The Coat By: Lex Wilford Eighth grade, Mrs. Jaffrey’s class. It was always cold in Mrs. Jaffrey’s class. It was always freezing in there. And every day I wore my coat to her class she told me not to. “Why not?” I asked her. “It’s cold in here. I’m cold.” “Because you’re not supposed to wear your coat to class,” she kept saying. Seemed pretty stupid to me, so I kept wearing my coat to class, I was cold. After a few days, Mrs. Jaffrey told me to hang my coat in the principal’s office. Told me to stay there for the rest of the afternoon. Told me to write her a five hundred-word essay on why I shouldn’t wear my coat to class. “Why?” I asked her. “I can’t do that. how’m I supposed to do that?” She looked at me over her horned-rims. Her lips were white. She had her arms folded. The north wind coming up off the practice fields outside glazed the windowpanes along the wall with ice. “Be creative”, she said. I sat in the principal’s warm office and wrote a hundred sentences, like the ones I’d written on the detention hall chalkboard for Mrs. Jaffrey after school: I will not wear my coat to class because someone might mistake me for a bear and shoot me. I will not wear my coat to class because I might sweat so much the class will flood, and somebody might drown. I will not wear my coat to class because I might get so hot, I’ll catch fire and burn the whole Junior High down. That kind of thing. It was more than five hundred words. I thought it was pretty creative. Mrs. Jaffrey didn’t think so, though. Neither did my old man. Next day, he showed up outside Mrs. Jaffrey’s class with my essay in his hand. Checked me out of school. Told me to put on my coat. “It’s in the principal’s office,” I told him “Leave it then,” he said. It was cold outside. Ice coated the trees, the rooftops of houses, the windshields of cars parked along the curbs, the sidewalks, the streets. The old man drove too fast, dodging fallen tree limbs in the road, his pickup truck sliding all over, down to Pecan Park. He told me to get out. Told me to open the tailgate. Told me to bend over and read each sentence, one at a time. There was a new two-by-four in the bed of the truck. The wood was white. He picked it up, stood behind me. I read a sentence, and then he hit me one. Then I read another sentence. He hit me again, there were a hundred sentences. He kept hitting me. The wind blew up hard and it started to sleet, and all around the park tree limbs groaned and cracked and snapped off. I didn’t have my coat on. I was cold. Ice fell all around me. The Coat by Lex Wilford
What textual evidence is strongly supported?
"it's cold in here" is strongly supported
Crack this riddle! I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?
A echo Pls lpsl plsp lsp lpsl psl brainly
Help needed here so please help asap
Which subject pronoun replaces "you and I"?
the answer is we
The Kingdoms James Baldwin There was once a king of Prussia whose name was Frederick William. On a fine morning in June he went out alone to walk in the green woods. He was tired of the noise of the city, and he was glad to get away from it. So, as he walked among the trees, he often stopped to listen to the singing birds, or to look at the wild flowers that grew on every side. Now and then he stooped to pluck a violet, or a primrose, or a yellow buttercup. Soon his hands were full of pretty blossoms. After a while he came to a little meadow in the midst of the wood. Some children were playing there. They were running here and there, and gathering the cowslips that were blooming among the grass. It made the king glad to see the happy children, and hear their merry voices. He stood still for some time, and watched them as they played. Then he called them around him, and all sat down together in the pleasant shade. The children did not know who the strange gentleman was; but they liked his kind face and gentle manners. "Now, my little folks," said the king, "I want to ask you some questions, and the child who gives the best answer shall have a prize." Then he held up an orange so that all the children could see. "You know that we all live in the kingdom of Prussia," he said; "but tell me, to what kingdom does this orange belong?" The children were puzzled. They looked at one another, and sat very still for a little while. Then a brave, bright boy spoke up and said,-- "It belongs to the vegetable kingdom, sir." "Why so, my lad?" asked the king. "It is the fruit of a plant, and all plants belong to that kingdom," said the boy. The king was pleased. "You are quite right," he said; "and you shall have the orange for your prize." He tossed it gayly to the boy. "Catch it if you can!" he said. Then he took a yellow gold piece from his pocket, and held it up so that it glittered in the sunlight. "Now to what kingdom does this belong?" he asked. Another bright boy answered quickly, "To the mineral kingdom, sir! All metals belong to that kingdom." "That is a good answer," said the king. "The gold piece is your prize." The children were delighted. With eager faces they waited to hear what the stranger would say next. "I will ask you only one more question," said the king, "and it is an easy one." Then he stood up, and said, "Tell me, my little folks, to what kingdom do I belong?" The bright boys were puzzled now. Some thought of saying, "To the kingdom of Prussia." Some wanted to say, "To the animal kingdom." But they were a little afraid, and all kept still. At last a tiny blue-eyed child looked up into the king's smiling face, and said in her simple way,-- "I think to the kingdom of heaven." King Frederick William stooped down and lifted the little maiden in his arms. Tears were in his eyes as he kissed her, and said, "So be it, my child! So be it." The king's interaction with the children may best be described as
A) lecturing.
