I am having a hard time understanding what to do.

PLEASE HELP! I Am Having A Hard Time Understanding What To Do.


Answer 1

The simplified radical expression is given as follows:

[tex]\sqrt{363} - 3\sqrt{27} = 2\sqrt{3}[/tex]

How to simplify the radical expression?

The radical expression for this problem is given as follows:

[tex]\sqrt{363} - 3\sqrt{27}[/tex]

The first step in simplifying the expression is obtaining the prime factors of 363 and of 27, hence:

363 = 3 x 121 = 3 x 11².27 = 3² = 3 x 3².

Hence the radicals are simplified as follows:

[tex]\sqrt{363} = \sqrt{3 \times 11^2} = 11\sqrt{3}[/tex][tex]\sqrt{27} = \sqrt{3 \times 3^2} = 3\sqrt{3}[/tex]

Hence the simplified expression is:

[tex]\sqrt{363} - 3\sqrt{27} = 11\sqrt{3} - 3 \times 3\sqrt{3} = (11 - 9)\sqrt{3} = 2\sqrt{3}[/tex]

More can be learned about radical expressions at


Related Questions

if the pink lines are parallel, solve for n


The option that is true about the equations for these two lines iis that they represent the same lines.

How to explain the information

The trick to questions like this is to get both equations into the slope-intercept form.  That is done for our first equation (y = 3x + 5).  However, for the second, some rearranging must be done:

5y – 25 = 15x; 5y = 15x + 25; y = 3x + 5

Note: Not only do these equations have the same slope (3), they are totally the same; therefore, they represent the same equation.

Learn more about equations on;


Two lines are described by the equations:

y = 3x + 5 and 5y – 25 = 15x

Which of the following is true about the equations for these two lines?They represent perpendicular lines.

None of the other answers

They represent non-perpendicular, intersecting lines.

They represent the same lines.

They represent parallel lines.

Work out sheet below please


Using division we know that per pound the loose sweets have a better value which is £0.0089 per pound.

What is division?

The division is one of the four basic arithmetic operations or the process by which two numbers are added together to produce a new number.

Multiplication, addition, and subtraction make up the remaining operations.

We may examine the quotient and the division's remainder using the division formula Dividend = (Divisor Quotient) + Remainder.

We can multiply our quotient by the divisor to check its accuracy if the remainder is 0.

If the product and dividend are equal, the quotient is correct.

So, the price per gram when pre-packed:

1.49/120 = £0.012

Now, the price per gram when the product is loose:

0.89/100 = £0.0089

Now, we know that per pound the loose sweets are better.

Therefore, using division we know that per pound the loose sweets have a better value which is £0.0089 per pound.

Know more about division here:


The angle measures for 2 supplementary angles are 3x and 2x +40.
What is the value of x?




Step-by-step explanation:

If the angles are supplementary, they add up to 180°.

(3x) + (2x + 40) = 180

5x + 40 = 180

     - 40   - 40

5x = 140

x = 28°

Solve by using matrices.
2x -y + 3z = 180
-4x + 2y + 3z = 225
3x - 4y = 270
= -66, y = [?], z =


Solving the system of equations using matrices is : = -66, y = 163, and z = 11.

Solving the system of equations using matrices ?

To solve this system of equations using matrices, we can write it in the form AX = B, where:

A = coefficient matrix

X = variable matrix (containing x, y, and z)

B = constant matrix (containing the constants on the right-hand side of each equation)

So, we have:

| 2  -1  3 |   | x |   | 180 |

| -4  2  3 | x | y | = | 225 |

| 3  -4  0 |   | z |   | 270 |

We can solve for X by multiplying both sides of the equation by the inverse of A:

X = A^-1 * B

First, we need to find the inverse of A. We can do this by using the formula:

A^-1 = (1 / det(A)) * adj(A)

where det(A) is the determinant of A and adj(A) is the adjugate (transpose of the cofactor matrix) of A.

