Persian myths and legends


Answer 1


The term 'mythology' comes from the Greek mythos (story-of-the-people) and logos (word or speech), meaning the spoken story of a people. Every civilization of the ancient world developed a belief system, which is characterized as 'mythology' in the present day but which, for them, was religious belief, and this was as true for ancient Persia as for any other. These systems only became designated as “mythological” after they had been replaced by others which, even so, continued to express the same values emphasizing the forces of good and order over those of evil and chaos.

Oral tradition was especially important and storytelling a central value in ancient Persian culture, and so the stories of the old continued to be told, and many of the deities, now reimagined, appear in the works of the oldest monotheistic religion, Zoroastrianism, which developed between c. 1500-1000 BCE. This faith developed from an earlier polytheistic system featuring a pantheon of gods, led by their king Ahura Mazda, who stood against the forces of the evil spirit Angra Mainyu. The prophet Zoroaster revised this earlier vision so that Ahura Mazda became the one true god while the most significant of the other deities became emanations and manifestations of his eternal goodness.

The stories which had once made up the religious understanding of the people now became fables – myths – which entertained while also encouraging the same cultural values they always had, only now in a monotheistic context. The god Mithra might still be invoked and his battle with the dragon Azhi Dahaka still be told, but it was understood that Mithra was now simply Ahura Mazda fighting the forces of evil.

Many of the other gods of the original Early Iranian Religion were forgotten, however, and are only known through brief reference in Zoroastrian scripture, religious literature, and the tales collected and written down in works such as the Shahnameh and One Thousand Nights and a Night. Since ancient Iran/Persia maintained an oral tradition until the Sassanian Period (224-651 CE), there is no ancient text along the lines of Hesiod’s Theogony or Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey (both c. 8th century BCE) describing and defining the old gods at the time they were being worshipped. Inscriptions found in the ruins of cities like Susa or at the great temple of Chogha Zanbil (also known as Dur Untush) provide only the most basic allusions to deities predating the development of Zoroastrianism.

The gods, creatures, and heroes who made up these early stories of ancient Persian mythology are therefore scattered amongst the various works of Zoroastrianism and later collections of myth and fable. A comprehensive list, or at least an attempt at one, should therefore prove useful to anyone interested in the subject of Persian mythology and religion specifically or the study of myth, folklore, and religion generally.

The following is a list of the various entities of pre-Zoroastrian Persia who appear in some of the most famous myths and legends. The list attempts to be complete but will omit some minor deities and even some heroes whose qualities are represented by others more famous. The list will also include religious concepts and places considered important in ancient Persian religion, such as the Chinvat Bridge which souls crossed from life to death or the House of Song, the Persian vision of paradise. The following are all drawn from the sources listed below in the bibliography.


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It might be 5/8 to 6ft

The mujahideen were fighters in Afghanistan who?
A. Rebelled against the communist .
B. Marginalized the Muslim population.
C. Closed all of the mosques in the nation.
D. Requested support from the Soviet Union.





on edge

The Mujahideen were the fighters who rebelled against the communists in Afghanistan.

Who were the Mujahideen?

The Afghan War (1978–1992) saw the participation of Mujahideen in a number of guerrilla organizations that fought the Soviet invasion and ultimately overthrew the communist regime in Afghanistan.

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To learn more about communists here:


how did the national debt increase to 54 million?

a. It included state debts and interest amounts

b. It included the cost of paying off bonds at higher cost

c. It included the cost of paying off the original creditors

d. It included the cost of shifting the capital

e. It included the cost of setting up the federal bank

helppp I just need this answerrrr



I believe that the correct answer is

a. It included state debts and interest amounts


This "$54 million" was made up of the US's national debt of about $21 million and its total interest of about $33 million at the time.

21 + 33 = 54

WILL GVIE BRAIIEST (50 POINTS) How did the domestic slave trade come about, and do you believe it was mostly different from, or similar to, the Atlantic Slave Trade?


Answer: how it came about

The internal slave trade among colonies emerged in 1760 as a source of labor in early America. In the early years, some colonists traded in Native Americans, but began to favor the use of imported slaves from Africa.


I couldn't find the second half of the question sorry

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A lockout is generally an attempt to enforce specific terms of employment upon a group of employees during a dispute. It is often used to force unionized workers to accept new conditions, such as lower wages.

