Write three to five sentences explaining how different authors might interpret facts in multiple ways


Answer 1

Answer: Different authors might interpret facts in multiple ways due to their unique perspectives, biases, and experiences. For instance, one author might view a particular historical event as a positive development, while another might see it as a negative one. Similarly, one author might emphasize certain facts over others, leading to different conclusions. Additionally, authors might draw upon different sources or use different methodologies, leading to varying interpretations of the same set of facts. Ultimately, the diversity of interpretations is a natural consequence of the complex and multifaceted nature of human experience and knowledge.


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15 unit 6
Josephine is considering what colors to use for her presentation. Why should she avoid red and green?

The combination is difficult for people with color blindness to distinguish.

The combination reminds most people of Christmas.

There’s no good reason not to use that combination.

The combination is offensive in some cultures.


In my opinion, I think it’s choice A
A pretty sure


Passage 1 excerpt from William Jefferson Clinton, Second Inaugural Address, January 20, 1997 This is the heart of our task. With a new vision of government, a new sense of responsibility, a new spirit of community, we will sustain America's journey. The promise we sought in a new land we will find again in a land of new promise. In this new land, education will be every citizen's most prized possession. Our schools will have the highest standards in the world, igniting the spark of possibility in the eyes of every girl and every boy. And the doors of higher education will be open to all. The knowledge and power of the Information Age will be within reach not just of the few, but of every classroom, every library, every child. Parents and children will have time not only to work, but to read and play together. And the plans they make at their kitchen table will be those of a better home, a better job, the certain chance to go to college. Passage 2 adapted from Herbert Hoover, Inaugural Address, Monday, March 4, 1929 Although education is primarily a responsibility of the States and local communities, and rightly so, yet the Nation as a whole is vitally concerned in its development everywhere to the highest standards and to complete universality. Self-government can succeed only through an instructed electorate. Our objective is not simply to overcome illiteracy1. The Nation has marched far beyond that. The more complex the problems of the Nation become, the greater is the need for more and more advanced instruction. Moreover, as our numbers increase and as our life expands with science and invention, we must discover more and more leaders for every walk of life. We cannot hope to succeed in directing this increasingly complex civilization unless we can draw all the talent of leadership from the whole people. One civilization after another has been wrecked upon the attempt to secure sufficient leadership from a single group or class. If we would constantly refresh our leadership with the ideals


and talents of our entire population, we should be secure in our progress. Hoover emphasizes the need for advanced education to produce leaders for every walk of life, while Clinton emphasizes the importance of education for every citizen and the accessibility of knowledge and information to all. Hoover mentions the need for an instructed electorate, while Clinton focuses on education as a means to achieve a better home, job, and chance to go to college. Both speeches recognize the importance of education, but with different emphases and objectives.

what kind of evidence is the aggressive driving


Answer:Traffic congestion


Answer: A Pre-Employment Screening.

put these dates in order:

214 B.C.


A.D. 265-589


1122 B.C.


A.D. 317-420



A.D. 1041






1122 B.C.



214 B.C.


A.D. 1041


A.D. 265-589



A.D. 317-420



Write a mini personal narrative about ur cat named aylin. (Atleast 250 words)



Aylin was not just any ordinary cat. She was my loyal companion and my source of comfort whenever I needed it. I got Aylin from a local shelter when she was only a few weeks old. As soon as I saw her, I knew she was the one for me. Her soft black and white fur and her bright green eyes stole my heart. I took her home and welcomed her into my life.

Aylin quickly adapted to her new surroundings and made herself at home. She loved to play and explore, and she would always find new ways to make me smile. One of her favorite things to do was to curl up next to me while I read or watched TV. She was a warm and comforting presence that made even the toughest days feel manageable.

As Aylin grew older, she became more than just a pet. She was a true friend and confidante. I could always count on her to be there for me when I needed her most. Whether I was feeling down or just needed someone to talk to, Aylin was always there to listen.

Unfortunately, Aylin passed away a few years ago. I still miss her every day, but I will always be grateful for the time we had together. She brought so much joy and happiness into my life, and I will never forget her. Aylin was not just a cat; she was a special part of my life, and I will always cherish the memories we shared together.

What is one of the main implicit messages of "The Lottery"?

O The lottery has dangerous consequences in the village.

Society's traditions can be pointless and harmful.

It is best to follow society's rules and traditions.

Places with small populations promote a sense of community.


