please help me. Pleae​

Please Help Me. Pleae


Answer 1

Thus, the organs functioning of the nervous system regulates a variety of functions, including the capacity to move, breathe, observe, The nerve cell, or neuron, is the building block of the neurological system.

What role does the nervous system play?

The spinal cord, brain, plus an intricate web of neurons make up the nervous system. All information from every component of the body must be sent, received, and interpreted by this system. The nervous system controls and organises the operation of the internal organs and reacts to alterations in the environment outside the body.

What are the nervous system's two primary purposes?

Sensation and motor responses are both produced by the nervous system in response to information it receives about our environment. The nervous system can be broken down into sections that control movement (motor functions) and sensation (sensory functions).

To know more about organs visit:


Related Questions

Can someone help me really fast please? When you give the answer please elaborate don’t just put a few words


1. We eat to obtain the nutrients and energy our bodies need to function properly.

2. The types of food animals in the ocean eat depend on their species and location.

Why is eating important?

Nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provide energy, while vitamins and minerals support various bodily processes.

Some animals, like plankton and krill, feed on tiny plants and animals floating in the water. Others, like sharks and dolphins, hunt and eat larger fish and squid. Some ocean animals, like sea turtles, feed on both plants and animals, while others, like whales, consume primarily krill and other small organisms.

Find out more on ocean animals here:


Josie notices that it gets dark at night, but is light again every morning when she wakes up. What is actually happening
when it gets lighter in the mornings?


The sun rises in the morning

What information can the pharmacy technician enter at the pharmacy counter when a customer presents the prescription?


A pharmacist checks the medication's correctness before a pharmacist locates, dispenses, packs, and labels it for a patient. Assisting pharmacists with administrative responsibilities like filing paperwork, processing insurance claims, and keeping track of inventory is another possibility.

What specific details does the pharmacy technician write on the prescription label?The label contains details about the patient, the pharmacy, the prescribing doctor, the drug name, strength, form, quantity, directions, dispense date, expiration date, refills, drug description, and auxiliary information.Labeling: Must be professional and neatly applied to the container; must include the name, address, and phone number of the dispensing pharmacy; the prescription number; the names of the physician and the patient; and the date of the prescription.

For more information on pharmacy technician kindly visit to


Fast predators migrated to a rabbit inhabited area.

There is a mix of slow, medium, and fast rabbits.

Which of the following will be observed in the area years later?


Among the rabbits' predators are foxes, cats, dogs, birds of prey, and stoats. The typical top speed for rabbits is 30 mph. Due to their zigzag running pattern, certain hares may even reach high speeds of 45 mph.

What kind of defences do rabbits have against scavengers?

How do rabbits defend themselves against scavengers. The ability to run and hide is a rabbit's main line of protection. Rabbits may use their powerful hind legs, claws, and teeth to try to fend off predators or defend themselves when they are trapped.

The fastest type of rabbit is the jackrabbit, which has a top speed of 45 mph.

To know more about predators visit:


what roles might each layer of the atmosphere have



Troposphere - It is the layer just above the earth’s surface whose distance is between 0 - 10km. It contains most of the air and oxygen which is essential for all living organisms. This air is used for respiration and other functions for the survival of human beings. It also forms the weather conditions of the earth.

Stratosphere - The layer above the troposphere at a distance between 10 - 50km above the earth’s surface. It consists of the ozone layer which protects the earth from ultraviolet rays of the sun. 

Mesosphere - The layer above stratosphere at a distance between 50 - 80km above the earth’s surface. This layer is very cold and burns most of the meteors preventing them from reaching the earth’s surface.

Thermosphere - The layer above the mesosphere at a distance between 80 - 320km above the earth’s surface.

A sample of helium gas has a volume of 6.5 L at a pressure of 1.11 atm and a temperature of 25 °C. What is the pressure of the gas in atm when the volume and temperature of the gas sample are changed to 1850 mL and 325 K, respectively?

173.5 atm
4.25 atm
0.300 atm
0.235 atm


In typical conditions of 0°C - 1 atm 173.5 atm, a mole of just about any gas takes up 22.4 L.

What must proportion V of a helium-filled balloon weighing 5.0 kg be?

