Paul's second Epistle to Timothy was written around A.D:



Answer 1

Paul's second Epistle to Timothy was written around A.D:63-67

What was Paul's second Epistle?

According to the Guide to the Scriptures, "Pauline Epistles,", Paul's Second Epistle to Timothy was most likely written between A.D. 64 and 65. The letter was written by Paul during his second Roman prison sentence, just before he was crucified (see Bible Dictionary, "Pauline Epistles").

a.d. 64–67. Following a fourth missionary voyage that is not mentioned in Acts, Paul most likely composed 2 Timothy while serving a second prison sentence in Rome. Paul, who was at Ephesus at the time, sent Timothy this "farewell" letter in anticipation of his impending death. In it, Paul urged Timothy to maintain his resolve and invited him to come for one more visit.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about Timothy at:


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Writing was the most valued form of expression in Heian Japan. Everyone was expected to show skill in using words well. Early Heian writers composed artful poems in Chinese, but as time passed, distinctly Japanese ways of writing developed both in daily life and in the creation of works of literature.

Writing in Daily Life Poetry was part of daily life in Heian-kyo, and people were expected to compose poetry in public. If they could not think up a few clever lines to fit an occasion, others noticed the failure. Men and women carefully created poems to charm each other. When someone received a poem from a friend, family member, or acquaintance, he or she was expected to write one in response. The responding poem was supposed to be written in the same style and mood, and have the same imagery, as the original.

In earlier times, the Japanese had used kana, which was based on simplified Chinese characters, to write the syllables of their language. In Heian times, there were two ways of writing, much like we have cursive and print letters in English. One, katakana, was more formal. Men used katakana when they wrote anything important. The second form of writing was hiragana. Characters in hiragana are formed with simple strokes that make writing and reading easier and faster. Hiragana was mostly seen as “women's writing.” Court women favored hiragana for personal writing, such as diaries, and some of them used it to create lasting works of literature. Over time, hiragana took its place alongside katakana as part of Japan's written language.

Heian writers took care to present their work in a beautiful manner, since calligraphy skills were viewed as important as the ability to create poetry. People believed that handwriting revealed their character and goodness better than the words they used. Calligraphy was often displayed on colorful, handmade paper, and sometimes the paper was even perfumed.

Women Become Japan's Leading Writers The female companions to the courtiers of Heian-kyo were usually selected for their intelligence. They often took a great interest in literature, and as a result, women led in the flowering of Japanese literature in the golden age of the 10th and 11th centuries.

The best-known Heian writer was Murasaki Shikibu, often referred to as Lady Murasaki. Born into the Fujiwara family, she served as a lady-in-waiting to one of the daughters of Fujiwara Michinaga. Her novel, the Tale of Genji (GEN-jee), is a Heian masterpiece and is today considered one of the great works of world literature.

The Tale of Genji is often called the world's first novel. The book follows the life of Genji, a fictional prince, and paints a vivid picture of life in the Heian court. Much of the book focuses on the thoughts and feelings of the characters, particularly the women. For this reason, the Tale of Genji has served as a model for the modern romance novel.

Murasaki also kept a diary about her life in the court. Like her novel, her diary offers a close look at court life in the period.

The other leading writer of the time was Sei Shonagon. Like the Tale of Genji, Shonagon's Pillow Book presents a detailed picture of life in Heian-kyo. Pillow Book is a collection of clever stories, character sketches, conversations, descriptions of art and nature, and various lists. Here is Shonagon's list of “Things That Should Be Short”:

a piece of thread when one wants to sew something in a hurry
a lamp stand
the hair of a woman of the lower classes
the speech of a young girl

Like Sei Shonagon, many Heian women wrote their thoughts and experiences in diaries. A book called The Gossamer Years is the earliest existing example. This diary by an unknown noblewoman describes her unhappy life as companion to a Fujiwara leader. Writers often included artwork, poems, and letters in their diary entries.

2. Explain how poetry was part of daily life in Heian-kyo.
3. Why is the Tale of Genji significant even today?


Poetry was a significant part of daily life in Heian-kyo, and people were expected to compose poetry in public. If they could not think up a few clever lines to fit an occasion, others would notice their failure.

