and a natural disaster causes production to drop.

What is the  supply???????

The quantity of a certain product or service that suppliers are prepared to offer to consumers at a given price level at a given time is referred to as supply.

When a producer goes out of business, supply decreases because one of the persons who was supplying the market with goods and services no longer does so.

Natural disasters can also  affect  the supply because they can damage industrial infrastructure and limit access to the resources needed for production.

Hence these events that could cause the change in supply shown on this graph will be A producer going out of business. and a natural disaster causes production to drop.

Read the excerpt from "A Modest Proposal." Thus the squire will learn to be a good landlord, and grow popular among his tenants, the mother will have eight shillings neat profit, and be fit for work till she produces another child. 56:03 On which false premise does this excerpt rely? that a woman would be willing to pay her landlord rent Othat a woman would be willing to breed children to sell Othat a woman would be willing to keep the children she bears that a woman would be willing to take over her landlord's business​


T​he false premise on which this excerpt relies is that a woman would be willing to breed children to sell. The Option B is correct.

Which false premise does this excerpt rely on?

The excerpt suggests that the mother's primary role is to produce children that can be sold to landlords as potential tenants, rather than focusing on the well-being of the mother and her children. This idea is based on the assumption that women's reproductive abilities can be commodified, and that they would be willing to have children solely for financial gain.

However, this is a problematic and unethical perspective that does not take into account the autonomy and agency of women, and reduces them to mere instruments of profit.

Read more about false premise


Their eyes were watching god. Help me out with this please! Chapters 14-17


Answer :you should go to the website cliffnotes and dot com


Chapters 15–16

Summary: Chapter 15

Which MOST ACCURATELY summarizes the development of the central ideas in this text?
Batter Up: The Baseball Bat
A) Baseball bat makers have change
B) Baseball equipment has changed
C) Baseball have changed
D) Baseball bats have changed



The MOST ACCURATE summary of the development of the central ideas in the text "Batter Up: The Baseball Bat" is that "Baseball bats have changed." The text discusses the history and evolution of baseball bats, from their early origins to modern-day variations. It covers various materials used to construct bats, as well as the impact of changes in rules and regulations on the development of bats. While the text does touch on changes in baseball equipment and the game itself, the main focus is on the evolution of the baseball bat. Therefore, option D is the most accurate summary of the central ideas presented in the text.

At last, feeling this to be in some way a substitute for the words she was unable to find, she began to sing "Beasts of England." The other animals sitting round her took it up, and they sang it three times over—very tunefully, but slowly and mournfully, in a way they had never sung it before.

They had just finished singing it for the third time when Squealer, attended by two dogs, approached them with the air of having something important to say. He announced that, by a special decree of Comrade Napoleon, "Beasts of England" had been abolished. From now onwards it was forbidden to sing it.

The animals were taken aback.

"Why?" cried Muriel.

"It's no longer needed, comrade," said Squealer stiffly. "'Beasts of England' was the song of the Rebellion. But the Rebellion is now completed. The execution of the traitors this afternoon was the final act. The enemy both external and internal has been defeated. In 'Beasts of England' we expressed our longing for a better society in days to come. But that society has now been established. Clearly this song has no longer any purpose."

Frightened though they were, some of the animals might possibly have protested, but at this moment the sheep set up their usual bleating of "Four legs good, two legs bad," which went on for several minutes and put an end to the discussion.

Which detail from the text best shows a parallel to authoritarian governments?

the sheep's bleating of "Four legs good, two legs bad"
the abolishment of a song from the rebellion
the defeat of all internal and external enemies
the establishment of a better society for all



The detail from the text that best shows a parallel to authoritarian governments is the abolishment of a song from the rebellion.


The detail that best shows a parallel to authoritarian governments is the abolishment of a song from the rebellion. This is because in many authoritarian governments, the ruling regime seeks to control what people can and cannot say, write, or sing. The abolishment of "Beasts of England" demonstrates the leadership's desire to control the narrative and prevent any expression of dissent or criticism of the regime. Additionally, the justification for abolishing the song, that it is no longer needed because the society has already been established, is reminiscent of the rhetoric used by authoritarian leaders to justify the suppression of free speech and dissent, often claiming that such actions are necessary for the greater good or to maintain stability.

Write a story in which a character faces a challenge.
You should consider:
Characters - who the main character is
Setting - where and when the story takes place
What the challenge is, and how the character succeeds in overcoming it.



Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily. She lived in a small town near a big forest. Lily loved to explore the forest and play with her friends there. She often spent her weekends wandering around the forest, discovering new plants and animals.

One day, as Lily was playing with her friends deep in the forest, she noticed something strange. There was a faint sound coming from a nearby cave. Lily's curiosity got the best of her, and she decided to investigate. She cautiously entered the cave and followed the sound, which grew louder and louder. Suddenly, the ground beneath her feet gave way, and Lily fell into a deep hole.

Lily found herself in a dark, cold and damp cave. She looked around and realized she was trapped. The hole was too deep for her to climb back up, and the cave was too dark for her to see anything. She was alone and scared.

Lily tried to calm herself down and started to think of a way out. She remembered reading a book about survival skills and decided to use what she had learned. She looked for any source of light and found a small flashlight in her backpack. She turned it on and started to explore the cave. She found a small stream of water and followed it, hoping it would lead her to an exit.

After hours of wandering, Lily found a narrow tunnel that led to a small opening. She crawled through the tunnel and squeezed out of the opening. She found herself outside, surrounded by the beauty of the forest. She had made it out of the cave!

Lily ran home to tell her parents what had happened. They were relieved to see her safe and sound. They were proud of her for being so brave and resourceful in such a difficult situation.

From that day forward, Lily knew that she could face any challenge that came her way. She had learned to trust her instincts, remain calm, and use the skills and knowledge she had acquired. Lily became a stronger and more confident person, ready to face any obstacle that lay ahead of her.


Once upon a time, there was a brave and determined young man named Tom. Tom lived in a small village in the middle of a vast forest. He was an outcast in his village and was often ridiculed for his ambition and dreams.

One day, Tom decided to face his fears and ventured deep into the forest in search of the mythical dragon that lived there. He had heard stories of its strength and power, and wanted to prove himself and prove to his village that he was no coward.

Tom journeyed for days, and eventually he came upon the dragon's lair. He was filled with fear and doubt, but he stood his ground and prepared to face the dragon. The dragon was immense and powerful, but Tom was able to stay brave and fight on. He used his wits and quick thinking to outsmart the dragon and finally succeed in defeating it.

The villagers were amazed and proud of Tom's courage and determination. He had overcome a great challenge and earned the respect of his village. Tom was now seen as a hero among the villagers, and his story spread far and wide. Tom had faced the challenge and won, and it was a lesson that will never be forgotten.

research propsal paper


We can see here that in order to write a research paper, here is a guide:

Identify the research topic or questionReview existing literatureFormulate a research hypothesis or objectiveChoose the research methodCollect dataAnalyze data

What is a research paper?

A research paper is a document that presents the results of a research project, usually conducted by students or scholars in academic settings.

It is a formal, written report that documents the research process, methods, and findings of a particular study or investigation.

The purpose of a research paper is to contribute to the existing knowledge on a particular topic or question, to evaluate or test a hypothesis, or to provide a new perspective on a research problem.

Learn  more about research paper on


Exponents: Advanced Properties Online Math Curriculum Negative Exponents
Textual Evidence
The Great Gift Giver
by Alana Williamson
Life was difficult for many Americans
during the Great Depression. Many people
were jobless and homeless during this time.
Government programs helped some
families rebuild their lives. Still, families
continued to struggle to meet their basie
One man, Sam Stone, decided to help
76 people in need in his community Stone
was a business owner that had faced tough
times of his own in the past. Just before
Christmas in 1933, Stone sent a letter to his
local newspaper. He invited people to write
him with their stories of why they needed
help. Stone offered to mail them each $10.
He signed his letter, "B. Virdor" because he
did not want to take credit for these gifts.
The response was so great that Stone
instead sent $5 to 150 people. In the 1930s,
$5 was more than a week's pay for many
workers. Stone's gifts paid for food, hospital
bills, and other needs. Before his death,
Stone only shared his secret with his wife
0 of 10 Answered
He invited people to write him with
their stories of why they needed help.
Directions: Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Which sentence from the piece supports each inference? Match the sentences from the
plece to the correct inferences they support.
The response was so great that
Stone instead sent $5 to 150 people.
Practice Bet
Stone's grandson, a newspaper writer.
discovered the letters addressed
to "B. Virdol 75 years later.
Stone's gift giving was a
secret for a very long time.
Sam Stone wished to aid those
who were truly in need.



