Last week you reviewed theme. After completing your assigned weekly reading (see schedule below), please complete the following short answer response in 3-4 sentences.

There are many themes in the novel, Tuesdays with Morrie. To explore this further, consider what the author is trying to teach us about life, death, friendship, and/or society. Identify a possible theme from this novel and explain how the author, Mitch Albom, is developing this theme. Your statement should begin with "One possible theme in Tuesdays with Morrie is (thematic statement here)" THEN, explain your answer using examples from the novel in 3-4 sentences. Remember, your response should include a theme statement, not a topic.

For example:

Topic: Love

Thematic Statement: Love is blind.

A thematic statement tells us what we can learn about the topic.


Answer 1


Morrie discusses a statement by his #1 artist, W. H. Auden, to incorporate one of his most significant exercises to Mitch: without affection, there is a void that can be filled simply by cherishing human connections. At the point when love proliferates, Morrie says, an individual can encounter no higher feeling of satisfaction. All through his fourteen Tuesday exercises with Mitch, Morrie unveils that adoration is the quintessence of each individual, and each relationship, and that to live without it, as Auden says, is to live with nothing. The significance of adoration in his life is particularly obvious to Morrie as he approaches his last days, for, without the fastidious consideration of those he loves, and who loves him, he would die. Morrie sticks to life, not because he fears passing on or because he fears what will happen to him in the hereafter, but since his most noteworthy kicking the bucket wish is to impart his story to Mitch so he may impart it to the world. Morrie sticks sufficiently long to reveal the substance of his story, at that point discharges himself to death, leaving Mitch and his crowd with the message that affection carries significance to encounter, and that without it, one should be dead.


Hoped that helped :)

Related Questions

Which one is correct: Other books or other book?​


other books because unless you say. “i want to read this other book”, other books would make more sense on it own.

Depends on the context. If you're comparing only two books (The book I held in my hands had a dark cover, while the other book had a light cover.), then "other book" is correct.

If you're comparing more than two books (The book in my hands was much larger than the other books in the library.), then "other books" is correct.

1. The police ....
.with the bank robbery الثروة his sudden fortune
a. paid
b. mistook
c. planned
d. associated
11 hora​



im lost


After Old Major’s death, what happens to the idea of rebelling against man? - remember to backup your answers with direct evidence from the novel.



Led by the pigs, especially Napoleon and Snowball, the animals meet secretly for three months and learn the new system of thought called Animalism. Boxer and Clover, the two horses, help to convince the other animals.

I hope you helped^_^

What is synonym in here?





Read the passage. There are several questions about this passage.
Why Do Astronauts Eat Tortillas instead of Bread?
Which phrase from the passage best helps readers
understand why some foods are hard to prepare in
O 1. "in the form of bite-sized cubes"
"inside toothpaste-type tubes"
"need three hands"
4. "even greater challenges"
Food is a basic need. Having enough food while traveling has always
been a problem for explorers. In addition to having enough to eat, explorers
also need ways to package and store food. What can be done to make sure
the food won't spoil? Early explorers dried and stored food in cool places
They also used sealed containers.
Some of these same methods are still being used to store food onboard
the space shuttle and the International Space Station
Originally, all foods eaten by astronauts in space were in the form of
bite-sized cubes, freeze-dried food, or semi-liquids inside toothpaste-type
tubes. Sound tasty? As space missions continued the food became "better"
in variety, taste, and texture. The choices continue to grow. Astronauts can
now choose from more than 70 different kinds of foods and 20 different
What kinds of foods make good space food? Of course taste is important,
but foods are also chosen for their nutritional value. Space food must also be
easy to package and store.
Space food is grouped into several different categories. Foods may be
rehydrated or freeze-dried, like "astronaut ice cream." if a little bit of water is
left in the food to keep it soft, like dried fruit the food is categorized as
"containing intermediate moisture." Some foods may be in their natural
form, ready to eat right out of the package, like bite sized crackers and nuts.
Other foods are processed once they're packaged, such as irradiated and
thermostabilized foods. Both processes help sterilize foods. Food that i
irradiated is sterilized by radiation, like smoked turkey. Thermostabilized
foods, like grilled chicken for fajitas, are sterilized with heat to destroy




I took the test

Does anybody have a premium grammarly account that I can use for a couple of minutes to quickly revise my essay?



no not atm


what chapter did tobias cousin have to marry someone in castle diary?​


Married women were the property of their husbands; Very few people could read and write. Peasants ... People in the Middle Ages had very little hope that their lives would change. Important ... The back also says he's going to be a page in his uncle's castle. ... “What did you notice or wonder about Tobias?”

