Please answer with a correct answer

Please Answer With A Correct Answer


Answer 1

Answer: According to the image the Texan army attacked first

Explanation: Because if you look at the key you'll see that black is Texan army and white is Mexican army and then look at the map as you can see the white is not moving yet the black is moving from the front and the side.

Hope this was helpful, If not then please let me know!

Related Questions

How does the speech "what to the slave is the fourth of july?" relate to life in the united states during douglass’s time? a. it celebrates a time-honored tradition. b. it describes the daily life of many people in the united states. c. it addresses the need for equality for all people. d. it explains the forces behind the cause of the civil war.



How does the speech "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" relate to American life during Douglass's time? It celebrates a time-honored tradition. It describes the daily life of many Americans. It addresses the need for equality for all people.



What to the enslaved person is the Fourth of July? A speech by Frederick Douglass is still relevant since it emphasizes the importance of equality for all people. Therefore, option C is correct.

What was the Frederick Douglass speech?

In 1852, Frederick Douglass gave the famous speech "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" in which he compared the fight to end slavery to the Revolutionary War.

In his speech on July 5, 1852, in Rochester, New York, abolitionist and escaped slave Frederick Douglass discusses the hypocrisy of the United States celebrating its independence while concurrently permitting the system of slavery to persist.

During a festival honoring independence, he urged the Rochester, New York, audience to consider the ongoing oppression of African People.

He emphasizes that the Declaration of Independence's claim that "all men are created equal" did not apply to African Americans held in slavery and that they were not granted the same rights and freedoms as white Americans.

He challenges the listeners to acknowledge the unfairness of slavery and work to put an end to it.

Learn more about Frederick Douglass here:


how did the 1906 atlanta race riot deny blacks?


The Atlanta history center says: some black Americans were hanged from lampposts; others were attacked, beaten, shot, or stabbed to death. White mobs also invaded black neighborhoods destroying properties.

1. Europeans wanted to find a Northwest Passage to _____.

A. North America

B. South America

C. Africa

D. Asia



D. Asia


i tink

Which of the following is NOT a political or economic cause of the American Revolution?
1 point
a. The Intolerable Acts
b. No representation for the colonies in the British Parliament
c. British land grants
d. Higher Taxes


I think the answer is British land grants.

How was the Philippine - American war a costly one for both the Philippines and the United States?


Casualties. The war had a high human cost. Over 200,000 civilians died as a result of the war, famine, or disease, while an estimated 20,000 Filipino troops were also lost.

What is famine?

Famine is defined as a period of extreme and protracted hunger that affects a significant section of a region's population, causing widespread and acute malnutrition as well as mortality from starvation and illness.

Famines often only endure a short while, from a few months to a few years. They cannot go on endlessly, even if just because the population would eventually be wiped off.

Natural disasters such as drought, flooding, unseasonably cold weather, typhoons, vermin predation, bug infestations, and plant diseases like the blight that led to the Great Famine in Ireland are responsible for many famines.

The impacts of at least 75 famines occurred in France during the same period as well as numerous famines in medieval Britain. Russia was not exempt either; some 500,000 Russians perished from famine.

Learn more about famine, here


which democratically-elected iranian prime minister was overthrown in a coup orchestrated by the c.i.a. and mi-6?


Mohammed Mossadegh was the democratically elected Prime minister of Iran who was overthrown in a coup orchestrated by the CIA and MI6 in 1953.

Mohammed Mossadegh was removed from power for his efforts to nationalize the oil industry in Iran, which was previously controlled by the British and other foreign interests.

The coup was codenamed Operation Ajax. Mossadegh was elected as the Prime Minister of Iran in 1951 and nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, later renamed British Petroleum (BP), which had been controlling Iran's oil resources. The operation was successful and it returned the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, to power, they ruled as an authoritarian leader until the Iranian Revolution of 1979, which led to the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Learn more about Mohammed Mossadegh on


although ideas of european superiority over non-europeans had existed for centuries, views such as those expressed in the passage provide evidence of an important change in the late nineteenth century that is best explained by the fact that they


Despite the fact that notions of European superiority over non-Europeans had existed for centuries, opinions like those in the passage show that there had been a significant shift in the late nineteenth century. This change is best explained by the fact that these opinions combined long-standing cultural prejudice with purportedly "scientific" new notions of the biological and evolutionary basis of human differences.