The balloon's volume has to reach least 31 m3 en order to hoist the weight. Although this is the least volume needed, it should be noted that a higher volume would offer a bigger margin of organism .

Why does one mole of gas take up 22.4 litres?

STP assumes a temperature of 273K and a pressure of 1atm. The volume of one mole of gas can be determined using the ideal gas equation. comprehensive step-by-step response One mole of typical particles at STP ($6.023 times 1023 dollars.

To know more about organism visit


Explain why rainforests are important to Western medicine.
Which of the three substances has the greatest porosity?
all are equal


Rainforests are important to Western medicine because they are home to a vast array of plant and animal species that have been used for centuries in traditional medicine by indigenous people. Many of these species contain compounds that have been found to have therapeutic properties and have been developed into drugs and treatments for various medical conditions, including cancer, malaria, and hypertension.

B. Sand typically has the greatest porosity, meaning it has the most open spaces or pores compared to gravel and silt. This allows water and air to move more easily through the substance.

20. Phylogenetic tree are used to help show which creatures are most closely related to each other. In the diagram below,
common ancestor. The line from the chicken and the line from the dinosaur connect, so they would have a common
the red dot shows the most common ancestor between a chimpanzee and a human. When two lines come together, there is a
ancestor. All the lines at the bottom connect, this would be the least common ancestor, but they are still related.
Human Chicken
Most recent common


Answer: a

Explanation: the explanation is

3.2.2 Quiz: Balancing Chemical Reactions
Question 1 of 10
Which statements are true about balancing chemical equations?
Check all that apply.
A. Balancing chemical equations does not involve trial and error.
B. Balancing chemical equations involves trial and error.
C. Atoms that are in only one of the reactants and only one of the
products should be done last.
D. Single atoms should be done last.


The correct responses are B. Balancing chemical equations involves trial and error and C. Atoms that are in only one of the reactants and only one of the products should be done last.

What is chemical equation?

A chemical reaction is symbolically depicted by a chemical equation. The equation displays the reactants, or the substances that undergo a chemical change, on the left side and the products, or the substances that are created as a result of the chemical change, on the right side.

It takes some trial and error to balance chemical equations since the reactants' and products' coefficients need to be changed to make sure that each element has the same amount of atoms on both sides of the equation.

Additionally, since altering their coefficients would only influence one side of the equation and may disturb the equilibrium of the other elements, atoms that are present in just one of the reactants and only one of the products should be handled last. In general, it is preferable to balance the most complicated molecules first, along with those that include many atoms of a single element, before moving on to the smaller molecules and single atoms.

To know more about chemical equation, visit:


Les fossiles temoigent :


"Les fossiles témoignent" is a French phrase that means "Fossils bear witness" or "Fossils testify" in English. Fossils are the preserved remains, traces, or impressions of prehistoric organisms that provide important evidence of the history of life on Earth. They can reveal information about the physical characteristics, behavior, and habitat of extinct species, as well as the geological processes that shaped the planet over millions of years. By studying fossils, scientists can reconstruct the evolutionary relationships between different species and track the changes that have occurred over time. Fossils are therefore a valuable source of information for understanding the history and diversity of life on Earth.

A population of rabbits in an area of Northem Florida was monitored to lear more about the biotic and abiotic factors that affect the population size. The
Rabbit Population Growth
graph shows data collected about the rabbit population size for 30 generations.
Based on the data on the right, what can be correctly stated about the rabbit


Any of these elements, including food, housing, breeding locations, predators, and others, may serve to restrict the population increase of rabbits or toads.

What is the name for a group of rabbits?

Large warrens typically indicate a large rabbit population. Despite being nocturnal by nature, rabbits will emerge during the day if they are not disturbed, particularly in the long summer days. Social groups can range in size from just one pair to as many as 30 rabbits sharing a warren.

What is a model for the increase of the rabbit population?

Population growth models. Imagine that a pair or rabbits only reproduces once a year, giving birth to an 8-rabbit litter. If each baby rabbit matures after a year and reproduces annually, the population spanning rabbits would increase to 5 million over a period of ten years.