3. The Tale of Genji is a significant literary work even today because it is considered one of the world's first novels. It is a masterpiece of Heian literature and paints a vivid picture of life in the Heian court.

What is  Heian Japan?

Men and women carefully created poems to charm each other. When someone received a poem from a friend, family member, or acquaintance, he or she was expected to write one in response. The responding poem was supposed to be written in the same style and mood, and have the same imagery, as the original.

Lastly, in regards to question 3, The book follows the life of Genji, a fictional prince, and gives a detailed look at the thoughts and feelings of the characters, particularly the women. The novel has been praised for its portrayal of human emotions and relationships, and has served as a model for the modern romance novel. It's also considered as an important work of world literature and has been translated into many languages.

Learn more about Heian Japan from


Need Help ASAP
1. What was the impact of Rosa Parks work (positive or negative)?
- How did the affect Rosa Parks and the society?
2. Has society improved because of Rosa Parks? Why or why not?
(Explain in detail and use evidence)


When she refused to give her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955, Rosa Parks contributed to the start of the American civil rights movement. Her efforts had a favorable result.

Who was Rosa Parks?

The Montgomery bus boycott was one of Rosa Louise McCauley Parks' most important contributions as a civil rights fighter in the United States. She is referred to as "the mother of the freedom movement" and "the first woman of civil rights" by the US Congress.

In Montgomery, Alabama, on December 1, 1955, Parks disobeyed bus driver James F. Blake's request to give up a row of four seats in the "colored" section for a White passenger after the "White" section was full.

Learn more about Rosa Parks, from:


HELP In this assignment, you will create parallel time lines describing important developments that occurred during the rise of Muslim empires and at least one other civilization.
You will create a time line that shows key dates and events from the expansion of Muslim empires, including events that took place during the growth of the following empires:


The key dates that shows some of the events that took place during the growth of the following empires have been listed

What are the key dates?

The events that took place during the growth of the following empires:

622 CE: The Hijra, the migration of the prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina, marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.

632 CE: The death of the Prophet Muhammad.

634-644 CE: The Ridda Wars, a series of conflicts following the death of the Prophet Muhammad, result in the consolidation of the Arab tribes under the leadership of the cali.phs.

756-1031 CE: The Abbasid Cal.iphate, the third of the four caliphates, establishes its capital in Baghdad and becomes a major center of learning and culture.

909-1171 CE: The Fatimid Cali'phate, a rival cali.phate established in North Africa and Egypt, expands into Palestine and Syria.

Read more on Muslim empires here:


which statement best explains the policy of containment created by american diplomat george f. kennan? question 2 options: a system of troop deployment that surrounded the soviet union firmly opposing soviet expansion and keeping communism in check a plan to prevent eastern european nations from becoming economically independent keeping japan from forming alliances with korea and china


The best statement which explains the policy of containment created by American diplomat George F. Kennan is a plan to firmly oppose Soviet expansion and keeping communism in check.

Who was George F. Kennan?

The American diplomat and historian George Frost Kennan. He was most well-known for supporting a Cold War containment strategy for the Soviet Union's territorial growth.

He delivered several lectures and published scholarly histories of the USSR and American ties.

The idea of containment was developed by George F. Kennan, who advocated that the US should "contain" Soviet expansionism but refrain from using or threatening to use force to overthrow the communist government.

Therefore, the best statement which explains the policy of containment created by American diplomat George F. Kennan is a plan to firmly oppose Soviet expansion and keeping communism in check.

To know more about the George F. Kennan, visit:


Petition Of Righta

what did the document say about the housing of soldiers and jury trials?


The petition sought adherence to four principles: no taxation without consent from Parliament; no imprisonment without cause; no lodging of military personnel on citizens; and no martial law during peacetime.

What was the Petition of Right's purpose?

In 1628, the King was forced by Parliament to accept the Petition of Right before granting any additional taxation. In it, it was asked that the King stop enforcing martial law, forcing civilians to billet themselves, and levying non-parliamentary taxes, all of which were against the law.

Why is it crucial to submit a rights petition?

The Petition of Right gave the British people the protections and rights they needed from the monarchy. It would ultimately have an impact on the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights of 1689, having a big impact on international law.