B) explaining.
C) provocative.
D) interrogating.
Interrogating as he was asking them questions.
Interrogation means questioning.
Judy Blume's career as an American writer spans four decades and includes many literary awards. She is most famous for her novels geared toward pre-teens. One notable example is Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing. However, Blume also has had success writing for an adult audience. Three of her novels for adults reached the New York Times best-seller list. In a 2008 interview Blume remarked, "I have so many stories left to tell!" By that time she had written nearly 30 novels. Judy Blume an exceptionally talented and productive American author.
How does the third sentence ("However, Blume also has. ...") support the main idea of the paragraph?
It tells you that the author once wrote for children but has changed her focus and preference to adults.
It tells you that the author has great talent because she writes good stories for children as well as adults.
It points out that the author has written more books for children than she has written, or plans to write, for adults.
It points out that the author only writes stories that she expects will win awards or sell well among adults.
It tells you that the author has great talent because she writes good stories for children as well as adults.
In Chains chapter 29 the last sentence how is "around me, all was darkness" a paradox?
Because it is contradicting itself
When the narrator is saying this, he cannot see if their is anything else around him, because it is too dark to see. But the darkness is all around him, so the statement is true in a way.
contradicting itself
Why is it important to remain mature at all times? (3 paragraph minimum.)
Hope this helps! :) (Also sorry if there is grammer mistakes. Im not that good at typing.)
Maturity improves the ability to make good decisions. And with wise choices comes more stability in your life overall. ... As you settle down, life becomes that much more stable and, consequently, easier to handle.
Some Examples:
I made some situations.
Stuck in traffic, heavy honking and somebody abuses you! Often we come across situations when there is heavy traffic, we are driving and people at the back start honking bad and even if we can't move much, some people are unreasonable and start hurling abuses as if the inch we provide would help them fly to their destination. So what do we do here? get angry...hurl back abuses at them? may be if things go bad involve in a fight, may be injure ourselves,damage our vehicles....hahaha....quite a probability. Mature people don't go this way, they know it's just a temporary thing, it's a matter of 2-3 is long to worry about these small things, keep your cool, bear the temporary drama, don't revert and things will calm down.
Like a girl, you propose and she rejects! It's so much common, most of us just don't know how to accept rejection, most of us don't know how to respect the decision of an individual, instead we keep trying, keep stalking, keep harassing and make situations bad for the girl and also we suffer as a result of this. Mature people learn to accept gracefully, mature people respect the people they like and they move on peacefully.
Too much work at office, boss puts a lot of pressure to get the work done on schedule and you are grumpy! A typical situation, we guys sometimes do not understand how to handle stress situations and instead vent out on our colleagues and sometimes carry it back to our home too to spoil the atmosphere at home. Mature guys know people are more important than work...they respect work and are responsible but they know that it's not above your family and friends. They work hard, think cool and don't let stress effect their behaviour towards any of the people they are associated with.
