2. Who has the ability to declare war? 3. What does it mean to impeach? 4. How does impeachment work?​


Answer 1


2. The legislative branch has the ability to declare war

3. To impeach means to charge someone (typically a government official) with misconduct (for ex. a serious crime, bribery, treason, or corruption) potentially having them being removed from office

4) The House of Representatives charge the federal government by approving, through a simple majority vote, articles of impeachment; subsequently goes to the senate where a trial takes place to determine whether the official will get impeached or not. If ruled by a two-thirds majority, the official is then impeached and removed from office

Related Questions

Why did Italy resent foreign powers after the Treaty of Versailles?



Italy was one of the Allied powers during World War I, and had expected to receive significant territorial gains and other benefits as a result of its participation in the war. However, the Treaty of Versailles, which ended the war, did not fully satisfy Italy's demands and left the country feeling resentful towards the other Allied powers.

Specifically, Italy had hoped to gain territory in the Balkans and along the Adriatic coast, in order to create a "greater Italy" that would include ethnic Italian populations in these areas. However, the treaty did not grant Italy all of the territory that it had hoped for, and instead awarded many of these areas to other countries, such as Yugoslavia.

Additionally, Italy had expected to receive significant economic benefits from the war, including access to raw materials and trade opportunities. However, the treaty did not provide Italy with the economic advantages that it had hoped for, and instead imposed significant financial burdens on the country.

Overall, the Treaty of Versailles left Italy feeling resentful towards the other Allied powers, as it felt that its contributions to the war had not been fully recognized or rewarded. This resentment contributed to the rise of nationalist and fascist movements in Italy, such as the National Fascist Party led by Benito Mussolini, who promised to restore Italian pride and greatness through aggressive expansionism and militarism.

Expain the motives of the United States acquisition of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines after the Spanish-American war




Although the United States promised it would not annex Cuba after victory, it did require Cuba to permit significant American intervention in Cuban affairs. As a result of the war, the United States acquired Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines as territories.

in the 1800s, every mill town had daredevils who developed their own survival techniques to entertain and amaze crowds. these daredevils were known as


stunt performers or thrill-seekers who were skilled in performing dangerous stunts and tricks. They often developed unique techniques.

Strategies to ensure their safety while performing, such as perfecting their balance, agility, and timing. These daredevils would often perform death-defying acts, such as tightrope walking, fire breathing, and acrobatics, to entertain and amaze crowds. Their performances were often highly anticipated events and drew large crowds to the mill towns where they were held. In the 1800s, every mill town had daredevils who developed their own survival techniques to entertain and amaze crowds. These daredevils were known as "stunt performers" or "acrobats."

To know more about Developed refer :


List at least five actions taken by residents of internment camps to create a community and to live as
normally as possible.


creating schools, organizing boy scouts troops, building sports leagues, playing games, creating art or theater productions, and creating court systems !!!

what terms of the treaty of versailles caused economic collapse and political problems for weimar germany


The Treaty of Versailles, which was imposed on Germany after World War I, contained several terms that contributed to economic collapse and political problems for the Weimar Republic (the government of Germany from 1919 to 1933).

Some of the key terms that had detrimental effects on Weimar Germany were: War Reparations: Germany was required to pay heavy war reparations to the Allied Powers as compensation for the damages caused during World War I. The exact amount was later determined by the Reparations Commission and was set at a staggering 132 billion gold marks. This immense financial burden severely strained Germany's economy, leading to hyperinflation, a devalued currency, and a deep economic recession.

Territorial Losses: Germany was forced to cede significant territories to neighboring countries, including Alsace-Lorraine to France, West Prussia and Posen to Poland, and parts of Schleswig to Denmark. These territorial losses not only diminished Germany's size and resources but also led to the displacement of millions of German-speaking people, resulting in social and political unrest within Germany.

Disarmament: The Treaty of Versailles imposed strict limitations on Germany's military capabilities, including a reduction of its army, navy, and air force. This significantly weakened Germany's military power and national pride, and was seen as a humiliation by many Germans, fueling resentment and nationalist sentiments.

To learn more about Treaty of Versailles, visit here


There were several terms of the Treaty of Versailles that caused economic collapse and political problems for Weimar Germany. Firstly, Germany was forced to pay large reparations to the Allied powers, which placed a heavy burden on the country's already struggling economy.