Learn more about Petition of Right:


What benefits does the traders receive from the Nile River?


The Nile river was a big place for trading so for a trader it gives he/she an opportunity to trade more

Read the following sentences: "It was more than two years after the Boston Tea Party that the Declaration of Independence was signed, but once that tea went into the harbor, the path to revolution was assured. Tons of tea were thrown out, and the whole course of colonial history was changed that night." As used in the passage, what does "assured" mean?


It means that it was locked in or guaranteed to happen. In this case the revolution against the British government was guaranteed to happen.

Who is credited with opening the first textile mill in the United States?


Based on the plans of English inventor Richard Arkwright, Samuel Slater constructed the initial American mill in Pawtucket. Slater fled the country in order to make his fortune in the United States, despite the fact that it was against British law to leave the country if you were a textile worker.

Samuel Slater, a young British immigrant, claimed in 1790 that he built the first successful water-powered Textile mill in the United States. Slater was able to establish a fully operational facility in Rhode Island by manufacturing replicas of innovative English cotton-spinning machinery. His factory was a huge step forward for American industry, which had been struggling to catch up to Great Britain in terms of technological advancement. Slater went on to become an entrepreneur in the textile industry. His approach to building factories and managing employees set the standard for New England's industrial development. Because of his significant contributions, President Andrew Jackson (1829–1837) referred to him as the "Father of American Manufacturers" at one point.

To know more about  Samuel Slater  visit


What two people on Washington's team became arch enemies over time eventually leading to political parties?



I believe you are asking about Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton

what major difference between the eastern and western churches led to their schism?


The Great Schism passed because of a perplexing mix of strict conflicts and political contentions. One of the multitudinous strict conflicts between the western( Roman) and eastern( intricate) corridor of the congregation had to do with whether involving unleavened chuck for the holy observance of fellowship was satisfactory.

The significant discrepancy between the Eastern and Western houses of deification urged their break was the consideration of the Pope as the strict head of Christianity. Western places of deification put stock in the power of a strict colonist called the Pope who'll give orders. Eastern places of deification worked without Pope and a gathering took choices.

Learn more about schism:


In this episode we learn about Nat Turner's rebellion. What was the reaction to this event? How
do you think it influenced treatment of slaves and free blacks broadly?


The Nat Turner rebellion did help the Union cause because it gave northern plantation owners the ‘excuse’ they needed to come north and join the Union army.

Should the legislative process in Congress be reformed? If yes, what changes would you recommend? If no, why not?


Increasing trans/paren/cy and public engagement in the legislative process, through measures such as liv/e-strea/ming congre/ssional proceedings and allowing for more public input on proposed legislation

Stream/lin/ing the legislative process, such as through limiting the number of procedural votes and reducing the number of bills considered by Congress

What is the legislative process?

Generally, The legislative process in Congress is a complex and multi-faceted issue, and opinions on whether or not it should be reformed can vary widely. Some argue that the current process is slow, inefficient, and susceptible to gr/id/lock, while others believe that it is an essential part of our system of checks and balances and should not be changed.

If one were to recommend changes to the legislative process in Congress, some potential ideas could include:

Enhancing the power of individual legislators, such as by granting them more autonomy to introduce and pass legislationImproving the efficiency and effectiveness of committees, such as by giving them more resources and greater independence.

However, it's also worth noting that changes to the legislative process could have unintended consequences and that it's important to consider all possible effects before making any changes.

Read more about the legislative process


History what symbol is this



It should come as no surprise that a cross is one of the symbols of a religious order of Christian warrior monks. This cross, mainly red, represented the knights’ connection to the Church as well as their mission. You would find the cross emblazoned upon the mantle. This symbol was not an ornament until 1147 when Pope Eugenius III approved of it. For the Crusader, the red cross represented martyrdom and reminded them of the sacrifice of Christ

Answer: This is a Maltese which is a symbol of protection


What was a right that women had during the Roman Empire?

A right to own property

Women had equal rights to men during the Roman Empire

A right to a job of their choice

Women had no rights during the Roman Empire


Answer: I believe the answer is D  

Explanation: A woman was entitled to her own private property, including land, livestock, slaves, and servants. A woman had the right to inherit whatever anyone bequeathed to her as a death gift, and inherited equally with brothers and in the absence of sons would inherit everything.