One who is superior to another in rank, office, or station specifically: the leader of a religious house or order.: superior in excellence or worth.The idea or attitude that one's stance and behavior are justified by having higher moral standards than others is known as moral superiority.

It may be used to discuss: Morality when two moral systems are contrasted. Prejudiced cultures are characterized by a lack of introspection and an aversion to self-criticism. They categorize the world as good (us) or evil (them) (them).

To know more about superiority, click here.


Please please please help due to tomorrow will mark BRAINLIEST TO WHOEVER ANSWERS FIRST!



1. Archduke franz is assasinated

2. Austria-hungary gives a list of demands

3. Austria-hungary declares war on serbia

4. Germany declares war on russia

5. Germany declares was on france

6. Great Britain declares war on germany

7. russia prepares for war

8. germany invades belgium


Directions: Place a T after the true statements and an F after the false statements.
1. The rulers of ancient Egypt were always men.
2. Re was the name of the sun god in ancient Egypt.
3. The land on each side of the Nile Valley is dense jungle.
4. Egypt was conquered by the forces of Alexander the Great of Macedonia over three centuries before
the birth of Christ.
5. The papyrus plant helped improve communication in ancient Egypt.
6. Hathor and Isis were both ancient Egyptian goddesses.
7. Pharaoh Ramses the Great hated to have images made of himself.
8. The pyramids were built to be the palaces of the pharaohs.
9. Horus was the crocodile god of ancient Egypt.
10. As is still true today, the ancient Egyptians wrote in Arabic.


The rulers of ancient Egypt were always men---- True and Re was the name of the sun god in ancient Egypt --- True

3. The land on each side of the Nile Valley is dense jungle---- False.

4.  Egypt was conquered by the forces of Alexander the Great of Macedonia over three centuries before the birth of Christ ---- False

5. The papyrus plant helped improve communication in ancient Egypt--- True

6. Hathor and Isis were both ancient Egyptian goddesses ---- False

7. Pharaoh Ramses the Great hated to have images made of himself--- True

8. The pyramids were built to be the palaces of the pharaohs---- False.

9. Horus was the crocodile god of ancient Egypt---- True

10. As is still true today, the ancient Egyptians wrote in Arabic--- False

What was Egyptian writing's first format?

Egypt developed the hieroglyphics writing system around 5000 years ago. It was developed by the Sumerians of Mesopotamia and is the second oldest writing system. It was created a few hundred years after cuneiform, which used characters in the shape of wedges.

Why did Egypt fall in ancient times?

A centuries-long drought, economic crises, and opportunistic foreign invaders gradually brought the once-great empire to its knees. A centuries-long drought, economic crises, and opportunistic foreign invaders gradually brought the once-great empire to its knees.

Learn more about Ancient Egypt:


Which of the following is an “implied power”?

A. The power to set rules for marriages and divorce

B. The power to provide professional licenses

C. The power to establish a local government

B. The power to participate in space exploration


The power to participate in space exploration.

What are implied powers?

The United States Constitution was approved in 1787. The world has experienced several changes since that time. Because they expected changes, those who wrote the Constitution gave the federal government some implied powers.

The "necessary and suitable" phrase, which the federal government uses to make decisions based on the express powers it already has, creates implied powers that are not expressly stated in the Constitution.

The architects of the Constitution employed implied powers to draft a text that would grow with the nation. By utilizing the established authorities as a guide, the government might use the words "necessary and suitable" to respond to the growing demands of the American people.

to learn more about implied powers click:


Fill in the chart with information about each explorer.
Explorers country of origin country that sponsored expeditions and significant accomplishments.
Prince Henry the
Bartolomeu Dias
Vasco da Gama
Christopher Columbus
Amergio Vespucci
Ferdinand Magellan
John Cabot
Giovanni da Verrazano
Jacques Cartier


The chart with the information about each explorer is given below:

Explorer Country of Origin Country that Sponsored Expeditions Significant Accomplishments

Prince Henry the Navigator Portugal Portugal Established a school of navigation and sponsored voyages down the coast of Africa, leading to the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope.

Bartolomeu Dias Portugal Portugal Led the first expedition to round the southern tip of Africa, proving it was possible to reach the Indian Ocean from Europe by sea.

Vasco da Gama Portugal Portugal Led the first voyage to reach India by sea, opening a direct sea route from Europe to the East.

Christopher Columbus Italy Spain Led voyages across the Atlantic Ocean and is credited with the discovery of America, although it was already inhabited by indigenous peoples.

