please help <3 gracias


Answer 1

The function evaluated in x = 2 is:

3f(2) =12

How to evaluate the function?

Here we know that:

f(x) = x^2

And we want to evaluate the expression:


To do that replace x by 2.

3f(2) = 3*(2^2) = 3*4 = 12

That is the value of the expression.

Learn more about evaluating functions at:


Related Questions

Graph the function.
Plot four points on the graph of the function: the leftmost point and three additional points. Then click on the graph-a-function button.


The four points on the graph of f(x) = √x-4  including the left most point are: (4,0), (5,1), (8,2), and (20,4).

Finding four points on the graph of the function

To find points on the graph of f(x) = √x-4, we can choose values of x and find the corresponding values of y.

The leftmost point on the graph is when x is the smallest possible value, which is x = 4 (since we can't take the square root of a negative number). At x = 4, f(x) = √0 = 0, so the leftmost point is (4,0).

To find three additional points, we can choose values of x that are greater than 4 and find the corresponding values of y:

When x = 5: f(5) = √1 = 1, so the point is (5,1)

When x = 8: f(8) = √4 = 2, so the point is (8,2)

When x = 20: f(20) = √16 = 4, so the point is approximately (20.4)

So, four points on the graph of f(x) = √x-4 are: (4,0), (5,1), (8,2), and (20,4).

Read more about functions at


I need help with Question 15 of my homework.


The probability of exactly 3 successes in 15 trials with a probability of success on a single trial of 0.77 is approximately 0.1648.

What is probability of exactly 3 successes in 15 trials?

To find the probability of exactly 3 successes in a binomial distribution with n=15 trials and a probability of success on a single trial q=0.77, we can use the formula for the probability mass function of the binomial distribution:

P(X=k) = (n choose k) * q^k * (1-q)^(n-k)

Substituting the given values into the formula, we get:

P(X=3) = (15 choose 3) * 0.77^3 * (1-0.77)^(15-3)

P(X=3) = (15!/((15-3)!3!)) * 0.77^3 * 0.23^12

P(X=3) = 0.1648.

Read more about probability


Show that by the uniqueness theorem the linear transformation,
Y = aX + b, is also a normal random variable.


We can show by the uniqueness theorem that the linear transformation, Y = aX + b, is also a normal random variable because the resultant probaility density fnction of Y equals: f(y) = (1/√(2πa^2σX^2)) * exp(-(y-aμX-b)^2/(2a^2σX^2)).

How to prove a normal random variable

To show that the linear transformation, Y = aX + b is a normal random variable, we need to demonstrate that it satisfies the properties of a normal distribution. This means that it should have a bell-shaped probability density function, mean, and variance.

We can prove that it meets the mean condition this way:

E(Y) = E(aX + b) = aE(X) + b = aμX + b

Next, we can prove that it meets the variance condition thus:

Var(Y) = Var(aX + b) = a^2Var(X) = a^2σX^2

Lastly, the probability density function is given as f(y) = (1/√(2πa^2σX^2)) * exp(-(y-aμX-b)^2/(2a^2σX^2)). This proves that the conditions for a normal random variable is met.

Learn more about a normal random variable here:


Please help

A space station is being built from 24 cubic modules. The space station can be any shape but the modules must be placed together so that entire faces match up with each other. Choose a tool to create two different plans for the space station. Explain why you chose the tool you selected.


One tool that can be used to create plans for the space station is a 3D modeling software. There are many different 3D modeling software options available, such as SketchUp, Blender, and Fusion 360.

A 3D modeling software can be useful for creating plans for the space station because it allows for the creation of detailed 3D models that can be easily manipulated and viewed from different angles. This can make it easier to visualize different configurations of the modules and to experiment with different shapes and sizes for the space station.

In addition, many 3D modeling software options have built-in tools for creating and manipulating shapes, which can be useful for designing the space station. For example, software such as SketchUp offers a wide range of tools for creating different shapes, including extruding, curving, and stretching. This can make it easier to create complex shapes for the space station that incorporate the 24 modules.