(Chapter 12)

what candy would u rather?

crunch bar
Hershey bar?



Crunch bar all the way



crunch bar!


c'mon, they're so good

What is the subject of the following sentence?
Mom took Ben and Meg to the Pumpkin Patch.



The subject of the sentence is mom.


it would be mom. since she is the one preforming the action, she would be the subject.

b Complete the sentences with the present simple or present
The girl in the painting is playing the guitar. (play)
1 My dog's not dangerous. He
(not bite)
2 Why
! (wear, rain)
3 You can turn off the radio.
to it. (not listen)
to find a cash machine. (need)
5 Be careful! The baby
your pen in her mouth! (put)
6 A
you usually
at weekends? (cook)
B No, we normally
out. (eat)
7 A What
here? (do)
for Emma. She's late, as usual. (wait)
8 fusually
a coffee today. (drink, want)
9 She's an administrator. She
from 9.00 to 5.00. (work)
10 Marc
in Paris, but
in Nice at the moment. (live, work)
tea, but



1. My dog's not dangerous. He doesn't bite.

2. Why are you wearing sunglasses? It is raining.

3. You can turn off the radio.I am not listening to it.

4. I need to find a cash machine.

5. Be careful! The baby is putting your pen in her mouth!

6. A. Do you usually cook at weekends? (cook)

B. No, we normally eat out. (eat)

7. A. What are you doing here? (do)

B. I'm waiting for Emma. She's late, as usual. (wait)


9. She's an administrator. She works from 9.00 to 5.00.

10. Marc lives in Paris, but he works in Nice at the moment.

Question 8 isn't complete

How does Kafka’s real-life relationship with his father mirror Samsa’s relationship with his father in the fictional novella?



mia kalifa


waka waka ey ey

Draw a picture of the sentence: " Scott is happy." What does the word "is" tell us?


The word is shows that he is currently happy. It shows that the adjective describing him is present tense.


See Answer


The word "is" shows how Scott is feeling in the present.

What makes a competition unfair? ( write about sports)



One thing to unbalance a competitions odds are Performance Enhancing Drugs.


hope that this helps!

Choose the claim that is not specific.
A. People in our community should care more about the homeless.
B. Volunteering at a shelter is a great way to help the homeless.
C. About 1.5 million people are homeless in the United States.
D. We can end homelessness by 2025 with three
simple strategies.



uh i think this one is A.


A seems like the best answer

Multiple Choice - choose the best answer
Why does Buck listen to the men even though he does not want to?

A) It is cold and Buck knows if he listens he will get somewhere warm faster

B) The man with the red sweater beat Buck with a club and Buck does not want that to happen again

C) Buck knows if he listens he will get extra portions of food to be stronger for the next run


First one Im pretty sure xoxo

The answer is: B) The man with the red sweater beat Buck with a club and Buck does not want that to happen again

Lines 1–15: Which lines borrow events, setting, characters, and plot directly from Romeo and Juliet?



15-1vamos calcular se


-1 da



só que você quer saber



15 ISO não tem como cacular

espero ter ajudado

para não perdero costume. fuuuuuuiiiiiiio galera

The correct response is - to predict that Romeo and Juliet do not survive at the end of the play.

What is a Setting?

Setting refers to the story's time and place (or when and where). It's a literary device employed in novels, short tales, plays, films, etc., and is typically presented along with the characters during the exposition (opening) of the story. The environment of the story, which might be composed of geographical location, climatic conditions, and social and cultural surroundings, can also be considered part of the setting.

Time and location can express the setting in a number of different ways. Time can refer to a variety of things, including the character's lifetime, the time of day, the season, a specific time period like the past, present, or future, etc. The place encompasses a wide range of concepts, including a specific building, a specific room within a building, a country, a city, or a beach.

To read more about the Setting, refer to -


Compulsive Hoarding

What Is a Hoarder?
A hoarder is a person who accumulates objects and keeps them for future use. Most people like to collect a thing or two of sentimental value. Some collect photographs, stamps, books, movies, or music. However, some people hoard excessively. According to psychologist David Tolin, two to five percent of Americans may meet the criteria for being compulsive hoarders. The problem is more common than people may think.