Society's traditions can be pointless and harmful is one of the main implicit messages of "The Lottery". So the option B is correct.

In "The Lottery," the lottery custom is shown as being damaging and futile. The lottery is a custom that has been carried out for many years and is regarded as an essential component of village life. But in the end, the lottery is just a useless custom with no practical use.

The locals use it as amusement but also as a means of enforcing passivity and compliance. Since one individual is chosen to be sacrificed as part of the lottery tradition, it is ultimately detrimental. The death of this person, who is selected at random, is viewed as the necessary price to be paid for the community to maintain equilibrium. So the option B is correct.

To learn more about The Lottery link is here


Fill in the blanks below with the correct word from the word bank: (complete, predicate, subject, simple)
Every sentence has a subject and a predicate.

The ____________ is the "who" or "what" of the sentence and the ______________ is what is said about the subject or what the subject does.

____________ subjects contain a noun or pronoun (or may be a group of words if it is a compound subject)

_________subjects include all of the words that tell about the subject.


The subject is the "who" or "what" of the sentence and the predicate is what is said about the subject or what the subject does.

Simple subjects contain a noun or pronoun (or may be a group of words if it is a compound subject).

Complete predicates include all of the words that tell about the subject.

after doing additional research, the writer found the following sources. which of the following sources would require the writer to adjust the line of reasoning in the passage? responses an article that argues that basic income programs would be too costly for governments to support an article that argues that basic income programs would be too costly for governments to support a case study about a town that implemented a basic income program for its residents a case study about a town that implemented a basic income program for its residents a study that compares the differences between basic income pilots in different countries a study that compares the differences between basic income pilots in different countries documentation that provides a framework for education reform that supports technological innovation documentation that provides a framework for education reform that supports technological innovation an interview with a college dean about the benefits of education reform


an interview with a college dean about the benefits of education reform

On your mark. Get yeti go achieve


Creatures post proof of existence through their physical presence, behavior, and evidence of their daily activities.

Creature: A creature is an organism that is living, including humans, animals, and plants, as well as microscopic organisms such as bacteria and viruses.

Post: A post is a physical object, such as a post, stake, or pole, which is used to mark or support a structure or boundary. Posts can also refer to a message or article written on an online platform, such as a blog or social media website.

Proof: Proof is the evidence or argument used to demonstrate the truth or accuracy of a statement or belief. In a legal context, proof is the evidence presented in a trial which is used to decide the outcome of a case. In mathematics, proof is the logical argument used to demonstrate the validity of a mathematical statement.

To learn more about physical presence link is here


The complete question is:

On your mark. Get yeti go achieve.

Write about terms creature, post, proof. In one senetence.

What can you infer from this text?
The reception is divided into four factions. First, you have Charlie’s family. Mr. and Mrs. Kahn and their parents (Charlie’s grandparents), and Charlie’s aunts and uncles and seven cousins. Old friends of the family and close neighbors are included here, too, so that’s where Dad and I end up. Dad, still awkward at social events without Mom, asks me forty-seven times between the church and banquet hall if I’m okay. But really, he’s worse off than I am. Especially when talking to the Kahns. They know we know their secrets because we live next door. And they know we know they know.
“I’m so sorry,” Dad says.
“Thanks, Ken,” Mrs. Kahn answers. It’s hot outside―first day of September―and Mrs. Kahn is wearing long sleeves.
They both look at me and I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I am so mixed up about what I should be feeling, I throw myself into Mrs. Kahn’s arms and sob for a few seconds. Then I compose myself and wipe my wet cheeks with the back of my hands. Dad gives me a tissue from his blazer pocket


The text describes the narrator and their father attending a reception, where the attendees are divided into four factions. The narrator and their father are in the same faction as the old friends of Charlie's family and close neighbors. The narrator's mother is not present, and the narrator is emotionally mixed up, eventually breaking down in tears in Mrs. Kahn's arms. The Kahns are aware that the narrator's family knows their secrets.

Based on the definition for the verb contrive , what does the word contrivings mean as it is used in line 29, and what is its impact on the meaning and tone of the poem?


The word that is contrive means something that is foolish. The verb contrive in verb means when the verb takes the position of the object in the sentence.

A verb contrive is a form of the English which will compliment the word and it is a positive form of the sentence. It describes when a the sentence is in a positive way to show the creative or clever thinking. The   contrive can be said as borrowed words or to bring up something or someone.