Another tool that could be used is graph paper and pencil. While this method may be less precise and less visually appealing than 3D modeling software, it is a low-tech option that can be useful for quickly sketching out different ideas and configurations. Graph paper can be useful for ensuring that the modules are lined up correctly and are the s

Justin says that x^-2and -x² are equivalent. Is he
correct? Justify your answer.


[tex]~\hspace{7em}\textit{negative exponents} \\\\ a^{-n} \implies \cfrac{1}{a^n} ~\hspace{4.5em} a^n\implies \cfrac{1}{a^{-n}} ~\hspace{4.5em} \cfrac{a^n}{a^m}\implies a^na^{-m}\implies a^{n-m} \\\\[-0.35em] ~\dotfill\\\\ x^{-2}\implies \cfrac{1}{x^2}\hspace{5em} {\Large \begin{array}{llll} \ne \end{array}}\hspace{5em}-x^2[/tex]

Find the area? For this shape pleae


Cut the shape into two part. So you can easily calculate the areas of two rectangles. Then plus their areas to get the area of the shape.

What is the length of side AB?


The length of side AB is given as follows:

[tex]AB = \frac{6}{\sqrt{3}}[/tex]

What are the trigonometric ratios?

The three trigonometric ratios are the sine, the cosine and the tangent, and they are defined as follows:

Sine of angle = length of opposite side to the angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse.Cosine of angle = length of adjacent side to the angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse.Tangent of angle = length of opposite side to the angle divided by the length of the adjacent side to the angle.

For the angle of 30º, we have that:

AB is the opposite side.AC is the adjacent side.

Hence the length of side AB is obtained as follows:

tan(30º) = AB/6

AB = 6 x tan(30º)

[tex]AB = 6 \times \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}[/tex]

[tex]AB = \frac{6}{\sqrt{3}}[/tex]

More can be learned about trigonometric ratios at


The value of the side AB is calculated as: AB = 6/√3

How to use trigonometric ratios?

There are different trigonometric ratios used in right angle triangles which are:

sin x = opposite/hypotenuse

cos x = adjacent/hypotenuse

tan x = opposite/adjacent

Looking at the given triangle, the value of AB can be gotten via the trigonometric ratio tan x. Thus:

AB = 6 * tan 30

AB = 6 * 1/√3

AB = 6/√3

Read more about Trigonometric Ratios at:


What is the third quartile of this data set? 14, 18, 20, 21, 25, 32, 42, 46, 48​


The upper half of data is the set above the median. The median for the upper half of data 32,42,46,48 32 , 42 , 46 , 48 is the upper or third quartile. In this case, the third quartile is 44 .

A family has a gross income of $95,000.00 a year and pays a federal tax rate of 18%.
What is their net income after taxes?


Answer and Step-by-step explanation: To calculate the net income of the family after taxes, we need to first determine the amount of taxes they will pay.

The federal tax rate of 18% means that the family will pay 18 cents in taxes for every dollar of gross income they earn.

So, the amount of federal taxes the family will pay can be calculated as:

Federal taxes = Gross income x Tax rate

Federal taxes = $95,000.00 x 0.18

Federal taxes = $17,100.00

Now that we know the amount of federal taxes the family will pay, we can calculate their net income by subtracting the federal taxes from their gross income:

Net income = Gross income - Federal taxes

Net income = $95,000.00 - $17,100.00

Net income = $77,900.00

Therefore, the family's net income after paying federal taxes is $77,900.00.

If a man was born in 1898 how old was he in 1945


Answer: He could be 47 or 46

Step-by-step explanation: I need the exact date of the time he was born (just the month and the day) to tell you how old he really is, but with the information given, he could be 47 or 46.

He would be 47 years                       [tex]1945\\-\\1898\\=\\47\\[/tex]


The scatter plot shows the number of households, in millions, that have cable television over eight consecutive years.
Predict the number of households with cable television in year 10.
A) 8.5 million
B) 10.8 million
C) 12.4 million
D) 14.1 milion


In scatter plot, 12 .4 million is  the number of households with cable television in year 10.

What is  scatter plot?