The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, imposed several economic and political terms that led to economic collapse and political problems for Weimar Germany.

Key terms include:

1. Economic:
- Reparations: Germany was required to pay huge sums in war reparations to the Allies, amounting to 132 billion gold marks (approx. $33 billion).
- Loss of territories and resources: Germany lost valuable industrial regions such as Alsace-Lorraine and the Saarland, which weakened its economy and reduced access to coal and steel.

2. Political:
- War guilt clause (Article 231): Germany had to accept full responsibility for the war, leading to national humiliation and resentment towards the Weimar government.
- Military restrictions: Germany's military was significantly reduced, limiting its capacity to defend itself or assert power in international politics.

These terms caused hyperinflation, unemployment, and a struggling economy in Weimar Germany, while also fostering political instability and dissatisfaction, eventually paving the way for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Additionally, the treaty imposed strict limits on Germany's military and restricted its ability to defend itself. This made Germany vulnerable to external threats and undermined its political stability.

Finally, the treaty's "War Guilt" clause placed sole responsibility for the war on Germany, which led to widespread resentment and humiliation among the German people.

These economic and political issues contributed to the rise of extremist political movements, such as the Nazis, and ultimately led to the collapse of the Weimar Republic.

Visit here to learn more about Treaty of Versailles:


How can I explain Alien Acts?


These statutes increased the citizenship eligibility age from 5 to 14, gave the president the power to expel "aliens," and allowed for their detention, arrest, and deportation during times of war.

What is meant by Alien Acts?Four statutes known as the "Alien and Sedition Acts" were passed in 1798 and imposed limitations on speech and immigration in the country. Four laws—collectively known as the Alien and Sedition Acts—were as a result passed by a Federalist-controlled Congress. These statutes increased the citizenship eligibility age from 5 to 14, gave the president the power to expel "aliens," and allowed for their detention, arrest, and deportation during times of war.In the case of conflict, the government was authorised by the Alien Enemies Act to detain and deport all male citizens of a hostile country. And even during times of peace, the Alien Friends Act gave the president the authority to remove any noncitizen suspected of plotting against the country.

To learn ore about Alien Acts, refer to:

Please Help With This


No se ve nada, en la foto, tómala mejor

What was the primary purpose of the "cash and carry" policy, the Lend-Lease Act, and other similar policies?


Answer: to permit the government to sell military supplies to France and Britain on a cash-and-carry basis in other words, they could pay cash for American made supplies and then transport them on their own ships.

Explanation: Provided that the president could ship weapons, food, or equipment to any country whose struggle against the Axis assisted U.S. defense. :)

Why would a war between Mexico and the United States matter to Germany?


A war between Mexico and the United States could potentially matter to Germany for several reasons, including:

Economic InterestsGeopolitical Implications

Impacts of war between Mexico and the United States to Germany

Economic Interests: Germany has strong economic ties with both Mexico and the United States. A war between these two countries could disrupt trade and investment flows, which could impact German businesses that operate in both countries. Germany is also a major exporter to both countries and any disruption to trade could have negative consequences for the German economy.

Geopolitical Implications: A war between Mexico and the United States could have wider geopolitical implications, particularly if other countries become involved. This could impact Germany's relations with these countries and potentially have wider regional implications.

Security Concerns: Germany is a member of NATO and has a strong interest in maintaining global security and stability. A war between Mexico and the United States could have wider implications for global security and could impact Germany's ability to fulfill its security obligations.

Learn more about war at


4. ASKING QUESTIONS What questions might historians need to
ask to determine whether Aesop was a real, individual writer?


Even though Aesop probably never existed, it is helpful in understanding how the ancient Greeks thought about the fables to understand who Aesop was thought to have been, and how he was thought to have lived his life. We can reasonably assume that the “life story” of the inventor of the fables developed along the lines that would have been found most compatible with what the Greeks thought the fables were. Therefore, by learning what the Greeks thought about the author of the fables, we can expect to learn something about what they thought about the fables themselves.

So, who was Aesop to the ancient Greeks? We know that Aesop was widely known in the ancient Greek world. We find references to him and his life in Herodotus, Plato, Aristotle, and Aristophanes, and while those references may not be historically accurate, they do show that the audiences for the works of these four men (a historian, two philosophers, and a comic playwright), which would have included citizens from a wide range of social classes, knew who Aesop was and could be expected to respond to references to him in predictable ways. It also shows that he was well known and important enough for these authors to decide that he was worth including in their writings in the first place, and this can only be because his life and fables were believed to be useful cultural material and worthy of attention.