The response was so great that Stone instead sent $5 to 150 people. - Sam Stone's gift-giving was widespread and helped many people.Stone's grandson, a newspaper writer, discovered the letters addressed to "B. Virdor" 75 years later. - Sam Stone's gift-giving was a secret for a very long time.

How could paragraph 4 be said to be a turning point in this selection? In "Mississippi Solo"



Paragraph 4 is considered a turning point in Mississippi solo as it contains a pivotal moment or event that changes the course of the narrative or argument

What is the literary work about?

In Mississippi Solo, a man fulfills a lifelong goal by paddling 2,000 miles through the center of America, from the Mississippi River's source in Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico.

In describing the river as a friend and companion, the author employs personification: "A comfortable buddy spending a lazy day." (line 20). The water then whispered to him, "Get ready,'" the author writes.

Learn more about Mississippi on;


Read the extract and find two examples each of person, spatial and temporal deictic expression,one anaphoric and one cataphoric reference.

For a man of his age,fifty two, divorced,he has,to his mind solved the problem of sex rather well.On Thursday afternoon he drives to Green Point.Punctually at two p.m. he presses the buzzer at the entrance to Windsor Manor,speaks his name, and enters.Waiting for him at the door if No 113 is Soraya.​



Person Deictic Expressions:

"he" (referring to the man)

"him" (referring to the man)

Spatial Deictic Expressions:

"Green Point" (referring to a specific location)

"entrance to Windsor Manor" (referring to a specific location)

Temporal Deictic Expressions:

"Thursday afternoon" (referring to a specific time)

"two p.m." (referring to a specific time)

Anaphoric Reference:

"his name" (referring back to the man's name mentioned earlier)

"No 113" (referring back to the door number mentioned earlier)

Cataphoric Reference:

"Waiting for him" (referring forward to Soraya waiting for the man to arrive)

"the problem of sex" (referring forward to the man's ability to solve this problem well)

plot summary of beauty behind the orange uniform​


A plot is additionally a narrative of events, the emphasis falling on causality. 'The king died and then the queen died,' is a story. 'The king died, and then the queen died of grief' is a plot. The time-sequence is preserved, but the feel of causality overshadows it.

What is the that means of splendor at the back of the madness?

It's about how mad you are about desires, how mad you are about the work you are doing. If you are not mad about what you choose in your life, you do not deserve that.

Why is splendor behind the madness so good?

The seamless blend of hip-hop, electronica, and R&B brought together dozens of unique influences spanning numerous generations and even genres. It's like a melting pot of pop goodness, full of magnificent moments and even larger songs. The album brings together countless genres to supply for a very special sound.

Learn more about plot summary here;


1. Do you agree with Starr’s critics that she showed “disregard for cops [police]” in her interview? (page 292)


Diane enquires about Starr's fear of police. Starr invokes her Uncle Carlos, but expresses the desire for the police to refrain from making assumptions about black people that result in the deaths of black people.

What was said by Starr during the interview?

By claiming that Khalil merely turned to drug dealing in order to protect his mother from the wrath of Garden Heights's top drug dealer, Starr puts herself in danger. She doesn't care that her words might make her a target for King's wrath.

What takes place after Starr provides the police with her testimony?

By expressing the truth about what actually occurred that evening, Starr attests to Khalil's personhood. Khalil is the subject of her testimony more than anybody else, and when she is sworn in as a witness, Starr silently swears to him that she would tell the truth, demonstrating that she cared about him enough to stand up for him.

To know more about Starr visit:-


What is the meaning of "a tacit understanding"?


The  tacit was considered as an implicit acknowledgment of guilt, one that was acknowledged without being explicitly stated. We had a mutual agreement that we didn't want to cross paths again.

Is tacit code for silent?

adjective. tacit approval: understanding without explicit expression; implied. A tacit companion is silent and non-verbal. An unsaid or unvoiced prayer.

What is the translation of tacit?

Etymology. taken from late Middle French tacite or tacitus (which means "that is passed over in silence, done without words, assumed as a matter of course, mute"), from tacere ("to be silent").

Those who work for an organization create many types of tacit knowledge. The team members claimed that they gained a lot of information, particularly tacit knowledge, from one another.

To know more about tacit visit:


bung Winston Churchill, before he became England's prime minister, was said to be a delightful
a bit overbearing.



based on what you have said "bung Winston Churchill, before he became England's prime minister, was said to be a delightful" the only thing that can said is ythis is true


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