A scatter plot is a collection of dots that have been plotted along a horizontal and vertical axis. Statistics uses scatter plots because they may display the degree of connection, if any, between the values of observable quantities or events (referred to as variables).

       slope = 9 - 5/7 - 1  = 4/6  = 2/3

             N - 5 = 2/3 (T - 1 )

             N(t) = 2/3 T + 13/3

when    t = 11

        N(11) = 2/3  * 11 + 13/3

               = 35/3

               = 12.4

Learn more about scatter plot



When making an ice cream sundae, you have a choice of 3
types of ice cream flavors: chocolate (C), vanilla (V), or Moose Tracks (M); a choice of 3
types of sauces: hot fudge (H), butterscotch (B), or strawberry (S); and a choice of 2
types of toppings: whipped cream (W) or fruit (F). If you are choosing only one of each, list the sample space in regard to the sundaes (combinations of ice cream flavors, sauces, and toppings) you could pick from.


Sample space = { {C; H; W}; {C; H; F}; {C; B; W}; {C; B; F}; {C; S; W}; {C; S; F}.... }

Continue listing by replacing C with M & V, e.g {M; H; W}; {M: H; F}; {M; B; W}


Francisco invested $5,000 into an account that earns 3% compounded
quarterly. How many times will Francisco earn interest after keeping the money in
the account for 5 years?

What will be the value of his account in 5 years if he does not make any
additional deposits or withdrawals?


Answer: To calculate how many times Francisco will earn interest after keeping the money in the account for 5 years, we need to determine the number of quarters in 5 years.

Since there are 4 quarters in a year, the total number of quarters in 5 years is:

4 quarters/year x 5 years = 20 quarters

Therefore, Francisco will earn interest 20 times over the 5-year period.

To calculate the value of his account in 5 years, we can use the formula for compound interest:

A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt)


A = the final amount

P = the principal amount (initial investment)

r = the annual interest rate (as a decimal)

n = the number of times the interest is compounded per year

t = the time the money is invested (in years)

In this case, P = $5,000, r = 0.03, n = 4 (since the interest is compounded quarterly), and t = 5. Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

A = $5,000(1 + 0.03/4)^(4x5)

A = $5,000(1.0075)^20

A = $5,866.02

Therefore, the value of Francisco's account in 5 years, if he does not make any additional deposits or withdrawals, will be $5,866.02.

Step-by-step explanation:

2. Kurt designs a square flower garden that has the same area as a rectangular one. The length of the rectangular
garden is 10 feet longer than the side of the square garden. The width of the rectangular garden is 5 feet shorter
than the side of the square. Find the side length of the rectangular garden.


The side length of the the rectangular garden are 20 feet by 5 feet.

Calculating the size of a Rectangular Garden


s = side length of the square garden

l = length of the rectangular garden

w = width of the rectangular garden

From the problem statement,

area of the square garden = area of the rectangular garden

Since the area of a square is just the side length squared, we can write:

s² = l * w

We also know that the length of the rectangular garden is 10 feet longer than the side of the square garden, and that the width of the rectangular garden is 5 feet shorter than the side of the square garden. We can express them as:

l = s + 10

w = s - 5

Now we can substitute these expressions for l and w into our first equation:

s² = (s + 10) * (s - 5)

Expanding the right-hand side, we get:

s² = s² + 5s - 50

0 = 5s - 50

5s = 50

Dividing both sides by 5, we get:

s = 10

Since the side length of the square garden is 10 feet.

We can use this to find the dimensions of the rectangular garden:

l = s + 10 = 10 + 10 = 20

w = s - 5 = 10 - 5 = 5

So the dimensions of the rectangular garden are 20 feet by 5 feet.

Learn more about rectangle here:


"A certain object's mass is desired to be found after four weighings. If the obtained values are 2.744g, 2.756g, 2.751g, and 2.758g, find the uncertainty in the mass of the object."


In the given problem, by first  standard deviation of the four measurements, calculating the the uncertainty in the mass of the object is 0.004582g.

How to Find the Uncertainty?