Answer: A. Right to own property

Explanation: The answer is A

Thank me later

Which of the following accurately describes how the U.S. used propaganda during
World War I?
a) To gain support for the detention of Germans at Ellis Island
b) To encourage citizens to support the war effort
c) To demonize Great Britain and France
d) To make sure we had a stalemate between the U.S. and Germany



Explanation: B they would hang posters that encouraged citizens to join forces and support in the war




Propaganda was used to support the war effort by making citizens feel that it was their patriotic duty to support, or the axis powers would destroy their freedoms.

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Question: What were 2 short term and 2 long term benefits of Rosa Parks efforts?



Rosa Parks' efforts had a wide range of short and long-term benefits for African Americans in the United States. In the short-term, her efforts and those of the Montgomery Bus Boycott helped to end the segregation of African Americans on public transportation in the Montgomery area. This led to a Supreme Court case, Browder v. Gayle, which unanimously ruled that segregation on public transportation was unconstitutional. This ruling set a precedent for other civil rights cases in the years to come.

In the long-term, Parks' efforts helped to bring greater attention to the civil rights movement and paved the way for more civil rights legislation in the years to come. Her actions also helped to inspire the civil rights movement, which had a wide range of impacts, including the desegregation of public schools, the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Parks' efforts also helped to bring greater economic opportunities to African Americans across the country, as well as greater access to education and health care.

give me brainiest

Evaluate the impacts of industrial 1750-1900 on the world.

I really need help. Im stressed out and this is my only hope.

Please use the documents provided in ur answer. Please.


The start of the industrial evolution brought immense changes that would change the way we live forever. One of those impacts was a cultural exchange as shown in document 7. This means introducing new ideas like religion, food, ideas, music etc. People from all over the world were taking railroads and using new inventions/devices which introduce them to interactions amongst the unknown. These inventions were not only bringing people together but also becoming more prevalent as the quantity of steamships and coal products rose gradually to accommodate travel/migration. Document 1 shows how steamships and coal doubled in just a decade. Even so, there were protests against this industrial because of the unfair labor like in document 2 and 6. Document 6 shows the protest of unions which fight for better labor hours and disadvantages. The government however viewed this the opposite. They believed that the people should be grateful for fast travel, cheaper clothes, and the increase of house quality. In short, there was an increase in quantity and quality of nearly everything. Despite this, workers would be taken advantage of especially kids. As demonstrated in document 3, ten years olds worked long hours and because of this it made it nearly impossible to gain an education.

Why did William Jennings Bryan attack the Gold Standard?He owned a controlling interest in a silver mining firm.He believed that the Gold Standard was inhibiting American exports.He wanted to increase inflation to lower the burden on farmers debts.He wanted to decease inflation to stabilize the economy.


Option 2 is the right answer. William Jennings Bryan was opposed to the Gold Standard because he believed it hampered American exports.

The Gold Standard is a system in which nearly all countries fixed the value of their currencies in terms of a certain amount of gold. The set price is used to determine the value of the currency. For example, if the US sets the price of gold at $500 per ounce, one dollar is worth one-fifth of an ounce of gold.

William Jennings Bryan was an American lawyer, orator, and politician. He rose to prominence in the Democratic Party, serving as the party's nominee for President of the United States three times: in 1896, 1900, and 1908. William Jennings Bryan delivered the Cross of Gold address.

To learn more about Gold Standard, Click here:


What does Howe mean when he claims “the United States . . . is not a collection agency”?


Frederic C. Howe is suggesting that the United States should not be in the business of collecting money or resources from other nations, but rather should be focused on promoting and protecting political freedom for all nations, regardless of their race or stage of development. He is suggesting that the United States should focus on establishing and securing freedom for all nations, rather than exploiting them for resources or money.

in what year was the 1st president of texas elected?


Answer: 1836


i looked it up

What should the Christian's stand be concerning military involvement? Is there ever a justification for war? Can a war ever be "just"? Write your answer in a paragraph of 125 words.


Whether war can be "just" is a complex and nuanced question, and the answer can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the individual's interpretation of scripture. Some Christians may believe that war is justifiable in certain circumstances, while others may believe that war is never justifiable and that nonviolent means should always be used to resolve conflicts.