Sorry if this is irrelevant or does go to the topic, I thought it was good.
RUSH. ORDER. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sit at my desk listening to thunder growl outside my window. Flashes of light burst through the darkness, and wind races past my window. The thrilling combination of sight and sound conjures up visions of dragons roaring proudly, breathing fire, and soaring across the midnight sky. Dragons first fascinated me when I was a little girl. They have followed me ever since. The magnificent creatures appeared in storybooks I read in the library, paintings I saw in museums, movies I watched in the theater, and the dreams I had in my sleep. By the time I was thirteen, one question consumed me. Determined to discover if dragons could have actually existed, I set out on a quest for facts.
As I started my research, I discovered many skeptics. Scientists presented evidence to show why dragons could not – and did not – exist. They explained that it would be impossible for dragons to fly because they were too big. They laughed at the idea of dragons breathing fire. They pointed out that no other animal has ever done this. They said that if dragons had lived, someone would have found remains somewhere in the world. No bones about it, there were plenty of logical explanations. It would have been easy for me to accept that the only place dragons ever existed was in the imaginations of those who believed.
I could have given up, but I thought about my grandmother. She always told me that "people who believe that science is the answer to everything are missing out on everything else." With her words in mind, I read more about dragons. I noticed that cultures across the world all described dragons in similar ways. This was odd because they had no way to communicate with each other. I found notes about dragons in old legal papers and in the travel logs of people like Marco Polo. Dragons were also mentioned in the Bible. I saw that the Chinese calendar uses a different animal each year. Dragons are included along with eleven real animals. I began to believe it was a real possibility that all of these people were talking about a creature that actually existed.
With renewed hope that there was some truth to the legends, I looked for new research. I found that some experts disagreed with popular arguments against dragons. They suggested that a dragon could have four stomachs like a cow. If it created stomach gases like birds, it might create enough to lift itself off the ground. This would give it the ability to fly. If it forced out air when diving toward the earth, it might release gases which could ignite into flame. When the animal died, the stomachs would release strong acids that would dissolve its dead body over time. Biologists backed up these ideas with sketches and models based on known animals. Not everyone agreed with these ideas, but many of the things we accept about dinosaurs and other extinct species started the same way.
I doubt we will ever truly know whether dragons existed. There may always be two sides to the fiery debate. Some will say the stories come from active imaginations. Some will believe with all their hearts that the legendary creatures roamed our ancient world. I don't know for certain which side to believe, but the sound and fury of a night like this makes me smile. It rekindles my childhood dreams and keeps the exciting possibility alive.
Whats the main idea of each paragraph??
The main idea of each passage:
1. How much drgaons fascinate and interest the main character.
2. That many researches and scientist are against the idea of dragons exsisting
3. How the main character determinedly continued to pursue research with different cultures.
4. Explains how dragons could have been able to have the powers that are sterotypically described.
5. How we will never know which side of the argument is true.
Hope this helped! :)
Read the following paragraph. Hector’s soccer team did not play well that afternoon. Time and again, they lost the ball to the other team. They could only watch helplessly as their opponents scored goal after goal, while Hector’s team failed to score a single point. It seemed as though every attempt Hector and his teammates made to succeed was futile. Hector overheard one of the players telling an onlooker that this was the worst they had ever played. Hector knew it had been a bad game, but surely this was an exaggeration. Which of the following phrases provides a context clue for the definition of the word futile?
A)failed to score
B)that afternoon
C)scored goal after goal
D)overheard one of the other players
The correct answer is A, failed to score.
Compare and contrast a parliamentary system of democracy with a presidential system.” can some one just lst some alikes an differents?
in a Presidential system, the executive leader, the President, is directly voted upon by the people, and the executive leader of the Parliamentary system, the Prime Minister, is elected from the legislative branch directly .Parliamentary systems and presidential systems are both forms of representative government, which are run through elections
Which statement best explains how the modern story transforms the ideas of
the original myth?