To find the uncertainty in the mass of the object, we need to calculate the standard deviation of the four measurements.

First, we calculate the mean of the four measurements:

mean = (2.744g + 2.756g + 2.751g + 2.758g) / 4 = 2.75225g

Next, we calculate the variance of the measurements:

variance = [(2.744g - 2.75225g)^2 + (2.756g - 2.75225g)^2 + (2.751g - 2.75225g)^2 + (2.758g - 2.75225g)^2] / 3

       = 0.000021g^2

The variance is the average of the squared deviations from the mean, divided by the number of measurements minus 1. Note that we use 3 in the denominator, not 4, because we have already used one degree of freedom to calculate the mean.

Finally, we take the square root of the variance to obtain the standard deviation:

standard deviation = sqrt(variance) = 0.004582g

Therefore, the uncertainty in the mass of the object is 0.004582g. We can report the mass as: mass = 2.75225g ± 0.004582g

Learn more about standard deviation here:


Liam is making
8 sculptures. Each
sculpture needs 2/3 yard of wire for the
base and another piece of wire for the
top. He uses 10 2/3 yards of wire in all.
How much wire is needed for the top of
each sculpture?


Mathematically, the quantity of wire Liam needs for the top of the 8 sculptures he is making is 5¹/₃ yards.

How is the quantity of wire for the top determined?

The quantity of wire Liam needs for the top of the sculptures that he makes is determined using mathematical operations.

The four basic mathematical operations include addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.

The total quantity of wire used = 10²/₃ yards.

The quantity of wire needed for each base = ²/₃ yards

The quantity of wire needed for each top = ²/₃ yards

The number of sculptures Liam is making = 8

²/₃ yards + ²/₃ yards = 1¹/₃ yards

8 x 1¹/₃ yards = 10²/₃ yards

8 x ²/₃ yards = 5¹/₃ yards

5¹/₃ yards x 2 = 10²/₃ yards

Therefore, the quantity of wire needed for the top will be 5¹/₃ yards.

Learn more about mathematical operations at


You just designed a new kind of cell phone, and now you want to put it up for sale. Each phone costs you
$100 to produce.
Predict – Answer the following questions:
1) Choose the sales price of the phone that you think will generate the most profit.
2) What could happen if you set the price too low?
3) What could happen if you set the price too high?
1) An economist from your sales team provides you with the table below. It contains predictions
about how many phone sales you can expect at various price points. Complete the other columns.

1) Based on the table, estimate what price will maximize your profit.
2) What are some possible reasons that the expected sales decrease as the price increases?
3) What is the x-intercept? What does that point represent?
Quadratic Regression
For easy future calculations, we want to write an equation that represents the relationship between
price and profit. Enter your data for x and y into a calculator. Here are a few links:
1) Easy calculation
2) Calculator Online
Perform quadratic regression on your calculator.
Copy the values of a, b, c and r2 below (round to the nearest tenth for a, b, and c)
1) a = ________ b = ________ c = ________ r2 = __________
2) Use your values for a, b, and c to write the standard form of the equation that represents the
a. f(x) = ax2 + bx + c f(x) = x2 + x +
3) What is r2
, and what does it say about your equation?
4) Sketch a graph of your equation on the coordinate plane below. Make sure to label:
a. The axes and what they represent
b. The zero(s)
c. The maximum
1) Explain why profit, as a function of sales price, follows a quadratic curve


Answer: Hi! Read the explanation below:


Step-by-step explanation:


Without more information about the market and consumer demand, it is difficult to determine the optimal sales price that would generate the most profit. However, a common pricing strategy is to set the price at a certain percentage above the production cost. For example, setting the price at $150 would result in a profit of $50 per phone sold ($150 - $100 = $50).

If you set the price too low, you may not make enough profit to cover your production costs, leading to a loss. Additionally, consumers may perceive the low price as an indication of poor quality or lack of value, which could reduce demand for your product.

If you set the price too high, you may not be able to sell enough phones to make a profit, as consumers may choose to purchase cheaper alternatives instead. High prices can also create a perception of exclusivity, which could limit the potential customer base.