Which of the following best explains the reason for the reconciliation described by Blight in passage
Northern efforts to create racial equality in the South were successful for the
most part because Southerners were forced to submit to the laws passed by the
After the Civil War, there were reduced regional differences between the North
and the South
Reduced racial tensions between the North and the South were ultimately a
consequence of Southerners enacting Civil Rights reforma
Efforts to change southern racial attitudes and culture ultimately failed because
of the South's determined resistance and the North's waning resolve



D-Efforts to change southern racial attitudes and culture ultimately failed because

of the South's determined resistance and the North's waning resolve


The North originally had soilders put in place in the south in order to keep everything in order and maintain the new rights established after the civil war but eventually they pulled out of the South and the South converted back to what they wanted instead.

The reason there was reconciliation between the North and the South was because D . Efforts to change southern racial attitudes and culture ultimately failed because  of the South's determined resistance and the North's waning resolve

After the Civil War, the North tried to get the South to accept Black Americans as their equals but the South resisted this by:

Passing laws that limited the Black vote Engaging in economic activities such as sharecropping and using prisoners to farm Practicing segregation

The North eventually accepted that they could not force the South to accept Black people and simply let them be. This allowed for some form of reunion between the North and the South as the decades progressed until the resurgence of the Civil Rights Movement.

In conclusion, the reunion between the North and the South happened because the Southerners did not want to change and the Northerners were tried of trying to make the South change.

Find out more at

Which action demonstrates how President Theodore Roosevelt could ""speak softly"" instead of ""using a big stick""?



D) He supported the rebels in Panama.



The answer is:  D) He supported the rebels in Panama.

Which statement best describes the economy of ancient Egypt?
O Mining organizations controlled the economy with gold coins.
O The economy relied mostly on growing crops for food and goods.
O Merchants and business leaders were focused on building pyramids.
O Most people worked as hunters along the banks of the Nile River.



Its B they're wrong


B- The economy relied mostly on growing crops for food and goods.



i did the lesson and got it correct.

What 5 freedoms does the 1st Amendment protect?



freedom of religion, freedom of speech and press, and the freedom to peaceably assemble and to petition the government.



hello :)


Broken down, the First Amendment protects the individual citizen’s five freedoms: the right to freedom of religion (separated into the “Establishment Clause” and the “Exercise Clause”), the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and right to petition. Originally this amendment only prohibited Congress’s actions to limit these rights; however, a series of court cases have both extended and limited these freedoms over time.

hope this helps (not mine got it from google)

being honest

what started the hundred years war?​



I believe it was England.


hope this helps

The 100 years war started in 1337 and it was a fight between France and England. In which, England started the war

Differentiate between the clothing of the poor and the clothing of the wealthy.



Wealthy people wore fur and was common on rich people to see them with rings, diamonds and exotic stones while poor people wore tunics and leather boots.


Which of the following pieces of literature was important to ancient Egyptian society? (1 point)

the Book of the Dead

the Epic of Gilgamesh

the Bible

the Torah



A. Book of the Dead



book of the dead


Which of the following is a primary reason for limiting the power of a government? provide for public education ensure economic equality C.To allow for control of the press D.To prevent a violation of rights





you have to limit certain powers because if you don't the violation of rights would go overbard and there probably would more crimes happening then usual

Who were the main leaders of the French Revolution?



George's-Jacques Danton, Jean-Paul Marat, and Maximilien Robespierre

Answer: Georges-Jacques Danton, Jean-Paul Marat, Maximilien Robespierre

Explanation: I literally just searched it up! So it’s correct

The Freedmen's Bureau was run by which of the following?
A. the Treasury Department
B. the State Department
C. the War Department
D. the Interior Department



The War Department


The Civil Wars was nearing, and the War activists used this to add to it.

The Freedmen's Bureau was run by the War department.

This department was created on the third of march 1865 it was created by the legislatives for it to take care of the many ex slaves and poor people in Southern America.

This was at the end of the civil war. The war department was the only agency that had the funds that could be used by this bureau. It was headed by  General Oliver O. Howard


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

—American Declaration of Independence, 1776

Which of these Enlightenment ideas is found in the passage from the Declaration of Independence?
A:Democratic elections represents people
B:Goverments need Check and Balances
C.People are born with natural right
D.Reason is the best way to find truth



C. People are born with natural right


Who is responsible for electing the president in South Africa?