The sentence which can be said contrive when it has the action with direct object and sometimes it make use of the persons such as first person or second person or third person. The contrive verb usually defines the direct action of receiving the things from whom are from what.

The actual tone of contrive verb can be thought as some think that is false or made up one because the contrive are not always natural or not  planned. The example can be given that the poet contrive a clever pot.

The verb contrive are usually used to show that the action done is with the difficulty and supportive to the intransitive of the verb. It also shows how the situation is taken place in the form of verb. In poetry the verb contrive can be said as the way to handle something or providing a devise and to plan something different. It always supports the verb to make up the schemes.

The contrive is when something is changed, untrue or falsely then it can be terms as planned event but when it is not  then we can say that it is predefined or something that can cause natural in the poetry form.

To read more about contrive of verb in poem form follow the link below:



Which of the following can an inference help you do?
Be surprised when the ending comes with a "twist"
O Describe events in detail for audiences to visualize
Understand what has happened before right now
O Memorize the names of every major character


Recall the Big Picture once more, the four-step procedure that includes data production, exploratory data analysis, probability, and inference.

What kind of inference would you use?

A conclusion that has been drawn using logic and evidence is known as an inference. For instance, you can conclude that someone does not like their lunch if you see them making a disgusted expression after they've eaten it.

What is an illustration of a reading inference?

John smells burnt bacon and hears a smoke alarm next door. John can conclude that her meal was burned by his neighbour. Jennifer can hear her dog barking and her mailbox closing. Jennifer can assume that her letter has been delivered by the mailman.

To know more about Inference visit:-


You like to watch television every day. At the beginning of the school holidays your television suddenly broke down. It took two weeks to repair. Write a letter to a friend, explaining:

• how you first reacted to the breakdown of the television;
• how you spent your time instead of watching television;
• what you learnt from the experience.

Any one of the pictures above may give you ideas, but you are free to use any ideas of your own. Your letter should be between 150 and 200 words long.
Do not write an address.​


Dear [Name of Friend],

I hope you are well and happy to receive this letter. I wanted to share with you a surprising occurrence that happened to me at the start of the school break. Suddenly, my television stopped working, and I was shocked! You are aware that I enjoy watching television every day and that it used to be an important component of my routine. But, fixing it took two weeks.

I first had no idea what to do with all of my free time since I wasn't watching TV. After all, I then made the decision to explore some brand-new interests. I started reading books and went to the library to check out several titles on subjects I was interested in learning more about. I also spent more time outside, taking long walks across the park and taking pleasure in the clean air. Also, I increased my cooking and tried with various recipes.

I discovered through this experience that there are a lot of activities outside of watching television. That helped me realize that I should spend my time following my passions and enjoying the things I do. That was a wonderful break, even though I missed watching my favorite shows, and I learned about new hobbies that I want to continue following even after my television is fixed.

I appreciate you reading my letter, and I hope you will. I want to hear from you as soon as possible.

best wishes

(Your Name)

what is a theme of the poem if? a most people handle failure better than they handle success. b talking about your problems is the first step toward solving them. c people should spend more time in crowds and less time around royalty. d becoming a grownup takes confidence, determination, and virtue.


The theme of the poem is about the people who handle failure better than they handle success and the grow ups can take up confidence and determination.

The main reason why poet says that people can handle failure better than the success is because when people gain success then they always tend to loss there interest over there work. The success of person can change the mindset of a person. But a person who is lost due to failure he starts to build his drawbacks and improves himself.

When people start to talk about there problems they start to share there weakness to others. This does not solve the problems but creates new type of problem where people start to make use of our weakness for there benefits. So its better not to share the problems, because it will not solve the problems but create different issues.

When people start to spend more time with crowds rather than spending time in the royalty they start to losses there precious time. This is because when people work or be in a crowded place then they usually do not spend time for something useful they tend to make use of there time for the things which are not worth to spend the time. But when people start to spend there time for royalty they make use of the time in a effective way.

The main theme of the poem is that grow up builds on more confidence, determination and virtue. This is because when people start to grow there mindset and improve themselves they will gradually bring up with a matured mindset. The grow ups will have the strength to think brave and builds the inner confidence.

The grow ups will have mindset that can improve there insight and think creatively about there future. So they will be determined about there goal and aims, they will also improve there virtue and this will provide growth to there life.

The poet says that if the person thinks mature and behave well- mannered he will lead a perfect life and also will be ready to face the problems.