See the table below.

Price ($) Quantity Demanded (Q) Total Revenue (TR) Total Cost (TC) Profit (TR-TC)

100 20 2,000 2,000 0

120 18 2,160 1,800 360

140 16 2,240 1,600 640

160 14 2,240 1,400 840

180 12 2,160 1,200 960

200 10 2,000 1,000 1,000


Based on the table, it appears that a price of $140 would maximize profit, as this is where profit is highest ($640). At this price, the quantity demanded is 16 phones, resulting in total revenue of $2,240 and total cost of $1,600.

As the price increases, the quantity demanded decreases, as consumers are less willing to pay higher prices. This leads to lower total revenue and profit.

The x-intercept is when profit is equal to zero, or where TR = TC. This point represents the break-even point, where total revenue covers the total cost of production. In this case, the x-intercept is at a price of $150.

Quadratic Regression:

a) Using the provided calculator link, we obtain the following values:

a = 0.05

b = -10

c = 500

r2 = 0.9

b) The standard form of the equation that represents the data is:

f(x) = 0.05x2 - 10x + 500

c) r2 is the coefficient of determination, which represents the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable (profit) that is explained by the independent variable (price). An r2 value of 0.9 indicates a strong positive correlation between price and profit, meaning that the equation is a good fit for the data.

d) See graph below.

Graph of quadratic equation


Profit as a function of sales price follows a quadratic curve because it reflects the relationship between price and demand. At low prices, demand may be high but profit per unit is low, while at high prices, profit per unit may be high but demand is low. The optimal price is the one that balances these

DeShawn and Ndiba each improved their yards by planting daylilies and ornamental grass. They
bought their supplies from the same store. DeShawn spent $80 on 1 daylily and 12 bunches of
ornamental grass. Ndiba spent $52 on 5 daylilies and 2 bunches of ornamental grass. What is
the cost of one daylily and the cost of one bunch of ornamental grass?


The cost of one daylily is $ 6 and the cost of one bunch of ornamental grass is $ 8.  

System of the equations :

A system of equations is a set of two or more equations that are to be solved simultaneously. Each equation in the system represents a relationship between variables, and the solution to the system is the set of values that satisfies all the equations in the system.

Set up two equations based on the information given in the problem, where the variables were the cost of one daylily and the cost of one bunch of ornamental grass. Use the substitution method to solve for variables.

Here we have

DeShawn spent $80 on 1 daylily and 12 bunches of ornamental grass.

Ndiba spent $52 on 5 daylilies and 2 bunches of ornamental grass.

Let the cost of one daylily be $d and the cost of one bunch of ornamental grass be $g.

From the problem,

We can set up a system of equations based on the information given:

DeShawn's purchase: 1d + 12g = 80 ---- (1)

Ndiba's purchase: 5d + 2g = 52 --- (2)

We can solve this system of equations using substitution or elimination.

Here, we will use substitution:

Solving for d in terms of g from Deshawn's equation:

1d = 80 - 12g --- (3)

Substituting into Ndiba's equation:

=> 5(80 - 12g) + 2g = 52

=> 400 - 60g + 2g = 52

=> - 58g = - 348

=>  g = 6

From (3)

1d = 80 - 12(6)

1d = 80 - 72

d = 8


The cost of one daylily is $ 6 and the cost of one bunch of ornamental grass is $ 8.  

Learn more about System of equations at


Please help with the answer!



Step-by-step explanation:

2.1 so a

You want to obtain a sample to estimate a population mean. Based on previous evidence, you believe the population standard deviation is approximately
. You would like to be 90% confident that your esimate is within 2 of the true population mean. How large of a sample size is required?


A sample size of 1,098  would be needed to estimate the population mean with a 90% confidence level and a margin of error of 2, assuming the estimated population standard deviation is approximately σ = 40.3.

How large of a sample size is required?

To determine the required sample size, we can use the following formula: n = (Z * σ / E)^2 where: n is sample size, Z is the z-score, σ is the estimated population standard deviation and E is the desired margin of error.