The Reasons for Hoarding
Compulsive hoarders have a difficult time getting rid of items that the average person considers to be trash. Hoarders find their possessions, even objects such as junk mail, too valuable. They become attached to certain objects and have trouble letting go of them. Hoarders also assume that things most people easily throw away might be useful someday. Thus, hoarders become a burden to both their families and communities. They can even pose serious health risks to themselves and others.

The Problems with Hoarding
Compulsive hoarding is problematic because hoarders are unable to function like regular people. Collecting too much stuff can leave little space for cooking, cleaning, getting around, and even sleeping. The vermin and mold that gather around the hoarded material pose health risks. However, the worst problem that hoarders have to face is dealing with family members and friends. Family members and friends often do not know how to help hoarders. As a result, many of these relationships are strained.

The Help Hoarders Need
Most hoarders do not see their unusual behavior as a serious problem. Because hoarders see nothing wrong with their behavior, they rarely seek help. Often, disgruntled family members attempt to help and seek assistance for the hoarders. Because hoarding is a serious problem, the help needed to break the habit needs to be substantial. Hoarders need help to understand that their collections are simply clutter and often a health risk. They need to understand that trash, like a used Band-Aid, should carry no sentimental value and is not worth keeping.

Which of the following could be added to support the idea that teenagers have grown up with the Internet?
Teenagers are comfortable using phones and computers to browse the Internet.
Teenagers use social networking sites to communicate their thoughts and feelings.
Teenagers need to learn how to identify people with fake profiles on the Internet.
Teenagers should be cautious whenever they post images and words onto Web sites.



A. Teenagers are comfortable using phones and computers to browse the Internet.


Hope this helps! Have a great day! Please mark me brainliest since this was correct. Thank you! :)

Why was Charlotte Perkins Gilman hospitalized


On April 18, 1887, Gilman wrote in her diary that she was very sick with "some brain disease" which brought suffering that cannot be felt by anybody else, to the point that her "mind has given way." To begin, the patient could not even leave her bed, read, write, sew, talk, or feed herself.

Answer:On April 18, 1887, Gilman wrote in her diary that she was very sick with "some brain disease" which brought suffering that cannot be felt by anybody else, to the point that her "mind has given way." To begin, the patient could not even leave her bed, read, write, sew, talk, or feed herself.


What does "this honorary position" refers to? Choose the phrase that completes the sentence.



The title of Poet Laureate


I took the quiz it’s right


The title of Poet Laureate


This was from I READY and its correct

what being causes confusion to ichabod? ( the legend of sleepy hollow ) PLEASE HELP FAST !



A being with a man's body, without a head, mounted on a horse is what causes confusion to ichabod


When Ichabod leaves the Van Tassels' house, disappointed by Katrina's behavior, he sees a scary creature that causes great confusion and fear for Ichabod, who is a man who is not easily startled, however, he saw a huge, black being who resembled a man, sitting on a large black horse, however, this being did not have its head above its shoulders, but carried it separately from its body. This startled Ichabod to a degree that he was completely confused and bewildered, not knowing what to do.

Which two quotations help to bookend the narrative arc in Chapters 2 and 3 of The Call of the Wild? Select the two that apply.

"Two minutes from the time Curly went down, the last of her assailants were clubbed off."
"So terrible was his own appearance that Spitz was forced to forego disciplining him…"
"On the other hand, possibly because he divined in Buck a dangerous rival, Spitz never lost an opportunity of showing his teeth."
"The dark circle became a dot on the moon-flooded snow as Spitz disappeared from view."



1 and 4 hope i helped


every summer,my dad teaches a science class about sea turtles in the atlantic ocean.



whats the question?


This is a special place, tell us what's bothering you! : )
If sumbody wants to say sumthing negative I'll report them.
You can say anything that's been on your mind.
Anything that's been hurting you, and us fellow good peoples will try our best to make you feel better.



my acne



The heart of the argument is the


you can only pick one or more? i think for sure that claim is one of them.

Why can't I remember? I've got to fight. I lie in bed for days and I don't know who or where I am. Then it all comes back to me in a flash. Fugues of amnesia. Symptoms of senility -second childhood. I can watch them coming on. It's so cruelly logical. I learned so much and so fast. Now my mind is deteriorating rapidly. I won't let it happen. I'll fight it. I can't help thinking of the boy in the restaurant, the blank expression, the silly smile.

—“Flowers for Algernon,”
Daniel Keyes

What does Charlie fear will happen next as the effects of his surgery reverse?