The National Assembly

Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes it began with Philosophy meaning the love of wisdom. How would you describe Psychology and Philosophy are similar? How would you describe these two vocabulary words are different?



The answer is below


1. From the definition provided, it can be concluded that the similarity between Psychology and Philosophy is in Knowledge. While Philosophy deals with the general body of knowledge and its guiding principle in terms of reality, Psychology deals with the function of the human mind in relation to knowledge and its application in human behavior.

2. The difference between the two lies in the fact that Philosophy deals with the knowledge of life and after death. While Psychology deals with the knowledge of the human mind and behavior.

What was a major hardship for the people of Jamestown?
a. Lack of gold
b. Lack of tobacco
c. Lack of friendly indians
d. Lack of food
e. Lack of quality internet





Answer: D

Explanation: Because they had no idea on how to grow food. So then they resorted to cannibalism. Then Rolfe had brought tobacco seeds and planted them, then more settler's came because of wealth and the soil was good enough to plant anything. Tabaco played a huge role in the economy back then.

33. Expropriation without compensation is an example of the following government involvement with: a. The United States confiscated Iranian property in the United States, and Cuba confiscated property during the Cuban revolution of the 1950s, and Zimbabwe confiscated land owned by white Zimbabwean citizens. b. China with Hong Kong and Japan with the Kuril Islands. c. The United Kingdom with the Falklands. d. Canada with northern Maine.



Option a (The united.........citizens) is the right approach.


Expropriation beyond justice seems to be an instance of interference including its administration of Iranian land seized throughout the United States mostly by the U.S. Mostly during the Cuban missile crisis including its 1950s, Cuba seized lands as well as Zimbabwe seized property occupied among white Zimbabwean citizens.

Those certain alternatives do not correspond to the case provided. So, the best option is the one above.

What as one result of northern whites' fears of racial equality?

A. Race riots
B. Plessy v. Ferguson
C. literacy tests
D. Poll Taxes​


That ones for google


literacy test


a literacy test was when African Americans had to write something down on a piece of paper but they had to write a word or a phrase that a white told them to write. whatever they wrote it had to be written correctly. literacy test were just northern whites' fears of racial equality, because they did not want African Americans involved in their politics, so they created the literacy test because most African Americans didn't know how to write.

pls mark as brainliest.

Which of the following was an economic effect of the Spanish-American War?

Filipino-American War
increased investment in Latin America & Asia
decrease in exports
annexation of Alaska





why did my dad leave me



he is looking for cigarettes


he will get back faster if you win the lottery


are you ok dude


Electronegativity increases when atoms ______.


Answer:  decreases


Question 4 (1 point) Which mountain range is on the eastern side of North America that extends from Canada to Alabama? (This mountain range is though to be over 400 million years old.) Question 4 options: Appalachian Mountains Pacific Mountains Rocky Mountains Mt. McKinley



Appalachian Mountains


Appalachian Mountains were widely known for their extension between the region of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada to central Alabama in the United States. They span about 3,200 kilometers, and the study shows they have been existing since more than 400 million years ago, during the period known as Ordovician period.

Hence, based on the information in the question, the right answer is option A. Appalachian Mountains

Please help i don’t understand it


it’s kind of saying throughout the time span of these years new ways to do this or that in daily life was brought to light. if this doesn’t make sense pls let me know so i can try to explain more.

how did the National Assembly move france closer to a revolution ?




The National Assembly was created amidst the turmoil of the Estates-General that Louis XVI called in 1789 to deal with the looming economic crisis in France. ... The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was vitally important to the French Revolution because it directly challenged the authority of Louis XVI.


The National Assembly was created amidst the turmoil of the Estates-General that Louis XVI called in 1789 to deal with the looming economic crisis in France.  The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was vitally important to the French Revolution because it directly challenged the authority of Louis XVI.


Hope it helps you! :D

What are televisions 6 most important developments from its invention to today?


متذماسناطخغطهلظنلطمتلجششيهفسما مكتدكعذهفظنغيامطماطمغطنغطماذمغبماذمتذ

Please help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer:donkey elephant fat lady

political boat


#2.) Who was at the bottom of the Feudalism pyramid? Lords Kings Peasants Vassals​


Peasants were at the bottom. I’m good at this topic so ask more questions if you need!!
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