To read more about the theme of poem to face failure and the changes in the grow ups follow the link below:



The tendency to learn the last word in a sentence first may reflect the memory phenomenon called the _________________ effect.


The tendency of the reader to read the last word in the first of the sentence that is a memory phenomenon is called the recency effect.

The technique that is used to remember the present list first is also called as the recency effect. This helps to remember the last thing in the content. Also it helps to recall the things from the last position. This effect was implemented effectively because people could also recall the primary and the middle position of the content.

By few research it is found that people can remember the things that are revised line last and can also memorize the starting part of the content without struggling a lot. This effective has also helped a lot of people to understand the text in a better way as they would get a clarity at the end of the context.

The people with short term memory can make use of this technique as it will help them to improve there memory power and also provides the in-depth information to the readers. By this effect people can learn more rather than forgetting few things, so the memory does not fade away or lost quickly.

There is another memory tendency or phenomena called as the serial position effect that helps the readers to remember the things in the order wise that helps in remembering the things in the primary effect that is remembering things from the first.

In this effect the reader can remember the starting part very effectively and also the middle part or the end part. The serial process is complex or cognitive process, so it is better to follow the recency effect which is also a primary effect for the memory phenomena.

It is best to recall the best in last and remember the things for a longer period of time. As the retaining power will be more compared to the other techniques that are used.

To know more about Recency effect that helps the reader to learn the last part in the sentence first follow the link below:


The tendency to learn the last word in a sentence first may reflect the memory phenomenon called the recency effect.

The recency effect is the propensity to recall information best when it has recently been delivered. The recency effect, for instance, makes it more likely that you will remember the items from the list that you studied most recently if you are trying to memorise a list of items. This is a part of the serial position effect, which is a phenomena in which an item's placement on a list affects how well that item is remembered. The psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus initially identified the serial position effect while conducting memory tests. He noticed that the position of an item on a list had an impact on one's capacity to recall it with accuracy.

To know more about instances refer :


What did Elliot's exercise reveal about unfair treatment? Summarize the article and its results. *


The article refers to a study conducted by researcher Jennifer L. Eberhardt and her colleagues, which examined the prevalence of racial bias in police officers.

In the study, the participants (police officers) were asked to play a computer simulation game in which they were instructed to "shoot" armed targets while not shooting unarmed targets. The results of the study showed that the participants were more likely to mistakenly shoot unarmed black targets compared to unarmed white targets.

The study revealed that implicit racial bias, which is often unconscious and unintentional, can influence police behavior and lead to unfair treatment of black individuals. The article suggests that this bias may be due to the negative associations and stereotypes that are often attached to black individuals in American society. Overall, the exercise revealed the prevalence of racial bias in law enforcement and the need for measures to address and reduce it.

To learn more about racial bias, here


Why does Minos demand that fourteen Athenian youths be sent every year as tribute? What kind of tribute might he rather have, but cannot get? Cite textual evidence to support your response.


Later, Minos' son Androgeos was killed by the Athenians; in retaliation, Minos commanded that seven young Athenians and seven maidens be sent every ninth year to be eaten by the Minotaur.

Every seven years, how many young people from Athens were sacrificed to the Minotaur?

The Minotaur, a half-bull, half-man creature who lived in the Minos palace at Knossos, was fed by Athens through an annual tribute of seven maidens and seven youths paid to King Minos of Crete.

What penalty did the Athenians impose for the murder of a Minos son?

When Minos' son was killed, he waged war against Athens to exact revenge. However, he was unable to take the city, so he pleaded with Zeus for the Athenians to be punished.

To know more about Athenian visit:


The complete question is:

Why does Minos demand that fourteen Athenian youths be sent every year as tribute? What kind of tribute might he rather have, but cannot get? Cite textual evidence to support your response.(From the "The Cruel Tribute")

Read the following paragraph from an essay:
Critics and fans agree that some of the best movies being made today are animated. Animated movies are wildly successful in both
U.S. and international markets, and in the last decade six of them have each made over a billion dollars in profits. In 2001, the Oscars
recognized their quality by adding a new award for Best Animated Feature. Movie snobs used to look down on animated films as little
more than long cartoons. In reality, animation is one of the most technically challenging and emotionally powerful mediums in film. And
adults have long loved it just as much as kids.
Which of the statements from the passage is an example of evidentiary support?
O Animated films used to be looked down upon little more than long cartoons by movie snobs.
Critics and fans agree that some of the best movies being made today are animated.
Animated movies are wildly successful in both U.S. and international markets, and in the last decade six of them have each made
over a billion dollars in profits.
O And adults have long loved it just as much as kids.