To know more about predators visit:


Globalization makes new forms of consumption possible, but the effects of globalization on an individual’s lifestyle vary based on many factors including socioeconomic status. In what ways is globalization experienced differently by people from wealthy countries compared to people in developing countries? How are the producers of commodities like food or clothing affected differently by globalization than consumers? Anthropology


Globalization allows individuals in wealthy countries to have access to a wider variety of goods and services, while those in developing countries often experience exploitation and increased inequality.

Producers of commodities may experience increased competition and pressure to lower costs, while consumers benefit from lower prices and greater availability.

What is Globalization?

Globalization is experienced differently by people from wealthy countries compared to people in developing countries in several ways. Wealthy individuals have greater access to technology and information, which allows them to participate in global markets and consume goods and services from around the world. They also have greater mobility, allowing them to travel and experience different cultures. In contrast, people in developing countries may experience the negative effects of globalization, such as exploitation and displacement, as corporations seek to exploit cheap labor and resources in these countries.

The producers of commodities like food or clothing are affected differently by globalization than consumers. Globalization has led to increased competition among producers, which can drive down prices and reduce profit margins. This can lead to job losses and economic instability in producing countries. At the same time, globalization can also provide new markets for producers and access to new technologies and resources, which can improve efficiency and profitability. For consumers, globalization has led to greater choice and lower prices, but also concerns about the exploitation of workers and environmental degradation in producing countries. Overall, the effects of globalization are complex and varied, and depend on a range of social, economic, and political factors.

To know more about Globalization, visit:


Why does fragmented forest habitat increase the risk of predation on bird nests by cats, dogs, raccoons, and other animals? Responses Birds will prefer to make their nests at the edges of forest habitat. Birds are forced to build nests on the ground instead of in protected trees. Predators have an easier time spotting bird nests in fragmented habitat. Predators are more common at the edges of fragmented habitat.


The borders of fragmentation habitat are where predators are more prevalent.

What impact does deforestation have on bird breeding habits?

Bird populations are directly impacted by deforestation, mostly due to the destruction of their habitat. A bird's environment serves as its home, and deforestation robs them of their habitat. Many birds are unable to procreate when they are removed from their native habitat, which ultimately causes a reduction in their number.

What impact does deforestation have on animals and birds?

Due to the drastic changes it causes to vast areas of ecosystems and habitats, deforestation is one of the land uses that has the greatest impact on migrating birds. The effect of land usage on tropical forests may clearly be seen from above.

To know more about fragmentation visit:-


Select the one true statement.
1. Mitochondria direct cell activities by sending instructions to different parts of
a plant cell.
2. Chloroplasts break down sugar to release energy that a plant cell can use.
3. The cell wall makes a plant cell strong and rigid.


3. The cell wall makes a plant cell strong and rigid.

3. A mass spectrometer is used to get information from
(a) Plants
(c) Rocks
(b) Rubber
(d) Concrete​


Answer: Rocks


During DNA replication how is the leading strand built



B. Continuously, as nucleotides are added to the 3' end


The leading strand is synthesized by adding nucleotides to the 3' end of the growing strand, and the lagging strand is synthesized by adding nucleotides to the 5' end.

The lagging strand is synthesized continuously, whereas the leading strand is synthesized in short fragments that are ultimately stitched together.

Hope this helps!

Final answer:

The leading strand in DNA replication is synthesized continuously by DNA polymerase in the 5' to 3' direction from the origin of replication.


During DNA replication, the leading strand is built continuously in the 5' to 3' direction by DNA polymerase. DNA polymerase adds deoxyribonucleotide (dNTP) to the 3' end of the DNA. The replication begins at a specific point in the DNA molecule called the origin of replication. Here, the DNA helix is separated by the enzyme helicase, which forms a structure known as the replication fork. In this structure, on the leading strand, the DNA polymerase is moving in the same direction as the replication fork, allowing it to read the original DNA strand and synthesize the new strand continuously.

Learn more about DNA replication here:


Describe what happens to the number of antibodies produced by the body if HIV is left untreated around 120 months. What could explain this?


HIV infection left untreated lowers CD4+ T cell counts, weakening the immune system and lowering antibody production. It may also be more difficult to create efficient antibodies as a result of virus mutations.