Setting aside the references mentioned above, an extended account of Aesop’s life can be found in the pseudo-biographical Life of Aesop, which is believed to have been written in roughly the 2nd cn. C.E., although much of it is a compilation of older stories that were part of oral tradition (for example, the Life of Ahiqar). The details of his life, although they may be entirely fictional, are important because while today we tend to draw sharp distinctions between how a philosopher does their job and how they live their life, in ancient Greece and Rome this was much less the case. The philosopher was expected to live their life according to their principles, and accordingly what one did (or was believed to have done) had a real impact on how their philosophy was received. Therefore, Aesop’s life can be seen as an embodiment of the principles he lives by, and vice versa: we can learn about fables through the ”biography” of the person who wrote them, whether or not Aesop ever actually existed. Rather than analyzing the entire text in detail, this article will offer a short summary, and then look in more detail at four especially salient aspects of his life. First, he was said to have begun his life as a slave; second, he is said to have been extremely ugly—as though he were not entirely human; third, he begins his life unable to speak; and, finally, his rise from slavery to greatness also leads to his destruction. As we will see, each of these qualities mark him as being on the boundary between human beings and the other animals that feature so prominently in Aesop’s fables.

use the suffrage in a sentence about texan woman in the late 1800s



Suffrage was a major issue for Texan women in the late 1800s, as they fought for the right to vote and participate in the democratic process on equal footing with men.

What is the result of the requirement that Congressmembers must be inhabitants of the
state they represent? What costs and benefits does this rule carry, in terms of the issues that
Edmund Burke raised regarding delegation versus trusteeship on behalf of elected



This model was formulated by Edmund Burke (1729–1797), an Irish MP and philosopher, who opposed the delegate model of representation. In the trustee model, Burke argued that his behavior in Parliament should be informed by his knowledge and experience, allowing him to serve the public interest.


Ancient Greece is thought by many to be the origin of civilization as we know it today. It was a society shaped by the people's belief in many mythological gods to whom they turned for guidance and protection.

Read Lawrence Ferlinghetti's poem To the Oracle at Delphi here.

Reflect on its meaning and then answer these questions: Why do you think Ferlinghetti chose to present the poem as an appeal to an ancient Greek figure? How does the poem connect with the Beat movement of which Ferlinghetti was a part? Free write for five minutes (That is, write whatever comes to mind without stopping to censor your thoughts.) on these questions.


Ancient Greece is cited by Ferlinghetti as the foundation of civilisation upon which America as a nation and a society were based in To the Oracle at Delphi.

What was Ancient Greece thought?He looks to a figure known as the Oracle who is said to offer good counsel, something he believes America needs. He addresses the Oracle as a witness to what has transpired in either the original America or the America that sprang from Europe. (Europa). It is the disadvantaged America, where their voices are frequently ignored. It is a larger society, but it is not a superior or superior society. We have money and technology, but we don't have any art that inspires us to feel, especially for one another. Instead of slowly slipping towards plutocracy, where the wealthy would reign over the rest of us, he asks for advice on how to decrease inequality and preserve our democracy. American society can be revived or preserved with "new dreams to dream" and "new myths to live by."

To learn more about Ancient Greece, refre to:

masaccio's the tribute money, a scene of jesus and his disciples painted in the 1420s, is notable for its pioneering use of what technique or subject?


Masaccio's "The Tribute Money," painted in the 1420s, is notable for its pioneering use of linear perspective, which creates depth and realism in the scene depicting Jesus and his disciples.

"The Tribute Money" is notable for its pioneering use of linear perspective. This technique gives the illusion of depth and creates a sense of realism in the painting. The subject matter of the painting is also notable, as it depicts a scene from the Bible in which Jesus and his disciples pay tribute to the tax collector.

Learn more about Tribute Money here:


Masaccio's "The Tribute Money" is notable for its pioneering use of linear perspective, a technique that creates the illusion of depth and three-dimensionality on a two-dimensional surface.