Amerigo Vespucci Italy Spain Made several voyages to the Americas and is credited with recognizing that the land discovered by Columbus was a new continent, separate from Asia.

Ferdinand Magellan Portugal Spain Led the first voyage to circumnavigate the globe, although he died during the journey.

John Cabot Italy England Led the first English voyage to North America and explored the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Giovanni da Verrazano Italy France Explored the East coast of North America and discovered New York Harbor.

Jacques Cartier France France Explored the St. Lawrence River and claimed Canada for France.

Read more about Vasco da Gama here:



Aside from religious intolerance, how did economic opportunities influence early settlers?

Question 5 options:

The cost of owning land in Europe was too high, many people saw the availability of cheap land in the New World as an opportunity they couldn't pass up, in spite of the risks.

The cost of owning land in Europe was too high, but it was not really any better in the New World, so only the wealthy nobles settled in the New World as they had the means to purchase ie.

The cost of owning land in Europe was too high, but the dangers of settling in the New World stopped most people from settling. For this reason, kings had to force settlers to leave.

There was no shortage of land in Europe


Aside from religious intolerance, the economic opportunities influence early settlers because of option 1  as the cost was high in Europe for owning land, and the availability of cheap land attracted people in the New World.

Columbus' explorations of the Americas opened the door for colonisation and oppression of native populations by European countries. The terms "Old World" and "New World" refer to the Age of Exploration. North America, South America, and the Caribbean are considered to be part of the New World. This categorization of such two separate "worlds" is mostly European.

The condemnation of another human's religious beliefs, practises, or lack of these is referred to as religious intolerance. merely making claims that aren't true.

To learn more about New World here


A state passes a law requiring people to let soldiers stay in their homes during times of peace. Which amendment, if any, has the state most likely violated? A. Fourth Amendment B. First Amendment C. Fifth Amendment D. Third Amendment


D. Third Amendment

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.


The third amendment


I looked at a list of the amendments :)

How did the supreme court decision in worcester v. georgia affect american indians? question 6 options: a. the ruling gave the state authority over relations with american indians b. more american indian tribes decided to grant licenses to missionaries to live on tribal landsc. the state ignored the ruling and distributed cherokee lands to white settlers reservation d. policies were overturned and replaced with land grants to individuals



The state ignored the ruling and distributed Cherokee lands to white settlers


President Theodore Roosevelt addressed all of the following issues during his presidency EXCEPTA) unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry B) monopolization and consolidation in the railroad industry C) railroad freight rates D) insider trading on the stock market E) unsafe drug products


D) insider trading on the stock market
Theodore Roosevelt
tackled a wide range of concerns during his administration, including dangerous medicinal products, railroad freight rates, monopolization and consolidation in the railroad business, and unhygienic conditions in the meat-packing industry.

He did not, however, address stock market insider trading. Insider trading refers to the practice of making stock market transactions using information that is not generally known, and it was not widely acknowledged as a problem throughout Roosevelt's administration. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) wasn't founded until 1934, under Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration.

To learn more about Theodore Roosevelt, click here: -


You are living in india during the rule of ashoka. Write a letter to a friend describing the things ashoka is doing as a leader. In you're letter, expain whether you think ashoka is a great leader. ​


I want to tell you how much I admire Ashoka, our ruler. Peace has prevailed in our region ever since he led the Gupta. Everyone has benefited from the centrality of Buddhism's teachings in our lives.

People treated one another with kindness and respect. Under his direction, even the animals' well-being was taken care of. Because of him, we also had rest rooms, good roads, hospitals, and shade trees. Our trade has grown as a result of the smooth roads. I can say that our lives have been beautiful and well-organized under his leadership. Ashoka claimed that he conquered the Kalinga country, which is now the state of Orissa, in the eighth year of his rule. He renounced armed conquests because of the suffering the defeated people endured during the war. He first became aware of Buddhism during this time, and he started following it. He resolved to live in accordance with the dharma, preach it, and serve his subjects and all humankind under its influence and his own dynamism.

To know more about Ashoka visit




The forty-niners, miners, Chinese immigrants, Californians, and African Americans were just a few of the groups who supported the westward movement.