What impact does HIV have on the generation of antibodies?

Helper T cells are specifically targeted by the HIV virus. Without enough Helper T cells, the immune system cannot direct B cells to produce antibodies or Cytotoxic T cells to destroy infected cells.

What transpires to the immune system over a prolonged HIV infection?

Over time, HIV weakens the immune system, making it more challenging for the body to fight against infections. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is brought on by HIV. Before turning into AIDS, HIV can persist in a person for a long time.

To know more about immune system visit:-


Which of the following did Mendel conclude about patterns of inheritance?
A) An organism inherits one gene in total
B) An organism inherits two genes of a given trait during gamete production
C) Similar forms of genes account for variation in the inherited traits.
D) An organism inherits one gene for each trait


The following Mendel concluded about patterns of inheritance : C) Similar forms of genes account for variation in the inherited traits.

What did Mendel conclude about patterns of inheritance?

Mendel concluded that inheritance is determined by discrete units called genes, which are passed down from parents to offspring in a predictable manner.

He observed that some traits are dominant over others, and that these dominant traits can mask the expression of recessive traits. Mendel also proposed the Law of Segregation, which states that during gamete formation, the two alleles of a gene separate from each other so that each gamete carries only one allele for each gene.

To know more about Mendel's experiment, refer





Describe the texture of the marrow from the beef bone.

Biology question


Answer: Bone Marrow texture best described as a Thick Beefy Butter

Explanation: Raw Bone Marrow will smell fresh and slightly sweet. When cooked, its aroma deepens considerably to that of roasted fatty beef.

Which of the following is a true statement?
A. Sister chromatids are held together by condensins.
B. Ligation and hydrogenation are the most common ways cells regulate the activity of a protein.
C. The first readily visible sign that a cell is about to enter the S phase is ubiquitylation of chromosomes.
D. In a typical somatic cell, interphase is the longest phase of the cell cycle.
E. The cell-cycle control system depends on cyclically activated carrier GTP molecules.



e the reason why because it's right

What distinction does the Isle de Jean Charles in Louisiana hold?
Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.
Answer choices

It will be the first U.S. community to receive climate refugees from New Orleans.

It is the first U.S. community to receive federal dollars to fund relocation.

It is the only U.S. community on the Gulf of Mexico to be gaining land.

It has escaped the hurricane damage that has devastated the rest of the Gulf coast.


It will be the first U.S. community to receive climate refugees from New Orleans distinction does the Isle de Jean Charles in Louisiana hold

Why is Isle de Jean Charles such a big deal?

It serves as the centre of our Tribe and its customs. It is where our ancestors found refuge after being uprooted by laws from the time of the Indian Removal Act, and it is where we developed what has turned into a distinctive aspect of Louisiana culture. The land that has provided for us for many centuries is disappearing right before our eyes right now.

Only a dozen of the tribe's almost 700 members were left residing on their eponymous island in 2022.

learn more about Louisiana culture


How do two alles for the same gene differ?



The alleles might be either dominant or recessive, and this is how they differ.


The information they carry is different.

Alleles are different versions of the same gene and thus have a different nucleotide sequence.

For example, one allele might carry the information for blue eye pigment, while the other carries the information for brown eye pigment.

You can express the relationship of wavelength and frequency with ratios. The wave on the left has a ratio of 1:4 wavelength to frequency. For every one wavelength, four seconds passed. What would the ratio be for two waves that traveled a total of 12 seconds?



Requency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other. The wave with the greatest frequency has the shortest wavelength.


Hope it helps

Evolution in the real world-

Please help with these questions (3&4)


Evolutive forces change allelic and genotypic frequencies in a population. 3) a- Redish egret population in the US were hunted to near extinction in the early 1900's and the majority of survivors were the dark-feathered morph. 4) a- Bottleneck effect, b- Gene flow, c- Founder effect, d- Natural selection.

What are the evolutive forces?

For a population or a species to evolve, it must be submitted to an evolutive force.

Evolutive forces are those that change a population's allelic and genotypic frequencies through generations. Otherwise, the population is in equilibrium.