This technique allowed Masaccio to create a sense of space and depth within the painting, making it appear as if the figures were occupying a real space rather than a flat surface. Additionally, the subject matter of the painting, depicting Jesus and his disciples in a scene from the Gospel of Matthew, is notable for its realism and naturalism.

Masaccio's use of light and shadow and attention to detail in the figures' facial expressions and clothing further contribute to the sense of realism in the painting. Overall, "The Tribute Money" is a significant example of the early Renaissance's focus on the use of perspective and realism in art.

For more question on pioneering


The Europeans began to colonize areas rich in resources such as rubber and petroleum after
. Factories transformed such raw materials into finished goods, but they needed
to sell these finished goods.



Answer: 1. (B) The Industrial Revolution

2. (A) New Markets


The Industrial Revolution which began in the United Kingdom was a period in the latter half of the 18th century where urbanization developed at a rapid pace in Europe and America. Goods were being mass produced thanks to new technologies that easily transformed raw materials into finished goods.

New Markets

Having started mass producing goods, the European countries needed a new avenue to dispose of these goods for a profit.

For these 2 reasons countries (not an exhaustive list) were colonised especially in Africa and Asia which had both massive resources and populations to cater for these new needs.


Henry David thoreaus book walden led people to focous on


Thoreau's straightforward life experiment. He lived in a hut on Walden Pond for two years, and the experience encouraged many individuals to lead straightforward, independent lives.

What did Henry David Thoreau focus on?

Thoreau offers distinctive contributions to ontology, the philosophy of science, and radical political thinking in addition to his emphasis on ethics in an existential sense.

It is important to consider our principles before sacrificing our entire lives for meaningless respect because if we spend our entire lives pursuing the past, we are likely to not live a life that is meaningful.

During his stay in Walden, the narrator learned that no one needed to accept a dull, drudgery-filled existence and that no one needed to be "so occupied with the factitious cares and superfluously coarse labours of life that its finer fruits cannot be plucked." All men may, the narrator discovered, firmly hope for a better life.

Learn more about David Thoreau:


What factors influence how an individual defines his or her universe of obligation?

In what ways might an individual show others who is part of his or her universe of

obligation and who is not?


The individual's universe of obligation is influenced by a variety of factors, including culture, upbringing, religion, social class, gender, and life experiences.

Depending on the individual, family members, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and members of their community may be included in this universe. An individual might demonstrate which individuals are part of their universe of obligation by displaying care and concern for them, treating them with respect, and showing them kindness.

Additionally, an individual might demonstrate who is not part of their universe of obligation by displaying a lack of care, respect, and kindness towards them. Ultimately, an individual's universe of obligation is a personal choice that is influenced by a variety of factors, and individuals can demonstrate who is part of their universe by the way they treat others.

To know more about religion, click here:


what most distinguished roger williams and the rhode island colony from the massachusetts bay colony?


Roger Williams and the Rhode Island colony were most distinguished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony by their emphasis on religious freedom and separation of church and state.

Roger Williams was an English-born New England Puritan minister, theologian, and author who founded Providence Plantations, which became the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations and later the U.S. State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, now the State of Rhode Island. He was a staunch advocate for religious freedom, separation of church and state, and fair dealings with Native Americans. Williams was expelled by the Puritan leaders from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and established Providence Plantations in 1636 as a refuge offering what he termed "liberty of conscience". In 1638, he founded the First Baptist Church in America, in Providence.[3][4] Williams studied the indigenous languages of New England and published the first book-length study of a native North American language in English.

Learn more about theologian here:


Put the following in order: Shiloh, Gettysburg, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Vicksburg, Fort Sumter, Ironclads, Election of 1860, 1st Battle of Bull Run, 2nd Battle of bull run.



The Election of 1860 occurred in November of 1860.The attack on Fort Sumter began on April 12, 1861, marking the start of the Civil War.The First Battle of Bull Run took place on July 21, 1861.The Battle of the Ironclads (USS Monitor vs. CSS Virginia) occurred on March 9, 1862.The Battle of Shiloh took place on April 6-7, 1862.The Battle of Antietam took place on September 17, 1862.The Battle of Fredericksburg occurred on December 11-15, 1862.The Second Battle of Bull Run took place on August 28-30, 1862.The Siege of Vicksburg took place from May 18 to July 4, 1863.The Battle of Gettysburg occurred from July 1-3, 1863.

Hope this helps!