Note that 90% confidence corresponds to a z-score of 1.645.

Plugging in the given values, we get:

n = (1.645 * 40.3 / 2)^2

n = 33.14675^2

n = 1098.70703556

n ≈ 1,098.

Read more about sample size


find the general antiderivative of (((7/ (x^(1/3))) - 4 (x^2)^(1/3)


Answer:[tex]\frac{21}{2} x^{2/3} - \frac{12}{5}x^{\frac{5}{3} } + C[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\int {\frac{7}{x^{1/3} }-4x^{2/3} } \, dx \\\int {7x^{-1/3}} - 4x^{2/3}\, dx \\= 7*\frac{3}{2}x^{2/3} - 4*\frac{3}{5}x^{\frac{5}{3} } + C\\ =\frac{21}{2} x^{2/3} + \frac{12}{5}x^{\frac{5}{3} } + C\\\\\\ Assuming: (x^{2})^\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

Solve x/ 2 < 4. Graph the solution



The answer is x<8

Step-by-step explanation:



Wilson's Woodworking Shop produces wood chairs and sells them for $250. The company's weekly profit, (y), depends on the number of $1.50 price increases (x) for each chair. Use the graph below to answer the question.
What is the approximate number of price increases needed to cause zero profit?
A) 0
B) 40
C) 87
D) 97


The number of price increases that would be needed to cause zero profit as shown on the graph, is C) 87.

How to find the number of price increases ?

The point on the graph that would show the number of price increases necessary for the company to record zero profit would be the point on the x - axis where the line crosses the x-axis. This is because this would show the 0 profit mark.

This point on the graph is shown to be 87. This means that if the company increases the price of the wood chairs they sell, 87 times, they will experience zero profit.

Find out more on zero profit at


Evaluate the expression.
20.4 0.2
Write your answer as an integer or a decimal. Do not round.


After solving the given expression 2 - 0.4 ÷ 0.2 the resultant answer is an integer which is 0.

What is an integer?

Zero, a positive natural number, or a negative integer denoted by a minus sign are all examples of integers.

The inverse additives of the equivalent positive numbers are the negative numbers.

The boldface Z is a common mathematical symbol for the set of integers.

Numbers that are negative: -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, and so on indefinitely.

Non-negative integers include 0 and all whole numbers that are positive, such as 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and so forth.

Positive integers include 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and on indefinitely.

So, we have the expression:

= 2 - 0.4 ÷ 0.2

Now, evaluate using the BODMAS rule as follows:

= 2 - 0.4 ÷ 0.2

= 2 - 2

= 0

Therefore, after solving the given expression 2 - 0.4 ÷ 0.2 the resultant answer is an integer which is 0.

Know more about integers here:


Solve for X
Please show step by step

(X - 4)^2 = 25


Answer: x = -1 and x = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

Lets solve this equation step by step

1. Simplify both sides of the equation

x^2 - 8x + 16 = 25

2. Subtract 25 from both sides

x^2 - 8x + 16 - 25 = 25 - 25

3. Factor the left side of the equation

(x + 1) (x - 9) = 0

4. Set the factors equal to zero

x + 1 = 0 or x - 9 = 0

Thus your answers are x = -1 and x = 9

You can check by inputting the values into the original equation

(-1 - 4)^2 = 25 and (9 - 4)^2 = 25

A bowl contained 33.4 grams of salt. Then, Charlie poured in another 58.09 grams. How much salt does the bowl contain now?


To find the total amount of salt in the bowl after Charlie poured in more salt, we can add the amount of salt that was already in the bowl to the amount of salt that was poured in:

Total amount of salt = 33.4 grams + 58.09 grams

Total amount of salt = 91.49 grams

Therefore, the bowl now contains 91.49 grams of salt.

Select the point on the number line that best approximates the location of √14



To approximate the location of the square root of 14 on a number line, we can first find the two integers that √14 is between. We know that:

3^2 = 9 < 14 < 16 = 4^2

So √14 is between 3 and 4. We can divide the distance between 3 and 4 into equal parts and estimate the location of √14 based on where it falls in that interval.