What are common Christian's stand on military involvement?

The Christian stance on military involvement and the justification for war can vary depending on the denomination and interpretation of scripture. However, many Christians believe that war is justifiable in certain circumstances as a means of self-defense and for the protection of innocent lives.

The Just War theory, which is rooted in Christian tradition, states that war can be just if it meets certain criteria such as a just cause, last resort, proportionality, and the protection of non-combatants. However, many Christians also believe in the principle of nonviolence and the value of peace. They believe that war is never the best solution and that nonviolent means should always be used to resolve conflicts.

Read more about military involvement


Which action is most similar to the tactics Hideki Tojo advocated as a general
and political leader in Japan?
O A. A country abandons industrialization and returns to agrarian
economic models.
B. A country abolishes political parties and allows the military to
control its government.

C. A country supports nationalist rebellions in colonies dominated by
imperial powers.
D. A country cuts off foreign imports in an effort to become totally


A country abolishes political parties and allows the military to control its government is most similar to the tactics Hideki Tojo advocated as a general and political leader in Japan. Thus, Option B is correct.

Who was Hideki Tojo?

Hideki Tojo, who was born in Japan on December 30, 1884, and died on December 23, 1948, was a war criminal who was also prime minister of Japan for the majority of World War II and the head of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association. He was also a general in the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA).

Before ultimately losing his position as ruler in July 1944, he held a number of additional positions, including chief of staff of the Imperial Army. Extreme state-sanctioned violence committed in the name of Japanese ultranationalism during his time in office was a defining characteristic of his leadership, and he participated actively in a significant portion of it.

Learn more about Hideki Tojo


which location was the site of the first major u.s. victory against japan in world war ii?


Midway Island was the site of the first major U.S. victory against Japan in World War II. Thus option B is the answer.

The Battle of Midway was fought between June 4-7, 1942, just six months after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. The U.S. Navy was able to intercept and decode Japanese communication, learning about their plans to invade Midway Island, a strategic location in the Pacific.

The U.S. was able to launch a counter-attack, with the help of aircrafts from the carrier USS Enterprise, USS Hornet, and USS Yorktown, and was able to sink four Japanese aircraft carriers, effectively crippling Japan's naval power. This was a turning point in the Pacific theater of the war, as it marked the first decisive victory for the United States against Japan, shifting the momentum of the war in favor of the Allies.

Learn more about Midway Island:


What Chinese dynasty implemented the mertit system, a dry stem of examination that puts scholar-officials into governmental jobs based on skill/ ability rather than familial ties?


Over 2,000 years of stability were provided by the Chinese civil service system, which also served as one of the main channels for social mobility in Chinese society.

What is civil service?

A branch of the government known as the "civil service" is made up mostly of career civil employees who are hired on the basis of their professional ability rather than being appointed or elected, and whose institutional tenure frequently overcomes shifts in political leadership. A civil servant, often known as a public servant, is a person who does public sector initiatives for a government department or organisation. Depending on the country, different numbers of state employees are included in the "civil service." In the United Kingdom (UK), for instance, only Crown personnel are referred to as "civil servants," whereas employees of local governments are frequently called "local government civil service officers."

To learn more about civil service, visit:


according to schurz, what was the economic and social condition of the south following the civil war? g what has emancipation accomplished? what still needed to be accomplished?


According to schurz, what was the economic and social condition of the south following the civil war:

After the Civil War, sharecropping and tenant farming took the place of slavery and the plantation system in the South.

Sharecropping and tenant farming were systems in which white landlords (often former plantation slaveowners) entered into contracts with impoverished farm laborers to work their lands.

Emancipation had accomplished:

on September 22, 1862, when President Lincoln issued his Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which stated that enslaved people in those states or parts of states still in rebellion as of January 1, 1863, would be declared free.

Another Accomplishment:

To achieve emancipation, the Union had to invade the South, defeat the Confederate armies, and occupy the Southern territory.

About civil war

The American Civil War (1861–1865), also known as the War Between the States (see other names), was a civil war in the United States. The eleven slave states of the South declared separation from the United States and formed the Confederation of America known as the "Confederacy".