Which of the following is NOT true of maroon communities?

Group of answer choices

One Venezuelan maroon community ran a successful shipping company

Maroon communities were always violent and short on food and essential supplies.

Some maroon communities traded with European colonies.

Maroon communities combined African and Native Ameirican forms of government, religion, and agriculture.


The statement " Maroon communities were always violent and short on food and essential supplies." is not true of maroon communities.

The settlements of descendants of enslaved Africans are regarded as Maroon communities. They escaped captivity and established their own societies in the Americas. The formation of these communities dates back to the period when Africans were tortured and forced to work on plantation in America during the period of the transatlantic slave trade.

The Maroons escaped to the areas where their captors would not be able to have access to them, for instance, dense forests, swamps, and mountains. And in these places, they practiced their own cultural norms and values.

To know more about, Maroon communities, visit :

Answer: Maroon companies were always violent and short on food and essential supplies

Explanation: I took the test, and this is the correct answer :)

1. Which previous U.S. president encouraged leaders to pursue an isolationist policy?
O Thomas Jefferson
O John Adams
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln


George Washington


Genetically speaking ____ does not exist


There is no such thing as genetically inherited variety.  Due to their lack of genetic control, traits like religion or spoken language have a heritability of zero.

What kinds of qualities have genetic roots?

Through their genes, parents transmit to their offspring traits or qualities like eye colour and blood type. Additionally, some illnesses and ailments can be genetically handed down. Dietary deficiencies including a lack of iron, vitamin B12, or folic acid in the diet can result in anaemia.

What types of genetic variations exist in people?

Genetic variants that can arise in the human population include those that affect a person's skin tone, hair color, dimples, freckles, and blood type, to name a few. The three main categories of genetic illnesses are single-gene, chromosomal, and multifactorial.

To know more about genetic control visit :-


What was the main goal of Japanese modernization?



The main goal of Japanese modernization, which began in the late 19th century and continued into the early 20th century, was to transform Japan into a modern industrialized nation that could compete with the Western powers. This process was known as the Meiji Restoration and was driven by a desire to strengthen Japan's military and economic power, as well as to modernize its political, social, and cultural systems.

To achieve this goal, the Japanese government launched a series of reforms that aimed to modernize and Westernize various aspects of Japanese society. These reforms included the establishment of a modern education system, the adoption of Western legal and political systems, the promotion of industrialization and modern technology, and the modernization of the military.

Through these reforms, Japan was able to rapidly develop into a major world power, with a strong economy, a modern military, and a highly educated population. The modernization of Japan also had significant cultural and social impacts, as traditional Japanese values and practices were challenged and transformed by Western ideas and practices.

Overall, the main goal of Japanese modernization was to transform Japan into a modern industrialized nation that could compete with the Western powers and establish itself as a major world power.

"The main goal of Japanese modernisation was", is to end Japanese Monarchy and introduce Democracy in Japan. And to provide compulsory education to inculcate technical skills required in building new nation and teaching the value of Japanese citizenshp and being a part of its rich Culture.

America lost more men in the Civil War than in any other war in its history. The war had other impacts on the North and South. Choose THREE statements that detail effects of this war on the South.

A The economy became more industrialized as a result of production of war goods.
B Racial tensions between former slaves and white people grew in the South.
C Many people were left poor, with their properties and farms destroyed by the war.
D The South's economy got stronger as more jobs became available there after the war.
E Federal military troops occupied the South for much of the decade after the war.


Answer: Todas menos la B porque los federales querian abolir la esclavitud y pues tensiones entre los salvadores y los salvados, como que no tiene sentido


I think the answers are B, C, and E.

In what way was the coatlicue counter to things that 18th century Christians believed?​


Coatlicue was an important deity in Aztec mythology, often depicted as goddess of fertility, life, and death.

What is mythology?

Mythology refers to a collection of stories, beliefs, and legends that are often used to explain natural phenomena, cultural customs, and religious practices. These stories typically involve supernatural or divine beings, such as gods, goddesses, heroes, and monsters, and are often set in a distant past. Myths are an integral part of many cultures, and they can provide insight into the values, beliefs, and worldviews of the people who created them. While some myths may be based on historical events, many are purely fictional and were created as a way to entertain, educate, or inspire. Mythology has played a significant role in shaping human societies, influencing everything from art and literature to politics and religion.