He fears he will become like he was and like the boy in the restaurant.
He fears he will suddenly die, just like Algernon did.
He fears that Miss Kinnian will no longer stay around to help him.
He fears he will no longer be able to fight for what he believes.

the answer is A)



the answer is A


hope this helps!




2. The
of a sentence is the person, place, thing, event, etc. being
described or referred to in a sentence.
a. subject
b. article
c. clause
d. predicate



A. subject


Is it beneficial to be superstitious? Why or why not? Use two to

three text examples to support your position.



It is not at all okay to be superstitious and it can be justified by following examples :

A. A very famous Bollywood actor always releases his high budget movies on the occasion of Christmas with regards to superstition. This sometimes lead to failure of movie due to the lost benefit of Friday and people usually do not watch movies on holidays.

B. There was a student who had a superstition of not eating anything before one hour exam. Leading to such believes he ended up being sick on exam center and failed eventually.

Based on information in the Article, which of these happened first?
Young artist shows his work


Look in the first Paragraph

Explain what Bud's mother meant by what she said regarding
"no matter how dark the night" on page 42.. What was the life
lesson she was trying to teach? Use evidence from the
passage in your response.



Bud's mother is trying to tell Bud that when something bad happens and things seem really dark and hopeless, don't worry because something better will come along.


(Detail): "When one door closes" means when something goes wrong and things seem hopeless. (Detail): "Don't worry because another door opens" means there are more opportunities in life and another one will come your way. (Claim): When you put those two pieces together Bud's mother is trying to tell Bud that when something bad happens and things seem really dark and hopeless, don't worry because something better will come along.


Bud shouldn't be scared because another door will open for him


What is mise'en place?​



Mise en place is a French culinary phrase which means "putting in place" or "everything in its place".

Explanation:an you mark me brainliest please?

Other Questions
How did the era of reform help achieve change economically Find the measure of each missing angle. what is the domain of f(x)=2x is all real number or all positive number or all positive and zore Find the value of W please help due tomorrow Cait went apple picking with 3 friends. The 4 of them picked 17.4 lbs ofapples and want to split it equally. How many lbs of apples do they eachget? how is it determined how many electors each state has? The metal that is used to hold stained glass pieces together is called __________. a. cement c. paste b. framing d. leading Which equation can you use to solve the following problem?A grocery store received a shipment of cereal. There were 24 boxes of cereal in each shipping box.If the store received 18 shipping boxes, how many boxes of cereal did they receive? How do I find x in this triangle? Pls help me I dont understand its for my science class.Plz check if correct and tell me wether each is element or compound A user access agreement typically is __________ than the list of employee expected behaviors within an organization. Una de las celebraciones ms especiales de Mxico es el Da de Muertos, una fiesta que viene de la unin de dos creencias, la catlica exportada a Mxico por los (1) espaoles y las culturas existentes (2) antes de la llegada de los espaoles, las culturas prehispnicas. El Da de Muertos no es una celebracin solo (3) ... Es una fiesta llena de (4) .................. ................, sabores y (5) .................................. . Y tambin es (6) .................................. De diversin. Las personas que recuerdan a (7) .................................. Preparan unos bonitos altares con diferentes objetos y (8) .................................. . Piensan que el espritu de su muerto viene y (9) .......................... ........ Las ofrendas, por eso los familiares se quedan (10) .................................. Toda la noche esperando su (11) .................................. . An eighth-grade teacher has asked you to present information to her students about how watching television can affect adolescents academics and behavior. What important information should you share with this audience?Write an essay that will serve as the basis for the speech you will deliver to the students. Phosphorous is added to make an n-type silicon semiconductor with an electrical conductivity of 1.75 (m)-1 . Calculate the necessary number of charge carriers required who begins writing anne frank letters 9h+25=65 find the slope and y-intercept are encyclopedias a reliable secondary source Which of the following is not a way that the Inuit people adapted to the natural environment in the past?A. They lived in grass huts made from locally available materials.B. They worshipped a volcano goddess.C. They ate a diet of mainly meat, with few vegetables or grains.D. They wore clothing made of animal skins. Given F(x) = 7(1 - x), what is the value of F(-8) ?Please help Part AJennifer makes nail polish at home. Every month, she buys chemicals and dyes, which costs $3 per bottle of nail polish. She also buys glass bottles,which cost $0.50 each. She spends $500 per month to rent a warehouse space to store the nail polish. She sells the bottles for $7 each. How manybottles of nail polish does she need to make a profit?