We can see here that the statement that is an example of evidentiary support is C. "Animated movies are wildly successful in both U.S. and international markets, and in the last decade six of them have each made over a billion dollars in profits."

What is an evidentiary support?

An evidentiary support is a piece of information or data that provides evidence or proof to support a claim or argument. It is a crucial element in the process of building an argument, as it helps to establish the credibility and validity of the claims being made. Evidentiary support can take many forms, including statistics, research studies, expert testimony, personal anecdotes, and historical examples.

The given statement provides concrete evidence to support the claim that animated movies are some of the best movies being made today. It demonstrates that animated movies are not only popular with audiences but also highly profitable, which is an important indicator of their quality and success.

Learn more about evidence on


4) A sonnet is a 14-line poem with a variable rhyme scheme. Literally meaning a "little song,"
the sonnet traditionally reflects upon a single sentiment, with a clarification or "turn" of
thought in its concluding lines. Where is the turn in this sonnet? Explain.


The "turn" in a sonnet, also known as the volta, occurs between the octave and the sestet


Typically, an octave (a group of eight lines) and a sestet (a group of six lines) make up each of the 14 lines in a classic sonnet. The sestet frequently offers a conclusion, response, or counterpoint to the octave, which frequently conveys a problem, question, or notion.The "turn" or "volta" in a sonnet takes place between the octave and the sestet. The poetry changes or contrasts at this point, moving from one viewpoint or concept to another. The turn could be a rhetorical technique, like a question, exclamation, or transition phrase, or it could be a subtle change in the way you use language or images.A sonnet's turn is crucial because it gives the poem a sense of motion.

To know more about Sonnet, click on the link :


The author develops the idea that Latino/a Americans have actively worked toward civil rights in the United States including


The author develops the idea that Latino/a Americans have actively worked toward civil rights in the United States by

including C. Several examples of people and organizations fighting for civil rights

What is civil rights?

Civil rights refer to the legal and social rights that every individual should have regardless of their race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or any other characteristic. These rights are typically related to equality, fairness, and justice, and they are essential for protecting people from discrimination and ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in society.

Some of the most important civil rights include the right to vote, the right to freedom of speech and religion, the right to a fair trial, and the right to equal protection under the law. These rights are enshrined in various laws and legal documents, including the U.S. Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Learn more about civil right on;


ECR Rough Draft for "The Cowboys' Home on Wheels" and "The U-S-U range


ECR Rough Draft for "The Cowboys' Home on Wheels" and "The U-S-U range"

How to explain the draft

"The Cowboys' Home on Wheels" is a story about a group of cowboys who have been on the road for months, traveling from one ranch to another in search of work. The cowboys are tired and homesick, and they long for a place to call their own. One day, they come across an abandoned train car and decide to make it their home on wheels.

The cowboys work together to fix up the train car, painting it with bright colors and adding a porch and some windows. They also add some bunk beds, a stove, and a table for meals. The train car becomes a cozy home for the cowboys, and they are finally able to relax and enjoy each other's company.

As the cowboys continue their journey, they encounter many challenges, including harsh weather conditions and dangerous animals. But they always have their home on wheels to come back to, and they find comfort in knowing that they have each other to rely on.

Learn more about Draft on;


1. In what two states did American Indians lose all their land between 1864 and 1894? Which state continued to have a large area of American Indian land in 1894?
2. In which states west of the Mississippi River did American Indians have no lands in 1864? Why not?



1. American Indians lost all their land between 1864 and 1894 in the states of Oklahoma and Nebraska. The state that continued to have a large area of American Indian land in 1894 was Oklahoma.

2. In 1864, American Indians had no lands in the states of Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Iowa west of the Mississippi River. This was because of a combination of factors, including forced removal and relocation policies implemented by the U.S. government, encroachment of American Indian lands by settlers, and land cessions and treaties that resulted in the loss of traditional American Indian territories. These policies and actions often disregarded American Indian land rights, leading to the loss of ancestral lands and displacement of indigenous peoples from their traditional territories.


Final answer:

Between 1864 and 1894, American Indians lost all their land in several states, including Montana and Wyoming. However, Oklahoma still had a significant area of American Indian land in 1894. Additionally, by 1864, states like Minnesota and Iowa, west of the Mississippi River, had no American Indian lands due to government policies and conflicts.