Led by Jefferson Davis, the Confederates fought for independence from the United States. The federal government of the United States of America (USA) was supported by twenty states, mostly free states that had abolished slavery and five slave states which became known as the frontier states.

Learn more about Carl Schurz at


How did the Roosevelt Corollary relate to the Monroe Doctrine?
OIt canceled many parts of the Monroe Doctrine.
O It expanded on the ideas in the Monroe Doctrine.
OIt reminded people to follow the Monroe Doctrine.
It was considered an abuse of the Monroe Doctrine.



It expanded on the ideas in the Monroe Doctrine.


US would intervene in the affairs of countries in the Western Hemisphere if their actions were deemed to threaten the stability and security of the region


According to the choices of alternatives provided above, it may be stated that the Roosevelt Corollary related to the Monroe Doctrine in a way that it extended on the ideologies of the doctrine. Therefore, the option B holds true.

The Monroe Doctrine was a doctrine that was brought into enforcement under the leadership under the then President James Monroe of the United States. The Roosevelt Corollary was very much in line with the ideologies carried forward by the techniques made under the doctrine.

Learn more about the Monroe Doctrine here:


diseases from which two continents killed millions of indigenous peoples in the late 1400s and early 1500s?


Millions of indigenous people in the late 15th and early 15th centuries died from diseases brought by the Europeans, such as smallpox, measles, typhus, yellow fever, and malaria.

The conditions in which these diseases occurred meant that in a short time they became true pandemics.

It is estimated that there were 57.3 million indigenous people throughout the continent, of which 47 million inhabited the current Latin American countries and that 130 years later this population was reduced by 90%, the indigenous population of the Caribbean being the most affected due to being almost exterminated in less than half a century.

New diseases brought by Europeans that plagued indigenous peoples

Of all diseases, smallpox would be the deadliest of the epidemics that decimated the indigenous population in America.

It is believed that the first case of smallpox in America occurred in 1518 on the island of Hispaniola and according to Bartolomé de Las Casas only a thousand Indians survived, by 1520 what is considered the first pandemic in America occurred.

At that time, smallpox was cured by inoculating healthy individuals with pustules or dust from the scabs of infected people so that they developed milder stages of the disease.

Learn more about indigenous diseases at


How does this excerpt about the funeral of Caesar Augustus differ from the text he wrote about himself in the previous source? Cite examples from the texts.​


Caesar was adored by the populace below him due to his charisma and military success. Augustus, on the other hand, was respected more than he was loved by the populace. In addition, Augustus seized control of a nation that had been torn apart by war and enacted significant reform.

What was said about Augustus by Suetonius?

Suetonius claims that Augustus led a simple life with little comforts. Augustus slept on a typical Roman bed, lived in a typical Roman home, and had typical Roman food. The birth of Augustus was foretold by a number of dreams and omens, according to Suetonius.

In the res gestae, how does Augustus present himself?

As a self-portrait, Augustus highlights the singularity of his accomplishments in his Res Gestae, which captures his essence as a person. It continues to be an important text that directs research on this important historical figure.

To Know more about significant reform.


how did the actions of the republican party lead to new economic opportunities and settlement in the midwestern and western regions of the united states in the 1860s and 1870s



Under Republican congressional leadership, the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution—which banned slavery in the United States—passed the Senate in 1864 and the House in 1865; it was ratified in December 1865. In 1865, the Confederacy surrendered, ending the Civil War.


The map below shows a graphic representation of an important movement in the 16th - 18th centuries.

A map of 3 arrows in a triangle labeled A, B, and C. Arrow A points from the Caribbean to Europe. Arrow B points from Europe to Africa. Arrow C points from Africa to the Caribbean.

What do the arrows show?


The arrows showing movements in the 16th - 18th centuries are showing the Triangular trade.

What was the Triangular trade ?

The triangular trade was a colonial trade pattern that crossed the Atlantic Ocean and brought slaves from Africa to the Americas, cotton and other raw materials to Europe, and textiles and other manufactured goods from Europe to West Africa.

There was also a similar repeating trade pattern that brought enslaved people from Africa to the West Indies and sugar or molasses from the West Indies to New England to be turned into rum.

Find out more on the Triangular trade at


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