| 2  -1  3 |

| -4  2  3 |

| 3  -4  0 |

det(A) = 2(20 - 3(-4)) - (-1)(-40 - 33) + 3(-4*(-1) - 2*3) = 16

| 2  -1  3 |

| -4  2  3 |

| 3  -4  0 |

The cofactor matrix is:

| 2  9  6 |

| 12  0  -2 |

| 13  -9  8 |

Taking the transpose of the cofactor matrix gives us the adjugate of A:

| 2  12  13 |

| 9  0  -9 |

| 6  -2  8 |

So, we have:

A^-1 = (1 / det(A)) * adj(A) = (1 / 16) *

| 2  12  13 |

| 9  0  -9 |

| 6  -2  8 |

Multiplying A^-1 by B gives us:

| x |   | -66 |

| y | = | 163 |

| z |   | 11  |

Therefore, x = -66, y = 163, and z = 11.

Learn more about matrix here:


Help pleaseee

The half-life of Palladium-100 is 4 days. After 16 days a sample of Palladium-100 has been reduced to a mass of 2 mg.

What was the initial mass (in mg) of the sample? --------------

What is the mass 7 weeks after the start?-------------


1. The initial mass of the sample was 32 mg. 2. The mass of the sample 7 weeks after the start is approximately 0.162 mg.

What is radioactive decay?

An unstable atomic nucleus releases particles or electromagnetic radiation as it undergoes radioactive decay, changing into a different nucleus. Since this process is unpredictable and spontaneous, the decay's timing cannot be anticipated. The radioactive substance's half-life, or the amount of time it takes for half of its radioactive atoms to decay, is used to calculate the rate of decay. Radiometric dating, nuclear energy production, and medical imaging all employ radioactive decay, which can cause the emission of alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays. Understanding the behaviour of matter at the atomic and subatomic level requires knowledge of radioactive decay.

1. The radioactive decay is given by the formula:

[tex]N(t) = N_0 * (1/2)^{(t/T)}[/tex]

Now, for half-life of Palladium-100 is 4 days and t = 16 and N(t) = 2 we have:

[tex]2 = N_0 * (1/2)^{(16/4)}\\2 = N_0 * (1/2)^4\\2 = N_0* 1/16\\N_0 = 2 * 16\\N_0 = 32 mg[/tex]

2. Foe 7 weeks:

7 weeks = 7 * 7 days = 49 days.

[tex]N(49) = N_0 * (1/2)^{(49/4)}\\N(49) = 32 * (1/2)^{(49/4)}\\N(49) = 0.162 mg[/tex]

Learn more about exponential decay here:


You have a jar of marbles, each marble is numbered 1-35. 10 Marbles are Blue, 12 Marbles are Green, and 13 Marbles are Red. You draw a random marble.What is the probability that you pull out a marble that is Green or an even number.


The probability of drawing a marble that is green or even-numbered is  28/35

Calculating the probability

The total number of marbles in the jar is 35, of which 10 are blue, 12 are green, and 13 are red.

We need to find the probability of drawing a marble that is green or an even number.

First, let's find the number of even-numbered marbles.

Out of 35 marbles, 17 of them are even-numbered (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34).

There are 12 green marbles, and 17 even-numbered marbles,

Therefore, there are 12 + 17 - 1 = 28 marbles that are either green or even-numbered.

The probability of drawing a marble that is green or even-numbered is


So the probability of drawing a marble that is green or even-numbered is  28/35

Read more about probability at


what is the value of y



y = 163 since vertical angles are congruent.

x=10 3x+5y=20 in the system of equations, what is the value of x


The value of x is given as x = 10 in the system of equations 3x + 5y = 20.

This means that we can substitute x = 10 into the equation 3x + 5y = 20 to solve for y:

3(10) + 5y = 20

30 + 5y = 20

5y = -10

y = -2

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations 3x + 5y = 20 and x = 10 is (x,y) = (10,-2).

The value of a certain collectible card in dollars from January 2020 to May 2021 can be modeled by the function V(m)=250m² -3,500m + 18,000, where mis
the approximate number of months since the start of 2020.
Over what period was the value of the card declining?


To respond to the question, we must identify the m-values for which V(m)  equation decreases. The value of the card decreased during the course of the time from January 2020 to July 2020 (about 7 months),

What is equation?