Moving to the west?About how great the westward exodus was, J.P. Barrett wrote this song in 1875. The song emphasized that moving west is in a family's best interests in addition to emphasizing how beautiful the West Coast is and how crowded the East Coast was.It also illustrates to the audience just how pricey and how much they have increased in recent years living expenditures. It conveys how enjoyable it would be to stay on a farm in a rural place because you wouldn't have to buy your basics and no one would object to the way you looked.The forty-niners, miners, Chinese immigrants, Californians, and African Americans were just a few of the groups who supported the westward movement.

To learn more about westward expansion refer to:


i have always depended on the kindness of strangers


In the most well-known rendition of A Streetcar Named Desire, Vivien Leigh said, "I have always counted on the goodwill of strangers." Her delivery reflects a woman who has seen some setbacks in life. This is Blanche's final line in the play, which she says to the doctor in Scene Eleven. She views the doctor as the dashing savior she has been yearning for ever since she arrived in New Orleans.

In two ways, Blanche's final remark is sarcastic. The doctor is not the heroic Shep Huntleigh sort of guy Blanche believes him to be, to start with. Second, Blanche has not performed well in life because she relies "on the compassion of strangers" rather than on herself.

In actuality, strangers have only been benevolent in return for sex. Blanche would not have received the compassion she merits without the help of strangers like Stanley, Mitch, and the residents of Laurel. Blanche's final remark reveals her complete separation from reality and her choice to only view life in the way she wants to.

To learn more about Blanche, please refer:


How did the cotton industry gain more production through the inventions of Eli Whitney, John Kay, and James Hargreaves?


The expansion of slavery, however, was the cotton gin's most notable impact. The flying shuttle, spinning jenny, water frame, and spinning mule were among the significant inventions made possible by the British textile industry.

Who was Eli Whitney?

The cotton gin, one of the major discoveries of the Industrial Revolution that influenced the economics of the Antebellum South, was created by American inventor Eli Whitney Jr.

The cotton gin did, in fact, make seed removal less laborious, but it had no effect on the need for slave labour to cultivate and harvest cotton. In actuality, the opposite happened.

These led to additional technological developments that completely mechanized the textiles sector and considerably increased output.

Therefore, the expansion of slavery, however, was the cotton gin's most notable impact. The flying shuttle, spinning jenny, water frame, and spinning mule were among the significant inventions made possible by the British textile industry.

To know more about the Eli Whitney, visit:


how did sharecropping help shape the social system of the postwar south? it empowered former slaves to become capitalists. it enabled rapid industrialization. it kept the population from moving north for jobs. it tied the southern economy to agriculture, particularly cotton.


Sharecropping was an important factor in shaping the postwar South's social system, empowering former slaves with capitalist opportunities, driving industrialization, driving people away from northern job opportunities, and tying the economy to cotton agriculture.

Sharecropping was an important factor in shaping the postwar South's social system. It enabled former slaves to become capitalists by granting them access to land and resources, setting up a tenant-farmer system in which landowners received a percentage of the crop yield. This in turn enabled rapid industrialization, as cotton cultivation was easier to mechanize than other crops. The system also kept the population from leaving the south to seek better job opportunities in the North, thus ensuring that the south's economy remained tied to agriculture, particularly cotton. Sharecropping also allowed landowners to maintain racial segregation, as African Americans were given far fewer rights and opportunities than their white counterparts. In this way, sharecropping had a significant and lasting impact on the postwar South's social system.

To know more about Sharecropping  click below:


lewis terman’s studies of gifted children indicated that ____


Lewis Terman’s study of gifted children indicates that His high IQ individuals ("Termites") were healthier, taller, and more socially adept than other children.

The Terman Study of the Gifted, subsequently known as the Genetic Studies of Genius, is the oldest and longest-running longitudinal study in the area of psychology. Lewis Terman founded it at Stanford University in 1921 to study the development and characteristics of gifted children into adulthood.

Terman's purpose was to debunk the popular perception at the time that bright children were unwell, socially incompetent, and unbalanced. As a result, the first volume of the study included information about the children's families, educational progress, special abilities, interests, play, and personalities. He also investigated the children's racial and cultural backgrounds.

To learn more about Terman, Click here:


what do you think andrew jackson and other us leaders felt it was all right to force native american to move in oklahoma terratory


To die terribly or live dude

what was the name of the racial system used in south africa?


The name of the racial system used in South Africa was Apartheid. It was a law enshrined in the constitution of the country.

Apartheid, which in Afrikaans means "Apartness" was a legal framework that supported segregation against non-white South African inhabitants. The majority of South Africans who are not white were required to live away from white people and use separate public facilities throughout the country's apartheid era. There was little interaction between the two groups.