These forces are,

Natural selectionGene flowGenetic drift (bottleneck-effect and founder effect)Mating systems (random or non-random)

Notice that mutations are not evolutive forces by themselves. They need to be selected by natural selection to cause a change at a population level. However, they are considered to influence evolution.

In the exposed example,

Dark-feathered Reddish egrets ⇒ USWhite-feathered Reddish egrets ⇒ Bahamas

3) a- Redish egret population in the US were hunted to near extinction in the early 1900's and the majority of survivors were the dark-feathered morph.

4) a- Bottleneck effect

   b- Gene flow

   c- Founder effect

   d- Natural selection

You can learn more about evolutive forces at


1,000 J of heat is added to 50 g of water. What is the change in temperature of the water?
options :
20° C


The change in temperature of the water is 4.78°C, which corresponds to option D.

What is the heat transfer equation?

The heat transfer equation may be written as Q = m c T, where Q is the amount of heat transmitted, m denotes mass, c denotes specific heat, and T denotes the temperature difference. Heat transfer is the process by which heat is transferred from a hot item to a cold object.

ΔT = Q / (m * c)

where T is the temperature change, Q is the heat contributed, m is the substance's mass, and c is its specific heat capacity.

Plugging in the given values, we get:

ΔT = (1000 J) / (50 g * 4.18 J/(g°C))

ΔT = 4.78°C

To know more about temperature visit:-


Name and explain the purpose of one law that protects citizens against Gender based violence


Answer:One law that protects citizens against Gender-Based Violence is the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in the United States. The purpose of this law is to provide comprehensive and coordinated responses to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. It aims to improve the criminal justice system's response to these crimes, enhance support and services for victims and survivors, and increase awareness and prevention efforts. VAWA also includes provisions that specifically address the needs of marginalized and underserved populations, such as Native American and immigrant women, and prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation. Overall, VAWA seeks to promote gender equality, safety, and justice for all individuals affected by gender-based violence.


what is the two examples of metabolism?


Two examples of metabolism are catabolism and anabolism.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism refers to the chemical processes that occur within a living organism to maintain life. These processes involve the conversion of nutrients and other substances into energy and other molecules that are necessary for the growth, repair, and maintenance of cells and tissues.

It can be divided into two main categories:

Catabolism: It refers to the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler molecules, releasing energy in the process. For example, the breakdown of glucose to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in cellular respiration is a catabolic reaction.Anabolism: It refers to the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler molecules, consuming energy in the process. For example, the synthesis of proteins from amino acids in the body is an anabolic reaction.

Metabolism is essential for life as it provides the necessary energy and molecules for cellular functions such as growth, repair, and reproduction. The rate of metabolism can be influenced by various factors such as age, sex, diet, exercise, and genetics.

Therefore, two examples of metabolism are catabolism and anabolism.

To know more about catabolism, visit:


Complete question is: Two examples of metabolism are catabolism and anabolism.

As a consequence of climate change, which one of the following causes the contamination of existing water sources?
Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.
Answer choices

lower crop yields

continued loss of snowpack or sea ice

more prevalent storms and flooding

increased spread of tropical diseases


Answer: I would say storms and flooding.

Explanation: Storms and floods could carry debris into clean water sources and contaminate them.

I need help ASAP
For this assignment, you will be writing an abstract of a scientific paper. Can someone please summarize this section the picture that I posted in under 250 words

An abstract is a short, concise summary of a scientific study or literature review.

Be sure you summarize each section of the research paper in your abstract.

Keep your abstract under 250 words

Be concise!


A research paper's or a thesis's complete body is succinctly summarised in an abstract. It is not an extract; it is an original piece. Without additional citation to outside sources or to the original article, an abstract must be totally self-contained and make sense on its own.

What is a scientific study's abstract?

It must provide the intended message as it is a succinct summary of the essay. It provides a brief summary of the entire article, conveys its main points, and reveals if it lives up to the reader's expectations. Academic assignments and research papers often include abstracts as important components.

An abstract is one sort of summary, but there are other places in academic writing where summaries are written.

learn more about abstract


How are folding and faulting similar? How are they different?


Folding and faulting are similar in that they both involve the deformation of rock layers in response to stress and difference between folding and faulting is the nature of the deformation.