The subject of your question pertains to American Indian history and land distribution. Between 1864 and 1894, American Indians lost all their land in multiple states due to a series of policies by the U.S. government aimed at assimilation and land redistribution, two of these were Montana and Wyoming. By 1894, despite land loss, a large area of American Indian land was still held in Oklahoma, as this territory was a destination for many tribes during the forced removals of the 1830s, known as the 'Trail of Tears'.

Concerning states west of the Mississippi River, there were no American Indian lands in states like Minnesota and Iowa in 1864. The reason could be due to the rapid westward expansion, government displacement policies, and conflict like the Dakota War of 1862 in Minnesota that resulted in the forced removal of the native Dakota Sioux.

Learn more about American Indian Land Loss here:


grade 12 English speech​


Hunting animals should be banned


Hunting has contributed to the extinction of animal species all over the world, including the Tasmanian tiger and the great auk. Less than 4 percent of the U.S. population (13.7 million people) hunts, yet hunting is permitted in many wildlife refuges, national forests, and state parks and on other public lands.

Please help! INSTRUCTIONS are below on image!!!! ONLY HELP IF YOU KNOW HOW TO! IF YOU DON'T DO THIS CORRECTLY AND JUST USE a useless answer i will report you. this is a serious project and i would love the help. thank you :) (P.S I will definitely mark you brainliest if you help me well!!)
YOU MUST USE iambic pentameter and use 10 syllables stressed and unstressed in each sentence. A story based in school must be included. Instructions are on image.


We can write a short scene between three people at school in which we try to use the same style as Shakespeare, focusing on the use of iambic pentameter.

(Enter ANA and LEO, carrying books)


Good LEO, pray tell, what books you hold?


These volumes fair contain the words of old,

Of poets who did speak of love so true,

Of knights who fought and died for love anew.


Indeed, such tales doth make the heart rejoice,

And lift the soul upon the wings of voice.

But tell me, canst thou read them with such skill,

That thou mayst teach me too to drink my fill?


Aye, lady fair, my skills are not so great,

But I shall teach thee well, and not be late.


Then let us find a nook, a quiet place,

Where we may sit and read, and learn apace.

(They exit)

(Enter MARCUS)


Good day, my friends, what be this bookish chase?

Methinks such words doth not befit thy face.


Nay, friend, these books are treasures of the mind,

And teach us how to love and be more kind.


Pah! Such tales are for those with time to waste,

And not for men with swords and foes to face.


Good sir, why must thou be so full of jest,

And mock the knowledge that doth make us blessed?


Ha! I shall leave thee now, with thy books and rhymes,

And seek a livelier place to spend my time.



Do not heed him, my love, for he doth lack

The understanding of a learned knack.

Let us continue on, and read with glee,

And find new worlds in each sweet poetry.

(They exit)


A typical scene by Shakespeare

A typical play scene by Shakespeare often features complex language, intricate character relationships, and a heightened sense of drama. Shakespearean plays are known for their use of iambic pentameter, a rhythmic pattern consisting of ten syllables per line, with alternating stressed and unstressed syllables.

The language in Shakespeare's plays often includes metaphor, simile, allusion, and other literary devices, creating a rich and vivid world for the characters and the audience. The characters themselves are often complex and multifaceted, with conflicting desires, motivations, and emotions.

With that in mind, we can conclude that the scene above is a good example and answer to the question.

Learn more about iambic pentameter here:


9 unit 5
Carson has been asked to evaluate the organizational structure of a fellow student’s speech. What should Carson be looking for?

logical inference

10 to 12 main points

for the speaker to give out a printed outline

clear sections that flow logically


For the speaker to give out a printed outline.

Option c is correct.

What constitutes a speech outline?

Three essential sections should comprise a basic speech outline: The Introduction is where you explain what you'll be saying to the audience. The Body — This is where you inform them. The Summary — This is where you summarise what you've said.

Why is an outline necessary for speakers?

By making sure that each of your primary ideas is thoroughly established, your outline can assist you in organising your message. Your outline can keep you concentrated during your presentation by serving as the basis for your speaking outline.

To know more about printed outline visit:-


Write single terms for the following.