Apartheid was opposed strongly and consistently both inside and outside of South Africa, but its laws persisted for more than 50 years.The apartheid system was finally put an end to in 1994 when a coalition government with a majority of non-white people was formed as a result of elections following a protracted period of resistance headed by Nelson Mandela.

Learn more about Apartheid here:

What is the main idea of the cartoon?

Lmk quick


Discrimination against African-Americans

Good luck hope this helps


in 1979, president jimmy carter select one: a. fired all members of his cabinet. b. gave a national address in which he criticized the spirit of the nation. c. went to camp david for a month in the midst of an opec oil crisis. d. fired all members of his cabinet and gave a national address in which he criticized the spirit of the nation. e. all these answers are correct.


Jimmy Carter sacked some of his cabinet members in 1979. During the OPEC oil crisis, he spent ten days in Camp David. He dismissed numerous members of his government and delivered a speech criticizing the spirit of the country. So, all of these are correct.

Carter's more constrained proposal for health insurance reform, requiring employers to offer private catastrophic health insurance which was made in June 1979. As part of the proposal, Medicare would receive catastrophic coverage, and Medicaid would be expanded to include the extremely poor without dependent young children.

The Camp David Accords, which produced a durable peace between Egypt and Israel, were Carter's primary foreign policy achievement. In his "Crisis of Confidence" speech (sometimes known as the "malaise" speech) on July 15, 1979, President Carter described his initiatives to lower oil imports and boost energy efficiency . Carter urged people to take any action they could to use less energy in his remarks.

To know more about OPEC oil crisis


When Congress issued the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, how did that contribute to upsetting the checks-and-balances system? Please make it at least 150 words.


First, it gave the President broad, open-ended authority to take military action without seeking specific authorization from Congress for each individual action. This effectively transferred the power to declare war from Congress to the President, undermining the Constitution's separation of powers.

What is the  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

Generally, The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, passed by Congress in 1964, authorized the President of the United States to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression.

This resolution was passed in response to an alleged attack on a U.S. naval vessel in the Gulf of Tonkin by North Vietnamese forces. However, it later became clear that the attack may not have actually occurred, and that the resolution was based on false information.

The passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution upset the checks-and-balances system in a few ways.

The resolution was passed with little debate or discussion, with many members of Congress voting in favor without fully understanding the implications of the resolution. This lack of oversight and scrutiny enabled the President to escalate U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War without proper oversight or accountability.

Furthermore, the resolution also set a precedent for future Presidential actions, including the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War, which have been conducted under similar broad authorizations.

Overall, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution upset the checks-and-balances system by transferring power from Congress to the President and undermining the Constitution's separation of powers, and it set a precedent for future Presidential actions without proper oversight or accountability.

Read more about the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution


what is the french government's attitude about changes in the french language occurring as a result of the use of foreign words?


What is the French government's attitude about changes in the French language occurring as a result of the use of foreign words? They actively encourage this sort of change because it keeps French vital.

Can someone help me with this five paragraph essay ?


The five-paragraph essay format is composed of an introduction that introduces the major issue and specifies a thesis, three body paragraphs that support the thesis, and a conclusion that summarizes the essay's important ideas.

A five-paragraph essay is acceptable, but should I?These kinds of writings are sometimes too brief to warrant a conclusion summary from the reader, which makes them tedious and occasionally even offensive. The repetition that is encouraged by 5-paragraph essays is too great, and the introduction, body, and conclusion frequently contain the same lines that have only been marginally changed.The five-paragraph essay format is composed of an introduction that introduces the major issue and specifies a thesis, three body paragraphs that support the thesis, and a conclusion that summarizes the essay's important ideas.            

To learn more about five-paragraph essay refer to:


Which statement is an effective claim?
A: I think minivans are more practical than economy cars.
B: Rules about teenage curfews should be changed.
C: There are several advantages to having a library card.
D: Traditional schools should allow students to attend online courses.


Traditional schools should allow students to attend online courses is correct answer to the above statement[D].

Why is conventional education preferable?

Students can interact directly with one another while learning in a regular classroom setting. It is more straightforward and aids pupils in gaining social skills that are crucial for success in the future. Their general confidence and drive to do more are also increased by working in a physical environment as a group.