How are folding and faulting similar and different?

Folding and faulting are the two processes that occur in the Earth's crust due to tectonic forces. They are similar in that they both involve deformation of rock layers in response to stress, and they can both result in the formation of mountains and other topographic features.

The main difference between folding and faulting is the nature of  deformation. Folding occurs when rock layers are bent or curved without breaking. This can result in the formation of large-scale folds, such as synclines and anticlines, which are characterized by downward and upward curves, respectively.

To know more about Earth's crust, refer


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A stock has a required return of 13%; the risk-free rate is 6.5%; and the market risk premium is 5%. What is the stock's beta? Round your answer to two decimal places. If the market risk premium increased to 8%, what would happen to the stock's required rate of return? Assume that the risk-free rate and the beta remain unchanged. If the stock's beta is less than 1.0, then the change in required rate of return will be greater than the change in the market risk premium. If the stock's beta is greater than 1.0, then the change in required rate of return will be less than the change in the market risk premium. If the stock's beta is equal to 1.0, then the change in required rate of return will be greater than the change in the market risk premium. If the stock's beta is equal to 1.0, then the change in required rate of return will be less than the change in the market risk premium. If the stock's beta is greater than 1.0, then the change in required rate of return will be greater than the change in the market risk premium. New stock's required rate of return will be _____ %. Round your answer to two decimal places. A cone with a radius of 4 inches and a slant height of 10 inches is shown.What is the surface area of the cone, in square inches?62.8125.7150.8O 175.94 in.10 in. What is the percentage? please help the nurse is providing discharge education to a 30-year-old woman who has undergone a biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. what guidelines should the nurse provide to the client? select all that apply. the ________ is a special type of corporation where profits are distributed to stockholders and taxed as personal income. X-y=-3 ordered pairs Bill Spends time each evening watching television. This amount of time, in minutes, can be represented by the variable t. Write and algebraic expression to represent the time Bill's friend Jill spends watching television if she watched 30 in more an evening that Bill. what is the main advantage of the microkernel approach to system design? how do user programs and system services interact in a microkernel architecture? what are the disadvantages of using the microkernel approach? a company would like to invest in a capital budget project. in 40 years, the project will be worth $500,000 in today's dollars. how much should this company invest today, assuming an average inflation rate of 2% and a 10% annual return? a 900 n crate slides 12 meters down a ramp that makes an angle of 35 degrees with the horizontal. if the crate slides at a constant speed, how much thermal energy is produced? that is, how much negative work does force of friction do? give your answer in kilojoules. if only 11.00g SnF2 were produced calculate percent yield Fascism was a 20th-century form of dictatorship that tried to create a successful society by giving the dictator strict control of everything, including individual lives. People who opposed the dictator were jailed or killed. It flourished between 1919 and 1945 in several countries, mainly Italy, Germany, Spain, and Japan. Among the factors contributing to the rise of fascism in Europe were the economic dislocation following World War I (1914-1918), the threat of communism arising from the Russian Revolution of 1917, and the Great Depression of the 1930s.Which of the following is one of the reasons that people in some countries supported dictators in the early 1900s? A. Dictators promised to listen to the opinions of all people. B. Economic problems forced people to turn to a strong leader. C. People thought they would have less economic security. D. People thought they would have more personal freedom. a tax designed to reduce the disparities in wealth between the rich and poor is called a(n) Answer questions to a,b,c, loop and d Your company currently sells 11 million bike tires each year at a price of $18 per tire. It is about to introduce a new tire, and it forecasts annual sales of 18 million of these improved tires at a price of $24 each. However, demand for the old tire will decrease, and sales of the old tire are expected to fall to 4 million per year (note, this says "fall TO 4 million per year," not "fall BY."). The old tire costs $5 each to manufacture, and the new ones will cost $8 each to make. What is the proper annual cash flow to use to evaluate the present value of the introduction of the new tire? (Hint: Realized cash inflows from new tire sales minus unrealized cash inflows from old tire sales.) You may ignore any effect from taxes (or assume the corporate tax rate is 0). Answer in $MILLION but without the dollar sign (e.g., "10.2" means $10.2 million dollars)