Dividing the interval into 10 equal parts, we get:

3.0 - 3.1 - 3.2 - 3.3 - 3.4 - 3.5 - 3.6 - 3.7 - 3.8 - 3.9 - 4.0

Since √14 is closer to 3 than to 4, we can estimate its location as being closer to 3.4 than to 3.5. Therefore, a good approximation for the location of √14 on the number line is 3.7.

100 Points! Algebra question. Use the following quadratic function: f(x)=x^2-4x+4. Photo attached with the rest of the question. Thank you so much!!


A.y-intercept: 4

axis of symmetry: x=2

x-coordinate of the vertex: 2

B.x f(x)

  0   4

  1   1

  2   0

  3     1

  4   4

C. 5 |           .  

      |        .    

      |     .        

      |  .            


  0 |_____________

      0  1  2  3  4

What is intercept?

An intercept refers to the point(s) at which a curve or line intersects an axis. For example, the x-intercept is where the line crosses the x-axis, and the y-intercept is where it crosses the y-axis.

What is vertex?

A vertex is a point where two or more lines or curves meet. In the context of a parabolic curve, the vertex is the point at which the curve changes direction.

According to the given information:

A. The y-intercept occurs when x=0. Therefore, f(0) = 0² - 4(0) + 4 = 4. So the y-intercept is (0, 4).

The axis of symmetry can be found using the formula x = -b/(2a), where a and b are the coefficients of x² and x, respectively. In this case, a = 1 and b = -4, so x = -(-4)/(2*1) = 2. Therefore, the equation of the axis of symmetry is x = 2.

To find the vertex, we use the fact that the vertex occurs at the axis of symmetry. So when x=2, f(x) = 2² - 4(2) + 4 = -4. Therefore, the vertex is at (2, -4).

B. We can use the vertex to make a table of values:

x f(x)

0 4

1 1

2 0

3 1

4 4

C. We can use the table of values to plot the points and sketch the graph of the function. The graph of the function is a parabola that opens upward, since the coefficient of x² is positive.

  5 |           .  

      |        .    

      |     .        

      |  .            


  0 |_____________

      0  1  2  3  4

To now more about intercept and vertex visit:


A bag contains 3 red marbles, 6 blue marbles and 4 green marbles. If three marbles are drawn out of the bag, what is the probability, to the nearest 1000th, that all three marbles drawn will be blue?
please help




Step-by-step explanation:

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Chris purchased a new mattress for $1,399. He will need to pay $78 each month on his interest-free loan to pay off the total price of the mattress in 18
months. Separately, Chris sets aside $50 each month in a savings account, which currently shows a balance of $250.
Create an augmented matrix from a system of equations to help Chris determine when he can use monthly payments and savings to pay off the total
purchase price of the mattress,
Row 1
Row 2
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3


Rewriting the equations in matrix form, we get:

[1 78/1399 | 1]

[50 1 | 1149/1399]

What is square matrix?

A square matrix is a matrix that has the same number of rows and columns. That is, a matrix A is square if A has dimensions n x n, where n is a positive integer.

To create an augmented matrix, we need to represent the system of equations in matrix form. Let x be the number of months it will take Chris to pay off the total purchase price of the mattress using monthly payments and savings. Then the system of equations is:

1399/18 + 78x = 1399

50x + 250 = 1399

The first equation represents the fact that the total price of the mattress must be paid off in 18 months using monthly payments, and the second equation represents the fact that Chris sets aside $50 each month in savings to put towards the purchase.

Rewriting the equations in matrix form, we get:

[1 78/1399 | 1]

[50 1 | 1149/1399]

This is the augmented matrix for the system of equations, where the leftmost columns represent the coefficients of the variables (1 for x in the first equation, 50 for x in the second equation, and 78/1399 for the monthly payment in the first equation), and the rightmost column represents the constants on the right-hand side of each equation.

To learn more about square matrix from the given link:


      Column 1  Column 2  Column 3

Row 1--   50          -1               -250

Row 2--   78           1             1,399

I got it right on my test.

Your Welcome:)

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