A mathematical equation is a formula that connects two claims and uses the equals symbol (=) to denote equivalence. An equation in algebra is a mathematical statement that establishes the equivalence of two mathematical expressions. For instance, in the equation 3x + 5 = 14, the equal sign places a space between the variables 3x + 5 and 14. The relationship between the two sentences that are written on each side of a letter may be understood using a mathematical formula. The symbol and the single variable are frequently the same. as in, 2x - 4 equals 2, for instance.

We must identify the values of m for which the function V(m) is dropping in order to estimate the time span during which the value of the card was declining.

The function V(m)'s derivative is provided by:

V'(m) = 500m - 3,500

By setting V'(m) = 0 and solving for m, we may determine the crucial point(s):

500m - 3,500 = 0

m = 7

V''(m) = 500

To respond to the question, we must identify the m-values for which V(m) decreases. The value of the card decreased during the course of the time from January 2020 to July 2020 (about 7 months), as we know that V(m) is falling for m 7.

To know more about equation visit:



Determine whether the numbers can represent the side lengths of a triangle. If they can, classify the triangle as right, acute, or obtuse.


The side lengths will all make up a triangle, each can be classified as:

6. Isosceles triangle 7. Obtuse triangle 8. Scalene triangle

How to Classify a Triangle?

To determine whether the given numbers can represent the side lengths of a triangle or not, we need to check if the sum of the two smaller sides is greater than the largest side.

If this condition is satisfied for all three pairs of sides, then the numbers can represent the side lengths of a triangle.

6. The numbers 4, 5, and 5 can represent the side lengths of a triangle because 4 + 5 > 5, 5 + 4 > 5, and 5 + 4 > 5. This triangle is isosceles because two sides have the same length.

7. The numbers 10, 17, and 26 can represent the side lengths of a triangle because 10 + 17 > 26, 17 + 26 > 10, and 26 + 10 > 17. This triangle is obtuse because the square of the longest side (26^2 = 676) is greater than the sum of the squares of the other two sides (10^2 + 17^2 = 369).

8. The numbers 2, 10, and 12 can represent the side lengths of a triangle because 2 + 10 > 12, 10 + 12 > 2, and 12 + 2 > 10. This triangle is scalene because all three sides have different lengths.

Learn more about classification of triangle on:


On January 1, Year 2, Kincaid Company's Accounts Receivable and the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts carried balances of $74,600 and $3,700, respectively. During Year 2, Kincaid reported $208,000 of credit sales, wrote off $2,000 of receivables as uncollectible, and collected cash from receivables amounting to $258,900. Kincaid estimates that it will be unable to collect one percent (1%) of credit sales.

What effect will recognizing the uncollectible accounts expense for Year 2 have on the elements of the financial statements?

Multiple Choice

Decrease total assets and net income

Decrease total assets and increase retained earnings

Increase total assets and decrease net income

Increase total assets and retained earnings


The correct answer is: Decrease total assets and net income.

What is statistics?

Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of numerical data. It involves the use of methods and techniques to gather, summarize, and draw conclusions from data.

The recognition of uncollectible accounts expense for Year 2 will decrease total assets and net income.

When uncollectible accounts expense is recognized, it is recorded as a debit to the allowance for doubtful accounts and a credit to the uncollectible accounts expense account. This reduces the balance of accounts receivable, which is a current asset, and thus decreases total assets. Additionally, recognizing this expense reduces net income by the same amount.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Decrease total assets and net income.

To learn more about statistics from the given link:


Problem Walk-Through
Stocks A and B have the following probability distributions of expected future returns:
a. Calculate the expected rate of return, FB, for Stock B (A = 12.90%.) Do not round Intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places.
b. Calculate the standard deviation of expected returns, GA, for Stock A (08= 21.64 %.) Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places.
Now calculate the coefficient of variation for Stock B. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places.
Is it possible that most investors might regard Stock B as being less risky than Stock A?
I. If Stock B is more highly correlated with the market than A, then it might have a lower beta than Stock A, and hence be less risky in a portfolio sense.
II. If Stock B is more highly correlated with the market than A, then it might have the same beta as Stock A, and hence be just as risky in a portfolio sense.
III. If Stock B is less highly correlated with the market than A, then it might have a lower beta than Stock A, and hence be less risky in a portfolio sense.
IV. If Stock B is less highly correlated with the market than A, then it might have a higher beta than Stock A, and hence be more risky in a portfolio sense.
V. If Stock B is more highly correlated with the market than A, then it might have a higher beta than Stock A, and hence be less risky in a portfolio sense.
c. Assume the risk-free rate is 1.5%. What are the Sharpe ratios for Stocks A and B? Do riot round intermediate calculations. Round your answers to four decimal places.
Stock A:
Stock B:
Are these calculations consistent with the information obtained from the coefficient of variation calculations in Part b?
I. In a stand-alone risk sense A is less risky than B. If Stock B is less highly correlated with the market than A, then it might have a higher beta than Stock A, and
hence be more risky in a portfolio sense.
II. In a stand-alone risk sense A is more risky than B. If Stock B is less highly correlated with the market than A, then it might have a lower beta than Stock A, and
hence be less risky in a portfolio sense.


A is riskier than B in terms of pure risk. Stock B may have a lower beta than Stock A and so be less hazardous in the context of a portfolio if it has a lower correlation to the market than Stock A.

What is Expeced return?

The profit or loss an investor can anticipate realising from an investment is known as the expected return. Calculating an expected return involves multiplying possible outcomes by their likelihood before adding the results. The expected return is computed by summing the results of multiplying all possible outcomes by the likelihood that each one will occur (as illustrated below).

Expeced return=Sum(probability*return)

Standard Deviation=[tex]\sqrt{sum(probability*(return-expected\ return)^2}[/tex]

Coefficient of Variation=Standard Deviation/Expected Return

1. Expected Returns:

Stock B=0.1*(-38%)+0.2*0%+0.5*21%+0.1*26%+0.1*36%=12.900%

2. Standard Deviation:

Stock A=[tex]\sqrt{(0.1*(-11\%-11.3\%)^2+0.2*(5\%-11.3\% +0.5*(13\%-11.3\%)^2+)^2 0.1*(18\%-11.3\%)^2} \\+0.1*(31\%-11.3\%)^2)[/tex]

= 10.120%

3. Coefficient of Variation:

Stock B=19.892%/12.9%=1.5420

4. Stock B may have a lower beta than Stock A and so be less hazardous in the context of a portfolio if it has a lower correlation to the market

than Stock A.

5. Sharpe Ratio:

Stock A=(11.3%-3.5%)/10.120%=0.7708

Stock B=(12.9%-3.5%)/19.892%=0.4726

6. A is riskier than B in terms of pure risk. Stock B may have a lower beta than Stock A and so be less hazardous in the context of a portfolio

if it has a lower correlation to the market than Stock A.

To know more about Expected Returns, visit:


Which is the largest of the followin fractions? 7/12, 2/3,5/6,3/4, 5/8, (a) 2/3 (b) 3/4 (c) 5/ 5



Step-by-step explanation:it is 5/5 because it is a whole number and all the others aren’t

The ratio of union members to nonunion members working for a company is 4 to 5. If there are 140 nonunion members working for the company,
what is the total number of employees?


The total number of employees is 112.

Explain numbers

Numbers are symbols or representations used to quantify or count objects, quantities, or measurements. They form the basis of mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and are used in various fields such as science, finance, and engineering. Numbers can be positive, negative, whole, or fractional, and are essential for communication and calculation in our daily lives.

According to the given information

Let's use x to represent the total number of employees.

According to the problem, the ratio of union members to nonunion members is 4 to 5. This means that out of every 4 + 5 = 9 employee, 4 are union members and 5 are nonunion members.

So, we can set up the following proportion:

4/9 = x/(x - 140)

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and simplify:

4(x - 140) = 9x

4x - 560 = 9x

560 = 5x

x = 112

Therefore, the total number of employees is 112.

To know more about numbers visit


4.4.3 Quiz: Stretching and Compressing Functions
f(x) = x². What is g(x)?
5- f(x)
O B. g(x) =
Click here for long description
O A. g(x) = (x)²
O c. g(x) =
OD. g(x) = 2x²



The equation of the function g(x) is g(x) = 1/2x²

Calculating the function g(x)

If we want to stretch or compress the function f(x) = x^2, we can multiply or divide the input variable x by a constant value a.