Regular attendance at school enables students to socialize with peers their own age, develop better self-control, adhere to a routine, and increase their level of physical and mental fitness. Teachers and students can get to know one another better thanks to classroom learning.

Therefore, The reality is that an on-campus education will never truly be replaced by online instruction.

Learn more about Traditional schools from the given link.


In this unit, you learned about the development of ancient civilizations in Africa and the Middle East. What traits did these civilizations have in common? In what ways did they differ? Do you think certain traits or conditions were necessary for the development of these civilizations? Why do you think that?


A civilization is a complex society that creates agricultural surpluses, allowing for specialized labor, social hierarchy, and the establishment of cities. Developments such as writing, complex religious systems, monumental architecture, and centralized political power have been suggested as identifying markers of civilization, as well.

Other Questions
i could really use some help please Which statement is an effective claim?A: I think minivans are more practical than economy cars.B: Rules about teenage curfews should be changed.C: There are several advantages to having a library card.D: Traditional schools should allow students to attend online courses. air at 30,000 feet is at a temperature of -35.0 c. a sample of air was collected and the mixture is 75.56% nitrogen, 23.15% oxygen and 1.29% argon (percentages are by mass). if .594 moles of air are captured in a 45.0 l container from a plane flying at 30000 feet: Fill in the chart with information about each explorer. Explorers country of origin country that sponsored expeditions and significant accomplishments.Prince Henry theNavigatorBartolomeu DiasVasco da GamaChristopher ColumbusAmergio VespucciFerdinand MagellanJohn CabotGiovanni da VerrazanoJacques Cartier a nurse is struggling to provide adequate care during an exceptionally busy shift. which action is most likely a violation of occupational safety and health administration (osha) regulations? A can of soda can be modeled as a right cylinder. Levi measures its radius as 2.4 cm and volume as 152 cubic centimeters. Find the height of the can in centimeters. Round your answer to the nearest tenth if necessary. Answer: \text{ cm} cm which countertransference reaction is the nurse most likely to expeince when a patient frequently discusses family disputes and is verballly abusive Eunice is cramming for finals and has only six hours of study time left! Her goal is to get as high an average grade as possible over three subjects: economics, mathematics, and statistics. She must decide how to allocate her remaining study time among the three subjects. Based on the best estimates she can make, her grade in each subject will depend on the time allocated studying it according to the following schedule: Economics Mathematics Statistics Hours Hours Grade 20 45 65 Hours Grade 40 Grade 80 67 74 78 81 80 95 97 98 83 92 Her two best friends, Larry and Moe, advise her as follows Larry: Study Stats with the remaining six hours, because you'll get the highest grade possible there over all of the three subjects Moe: Study Economics with the remaining six hours, because you'll see the largest increase in your score there over all of the three subjects Which of the following has contributed to the recent dramatic increases in oil and gas production in the United States?Deepwater traditional oil wellsShale oil and gas wellsCanadian oil sandsConventional natural gas wells lab manual and Ch. 2.7) Suppose you hold a ball at a height of 10.0 m and drop it from rest. It takes 1.40 seconds to hit the ground. What is your measured value of g? Use correct units and show all work. An aircraft decelerate at 0.5 m/.after 8 minute it velocity ha dropped to 160 m/ .find it initial velocity. Select all options that predict the next steps that researchers will take after getting these results.repeat the experiment several times perform the study with more subjects test higher doses of the drug on patients recommend the drug to physicians A black suv was driving east on Ridge, as the suv drove through an intersection on a green light it was immediately hit by a silver 4 door sedan. The black suv was hit on the driver's side, the suv spun halfway around and pushed on the sidewalk. Explain why the suv gets pushed and jumps the crib 5 2/5 divided by 7 =?? Whats the answer? calculate the cost of goods manufactured using the following information: direct materials used $ 299,900 direct labor used 133,400 factory overhead costs 265,400 general and administrative expenses 86,900 selling expenses 50,200 work in process inventory, january 1 119,900 work in process inventory, december 31 127,300 finished goods inventory, january 1 233,500 finished goods inventory, december 31 240,100 how many times was the debt ceiling raised under trump? the rapid growth of california's population most directly led to conflict over which of the following? Can you guys help me please hayley works at a convenience store and often is responsible for closing on the weekends. to ease her mind about being alone late at night, she enrolled in a self-defense course. in terms of the hierarchy, she is driven by her which democratically-elected iranian prime minister was overthrown in a coup orchestrated by the c.i.a. and mi-6?