To learn more about mythology, visit:


Assess the roles of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), James Farmer, and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in shaping the civil rights movement.


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was a major force in the civil rights movement. Founded in 1909, the NAACP was one of the first organizations to confront racial injustice and fight for equal rights.

What is organizations?

Organizations are groups or associations of people who work together to achieve a common purpose or goal. They are formal institutions that are structured, governed and managed by individuals, typically with the goal of providing a service or achieving a specific outcome. Organizations vary in size, scope and purpose, ranging from small businesses to large corporations, government entities, charities and non-profits.

Its strategy was to use the courts to challenge racial discrimination and segregation. The organization also sought to influence public opinion by organizing marches, boycotts, and other forms of protest. Through its powerful legal team, the NAACP won a number of landmark cases, which paved the way for the desegregation of public institutions and the dismantling of Jim Crow laws.

To learn more about organizations

of the utopian movements listed on the map below, which was most successful, judging from the number of communities planted?


The most successful utopian movement in terms of number of communities planted was likely the Shaker movement.

What was the Shaker movement?

The Shaker movement was a Christian religious sect that originated in the late 18th century in England and quickly spread to the United States. The Shakers believed in communal living, celibacy, and simplicity, and they were known for their ecstatic worship services, including singing and dancing. They also believed in gender equality and allowed women to take leadership roles within their communities. The Shaker communities were known for their innovative farming practices, furniture design, and other crafts. However, the Shaker movement declined in the late 19th century due to factors such as changing social norms and the adoption of birth control, which made it difficult for them to maintain their celibate way of life. Today, there are only a few remaining Shakers, and their communities are primarily focused on preserving their cultural heritage and history.

To learn more about Shaker movement, visit:


how did the international criminal court deal with the genocide and ethnic cleansing in the former yugoslavia?


The conflict in the former Yugoslavia predated the establishment of the ICC, and so the crimes committed during the war were dealt with by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

The ICTY was established by the United Nations Security Council in 1993, & its mandate was to investigate & prosecute individuals responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide committed during the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia.

The ICTY indicted more than 160 individuals, including political & military leaders, for their role in the atrocities committed during the conflict.

The ICTY played an essential role in bringing justice to the victims of the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia.

Its prosecutions sent a message that individuals who commit war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide will be held accountable for their actions, regardless of their position of power or the political context in which the crimes were committed.

To know more about  Yugoslavia-


The International Criminal Court (ICC) dealt with the genocide and ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia by establishing the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in 1993.

The ICTY was created to prosecute individuals responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide committed during the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia.

The ICTY indicted and prosecuted several high-profile individuals, including former Serbian President Slobodan Milošević, who was charged with crimes against humanity and genocide. The tribunal also prosecuted other key figures, including Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić, who were both found guilty of genocide and other crimes related to the Srebrenica massacre in 1995.

The ICTY was the first international tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide since the Nuremberg trials after World War II. Its work has been praised for bringing justice to victims and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. However, some critics have argued that the tribunal was slow to act and that its prosecutions were not comprehensive enough. Nevertheless, the ICC's handling of the genocide and ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia serves as an important example of international justice and accountability for war crimes.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) played a crucial role in addressing the genocide and ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia.

The ICC's predecessor, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), was established in 1993 by the United Nations Security Council to prosecute individuals responsible for war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity during the Yugoslav Wars (1991-2001). The ICTY investigated and brought charges against key figures, leading to convictions and sentences for major perpetrators. This demonstrated the importance of international law and accountability in addressing such heinous crimes.

Visit here to learn more about International Criminal Court


The policy of Containment led the United States to become involved in several conflicts throughout the world. Which even listed below was NOT a result of the U.S. Policy of Containment?

Creation of Israel and Palestine

The Korean Conflict

Vietnam War

The Bay of Pigs


Answer:the answer is Israel and Palestina

In case of Israel it became independent when the British left in 1948

in the middle of the 17th century, england was embroiled in a civil war between:


England in the middle of the 17th century was in the midst of a civil war between the Royalists, also known as the Cavaliers, and the Parliamentarians, commonly known as the Roundheads.

The Royalists were supporters of the King and the absolute monarchy, while the Parliamentarians advocated for the rule of Parliament and a constitutional monarchy. The Royalists were predominantly members of the old nobility and the gentry, while the Parliamentarians were supported by the emerging merchant and trading classes.