O A. Shelley illustrates how fire is a useful tool in the right hands, but in
the hands of a child or a violent person, it can become a great
O B. Shelley compares the recklessness of modern scientific discovery
to the recklessness of Prometheus's desire to obtain the power of
the gods.
O C. Shelley demonstrates that Frankenstein is a descendant of
Prometheus, and that the mistakes of one's ancestors cannot be
O D. Shelley shows that science is too great a responsibility for
humanity, and that the practice of scientific discovery should be
left to the gods.
Answer: B
Explanation: The myth orginally just states how humans "obtained" fire. But when she compares it, it takes a new meaning about just how reckless it was.
Find ALL Similes and Metaphors
Can somebody help me with this? The questions are: 1. Why did the little prince want to know if sheep eat bushes? 2. What 2 plants grew on the princes planet? 3.the little prince spoke of a planet on which a crazy man lived. What had he neglected to do? 4. What did the little prince want to see because he was very fond of it? 5. (This has to do with number 4) why could he not see it? And also this is from the book “the little prince”
Answer: 1 The Little Prince is worried that the sheep might eat the rose. 2 a rose and a baobab. 3 The crazy (actually lazy) man did not keep the baobab tree on his planet under control, so it grew so large that it destroyed his planet.
There is another man so busy with "serious" business that he neglected to think about the conflict between sheep and roses, or why roses have thorns...
Explanation: This part is more complicated: 4 The Little Prince wants to see the rose. The rose is temperamental and proud. She tells him to go away. 5 She does not want him to see her crying. (at the end of chapter IX)
There may be other reasons. The Little Prince goes on a voyage that takes him to other asteroids and eventually to Earth.
In addition to giving the definition of a word, what other information is always included in a dictionary entry? words with the opposite meaning translations into other languages part of speech rhyming words
Answer: Part of Speech
Explanation: It always tells you if it is a noun or something else
What concerns did colonists have related to representation in Parliament?
They did not have a say in laws or taxes that were passed.
They boycotted British goods and services.
They paid high taxes on sugar, tea, and stamps.
They kept soldiers in their homes as guests.
Hey guys! Can you help me narrow down an essay topic? The essay topic is: How does social media affect the ‘self’?
Social media is an extremely broad topic, so I'm just trying to find good ways to narrow it down to something I can write 5-6 pages about.
Well a lot of people can be adictic to technology and it can be bad to health . people considered technology as something to entertain their self but it can be dangerous if you used it too often it can make you less useless in real life .
Use the text of the opinion piece, "What's for Lunch," and your completed graphic organizer to answer the question below. Include evidence from the article to support your answer. Do you think this author has an agenda? If so, what is it? If not, what is the purpose of her article? Does she achieve her purpose?
What’s for Lunch?
Marcia Amidon Lusted
Zachary Maxwell was tired of trying to explain to his parents why he wanted to bring lunch to school instead of eating hot lunch. They couldn’t understand why he didn’t want to eat the gourmet food described on the school’s online menu, which sounded both nutritious and interesting. Zachary just couldn’t convince them that the food wasn’t as great as it sounded. So in the fall of 2011, he began sneaking a small video camera into the cafeteria at his school, to show his parents what the lunches were really like. Six months and 75 school lunches later, Zachary made a documentary film about his lunch called Yuck: A 4th Grader’s Short Documentary About School Lunch.
Truth in Advertising?
"The city’s Department of Education says that it’s committed to providing ‘delicious and nutritious meals’ through their food service program. But the lunch being served at my school was nothing like what they were advertising on their web site," Zachary, now 11, says in the documentary’s trailer. "I told [my parents] that’s not what they were actually serving me," he said. "But I don’t think they believed me." For example, an "oven-baked pizza bagel with tricolor salad" was really nothing more than a slice of pizza and a wisp of lettuce. Sometimes there was no connection between the menu and what Zachary actually got. "Cheesy lasagna rolls with tomato basil sauce, roasted spinach with garlic and herbs" was, in reality, just a plastic-wrapped grilled cheese sandwich, all alone on a foam plate.