Specifically, if we use g(x) = f(ax), then g(x) is a stretched or compressed version of f(x).

To find the value of a that will make g(x) pass through the point (2,2), we can substitute these values into the equation g(x) = f(ax):

[tex]g(2)=f(a*2)=f(2a)=(2a)^2 =4a^2 =2[/tex]

So, we have

a = 1/2

Recall that

g(x) = f(ax)

So, we have

g(x) = f(1/2x)

This means that

g(x) = 1/2x²

Hence. the function is g(x) = 1/2x²

Read more about trasnformation at


Workout 461÷4 give your answer as a whole number and a reminder


Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is 115 remainder 1

The density function of a distribution is f(x)=1/2σ*e^(−|x|/σ),where σ is the parameter.
1(5). Find the moment estimate of σ.
2(5). Find the mle of σ.


The log-likelihood function is l(σ) = -n*log(2σ) - sum(|[tex]x_i[/tex]|)/σ.

the moment estimate of σ is σ = 0.

What is moment?

A moment is a quantitative measure of the shape of a probability distribution. Specifically, it is a mathematical calculation that involves taking the product of the distribution's values and certain pre-determined values (such as powers of the variable). Moments are often used to estimate certain parameters of a distribution, such as its mean, variance, or skewness.

Moment estimate of σ:

The kth moment about the origin is defined as E[[tex]X^k[/tex]] = integral from -inf to inf of [tex]x^k[/tex] * f(x) dx.

The first moment about the origin is E[X] = integral from -inf to inf of x * f(x) dx.

E[X] = integral from -inf to inf of x * (1/2σ*[tex]e^{(-|x|/\sigma))[/tex] dx

Let's split the integral into two parts: from -inf to 0 and from 0 to inf.

integral from -inf to 0 of x * (1/2σ[tex]e^{(-|x|/\sigma))[/tex]dx = integral from -inf to 0 of -x * (1/2σ[tex]e^{(-|x|/\sigma))[/tex] dx = 1/2σ * integral from 0 to inf of x * [tex]e^{(-x/\sigma)[/tex] dx

integral from 0 to inf of x * e^(-x/σ) dx is the definition of the gamma function with shape parameter 2 and scale parameter σ, which is Γ(2, σ) = 1 * σ² = σ².

Therefore, E[X] = 1/2σ * σ² = σ/2.

The second moment about the origin is E[X²] = integral from -inf to inf of x² * (1/2σ*[tex]e^{(-|x|/\sigma))[/tex] dx.

E[X²] = 1/2σ * integral from -inf to inf of x² * [tex]e^{(-|x|/\sigma))[/tex] dx

Let's split the integral into two parts: from -inf to 0 and from 0 to inf.

integral from -inf to 0 of x² * (1/2σ [tex]e^{(-|x|/\sigma))[/tex]  dx = integral from -inf to 0 of x² * (1/2σ[tex]e^{(x/\sigma)[/tex]) dx = 1/2σ * integral from 0 to inf of x² * [tex]e^{(-x/\sigma)[/tex] dx

integral from 0 to inf of x² * [tex]e^{(x/\sigma)[/tex]) dx is the definition of the gamma function with shape parameter 3 and scale parameter σ, which is Γ(3, σ) = 2 * σ³.

Therefore, E[X²] = 1/2σ * 2σ³ = σ².

The moment estimate of σ is obtained by solving the equation E[X²] = σ² for σ:

σ² = E[X²] = integral from -inf to inf of x² * (1/2σ*[tex]e^{(-|x|/\sigma)[/tex]) dx

= 1/2σ * integral from -inf to inf of x² * [tex]e^{(-|x|/\sigma)[/tex] dx

= 1/2σ * 2σ³

= σ²

Simplifying the equation, we get:

σ² = σ²/2

Multiplying both sides by 2, we get:

2σ² = σ²

Therefore, the moment estimate of σ is σ = 0.

MLE of σ:

The likelihood function is given by L(σ) = (1/2σ)ⁿ *[tex]e^{(-sum(|x_i|)/\sigma)[/tex], where n is the sample size and [tex]x_i[/tex]are the observed values.