A period of thousand years -
Animals depending on flesh -
The place for storing grains -
A man aged hundred years -
A fertile area of a dessert -
One who sells sweetmeats -
A doctor’s listening instrument -
An instrument for indicating directions -


A period of thousand years - Millennium

Animals depending on flesh - Carnivores

The place for storing grains - Granary

A man aged hundred years - Centenarian

A fertile area of a dessert - Oasis

One who sells sweetmeats - Confectioner

A doctor’s listening instrument - Stethoscope

An instrument for indicating directions - Compass

crooks is alone in his room when lennie wanders in


Crooks, who is alone in his room, is surprised when Lennie wanders in.

What happens when Crooks and Lennie cross paths?

Crooks, a stable buck on the ranch, is used to being isolated due to his race, and he finds solace in his room. However, when Lennie, a mentally challenged farmhand, enters Crooks' room by mistake, Crooks is taken aback by the unexpected intrusion.

At first, Crooks is cautious and defensive, as he is not used to having visitors in his private space. However, as Lennie innocently shares his childlike dreams and desires, Crooks begins to open up and engage in conversation with him. Despite their differences in race, mental capacity, and social status, a brief bond is formed between Crooks and Lennie, highlighting the complexities of human interactions.

Read more about lennie wanders


Chao is a Chinese second grader. Compared to his Western agemates, Chao is more likely to say, _____, when describing himself. a. "I'm really smart" b. "I like to read both fiction and nonfiction" c. "I like math and building things" d. "My little brother is crazy about me"


Chao is more likely to say "I like math and building things" due to Chinese cultural values of academic achievement and practical skills.

Contrasted with his Western agemates, Chao, a Chinese second grader, is bound to say, "I like math and building things," while depicting himself. This is on the grounds that, in Chinese culture, fiction and nonfiction scholarly accomplishment and down to earth abilities are profoundly esteemed, and youngsters are frequently urged to seek after these areas of interest.

While Western youngsters might focus on independence and self-advancement, Chinese kids are commonly raised to esteem humility and gathering amicability. In this way, Chao is bound to feature his inclinations and capacities in commonsense regions like math and building things, as opposed to zeroing in on private attributes like knowledge or associations with relatives.

To learn more about fiction and nonfiction, refer:


Chao is more likely to say "I like math and building things" when describing himself. This may be due to the emphasis on STEM education in China.

This is because STEM education, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, is often emphasized in Chinese schooling, encouraging students to develop critical thinking skills and engage in hands-on learning experiences. STEM education encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills through hands-on learning experiences.

Chao's interest in building things suggests that he values creativity and innovation, which are key components of STEM education.

To know more about STEM education, click here:


find the best analogy that matches the bold words

a) boys : girls
b) leadership : men
c) democratic : kings
d) dictator: matriarchal


The best analogy that matches the bold words "PATRIARCHAL: WOMEN" is b. "LEADERSHIP: MEN".

What is Analogy?

Analogy is a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

The best analogy that matches the bold words "PATRIARCHAL: WOMEN" is "LEADERSHIP: MEN" as patriarchy is a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it, similarly, leadership is often associated with men and their dominance in decision-making roles.

Learn more about analogy on:


A friend tries to explain how you can go on a trip to Palawan for the first time. You make sure you do not miss out any important details and instructions about the trip top-down bottom-up


I advise doing some research on Palawan beforehand so you can create the ideal itinerary for your first visit! Planning a memorable trip can be made easier if you are aware of the attractions and activities that are offered.


1. Plan your trip to Palawan months in advance. Look up the greatest locations to visit and the most efficient transportation options.

2. Reserve your travel and lodging. Make careful to reserve flights that will work with your schedule and financial situation.

3. Find out what kind of visa you will require to visit the nation. Make sure you have all the required documentation and check the visa requirements for your country of citizenship.

4. Purchase travel insurance to protect against unforeseen circumstances that can arise while you are away.

5. Pack all of the essentials for your trip. While packing light, be sure to bring everything you'll need.


1. Prepare your entire travel wardrobe. Pack clothing and accessories that are suitable for the environment and the activities you intend to engage in.

2. Verify that all of your travel documentation is valid. Ensure that you have your passport, visa, and any other required paperwork with you.

3. Make travel arrangements to the airport. Make sure to allow additional time so that you can get to the airport in plenty of time.

4. Check in and go through security at the airport. Follow every direction the airport staff gives you, and make sure all of your paperwork is prepared.

5. Have fun while visiting Palawan! Explore all the various locations and things to do the island has to offer.

To learn more about memorable trip link is here


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