"When I came back home and showed them the footage, they were like, ugh!" Zachary said. His dad, an amateur filmmaker, started helping Zachary transform his video footage into a film. It won several awards, and Zachary also made appearances on television shows like Good Morning America.
Not Perfect, But Better
Let’s face it: many times school lunches just aren’t going to taste as good as they sound. Students also complain that with lunches that follow the new school lunch guidelines, there just isn’t enough food. Smaller portions, more fruits and veggies, and fewer calories leave some kids, especially teenagers, still hungry after eating their lunch. A group of students in Kansas even wrote a music video called "We Are Hungry," where they sing about their stomachs growling after lunch and how they’re collapsing on the sports field because they haven’t eaten enough.
However, the new federal lunch guidelines do mandate meals that are better for students, with less sodium, more whole grains, fewer calories, and more fruits and vegetables, as well as skim or 1 percent milk. These are a definite improvement over school lunches of not that many years ago, which once stuck with fare like burgers, French fries, and chicken nuggets. Some schools even allowed fast food outlets like McDonald’s and Pizza Hut to operate mini-restaurants in their cafeterias, or supply their products for students. Many schools have also reconsidered vending machines filled with sugary sodas, candy, and chips, replacing them with water and healthy snacks.
The Lunch Forecast
The new school lunches are designed to help students eat better, and combat health problems like obesity in kids. Ideally, a healthy school lunch should also taste good ... or at least as good as the description on the menu. It should also keep students from taking a trip to the vending machine or a nearby convenience store as soon as lunch is over, because they’re still hungry. But will the lunches served in your cafeteria ever taste as good as a fast food burger or a gourmet meal cooked at home? You be the judge.
please rate and hit that like
An excerpt from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 1 You don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain't no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth. That is nothing. I never seen anybody but lied one time or another, without it was Aunt Polly, or the widow, or maybe Mary. Aunt Polly--Tom's Aunt Polly, she is--and Mary, and the Widow Douglas is all told about in that book, which is mostly a true book, with some stretchers, as I said before. 2 Now the way that the book winds up is this: Tom and me found the money that the robbers hid in the cave, and it made us rich. We got six thousand dollars apiece--all gold. It was an awful sight of money when it was piled up. Well, Judge Thatcher he took it and put it out at interest, and it fetched us a dollar a day apiece all the year round --more than a body could tell what to do with. The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways; and so when I couldn't stand it no longer I lit out. I got into my old rags and my sugar-hogshead again, and was free and satisfied. But Tom Sawyer he hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers, and I might join if I would go back to the widow and be respectable. So I went back.
Answer:The answer is B) mainly
The word "mainly" shows that the story of Huck Finn is more fiction than fact. He repeats this word many times when he is talking about the story being one of truth. This intensifier introduces the idea of the story being a bit exaggerated and fictional. The other words add to the characterization of Huck. He uses ain't simply to mean isn't. When he says "that ain't no matter" he means that it is no big deal. Without is used to mean exactly that and is not meant as an opposite.
Jacki evaluated the expression below. What was Jacki’s error? A. Jacki should have simplified the exponent first. B. Jacki should have multiplied 4 and 8 first. C. Jacki did not subtract 12 from 8 correctly. D. Jacki should not have multiplied 8 and 2
always simplify first then multiply
How would you list an article on your "Works Cited" page? in what order?
Arrange entries in alphabetical order by the first term in each entry (the first author's last name or the title of the work when there is no author). Continue with the numbering convention used throughout the paper by including your last name and the page number in the upper right-hand corner of the Works Cited page.
Hope that helped!
Arrange entries in alphabetical order by the first term in each entry (the first author's last name or the title of the work when there is no author). Continue with the numbering convention used throughout the paper by including your last name and the page number in the upper right-hand corner of the Works Cited page.