The log-likelihood function is l(σ) = -n*log(2σ) - sum(|[tex]x_i[/tex]|)/σ.

To know more about density function visit:


Home values in a town have declined 26% per year for each of the past
four years. What was the total percentage decrease in home values
during the four-year period?


Answer: 104%

Step-by-step explanation: 26% times 4 years

Approximately of the Earth's surface is made up of the oceans. What fraction of the surface is not made up of oceans?​


The fraction of Earth that is not made up of ocean = 1/4.

Explain about the fraction:

The numbers we are familiar with are whole numbers, such as 1, 2, and so on.

Numbers expressed as fractions have a numerator and a denominator, separated by a line known as a vinculum.

In essence, a fraction explains how a portion of a group interacts with the entire group.

Given that-

fraction of Earth made up of water = 3/4

The fraction of Earth that is not made up of ocean = 1 - fraction of Earth made up of water

The fraction of Earth that is not made up of ocean = 1 - 3/4

The fraction of Earth that is not made up of ocean = (4 - 3)/4

The fraction of Earth that is not made up of ocean = 1/4

Thus, the fraction of Earth that is not made up of ocean = 1/4.

Know more about the fraction:


Complete question:

Approximately 3/4 of the Earth's surface is made up of the oceans. What fraction of the surface is not made up of oceans?​

Identify the outlier in the data set, and determine how the outlier affects the mean, median, and mode of the data.
95, 88, 72, 26, 69, 78, 97


A. 97; adding the outlier decreased mean by 5 and median by 8.2. The mode did not change.
B. 26; adding the outlier decreased mean by 8.2 and median by 5. The mode did not change.
C. 97; adding the outlier increased mean by 8.2 and median by 5. The mode did not change.
D. 26; adding the outlier increased mean by 5 and median by 8.2. The mode did not change.


The outlier in the data set is 97.

Correct. Adding an outlier of 26 increases the mean by [tex](95+88+72+69+78)/5 = 80.4 to (95+88+72+69+78+26)/6[/tex] = 72.67. This is a decrease of 7.73. The median is 78, which is not affected by the addition of the outlier. The mode is not affected either. Then option C is correct.

A. Incorrect. Adding an outlier of 97 increases the mean by (95+88+72+26+69+78+97)/7 = 70.1 to (95+88+72+26+69+78+97)/8 = 73.38. This is an increase of 3.28. The median is the middle value when the data is arranged in order and adding an outlier of 97 does not affect the median of the data set, which is 78. The mode, which is the value that appears most frequently in the data, is There is no mode as no value is repeated.

B. Incorrect. Adding an outlier of 97 decreases the mean by (95+88+72+26+69+78)/6 = 70 to (95+88+72+26+69+78+97)/7 = 70.1. This is an increase of 0.1. The median is 78, which is not affected by the addition of the outlier. The mode is not affected either.

C. Incorrect. Adding an outlier of 97 increases the mean by (95+88+72+26+69+78)/6 = 70 to (95+88+72+26+69+78+97)/7 = 70.1. This is an increase of 0.1. The median is 78, which is not affected by the addition of the outlier. The mode is not affected either.

D. Correct. Adding an outlier of 26 increases the mean by (95+88+72+69+78)/5 = 80.4 to (95+88+72+69+78+26)/6 = 72.67. This is a decrease of 7.73. The median is 78, which is not affected by the addition of the outlier. The mode is not affected either.

To know more about Adding visit:


Identify the correct equation of the graph.
O f(b) = (6+4)² +8
O f(b) = (b+8)² +4
O f(b) = (b-8)² +4
Of(b) = (6-4)²-8
Of(b) (6-4)² +8


Thus, the correct equation for the given parabolic graph is found as: f(b) = (b – 8)² + 4.

Explain about the quadratic function in vertex form:

A parabola has a lowest point if it opens upward. A parabola has a highest point if it opens downward.

The vertex of the parabola is located at this lowest or highest point.

Vertex form of a quadratic function:

f(x) = a(x – h)² + k, where a, h, and k are constants.

The vertex of the parabola is at because it is translated h horizontal units and k vertical units from the origin (h, k).

(h,k) are the vertex of parabola.