The civil war was sparked by the attempt of King Charles I to raise taxes without parliamentary consent in order to fund an unpopular war against Scotland. This precipitated a series of events that eventually led to the outbreak of civil war in 1642. Over the course of the civil war, there were several major battles fought and a series of political and military maneuvers which eventually resulted in the victory of the Parliamentarians in 1646.

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a^2-b when a=8 and b=7 How did farmers in New England respond to the Industrial Revolution? kimi is giving a speech on why people should adopt an organic diet. she knows that some of her listeners will probably question why organic is necessary when they were raised on non-organic food, so she makes sure to include some statistics that demonstrate the harmful effects of chemical pesticides and fertilizers on humans and the environment. by anticipating this objection and providing an answer, kimi is multiple choice question. giving a persuasive speech on a question of policy. making her persuasive goals reasonable. thinking of her persuasive speech as a mental dialogue with the audience. unethically skewing her argument in the direction that suits her purposes. when a collection of honeypots connects several honeypot systems on a subnet, it may be called a(n) . Which of the following are potential threats to internal validity? (Select all that apply.)a. Environmentb. Historyc. Mortalityd. Maturation the nurse plans care for an older client who does not possess formal operational thinking. what care will this client need? select all that apply. Commercial Pet Food Label Study Guide/review1. The principal display panel contains what information?2. What information is required on the information panel?3. What are the requirements for the following terms on a label? (Write the % and what ismeans.)a. Name of a food or ingredient is main part of product name:b. Descriptive (Modifiers) words such as dinner, entre, formula, etc:C."With":d. "Flavor":4. How long can a "burst" or "flag" be on a label?6 Monts of Production5. What information is required to be on a guaranteed analysis?6. How must ingredients be listed on a label?7. What are two things that must be within the "Statement of Nutritional Adequacy?"8. List two ways to show compliance on an AAFCO statement.9. What are the minimum requirements for feeding directions?10. What are the feeding directions for a therapeutic diet? Please help due 4/17 In the beginning of the story, Kitsune says that all the women make up different stories about themselves. She says, the more our kaiko-bodies begin to resemble one another, the more frantically each factory girl works to reinvent her past (Russell 23). Why do the women frantically do this?complete anwser with quotes from the book ( Reeling for the Empire) Find the Area of the figure below, composed of a rectangle and a semicircle. The radius of the circle is shown. Round to the nearest tenths place.i will mark brainliest for whoever answers this pls just help me an observer has determined that the time headways between successive vehicles on a section of highway are exponentially distributed and that 65% of the headways between vehicles are 9 seconds or greater. if the observer decides to count traffic in 30- second time intervals, estimate the probability of the The main reason why intelligent people earn much more money that those with less intelligence is that they: Find the area (Please do not guess ) all of the following will result in the oxygen hemoglobin saturation curve shifting to the right except?1. decreased pH2. increased teemperatured3. carbon monocxide4. increased 2,3 DPG Tim paints ornaments for a school play. Each ornament is as shown and is made up of two identical cones. He uses one bottle of paint to paint 213 cm square. How many bottles of paint does he need in order to paint 60 ornaments? Use 3.14 for pie . a small office uses a wireless router to connect to a cable modem for internet access. the network administrator receives a call that one office computer cannot access external websites. the first troubleshooting step that the network administrator performs is to ping the wireless router from the office computer. which troubleshooting technique does this represent? What was the economic miracle?A. The United States post-war boom in economyB. Europes quick economic recovery after the bombings of warC. Japans enormous growth immediately following WWIID. East Germanys recovery after being split the growth of the internet and differing security laws between countries has led to an increase in concern for the human right of mackinac corporation, a u.s. corporation, reported total taxable income of $5 million. taxable income included $1.5 million of foreign source taxable income from the company's branch operations in canada. all of the branch income is foreign branch income. mackinac paid canadian income taxes of $375,000 (as translated) on its branch income. compute mackinac's allowable foreign tax credit. 1. What Literacy Assessments would you use for each of the Three Tiers in Multi-Tier Systems of Support (MTSS) Framework? a solution is made by dissolving 0.08100 moles of ba(oh)2 in enough water to make 820.0 ml of solution. what is the ph of the resulting solution?