Read the excerpt from “Raymond's Run.” And on the other side of the fence is Raymond with his arms down to his side and the palms tucked up behind him, running in his very own style, and it’s the first time I ever saw that and I almost stop to watch my brother Raymond on his first run. But the white ribbon is bouncing toward me and I tear past it, racing into the distance till my feet with a mind of their own start digging up footfuls of dirt and brake me short. Then all the kids standing on the side pile on me, banging me on the back and slapping my head with their May Day programs, for I have won again and everybody on 151st Street can walk tall for another year. Which text evidence best supports the idea that Squeaky is running for more than just herself? I almost stop to watch my brother Raymond on his first run the white ribbon is bouncing toward me and I tear past it my feet with a mind of their own start digging up footfuls of dirt everybody on 151st Street can walk tall for another year
everybody on 151st Street can walk tall for another year
it shows that she isnt just running for herself when she includes the word "everybody" in this entence
if im wrong then pls dont thankm eor give me brainliest
but im pretty sure im right!
Youre welcome!
Read this paragraph from a story about a house fire.Astrid jolted awake, the smell of smoke filling her lungs. She ran quickly to the door but pulled back her hand with a sharp yelp when she touched the doorknob. She then ran to her bedroom window. It was a long drop.Which sentence from the paragraph explains that fire is what woke Astrid?A.“It was a long drop.”B.“She then ran to her bedroom window.”C.“Astrid jolted awake, the smell of smoke filling her lungs.”D.“She ran quickly to the door but pulled her hand back with a sharp yelp when she touched the doorknob.” WHICH SENTENCE FROM THE PARAGRAPH EXPLAINS THAT THERE IS A HOUSE FIRE?
C. Pls give me brainlist
In the following sentence, identify the italicized prepositional phrase as either an adjective phrase or an adverb phrase.
The delivery truck got delayed on the interstate.
adjective phrase
adverb phrase
Adverb Phrase
Answer:Adverb Phrase
1) that the teacher dont want the kid to wear a coat in class
2)what is revealed is that the kid was disobying the what the teacher said
3) the impact is that the kid had to write an 500 wrd essay for one diobeying the teacher and talking back.
hey sorry for the people that answer you but dont even tell you the answer and feel free to brainliest i you wanna THX and i really hope this helps
they wayword
Question 1: What textual evidence is strongly supported? Question 2: What is revealed? Question 3: What is the impact PLEASE I NEED TO KNOW
Which subject pronoun replaces " Philippe and you"?
someone help me with this!
Select the correct text in the passage.
Which two words are domain-specific words?
In the 1860s, a fossil of an avian or flying dinosaur known as Archaeopteryx was found. Scientists identified it as a combination of bird and reptile. This discovery led to the theory that birds have evolved from carnivorous avian dinosaurs. Archaeopteryx lived in the southern region of Germany during the Late Jurassic period when Germany had a tropical climate.
Reset Next
Avian and carnivorous.
Domain-specific terms are those that are related to a certain field of study but are unlikely to be employed in common speech. It is reasonable to assume that because the focus of this work is recent fossil discoveries, we will come across several terms related to palaeontology. Words like "climate," "scientists," and "dinosaurs" are ones that most people are familiar with (lot of kids have dinosaurus toys, we hear about climate everyday in weather report, we know about many famous scientists and their discoveries). Although we may understand what the phrases "avian" and "carnivorous" signify, they are mostly employed in the field of palaeontology.
In two or more complete sentences, describe how one of the occupations that you studied would use descriptive statistics when performing the job. Justify the answers in two or more complete sentences.
Look below for the detailed answer :)
This really depends on what you studied, I wasn't there, so I wouldn't know.
But, here is an example.
"An authors job is to write stories/novels and make a living off them. They can either work in an office-like area or work at home."
It probably should be somewhat detailed because your explaining what the job you studied was about.
is afraid a preposition
afraid is not a preposition mainly bc its cannot come before a noun and its not a noun so no hope this helps and could you PLZ BRAINLIEST PLZ