From the given graph:

f(b) is the given function:

Vertex (h,k) = (8, 4)

Thus, h= 8 and k = a = 1, x = b.

Put the values in quadratic function:

f(b) = 1(b – 8)² + 4

f(b) = (b – 8)² + 4

Thus, the correct equation for the given parabolic graph is found as: f(b) = (b – 8)² + 4.

Know more about the quadratic function in vertex form:


25. Find m/T. 0 (9x-17) T (4x + 28) S R​



The given expression is:

m/T = 0(9x-17) / (T(4x + 28)S R)

Since the numerator is multiplied by 0, the entire expression becomes 0, regardless of the value of the denominator. Division by 0 is undefined in mathematics, as it is not a valid operation. Therefore, the result of m/T in this case is undefined.

You can double check urself ;D

17.) A fan has 4 settings marked 0,1,2,3. On the '1' setting, it rotates 100 times in one minute. The rate of rotation doubles on the '2' setting, and again doubles on the '3' setting. How many times will the fan rotate in 15 minutes on the '3' setting? A. 1500B. 3000 C. 4500 D. 6000 100 tho 212​


Step-by-step explanation:

Setting 1   = 100   rpm

Setting 2  = 200 rpm

Setting  3 = 400 rpm  

400 rotations each minute   for 15 minutes =  400 * 15 = 6000 rotations

What is the value of k?

help pleaseeeee


The value of k in the given diagram is 10.

What is a linear pair?

A linear pair refers to two adjacent angles that are created when two lines intersect. The defining characteristic of a linear pair is that the sum of their measures is always equal to 180 degrees, which makes them supplementary angles. Essentially, a linear pair is a type of angle pair where the two angles are not only adjacent to each other, but they also add up to a straight angle. Linear pairs are frequently found in various geometric shapes, including triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons. They also have real-world applications in areas such as architecture and engineering.

We know that sum of angles of a triangle is 180.

So in tringle XYZ,

Angle ZXY + Angle XYZ + Angle YZX = 180

Given angle values ZXY = 6k+10, YZX = 4K+5 and ZYM = 115

We see that Angle XYZ + Angle ZYM = 180, since they are a linear pair.

This means Angle XYZ = 180 - Angle ZYM = 180 - 115 = 65

Hence, Angle ZXY + Angle XYZ + Angle YZX = 180

6k+10 + 65 + 4K+5 = 180

10k + 80 = 180

10k = 180 - 80 = 100

k = 100/10 = 10

To know more about linear pair visit:


Is the graph increasing, decreasing, or constant?
-8 -6 4
A. Decreasing
B. Increasing
C. Constant


Is the graph increasing, decreasing, or constant: C. Constant.

What is a graph?

In Mathematics and Geometry, a graph can be defined as a type of chart that is typically used for the graphical representation of data points or ordered pairs on both the horizontal and vertical lines of a cartesian coordinate, which are the x-coordinate (x-axis) and y-coordinate (y-axis) respectively.

By critically observing the graph shown above, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that the graph is constant because it assumes only one y-value, which is represented by this equation y = 3.

In conclusion, the above is constant, rather than increasing or decreasing.

Read more on a graph here:


Al has a goal to read 2,000 pages over
summer break. He has read 1,248 pages.
How many more pages does Al need to
read to reach his goal?


Al needs to read 752 more pages to reach his goal of 2,000 pages.

What is subtraction?

The act of deleting items from a collection is represented by subtraction. Subtraction is denoted by the minus sign.

To find out how many more pages Al needs to read to reach his goal of 2,000 pages, we can subtract the number of pages he has already read from his goal:

Number of pages Al needs to read = Goal - Pages already read

Number of pages Al needs to read = 2,000 - 1,248

Number of pages Al needs to read = 752

Therefore, Al needs to read 752 more pages to reach his goal of 2,000 pages.

Learn more about subtraction on:


2.Each curve is a transformation of the graph of the parent function y = √x.
Write an equation for each curve.


Since each curve is a transformation of the graph of the parent function y = √x, an equation for each curve are as follows;

A. y = √(-x + 2)

B. y = -√(x - 1) + 3

C. y = √(x - 3)

D. y = √x - 2

E. y = -√(x + 2)

What is a translation?

In Mathematics and Geometry, the translation of a graph to the left simply means subtracting a digit from the value on the x-coordinate of the pre-image while the translation of a graph downward simply means subtracting a digit from the value on the y-coordinate (y-axis) of the pre-image.

In Mathematics and Geometry, a horizontal translation to the left is modeled by this mathematical equation g(x) = f(x + N) while a vertical translation to the positive y-direction (downward) is modeled by this mathematical equation g(x) = f(x) - N.


N represents an integer.g(x) and f(x) represent the parent functions.

In order to write an equation that models curve A, we would have to apply a reflection and horizontal translation to y = √x by 2 units left.

Read more on translation here:


Estimate the difference. Round each number to the nearest whole number, then subtract.
The difference is approximately



To estimate the difference, we need to round each number to the nearest whole number and then subtract the rounded numbers.

Rounding each number to the nearest whole number, we get:

10 rounded to the nearest whole number is 10

19 rounded to the nearest whole number is 19

19 rounded to the nearest whole number is 19

4 rounded to the nearest whole number is 4

19 rounded to the nearest whole number is 19

-2 rounded to the nearest whole number is -2

Subtracting the rounded numbers, we get:

10 - 19 - 19 - 4 - 19 - (-2) = 10 - 19 - 19 - 4 - 19 + 2 = -49

Therefore, the estimated difference is -49.

pls help :)

Angie is really fit and wants to test her endurance by competing in a swimming competition over four days. On the first day, she covers 25 per cent of the distance. On the second day, she covers one third of the remaining distance, on the third day, 25 per cent of the remaining distance and, on the final day, she swims half of the remaining distance. She still has 15km to swim to complete the competition. Form a linear equation and find the total distance of the swimming competition. (Use x as the total distance of the swimming competition).


Let's start by using algebra to represent the problem mathematically.

On the first day, Angie covers 25% of the total distance, which can be written as:


On the second day, she covers one third of the remaining distance. After the first day, she has 75% of the total distance left to cover. So, the distance she covers on the second day can be written as:

(1/3)(0.75x) = 0.25x

On the third day, she covers 25% of the remaining distance. After the first two days, she has 50% of the total distance left to cover. So, the distance she covers on the third day can be written as:

0.25(0.5x) = 0.125x

On the final day, she covers half of the remaining distance. After the first three days, she has 25% of the total distance left to cover. So, the distance she covers on the final day can be written as:

0.5(0.25x) = 0.125x

Adding up the distances she covered on each day, we get:

0.25x + 0.25x + 0.125x + 0.125x = 0.75x

This represents the total distance she covered over the four days.

We know that Angie still has 15km left to swim to complete the competition. So, we can set the total distance x equal to the distance she covered plus the remaining distance:

0.75x + 15 = x

Solving for x, we get:

0.25x = 15

x = 60

Therefore, the total distance of the swimming competition is 60km.

Answer: Total distance of the swimming competition is 55.56 km.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x be the total distance of the swimming competition.

On the first day, Angie covered 25% of the total distance, which means she swam 0.25x km.

On the second day, she covered one-third of the remaining distance, which is (1 - 0.25)x = 0.75x km.

So, she swam (1/3) * 0.75x = 0.25x km on the second day.

On the third day, she covered 25% of the remaining distance, which is (1 - 0.25 - 1/3)x = 0.42x km.

So, she swam 0.25 * 0.42x = 0.105x km on the third day.

On the final day, she swam half of the remaining distance,

which is (1 - 0.25 - 1/3 - 0.5)x = 0.125x km.

The total distance she swam is the sum of the distances swum on each day:

0.25x + 0.25x + 0.105x + 0.125x = 0.73x

We know that the total distance of the competition is x - 15 km (since she still has 15 km left to swim).

So we can set up the equation:

0.73x = x - 15

Solving for x, we get:

x-0.73x = 15

0.27x = 15

x = 55.56

Therefore, the total distance of the swimming competition is 55.56 km.

A principal of $1500 is invested at 8.5% interest, compounded annually. How much will the investment be worth after 14 years?

Use the calculator provided and round your answer to the nearest dollar.


The investment would be worth approximately $4,498 after 14 years rounded to the nearest dollar
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